The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 27, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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These Month-End Friday Specials Carry a Message of Large Savings
No Friday Specials Bleached Sheets Colored Dress Goods Granulated Sugar Misses' White Pumps Men's Shirts
SentCOD or Mail or 76x<X>-inch bleached sheeta 75c navy mohair, 50 inches ■2 K' With coffee or tea pur- Misses' and children's $1.50 shirts with tub silk
with scalloped edge; regu- wide. Special Friday only, IB B chases, 10 lbs. of granulated sl-25 canvas Mary Jane bosom and cuffs. Friday only,
'Phone Orders Filled. larly t>oc. Special yard II U sugar will he sold Friday strap pumps, stitched soles 95^
■ ull,y 59c Reach cloth; plain and II i <>»!>' for 59* and %-inch heels, sizes BV a heavy tub silk shirts
with welded seam; regularly varf j by m™, Fridav onlv, 95* c ~ , , , ~.
All Over Laces 50c. Special Friday only. >ard 45* J B te 1 0 ' tr D ■«. Pomerov & Stewart 1 *>"«*' P lai . M . w, ! lte
sdk and wool crepe I ■ ' , p and stripes ol helio, blue, tan
18-inch all over laces in as- in floral patterns. Special 1 B I 9 street Moor. and green. Friday only, 95*
sorted patterns; white and firDivee, Pomeroy & Stewart Friday onlv, yard 59* Unco ' Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart.
ecru; values to 119 c. Special Street Floor. tl no „„w all * 1 l.
Friday only, yard, ... 12Vfe* —————— St j serge, all wool. \Hi \I- 71| Black moco foot seamless „
Pomeroy & Stewart 118 ri 011 . v > ) hose, Inrjre sizes, seconds of Men S Pa»jcLniclS
Street Floor. Muslin M ~ \v| 25c quality. Friday only. 9* SI.OO pajamas in plain col-
" —— 36-inch bleached muslin; wool; 50 inches wide. Spe- D ' ' 'stre!'t Hoof s . s,r 'f ), ' s » sizes > Wash G-OOds
—— regular 7c grade. Special cial Friday only; yard, PmrVi RnnUorc ' *' , Rla . v 0,1 l . v 79*
Children's Umbrellas Friday only, yard, ...... 5V 2 * Pomerov * Stewart ... ChßoCkerS Dives Pomeray & Stewart.
r „ K ll ft ♦ «• Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor *> rockers, exactly like Men s Store, Street Floor. Vi L' . v 2fl*
Cotton umbrellas of fast street Floor. street cut: limit, two to a customer. Miccoo'TlW '"day only -»*
color with Congo handles; —————————- Special Friday only $1.39 misses Xiose crepes, in solid colors,
50c value. Special Friday „ „ |vJl Poas ' I!).- an,l blaeli silk lisle ' with sell'lor stripes Spe
•v: •••••»* Linings Tl ""' "»'• . y only >BO Boys' Underwear c '" l ""-lay only »V#
£** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart .DlctLK. l~lCoo OIIK.O 0 —■***Diveß, Pomeroy A Stewart s y- , .. , Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart,
street Floor. $1 °5 black satin Duchesse -S6c striped safine, 36 inches street Floor. ><• white open mesh shirts street Floor.
- wide. Special Friday only, sl^ vo
d,.v ouly, yard, yard, ...25# BedSpreads
Women's Handkerchiefs JS'MtSeTtl CretoMe Pillows - o,
Initial linen handkerchiefs; Friday only, yard, Special Friday only, yanl, cial Friday only, ~ ; >c cretonne pillows, filled street Moor.
full range of initials. Spe- tr Diveg p omerov st PW art Dives, Pomeroy & stewari, with silk floss; many colors. — — 2*>c voiles, .% inches wide,
cial Friday only, 54k Street Floor «®"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. Friday only, .......... in fancy checks and black
Hemstitched cotton hand- „_ Street Floor. . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, . stripes on white grounds,
kerchiefs, 4c value. Special Third Floor. WODien S Vests Special Friday only, yard,
Friday only, 4 for nr^o Lace Curtains *»' \ vhi,e , '"! ton r ibbed . 15^
»"Dives, Pomeror ft Stewart vreptj xvimuiiu» vests; fancy yoke. Special .>a vn :i (ll . <>« ; n ,,i, A .
