12 THREE BIKIKS ALWAYS BAI> Owl and Two Kinds of Hawk Our Most Injurious Fliers Exposition Park. Pa.. May 28. j The spring meetings of the Farmers' Institute and the Btate Board of Agri culture closed with a woman's meeting yesterday afternoon. In his lecture on "The Relation of Birds to Agriculture" J Professor Wells W. Cook, of the United States Department of Agriculture, said 1 there were 375 known birds in Penn sylvania. of which three—the great homed owl, the cooper hawk and the sharp-shinned hawk—are absolutely injurious. "Some Orchard Insects and Their Control" was discussed by F. H. Fas sett, of Meshoppen. Pa., and Sheldon W. Fnnk, of Boyertown. spoke on "Profitable Apple Culture." Mrs. Martha K. Martin, of Harris burg, presided at the women's meeting. The lecturers were Dr. Hannah M. Ly ons. of Lincoln I'niversity. on '' Efii ciencv in Home-making;" Miss Sarah C. Lo'vejoy. of State College, on "Edu cation in Home Economics," and Mrs. Rose Morgan, of York, on "Songs That Live.'' VERDICT FOR AUTO VICTIM WUkes-Barre Man Awarded iW.OfIU for - Injuries Received in Accident Wilkes-Ba.'re, Pa.. May 28.—After deliberating 20 hours, the jury in the SIOO,OOO damage suit of Andrew 0. Raub against Frank Z Donn. of Plym outh. for injuries sustained by Raub in being run down by the Don automo bile. returned a verdict for the plain tiff yesterday for $6,062. The accident occurred in Plymouth on August 21. 1911. Raub and Miss Gertrude Davis were about to board a trolley car when an automobile owned by Donn and driven bv his son. Samuel Oonn. a minor, ran them down, killing Miss Davis and so badly injuring Raub that he will be a cripple for life. The case was tried once before and a ver dict for SIO,OOO was awarded Raub. A new trial was granted, on the ground that the verdict was excessive. I . S. ATTORNEY ACCUSED Defendants in Steel Fraud Case Allege He Was Too Friendly With Juror Pittsburgh. Pa., May 28.—Charging that A. J. Bearer, a juror, and United States District Attorney E. Lowery Humes, prosecutor in the recent Car bon steel Panama canal fraud case, were on too friendly terms, W. S. Dal >el! yesterday nske.l a new trial for David J. Simpson and P. K. Bullens, former officials of the steel company, vho were charged with conspiring to 1 rovide inferior steel for the canal. The defendants allege that on two occasions during the trial Bearer talked with Humes. Thev say that just after sll the testimony had been presented they saw Humes and Bearer together. Dalzell says that, during the argu -ment of Humes, he had occasion to ap peal to the court concerning some of the remarks the latter had made to the jury. It is alleged that Bearer smiled at Humes when the objection was made and said something to the prosecutor which Dalzell was not able t<> hear. TRAIN KILLS THREE IN AUTO Mother and Two Children' Victims, Hus band May Die. Too Racine, Wis.. May 2S.—Mrs. Chris tian Hansen and her two small children were instantly killed yesterday when their automobile was struck by a pas senger tri'in on the Northwestern road, near here. The husband. Christian Hansen, who was driving the car. was so badly hurt that he is not expected to recover. j •| I»m Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds ana Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Fine for Speakers and Singers. 2.1 c. GORGAS' DRUG STORES 16 N. Third St. Penaa. Station Dainty Wedding Gowns and Frocks For the Girl Graduates SUGGESTS THE ALL- j&g, IMPORTANT Patterns vjjjm mm The June /j \ Magazine \\\ |t? J^ as fy| an y V "<. Suggestions —Vi i 'oJ.du.T' G,rl lor Summer *•»»< Bru.i □.«, MrC.lI Pattern «SC2 Or,, p .h'w'lnTV m'^r'n^w GET THE SUMMER McCALL BOOK OF FASHIONS TO-DA Y E. M. SIBLE, 1300 Market Street A. H. FRAIM, 2032 Sixth Street HARRISBURG, PA. "Iwant it" Hungry children may eat all the Washington CRISPS they want. These tasty CORN FLAKES with the natural corn flavor will do them good for they are readily digested and as similated. i Each flake is a j clean, wholesome kernel of white flint Corn, steam cooked, toasted and ready to serve at a min ute's notice. Washington CRISPS The Crispy Toasted Corn Flakes 10 cents at your grocer's (»sJ QUITS BUSINESS AT 10*2 Bennett Brittin. Cigar Dealer, Won't Learn Newfangled Ways Plainfield, X. J., May 28.—Believ ing that the hustle of present day busi ness competition was getting to be too much for a man of his years, Bennett Brittin, who will celebrate his 102 d birthday next month, says he is going to retire and devote the remainder of his days to recreation. His declaration wis made in the presence of a group of buyers attend ing the auction sale of his ei,gar store effects at Clinton avenue and West Front street, where he had been in business for the Inst twenty-three | years. Mr. Brittin moved about the room i repeatedly remarking that he was not ! quitting because he could not Hke J care of the place, but because younger men kept moving into the neighbor -1 hood and taking his trade away by i business methods he had never learned. Police Chiefs Elect Michael Regan Cincinnati, 0.. May 28.