KsSEllfl i WILLIAMS (W QJ JgL SHOE SHOP JLIL, J f,. pwSPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Greatest values hi Men's, Women's A l ' l ' and Children's Shoes. Spring and sum- ' BHP I mer s snmrtost an( l daintiest styles. If \ real money-savins; events is of interest - Read These Items \ Men's Shoes & Oxfords Ladies' and MiW White t'anva, Pomp,. 1$ I _ " nd «>n<*rvative Spring Shoe* and , , ...... , /yf \ Oxford atvles; all leathers aud iantv colored and low bee s; regularly sl. t o. Special tops; leather or rubber sole. All reduced ac to morrow 930 cordingly Saturday only. Prices low enough to please all who appro- Regular $2.50 Pumps. Special to mor , pw I see you don't think you can-do better JpJ-.OD I here than anywhere else. Gray. Fawn and Sand Cloth Top: regularly $2.50. Men's and Boys' Black Tennis Oxfords 4^#* Special to morrow $1.95 Boys' calf skin lace shoes, pood wearing, sizes up to Mens Work Shoes in black or tan. guaranteed 13 Mi: regularly $1.30. Special 95c ■ i give satisfaction; regularly $2.7.">. Special. $1.95 WILLIAMS SHOE SHOP 5 South Fourth Street TWO DOORS BELOW MARKET STREET LOK FOR YELLOW SIGN WITH BLACK LETTERS SUES FOR SB.OO FOR BOY ON WHOM SKIN IS GRAFTED * Continued From First Page. Hibitz form and that he did not re 4teive proper medical treatment iuuue jJiatelv after the accident, the mother of the youth this morning brought a tit t for lama;cs gainst Mrs. Albitz, {demanding s>.ooo. The mother's claim JJpr me 1 ai services and personal loss es is for $3,000 whiie that of the boy is for $5,000. _ Young Krb was able to be out of the house ou a rolter chair last week ifor the first time siuce he wa- brought Jfome following the accident, which oc curred on July 3, last. According to 5J»e mother and her attorney the boy's Hgj.ries were due directly to the yrjiiks or a practical joker who thrust n lighted "sparkler" among several "sparklers" aud a handful of •matches that young Krb was carrying «tn H trousers p<> kt;t. Almost instantly •pie supposedly "harmless'' novelties Jart'ro ablaze and before the lad could extract the intruiug mass or beat out the flames his leg and side were fright- Jully burned. Sot until almost two weeks after the accident was the mother advise 1 of ■it. -he savs, and in all that time she ■declares her boy did not receive prop er mod -'.l attention. Then she brought him to Harrisburg and called in a phy sician. YOUUM Krb had been visiting Albitz family on the Knterline i#arm when the accident occurred. J* The boy. aeeording to the family jjhysician. lingered between life and i •oeath for many weeks and it was de cided finally that »kin grafting was necessary if his life was to be saved. Sfwo perations were performed, one ou JBepteuibei 30. aud the other on No the Falls this morning, and a smaller .delegation left this afternoon, including Smany State officials. Uuests were present from Philadel phia. Pittsburgh. Reading. Lancaster. 'Columbia. Sciatiton and other places. A Susquehanna sha I dinner, the fish jfca' iiig been taken from the river a few -aiilcs below the club house, was one of JtJie features of the opening. J, Flowers For G. A. R. Veterans • Members of the East Harrisburg -Women's I hristian Teni|>erance Union i»ho wish to contribute flowers for (Memorial Day exercises, are requested •to take them to the home of Mrs. Wjl jjliam Heinlev, T South Fourteenth f«treet. to-morrow or early Monday ■turning. The flowers will be vfiven to A. R. Post No. 58. Mrs. Weber Denies Charges » Mrs. Katherine Weber, whose hus-' £a nd, Frank Weber, 925 Grand street,! 3s suing her for a divorce on the (•rounds of cruel treatment, to-day de-' 'aied the husband's story that she made *l|is life burdensome. It is true enough the husband makes the charges in 'fbe papers he filed in court as stated in the newspapers, 'but the wife denies tne charges are true. BIC FRENCH LINER RUNS ASHORE AND IS DAMAGED Continued From First Page sel. The man was arrested and, the dis patch said, five dynamite bombs were found in his trunk. Paris. May 2s. 3.20 P. M.