The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 27, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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London, May -7, 12.22 P. M. —Not-
withstanding the superb westher, con
tenderis in the western arena of hos
tilities, realizing the terrible losses
even an insignificant advance entails,
have reverted, generally speaking, to
the trench warfare of the winter and
it is Galicia in the east, the Dardan
elles and perhaps the Italian Austrian
frontier where it is most likely to
furnish spectacular developments dur
ing the next fortnight.
The Russians at last have admitted
the extent of their retreat from the
Dunajec to the San, and while they
profess that the Austro-German rush
has been held up and that Permvsl is
in no danger, they pay tribute to the
impetus and spirit of the advance of
their antagonist at the same time they
laud the smoothness of the Russian re
tirement, which they are calling as
masterly as that of the allies from
Out of'breath after their eastward
spurt, the Germans and Austrian* are
now bringing up reinforcements and
fresh ammunition and another great
battle will be fought to determine
whether the new line to which the Rus
sians have fallen back are tenable.
According to the Germans the en
circling of Permvsl is progressing in
that territory, forcing another cross
ing of the river San only 11 > miles
north of the fortress and extending
their liue east of this river.
Italy anil Austria are now engaged
in the familiar roles of issuing con
tradictory official communications re
lative to the border fighting, but it is
claimed that there hive been as yet
r.o important engagements. Of the 250
miles of common frontier betwoon Italy
and Austria, it in estimated that only
une fifth is of a character for critical
military operations and Italy's forces
no« in the field are following the
course dictated by geographical neces
sity, one armv driving toward the
river Ison.o aiid Triest, and the other
into the Tyrol, where the rough eeun
trv precludes any decisive engagements
at mi early a date.
K Bodies of Lusitania Victims Shipped
R:i Assnciatrd
New York. May 27.—The American
line announced to-day that it had re
ceived a cablegram saying that eight
bodies of person* who perished when
the Lusitania sank were aboard the
>tea:n«hip Philailelphia, which sailed
last nijlit from Liverpool and is due
here next Thursday.
'*****flii»• •»»! I'r«n»i Pirn' Pagr.
ports from Berlin and Paris to-day re
veal tio signs of renewed operations
on a large scale. Several engagements
occurred last night near Lorette,
Souchez and Neuville with material
advantage to either side.
The great Galician battle is subsid
ing with the Austro-German forces
holding the advantage. They have not
succeeded, however, in forcing back
the Kuisians from the river San. except
in certain places. The Berlin war of
fice announcement to-day says the Teu
tonic forces are progressing quietly
northeast of Permysl and in the Stry
German submarines attacked two
vessels yesterday. The British steamer
Morwenna of Montreal, was torpedoed
and shelled off the coast of Wales. One
member of the crew was killed and
three were wounded.
The war has again been carried to
the shores of England. German aero
nauts attacked South End, forty miles
from London, last night and after rain
ing bombs on the town escaped, pur
sued by British aviators. The British
Admiralty announced two women had
been killed by bombs, although dis
patches direct from South End assert
only one woman was killed. One or more
Zeppelins took part in the raid. The
property damage was not large.
Officers of American Order Address Lo
cal Men at Court, House
Visiting officers of the American Or
der of Steam Engineers urged that a
Una! branch of the organization be
formed in this city during addresses
delivered last night at a meeting in
the Court House.
The meeting- was opened by A L.
Burns, chief engineer at the city w :er
plant, who introduced J. William Pair
ent, supreme chief engineer of the
American Order of Steam Engineers.
Mr. Pairent said that the American or
der was no labor organization, but con
ducted on a scientific and fraternal
b;tsi>. He said that the organization is
very strong throughout the State and
told of the objects of the order.
Woman Walks From York; Collapses
Mrs. Lillie Gallagher, who, with her
husband, walked from York to Harris
'bnrg, arrived in the city at noon to
day and was barely able to rea,>h the
Harrisburg hospital, where she collapsed
with an attack of nervous exhaustion.
She was admitted for treatment.
Foot Fractured by Iron Bar
John B. Lilley, of West Fairview, an
employe of the Harrisburg Pipe and
ripe Pending Company, suffered a frac
ture of the left foot wnen a bar of iron
fell on him while at work early this
afternoon. The fracture was reduced
at the Harrisburg hospital.
Belgian Advance Posts Shelled
Havre, May 2 7, Via Paris, 4.25 P. M.
