Sail and Exchange . FOR SALE ONE PIANO —Wu useA about one year. I an: leavlrs city and will sell It reasonable on monthly payments. Ad dress J74S. care Star-Independent. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, HI. 116 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint. Acme quality. All th» full line ol the Acme n:>ke. J FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-11? South Secoud St.. 6.000 sets new Saab. Bxlo »12 L. primed and glased, at $1.16 par let Also other slsem. Wants HELP WANTED—MALE TOOLMAKBR—Steady position for first class man: must be experienced on Jigs and fixtures and Universal milling machine. Reply in writing only. giv ing age, experience and reference or names of last two employers. Employ ment Dept., Stanley G. Flag & Co., Pottstowr-, Pa. WANTED—Two first-class tool dressers, familiar with treating high speed steel. Apply Main Office, Herr Street, Pipe and Pipe Bending Co. WANTED—Several good barbers, to start Tuesday, June Ist, during two weeks' convention, on commission basis. Will secure positions for these men after the convention, if they are capa ble. Apply in person. HKRSHKY MEN'S CLUB, Hershey, Pa. YOUNG MEN' learn a trade: earn *3O weekly; permanent positions: good salaries, short hours. Free booklet "I" tells how. Merg.inthaler Linotype School 244-246 West -'3rd St., New York. PERMANENT traveling position that will pay 1150 per month; must have small amount of capital; good oppor tunity for right party. Address No. 3791, care Star-Independent. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED —Position as chauffeur, either as Jitney driver or for private fam ily. Can give reference. Address or call C. S. U.. 71 N. Seventeenth St. WHITE MAN wants work as driver or caretaker of horses, is willing to do any kind of work. Address or call J. 11. BLAINE, 505 Cumberland St. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—A boy of 15 years would like position as office boy; can give good references. Address 16, Lemoyne, Pa. WANTED —An experienced dining room girl. Apply HERSHEY HOUSE. WANTED—Experienced girl for gen eral housework; reference required. Apply to J414 North Second St. A STRONG GIRL or middle-aged wom an for general housework; good wages; also room and board. Address or call 107 S. Second St, WANTED—For general housework, a reliable white girl. Call between 3 and lu a. ill. or b and & p. m„ at 1304 N. Second St., City. WANTED—A saleswoman for shoe de partment; must have experience. Ap ply ROBINSON CO., corner Third and Bioad Sts. ! WANTED —Yampers, tip stitchers and headers. Apply Harrisourg Shoe Man ufacturing Co., Vernon St.. Harrisburg, Et ; ! WANTED—Experieiiced help. Ap ply Silk Mill, corner North aud Second streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn-1 ing. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 50U Race street. ' SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE COLORED LADY wishes cooking or ; general housework, can give refer-. encr. Apply SOS York Ave. STENOGRAPHER and typist; voung lady just through business school; has good references and know s ho v to do the work. Address K. M., Box 63, 1 Pax'.ang, Pa. WANTED—Days' work, washing, clean ing. etc., by middle-aged lady. Bell phone 266 R. Or. call 814 N. Third St. WHITE WOMAN wants days' work of any kind, or will keep house for a widower. Address 92_2 Ash Ave., City. WHITE LADY' wishes days work or washing to do at home. Address 1359 Fulton St. WOMAN wants day's work or washing and Ironing to take home. Applv 1404 1- ulton St. WANTED—A position as child's nurse, or would like to assist with house work. Address or call 1004 Julia Ave. YOUNG LADY' wishes position as cash ier; has had experience and can give best of references. Call or address 631 Kelker street. W ANTED—Day's work or office clean ing. by a young white girl. Address 1208 Fulton St., City. — \ Houses For Rent mil N. 19th St., 3 s. f„ 8 r #lO 140 Linden St.. 3 s. f.. 8 r #!2 1228 N. 6th St., 5 r #l2 2141 Atlas St., 3 s. b., 7 r 913 2116 N. Seventh St., 3s. b., 9 r... *l3 l.