6 THE STAR-INDEPENDENT ( Established tn 1576) Published by THE STAR PRINTING COMPANY. Star-lndapandant BulMlni, IS-20-22 South Third Straat. Harrlabur*. Pi. Every Evanlnf Exoapt Sunday. Officerl : Diucton: BSNJAMIN F. METERS, JOHN L. L. KUHN, President. WM. W. PRE , TDENT .' WM. K. MIYIRS, 'and Treasurer. WM. W. WALLOWEK. WM. H. WARNER, V. HUMMEL BEROHAU., J*.. Business Manager. Editor. All communications should be addressed to STAR INDEPENDENT, Business, Editorial. Job Printing or Circulation Department, according to the subject matter. Entered at tlie Post Office In Harrishurs »» second class matter. Benjamin & Kentnor Company, J New York and Chicago Representatives. New York Office, Brunswick Building, 225 Fifth Avenue. Chicago Office, People's Gas Building, Michigan Avenue. ~~Delivered by carriers at 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscribers lor Three Dollars a year in advance. THE STAR-INDEPENOENT The paper with the largest Home Circulation in Harrisburg and searby towns. Circulation Examined by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. ~~ TELEPHONES; BELL _ Private Branoh Esohango, _ • • C " UM ' BK^LAND VALLEY Private Branch Enohanga, No - S4S-24S <»^l§SF > Wednesday, May 26, 1915. MAY Son. Men. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Bat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES— Last Quarter, 6tb; New Moon, 13th; First Quarter, 21st; Full Moon, 28th. WEATHER FORECASTS y' Harrisburp and vicinity: Showers •nd cooler to-night. Thursday generally Eastern Pennsylvania: Showers to night and probably Thursday. Cooler u to night. Moderate to freßh northwest I to north winds. , YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, 71; lowest, 46; 8 a. ni., 55; 8 p. m., 67. BECKER'S ONE CHANCE The Court of Appeals in Albany, by affirming yesterday the second conviction of former Poliee Lieutenant Charles Becker, of New York City, for the murder of Herman Rosenthal, gambler, closed all save two possiUle avenues of escape for Becker from the deatty chair. The two remaining avenues of escape seem very narrow ones. One is to appeal to Governor Whitman for executive clemency and .the other is to appeal to the United States Supreme Court from the ruling of the New York Court of Appeals. Becker's chances of obtaining a pardon from Governor Whitman sre so slight that it might just as well be concluded there is absolutely no hope for the former lieutenant in that direction, for it is recalled that Governor Whitman was the district attorney of New York county who prosecuted Becker and obtained his conviction. Whitman, as prosecuting officer, personally con ducted the case. He did not turn the prosecution over to an assistant district attorney but brought all the force of his individual intelligence and experi ence in the criminal courts into the work of con victing the man. Indeed it was largely through the prestige that Whitman won for himself through obtaining this conviction that he gained the popular approbation that swept him into the Governor's chair. In view of the earnest fight Whitman made against Becker there can be little doubt that, as prosecutor, he fully believed in the guilt of the man. If he believed, when he was district attorney, that Becker was deserving of the death penalty, it is hardly likely that he will change his view now, for probably no person is more familiar with the facts as brought out in the trials of Becker than is Whitman. It is a practical certainty, therefore, that nothing new can be brought to the attention of Whitman as Governor to alter his opinions re garding the case sufficiently to induce him to par don the former bluecoat. Indeed Becker, personally, has expressed himself as now without hope, not only so far as Governor Whitman is concerned, but also with reference to the suggestion that the fight be carried to the United States Supreme Court. However, his friends, and particularly his loyal wife, will not give up the contest until the last possibility of saving the con victed man's life is removed. It is probable that they will even appeal to Whitman, practically hope less as that course must seem to them, but their only real hope rests with the highest court of the land. HAS A QUARREL WITH THE TOOTHBRUSH Just at the time when "Dental Hygiene Week" is being observed in the New York schools, and 7,000 children are being given instructions in the use of toothbrushes as an example to the rest of the country, the rather startling assertion comes from a New Jersey physician that toothbrushes serve as instruments, not of personal hygiene but of in fection, and that they should be abandoned. In teaching the New York school how to care properly for their teeth, the dental lecturers and the school instructors are laying stress on what they deem the necessity for habitual use of the brushes. On Friday in all public schools of the five boroughs there will be the toothbrush drills, preparatory to "Deatal Hygiene Field Day" on Saturday, when trophies will be awarded for the best handling of the brushes by the children. Yet all this, we would be led to believe by the New Jersey physician's HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, KIAY 26, 1915. general statements, will have injurious rather than beneficial effects. It seems that experiments have been conducted with originally sterilized toothbrushes which, after being exposed twelve hours, contained in eight in