—The Belgian official report given out
nn ler date of May 26 reads:
"The artillery of the enemy has
bombarded our advance posts and the
village of Costkerd. Our batteries re
plied successfully, notably in the direc
tion of S.-hoore, where bursting shells
caused a fire and violent explosions."
Usaw Elected Delegate to I. T. U.
At a meeting of Harrisburg Typo
graphical Union, No. 14. held last
night hi Fairlamb's cigar store, 331
Market street, Melancthon Usaw was
elected delegate to the I. T. U. con
vention to be held at Los Angeles, Cal„
August 8. There was no opposition to
the election.
MT'ELJjE'R— On May 27, 1915, Charles
Frederick Mueller, in his 91st year,
at his late home, 619 Boas street.
Funeral services xvill be held at t)ie
above address Monday afternoon at .1
o'clock. Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend without further no
tier. Interment private, at the East
Harrisburg cemetery.
Continued From First Pacer:
The first was driven back by a counter
attack, and the second was stopped by
artillery fire.
'•One of our aerial squadrons, com
posed of eighteen aeroplanes, each one
carrying fifty kilos (110 pounds) of
projectiles this morning bombarded at
Ludwigshafen, on the Rhine, the fac
tory of the Bailen Chemical Products
establishment, one of the most impor
tant manufacturers of explosives in all
Germany. The results reported are
proof o ftho efficacy of the bombard
ment. Several of the factory buildirigs
were struck by the projectiles of our
men and a number of fires broke out.
The aviators were in the air for almost
six hours, and they covered more than
400 kilometres (240 miles).
'•This expedition against an impor
tant establishment is the French an
swer to the attempts of German avi
ators on Paris."
Trained Nurse Will Be Employed to
Care for Six Hundred local
Cigar Makers
During the visit to the Harrisburg
Cigar factory to-dav of General Super
intendent E. Wile, of New York City,
announcement was made that a trained
nurse will be employed to act as a "big
sister" to the girls employed in the lo
cal factory. The duty of the nurse
will be to do welfare work among the
girls, caring for them if they become
ill while at work and visiting them at
their homes.
Advice in moral and social matters
is to be given the girls by the "big
sister," as well as assistance during
sickness. The plan is to increase the
efficiency of the employes whiie bene
fitting them individually.
There are six hundred girls and
women in the local factory to be looked
after. The nurse will also spend time
at the Middletown factory, with four
hundred female employes and at the
Steelton factory with a hundred.
A nurse has not vet been selected,
but a choice will be made shortly so
that the "big sister" plan may be put
into operation without delay.
Dr. Singmaster. of Gettysburg, Is Now
Head of General Synod
Akron, 0., May 27.—At the opening
of the forty-seventh conference of the
General Synod oi the Lutheran Church
the Rev. Dr. J. A. Singmaster, presi
dent of the Theological Seminary at
Gettysburg, was chosen president of the
body. Secretary Manhart. of Selins
grove, and Treasurer Knollenberg. of
Richmond, Ind., were re-elected. Get
tysburg and Harrisburg are among the
places suggested for next year's con
ference. when the four hundredth an
niversary of the reformation will be
Foreign missions of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church were reviewed at to
day 's session of the conference. The
forenoon was featured by reports of
various missionary bodies and a discus
sion of the new problems that have aris
en in the obi world as a result of the
A review of the general conditions in
the missionary field of the Lutheran
Church was to be continued throughout
the day and the evening. The Rev. C.
B. Burger, of India, and the Rev. C.
H. Brosius, of Africa, were to be among
the speakers this evening. Dr. Luther
Kuhlman. of Gettysburg, president of
the Board of Foreign Missions, is also
to speak.
Dunkle Saves Time In Negotiating For
Tractor Company Business
S. F. 'Dunkle, of the Harrisburg
and Boiler Company,
and W. S. Morton, of the Morton Truck
and Tractor Company, arc conducting
negotiations looking to the placing of
further large war orders for trucks
and tractors which the Harrisburg
Manufacturing and Boiler Company is
producing for the Morton Company.
They had occasion last evening to take
up with E. L. Bravton, president of the
Pelton Water Wheel Company, San
Francisco, Cal., certain matters con
templating a large increase in the ca
pacity of the local plant, its facilities
and the force of men to be employed,
and an immediate decision had to be
Mr. Dunkle stated to-day that this
decision had to be made within 4 8
hours, and required an interview with
Mr. Brayton and consequently he used
the telephone all the way to Frisco.