A style with, shirred yoke Linen Sheeting Curtain Scrim H'l-idsy „„ly « p 7,i„, ;'uuv
io„ B , „„iyi„';iite. SUfi TS* •«»"»• '»
_light bint, wistaria and navy. n )K 2<a> yards wide Extra i . , ?. ' , c " street Floor.
Regularly SI.OO. Special Fri- special Friday only,'yard, n,lay only,. and
Embroideries t j av on j v 69 f 69<» Itr Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart I r r uay only, yard, .., .10<* I i——»J
rj • i , " ' ' ' _ Street Floor ** Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart
Swiss and cambric em- t«rDives/ Pomeroy ft Stewart 2 ot . white flaxon, :?8 inches Ti,ir.i _
broidery insertions, 2 to 3 Second Floor. wide. Special Fridav only " Ribbed Drawers
inches wide; values to 10c. yard - HZZZZZZZZZZ: Women's 25c'white cotton Gingham and Batiste
Special nday only, yard, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Women S Hose Pirls' WViit<» Pumr»o garments; knee ieugth and loc stripe ginghams, 32
Embroidered voile floun- Voile Waists Street Floor. 50c fibre silk seamless vviuie rumps trimiuing; sizes 40, 4i' inches wide. Special Friday
cing; 40 inches wide; in solid *IOO • ♦ p • 1 " hose- black, lavender, uavv $1.50 white canvas Mary and 14. Special Friday only, only, yard, ,10f*
patterns; straight and seal- *'• " ; front trimmed ail(l , a(let , Friday ollly> 39<k Jane strap pumps, with 18> li2i/ 2 c batiste, 40 inches
loped edges; values to o9c. P mh r oiderv Towek and Towfllinrr tV " Dive9 ' Po,nero - v & 3tPwart S l t,tch^ < l 1 8o1e « ""I '^ h heel., »- Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, wide, in colored stripes, Spe-
Special Friday only, yard, insertion ana emnroiaeij XOWeiS ana lOweiing Street Floor sizes 2'/.» to 6, Fridav rtnlv ,-ial Fiidav nnW v a r,i «i/-i
1 • ie] Special Fridav onlv, .. . , , , , street r 1001, _< ici Street Floor. cial bi iday only, yard,
' 796 110 red border ,huck tow- ?1.19 25c rice cloth, 36 inches
tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart elsj IBx% inches. Special Dives, Pomerov & Stewart wide* solid colors Snerhl
Street Floor. *«*">*■ «♦ OmWieS * 1 "'id.'y .'.'..iW
oollttr, three-,miner sleeves. TttrUsh guest tomb, 13c Stork table ~eas. Pri- ; Basement Specials »
I ... , Regularly SI.OO. Special Fri- Spec'laf Fridav onlv '"'for' 8 ,l «.v only, 2 cans, - , Q Victor lawn triin-
Women's Neckwear day only 79< Special Mida> onlj, J White Star green string Boys' Scout Shoes mers. Friday only, . $1.75
A large range of styles; Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart t> . ( beans. only, can,
slightly mussed • values to Seeond Floor. . l ' , V,' ' )a , 1 Heinz 15c baked pork and heavy elk soles, standard fas- kettles; regularlv $1.20. Site- „.,
50c, Special Friday only, towels. Special triday only, Friday only 2 cans tened, sizes Ito 5«/j. Fridav cial Friday only, 83* Misses' Suits
y» rd 12, /2* 25* o«J .V .$1.69 $2.50 asbestos sad iron sets, $12.50 and $15.00 suits, in
Embroidered voile collars, Corset Reductions tnwoi!n!»° °i#J i'. ol .i e ' '-i ?" >e 01la imported cocoa. ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart one pressing iron and two ,an ' m ahogany, green and
25c value, Special Friday n , , , . o r . „i M i rl rj , "i' N Friday only, caii, , ~,. 7* street Floor. laundry sizes and stand. Spe- black; sizes 14, 16, 18, Spe
oniy 18* . Discontinued sty es and Special Frlda, only 4* 1()e Ukesi( , e , iai Fi : i(U y ull | v . •'«»' " nl .v, ......$3.50
WDlves Pomeroy ft Stewart no'tll S ZiR, nBl " nocatei MDives, I'oineroy ft Stewart Fridav onlv, 8«* * or, incited lulls Oi ** Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart,
»«ui\es, fomeroy i atewart treco, batiste, elastic and eou- Street Floor. ~ , ', _ „ >rl._o Jointed dolls; 2.)
