The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 27, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Henrietta D. Grauel
Summery Beverages
In oldea days May WHS considered
a (iroper month in which to make wines.
Cowslip, dandelion and rhubarb wines
all had h place in the cellar of the care
ful housekeeper. To-day this trouble
some brewing is all forgotten and simple
fruit .juices, nnfermented and harmless,
are found to be just as refreshing.
The dispensing of summer beverages
is a pretty form of hospitality easy to
compass at a moment's notice and the
list of cheering fascinating drinks is so
long that all can find some that they
can make without much trouble.
As the amount of water exuded from
the body is greater in hot weather than
in cool, more liquids are required to
maintain a right temperature. When
this liquid contains citric or. similar
fruit acid it is more cooling than clear
water or alcoholic drinks.
All fruits contain a variety of su
gars, acids, flavors, potash and min
erals that are easily assimilated and
aid digestion. The more fruit .juice
one can get into one's system the more
one will be benefited.
Lemonades:- —-Few beverages are bet
ter than plain lemonade and it really
seems an unwarrantable liberty to tam
per with it. vet physicians say that
when eggs are added to it that it is not
only more satisfying but at once be
comes a valuable nourishing food.
your old Iriends witfyyou
» (Tj Your favorite club, your racket, your camera—
ijW you'll need them all in Atlantic City. And remem
/ffr\\ J' ,er ' too ' it's the best place for bathing on the coast,
(11/fii u\ llT hroad, sandy beaches and delightful surf.
11///lfl»lllnni WtSuwr ft . Hotels noted for the excellence of their service and ap
nii IlllujvfUl I POintments.
ml W "1 furnish full information, rates, etc.. on application.
S™# v Marlboroueh-l«l»nhelm Strand Hotel
.Jfum I > 1 Both American and Always Open
TJ /I .... .tjiirpP®?" Plans F. B. Off and
If II J"V-v Josiah White & Sons Company H.C.Edwards
IL. r\ „ Ga'en Hall The Shelburne
\ \h \ Hotel and Sanatorium European Plan
\ I 1)1 J F - L Voune. Mgr. J. Weikel. M*r.
—/ Jt ± Hotel Dennis Hotel St. Charles
American p lnn Open All Year
( I Vi? e H Entire Year Newlin Haines Co.
Vril \A\ Walter J. Buzby „ . , .
11 7 B .... . Hotel C heUea
f II V;r.:' A' Seaside House In the Fashionable Chelsea
Open A l Y ear Section. Open All Year
"BS» I F - P- Cook a Sons J. B. Thompson A Co.
pHHsttl I. J' T £" P '"" , ! ur » t The Ho I m hurst
Open AII Year Open All Year
171 ■ R- Hood Henry Darnell
* For detailed information regarding railroad connections.
time tables, etc.. consult local ticket agents.
Grand Atlantic
Virginia Avenue near Ileaeh
Capacity 600
Every room contains two to six
>lo<lern Hnten
$2.50 per day upward. Special
weekly rates. Private baths en i
suite. Every modern high-class con
venience for up-to-date accommo- 1
dation. Evening: dansant.
Superior Tnhle
Service, Attention. Write for Book
let. Auto meets all trains. I
W. F. Shnw, Proprietor.
Nine Examinations Scheduled in Third
Civil Service District for June
The I . S. Civil Service Commission
announces the following open eompeti- i
five examinations to be hold in this!
city, and persons who meet the require
ments and desire any of the examina
tions should apply for the necessary i
pa; ers to the secretary, Third Civil I
Our Advice Is:
When you feel out of sorts from consti
pation, let us say that if
do not relieve you, see a physician,
because no other home remedy will, j
Sold only by us, 10 cents.
George A. Gorgas
Unsurpassed Purity of Products and
Excellence in Quality.
Bell Phones Independent :118
Vfc = #
The Star-
Bell Phone 3280 • Independent 245 or 246
Lemon Cream is the name the white
dad drink dispenser in the soda de
partment calls this and it is really rich
milk flavored with lemon and cream.
