The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 27, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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( Etiablithtil in 1576)
Published by
Star.lnd«p*nd«nt Buildlnt.
II 20-22 South Third Str««t. Harrisburg. Ra..
Evary Evening Except Sunday.
Oftit-u t. Ihrtctort.
Banjiuis F. MIYIKS. ' j OHS L.. L. KCHN,
"• *«• *
W*. K. Mktmw.
Secretary ami Treasurer. WM. W. WALLOWEB.
Business Manager. Editor.
AH communications should be addressed to STAR INDEPENDENT,
Business. Editorial. Job Printing or Circulation Department,
iccording to the subject matter.
Entered at the Post Office in Harrisburg as aecond class matter.
Benjamin & Kentnor Company.
New York and Chicago Representatives.
New York Offlce, Brunswick Building. 225 Fifth Avenue.
Chicago Office. People's Gas Building, Michigan Avenue.
Delivered I>T carriers at 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscribers
for Three Dollars a year in advance.
The paper with the largest Home Circulation in Harrisburg and
nearby towns.
Circulation Examined by
Private Branch Eitohanao. No. 3260
private »rancn a. o « CUMBERLAND VALLEY
Private Branch Exchange. No. 14M46
Thursday, May 27, 1015.
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8*
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Last Quarter, 6th; New Moon, 13th;
First Quarter, 21st; Full Moon, 28th.
Harrisburg and vicinity: Fair, con- iVk
tinned cool to-night with frost in low
places. Friday fair, slighty warmer.
Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to-night V
with frost in north portion and in low I J
places in south portion. Friday fair.
slightly warmer. Moderate north and
northeast winds. > jLI/
Highest, 69; lowest, 53; 8 a. tu., 61; S p. m., 53.
While reports from Great Britain naturally
enough, perhaps, makelt appear that ihe American
freight steamship. Xebraskan, crippled by contact
with some powerful explosive oft' the coast of Ire
land on last Tuesday night, may have been struck
by a torpedo, this theory should not be accepted un
til ii is proved absolutely that the damage was not
lone by a floating mine or by some other device
not intended to do injury to an American vessel.
If it is shown, when the full facts have been
made public, that the Xebraskan was designedly
torpedoed by a German submarine, —a theory which,
however, we are strongly inclined to doubt, —the in
cident must lie regarded in some respects as far
more serious to the United States than even the
sinking of tlie liner Lusitania which resulted
in the loss ot' more than 100 American lives.
It is recalled that the Lusitania was sailing under
the British flag and in behalf of the Germans the
excuse lias been offered that she was at least sus
pected of carrying goods contraband of war if not
letually carrying British reservists.
While these and similar excuses did not suffice for
the American government, the attack on the Xebras
kan, if an attack it ultimately is shown to have
been, was made under circumstances which do not
admit even of such unsatisfactory explanations. For
the Xebraskan was sailing away from and not to-
ward a nation at which Germany is at war; she
.vas sailing under the American flag, and she was
carrying no cargo whatever, being simply in ballast
and destined for an American port.
The report of American Ambassador Page, on the
Nebraskan case, was received in Washington this
morning, we are told, but at this writing the con
tents of the message hail not been revealed by tlie
Washington authorities. It is wise, then, for the
American people to maintain their mental poise in
the same sane way that they have been doing dur
ing recent trying circumstances, until it is definitely
and officially announced just how the American
freighter came by her misfortune.
Meantime it is well to bear in mind that the pos
sibility that the Germans deliberately tried to sink
the American boat is a very remote one, particu
larly in view of the fact that the Washington note
on the Lusitania, followed so closely by Italy's en
trance into the war in opposition to the German in
terests. make it seem like absolute foolhardiness
on Germany's part to further arouse the indigna
tion of the United States by such a hostile act as
making a deliberate attack on an American-owned
At the convention of the Ladies of the Maccabees
of the World in New York the state commander of
the Michigan Maccabees came forward with the rec
ommendation that members of the order transfer
their interest from dogs, cats, canaries and parrots
to the young of the human species. Because there
are many little orphan children in Michigan who
need care the lodge members there have been busy
adopting them. Finding them to be much more
interesting pets than are animals with fur or leath
ers, they are now trying to have the "back to the
babies" movement introduced by their sisters in
other states.