—Michael J Regan, chief of police at Buffalo, X. Y., was elected president yesterday of the International Association of Chiefs of Police at the annual convention here He succeeds Major Richard Sylvester, • of Washington. D C., who retires from the presidency after holding that office for the last fifteen years. Xewark, X. J„ was chosen for the 1916 conven tion. KARRISBURO STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY EVENT NO, MAY 28, 1915, STEEL IHILLSNQW ALARMED OVER ITALY QOINE TO WAR Possibility of Shortage of Common La bor Causes Much Concern—lron Production in Nearby Districts, Slightly Increasing New York. May 28.—"The Iron Age" says tho rato of production at the largest steel plants has been main tained, and in some oases, particularly in the Pittsburgh and nearby valley dis tricts, slightly increased. On the sell ing side some of the heavier lines show more activity, while lighter prod ucts are quiet. Buying for domestic use is marked by caution, in view of : the issues raised with Geimany, but there is no uneasiness. The exodus of Italian workers to go to war is causiug some concern, and there is more than a possibility of an actual shortage of common labor in some parts of the iron industry. The Counellsville coke region will be af fected and already a short supply of labor is reported iu the West Virginia coal tields. After some weeks of small business in rails, several orders have come out together—2s,ooo tons for the South ern Pacific placed at Knsley, 15,500 tons for the Lake Shore, 8,000 tons for the Chicago Alton and 4,000 tons l'or the Chesapeake district. The Chesa peake & Ohio's total purchases are about 15,000 tons. If the Pennsylva nia order comes as expected, the week will be the largest in months for rails. The developments in the bar market are interesting. The mills are getting behii in .deliveries, due to the tilling up of capacity by shrapnel bar orders, particularly 2-inch rounds and larger. In the Central West a new inquiry is for 45,000 tons of 1 1-16-inch rounds for ritle barrels and at Pittsburgh a company that has a large contract for ride barrels is negotiating for bars. At the same ti*iu> the large agricul tural implement inaßers are slow to con tract for their bar supply, seemingly awaiting further assurance concerning crops and foreign situation. No issue is being made of the 1.20 c price on such contracts, as the bar market has been gradually stiffening with the plac ing of so much war tonnage. Iron bars are firmer, but in hard bars for rein forcing there _is irregularity, sales be ing made at 1.05 c, Pittsbugh. The ascent of spelter above 18 cents, or to more than twice the highest price reached in any previous year, has caused a fresh flurry in galvanized sheets. Some makers have advanced their price to 4c for No. 28 and, while the largest interest still quotes 3.60 c, this price is only for prompt delivery end to regular customers. The soaring of spelter has set users of brass as well as of galvanized sheets on tbe hunt for substitutes. Mill which are not quoting on gal vanized sheets are going more vigor ously after business in black sheets and 1.70e, Pittsburgh, for No. 2S sheets can still be done. In special sheets for au tomobiles no such weakness has ap peared. Plate mills have fared better in ton nage, due to the good car contracts of the past two weeks, but the car com panies were able to buy at I.loc, Pitts burgh. Recent buying for three addi tional vessels placed with eastern ship yards also brought out low prices. Boi ler plate demand has increased in the Central West. Plate manufacturers are keenly in terested in .lie inquiries from foreign countries with a view to plaicng mer chant vessel work here. Foreign yards are full of naval work and the outlook is for full employment of American shipbuilders for the pext three years. FIND BONES AFTER ; fjj®;ir , tution his greatest service to posterity. Upon the self-svidenr dedaration of the Constitution of the United States Anheuser-Busch $ years ago J l *' 'l® ifit launched their gigantic institution. To-day, whererer Americans go for health, or business, or pleasure, their Earned brand BUDWEISER !!