—Officials of the French line here say that all the passengers ou l.a Champagne have been landed at St. Xazaire aud that there ie no need of anxiety as to the safety of the vessel. They state she was not torpedoed. Tiie name of the steamer which took off l>a Champagne's passengers is un known at the company' offices in Paris. Representatives of the company ex press the opinion that the stranding of the vessel was an accident. GERMANS ADMiT REVERSE AI HANDS OF RUSSIANS Berlin, May 2S. Via London, 3.30 P. M.—A reverse at the hands of the Russians in the lighting aloug the river Sau, in Central Galicia, is announced in to-day's statement from the war office. It is said the Germans in the region of Sicilian;!, on the left bank of the river, were forced back and lost six cannon, j The German positions, according to this 'announcement, were not defended by strong forces. The statement also says: "In the district northeast of Per mysl we are still progressing favorably on both sides of the river Wvsznia. In a idition to the booty reported May 25 about 9,000 additional prisoners have been takeu and 25 canuon and about 20 machine guua have been captured. " LATE WATNEWTSUMR'.' fimtinufil Prwn Flrwt Pagf. which represents the situation in the - east as favorable to Germany with the exception of the retreat from the San near Sieniawa. The character of the fighting in France and Belgium has not changed materially. To-day's reports show that severe engagements are in progress on the western portion of the line but aside from local successes the attempts of each side is to dislodge the other 1 from established line of battle are prov ing of as little effect as has been the case for months past. Reports to London by way of The Hague say Germany's answer to the American note will b>. delivered to morrow. asking the United States whether ammunition for the allies was on board the Lusitania. Italian troops are pushing steadily into Austria, along the line running north of the Gulf of Triest. Apparently the Austnans have as yet offered no serious resistance, although further west there has been severe fighting. An official statement from Rome announced the occupation of the Austrian town of Grado, and states that a squadron of Italian aeroplanes successfully attacked the Triest-Nabresina railroad, probably cutting the line. Additional territory along the Tyrol frontier has been oc cupied. Occupation of Urumiah, Northwest ern Persia, by Russian forces is an nounced by the Caucasian army staff. Capture of the city was effected after battles near Dilman and Bachkala. President Calls Off Cabinet Meeting Washington, May 28. —President Wilson called off the Friday Cabinet j meeting to-day because there was noth- ! ' ing of pressing importance ready for i consideration and because he was I slightlv indisposed. Xo word had como j from Berlin regarding the reply to the American note •VlO Mile Auto Race Postponed Indianapolis, May 28.—0n account of weather conditions, the 500-mile au tomobile race which was to have been held on the speedway to-morrow was postponed to-day until Monday, VtAftRISBUKQ STAR-I NDE PE XI) KNT. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1915. 'STEEL CORPORATION HEAD I! SEES BIG RACE AFTER WAR Contiituetl Proiu First l'ace, energy and enterprise. These nations will not remain inactive or despondent, or indifferent. We shall see the most active and persistent efforts to rebuild and extend and to succeed in the inter national race for supremacy that the | world has ever witnessed. From ad versity will come greater prosperity than ever before. From necessity will spring thought and study and effort that will enable the survivors to reach greater heights of success than ever before supposed to be within the reach of hnman kind. It is not too much to believe that, after the close of the war. there will be a feeling almost universal that there must be estab lished and maintained