>oß Allison St., - '-t s. b„ 7 r. #l4 1505 Allison St., 2' s s. b., 7 r. b.. #ls 152. Allison St., 2". s. h„ 8 r.. . . #ls 123 Dewberry St., 2 s. f„ 6 r #ls 1535 S. 13th, 3 s. b., 8 r. b #lil 1538 S. 13th St., 2 s. b„ 8 r., . #i«t 1500 S. 12th St.. 2H s. b., 8 r. b... #l.l 40 N. 10th St., 2'j s. b., 8 r #lu U6u Emerald St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r #l7 2245 Jefferson St.. 3 s. b., S r (IN 20 N. Cameron St.. 3s. b., 8 r„.. rai »46 Camp St S2O 1207 Derry St., 3s. h.. 9 r *22 405 S. 14-th St.. 3 s. f.. » r #22 50 133 .V. 13th St., 3 s. b.. 8 r. & b„ #25 203 Kelker St., 3 s. b., 8 r #25 1814 Green St., 3 ». b., 11 r. b., #27.50 612 N. 16th St.. 3 s. b., 9 r„ . . #27.541 23 N. 18th St., 3 s. b., I i #2* 2.02 N. sth St.. 3 s. b., 7 r. b #3O 2220 N. 3rd St., 3 s. b., 10 r #32.54) 1914 Market St.. 3 s. b„ 10 r #4o 2230 N". Second St., 3 s. b„ 9 r #45 1114 N. 2d St., 3 s. b., S r #45 2120 Chestnut St., Bellevue Park, #SO 23 S. Front St., furnished (Sept. 1;. SO9 S. Front St, from Sept. 1. APARTMENTS 3M Muench St., 4 r. &. b. ( #l2 35 S. Summit St., 3 r #l2 13 N. 4th St.. 3 r. & b #25 2208 N. 3rd St., 3d floor #4O 2208 N. 3rd St., 2d floor #45 FOR RKM—Summer i-nttnK<**, fur ■ likf anil uiifuminhrd; alao, Huhurli aa houses. Consult our list. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bond* Locust and Court Streets PASTNEB WANTED PARTNER WANTED with about »1.500 or $2,000, in a good paying business; guaranteed from SSO to SIOO per week. Apply 3792, care Star-Independent. Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOB 4AI.E FOR SALE— -142 S. 19H St.: 2H-story frame dwell ing: 7 rooms; front and rear porches; lot 20x110; you will find the price right. Will exchange for farm. Country store located in York Co.: 10 miles from Harrisburg. frame build ings and large store room; well estab lished business. Price of property. $1,500. Stock and fixtures at Inven tory. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. ISS ACRES—3O acres pasture and tim ber land; 9 miles east of Harrisburg: nearly new 9-room frame dwelling; well and running water. This farm can be bought for $7,500. RRINTON-PACKER ("P.. Second and Walnut Sts. (25) ACRES ($1300) Apoplexy) between (70 to 80) second stroke—Must sell at once. Fine (8) year horse (2) Jersev cows (2) hogs (90) chickens (160) corn (30 oats (8) wheat (5) rye (7) potatoes (hay) and (straw) Including Farming Machinery— Note the Low Price only $1800). Pos session at once. On Main Road (tele phone) in (2) porch home, extra fine Bank Barn, covered stock yard (2) wagon houses, out buildings. Fruit, Meadows and Creek advantages and only (2) mile to Market. (50) ACRES ($1600) (Man) and (Wife) six (Children)—ln herited. poor management end to avoid (Sheriff Sale) means above low price for Quick Sale. Joins large (City Mar ket) near (3) railroads (SO) trains daily anil (2) Trolley Lines. (100) large fruit trees, valuable creek and mead ows. Home. barn, wagon, poultry and hog houses. Valuable match team horses, (;.) fresh cows (4) hogs (50) poultry, geese, ducks and guineas: hay, straw) (corn) oats (everything) only (75) ACRES ($3500) (I'eath) Sorrow (No Family) give away at above price. (Buildings) like (new) ten r»om (3) porch Home with (telephone) large Bank Barn (2) wagon houses, covered stock yard, out build ings; all new Metal Roofs and (painted) last month. Fine spring water, creek and meadows. (600) feet to school and church. On Main Road handy to (2) markets. With team horses valued i ssoo> and (4) fresh cows (8) hogs (70) chickens, hay and straw (corn) oats— Quick Sale only ($4300). Bargain. I UEORUE B. OSTRANDEK Danville Telephones Sunbury ■ Mornings (7 to S) Evenings | AX old-established grocery store, on I the Hill, doing a good business: sold lat inventory. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. I Thirteenth St. FOR SALE—A new brick house, all im provements; side entrance; now va cant: can be purchased with SSO cash, balance $15.25 per month. H. G. FED- La)U . 110 S. Thirteenth St. A PROPERTY on the river road, with about ' 3 acre of ground; good house, porches, granolithic walks, price $2200. H. G. TEULOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St. BUNGALOW FOR SALE—Steam heat; gas; electric light; S rooms and bath; large porches; lot 60x150; fruit; 3c car fare. BELL REALTY CO„ Bergner Building. PENN STREET HOUSE FOR SALE— 3-story brick; s> rooms; Bath; gas; electric lights: steam heat; porch; lot 18x100. Inspect il. No. 21:4. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. SUBURBAN LOTS FOR SALE at both Penbrook and Camp Hill; various sizes; good locations and at very rea sonable prices. Get particulars at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. ONE of the best and most desirably lo- ' cated homes in Wormleysburg, Front St., can be bought far much less than it cost. Large house, all conveniences, gas and electric light, hot water heat. Address 3 790, care Star-Independent. EEAL ESTATE FOE SENT FOR RENT—2-story porch front brick! house, 1507 Boas St.. to small family; all conveniences and pleasant surround- 1 ings. Inquire E. O. SHAFFNEH, 107 Boas St. Bell phone 770 M. FOR iLENT- No. IM3 Whitehall St $32.50: No. 1350 Market St $:;..00 No, 12» t>. Fourteenth St., ....