■_. ! ;S%| • is mere. Its popularity, due to its quality, purity, mildness and exquisite flavor, has daily grown in public favor until 7500 people we constant ly employed 00 keep pace with the ever-increasing demand. When in St. Louis visit the home of BUDWEISER. AM HEUSER-BUSCH • ST. LOUIS, USA, « M. P. Johnson Wholesale Dealer Harrisburg. Pa. Means Moderation ADMITS JEALOUS SLAYING Starved Husband, a Fugitive, Doubly Prepared to Kill Reading, May 2S. —That lie carried | his gun to shoot his wife in case he | could not 'jet near enough to cut her throat, was the statement made to ! i County Detective George Straub by i Charles Bailsman, the Robesonia mur- ! derer. who slew his wife with a razor, j i "She tolil me to leave her, that she i . could get another fellow," Bailsman . said, to explain the furv of his attack ! : after the woman brought a charge of assault and battery against hint, and ■ the suit ended in the murder. ; . Bausman, almost starved, is near ! ] collapse in jail here, coming willingly i with State Policeman James Ely, who I i found him in a mountain barn near the ! i scene of the tragedy. He has refused I an attorney and expressed regret for i the crime. WHISK EY RILLED "POTATOES" j j Discovered When Railroader Saw Some thing Shining in Barrel Greensboro, X. C., May 28.—Police- 1 | ! men and railway employes found 102 1 . j pints of outlawed whiskey in a freight j | depot hero in barrels marked "(Michi gan seed potatoes," shipped from Rich- ; | moud to parties in Greensboro. V. Hyl Bauntia, an Abyssinian, one • iof the consignees, has been arrested ] I for retailing. The trick was discover- i , |ed by a railway employe who saw 1 i something shining through a crack in [ a barrel. Others barrels from the same ( place were opened. Each of three bar- , , rels contained from 30 to 40 pints. It is said other "potatoes" from j the same house hail been delivered here ! before the trick was discovered. The j barrels did contain some potatoes, but | in the middle were the bottles. MAN SHOT DOWN ON STREET ! ; Murder Victim Attempted to Bum ' j House, Alleged Slayer Says Wilkes-Barre, May 28. —Guiseppe I (Baratieri, aged 37, Wednesday night j shot and killed Gorago Matti, aged I 25. at Luzerne borough, it is alleged, . because he believed that .'Matti had | poured kerosene oil on the floor of his : porch for the purpose of incendiarism not long ago. The shooting occurred in the central part of the town. Baratieri, according! |to a statement by the police, armed I himself with a revolver early in the | evening and set out in quest of his vic i tim. He passed him twice. On the third meeting he pulled his revolver, it is charged, anil fired three shots. Two of them entered the brain of Matti. | Baratieri w«s soon captured by Chief j of Police Killeen, to whom he said, Kileen asserts, he had committed mur der because 'Matti had tried to burn his home. Apoplexy Fatal to Aged Man 'Lancaster, Pa., May 28. —Henry W. Mayer. 72 years old, of Rohrerstown, ' Pa., died Wednesday evening at the! supper taole, a victim of apoplexy. He | was for many years a justice of the j peace and school director of East Hemp-! field, and for yearb was a trustee of the I Millersville State Normal school and a director of the Farmers' 'National bank and vice president of the Fulton National bank. Identify Body of Drowned Boy Columbia, Pa., May 28. —The par ents of the drowned boy whose head less body was found in the river near Columbia on Tuesday evening have 'been found. George W. Reimeyer, of Berwick, whose son. Leonard Reimeyer, I 1 I years old, was drowned in the river at Berwick February 22. when his ca noe capsized, has identified the body. TRAIN KILLS TWO IN AUTO Strikes Them On Crossing Near Sta tion, Wrecking Car Kiine, May 28.—1n a grade cross- | iug accident at Leepor. 30 miles south i of this city, yesterday afternoon. For- i est K. It tie and O. H. Beeper, of Leep- j er, were killed. They were ridiuij in a ! runabout and as they were driving ; over the crossing near the Baltimore 1 and Ohio passenger station, they were J struck by passenger train No. 151, due j iu this city at 3.45. Both men were thrown high in the ; air, and Ittle was killed instantly. Ber- j ger was alive when assistance reached J him, and arrangement* were being made to bring him to the Kane Sum mit hospital, but he died as he was be- | iug placed aboard the train tlmt struck | him. His wife reached the scene a few | minutes before he died. GOT OLD ALLIGATOR AT LAST His Fondness for Porkers Led to His Undoing Add, Ga.. May 28.—Jitd'ie M. L. i Crowley, of the Cecil district, killed the monster alligator in Hutchinson's •pond a few days ago. The gator had been a familiar figure there for the last quarter of a century, but all ef- ! forts to kill him had proved futile, he | being a sly old fellow and managing l to get to his cave. He was a terror to j hogs which ventured near, but a piece j of hog meat proved his undoing. A trap was set for him with a good I hunk of meat tied to a post. As lie | tugged at the meat a well directed rifle shot from Mr. Crowley 's 41111 laid him > low. The alligator measured ten feet and | four inches and weighed about 400 j pounds. He had thirty-seven notches 011 his tail, a notch for every year of his life, it is said. LIQUOK MEN AID OFFICERS Dealers in Simbury Co-operate With Authorities to Enforce Law Sunburv, Pa., May 28.