The call was passed at 9.1-5 eastern
time, or 6.1.i San Francisco time, and
he talked till 9.-54 eastern time, or 6.54
San Francisco time. He stated that the
transmission was just as clear as if
Mr. Brayton had been talking to him
over another telephone in this city. By
personal interview the transaction
would have taken "ten days.
Guests Hospitably Entertained at New
Bungalow In Hainton
The bungalow recently built in Haiif"
ton by Mr. and Mrs. \tieorge Owens,
Penbrook, last evening was christened
the "Villa Owens" at an impressive
ceremony conducted by R. Sherman
Care and attended by many friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Owens. Music made up
a part of the entertainment.
Dinner was served to the following:
Detrand and Margaret Owens, Mrs.
David Steece, Mrs. Blair Gilbert. Mrs.
Charles Kmerick, Mrs. A. L. Shope,
Mrs. David Bender, Mrs. Samuel Snod
dy, Mrs. E. M. Walborn, Mrs. Sue
Weaver, Mrs. William Balthaser, Mrs.
Samuel Atticks, Mrs. Alma Witmer,
Mrs. Charles Christ, Miss Ella Bockus,
Miss Marie Weaver, Miss Anna Wan
baugh, Mr. and Mrs. John Fortenbaugh
and Mr. and Mrs. George Owens.
242 Men Worked In 7 Townships
Reports from seven townships in
Dauphin county, received at the State
Highway Department late this after
noon, showed that work was done on
18 miles of road, on Good Roads Day,
and that 242 men volunteered their
services. Fifty-one teams were used
and four roai drags. Washington town
ship made the best showing with 138
men and 21 teams. Three townships
from Perry county have reported, show
ing that 9 1-2 miles were operated, 120
men being employed and 15 teams.
Presbyterian Chaplains of United States
Will Be Appointed Hereafter by
General Body After a Committee
Passes Upon Candidacy
' By Associated Press.
Rochester, X. Y., May 27. —So far
as the 127 th assembly of the Presby
terian Church of the United States is
concerned no further action will -be
taUep on the Union Theological Semi
nary. The movement to offer resolutions
disclaiming any intention of implying
moral turpitude on the part of the sem
inary 's directors and providing for a
committee to investigate New York
presbytery has definitely been aban
To-day the assembly proceeded to
dispose of routine buisness, receive de
cisions in judicial cases and reports of
standing committees, preparatory to the
closing services to-morrow. Atlantic
City probably will be chosen for the
128 th assembly.
One ibig question will be taken up
at to-night's session, that of extending
the work of the Board of Freedmen to
the negroes of the North and placing
the responsibility of leadership upon
negroes themselves.
Presbyterian chaplains of the United
States will hereafter be appointed aft
er a committee of the assembly has
passed upon the candidacy. This ac
tion was approved by the assembly to
day. The eligibility committee is: The
Rev. Wallace Radcliffe and General J.
C. Breckcnridge, of Washington, D. C.;
the Rev. George L. Robinson, Chicago.
The committee on temperance was
given an additional SIO,OOO for its
work in the next year. An overture
> Recommending that the assembly meet
biennially instead of annually was re
Ohio Synod presented an overture
i which gives power to excommunicato
j pastors or elders who by any secret or
overt act give aid to the liquor inter
ests. The assembly approved the over
ture. The action not being retroactive,
I does not affect the case of Dr. Charles
! H. Parkhurst.'
The question of the right of evan
j gclists to perform marriage ceremonies
| came up on an overture from a western
j synod. They objected to such "poach
ing" in the prerogatives of regular pas
; tors. The assembly decided that a synod
' has no power to refuse this privilege to
; evangelists when such marriages are
I within the law of the civil code.
Lccal Concern Will Construct Under
ground Electric Systems t <
Announcement was made from the
offices of the Simplex Surface Contact
' Company. Market square, this morning
\ that it has received contracts for the
1 construction of two underground elec
tric transmission systems that will keep
! the company's force of engineers at
work for several months.
One contract was placed by the
Bethlehem Steel Company and the oth
er was awarded by the Lehigh Coal &
[•'Navigation Company. This electrical
! equipment is to be used in the steel
| company's plant and in the mines of
the Lehigh concern. This system of
electrification is intended to do awav
: with overhead wires, third rail and
' storage batteries.
, Continued From Flmt Pane.
j sary confusion throughout the drill, he
said, and he expressed the opinion that
there would be considerable danger in
case of actual fire in the crowded
I building if the order was not improved.
In making up the fire patrol Pro-
I fessor Dibble selected twenty of Cen
tral'e sturdiest young men, members
| of the football team and of other
j athletic organizations. To each has
| been assigned his definite position,
i where he will direct the lines of stu
! dents during drills, and in case of fire.
