The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 28, 1915, Image 1

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Detailed Report* Page 8 I
VOL. 77—NO. 150.
Famous Fortress, Cap-1
tured by Russians,
Menaced by Austro-j
German Troops
Kaiser's Forces Now Attempting a
Double Flanking Movement, Which.
If Successful, Will Isolate the City
From Rest of the Russian Army 1
London, Mas 28, 12.15 I'. M.—The
fortress of I'ermvsl, garrisoned this |
time by Russians instead of Austriaus, |
is once mole threatened with invest- j
inent. Just as the Russians, after sur- j
rounding Permysl and starving out its
Austrian garnspn, forced the surrender
of the fortress on the 22d of last |
March, so Austro German troops, who
Lave driven a wedge through Central j
Galicia, arc j.ow attempting a double I
Hanking movement, and with growing
intensity of ittaek are seeking to en
circle Permysl from the north and the •
According to Vienna reports, prog- |
less is being made in both directions :
and, if the advance is not checked,
Permysl will either be isolated from the
rest of the Russian army or the Russian !
troops which fell back to the San will j
Lc forced into further retreat.
Position of Permysl Serious
This situation in Galicia is unquos- !
1 iujihbl\ of great strategic importance I
at the present time and even the Brit
ish pr<;ss concedes that the position of
J'ermysj is serious. It is described as
tin' key to tin* whole Russian position in
Galicia, and its fall will mean that the I
mi I road running eastward to Lemberg, :
the main artery of the Russian supplies
in this region, will fall into Austrian
hands. Reports that this railroad line
already has been severed are still with-1
out confirmation to-day.
Fighting along the Austro-ltalian
frontier still is in the development
stage. There i* virtually no change on j
the western battle front and the British*
and the French admit that the Turks
are so strongly entrenched on the lialli
poli peninsula that anly siege warfare
can be waged there.
Russian Report on Permysl
Petrograd, Via London, May 28.
3.12 A. M. — I'se by the Teutonic allies
of asphyxiating gas to cover their of
fensive in tiie Ossowctz" region i» re
ported in an oflicial statement issued
last night by the Russian general
staff. Austro-Gernian attacks all along
the line between the upper Vistula and
the left bank of the San are reported
to have been repulsed with heavy loss
to the attackers.
A very stubborn battle is said to be
continuing oil both banks nf the San
between I'ermvsl and the Lubaczowka
river, as well as between Permysl and
the great marshes of the Dneister.
The Russians claim to have inflicted
enormous losses upon their antagonists
on the 25th on the entire front, captur
ing prisoners during counter attacks.
The communication follows:
Very Stubborn battle Continues
"In Galicia on (he 25th and the suc
ceeding night the enemy delivered at
tacks on the v hole of our be
tween the upper Vistula and the left
bank of fhe San, but was everywhere
repulsed with great losses.
"A very stubborn battle continues
with great intensity on both banks of
the San between Permysl and the Lu
baczowka rivet, as well as between I'er
mvsl and the great marshes of the
Dniester. In the region beyond the
Dniester on the 25th the enemy opened
a determined offensive on the entire
front from the great Dniester marshes
to Dolina. In the course of this and
the following day the enemy, who suf
fered enoroiims losses, was nowhere
"Hostile elements which pierced our
line between our points of support near
Stry were destroyed by our fire. Dur
ing counter attacks we took many pris
oners, whose number has not yet been
ascertained definitely."
London, May 28, 3.32 A. M,—The
"Times' " Petrograd correspondent
says he learns that the German casual
ties in the West Galicia drive would
reach 106,000.
An army organ in Petrograd, the
correspondent adds, declares that
Prince Joachim, a son of Emperor Wil
liam, and the Prince of Lippe, nar
rowly escaped capture as the Russians
suddenly stormed the Kurzany position
with the bayonet. The princes,
it is asserted, Hcd to their staff ia the
rear of the position.
I *
Liverpool, May 28, 3.50 P. M.—The
British ship' Argyllshire, which left
Sydney, N. S. W., April 16, is sending
out wireless dispatch calls after having
been attacked by a German submarine,
according to information received in
shipping circles here.
Liverpool, May 28, 5.0 5 P. M.- —The
Argyllshire reached port safely later in
the day. The harbor into which she
put has not been announced.
Geneva, May 28, Via Paris, 1.45
P. M. —The Italians are continuing
their advance into Carinthia. They
have taken three of the lower mountain
passes and fourteen villages.