a court of arbi tration—simple comprehensive, effec tive and permanent—that will secure the adjustment of all future differences , without any protracted or general con test by armed forces. I "Now what should the United States prepare for ? If we conduct our affairs properly, it we make the most of our opportunities, if we co-operate with one another, if the government and govern mental agencies and the business people ! are allies on with the other, we shall become stronger and richer and more potential in our influence and we shall be able to occupy a position in he vnu of nations, progressing toward results j more satisfactory than ever before." j PROHIBITION CONVENTION Pittsburgh. Pa.. May 28.—The State convention of the Prohibition party closed yesterday by re-electing the fol lowing officers: Chairman, the Rev. Dr. Byron E. P. Prugh. of Harrisburg: secretary, Henrv 8. Gill. Greensburg; treasurer, T. H. Hamilton. Harrisburg. The executive committee comprises H. G. Steele. But i ler county; D. S. Von Xieder, Lancas ter; .lames Peebles, Lawrence: Albert tiaddis. Payette: E. J. Fithian, MerceV; William Umsted, Philadelphia; J. G. Hosick, Allegheny: E. B. Lacey, War ren: William Repp. l>aekawanr.a; F. E Whittlesey, Erie; C. J. Fluck. North ampton; .1. C. Rummel. Cumberland; Tsaac Mondereau. Crawford; D. B. Me -1 Calmont. Venango: G. L. Pennock. Del i, aware. ■ | The time and place for the 1916 con vention was left in the hands of Chair man Prugh. JACKSON TO TALK TO NEWSIES Labor Commissioner Will Address Their Association To-night •lohn Price Jackson. Commissioner of . , Harrisburg Newsboys' Association at ,the Harrisburg News Agency quarters, 108 Chestnut street, at $ o''clock this evening. All carriers and newsboys, whether members of the association or not, are invited to attend this meet ing. This will he the last meeting to be held at the News Agency rooms. Wag ner Hcffmnn, president of association, sail to-day a committee has selected club rooms for the boys on Xorth Sec ond street and they will be opened in the near future. To Discuss Paving Camp Hill A ] üblic meeting of the voters ami other interested citizens of ('amp Hill has been called by the burgess of that borough for Friday. June 4. at the fire house, a* 8 p. m.. to discuss the pro posed paving loan which is to be voted on June 19, 1915. Several sjeakers will ad Iress the meeting and It is I planner .o have a road engineer present : to answer questions as to the plans. Will Show "Caberia" Here James George, manager of the Vic toria theatre, has contracted for "'"aberia." the Italian film, which has created a sensation since it was Im ported to this country at the beginning of the last theatrical season. It wITi be shown Thursday, Friday and Satur ! day of next week. Special music, which j has been set to this production, will be played on the organ. ASK JITNEYS FOR MONEY FOR PARK BAND CONCERTS Harrlsburg Band Concert Association Seeks Aid From Chauffeurs Who Will Do Some Business On Concert Days—First Concert Monday The jitneys having entered the pas senger carrying business with more or less success will meet the same fate that other public carriers meet. They will be appealed to by the Karrisburg Band Concert Association for money to aild to the park concert fund, the as sociation believing thit the jitneys will do some business as a result of the concerts, letters will be sent to the 150 jitney drivers in the city in a few da vs. | The first concert by the association will be given Monday afternoon and evening when the Memorial Day cele bration will be held. The afternoon concert will be from 3 to 5 o'clock and the evening concert from S to 10 o'clock. This is an innovation as con certs in other years at 3.30 and 7.30. The Municipal band will plav, conducted by Frank Blumentein. The program follows: Afternoon. Part I—March, "Co ed," ,1. S. Zamecnik; overture, "Or pheus.'' .1. Offenbach; tone poem. "In Lover's Lane," Arthur Prvor; idvlle. Stolen Moments," Leo