Among the duties of members of the
| patrol in the event that the building
I should actually be in flamee, include
I some not unpleasant ones. The boys aro
to give their support to any of the
girls who become weak or faint among
the fleeing students and to protect any
j who rush panic-stricken through the
I halls.
The 'gallant boys of the fire patrol
are not exactly <<ager for a fire at Cen
tral, but they would not be altogether
averse to one either. They are of the
opinion that they will be able to per
form their duties very efficiently if
ever called upon to do so, and are not
by any means terrified at the prospects.
The girls of the school are, of course,
looking admiringly up to the brave (boys
who are their appointed protectors in
time of danger, but they scorn the idea
that they would be unable to take care
of themselves, or that they could be so
foolish as to faint at the smell of smoke
so long as they are able to pass the
chemical laboratory and even enter it,
from day to day, without showing signs
of weakness.
The announcement of the organiza
tion of the fire patrol was made by the
principal at the chapel exercises after
noon to-day. The patrol is to have its
first practice drill in a day or two.
Want Details of Oppennan Award
The conference between members of
the Board of Public Works and the
Board of Arbitrators who, in deciding
the dispute betwen the City and W. H.
Opperman, the intercepting sewer con
tractor, awarded $22,767.09 to Opper
man, will be held within the next week,
probably on Thursday when the Public
Works Board asain medts. At this con
ference the arbitrators will be asked
to give a more detailed statement of
their award to Opperman and also to
furnish the City with data showing the
exact number of dayß they were engaged
with the sewer case. The arbitrators
hail expressed a willingness to meet the
city officials yesterday but the confer
ence was postponed..
Halifax Couple Wedded Here
Evading their friends by taking dif
ferent trains, Wednesday evening, Ja
cob H. Lebo and Miss Bertha M.
Stearns, of Halifax, came to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mc.Lanachan,
409 South Seventeenth street, and
were quietly married bv the Rev. W.
R. Hartzell. The couple will reside in
I Halifax, where MT. Lebo is engaged in
I business.
NEW HOUSBS 111 COST $40,000
George A. Shreiner to Build Four Dwell
ings on Seventeenth Street
George A. Bhreiner gave Harris
burg's May building record another
boost to-day when he took out a permit
to build four brick houses on the east
side of Seventeenth street, J3O feet
north of Boas. The houses will be
two and one-half stories high and will
cost $5,000 each or a total of $20,-
000. D. S. Lowe obtained a permit for
a ene-storv garage at Clinton and Wal
lace streets to cost $450.
Paid for Tractor
The Front Drive Motor Car Com
pany to-day was paid $3,600 represent
ing the cost of installing the motor
tractor on the Hope fire engine. The
patrolmen also were paid to-day their
pay roll amounting to about $2,500.
Court Grants Divorce
The court this morning granted a di
vorce in the case of Verona vs. Joseph
Pustai. The wife charged that she
had been cruelly treated. W. Justin
Carter lifted the papers.
"Me and the Governor"
Charles W. Rubendall, Deputy Reg-
cf Wills and erstwhile railroad
ticket agent at the Millersburg passen
ger station, this morning asked news
papermen to announce to his many
friends that a blister on the palm of
his right hand occasionally reminds
him that he used a pick and shovel on
"Good Roads Day."—There you are,
Took Little Selling to Bring Down
Price of May Option
By Associated Pi-ess.
Chicago, May 27.—'Wheat for May
delivery dropped in value eight cents
a bushel in addition to a fall yesterday
of nearly seven cents. The price to
day went to 142% as against 150%
close last nicht and against
16 i at tl;e crest of the war excitement
on February 5.
Signs appeared to indicate that ow
ing to recent lack of export call the
danger, which formerly seemed acute,
of a shortage of wheat here on May
31, the end of the crop year, had about
reached the vanishing point.
It took but little selling to-day to
bring down the price of the IMay op
tion. Virtually no excitement resulted
to-day and other trading months re
mained conspicuously firm.