$22.00 No. 228 N. Fifteenth St $20.00 No. l.'-oO NaMdain St SIS.OO J. K. GIPFLE, Kol Market St, FOR RENT—House No. 1815 N, Seventh' St., with seveu rooms, in good repair, with a large yard with fruit trees, rent: icasonaole. Apply 42U Mac lay St. DESIRABLE houses and apartments for rent, ail over city. Reasonable rents. Inquire HARVEY r. SMITH, :u\ South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 218 M. FOR RENT—House, ail improvements, city steam heat; central location, 4 doois above MarKet street, suitable for boarding or rooming house, it N. Fifth St. Apply S. AIKLTZER. 513 Walnut St, FOR RENT— -542 S. lTtii St., $18.50 540 S. 17th St., $18.50 Apply Kulin & Hershey, 18 South Third Street. FOR RENT—Houses with all Improve ments. at moderate rental*, J. a, iJIPPLE, 1251 Market St FURNISHED ROOMS TOK SENT. A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, pleas ant location, on the Hill; private fam ily; gentleman preferred; must come wen recommended For particulars call Bell phone 1331 R. TOR RKNT—Furnished rooms, single or en suite, with board if desired; just vacated by members of the Legislature. Two minutes walk from Capitol. In quire Til North Sixth St. FOR RENT -1* urnished room for gen tleman; opposite Reservoir tennis courts; breaktast, board. Inquire Bell phone 153-R. APARTMENTS FOB BENT FOR RENT—Two new modern apart ments. 1814 State St., four and six rooms; Urge, light, cheerful; three bay windows in each apartment; tiled bath, hard wood floors, beautifully paper ed. electric light, steam heat, cab inet gas ranges, refrigerators, shades all new; front and back porches, side entrance and back yard; rent reason able. A. S. MILLER & SON, Eighteenth i I and State Sts. Bell phone 3896 J. , I'OR RF^NT—One flve-room apartment, with front and back porches; all modern improvements, at 2019 Green St. | 213 CHESTNUT ST.—Two small 3-room apartments, rent 13.50 and $4.00 per week. AH improvements. Call A F WEK.N'EIt, 213 Chestnut St. MODERN and sanitary; steam heat; electric lights, gas range and water heaters; laundry trays; finest equipped for medium rent in city. Location 1419 Vernon and 1416 Thompson Sts. Open for inspection. Apply BAPTIBTI, Third and Chestnut Streets. FOR RENT—-Large room, third floor, tire proof building; corner pf Aber deen and Strawberry avenues. Freight I elevator service. Apply Commonwealth 1 Trust Co., 222 Market St. HARRISBtTRG STAR-INDERENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 26, 1915. IN< *r> Buy Honkm| Legal . SEALED PROPOSALS for furnishing steel plates, dies, halftones. ll»t« plates, zinc plates, binders' stamps anil electrotypes for the execution of the public printing and binding of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. In compliance with the provisions of the act of Assembly, approved Febru ary 7th, 1305, as amended by an act of Assembly, approved May 11th, 1911. 1 hereby advertise for proposals for furnishing s>teel plates, dies, halftones, line plates, zinc plates, binders' stamps and electrotypes required by the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, necessary In the execution of the public printing and binding thereof, for two years from the first day of July next, at certain rates per centum below the maximum rates tlxed in a schedule prepared by the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding, and which can be procured upon application to the Department of Public Printing and Binding, Harrls burg, Pa. Proposals must be enclosed In envelopes, sealed and endorsed "pro posals for furnishing steel plates, dies, halftones, line plates, zinc plates, bind ers' stamps, and electrotypes," and be delivered to me on the first Monday of June, A. P. 1915. being the seventh day of the month, at or before 3 o'clock p. m„ of said day, accompanied by bond with two sufficient sureties, or one surety company, in the sum of ten thou sand dollars, as required by said act of Assembly as amended as aforesaid. Such proposals as shall have been received up to said hour will be opened, and the contract or contracts awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders. The