Freidman; selection. "From the Midnight Sons," Raymond llubbell. Part 2—March, "Tout La* Nuit," Art"hur Prvor; selection, "Eleanor," Jessie L. Deppeu; waltzes. "Tales of Hoffman." ,1. Offenbach; intermezzo, "La Pepita." Theo. M. ToUani; selec tion, "Grand American Fantasia," I Theo. Bendi. Evening, Part 1 March, "The Fed eral," John Philip Sousa; overture. "Hungarian Comedy." Keler Bela.; sextette. "From Lucia," Donizetti; Spanish dances. Original No. 1. No. 4. No. 5, M. Moszkowskv Y P-irt 2—March. "Rajah." M. A. Althouse; selection. "Chin Chin," Ivan Carvll; deseripture t'antansia, "Cavalry Charge." G. Luder. Synop sis, Morning of the battle, infantry is heard approaching with fifes "and drums: cavalry in distance, coming nearer aud nearer until they charge I upon the enemy; cavalry, infantry and artillery in the melee of battle; defeat of the enemy pursued in the distance by the cavalry: valse, " Danseuse," Walter E. Miles: grand fantasia, "The International Congress." John Philip Sousa. LIBERTY BELL COMMITTEE : Mayor Royal Names Men to Take Part In July r» Celebration ' Committees for the reception of the j Liberty Bell on it halt-hour stop over !ou the evening of July 5. were an ; uounced list evening by Mayor Roval, i general chairman. He will soon fix a date for the meeting at which arrange | inents will be made. The committee I follows: Committee on Arrangements for • the Chamber of Commerce—C. L. ! Long, George Shreiner. A. E. Buehan ; ail, Paul Johnston, David E. Tracy. Samuel Kunkel. A. C. Stamm, Ira P. ; Romberger, Wjllicm Essick, A. D. | Bacon and Samuel Rambo. Reception Committee—William 1., i Corgas, William H. Lynch, Harrv F. 1 Bowman, M. Harvey Taylor and Owen M. Copelin for the city of Harrisburg: Miss Cora Lee Snyder, regent. Daugh | ters of the American Revolution; Harry A. Boyer. William A. 8011, ; Adam I>. Houtz. Charles S. Fohl, George ! W. Kennedy, Millard F. Saul, Harry | M. Bretz, George A. Werner, William X. ates, for the school directors; Dean Hoffman. Gus M. Steinmetz. V. ; Hummel Berghaus. Jr., Wellington G. [ '■• Jones, George B. Goodfellow and j Robert 11. Free, for the press; E. B. ! Hoffman. Sr., Post 58; Dr. William T. : Bishop. Post 116: James M. Auter, Post SJO, for the G. A. 11.; Francis C. Neely, No. 15. H. E. Moore. Susque hanna Association, for Sons of Veter ans; Howard Newcomer, comnvuider of the I'nited Spanish War Veterans. COMBINE TWO THEATRES George Brothers Buy Photoplay and Will Make It Part of Victoria The George Brothers, proprietors of the Victoria moving picture theatre, 223 Market street, have completed | plans for enlarging that theatre to in clude the Photoplay Theatre adjoining at 221 Market street, a deal for the purchase of that theatre from Isaac Sil verman being consummated recently. Work on the enlargement will begin in a few days? and will not interrupt the performances in the Victoria until the work is Hearing completion and then it will take but a few days to throw the two theatres into one. Both theatres run from Market street to Blackberry street and are on the -ame floor level and have practically the same lines of construction. The time for the closing of the Photoplay has not yet been decided on. The George Brothers recently took over the William Penn Theatre at Thirteenth and Thompson streets and are now building a restaurant at Market and Aberdeen streets. They were pioneers in the moving picture business in Har ris-burg. AGED RESIDENT DIES Charles Frederick Mueller Succumbs at Age of 90 Years Charles Frederick Mueller, one of the eldest residents of this city, died yes terday at his home, 619 Boas street", in his ninety-first year. Mr. Mueller came to this country from Bade*. Germany. W hen quite a young man he learned stationary engineering, which work he followed until the time of his retire ment sixteen years ago. (He was a lonjj and faithful member of St. Michael's German Lutheran church. Surviving are two sons. The funeral will be held from his home Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Reinholdt Schmidt officiating. Interment will be private in the East Harrisburg cemetery. Injured in Fall of Earth Eugene Roberts. 