To two-thirds of a glass of ice-chilled
milk add the white of an egg beaten
until well fluffed anil containing the
lemon .iuiee. Sweeten this mixture and
add enough cream to fill the glass to
the brim. If you enjoy spicy flavors
grate a trifle of nutmeg over this.
Lemonade made with strained honey
is wonderfully good and the same
smooth richness may be attained if you
use a plain, sweet syrup for sweetening
all your summer drinks. Dissolve two
parts of sugar in one part of water
and heat this until it simmers; coo) and
use in place of sugar.
Fineapple-ade is especially fine when
one has dined not wisely but too well.
Grate fresh pineapple and add lemon
.juice to it and sweeten with as much
powdered sugar as you have of both
fruits. Mix this and put a generous
quantity in each tall, thin tumbler you
plan to serve. Fill almost to' the top
with powdered ice and pass a bottle of
charged water fitted with a siphon to
each imbiber so that just the quantity
of charged water that is liked may be
added. The charged water and siphon
may be had from any druggist.
To-morrow—Rosewood and Mahogany.
in the Mountains
Wernersville, Pa.
Delightful Spring ltesort. Dry Air.
Outlook of 3."> Miliis. Curative and
I Tonic Baths. Superior Cuisine, (rood
| Roads. Resident physician. N. Y.
I JltU'P, Fifth -Vve.
; F. L. YOUNG, Gen'l Mgr.
| Artistic Printing at Star-Independent
_ -
Service district, Philadelphia, or the
j local secretary:
Cook, male and female, S4OO to S6OO
per annum, June 22; expert passenger
rate clerk, male, $1,200 per annum,
.June 23; assistant assayer, male,
\ $1,500, June 23; engineer, plumber
and blacksmith, male, $720, June 23;
sub-inspector of ordnance', male, $4 per
diem, June 23; assistant chemist in
| forest products, male, S9OO $1,200,
June electrical engineer and
j draftsman, male, $1,200, June 23-24.
Arm Broken Trimming Grave
Ha/leton, Pa., May 27.—While
I trimming the grass on her grandfath
er's grave at St. Gabriel's Cemetery,
110-year-old Celia Bonner, daughter of
j Health Oftieer Bonner, was struck by
j a large tombstone that fell off its eon
i crete base, and her left arm was frac-
I tureii.
Copyright, 191fi» by (ieorg« Birr McCutcheon.
I Change Garden Spots.
I AWOKE one morning to find a
long and—l was about to say in
teresting—letter from the count
ess! It was a very commonplace
communication I found on the third
or fourth rending. The sum and sub
stance of its contents was the Informa
tion that she was going to Virginia
Hot Springs with the family for a
month or two and that Loud Amber
dale was to join them there. It ap
peared that her father, being greatly
overworked, was in need of a rest, and
as the golf links at Hot Springs are
especially designed to make it easy for
rich men. his doctor had ordered him
t>) that delightful resort. She hoped
the rest would put him on his feet
again. There was a page or so of
drivel about Amberdale and what he
expected to do at the N'ew York horse
show, a few lines concerning Rose
mary. and a brief, almost curt intima
tjon that a glimpse or two of me would
not be altogether displeasing'to her if
I happened to be coming that way.
It may lie regarded sis n strange eo
incidence that I instructed Britton that
very evening to see that my golf clubs
were cleaned up and put into good
shape for n little practice on a course
near London, where I had been put up
by an English author, and who was
forever dingdonging at me to come out
and let him "put it all over me." I
went out and bought a new brassie to
replace the one destroyed by the ex
perimenting Rocksworth youth, and
before I got through with il had a new
putter, a niblick and a spoon, neither
of which I needed, for the excellent
reasou that 1 already possessed a half
dozen of each.