Without wishing harm to the many poodles and
other pets which have been tenderly cared for
by childless women since the raising of babies has
become unfashionable, we might venture the hope
that the movement back to the babies be a success-
ful oue not only among the Maccabees but also
among other women in and out of lodges. There
are always other persons' infants available for
adoption by women who want the companionship
of newly born creatures of their species. These
little orphans have in the past been too much neg
lected because of preferences among women who
could adopt them if they only would for orphan
dogs and cats and feathered creatures instead.
A baby in the home may, of course, be more both
ersome than some other sort of a pet. It requires
its meals much more carefully prepared and more
cautiously served. It must be clothed and it must
be kept away from the tops of dangerous stair
cases and prevented from climbing out of second
story windows and over balcony railings. And, most
important of all, the wants of its intellectual and
spiritual natures must be attended to bv methods
never required in the care of a puppy or kitten.
Although a baby cannot be kept out of trouble
by being chained to a kennel or confined in a cage,
and at times requires as much attention as a good
sized menagerie, it is a much more wonderful sort
of a pet than any other. In a contest between chil
dren and poodles for tirst place in the affections,
the sympathies should abide with the babies.
In an unusual contest at a carnival in Bloomfield,'
X. J., a diamond ring is about to be awarded to hintj
whom the residents select from among their num
ber as the homeliest man. The competition is re
ported to be very close. A policeman with freckles,
an upturned nose and a bald head is said to have a
beautiful chance, —the only beautiful thing about
him, evidently. A letter carrier with various dis '
tigurements also is favorably spoken of, his friends t
asserting that his qualifications in a contest of this!
sort arc not to be despised. There is also a bow-1
legged person in the running, who is probably com
ing along handsomely enough, as well as a hod i
carrier who recently caught with his nose X brick j
falling from the fourth story of a building on which |
he was working. Each of these men appears to!
have a good chance to improve his personal ap-1
pearance by the wearing of the diamond ring. j
Although the reputation of being the homeliest j
man in the town might not be quite as embarrassing j
as would be the stigma of being the most beautiful,
a contest such as Bloomtield's has its dangers. Sup- j
pose, for instance, that the diamond ring should
be awarded to some self-satisfied citizen who con-1
sidcrs himself quite a good-looker as long as he !
iloes not glance too much into the mirror, and who ;
would have thought rather of entering a beauty'
contest than of competing for the title of the home- j
liest of men. Should the award be thus unfortu
nately made, the winner would do best to borrow
money 011 the ring and leave the vicinity.
Readers of current jokes and of jokes that were
current in former days, will remember how the
scornful reply, "I was not competing, thank you,"j
came from the homely but haughty lady to whom
had been awarded the prize for having succeeded >
in making the ugliest face in a contest which was
being carried on by the persons about her.
It is fortunate, at any rate, that the Bloomfield
prize for the homeliest face is to go to a man. j
Many an amateur who devoted yesterday to doctoring
roads is devoting to-day to doctoring sore limbs.
We never were fortunate enough to be around when it
was raining dollars but we hear a lot these days about
hailing jitneys.
It will soon be so that there is more news interest in the
sate arrival of a transatlantic steamship than in the an
nouiiccment ot' one being blown up at sea.
Whether Whitman is an efficient Governor of New York
state or whether he is ,iust the opposite depends altogether !
011 whether you read the "Sun" or the "World."
It wonld just be some men's luck, after they bad saved
up for a rainv day, to lose their rain-check.—Judge.
"How does Fatboy stand the heat?"
"He sits under a tree and reads French mystery stories j
till his blood runs cold."—Boston Globe.
Many a big man has just as small thoughts as has the j
elephant whose mind is centered on a peanut.—New York |
"Guess I'll head this column 'What's Going On in So-1
ciety.' How's that?"