346 South Four teenth street, suffered a fracture of the ripht foot when caught under a slight fall of earth in a cellar excavation near his home early this afternoon. The fracture was reduced at the Harrisburg hospital. Fractures Knee In Fall George Mosey. 923 Sarah street, em ployed at the .Commonwealth hotel, fractured his left knee in a fall down a flight of steps this morning. He was j treated at the Harrisburg hospital. I MORE THAN 600 ATHLETES IN ELIMINATION CONTESTS Conditions On Franklin Field To-day Promised Record-Breaking Per formances In Intercollegiate Track and Field Championships Franklin Field, Philadelphia, May : 28.—Clear, cool weather, a fast track in perfect condition ami a Held of more than 600 athletes, the pick of the score or more colleges iu the association, promised record breaking performances iu the 40th all track and Held chain piouships of the luter-collegiate Asso ciation which opened to-day on Frank lin Field. Kliniiimtion trials iu the shot put, pole vault, runuing high jump, hammer throw and running broad jump, ami preliminary heats in the 100-yard dash, half mile run, 120 uud 220 hurdles, 440 and 220-yard dashes, comprised to-day's program. Six men will qualify for the finals in each of I the field events and records ma le to day will stand unless bettered in the final competitions to-morrow. There w»i nothing left to be desired either in the condition of the track or in the weather \vheti the various athletes came on Franklin Field for the first event. Everything flavored high class performances. The crowd that that came out to see the preliminary heats and elimination trials was small. NORTH CAROLINA IS AGROUND j TJ. S. Cruiser. Fast In Outer Harbor ot Alexandria, Egypt. Apparently Nat Damaged H*i .4.t,torm(fV Press. Washington. May 2S, —The United States cruiser North Carolina is aground within the outer harbor of Alexandria, \ Egypt, according to a report to the i Navy Department to-day by her com manded, Captain Joseph W. Oman, who i says the ship is undamaged and that ! dredging operations will be undertaken [ to release her. Efforts yesterday to release the ; North Carolina, Captain Oman reported, ! had failed. The cruiser Des Moines has i arrived off Alexandria as relief to the | North Carolina iji Mediterranean wa- I ters. The latter as soon as floated will [ return to the I'nited States to act as j naval aviation ship off Pensacola, FJa. APPROVE REORGANIZATION PLAN OF CENTRAL IRON CO. Continued I'rnm First Pngr, vet been received from the creditors' ' committee it is understood that a ma jority of them have approved the prop j ositiou. It was said authoritatively that a few of the bondholders and creditors have not yet expressed their opinion I of the plan and that still a few others dissented from the general scheme. Kven though a few should make serious objection, it is said, the reorganization will be effected but it ni'iy be delayed a few weeks due to court proceedings. The reorganization of the company will mean the ultimate retirement of the receivers, J. V. W. Eoynders, Charles L. Bailey, Jr. and J. M. Camer . on, who under a court order, have been operating the plant during the last few j years. " MANY SEEK "MOVIE" POSTS New Board of Censors Is Organizing To-day in Philadelphia ; The new Board of Motion Picture Con | sors, created by the Legislature which just adjourned, is meeting at the olln-e, j Thirteenth and Vine, Philadelphia, to ! day, for organization. The new Board consists of J. Louis ! Breitinger, the original chief censor, lof Philadelphia; Mrs. E. E. Niver, as sistant censor of < harleroi, and Luis P. Overholtzer, of Philadelphia, the I third member provided for by the new law. Mr. Overholtzer has been a newspaper man in Philadelphia, at one time con nected with the "Public Ledger," and is regarded as a man of tine literary accomplishments. The board will also have the selec tion of a number of minor attaches, inspectors, clerks, etc., but it is not known whether they will select them to-day or wait until after a conference with the Governor. There are a great | many applicants for the additional | places under the board. POEM MAY BE SUCCESS! 