Keyed up to a high pitch of enthusi
asm, 1 played golf for ten days and
found my friend to be a fine sports
man. I.ike all Englishmen, he took a
beating gracefully, but gave me to un
derstand that he had been having a
good deal of trouble with rheumatism
or neuritis in his right elbow. On the
last day we played he succeeded in
bringing me in two down, and I've
never seen neuritis dispersed so quick
ly as it was in his case. I remember
distinctly that he complauied bitterly
of the pain in his elbow when he start
ed out and that he was as fit as a fid
die at the eighteenth hole. He even
went so far as to Implore me to stay
over till the next sailing of the Maure
J But I took to the higb seas. Mr.
I Poopendyke cabled to the Homestead
j at Hot Springs for suitable accommo
dations. I cannot when I
had been so forehanded as all that, and
I wonder what my secretary thought of
j me. My habit is to procrastinate.
I I almost forgot to mention a trifling
i bit of news that came to me the day
! before sailing. IClsie Hazzard wrote in
j great perturbation and at almost un
feeling length to tell me that C'ouut
J Tarnowsy had unearthed the supposed
-1 ly mythical Hothhoefen treasure chests
| and was reputed to have found gold
j anr: precious jewels worth at least a
' million dollars. The accumulated prod
| nets of a century's thievery! The hoard
, of all tiie robber barons! Tamo way's!
Strange to say. I did not writhe nor
snarl with disappointment and rage. I
took the news with a sang froid that
almost killed poor Poopendyke. He
never quite got over it.
Nor was I especially disturbed or ir
ritated by the telegram of condolence
I I received on board ship from Tar-
I nowsy himself. He could not resist the
: temptation to gloat. I shall not repeat
the message, for the simple reason that
I do not wish to dignify it by putting
j it irto permanent form.
We were two days out when I suc
ceeded in setting my mind at rest in
; respect to Aline. Countess Tarnowsy.
I had not thought of it before, but I
remembered all of a sudden that I held
decided scruples against marrying a
j divorced woman. Of course that sim
plified matters. When one has precon
f ceived notions about such matters
they afford excellent material to fall
back upon, even though he may have
disregarded them after a fashion while
unselfishly thinking of some one else.
As I say. the recollection of this well
defined though somewhat remorseless
principle of mine had the effect of put
ting my mind at rest in regard to the
countess. Feeling as strougly as I did
about marriage with divorcees, she be
came an absolutely undesirable person
so far as matrimony was concerned. I
experienced a rather doubtful feeling
of relief. It was not so hard to say to
myself that I.ord Amberdale was wel
j come to her. but it was very, very dif
! ficult to refrain from adding the un
| amiable words "damn him."
This rigid, puritanical principle of
mine, however, did not declare against
| the unrighteousness of failing in love
with a divorcee.
If I have by any chance announced
; earlier in this narrative that the val
ley of the Donau is the garden spot of
the world I must now ask you to ex
cuse the ebullience of spirit that
prompted the declaration. The Warm
Springs valley of Virginia is infinitely
more attractive to me.
I arrived there early one bright No
vember morning three days after land
lng in .New voru. son will be ren-
I dered unhappy. L fear, by the an.
nouncement thnt 1 left Mr. Poopen
| dyke behind. He preferred to visit nn
| nunt lit New Roclleiie. and I felt that
I he deserved a vacation.
1 Before leaving New York I had a
rather unpleasant encounter with my
publishers. It was in the nature of a
luncheon at which I was led to believe
that they still expected me to supply
them with tlie manuscript of a novel at
a very early date. They seemed consid
erably put out when I bltndly inform
| ed them that I had got no farther
| along than the second char-tor.
i "We have been counting on this book
j of yours for .lanua:*y publication," said
; they.
1 1 tried to explain that the muse had
1 abandoned me in a most heartless
i fashion.
"But the public demands a story from
j you."' said they. "What have you been
doing all summerV
| "Romancing." said-1.
I 1 don't know just bow it came about.
but the suggestion was made that I
j put into narrative form the lively his
j tory of my sojourn on the banks of the
Danube, trusting implicitly lo the iiu
] agination yet leaving nothing to it.
. "But it's all such blithering rot,"
i said I.