"Urn. It seems to be mainly devoted to society women j
and their clothes. I think I'd head it, 'What's Coming'
Off.' " —Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Waal, Hiram," began the old inhabitant, "do you sup
pose you cud move my grocery store to 'tother side of the
street?" ,
"Waal, I'dunno," answered the village jack-of-all-trades,
"it's a powerful big store. I calculate what you need is
one of them 'shop-lifters' they have in the city."—Ginger.
Jimson—"Oh, yes; I knew old Siinson. He was a good
sort. He did a very kind action once for me when the
clouds were dark and threatening and the world looking so
Pimson—"What did he do?"
Jimson—"He lent me an umbrella."—Boston Globe.
In his very, very early youth Mr. Mumpser had been a '
pretty child. His friends did not believe this was possible, j
and even he had forgotten all about it until one day he '
unearthed a painting of himself at that period from among j
the old lumber. This he handed to his wife as some com
pensation for his present somewhat worm-eaten appearance.
"There, Alice," said Mrs. Mumpsw, proudly exhibiting
the picture to the servant. "That is a portrait of your
master, painted when he was a child."
Alice gazed open-mouthed at the production.
"Lor", mum," she said, after some moments, "what a
pity it is we have to grow up, ain't it?"—rXew York Even
ing -ft»urnal.
Most Successfully Treated by Taking
Hood's SarsapariUa
Loss of appetite is accompanied by
loss of vitality, which is serious.
It is common in the spring because
at this time the blood is impure and
impoverished and fails to give the di
gestive organs what is absolutely neces
sary for the proper performance of
their functions.
Hood's SarsapariUa, the old reliable
all-tbe-year-round medicines, is especial
ly useful in the spring. Get it from
your druggist to-day. By purifying and
enriching the blood and giving vitality,
viaor and tone, it is wonderfully sttc
eemful in the treatment of loss of ap
petite and the other ailments prevalent
at this time. •It is not simply a spring
medicine—it is much more than that —
but it is the best spring medicine.
Hood's SarsapariUa makes the rich
red blood the digestive organs need.—
f \
Tongue- End Top ics |
Dutch Art Works Going Cheap
The war has hit the artists and art
dealers of Holland so severely that
; tine paintings are selling as low as S2O.
In these days of enforced retrenchment
1 there is little sparo money for the pur
! chase of pictures and the usual inflow
of tourist* from the United States,
Kingland and Germany, whose arrival
every spring was the signal for the
Dutch art dealers to put up their prices
has boon checked by war. Several deal
ers in The Hague and Amsterdam have
bees forced to seek a livelihood in
other lines. One of the leading dealers
of The Hague has closed his shop, while
another has gone iuto the publication
of illustrated books, largely on subjects
germane to the war, for which there is
still a market.
* . •
Credit Withdrawn From Museums
To make matters worse, the Dutch
government has withdrawn its annual
fixed credit at the disposition of the
State museums for the purchase of
works of art. The poor artists, there
fore, have not oven the recourse to
State aid in their need, which would
be open in ordinary times. Dr. Hofstede
do Groot, late director of the print
room of the Royal Museum at Amster
dam, and an art expert well known in
the t'liited States, regrets this step
taken by the Netherlands government.
"Never in my memory," he told
an Associated Press representative,
"has there been such extraordinary
opportunities to secure valuable paint
ings at low prices as now. Individuals
cannot afford to do so, perhaps, but the
government can. An art book or a
painting worth purchasing for one of
the royal museums will probably be
bought sooner or later, anyhow. The
thing is that most of them can i>e
bought for less money now than later."
* * *
Keeping the Needy Artists
The artists themselves have under
taken the relief of the more needy
among the fraternity. A number of
these organizations have exhibition and
sales rooms attached to their club
houses, and have arranged to have
sales exhibitions of paintings of the
members, offered at a fixed maximum
price, generally far below what the ex
hibitors might normally expect to re
ceive for their work. The Pulchri
studio, for example, has had two such
sales, the first with the maximum price
set at S2O, at which 180 pictures were
sold. The second has just been held,
the prices were fixed between S2O and
$lO. at which figures 210 paintings
were disposed of. The (Jueen of
the Netherlands bought twelve, the
Prince Consort eight and the (jueen
Mother also eight. All the purchasers
were Dutch. As the membership of the
Pulchri studio consists of recognized
established artists, the Dutch found
the occasion thus offered too good to
let slip.