Miss Miriam Jenkyn Weds Richard
Miller, of Chicago
Duncannon May 27.—A pretty
home wedding was solemnized Tuesday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Emanuel Jenkyn, when their daughter,
Miss Miriam Roberts Jenkyn, was
joined in marriage to Richard Gladden
Miller, of Chicago. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. William Willis
Sholl, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
The bride, who was given away by
her father, wore a gown of white
crepe meteor, tritumed in chantilly lace
and pearls, her veil being trimmed with
orange blossoms. She carried a shower
bouquet of bridal roses and lilies of the
valley. The maid of honor was Miss
Edna Jenkyn, sister of the bride, and
the bridesmaid was Miss Faith Miller,
sister of the groom. Both were attired
in white gowns, with touches of pink
and blue. - The maid of honor carried
pink midget roses and forget-me-nots. !
The bridesmaid carried a bird's nest of
pink roses.
The groom was attended by Charles
W. Bothwell, cashier of the People's
National bank. Emanuel Jenkyn, Jr.,
was usher. The Lohengrin wedding
march was played by Mrs. W. W. Sholl.
Miss Christine Lippincott, of Philadcl
ghia. sang "C Perfect Love," by H. T.
The house decorations were beauti
ful, bringing oht the general color
scheme of pink and blue. Immediately .
following the ceremony a reception for
the relatives and closest friends was
Mr. and Mrs. Miller will be at home
at 7339 Yale avenue, Chicago, after
August 1.
J. H. Troup Gives Present For Concert
At Reservoir Park
The sum of S9O was presented to
the Harrisburg ©and Concert Associa
tion this morning by J. H. Troup,
through Clarence A. Baokenstoss, secre
tary of the association. In addition to
the money, Mr. Troup has consented to
print all the programs for the band
Announcement was made some timo
ago by the association that in case any
person or firm would give SBO, one of
the fourteen concerts scheduled at
Reservoir Park would be named after
them. This donation makes the second
thus far received, the other being
■jiven by the Harrisburg Light, Heat
and Power Company.
The first concerts will be held Mon
day, May 31, at Reservoir Park, one
in the afternoon and the other in the
New York Firm to Invest $500,000
Near Newton Hamilton
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Mifflintown, May 27.—The J. H.
Westbrook farm of about four hundred
acres, a mile southwest of Newton
Hamilton, has been purchased by a
party of New York capitalists who will
erect a half million dollar powder mill
thereon. The deal was closed on Tues
day snd the deeds delivered when Mr.
Westbrook was paid a handsome price
for his property.
Yesterday the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company put a large force of men to
work grading for a side track from the
main line above this station which will
extend some 3,000 feet down the cen
ter of the farm near the farm buildings.
It is said when the plant is completed
it will employ 300 to 400 men. Work
on the construction of the big plant is
to be rushed to completion with all
possible speed. Cars loaded with ma
terial for the plant are already on the
By Associated Pi rn,
Philadelphia, May 27. "Brute
world-power, unbridled nationalism,
pioud boast fulness of mere human vul
ture. and selfish commercialism," were
the terms used in describing the cause
of the present European war by the
Rev. John A. W. Hass, head of Muhlen
burg College, in the synodical sermon
v.'itli which he opened the 162 d annual
convention of the Evangelical 'Lutheran [
Ministerium of Pennsylvania and ad
jacont States in the Church of the
'.iolv Communion here to-day.
The vital message of the'church of |
.Jesus Christ has been disregarded and I
neglected. Dr. Haas, who is president;
of the Ministerium, declared, adding
that the critics of the church were as
sailing it on all sides, trying to prove
that its divine gifts and power had
| been proved failures by the war.
From this war lie drew a hopeful
j forecast, that out of the pain ind snd
| ness of the bitter conflict will arise a
new appreciation of the divine endow
! menu and the eternal gifts now being
He blamed a part of the criticism
upon the church members themselves,
who, he stated, were allowing their
sense of sacrifice and love to grow in
different and were more wrapped up in
selfish love for parishes and congrega
tions, which caused them to become
•'small, narrow, mean and lean in the
1 spirit."
> More Than Sixty Persons Injured in
Gale That Swept Western Ar
kansas and Eastern Oklahoma
Bp Associated Pros.
Fort Smith, Ark., May 27.—Six per
sons are reported dead, two at Talihina,
Okla., and four at Checotah, Okla., as
a result of the storm which swept
Western Arkansas and Eastern Okla
homa last night and early to-dav. Re
ports reaching here also assert that
more than sixty persons were injured
at Talihina.
Communication in the stricken dis
trict is almost impossible and some es
timates place the loss of life at a large
figure. Property damage is heavy and
it is said will reach more than a mil
lion dollars. Fears of serious floods
also are increasing.