1 '! !, "H. A.'s" Exoneration Likely If He'll Indulge in No More Verse | "I see you have got my name still on your list. But I'm sure mv dollar will never be missed. If you'll put to my credit a dollar this time, I 'll sing of your praise in song and in rhyme. I cannot pay a single dollar no matter how you whistle and holler.'' Thus did "H. A.;" whoever that is seek exoneration from the one dollar occupation school tax in a letter to the School Board. The Finance Committee, whose job is to act on exonerations, is seriously considering this request and will more than likely do it, a member said to-day, if the writer will write no more poetry. ACADEMY OH ADS TO BANQUET ;12 Members to Hold Farewell Dinner at Country Club TJhis Evening The annual farewell dinner to the graduating class of the Harrisburg Academy and the faculty will be held at the Harrisburg Country Club at 7 o'clock this evening. All of the thirty two members.of the class, as well as the majority of the faculty, will be repre sented: Preceding the dinner the members will be given an automobile joy ride. The toastmaster of the evening will be Arthur S. Snyder, while short speeches will be made by Raymond Holmes, William S. Broadhurst, Albert H. Stackpole. Thomas B. MacMillan, H. Elmore Smith. Charles S. Horton and Arthur E. Brown. MACEE MAY BE HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Intimated That Governor Brumbaugh Will Appoint Eithor Him or Form er Governor Pennypaeker As Chair man of Reorganized Body The first formal business meeting of the Public Service Commission as at present constituted will bo held on j Tuesday next, by which time it in ex -1 pectod that Governor Brufnbuugh will 1 have auuounced the appointment of 1 j chairman of the body, as ho is author ized to do under the law. The name of William A. Mngoe, of Pittsburgh, j is mentioned in connection with the ; chairmanship, but there is some prob ability of the reappointment of Sam i uel W. Pennypaeker, the last chairman of the old commission. Governor Brumb.tugh's announce ment to the commission, in his talk with it on Tuesday afternoon, that he expects it to be a working body all the time, and that it will be expected to I sit continuously, has led to speculation ; a< to whether the commissioners will take up their residences in Harriebuig, , but thus fur but one of their number j has signified Ins intention of so doing I —John S. Rilling, of Brio. A farewell banquet lias been tender ed to him by the citizen of Erie, whore Ihe has resided for many years, lie ■ was prominent as a member of the 1 Krie bar. The other members of the I commission, it was thought, will not j give up their present places of rosi | donee but will come to H irrisburg reg -1 ularly to attend the meetings at least i for the present. A long list of cases awaits action of j the commission at its next week's ! mooting, among them the following: The approval of the application of i the Clark's Forrv Bridge Company for j a charter of incorporation, in which } Harrisburgers are interested. The application of the Pennsylvania j Central Light and Power Company for | approval -of the contract with Mifflin :county. The application of the Bell Tole ! phono Company for approval of a lease ! with the Western Union Telegraph . Company. 