right is reserved to let the con tracts In parts to different bidders if it should be to the best interests of the Commonwealth. Copies of the schedule, blank bonds and forms must be had at this office and no bid will be accepted unless submit ted upon such form and bond tiled therewith in accordance with the said act of Assembly as amended as afore said. A. NEVIN POMEROY, Superintendent. j Harrishurg. May 20, 1915. | Administrator's Notire In the estate of Naomi W. Good, de ceased: Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Naomi W. Good, late of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will make pay ment immediately, and those having claims will present them for payment to JOHN* E. MYICRS. Administrator, Carhp Hill. Pa. Charter Notice Notice Is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Thursday, the 10th day of June. 1915, by Dr. John R. W. Hunter. Carl Hanson, Milton E. Grove and Marguerite L. Hanson, under the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and reg ulation of certain corporations," ap proved April 29, 1874, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Overland Harrisburg C 0.," the charac ter and object of which Is buying, selling and dealing in automobiles, automobile accessories, supplies, equip ment and repair parts, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tiie rights, benefits and' privilege's of said act of Assembly and the sup- I plements thereto. J. H. CRAIG, Solicitor, Deputy Sec. Internal Affairs. | NOTICE is hereby given that on or be [ fore Tuesday. June 15, 1915, the un- I dersigned will die his credentials with and make application to the Pennsylva- I nia State Board o£ Law Examiners to be examined on the tith and 7th days of July, 1 y 15, for admission to the bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: WALTER R. SOHX, of Harrisburg, Pa., a registered student at law in the Dickinson Law School, and in the law office of Hargest & Hargest, Esus.. of | the Dauphin County Bar. In the Matter of the Kslatr of John K. Fertijc, late of the To»n»htp of Mid dle I'a\ton, Uiiuiiltln tount>, Pa., I)e --j reaped: j Letters testamentary on the estate ! of the hbove named decedent having: been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to saki estate are re quested to make payment and those having claims against the same will present them without delay. JOHN K. EISENHOWER, Executor. Northumberland, Pa., ! HENRY E. FOX. Attorney, Harrisburg, Pa. t Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKING PACKING—A. il. SHRENK. X 906 Nortk Sixth street, first class packer of fur fciture, china and Drlcabrac. Bell phone l»»W. —————in WANTED TO BUY ! I WANT TO BUY six or eight second hand hot water radiators one corner cupboard. Address No. 3793. care Star- Independent. MISCELLANEOUS PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and storing; work done by experts. WIN TER PIANO CO., i'i N. Fourth St. Bell phone 146. B. J. CAMPBELL Feather Renovator, luuu Paxton street. ALE KINDS OF HAULING ; FAST motor truck express, 1 or 2 tons— all kinds of hauling; freight and fur ; niture in the city or suburbs, at reason able rates; day or night service, picnics and pleasure trips; safe and best of service. THEODORE T. PRECHT, 411 Hummel St. Bell phone 3t>44J. ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight. ID the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening- \VM. H. DARE. 14»J Vernon St. Beil phone 3517.1. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE—Private rooms for household goods, sj.ou per month and up. We Invite inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second St. HARRISBURG STORAGE COMPANY. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN upon real estate se curities in any anmount.s and upon any terms to suit the borrower. Ad dress P. O. box 174. ANY" PERSON NEEDING MONEY in amounts from |5 to SSO, holding a salaried position, would be Denetited by calling on us. EMPLOYES' DISCOUNT CO., 36_N._Thlrd St. . DETECTIVE PRIVATE DETECTIVE GEORGE W. SHULER Hi & Fifteenth St. Bell Phone 2S»«& CITY TAX 1916 Notice is hereby given that City Tax for 1915 is due and payable at the Office of the City Treasurer, Room 14, Court House. An abatement of one per cent. (1 r ' r ) will be allowed if same is paid before August 1, 1915. OWEN ffl. COPELIN, City Treasurer. FOR SALE Second Hand Building Material All kinds second-hand Lumber, Brick, Sash, Win dow Frames, Doors —all