Rome, May 27, 10 P. M„ Via Paris
May 28, 8.30 A. M.—A successful raid)
upon the Triest-Nabresina railroad by j
a squadron of Italian hydro-aeroplanes, !
together with the occupation of addi- !
tional Austrian territory along the i
Tyrol frontier and the Prionle front, i
are reported in an official statement is- j
sued to-night by the Italian War Of- |
tice. It is stated that an arti 1 lory bat
tle is raging between the Italian forti- !
tied positions on the Trentino front and j
those of the Austriaus.
Geneva, Switzerland, May 28, Vial
Paris, 1.40 P. M.—A dispatch lias been!
received at Basel from Berlin saying j
that Germany will formally declare war
on Italy within the next 4S hours, and
that '"urkey will make her declaration
upon Italy later.
Eng., May 28.—The
British steamer Oadby has been sunk
off the Scilly Island by 'gunfire from a
: Herman submarine. All those on board
the vesxel, including four passengers
; were saved.
The Cadby was sent to tho bottom
' yesterday. Her crew of 18 men, to
; gether with t'<o four passengers on
| board, took to the boats and were later
I rescued by a fishing smack and brought j
j into Newlvn, a fishing village near
After firing a shot to hilt the Cad
! by, the submarine ceased firing while
the crow and passengers took to the
iioals. She then opened fire again. It
required thirty shots to sink the ves-
Tlie steamer Cadby wafl of 077 net
tons register, and 225 feet long. She
was owned in Glasgow.
London, May 28, 3.46 A. M. —From
I the front comes a report that the Turks
on May 25 attempted to capture Aus
tralian positions at Gaiba Tench. Do
j scribing this attack the "Times' " cor
i respondent says:
"The first onset began at 3 a. in.
| and for 12 hours the enemy attacked
in serried columns in a series of des
perate assaults, yet at 2 p. in., the Aus
| tralasians were able to signal that they
j were holding easily and at 3 o'clock
| they counter attacked, driving the
; enemy back with the bayonet and pur
suing him in the open to his entrench
| inents with great slaughter. The Turks
' lost 2,000 killed and 5,000 wounded.
! The Australasians' casualties, though
heavy, were light in comparison.
i Danish Steamer Sunk By Mine
Copenhagen, Denmark, May 28, via
i London, 2.3'5 P. M.—The Danish tea in
| er Ely struck a mine off Stockholm
yesterday and sink. Her crew was
saved. The Ely was bound from Eng
| land for Sundsvall, Sweden, with a ear
' go of coal.
London, May 28, 3.30 P. M.—The
"Evening News'' publishes a dispatch
trom The Hague giving reports from
Berlin that Germany's reply to the
American note will be presented to
"It will be of a temporizing char
acter," the dispatch continues, "and
will ask the United States either to af
firm or to deny that the Lusitania car
ried ammunition destined for the al-
Mother of Paul Erb
Says She Is Convinc
ed Now He Is a Crip
ple For Life
Parent of Child Who Was Terribly
Burned By "Sparkler" a Year Ago
Seeks Damages Prom Mrs. Annie
B. Albitz, Charging Neglect
Almost, a year has elapsed since
Sydney Erb, now lfi years old,
>Oll of Mrs. Lottie M. Erb, a widow of
1804 North Sixth street, was fright
'nlly burned on his right leg and about
lie body by a supposedly harmless
*%. :
»** fe: --- --■^s^^jßß^^^H
Damages Sought for Alleged Negligence
That Caused Paul Erb to Be a Cripple
"sparkler" in a premature Fourth of
July celebration on the farm of Mrs.
Annie B. Albitz, at Enterline, Dauphin
county, and although two skin graft
ing operations have been performed on |
the hid and he has received constant !
medical attention lie has not recovered
sufficient!v to leave his roller chair.
On the strength of the attending
physician's statement now that the
lad is certain to be a cripple for life,
even though his wounds do heal, and
on the further allegation that tho
boy's injuries were neglected at the
Continued on Hlevcnth I'aifr.
Majority of Bondholders Give Assent
to Proposal and It Is Understood
Also That a Majority of Creditors
Also Are Agreed
A majority of the bondholders of
the Central Iron <.V Steel Company
have assented to the recently an
nounced plan for reorganizing the com
pany by increasing the capital stock,
increasing the bonded' indebtedness by
$500,000 if necessary and putting tho
plant on a sound basis for extensive
operations, so it was learned there to
day. Belief was expressed that the
bondholders' committee and the credi
tors' committee within the next few
weeks will proceed to carry out the
general idea as outlined.