1 The application of the Bell Tele phone Company for approval of a con- I tract with the Hnrrisburg Das and : Electric Company. COYERNOR DARS CALLERS WHILE WORKING ON BILLS Goes Into "Seclusion" While Studying Measures Submitted by the Legisla ture —Believed Most of the Appro priations Will Stand Action on bills now in the Gov ernor's hands will not bo announced lie fore next week, the Governor now being very busily engaged ith them. These include the workmen's compensation j series and the full crew repealer. The j workmen's bill will probably be ap | proved, but the fate of the full crow repealer is unknown as the Governor lias not indicated in any way what he proposes to do with it. The fact that , he will have no hearings on appropria tion bills will greatly facilitate the ! work of disposing of them. On Wednesday next Governor Britm ! baugh, Attorney General Brown and ' Chairmen Woodward and Buc.kman, of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, respectively, will take up i all of the four hundred appropriation bills now in the Governor's hands and they will be disposed of rapidly. •The appropriations for the session carry between $66,000,000 and $67.- 1 000,000, and all of the bills were gone ! over so carefully in committee, with j the Governor's knowledge, that it is I thought there will be very few, if any, items vetoed. The Governor was kept informed 011 almost every appropriation bill by Chairman Woodward and al : ready knows almost exactly what each one carries, so that it will ho a matter of but a short time for him to dispose of them. He has, however, requested the presence of the two chairmen in I the event that there should be any hill 1 carrying a vague provision, in which case he would ask that it bo explained fully. Chairman Woodward was here to-day | but left for Barnegat Bay to spend the 1 week-end. There ho will tabulate the ' appropriation figures. Governor Brum j baugh is so taken up with other bills ■ that he is practically inaccessible, and j will not come "out of seclusion" until he has all of the bills off .his hands. CHIEF SEIZES CLASS COLORS Confiscates Three Balloons Steelton Ju nior# Planned to Release Steelton *s chief of police was called ion last night to prevent the Juniors i from carrying out a deep-laid plot to I float their colors above those of the Seniors during the annual commence ment exercises held in the Steelton 1 High School auditorium. The colors of the Seniors wore sus- I ponded near the top of the stage. A ! party of Juniors purchased three in j Hated toy gas balloons, each about nine j inches in diameter, which wore tied in i a cluster. To this cluster the colors ! of the Juniors were attached, the whole | package being covered with white tis j sue paper to make it look like a bou j quet of flowers. | This package was given to a young ' man, not a Junior, to smuggle into the ; High School building, which was sue- I cessfullv accomplished a short time aft er the program started. The Seniors got wind of the plot, however, and Chief ofPolice Ijongnaker j was instructed by Professor Charles S. Davis to make a search for the bal ! loons. As a result the gas bags were confiscated by lxmgnakor about one j minute before the time it was planned | to release them. I 166 WILL BE GRADUATED 1 Professor Dibble Signs Two Sets of Diplomas Away for Commencement Professor Howard G. Dibble, new principal of the Central High School, to-day signed the 166 diplomas of the graduates of the school and to-morrow will return to Lambertville, X. J., 1 where he will perform the same duty 1 for his class there. He is merely spending two weeks in Harrisburg be cause the board there gave him two weeks' leave of absence. His presence at the commencement exercises in Lambertville are required i by the board there and he will not be in Harrisburg to see the exercises here. 1 He will return to this city, June 20,, I when he will remain permanently. 