I "So much the better." said they trl
! umphantly—even eagerly,
i "I don't suppose that you. as publish
; ers. can appreciate the fact that an nu
j thor may have a soul above skittles."
: said I indignantly. "I cannot, I will
j not. write p line about myself, gentle
men. Not tli'it I consider the subject
I sacred, but''—
! "Wait!" cried the junior member, his
; face aglow. "Wo appreciate the deli
cacy of—er—your feelings. Mr. Smart.
| but I have an idea, u splendid idea, it
: solves the whole quest>n. Your seere-
J tary is a most compt »°nt. capable
young man and a genius i.tter a fush
! lon. I propose that lie write Vie story.
We'll pay him a lump sum t'or the
j work, put your name on the «ovcr.
j and there you are. All you wilt :.are
jto do is to edit his material. Hor/'s
| thnt?"
And si it onme to pnss thnt I took
myself <.ff that evening for Hot
Springs. secure in the thought that
roopcndyk* would nttend to my liter
ary estate far more capably than I
could do It myself nnd that my labors
later on would be pleasantly devoted to
tht lazy task of editing, revising and
deleting a tale already told.
If you are luoky enough to obtain
rooms In the Homestead looking out
over the golf course, with the wonder
ful November colorings in the hills and
gaps beyond; over the casino, the ten
uis courts and the lower le,vels of the
fashionable playground, you may well
say to yourself that all tile world is
bright and sweet and full of hope.
From my windows I could see far
down the historic valley in the direc
tion of Warm Springs, a hazy blue
panorama wrapped iu the air of an In
dian summer and redolent with the in
cense of autumn.
Britton reminded me that it was a
grand morning for golf, and I was at
once reminded that Britton is an ex
cellent chap, whose opinions are al
ways worth considering. So 1 started
for the links, stopping first at the office
of the hotel on my way out, ostensibly
to complain about the absence of win
dow screens, but in reality to glance
over the register in quest of certain
A brisk, oldish little man came up
beside me and rather testily inquired
why there were no matches in his
room; also why the hot water was
cold so much longer than usual that
morning. He was not much of a man
to look at. but I could not fail to
note the obsequious manner in which
the two clerks behind the desk looked
at him. You couldn't possibly have
discovered anything in their manner to
remind you of hotel clerks you may
have come to know in your travels. A
half dozen boxes of matches were
passed out to him in the twinkling of
an eye, and I shudder to thlnlc what
might have happened If there had been
a hot water faucet handy, they were
so eager to please.
"Mr. Brewster gone out yet?" de
manded this Important guest, pocket
ing all of the matches. I could see
at once that he was a very rich mnn.
"I>ld he leave any message for me?
He didn't? He was to let me know
whether he could play golf with—eh?
Playing with Logan, eh? Well, of all
the— He knows I will not play with
Logan. ■ See If Mr. Scott is in his room.
Tell him I'd like to take taim on for
eighteen holes this morning.''
He crossed to the news counter and
glanced over the papers while a dusky
bellboy shot off in quest of Mr. Scott.
"They all hate to play with the old
geezer," said one of the clerks—a
young one, you may be sure—lowering
his voice and his eyebrows at the
same time. "He's the rottenest player
In the world."
"Who is he?" I Inquired, mildly In
"Jasper Tltua," was the reply. "The
real old Jasper himself."
Before I could recover from my sur
prise the object of my curiosity ap
proached the desk, his watch In his
————R "ii MHJIH—mi'J
The Star-Independent
Makes It Possible
for every reader to possess the first, authentic, authoritative work yet to issue from a
responsible, reliable source, dealing with the subject of the gigantic struggle in Europe.
It is offered practically as a gift from this newspaper, a much-desired gift of ster
ling worth—right at the time when the peoples of the neutral nations are mentally
"mired" by the confusion of alleged fact from pens of censors.