sizes. Inquire at the Old Steam Heat Plant, 136 Short Street, or Hotel Plaza. THE CONN. WRECKING CO. 1914 Personal School Tax, sl.ool OPEN AT NIGHT . The office of the City Treasurer will be open on the nights of May 27, 28 and 29 from 7.30 to 9.00. Also on Saturday afternoon, May 29th, from 2.30 to 5.00. OWEN M. COPELIN, City Treasurer and Collector of School Taxes ( , Lost and Found rOTJND. FOUND—The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Egbert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 3245 Market St. Do you? Call and deliver. FOUND —A decided Improvement In my ■ appearance since having my clothing ( cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dve Works. 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- I Kerns. 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call- ! lug and deliveriiig | LOST I/SST—On Sunday afternoon, about 4.30 p. m.. between Hummelstown and Harrisburg. a toolbox and license tag. Please return to 1301 N. Third St.. City. . Death and Obituary DIED. BOAK—On Tuesday. May 25. 1915, Miss : Emma Boak. formerly of Harrisburg. died at Mahanoy City. Body will be brought here and fu- I neral services will be held Thursday' evening at 7.15 o'clock, from funeral parlors of F. C. Neely, 908 X. Second > St. Relatives and friends arc invited to attend without further notice. Final services at Andersontown, York county, | CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. D. Deardorf and family | desire to thank their neighbors audi friends for the kindness and sympathy j extended to them on account of the | death of their son, Charles Dpardorf. AMUSEMENTS 'MAJESTIC» T Sr' SEATS XO\V SELLING THE DELIGHT OF THE SEASON j CHRISTIE MACDONALD —IN— SWEETHEARTS Specially Selected Company and Singing Chorus PRICES SOc to 92.00 * COLONIAL"! There's Nothing Shocking About Electrical Venus Except the current, and that's enough. THIS AND THBEE- OTHER GOOD ! ACTS AND PICTURES Mats., 5 and 10c; Eve., 10 and 15c J / % ■ To-day and to-morrom I'arainoant. j "BK KSHOT JOHN," by Charlea E. j Vao Loan, in 5 reels Ess. Comedy, SUE; Lubin, INDIS- | CRETION FRIDAY One Day Only THE I CI.EMEXCEAI CASE—liy Alexandre ; Duma*' Madlemork. i'onerfnl Story. J V | ELLIOTT-FISHER GLEE CLUB AT Tech High Auditorium Thursday Evening, May 27, at 8 p. m. I A booklet of interest to investors or those seeking investments "How to Invest Money" Sent free on application PARMELEE & CO. SI Nassau St. New York "T"" - ~ . 1 '■ FOR RENT | Large Room ji About 4,000 sa. ft., third j jjl floor, fire-proof building j |l| Corner of Aberdeen & j II Strawberry Avenues j || Freight Elevator Service i ! j! Apply | ill Commonwealth I Trust Co. jj 222 Market Street j J MONEY If you work, keep house, pay your bills and need money for a good purpose, we can supply it in amounts of $5 to at legal rates, payable weekly or monthly. Organized in 1909 hy local people with local cap ital to save borrow i i's from extortion, the Co-opera tive, regardless of what others advertise, still leads for business rates, terms and service. COOPERATIVE LoantlnwstmMtCo. 204 CHEST.-* LT ST. Open daily-from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., and Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock. : / > j Frank R. Leib & | Real Estate and Inserance j Office No. 18 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa., FOR SALE Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumberland. Detached dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improvements. I Owner moving to Phila | delphia and will sell at a [ reasonable price. FOR RENT 615 Mahantongo St.— 3-story frame dwelling—B rooms and bath. Possession a": once 111.00 1437 Vernon St. —3-stor.v brick dwelling, 8 rooms. Possession at once. Rent, $14.00 ' B. C. MURRAY Toolmaker and Jobber 19-29 JONESTOWN BO AD New Shop. Modern Equipment for Horseshoeing, Wagon and Tool Work Bell Telephone BALKY KIULE DEFIES THE GOVERNOR C«atin tied From First Pas*. should get to work with the digging implements. Tho cars were decorated with "Good Roads'' streamers and State and National flags and presented a gay sight as they shot across the Market street bridge on the start down tho Cumberland Valley. Cloudy skies did not dampen the spirits of the party, al though the camera men were hoping for a little sunlight to make their work more effective. The first stop wag near the old Bt. John's chur.