street Floor. , regularly $:{.(M) to SIO.OO, , Bann , er Ih,, K'' can. Fri- Women's Oxfords inches tall; sewed wigs and Setond Floor -
Special Friday only, 81.95 , (,a >' ® n| . v » •••' • - - sleeping eyes. Special Fi-i
--~~~~~• t/t Dives, Pomerov ft Stewart, ——————— \ hup laundry soap. Fri- lish oxfords with rubber soles N 01 ,v ~...,,,69*
Ribbon Values Second Floor. White Goods ,la - v on, - v > 10 l)a1 ' 8 . ....29* a „d heels, sizes 21/j to fi, Fri- **Dives, Pomeroy & Stewari rivaoo QSW+C,
Moire and taffeta ribbons. -30e white rice cloth, 40 l a -v , 9195 Basemen, DreSS BWrtS
4 to 51-:, inches wide- full inches wide. Special Friday • 1 QRy only ' *''' ®* **Dives. Pomerov & Stewart sb..)o to $12.00 serge, pop
range of colors, values to 25c. Black Dress Goods only, yard 19* red tomatoes, in Street Floor. lui and novelty weave skirts,
siiy,,r.i ai M/i.v nniv „ SM j uidtK JJiess woous glass. Frulavoiilv, .-...6* _________< in navy blue and black. Spe
-1 Cla " • "15, *I.OO bUck P«n.m», 54 ttatf » !!,cb^Se S™ »«l<' Md." ZZH3ZZZZZI: CbUdren's Sulkies eisl Kriday only, ~.«1.T5
Satin tstTeta ribbons, Ito S l' ei ' i " l "fe ' olal "' ricl, - v " ,11 - v - >»«!,. 9* 7 l'»;-k»ee«, , .SSlf Rubber HeeU $5.00 collapsible sulkies I I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, I
I''. inches wide; bright col- only, yard, 79* 19c to 35c white kwns, National Miscuit Co. 1(V . with hood and adjustable Second Floor.
ors". values to 10c. Special W-25 black serge, 54 crepes and fiaxons. Special « r ? ham '•'• a ' I k''"- \" »' «""e» » «h* foot-well and rechning
Friday only, yard, ~,,..5* inches wide. Special Friday Friday only, yard, ~,: .10* onl .V. .....8* kh ( | v '.v ' inl' Special
t* Dives, Pomerey & Stewart only, yard, ~,..95* Pomeroy & Stewart Sugar-cured shoulders i av- ' j\' *<''•' 5 ' " ' f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor. SI.OO black French voile) Street Floor. erage « lbs. Friday only, lb., ' St!rt F°6or Basement. Summer Dresses
- 13* S """' Women's and misses' $4.95
, ( ' a . v on ly. yard, 49* ______________— Eureka soups, including to $8.50 summer dresses, of
Anrnns hlaek CantoD erepe; , lru ., °. x tall - consomme, etc.; full . voile, crepe and batiste, sizes
Aprons Hll wool Special Friday White PllSSe size cans. Special Friday Men s Night ShIFCS Electric Lamps :>4 to 44. Special Friday
Bungalow aprons of light only, ........ ;l . .79* 12 underwear crepe, 80 oul.\, 4* 5( |<* night shirts trimmed .Mazda tungsten electric only, ...«j*1.50
or dark percale with colored of»c black mohair, 42 inches inches wide, does not require Cabot imported chow chow with white, blue or red braid, lamps, in 10, 20, 25 and 40- $15.00 and $!8.50 summer
piping. Special Friday only, wide. Special Friday only, ironing. Special Friday —3O oz. bottles. Special Fri- sizes 15 to 20. Friday only, watt sizes. Special Friday dresses; sizes :54, 86 and 18.