This newspaper is published for you—this great enlightening volume on the true
conditions in Europe i 3
|C ||lJ 111 T The Number is Limited
IT J. k a * e Comers Risk Disappointment
A fortunate circumstance made it possible for this
j WAR" elude EXTRA 8 cents within ISO miles; I
I No coupon OP other obligation I. necessary. t2 cent, ISO to 300 mile*; for greate- \ B
I Merely deposit the fe© charged for author** ... , , X NKSJwiS&v I
I royalty and expense at the office of this aistcnces ask postmaster amount to H
"Well, what does he say?" he de
j "The—the boy isn't back yet, Mr.
Titus." said one of the clerks, Involun
j tariiy pounding the call bell in his
"Lazy, shiftless niggers, the whole
I tribe of them." was Mr. Titus' caustic
i comment.
At that instant the boy, quite out of
! breath, came thumping down the
! "Mr. Scott's got rheumatic, Mr. Titus.
He begs to be excused"—
j "Buncombe!" snapped Mr. Titus.
"He's afraid to play me. Well, this i
means no game for me. A beautiful j
day like this and"—
"I beg your pardon, Mr. Titus." snid j
T. stepping forward. "If you don't |
mhid taking on a stranger I will be |
happy to go around with you. My [
: name Is Smart. I think you must have j
heard of me through the countess and
[ your"—
I "Great Scott! Smart? Are—are you |
the author .Tames Byron Smart, the— j
the man who"— He checked himself ;
j suddenly, but seized me by the hand j
nnd as he wrung it vigorously dragged
| me out of hearing of the men behind
1 the desk.
I "I am John Bellamy Smart." said I, |
; a little miffed. j
nis shrewd, hard old face underwent I
j a marvelous change. The crustiness
left it as if by magic. His countenance |
! radiated joy.
; "I owe you a debt of gratitude, Mr.
Smart, that can never be lifted. My
daughter has told me everything. You !
must have put up with a fearful lot of]
nonsense during the weeks she was
with you. I know her well. She's
spoiled, and she's got a temper, al-!
though, upon my soul, she seems dif- j
ferent nowadays. There is a change
in her. by George!"
i "She's had her lesson." said I. "Be
sides I didn't find she had a bad tem
[ "And. say. I want to tell you some- j
thing else before I forget It. I fully J
appreclnte your views on international j
marriage. Allie told me everything
you had to say about it. You must i
have rubbed It in. But T think it did 1
her good. She'll never marry another!
foreigner if I <nu help it, if she never i
marries. Well, well, I am glad to see'
you nnd to shake your hand. I—l wish
1 could really tell you how I feel to
ward you. ray boy. but I—l don't seem
to have the power to express mvself.
If I"-
To Be Continued
"I've Lost Track of 'Em," Says Can
non. Back From Hawaii
San Francisco, May 26. —"We've
been sending too <lamn many notes to i
Germany, so many that I've lost track I
of 'em. I've also quit reading the I
war news. The dreamy, easy life in
Hawaii interested tne a lot more than
Europe's troubles."
This was the statement of Uncle Joe
Gannon, former Speaker of the House
of Representatives, on his return from
the Congressional junket to Honolulu
yesterday aboard the Mattton liner Wil
Cannon, between bites on a cigar,
said he had such a good time in the
Islands that lie didn't read the Presi
dent's Lusitania note.
Story Explains American Trade With
Europe Since War Started
The current issue of "The Trend of
the Times," which is put out by A. B.
Leach & Co., contains h most interest
: ing analysis of the principal export
items of the United States. This
analysis shows the exports of this
country to Kurope in quantity and in
value since the outbreak of the tfar
and gives a comparison of these exports
J with a similar period during the two
: | receding years.
Those interested in this subject
j should send to A. B. Leach & Co. for
in copy of their latest issue of "The
j Trend of ihe Times.'