-hyard, on tho Trindle Springs road, between Harrisburg anil Mechanicsburg. It was there that the Governor's party saw the big corps of road-builders who were recruited bv the Motor Club of Harrisburg and who had gone out early in the morning to get on the job. They had their coats off and were working with a will, notwithstand ing blistered hands and, in some cases, a limited kuowledgc of what picks and shovels are intended for Myton as "Slave-driver" J. Clyde Myton was in charge of the gang and everybody agreed no slave driver ever got more work out of a group of men. There were seven ty-five workers busy there when tho Governor arrived, and they greeted him with a mighty cheer. The Governor, who wore a cap and an ordinary gray businoss suit of nat ty appearance, smiling broadly, jumped out of the car and grabbed a shovel. Without removing his coat, he made the dirt fly for fully five minutes from a gully at the roadside into the middle of the highway. Then, amid more cheers and a few handshakes, the gubernatorial party sped on a rnila further, where they ran across a band of foreign laborers "from Steelton who had been hired by the Motor Club of Harrisburg to put' in a day 's. work with pick and shovel. Many farmers joined, in the work with out pay. There the Governor got out again ami, after chatting with the foremen, grabbed a pick, with which he dug | most vigorously for fully ten minutes, j without, however, removing his coat. | The foreign laborers were astonished : at his energy and each lost the full [ ten minutes' time as they gazed at him | with open-mouthed wonder. The ex | ample he set, however, stimulated the j paid workmen to work faster for the J rest of the day. When the Governor I climbed back into the car the perspira- I tion was running from every pore and I the palms of his hands were blistered. Tries in Vain to Drive Mule Just east of Mechanicsburg the next stop was made. A band of volunteers was hard at work when the official party arrived. The Governor climbed out, picked up a shovel and helped load dirt into a dump wagon. A mo ment later it came to his attention that a big sprinkling wagon was partly mired in a ditch. A farmer was vig orously exhorting a mule and a horse, that constituted the team, to pull the water wagon into the center of the road. "I'll show you how to do that," shouted the Governor, and he nimbly climbed to the driver's seat. "Geddajj," shouted the Chief Ex ecutive of the State, as he mildly lashed the stubborn mule with the reins, but -not an effort was made by that balky | animal to move the sprinkler. Repeat ed urgings had 110 effect and the Gov ernor had to give up. He reluctantly climbed down from the seat. " You can't make that mule go," drawled a farmer in blue overalls. ''His name is Local Option," to which the Governor smiled and remarked: "Wait till 1917." Greeted by Collage Girls Irving College, on the outskirts of Mechauicshurg, was the next stop. President Campbell, of the college, was at the gate when the autos pulled up and he led the Governor to the front porch of the main college building. There were assembled 100 very pret ty college girls and the Governor doffed his hat and threw a kiss. Ho shook hands with most of the girls who swarmed around him and they made a great fuss over him, all of which vis ibly pleased His Excellency. They sang college songs and gave the college yell, ending with "Brumbaugh! Brum baugh! Brumbaugh!" and as Governor departed two of the prettiest of girls, on each of the Governor's arms, escort ed him back to the car. The Governor made a brief speech in which he gal lantly told the girls how pretty they looked. The party reached Carlisle at 10.45 o'clock and paused' for a few minutes before setting off for Newville, 11 miles further down the Cumberland Valley. The Governor said he was en joying it all immensely. Girls Help Governor Dig , Newville, May 26.