The approval of the creditors of the
reorganization plan also must be ob
tained before any definite steps are ta
ken. Although a formal report has not
Continued on Eleventh Page
A real story of adventure on the
briny deep is "The Lady and the
Pirate," by Emerson Hough, which
will appear serially in the Star-In
dependent beginning to-morrow. This
thrilling tale, by one of the coun
try's beat known writers of the day
tells of a man who has been disap
pointed in love, and who sets out to
capture by force the object of his
devotion. There are many humorous
situations, which go to make up a
very enjoyable story.
Second Deputy Commissioner, Appoint
ed by Tener to Serve Under Bige
low. Submits Resignation and
Brumbaugh Accepts It
Kdward A. Jones, of Seranton, Sec
ond Deputy State Highway Commission
er, this afternoon tendered his resigna
tion to Governor Brumbaugh, to take
effect when his successor is appointed.
Mr. Jones, who was prominent in
public affairs iu Lackawanna county
for years, was appointed Second Depu
ty Highway Commissioner by Governor
Tener and served in office during the
whole of Commissioner Bigelow's term.
It was said some time ago, before the
present administration came into of
fice, that Mr. Jones contemplated re
signing in order to make a canvass for
the Republican nomination for County
Commissioner in Lackawanna county,
but whether his purpose in resigning
now is to cai ry out that intention could
not be learned, as Mr. Jones was not in
the city to-day.
Governor Brumbaugh has accepted I
the resignation, and Mr. Jones is now
awaiting the appointment of his suc
. Depicts International Struggle For Su
premacy In All That Tends to
Make Countries Prosperous When
Gigantic Conflict Comes to An End ;
lift Associated Press.
New York, May US.—Elbert H. j
Gary, chairman of the United States j
Steel Corporation and president of the
American Iron and Steel Institute, in
an address to-day at the annual meet- j
ing of the institute declared that after
: the war there would be seen among the j
nations the most persistent efforts to
succeed in the international race for su
premacy that the world has wit
nessed. Whether the United States
would occupy the first, or a secondary
place, depended much upon our man
agement of affairs, he said.
"There was never in history, there
fore, so great a necessity for w4sc and
disinterested statesmanship, or for
loyal and honorable conduct upon the
part of practical business men.
"After all differences are adjust
ed," said Judge Gary, "the nations
now, or be engaged in this colossal
conflict, though . terribly crippled, will
take a new start and in many respects
a new course and will begin immedi
ately to build on a better and firmer
and more permanent basis for success
and high achievement in everything
that adds to national wealth, power,
Continued on Kleventli I'nKe.
i mm
LaChampagne Aground
i Near St. Nazaire —
All Passengers Are
Reported to be Safe
Officials of French Line Report There
Is No Need of Anxiety As to Safe
ty of Vessel and Say She was Not
Nantez, Prance, May 28, 2.40 P. M.
—Tho steamer La Champagne, of the
French transatlantic line is ashore near
St. Nazairo. She is badly damaged. The
900 persons on board of her have been
taken off.
, La Champagne was engaged in
transatlantic trade between Central
and South American ports and France.
r She was last reported as having nailed
from Colon on May 7. Tho steamer is
493 feet long.
A plot to blow up La Champagne
was reported last February in a dis
patch from Madrid to a Paris news
paper. According to this dispatch of
ficers of tho vessel stated on her ar
rival at Corunna, Spain, from Mexico,
that the plot had been frustrated by a
wireless message received aboard- the
ship. This message was said to have
conveyed tho information that a man
on board intended to destroy the ves
' Continued on Eleventh Pace.
n 10 BE SOLD.
Dwelling at Front and
Market Streets Has
Been in One Family
Since 1790
Will Transform It Into Apartments
As Soon As Court Proceedure Faci
litates the Transfer From the Heirs
of Mrs. Eliza B. Hummel
The old Bucher mansion, on the
southeast corner of Front and Market
streets, built 125 years ago, and which
is now a part of the Eliza Bucher Hum
mel estate, will pass into the bands of a
new owner and be converted into an
apartment house provided the Dauphin
county court confirms the sale as made
to B. M. Hershey, a local attorney, by
the Hummel heirs who are direct de
pendents of John Jacob Bucher who
built the house about 1790. It will
thus pass out of the hands of the Buch
er family or its descendents, for the
first, time.
The court will be asked on June 22
to approve the sale, notice of which
fact is contained in an advertisement
which the heirs have authorized to be
published. The deed of transfer will
call for the properties, No. 1 South
Front street, and Nos. 101 and 1 103
Market street. Court proceedings to
facilitate the transfer from the several
Hummel heirs, mav defer for several
months the date when Mr. Hershey
will receive title to the property, but
he said to-dav that as soon as he does
come into possession it is his plan to
proceed with the work of transforming
the big brick structure into an apart
ment house. An architect will be en
gaged to prepare the plans which likely
will provide for the enlargement of the
present two-and-one-half story structure
to one of three or four stories.