stances out of twelve, quantities of germs compar able with the numbers usually found in sewage. For this reason the abandonment of "the filthy toothbrush" and the substitution of clean fore fingers and silk floss have been recommended. It would be sad, if after painstakingly instruct ing school children how to use toothbrushes the den tal authorities were to be convinced of the so-called filthiness of these instruments and would according ly have to face the confiding youngsters and not only take back all they had said but do the teach ing all over again by some other method, as well. There surely seems to be some sense in the sug gestion that toothbrushes be done away with, and that the cleanliness of the mouth be dependent on some other agency. The brushes have not only been undesirable at times when reminding one of a daily duty easier neglected than performed but also when in actual use, because of rough treatment of tender gums. "The old family toothbrush" or even the individually owned specimens, if really un sanitary, may have to go sooner or later. NAMES OF CREEKS THAT ARE ORIGINAL It is best, perhaps, that we do not know who the persons were who selected some of the names of rivers and cities and things included in the geog raphy of our country, for we might not think well of those persons. Many names came from the In dians, but even although some of these might better have been changed into the King's English by the early settlers, others of them are simple and musical and not half bad. Americans who have given com mon, all too common, American names to places and waters, have done much more to disgrace the country than have the Indians, for their selection has largely been anything but wise. According to the Geological Survey the state of lowa has the credit of including within its boun daries some of the most oddly named creeks that flow on the face of the earth. lowa need not be haughty on account of the distinction. Because its creeks are called what they are, discriminating persons would not care to go to that state to live, for fear they might get in the vicinity of one of j them. Persons with taste would hardly care to live and have their being, for instance, near placid Purga tory Creek, or sparkling Whiskey Run, or babbling Keg Creek, nor would summer boarders be likely to be attracted to the vicinity of Mosquito Creek, Fly Creek or Rat Creek. It is difficult to understand what may have been the motives of the persons who named these creeks. There is one rivulet mentioned in the Survey, how ever, which may have come by its title through services actually rendered by it, and that is Milk Creek. Dairymen in the vicinity of that waterway appear to be liberal enough to give credit where credit is due. Including Milk Creek, however, the names of lowa's streams are so unattractive that it is evident that the Indians wandering about in that territory in the first place did not have enough of originality to assign suitable names to the creeks, and that the white settlers who came later had en tirely too much of it. Don't despise the new graduate! He or she is pretty sure to know something that you don't. Despite its being Good Roads Day there were a few able-bodied men to be seen on the street corners in Har risburg. With Italy now in the war the Kaiser will probably think twice before deciding to turn down Uncle Sam's demands. Governor Brumbaugh, when mending roads to-day, learned it is easier to drive a balky Legislature than to make a stubborn mule go. • The suffragists who made sandwiches for the volunteer road menders probably figured the easiest way to reach a man's vote is through his stomach. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN YES! YES! Sometimes a very rich girl makes a very poor wife.— Detroit Free Press. THE ONLY SAFE WAY The perfection of traffic regulations will never be reached until a telegraph pole is interposed between every joy rider and the innocent pedestrian.—Washington Post. . THE SAME MAN The fellow in the movie show who laughs loudest at the picture in which a woman is chasing her husband around the house with a rolling-pin iB the same lad whose wife makes him go out in the back yard when he wants to smoke a cigarette.—Cincinnati Enquirer. ALWAYS Blackbird—"What was all that noise about in the woodsf" Bluebird—"The Woodpecker was picking a quarrel with the Brown Thrush." Blackbird —"Huh, those redheaded people are always so quick tempered."—Ginger. GOING SOME Two negro roustabouts at New Orleans were continually bragging about their ability ,as long distance swimmers* and a steamboat man got up a match. The man who swam the lougest distance was to receive five dollars. The Ala bama Whale immediately stripped on the dock, but the Human Steamboat said he had some business anil would return in a few minutes. The Whale swam the river four or five times for exercise, and by that time the Human Steamboat returned. He wore a pair of swimming trunks and had a sheet iron cook stove strapped on his back. Tied around his neck were a dozen packages containing bread, flour, bacon and other eatables. The Whale gazed at his opponent in amazement. "VVhar yo' vittlesT" demanded the Human Steamboat. "Vittles fo' whatf" asked the Whale. "Don't yo' ask me fo' nothin' on the way ovah," warned the Steamboat. "Mah fust stop is New York an' mah next stop is London."