District Attorney Perkins Determined
That Rosenthal's Murderer Must
Die in Electric Chair
Si; Associated Press,
New York. May 2 7.—No possible
disclosures oi police corruption or rev r
elations of uie identity of the man or
men higher up in the division of money
paid for police protection—no plea
Charles ißecker can make will save him
from tiie electric chair if District At
torney Perkins can prevent it, accord
ing to announcement made by Mr. Per
kius to-day.
In making this announcement, Mr.
iPerkins took official cognizance of a
current rumor that Becker, facing death
for causing the murder of Herman
Rosenthal, was willing to confess all he
knows if his life should 'be spared.
Becker's second conviction was affirm
ed by t'he Court of Appeals and his ex
ecution set for the week of July 12,
or, if custom is followed, July 16, the
•third anniversary of the Rosenthal mur
i der.
Pennsylvania Engineers' Society to
i Consider Designs at Next Meeting
When the Pennsylvania Engineers'
j Society hold its next meeting plans for
the floating boat house which have
' been prepared by a special committee
j and sanctioned by the park authorities
| will be presented to the members for
1 approval. If the design and estimated
'cost are satisfactory to the majority
jof members, work will be started at
! once.
According to the plans, the building
will be a combination boat and bath
house and can be stored in the winter
time ou the island. The boat house
will be located as near the club house
as possible and the river will be
dredged in the vicinity of its mooring
place. It will be provided with diving
boards and rings and everything in the
way of providing for cuiiiforiaoie
swimming and diving.
Training School Teachers to Graduate
Eighteen students of the Teachers'
Training School will be graduated to
morrow evening at commencement exer
cises in the Technical High school au
ditorium. The address of the evening
will be delivered by Dr. William S M.
Davidson, superintendent of the Pitts
burgh schools. The Rev v> Dr. C. A.
Smucker, pastor of the Stevens M. E.
church, will deliver the prayer and ben
Albion Members to Meet
The Albion Athletic Association will
attend its second Biole study lecture
to-mqrrow evening at the association
rooms, 'Fifteenth and Walnut streets. J.
lEarly, of theOtterbein United Brethren
church, will be the speaker. Special mu
sic will be rendered by .Vlarguerite
IBrownewell and Ruth Brownewell. (Miss
Ruth IBrownewell will sing one of IBilly
Sunday's favorite songs, "Is the World
Any Better?"
Taxi cab Driver Had to Explain
<O. W. Wade, Jr., of liinglestown,
driving a tactical) with a New York li
uense, attracted the attention of Police
man Grear, who took him to police head
quarters to explain. Wade said he did
not steal the machine, that he had just
bought it in New York and at ill had
t'liat license on it. He was allowed to
depart in the machine as he has not
overstayed the flfteen-dav limit.
Fined for Violating Traffic Law
George Weber, of West Fairview, a
autoist charged with running past a
trolley car on Manket street at the
Pennsylvania railroad station entrance
while it was taking on passengers on
IMay 24, was fined |2 by Mayor Royal
in police court this afternoon. Weber
promised to study the traffic ordinance,
a copy of whi'h was given him by the
i Mayor.
Public Service Commission Lacks Pow
er to Compel Companies to Extend
Facilities Beyond Charter Specifica
In a filed opinion the Public Service
Commission declares that it has not the
■power, under the act creating it, to
compel a public service company to ex
tend its facilities beyond the territory
covered by its charter or amendments
The City of Scranton passed an ordi
nance authorizing the extension and op
eration of the lines of the Scranton
Railways Company from the present
end of the tracks on Lucerne street to
other localities.
The company refused to accept the
ordinance or make the extension and
the City of Scranton filed a complaint
with the Commission. The complaint
was dismissed.
Marshal Baldwin Hopes to Decrease
Number of Blaxes on the Fourth
State Fire Marshal Baldwin is en
gaged to day in the preparation of his
annual circular to be sent throughout
the State giving caution against fires
attendant oil the observance of Fourth
of July and requesting that every pre
caution be taken to prevent conflagra
tions bv the use of fireworks.
A warning of this character sent out
last, year reduced the number of tires
in the .State very materially, the mar
shal says, in fact to the lowest num
ber in the history of the State in re
cent years. Marshal Baldwin i« en
deavoring to make the average lower
this year than last.
Under the ne-W law there will he
twelve more fire deputies connected
with the department and two special
deputies who will be charged with the
duty of sounding the warning in every
section. The department's clerical force
also has been increased by two, tout
no appointments have an yet been
To Consider Complaint
The Public Service Commission has
employed .vlorris Knowles, a civil en
gineer of Pittsburgh, and Benjamin F.