I'ntil comparatively recent years the
house, which is a Harrisburg landmark,
was used exclusively for residence pur
poses. but in later'vears the downstairs
part was converted into business quar
ters and stores.
The sale of the property is about to
be consummated by Vialentine Lorn
Hummel, Mrs. Eliza Hummel Mac Do
nald and Mrs. Helen Ray Donaldson, all
of whom are great great-grandchildren
of the John Jacob Bucher, who built
the home in 1790; that is just after
his coming to Harrisburg, 11215 years
ago. Mr. Bucher wiae very wealthy and
at one time served as associate judige
of Dauphin county.
When the court confirms the sale it
will be the first time for the house to
pass out of the hands of the Bucher
family or the direct descendants of
John Jacob Bucher. Judige John €.
Bucher, a son of the original owner,
came into possession of the residence
after the death of his father and un
der the will of John C., his three
daughters inherited it along with
other Harrisburg real estate. Two of
these three daughters were Mrs. Eliza
Bucher Hummel and Mrs. Alexander
Ray, and the third died when quite
young. Mrs. Hummel survived her two
sisters and after Mrs. Ray's death be
came the sole owner. The heirs now
about to complete the sale to Mr. Her
shey are all grandchildren of Mrs.
Hummel and inherited the property
from her. Miss Hannah Ross, the pres
ent tenant, is the only person who has
ever lived in the house aside from the
Bucher family or the Bucher heirs.
One Man in Party Mortally Injured in
Grade Crossing Accident
Wilkes-Barre, May 28.—Six were
injured, two seriously and one mortal
ly, when a shifting engine on the Le
high Valley railroad, struck an auto
mobile on a grade crossing at White
Haven, near here, to-day.
James Sehatacl was probably fatal
ly injured, his legs and one arm was
cut off in the accident. With two
others he was taken to the Bethlehem
hospital in a special train.
The men, who are residents of
White Haven, were on their way to
work in a stone quarry at Moosehead.
Boys and Girls!
Uncle Harry Talks
To-day On
"Life in the War
Read What He Has to Say
On Page 2
' CON ' r ,' '^ F OREECE
Athens, May 28.—The con<lition of
King Constantine of Greece continues
to be critical, and grave anxiety is felt
through Greece. The King is i'orty-six
years of age am) was active recently in
overturning the war party in Greece.
Washington, May 28.—Secretary
Bryan said to-day that an incomplete
report had been received 1 from London
of the investigation into the explosion
which damaged the Nebraskan, but
that nothing would be made public un-1
til the report of naval experts had ;
been received. Department officials said j
the full report of the investigation |
would be cabled as soon as possible by
Ambassador Page.
American government officials to-day I
awaited the affidavit of Captain Greene,
of the American steamship Nebraskan,
regarding the explosion that damaged
his ship off the coast of Ireland on
; Tuesday night. Ambassador Page at
: London hns cabled that the captain's
| sworn statement concerning the inci
dent had been given to Lieutenant l'ovv- j
j ers, naval attache of the embassy at
Liverpool, and that it would be for
warded at once.
! Officials here express the belief that
! Captain Greene's affidavit may not be ■
j more definite than a previous report by
iiim whichi said his ship either struck
a mine or was hit by a torpedo. In un
! official advices received here the cap
itaiu, who arrived with his ship at Liv
erpool last night, is quoted as saying
that although he saw no submarines, he
was certain that the ship was torpe
j doed. Officials have been unable as yet
to determine from advices received' up
jto date how the Nebraskan was dam
An examination was to be underta
ken in Liverpool to-day by American
Naval Constructor Beckridge, to de
| termine if possible whether the Nebras
i kan was damaged by a mine or torpedo.
Liverpool, May 28, 7.11 A. M.—
While none of the crew of the Ameri
can steamer Nebraskan, disabled Tues
day night by an explosion off the coast
of Ireland, saw a submarine, the chief
[ engineer believes he saw the wake of
a torpedo on the starboard side, accord
ing to Captain Greene, of the steamer.
The captain, in reply to questions,
stated that there is a hole about twen
ty feet square in the forecastle below
the water line large enough to admit a
I freight ear.
j The members of the crew of the Ne
braskan admit that no submarine was
actually sighted, but nevertheless they
| are convinced that she was struck bv a
j torpedo. They do not believe a mine
j could have done this damage.