Using Up the Relief Funds
The artists' associations are employ
ing also their available relief funds to
purchase the pictures of artists hard
pressed to dispose of their work. These
will be held .by the societies and sold
at auction after the war when it is
hoped that times will be better. Any
thing received over the price paid by
the society is to go to the artist, when
the final sale is made. The fund em
ployed for these purchases is constant
ly being increased by the sale of paint
ings by artists of means, who can af
ford to and do present their works to
the societies to be sold, the proceeds
going to the relief fund. Certain of the
societies also hold lotteries with pic
tures for prizes, 10 per cent, of the
proceeds goimg to the artist. 10 per
cent to the relief of workers in the
industrial arts, and the remainder to
the Royal National Relief Fund for the
assistance of war sufferers.
• * *
Art Dealers Are Suffering
While the artists are thus united to
care for their brother-craftsmen, the
dealers in pictures arc without relief.
One Hague dealer specializing in en
gravings and etchings, said that he had
not sold an etching for eight months.
Prices are cut in half, but to no avail.
There is less sympathy for dealers,
however, as it is felt that theirs is
pure!}' a commercial risk which they
must stand, together with the many
other businesses injured bv the war.
*. *
Confiscated Wedding Cake
The regulations in Berlin concerning
the mixing of rye with potato flour
and of wheat with rye flour apply as
well to housewives as to bakers. Dis
regard of these regulations led to a
disagreeable surprise for a christening
party in Berlin. The mother had
baked an elaborate cake to celebrate
the occasion. Just as the guests were
sitting down to the table, a police of
ficial appeared, demanded a slice of the
cak?, and, alleging that it was not law
fully made, confiscated it. A fine was
later imposed.
Csatluurd From Ftral Paift
voy of the battleship Texas and an
chored off South Brooklyn. There she
received all but a dozen of her passen
gers and the rest of her crew from the
Millard. The last transfer was made
at 2 a. m. and later in the morning the
disabled steamer started up the river
to her dock in Hoboken. The twelve
passengers who stayed on the Millard
were landed at Hoboken early in the
day. The Holland-American Line in
tends to forward all the passengers who
wish to go to Rotterdam on their steam
ship Rotterdam, due to sail Tuesday.
Four Battleships Answer Call
Fourt bi.ttlesliips—South Carolina,
Louisiana, Kansas and Michigan—were
on their way to Norfolk, Va.. from the
war, game of the past week off the
North Atlantic coast when they picked
tip the Ryndam's S. O. 8. call shortly
after 4 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Immediately they changed their course
and rushed at full speed to the aid of
the stricken ship sixty miles away.
One of the South Carolina's officers
said she made the sixty miles at an
average of 19 3 , knots per hour, a speed,
he said, better than her best previous
Officers of the Ryndam said that
when the two ships collided it was day
light aud fhat little fog or mist pre
vailed. The Ryndam was rammed by
the Cuneo, they declared, and the water
entered rapidly through a large hole
and broken plates in her side, causing
her to sink to a registered draught of
37 feet. Immediately after the blow
the Cuneo laid to anil took aboard the
Ryndam's passengers and three-quarters
ot' her crew, transferred in the Ryn
dam's life boats.
No Confusion Among Passengers
H. D. Bos, purser of the Ryndam,
saiil that the passengers were asleep
at the time of the accident.
"In a short time the passengers were
all awakened," he said, "and were
gathered on the promenade deck, the
lifeboats were swung out and suspended 1
at the promenade deck level waiting
word from the captain. As the ship
continued to settled Captain Von Der
Heuvel gave the word to take to the
boats which was done without the least
confusion anil in good order. PMI boats
on the starboard side were used and
we rowed to the Cuneo.
"Shortly after 6 o'clock the battle
ship South Carolina came up, soon fol
lowed by the other war vessels. The
men of the South Carolina were ready
for the rescue and in an amazing short
space of time boats ami steam launches
were in the water and all round the
Cuneo. We were taken aboard the South
Carolina in our own boats and the boats
were hoisted to the decks.