They Aro 70 Years Old
"For some time past my wife and
j myself were troubled with kidney trou
!ble," writes T. B. Carpenter, Harris-
I burg, Pa. "We suffered rheumatic pains
i all through the body. The first few
I doses of Foley Kidney Pills relieved us.
i After taking live bottles between us
! we are entirely cured. Although we aro
j both in the seventies we are as vig
orous as we were thirty years ago."
j Foley Kidney Pills stop sloe]) disturb-
I ing bladder weakness, backache, rhou
' mat ism, dizziness, swollen joints and
| sore muscles. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 N.
| Third St. and P. R. R. Station. —Adv.
1 Two Hosiery Mills Burn at Reading
Reading, Pa,, May 27.—The plants
[of the Wolfingcr Knitting Mills, Inc.,
land (ieorge W. Hawk Hosiery Company,
| Inc., Third and Walnut streets, were
j gutted by lire last night. The loss
1 inav reach $15,000, partially insured.
! A machine shop in the basement was
; b'urncd out.
Town Invited to r>Oth Anniversary
Topton, Pa., May 27. Mr. an I Mrs.
! Martin S. Croll, who have been lifelong
i residents of this borough, extended an
invitation to every resident to help
them to celebrate their golden wedding
| June 10. The ('roll anil Grim families,
of which Mrs. Croll is a member, will
j hold family reunions at the same time.
Via Philadelphia and
Reading Railway
Sunday OA
Frqfm Fare. Lv.A.M.
I Lebanon, $1.25 9.41
Annville, 1.20 9.51
Palmyra 1.15 10.00
I Hershey, 1.15 10.07
l Hummelstown, .... 10.14
i Harrisburg, 1.00 10.if5
j Gettysburg (Arrive), Noon 12.00
Returning, Special Train will leave
Gettysburg Depot 5.00 P. M. for
i above stations.
Vi ■ i_«t— ———— m 0
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May 24. It 11
Tralaa l.eave MurrUburs—
For Winchester »nd Martlnsbnrg, ai
6.US. •T.oO a. in.. *3.40 p. to.
For Usgeritown, CUaniberabur* tnl |
aneiineUtAie atu.iions, at " o.oj. *7.11
«. in.. •'< 4U. 6.15. M.iu. 11.#7
p. m.
Additional iralm (or Carnal* ana
Mechinlcaburg at W.4M .. m. 2.1 V. l.}l. p. m.
For DlllKburc at t.03, «7.i0 and 'll.ll
a. m- 2.18. 6.32. «.S0 p. m.
■Dally. All otbar trains dally excap'
Sunday. J U. TONOB.
U. A. RIDDLE. OL f. A. *U»I.
Metropolitan Annex
One Square from Penna. and P. & R.
51 a to 520 MARKET STREET
Entire new equipment throughout.
Hot and cold running water.
Telephone in every room. Rate, SI.OO
4UU-4U5 Market St.. Harrisbur?, ira.
At the Entrance to the P B. R. 8l,viio»»
Golf. 'I en nix, Hunting, Unfiling;,
nni! Cycling
Totirn Inc. Hotel*. Shore lOxcunloni,
LOU«N( KJllcji.
screw S.
Faitoxt, nruent and only fttemner InntU
inji |ittMMenK«TM nt flic dock In Hcrmutla
without fpjuiMfer by tender.
For lull in l«»r m » lion (i|i|ily to A. K,
OITKHHiniX.K iV CO.. <iuc>»c<>
S, S. Co.. l td.. 112 Itroadnay, ,\ew York,
r —■
Begin Preparation Now*
Day and Night Sessions
15 S. Market Sq., Harrisburg, Pa.
329 Market Street
Fail Tenu September First
Save On Coal
People used to wait till
Winter to buy coal. Nowa
days the lower prices that go
into effect April 1, make it
profitable for tlicm to lill
their bins for cold weather
early in the Summer.
Kelley's hard pea coal is
now 25c cheaper. Kelley's
furnace sizes are now 50c
But don't delay too long
for all coal prices advance
July 1.
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
Late Shad Haul Largest
MeCall's Ferry, Pa., May 27.—The
first bijj catch of shad this season at
this point wa* made Tuesday, when 1,-
000 were caught in dip nets.