29* yard, 45* only, yard, ......... 8* day only, 23* only, , 23* Special Friday only. 82.98
iv Dives, Pomerey & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ty Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. VST Dixcs, Pomerov & Stewart. tw Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Seeond Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. Basement. Men's Store. Street Floor. Basement. Second Floor.
vv ' : >
Pardons Board Refuses to Grant Com
mutation to Life Imprisonment for
March and Louisa —Dauphin Case
Is Held Under Advisement
The Board of Pardou* closed its
executive session last night after hear
ing argument on a long list of cases.
The case of David Kaufman, convicted
in the Dauphin county court of flim
llamming and short-changing Harris
burg merchants, for which he is serving
a term in the penitentiary, was held un
der advisement and will not be dis
posed of until some future meeting of
the Board. Commutation of the death
sentence wan denied iu the cases of
tieorge H. March, Delaware, and Mike
Louisa, Schuylkill. The decisions an
nounced were a.s follows;
Refused—C. H. A. Dissiuger, larce
ny, as bailee, Lancaster; Herman F.
Borchers, forgery, etc., Allegheny;
tieorge Uee. burglary, Cameron; Stan
ley Pie try kowski, felonious entry, Mont
gomery; Louis Levine, larceny, Alle
gheny; Michael Rose, statutory rape,
Montgomery; Alex Paglia, illegal sale
of liquor, Lawrence: George Garzynski,
larceny, Philadelphia; Johu Gallagher,
assault and' battery, Philadelphia; Wil
liam C. Truxall, manslaughter, Y,aw
renee; Francesco Scali, second degree
murder. Philadelphia; Angelo di K#-
menegildo, second degree murder, Ches
ter; Charles Mars, larceny, Philadel
phia; John Yeager, assault and bat
tery, Franklin; James Stetson, larceny,
York; Giusepe Ferrarro, second degree
murder, Philadelphia; Robert Bacon,
burglary, Philadelphia; Felix Storti,
second degree murder, Philadelphia;
John Zakaluk, burglary, Lackawanna.
Recommended—William H. Nash,
forgery, Philadelphia; Constantino
Paliino, burglary, Lackawanna; George
Wrighit, larceny, Bucks; .fames Muskey,
larceny, etc., Delaware; .lolin Behun,
burglary, Chester; Frank Muscaro, as
sail It and battery. Philadelphia; John
Clifford, assault, Philadelphia; Daniel
M. Vake, assault, Lebanon; David
Stcars, burglary, pte„ Bucks; Alberi
Nipert, burglary. Monroe; Junia Tron
sue, larceny; Bradford; Charles and Ed
gar Uhler, burglary, Lehigh.
Girl Burned in Explosion Dies
Pottsville, Pa., May 27. — Miss Cath
arine Torpey, who was burned in an ex
plosion of gas at the Brew liaundry
Tuesday, died yesterday. Her head and
body were badly burned, and if she had 1
lived she would have beeu sightless.
Baptist Minister Takes Bride
Shamokin, Pa., May 27.—Miss Flor
ence May Miller, Mount Carmel, and
the Rev. Thomas Phillips, of the First
Baptist church, Hughesville, were mar
ried in the First Baptist church here
yesterday tiy the Rev. Thomas T. Lake.