Only One Person Injured
"The only person injured was Adam
Yount, of Rotterdam, a cabin passenger.
Mr. Yount is a cripple with a cork leg.
The fastening to the leg gave way
while he was being transferred to the
Cuneo and he slipped and bruised his
"One young woman left the Ryndam
clad only in her night dress covered
by a rain coat. Her plight was discov
ered oil the battleship and the property
room of the South Carolina's theatrical
talent was called upon to supply the
need. The property room stock proved
ample with' the exception of stockings
and this item was provided by one of
the junior officers who found a pair iu
his room —a souvenir of review week
in New York, which he had purchased
as a present to a relative.''
Cuneo Creeps in Badly Damaged
The ftyndain made her pier shortly
before 7 o'clock. The John J. C'uneo
steamed slowly into port, a cripple, an
hour after the Rymlam docked. There
was no mistaking that the little steam
er had been in a collision. Her bow
was smashed, her plates crumpled, bent
to port and forced back till both an
chors were jamped in the hawser pipes
and she was down by the head' where
the sea land rushed in the fore peak.
Her engines and machinery were not
"What can I say?" inquired Captain
Aamodt when asked for a statenieut.
"I am glad no lives were lost and no
body was hurt."
The Delights of Camel Riding
It was my first experience of camel
riding, and therefore interesting, if not
altogether charming. The saddles used
in this country are formed of large
pads, one in front and one behind the
hump. The driver climbs into place in
front, with a huge peaked pad to keep
him from falling off when the camel
rises. Then the passenger mounts be
hind the hump, and the camel is with
difficulty persuaded to rise. This he
does hind-quarters first, and the pas
senger finds himself thrust up in mid
air as if on a tower. The huge pad
offers no possible support, and he can
scarcely overcome his dsire to prevent
a fall by putting his feet on the
driver's shoulders. That worthy, how
ever, soon comes up to join him, and
the expedition starts. The first sensa
tion is of being astride a table, and
as the miles go by the table increases
alarmingly in width, and the tyro on
the back seat begins to despair of ever
getting his legs acquainted again.—
•From the Wide World Magazine.
|i Every Man Read ii
11 This treatment is said to have ]|
11 acquired a wonderful reputation i|
!> throughout the East, owing to its <
] i peculiar propensity to fortify the ' >
] | nerve force and generate health | i
,i and a consequent personal mag- i|
i] netlsm. no essential to the happi- ]|
| i ness of every normal human be- i
i 1 ing. 1: is claimed to be a bless- ;
' , iiiß to those who are physically ; ,
,i impaired Bloomy, despondent. <>
i | nervous and who have trembling 1 !
| i of the limbs, dizziness, heart pal- ] i
i > pitation, cold hands and feet, in- i '
] | somnla, fear without cause, tim- \ ,
11 iditv in venturing and general In- ,
11 ability to act rationally as others 1 |
do. Also of vast benefit to writ- ] i
], ers, pr itessional men, office work- i
11 ers and the victims of society's !
') late hours and ocer-indulgeuce In <
]> wines, liquors, etc. i!
i' By obtaining the treatment at ] i
j[ some well stocked pharmacy, no <'
,i one need know of another's trou
i[ ble, while the treatment has been ,i
j; widely prescribed and dispensed ' j
,i heretofore by physicians and ]
<| pharmacists, the grain tablets are i
], so prepared with full directions
i> for self administration that it is
i| wholly unnecessary to pay a phy- i [
ji slcian for prescribing them. Just \ >
i> ask for three-grain Cadomene i 1
<j tablets, begin their use and soon ]|
j> all tile Joy of a healthy body, i
<> sound nerves nind strength will 1 !
J be felt. ! i
* i ——*
« •>
<• N 4
} Surprise Sale
! Of Ladies' Coats 1
X ♦
J CVERY lady owes it to herself to |
| attend our SURPRISE SALE
| of Ladies 'and Misses 'Spring < l oats.