Shuck, of Bedford, who is an account
ant, to assist in the consideration of the
complaint against the Springfield Con
solidated Water Company, which com
prises about thirty-five water companies
adjacent to Philadelphia.
Want Lower Rate
A-complaint was filed with the Pub
lic Service Commission to-day 'by the
Portage Coal Company against the Sus
quehanna River and Western Railroad
Company. A rate for hauling coal from
Duncannon to Sulphur Springs of forty
cents a ton is objected to on the ground
that other railroads perform a similar
service for a much less rate.
Commissioner Magee Busy
Commissioner William A. Magee has
been selected 'by the 'Public Service
Commission to represent it at the meet
ing now being held in Washington in
connection with the Interstate Com
merce Commission regarding the subject
of valuations.
Water Commission Approvals
The State Water Supply Commission
announces approvals af the following
Commissioners of Northumberland
county, to construct a bri Ige across
Mahanoy creek, four miles south of Sha
inokiti and 24 miles above its mouth,
in East Cameron township, Northum
berland county.
Supervisors of Armagh township,
Mifflin county, to construct a bridge
over Treaster Valley Run, five miles
east of Miiroy.
Commissioners of York county, to
construct a bridge across Mill Creek,
on Pennsylvania avenue, in Yoe bor
ough; to construct a bridge across Plv
mire's or Emma's Creek, on public roa I
from Kennev's Mill to Mt. Pleasant,
in North Hopewell township, and to
construct a reinforced concrete arch
bridge across Rock Run, on the public
road leading from Fawn Grove to
Gatehelvilfo, about 1.5 miles north of
Fawn Grove borough, in Pawn town
No Hearings
In order that he may give his entire
time and attention to the many bills
left in his hands by the Legislature,
Governor Brumbaugh has served notice
that he will hold no hearings 011 appro
priation bills, many requests for such
having been made. Those who wish to
be heard on such bills may submit
briefs, which will be given careful at
To Reforost the State
State Forester 11. C. Evans, of Wa
terville, is overseeing the (planting of
108,000 trees this spring, divided as
follows: Ten thousand red pine from
Connecticut, 48,000 white pine and
50,000 Norway spruce from Pennsylva
nia nurseries. The aim is to gradually
increase the number to 20,000,000 per
year, as Dr. Rothrock that at that
rate it will take about 50 years to thor-
Qughly rehabilitate the forests of the
Food Prosecution
Pure Food Commissioner Foust to
day orderel prosecutions of 4 7 eases of
violation of the pure food laws in
Philadelphia, Berks, Schuylkill, Alle
gheny and Washington counties. The
division agents have been ordered to
be especially alert in looking for viola
tors on the approach of warm weather.
Chief Garvin Here
jChief Clerk Garvin, of the House of
Representatives, was at the State De
partment to-day looking after a number
of bi 11a for which there has been much
demand, notably the borough code and
the action bills, none of which have
been signed by the Governor.
Electric Company Halted
Increases of capital stock have been
•filed at the State 'Department as fol
lows: Muncy Lumber Co,, $100,000;
American 'Feed Co., $50,000; Manheim
Un<terwear Co., $10,000; Down Town
Tiro 'Repair Co., $5,000; National
IForge and Tool Co., $30,000; Penna-
Humus, Co., $5,000; Morice twine mills,
$125,000; Hillside Stone Co., $30,000;
Key Land Co., $5,000; Vinton Land
Co., $100,000; Maher Coal and Coke
Walnut Btreet Bridge Open
People's Bridge ompan.v announce
that the Walnut street bridge is now
|o£fu for traffic.
ldntlniit-<l From Flrnt Pane.
standing water last night in this vicin
ity, did severe damage to the straw
berry crop and ruined upwards of live
million tomato plants already set out.
Giapes wore also affected. Early
peaches had advanced sufficiently to
withstand the cold. The damage to
vegetables will reach a half million dol
lars in Niagara and Orleans counties.
The thermometer registered 29 degrees.
Heavy Frost in Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, May 27.—The ther
mometer in this vicinity went as low
as 4 4 degrees during the night. The
weather bureau said this was a record
for low temperature on May 27. Un
usually coM weather was general in
Pennsylvania. In the northeast pait
of the Slate there was a heavy frost.
Hazleton reported that ice formed on
the mountain top.
Little Damage at Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, iMay 27.—The frost
which visited Western Pennsylvania
last night did little 'financial damage
to orchards and gardei|£ because they
are well advanced. The minimum tem
perature here was 39.0 degrees find
after B.o'clock this morning the ther
mometer showed a steady rise of six
degrees an hour, 4 8 being registered at
8.30 o'clock.