The bridegroom was pastor of the Bap
tist church at Mount Carmel several
Dr. Henry Bak Dies
I 'hicago, May 27.—-Or. Uenrv Bak,
of Atlanta, Ga., president of the South
ern College of Medicine, died at a hos
pital here Tuesday. He was born in
Austria-Hungary 68 vears ago and for
a number of years was chief of staff
of the army medical corps of that na
tion. He is survived by his widow and
seven childern. Dr. Bak came to Amer
ica 33 years ago.
To-night, Christie Mac Donald, in
Ktc: < allcrnoon uml evening, vutnln
villi! and pictures.
Victoria Theatre.
William Penn Theatre.
Photoplay Theatre.
Regent Theatre.
Christie MacDonald,\in that delight
ful little opera, "Sweethearts,'' -by
Victor Herbert, is the attraction at the
Ma.iestic theatre to-night. Good music,
pretty girls, graceful dancing, regular
singing by the principals and dashes
of comical- stuff to make you laugh, all
feature the pretty little love story that
is clean and sweet all the way through.
As for the plot, it is only necessary to
say that a princess is adopted by a
laundress and that the second act is
laid in Silania, and that all ends well
with the princess and the prince living
happily "ever after." Miss Mac Do
nald is, of course, Sylvia, the princess,
and a very charming one. Anne Bus
sert is the village coquette with a pleas
ing voice and more than nimble feet.
The operetta abounds in tuneful nuin
bers, such as "Sweethearts," "Cricket
on the iHearth," "In the Convent They
Never Taught Me That" and others
that you'll b? a-whistling. Miss
Beatty plays the part of a vivacious
laundress with a large brood with much
fervor and conviction. Adv.*
Seven Bracks at Colonial
There is nothing in the entire routine
of acrobatic feats attempted by the
Seven tracks at the Colonial that any
body ever saw presented bv other acts.
The Bracks make a business of in
venting all of their own acrobatic num
bers, and they are wizards in their
line. A couple of seasons ago this act
played the Orpheum and was voted the
very best thing in the acrobatic line
that ever came to town. These seven
brothers will be the headlinerg of a very
good show that comes in for the balance
of the week. The other three acts
will be well up to the standard. There
will also be a new Charles Chaplin
comedy on the picture sheet. Adv.*
At Paxtang
The regular summer vaudeville sea
son will open at the Paxtang Park
theatre this evening. A carefully se
lected bill has been booked by Mana
ger Davis for his opening shu'w. The
Mysterious Brindamour, magician and
handcuff expert, will be the headliner.
Mr. Brindamour has appeared in the
various theatres of Harrisburg many
times and always presents a pleasing
performance. During his engagement
at the park theatre he will introduce
some new noveltys in the way of es
caping from handcuffs and manacles
Other acts on the park bill will be
Jordan, "The Juggling Phiend;"
Kitziimmons and Cameron, Gaffnev and
Dale in comedy songs and dialogue, and
HIP OUI?. r 11:111 Trio, head and limid bal
ancers. Adv.*
At the Hegent
The Redout Theatre will present to
morrow "The (-lemeneeau Case" by
Alexandre Dumas. In Iho Clemen ceau
Case Dumas has attained the capstone
of his towering genius. Of Iza, the
pantherish heroine of this deathless
drama, he himself wrote: ''l shall nev
er create another such character though
] scribble till doomsday."
Iza's sinster beauty ami its fatal
effect 011 the lives of two noble men
form main plot of "The Clemenceau
Case." Pierre, her husband, whom she
casts off for Constantiue Ritz, she
leaves with his career as a talented
sculptor blasted forever. In turn she
toys with the iufactuated Kit/., shutter
ing his hopes, ambitious and home life.
But Pierre saves Kit/, against himself.
With heroic self-sacrifice he allows him
self, apparently, to fall once more un
der l/.a's spell. He meets her in her
oriental boudoir. As she presses her
false lips to Pierre's, he stabs her to
the heart just as Rita enters.