% As the weather man says eool weather rREtXSI
$ will continue, a Spring coat is now au mESSa
5 indispensable article of apparel for outing LgMLBi
J Our offer to close out the remaining TPrayHw %
stock of our best coat maker was made in *
% the "nick of time" and now the coats are
* yours at from one-third to one-half their %
% regular values. tf <•
t I
! $7.95 For Ladies' Coats, Worth to SIB.OO %
! $9.75 For Ladies' Coats, Worth to $22.50 |
! 112.75 Fo r Ladies' Coats, Worth to $28.50 f
* .. I
J We could use a whole newspaper in describing their *
* beauty, but we believe in "Jetting the prices talk." Every *
* wanted fabric in every late model is here. %
J Sport Coats —Motor Coats—Dress Coats. *
<• _
% Ladies' Fibre Silk Sweaters, $5 *
* . - .... *2*
+ Silk Sweaters that fairly radiate their beautiful «
<* lustre—smart models with belted back. Colors are Old *
% Rose, Gold, Copenhagen, Blue, Cardinal and two-tone |
* effects. 4«
1 *
T : <•
I t
t White Fox Scarfs, $3.95 and $5 t
4> <4
* The craze for White Fox extends from ocean to ocean. *
These full size skins with ornamental head and foot ❖
$ clasps are the real vogue. %
<- ! I
* *
! TUC HI ORF Ladies' Coat Dept. !
» 1 ItL. ULuDL Second Floor
,j» 4s♦>s s<. <4.5. <4 $ <p❖❖❖«s» *>«s» «W»<«s»•s»«s•sss l;\
"The Vampire," or "A Fool There
Adapted from Rudyard Kipling's
famous poem, "The Vampire," ami |
converted into six reels of sensational |
motion pictures, "A Pool There. Was''!
has become the best-known production
in photoplays. Theda Bara portrays J
with intense dramatic realism the char- :
acter of "Vampire," a most t'ascinat-1
ing though revolting female character.!
"The Fool," who forsakes his family]
and friends for a soulless sensual crea- i
ture in the guise of a beautiful woman,
is wonderfully portrayed by Edward
Jose. i
"A fool there was and he made his
prayer (even as you and I)
To a rag and a bone and a hank of
hair (we called her the woman who
did not care)
But the fool, he called her his lady
Judge Gary on the Problem of Unem
General unemployment is deplorable, j
not ouly because of the great suffering
it produces—and this phase cannot be
too often or too strongly emphasized—,
but also because enforced idleness im
pairs the productive capacity of a na- j
tiou and depletes the general wealth. It i
is obvious to me, as I believe it must ;
be to every practical thinker, that it i
is far better to carry men and women |
on the pay-roll than 011 the relief roll. 1
It is to the highest advantage of so- j
ciety that its working forces shall be
| a
Our determined ef- 5
fort to get out of Hat I
business quickly is a ■
rare opportunity for I
every man who wears ■
a straw hat. ■
Hats of this quality wj
were never offered at K
such low prices at this if
time of year. j|
Sides & Sides |
utilized as completely as possible. No
inefficiency could be greater than to
leave honest and competent labor sub
ject to the humiliation of charitable
relief. Moreover, such members of a
community as are not self-supporting—■
I whether through their own fault or
| otherwise —must be supported by the
j public, and such support of the non
| productive individual is pure waste.
When suffering by reason of non-em-
I ployment appears, there seeius to be a.
j feeling on the part of the unemployed
| that the city or other governmental
administration is not only obligated to
furnish, but it is possessed of the
i means of properly and adequately fur
nishing relief, and complaints are
| made if there is auy delay or failure in
j this respect. But it must be realized
| that government officials cannot create
facilities for work outside of the ordi
nary course of public business, or fur
nish pecuniary relief, for the obvious
reason that 110 provisions have been
[ establishd by law for these purposes.
' The problem of unemployment is es-
I sentially one of business and of busi
j ness management, and must be met by
j business statesmanship through the nor
mal channels of busiuess anil economic
organization.—Elbert H. Gary in Har
jper's Magazine for June.
High Wind Saves Michigan
Detroit, May 27. —Frost was report
jed in various places throughout the
1 State early to-day. A high wind,
j which prevailed during the night, how
j ever, is believed to have prevented seri
ous damage to growing crops.