—C0-operation 1 of the Sunbury Local Liquor Dealers'! Association with the borough nuthori ties in their efforts to suppress the use I of liquor by habitual drunkards vester- ! day resulted in the arrest of Edward 1 Ludwig, of Sunbury, /or buying liquor j for men who had been .placed on the association's jag list. He was sent to; jail in default of bail. Members of the association yesterday j declared they would push the prosecu tion of all men caught violating the ; liquor laws. GAINS $070,000 IN TAXES Northumberland County Finds It Pays to Resist Appeal Sunbury, Pa., May 28.—8y the- ac-j tion of the Supreme Court in upholding , the Northumberland County Tax Re vision Board's increase of coal land val ues from $7,000,000 to $17,000,000 the county authorities will obtain , I $225,000 yearly for three years, or , I more than $670,000 in taxes from the '■ ! coal corporations operating within its j I borders. Assessment was made in 1912 and! : tho coal corporations appealed from the | finding of the Commissioners. Judge | Moser, himself a mining engineer be fore he became a Judge, after an ex haustive hearing upheld the increase in valuations, and the coal companies then appealed to the highest court. Take a ' ~ Tonight It will act as a laxative In the morning George A. Uorgaa HOUSEHOLD MM TALKS Pip ===== , Henrietta D. Grauel Mahogany and Rosewood I The beauty of mahogany and rose | wood lies in the rich color and tine grain i of the woods and this is not enhanced ; by carving or by elaborate decorations. ; Therefore beauty of outline and perfec -1 tion in finish is the result furniture manufacturers strive for when working in these materials. Rosewood is from a tree called by West Indians, Amyris; it does not at tain the great size of the mahogany anil j its color is not red but a dark, richly veined brown. To keep furniture made from these woods in condition it is sufficient, to rub them gently with a soft cloth when j they need dusting. The beauty of these wonderful woods is their hardness which makes them so durable. Naturally a hard wood, they | are especially seasoned before they are | used and some factories keep choice j pieces of them for years in the process .of seasoning. It' a rosewood or mahog any piece becomes scratched, scorched I or defaced, it can be restored bv a | cabinet-maker to its original beauty. This is not always the case with ve ! neered furniture. Dampness, heat or i much jarrying will often raise the | veneer and it cannot always be re | placed. A delicate Colonial tilt-table of rose | wood veneer was used for serving tea upon until the veneer commenced to ! blister and peel. It was sent to a fur -1 uiture restore shop. Week after week i went by but it was not 'returned and i the owner called on the workman, who ; showed her the process of restoring and said he had been compelled to wait until r • —— x Better Than j' Baying R. R. Stocks You can earn considerable more money through buying your next winter's supply of coal this month than you can by purchas ing P. R. R. Stock. Coal prices are now 50c per 2000 lbs. cheaper than they will be September Ist. 2000 lbs. Mixed Nut costs n0w.... $6.55 On September Ist it will cost 7.05 Saving 50 You save 50c on each $6.55 invested for 5 months. This it at the rate of about 18 r/r interest. Do you know anything that will pay you as well as buying coal now? United Ice & Coal Co. Forster and Cowden Third and Boas Fifteenth and Chestnut Hummel and Mulborry Also Steelton, Pa. able to match the ancient wood. Mo had matched it in the ease of an old mclodian, a beauty of itself, and was painstakingly removing the veneer from the one old piece and transferring it to the other. This explains, in part, why it is so expensive to have old treasures renewed by professionals. If you admire mahogany and rose wood pieces as they So well deserve, and have some of this furniture to re store, a very good way to do this is to follow the example of the Shackletons; they employed the most expert work man they could hear of to restore and polish some of their "finds" and then they stayed by the workman and took notes with eyes and ears and after a few days they were able to do the work themselves. A Menu for Decoration Day, May ;tOth Though this day is not a festival it is a time of family gatherings and a time when we desire to express our patriotism in a quiet but impressive way. The following menu is suitable for a Sunday dinner and may have an appropriate color note added to it if you desire. Little Neck Clams Soup a la Julienne Radishes and Small Fresh Onions on Colonial Blue Dish Fried Chicken, Cream Gravy New Potatoes in Cream Peas Celery Lobster Salad, Garnished with Tiny Flags Pineapple Sherbet with Ripe Strawberries in it I'ie and Coffee Nuts and Small Cakes To-morrow—Ha ml woven Rugs.