"I have saved you for your wife,"
says Pierre calmly as he telephones for
the police. "As for me, Iza killed my
heart years ago."
Saturday, "The Fifth Command
ment," another Xhubert attraction, in
fixe reels, as usual makes a great Satur
day show. Monday evening a great
organ will play to the public.—Adv. *
Dr. Peter H. Gehris Dies
Reading, 'Pa., May 27. — Dr. Peter H.
(lehris, 80 years old, Reading's oldest
dentist, died at his residence here yes
terday, after an illuess of a year, of
general debility. Dr. Gehris was born
111 Hereford township, and at various
times iu his career before coming to
Reading practiced al Frackville, Coates
ville and Fleetwood.
i High School Commencement to Be Held
This Evening
->p>'-ial Correspondence.
New Cumberland, May 27.—The an
nual commencement exercises of tlie
New Cumberland High School will be
held this evening it) the First Church of
God, Fourth ami Reno streets. The
program: Overture, orchestra; Herip
turo lesson, Nineteenth Psalm, class,
invocation, the Rev. A. R. Ayres; salu
tatory, "Cut of School Life, Into
Life's School," Elizabeth Kathrvn Fen
icil; essay, "The Trip to Washington, - '
i Florence Hcrtzler (iarver, the class
poem. Mary Elton Wright: selection, or
chestra; trial scene, "The Merchant of
Venice;" "The Duke of Venice,"
Ralph Mathias; " Petermaii Portia."
Ollie Ijeone Kramer; "Shvlock," Ches
ter Abraham (tood; "Antiona," Her
bert Willis; "Bassanio," Lcrov Swcig
ert; "(irationo." Robert A. Shelly;
class history, Sophia Diehl Witmyer.;
class prophecy, Elizabeth L. Ferre
Tritt; valedictory oration, "Women
and War," Miriam Sylvania Lenhart;
selection, orchestra; address to the
graduates, Dr. C. D. Oossar.l, president
of Lebanon Valley College, Annville;
presentation of diplomas. Dr. .1. F.
Good, president of the Hoard of Educa
tion; song, "Hail Clorious Day," from
Lucia High School; benediction, the
Rev. S.N. (iood; class colors, light blue
and black; class motto, "Out of School
bife, Into Life's School; class flower,
La Rose.
Mrs. Kirk Davidson visited her
mother, Mrs. David Beekley, yester
A force of workmen were engaged
working on the road between New
Cumberland and Lemoyne yesterdav.
Mrs. Elmer Sunday spent yesterday
at MidrMetown.
At a meeting of the Board of I>i
rectors of the Mt. Olivet Cemetery As
sociation, the prices of lots wer P ' fixed
at $-'fl for corner lots and sl6 and
sl4 for remaining lots on a square.
The charges for opening a grave for
brick or cement will be SS.
Mrs. John Reneker, Water street,
spent Tuesday at Mt. Holly.
to talk un tobacco evil
Dr. Robert N. Wilson, Jr., Will Bhow
Illustrations of Its Effects
"Tobacco Toxemia" will be the sub
ject of an illustrated lecture by Dr.
Robert N. Wilson, Jr., of Philadelphia,
before the members of the Harrisburg
Academy of Medicine to-morrow night
in the academy building, 319 North
Second street.
Tho lecture will be held in connec
tion with the regular meeting of tho
society. Other announcements sched
uled are:
Cancer symposium, under the direc
tion of Dr. C. E. L. Kcene, Dauphin
County '.Medical Society, next Tuesday;
milk commission neeting, Juhe 11;
symposium on " Metastatic Infections."
Harrisburg Academy of Medicine, June
25; county society governors' meeting,
June 29.
Same Old Stuff
"Black specks dance before my eyes,
doctor," complained the society pa
"That is ver yannoying and monot
onous. ''
"Yes. They never have any new
dances."—Kansas City Journal.