—0n the worst j stretch of road in this section, extend | ing over Cemetery Hill, Governor Brum- I haugh and his party got out of their 1 machines and engaged in real labor j this afternoon. Newville women helped. In company with four girls Governor | Brumbaugh dug a stretch of ditch. Near Oakville the Governor's party j stopped and unpacked lunch baskets j under a big oak tree at the intersec j tion of three roads. The entire party j had luncheon. They then embarked on ! t-he last leg of the jouney, through I township roads in Southern Cumberland I county. They expected to head for j home late this afternoon and to arrive j about 5 o 'clock. THOMAS M. JONES. | SUFFRAGISTS SERVE LI'NCH TO VOLUNTEER WORKERS The Motor Club of IHhrrisburg sent j I its road-building recruits to work on the Trindle Springs road in Cumber- j land county this morning, which caused j a howl from some members who reside |in Dauphin county, but Cumberland ' county had the greatest call on the Harrisburg club, for two scores of Me chanicsburg and Carlisle autoists are members of the elub. Hummelstown motorists kicked and wanted some of the roads in that sec tion cleared up and there was a kick, too, from Millersburg. The Motor Club of Harrisburg has promised to take these people into consideration next year should Governor Brumbaugh de clare a "Good Roads Day," as he will more than likely do. Autoists from Camp Hill, Mechan- j icsburg and Carlisle entered into the j road-building with a vim and the club-j was aided greatly by Cumberland countians. Consequently the local | blanch of the Pennsylvania Suffrage, Association, which promised to provide j luncheons, had little to do to day in ! this county, but a dozen of the local | ■uffragists signified their willingness | last night to visit their burg sisters who purposed to serve luncheon to the road workers at Shire manstown at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Alice Starr Houck, of Mechanic*- burg, was in charge of the luncheon. Governor Down the Valley Governor Brumbaugh was far down the Cumberland pike by the time luncheon was served and the Chief Ex ecutive did not have the opportunity oT" " )e uest °' these suffragists. Bud rage activity wau confined prin cipally to .the country districts. Ac cording to a statement issued at the Hate suffrage headquarters here, tho women in Allegheny county planned to feed 15,000 men. In Franklin coun ty, where Governor Brumbaugh will probably visit before the day is over, the women served 40(f lunches. Waynesboro women provided 200 of these, i'hambersburg women helped in j the luncheon problem. Gettysburg I women helped in Adams county. The same menu held good the Stale over. There were plenty of sandwiches, lem onade, iced tea and coffee. The Governor is more than eager for his administration to establish better roads in Pennsylvania. When it was seen that the State revenue was such that roads could not get the amount ot money that they should have, he de cided to let the public-spirited people of the State help and his Good Roads Pay declaration was made before the road bills were passed in the Legisla ture. 1 no,OOO Work in State The hearty co operation throughout the State has pleased the Governor, who was compelled, during the recent session of the Legislature, but one new road created. This was a Gettysburg battlefield road. It is estimated 150,- 000 volunteers worked on the roads to-day. The road between Lemovne and New Cumberland, was overhauled to-day under the direction of the Motor Club of Harrisburg, Surveys has been made by practical road men of all of the work proposed by the club and when the workers started out this morning crushed stone was found in availaiblo places. Contracting firms in Harrisburg and Cumberland county, lent men and teams. Mechanicsburg motorists collect ed more than s3>oo for this work and the New Cumberland committee raised close to $ 10' O. A stretch of roadway near Cemetery Hill, Newville, was re paired and Representative Bbv, of Newport, headed a committee from that town that repaired the drcbank Hill road. Officials of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company took an a/ctive interest in the Good Roads movement. At At glen many tons of cinder were given to the township authorities, whilo at Thorndale and Middletown, nearly a train load of dirt was donated for use on roads in adjacent territory. Volunteers for Lebanon County Good roads day was generally ob served throughout Lebanon county. A holiday was observed in rural districts. iPiles of crushed stone, material for rebuilding roads and hundreds of en thusiastic. workers are on hand. All of the coal dealers in the county announced that they would observe a holiday and placed teams at the dis posal of the si pervisors. State Senator E. E. Beidleman, of lHarrisburg, sent a chectk of $lO to the County Commissioners. Work in the Coal Regions Hszloton, Pa., Ma/ 26.—The succee* of good roads day in the Lehigh coal ifield was marred by an early morning drizzle that threatened to keep tiff un til night. Despite this many volunteer laborers and teams were on the job and i