10 MAY ANNIVERSARY SALEI FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I KENNEDY'S CUT-RATE MEDICINE STORE 15c Cake of Palmolive Soap Two years ago we moved into our present location. IJS-oo One 50c Jar 9 One 5c Wash Cloth Friday and Saturday we celebrate our May Anniversary Sale. Palmolive Cream I Both This sale means attractive combinations of all kinds at prices which Purchases of $1 er Over 1 hnmw* ior w iH appeal to every member of the family. $1.50 Worth For SI.OO 1 OFREE We want our old and new customers to take advantage of the occas= ii niKO f loQll - „r*. ,jl ion and we are going to make it interesting for all the folks, in or out of ! 1 Brush, 75C worth for town, who drop in to look us over. To make the occasion more to be 19c , we I remembered we have arranged to give to each lady visitor to our store a powder gun, value ioc. H Nail Brush ioc ® mall b ° x ° f Johnson's Celebrated Chocolates before 12 o'clock on FrU 35,. Worth For 19c 1 3 cakes Munyon's Witch Hasel Soap, 15c 311 - at Urday. [J Whisk Broom ioc ■ Special, Manicuring Set 9 All for 25c Toilet Creams Shaving Creams Patent Medicines For This Sale Only, This Set Contains L \ AllfnmnhilA Wrial W »!•«> Hood* SanapariU. 6T« One beautiful 3.inch Buffer, H AUIOIHGDIIC special "'taaan :> 1-mkle Cr™", ... iKK- Hind s Honey and Almond. . ~J4c Awe _ Sal-Henatiea ~ . W\ With every 98c Chamois Skin, or over, 75c Poiupeiian Massage 49c J-& J .(.ream 19* ,)0c Glyco-ThvmolinV 38c O ne P lec e of toilet Pumice Stone. we will give away, free, one 25c Rock 50c Creme Elcaya 3S* a** Authur'a 16c 35e Fletcher's Castoria, !!!!!!!!! One Orangewood Stick. I I Is ' an ' l Spo " se ' #j£Toilet Preparations I SI.OO Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, .. .67* I yßo.hcU FREE £ ££?. «> w«t Wl 55 * Con,pound : ??* AU For 17c d One bottle Sutol C 35e Pond'B Vanishing Cream 17* IkTl. Water '4BC 25e Laxative Quinine Tablets,'.ls* " f) ' J ' ■ - v '''' s 1-xora 39c ' " 1 ' 10c Imported Harlem Oil (><■ 75c COffihlTlHt lftH TTm* TC/% Tooth Powder free ss<- sou Glover's Mange Remedy 37« wmMjiati«B For 25c | with each 25c Tooth is* sSikln" 1 ;.::: :;: :\it J% SriJni c Wah,r *i 3 ?£ nm >»| 2 Cakes Hays' 5 i _ , SWSI -ii.. i,• Miit«..„i o-a Oriental (ream sl.lO <>oe Bisurated Magnesia 39* ll , n . SI.OO I). 1). D 67* . ||l seU for 35c and 60c ' ivltem^K,, Tooth Powders and Paste a™ *** 25cTube Colgate's A V . X PRICE, 50c Djer Kiss 45c 25c Kolynos Paste 17* U A |, 9A L A a l | Brill** m ii. T-> j ISs? p > lOr . 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 17* iIOUSBIIOiu UTUgS XOOtll PdStfi |H - Toilet Ssans HOO Pyorrho-ide 75* mb , E Salts 5* -)C« ii 1 I 2oe Graves Tooth Powder 17* 15 , 20-Mule Borax 9o One 25C 1 OOth | I FREE S £[ 8 . soap :lit £ or Pow lie 10c lb - Sulphur Brush Both For OOt lyp | A NVith everv 4J-1.00 Safetv Woodb » r . v 's Soap, 17c 25c Euthymol, " ! .'!!!!!!!!!! 17* 10c Sulphur « ,ld Cream TaJ ' tar loz - i H A'y u 4. ac\' ' i,„n 25c Packer's Tar Soap, 15* 25c Sozodont Powder, 17* '3 for 25* « . . . TT . ___ H Mdo Razor at 69c we shall gne 25e 4711 Soap, three cakes for ....40C 25c Kalphene Paste. 19* 10c lb. Powdered Alum 6C COmblliatlOll Hot Water S awa\ tree, one -DC' Sliaving 100 Physician and Surgeons Sc 25c Lyon's Tooth Paste, 17C 4-oz. pkg. Creaui Tartar, 10* M r f," ,sh ' $1 ; 25 ; vorth 69c - Bottle and Fountain Syringe I FREE EXTRAORDINARY CANDY NEWS I design with complete 3 n in k n •• • p \ ee P plant busy during the summer months the fittings. Were made to re- ra nt " 'V° X 01111 S Kouge:o " e C \ Largest Manufacturer of Chocolate Specialties in the World have tail at $2.00. They are M 10c face ( liamois. with every 25e \ made a special package of Assorted Chocolates, which they will sell worth it. II can Garwood's talcum powder at if \ unt il September Ist at less than cost of manufacture. They have given Fridav and W 19c. 45c worth 19C this package the befitting name of "Good-Will" Chocolates and we It( )) 11 for I ave agreed to co-operate with them, in preventing deserving workers ° I. \ from being thrown out of employment, by offering it to our customers