1 11 j FINANCE _ MORE CAINS THAN LOSSES ATOPENINCOFTHE MARKET Improvement Was Mainly In Stock# «f Minor Importance, However. Lead ing Isnues Being Neglected—Can*. dlan Pacific Weak feature By Assovintrtl I'rrsx. X'ew Vork, M«y 28 (Wall Street). There wore mure gain* than losses at the opening of to-day'a market, hut the improvement was mainly in stoeka of minor importance, leading issues be ing neglected. Hock Island made fur ther recovery of a point and some of the war specialties, coppers and motors, rose small fractions, but these were soon wiped out. Canadian Pacific was again the weak feature of the interna tional list, losing over a point, despite its comparative firmness in l>ondon. Among the more obscure industrials, Harvester ■Corporation of New Jersey declined over t points. The entire list receded moderately soon nfber the open i"K- I ransactions in the first hour barely aggregated 60,000 shares and of this total five of the leading speculative fa vorites contributed about ,"»tt per cent, 'l-iocal traction shares were almost the only issues to retain their recent rise, most other stocks falling fractionally under yesterday's close level. Cana dian Pacific extended its decline to 1 1 a points and I'nion Pacific lost a point. There was sonic short covering before midday, which helped to restore prices in America. Pool manipulation in mo tors, which gainet 1 11 1 -. points, tended to list interest in bettor-known special tics. Bonds were steady. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS Furnished by E S. Gosliorn. 20H-2DO Arcade Building. 21f> Walnut Street New York, May 2S. Open. Close. Alaska Gold Mines ... 35',4 35' 4 Amal Copper tif> >■ H RaV, Amor Beet Sugar .... 4' . 4fii, American Can 37Vi 3fiy» do pfd 9 7 SIT Am Car and Foundry Co 52 52 Am Ice Securities .... 3030 V» A mer lvoeo 4 6 4 6Vi, : Amor Smelting ».T»' American Sugar 106 1 061 a Amor Tel and Tel .... 1.19 119 Anaconda 3 I'.. 31'% Atchison 99 1 J 99' /4 Baltimore and Ohio ... 72Vj Bethlehem Steel 1,37 137 Canndian Pacific 1 57' 4 IT»6 Central leather 36 36 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 39 :, 4 39" s Chi, Mil and St Paul . . NS'._. 88 ! >: t Cliino Con Copper .... 4Ti 4 1', a t'ol Fuel and Iron .... 30 30 i'otisol (ias 123 C, 123 Vi j Distilling Securities ... It!'.. 16 I'-rie >■ * • ~■' ' ! s - 5'% Goodrich Bl' 4 3'.. 44 Great (Nor pfd 116% 116% Interim™ Met 22% 22 5 / i Intorboro Mot pfd ... 73% "3% •l,ohigh Valley 140', 140% Louis and Nash lit! 116 Mex J'etroloum 68 6s'/, Missouri Pac 11 '/ 4 tl% Now York Cen 84% 84% X Y. X 11 and II K2'. s 61 '/ a Xorthorn Pacific 104'/.. 104% Pacific Mail 23 23% People's (ias and Coke . 1I 1% 1 14% Pittsburgh Coal pfd .. 89':, 90 Press Stool Car 44% 45 Kay Con. Copper -3% 23% Heading 142% 142% Hopuli. Iron and Steel . 27 : s 27% do pfd 84 84 Southern Pacific 87% 88 Southern R-y 16'/, 16% Tennessee Copper 33' . 33% Union Pacific 26% 26 I . S. Rubber <>;! ti^% U. S. Steel 57% 5,7 1/. 'lo pfd 106% Vtah Copper 66% 65% I W. U. Telegraph <><>% 66V' S Westinghouse Mfg .... 94% 93% Norfoik and Western ex.div. I>;.. Chicago Board of Trade Closing Chicago, May 28.—Close: Wheat-—May, 141; July, 126%, Corn —July, 76%; September, 77%. Oats—July, 50; September, 44%. Pork July, 15.15; September, 18.50. I.aril —July, 9.85; September. 10.10. Hibs July, 10.62; September, 10.90. TO HEAR OK OLD RESERVOIR Members of Natural History Society to Motor to Lebanon Monday About twenty-five members of the Harri&iiurg Natural History Society will journey to Lebanon Monday, whore thov will be told the history ot' the famous Union reservoir, which has stood intact for a century or more. The members will be taken to the plucc in a larje auto truck, which has been hired for the purpose. They will le'tve Market square at 8.30 o'clock, return ing to this city at 4 o'clock in the aft ernoon. The reservoir was built during the Revolutionary days and was in its fame before the erection of railroads. It. was abandoned in 1840. During that time it was used in pumping witor into the old canal which bore the same name. Student Brought Home 111 Daniel P. Rumpf, a student at Kisk iminetas Springs School, at Naltsburg, Pa., was brought to his homo, 8 North Cemeron street, Thursday evening, se riously ill. Special FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COCOANUT BISOUST 20c the lb. A delicious Cocoanut ('andv. CORCAS' DRUG STORE 16 N. Third St.