Constantinople, May 27, by Wire
less to Berlin and London, May 28,
8.11 A. M.—fVesh activity of Turkish
forces in the vicinity of Kurna, Meso
potamia, is announced in a war office
statement which nays:
"In a night attack by volunteers in
'boats we captured two English posi
tions which we arc still holding."
Kurna is on the right bank of tho
Tigris river at its junction with the
Euphrates. It is a stopping point for
river steamers going up and down and
has a small trade.
j Arizona Legislature Declines to Recom
mend Clemency to 3 Doomed Men
By Associated Press,
Phoenix, Ariz., IMay 28.—IHv a vote
of 15 to 12 the 'House of Representa
tives of the Arizonia Legislature de
clined to-day Governor Hunt's request
to memorialize the Board of Pardons
and Paroles o reprieve the live men
condemned to be hanged at Forence to
James Scarlet's Barn Dynamited
| Wilkes-Barre, Pa., May 28.—The
barn of James Scarlet, at Luzerne, near
here, was dynamited early to-day. One
horse and two cows were killed. The
explosion shook the neighborhood,
breaking windows and causing other
damage to nearby houses.
Persian Town, Scene of
Turkish Atrocities.
Is Taken by Czar's
U. S. Presbyterian Board of Foreign
Missions Welcomes News of Rus
sian Victory and Sees Way to Suc
cor Beleaguered Christians
Rjl Associated Pi rns,
Petrograd, Via London, May 28,
7.08 A. M.—Urumiah, Persia, has been
occupied by the Russians after an en
gagement. with the Turks in the direc
tion of Oilman and near Bachkala, ac
cording to a statement issued by the
General Staff of tho army of the Cau
New York, May 28. —Officials of the
j Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions
; welcomed the news to-day that the way
j to Urumiah had at last been opened.
I The city has been beleaguered since
I January 2 last according to their re
| ports, and during that time no for
| eigner has 'been able to reach it.
For more than three months persist
ent anil continued efl'orts had been
made on behalf of tho board to send
succor to the Christians at Urumiah.
Expeditions from Dilman, it was said,
have repeatedly endeavored without
] success to penetrate through the Kurd
infested section lying betwen that city
and Urumiah. Two messengers, natives
dispatched from Urumiah by Presby
terian missionaries, have reached the
j outside world with stories of tre
mendous hardships, sustained by the
population there.
These messengers were sent, back
over their perilous road to convey to
the beleaguered missionaries the tidings
that everything possible was being
done to aid them. Whether they suc
ceeded in reaching the city was un
known to officials of the board to-day.
Representations have been made iu sev
eral instances, it was said, to the State
Department at Washington by indi
viduals of the board calling attention
to the plight of the Christians at Uru
miah, and Ambassador Morgenthau, at
Constantinople, the board was advised,
has received Turkish assurances that
the Christians would be protected.
Now that Urumiah has fallen into
the hands of the Russians, relief will
be possible by expeditions sent from
the north through the Russian lines.
Such relief will be transmitted as speed
ily as plans could be perfected for do
ing so, officials of the board stated
Eager to Fight the Italians
Berlin, via London, May 128, 10.45
A. M. —Hundred of volunteers, includ
ing men more than fifty years of aigo,
have reported to tho military authori
ties at Frankfort in the paet few days,
making the specific request that they
be permitted to serve against Italy.
The capture of fourteen Austrian
villages along the Carinthian front by
1 the invading Italian forces is reported
i in an unofficial dispatch from Geneva.
|lt is said also that the Italians have
taken possession of three mountain
passes and are continuing their ad
vance elsewhere along the border.
The statement to-day from the Ger
man war office concedes victory to the
Russians in a battle along the San
river, in central Galicia. The Germans
lost six cannon and were compelled to
fall back from the left bank of the
river near Sienlawa, where their posi
tions were not defended strongly. Petro
grad reports say that the Austro-Ger
man advance in Galicia having been
checked, the Germans are taking the
initiative in the north, along the line
from the Baltic to Southern Poland.
The capture of 0,000 more prisoners is
announced by the German war office
Continued on Eleventh Page
Danner Seeks Re-election
Roy C. Danner, Register of Wills, to
day formally announced his candidacy
for re-election. He will bo a candidate
on the. Democratic ticket.
11 \j Associated Press.
New York, May 28 (Wall Street).—
Recovery of 2 points in Rock Island
and losses of a point each by Chesa
' peake and Ohio and -New Haven were
' the sole features of the Anal dealings.
■ The close was Btrong. Canadian Pa
• cific was the chief feature of to-day' 3
, market. Delay of the German reply to
■ this government's note was a restrain
l ing factor.