Heavy Damage to Fruit Reported
Youngstown, 0.,' Ma.- 27.—The
northeastern part of Ohio and Western
Pennsylvania were visited by a heavy
frost last night. Reports from many
districts indicate that '.lie damage done
to fruit and growing vegetables will
amount to thousands of dollars.
Cold in Schuylkill Valley
Reading, Pa., May 27. —The ther
mometer throughout the Schuylkill val
ley last night, ranged from 38 to de
grees. On the surrounding mountains it
I was 85. Farming communities report
that there was no frost.
The Ground Frozen Hard
Ogdensburg, N Y., May 27. —Wide-
spread damage is believed to have re
sulted from frost in this section last
night. At 6 o'clock this morning the
thermometer registered 3 4 degrees.
The ground was frozen hard and tender
vegetation was blighted.
Continued From First Page
part'' of some importance which, in
stagelaml, is looked upon as recognition
rarely accorded to a youwoman who
has been behind the footlights less
jlhau two months. It is Miss Nicholls'
j graceful dancing, however, that has
| been chiefly responsible for winning her
ia place in "Sweethearts."
The "Sweethearts" company ar
rived at 1 o'clock this afternoon from
Altoona and Miss Nicholls and Miss
Mac Donald were whisked away in an
automobile by Mrs. Smith at whose
home, on North Second street, they
will be entertained during the com
j pany's one-night stay in Harrisburg.
| Miss Nicholls was a guest at the.
| numerous dinner parties and dances
given here in honor of Miss Kniselv
j immediately preceding the latter's wed-
I ling last fall. A supper party will be
given this evening by Mr. and Mrs.
Smith in honor of Miss Nicholls, Miss
j Mac Donald, several other members of
J the "Sweethearts" company and a
j number of HarrisMirgers. Several box
parties for the Majestic have been ar-
I ranged for to-night by Harrisburg an-
I quaintances of the young actress.
Furnished by E S. Gosliorn, 20H-20!>
Arcade Building, *2lO Walnut Street
New York, May 27.
Open. Close,
j Alaska Gold 'Mines ... 35 35
Amal Copper 65 65%
j Amer Beet Sugar .... 46 45%
I American Can 361/4 37
jAm Car and Foundry Co 51 •/» 51 %
Amer Loco
! American Sugar 107% 108
| Anaconda 31 3l'/J
Atchison 99% 99%
I Baltimore and Ohio .. 71 % 71%
Bethlehem Steel 138 138-
Brooklyn R T 87% 87%
! California Petroleum .. 15 15
i Canadian Pacific 158% 158
j Chesapeake and Ohio . . 40% 40%
j Chi, Mil and St Paul . 89% 89%
Chino Con Copper .... 44% 45
i Col Fuel and Iron .... 29% 30Va
j Consol Gas .. 123% 124
j'Distilling Securities .. 16 lfi'/i
I .Erie 25% 25
General Electric Co ... 150% 153
Goodrich B»F 43% 43%
I Great Nor pfd 116% 116'/j
! Great Nor Ore subs .. . 31% 31 %
I Interboro Met 22'/.', 22%
Interboro Met pfd .... 73% 73%
Louis and .Nash 116 116
Mox Petroleum 6 "'/» 168%
Missouri Pac 12% 11 %
National 'Lead 60% 60%
NY, N H and H 62% 62%
Northern 'Pac ........ 104 - 104%
'Pacific Mail 24% 24%
Pennsylvania R. R. . . . 107 106
Pittsburgh Coal 22 22 '
Press Steel Car 45 44%,
j Ray Con. Copper 24 23%
Reading 142 14 2%'
Repub. Iron anil Steel . 2S 28 .
Southern By'. 16% 16%S>
Tennessee Copper 33% 32%
Union Pacific 126% 126%
U. S. Steel 54 54%
do pf.l 106%. 106%,
I'tah Copper 65% 66%
|W. t". Telegraph @6% 66
Westinghouse Mfg. .. . 92% 94
Chicago Board of Trade Closing
Hy Associated Press.
Chicago, May 27.—Close:
Wheat—May, 145; July, 127%.
Corn, July, 77; September, 77%.
Oats—July, 50%; September, 45. ,
Pork—Julv, 18.22; September,
1 8.60.
Lard—July, 9.8 7; September, 10.10.
Ribs July,' 10.455 ; v September,