—Kodak Salesman. ECZEMA ALL OVER SISTER'S HEAD 'V Back of Neck and Both Sides Face. Lost Hair. Two Cakes Cuticura Soap and One Box Cuticura Oint ment Healed in Two Months. P. O. Box 73. Allison P. 0., P».—"My sister was very badly troubled with eciema aU over her head, the back of her neck and tboth sides of her fare. Sho lost all her hair. too. The trouble began with a small sfire not bigger than a dime which my sister brushed out and thought it went away, but later her whole head began to be covered with small pimples. Not only her whole head was covered, but also hep neck and face. Later they be came large sores. Her hair was ah plastered to her head. She always wore a little hood. "She used salves, but without success. A doctor recommended Cuticura Soap and Ointment. She used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one bo* of Cuticura Ointment which completely healed her head and face In less than two months* after six months of torture." (Signed) Miss' Mary M. Nogg, September 17,1014. Sample Each FVee by Mail With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T. Bos ton." Sold throughout the world. i > Tongue-End Top ics | For Compulsory Fire Insurance A project to institute compulsory state fire insurance is now under con sideration by the Russian Minister of the Interior, and will be soon presented to the Council of Ministers for ap proval. The proposal was first made by the budget committee of the Duma, which pointed out the desirability of such a measure as a source of income to the government. According to pre liminary estimates, if this fire insurance monopoly were undertaken by the gov ernment, it would yield an' annual in come of fifteen million dollars. The Min ister of the Interior, however, is in fa vor of the passing of such a measure, not primarily because it would bring a large revenue to the government, but because compulsory insurance is de manded by the condition of the major ity of buildings in Russia, which are wooden and but poorly protected against tire. The constant destruction of these wooden buildings by tire has been a perceptible drain on the eco nomic strength of the country. * * * Germans Test the Air Currents The use to which German meteorolog ists are putting the Belgian Royal Ob servatory at Uecle, a suburb of Brus sels, is told in the "Gazette Astrono mique," now published in London by the Astronomical Society of Antwerp. When the Belgian army retired from Brussels, a German force took posses sion of the observatory and put four German Scientists in charge, to take weather observations for the informa tion of the army aeronautic force. The Belgian astronomers were allowed to remain, subject to certain restrictions. The German army meteorologists wcro observed filling with hydrogen small rubber balloons to get the direction and velocity of the air currents in the up per atmosphere. At night the balloons carried an electric pocket lamp form ing an artificial star. Similar observa tions were made by stations at Liege, Namur, and'other points in the con quered territories, being collected and collated in Berlin for the use of com manders of Zeppelins and aeroplane units. * * * Women Want to Serve in Army A deputation of women who wish to form a volunteer legion to serve as regular soldiers in the Russian army has arrived in Kiev from Gomel with a petition which they have presented to the head of the Kiev military district. These women state that they are ready to assume all military duties except actual engagement in battle, and are particularly desirous of being employed for patrol service. They have de signed a uniform similar to that worn by the regular army, but distinguished from in it by leather coats and tri cornered hats. They hope to carry reg ular infantry arms. • * * Ban on Vodka Hurts Pawn Shops Prohibition of the sale of vodka and other intoxicating drinks in Moscow has effected a striking reduction of the business of the municipal pawnshops. Notwithstanding the high prices of foodstuffs and clothing entailed by the war, the population is steadily losing its dependence upon those institutions, as is shown by the following figures: or the first quarter of 1914, the muni cipal pawnshops njade 204,453 loans, aggregating $1,222,145. During the corresponding quarter of the present year, there were contracted 128,010 loans, totaling $836,857. • • • Whaling Industry Booms The Norwegian whaling in the Ant arctic has been more profitable this season than < ever before, especially around South Georgia. The boats have brought home 32,000 barrels of whale oil valued at more than $6,000,000. WILLIAMSTOWN Albert Moffett's Back Injured by Rush of Coal at Tower City SP'cSal Correspondence. Williamstown, May 26.—Albert Moffett had his back injured by a rush of coal while at bis work at the Brook side colliery, Tower City, Monday aft ernoon. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Haas and son, THE GLOBE OPEN TILL SIX THE GLOBE Why Not Select Your Decoration Day "Rig" Now? lA7"E are ready—if you are — • w Agr ** ready with "timely togs" * suitable for out-door wear, \ / 1 I and—most of all ready with cash \ % I economics in our great SURPRISE v yjL\ I SALE, to spice your "good time" with II the zest of savings. , & Those Adler-Rochester Suits at , $14.75 Are just the class for your Decoration Day needs. The price represents only about two-thirds of their real value—and their real worth can only be appreciated by comparison. Coats and Pants of tropicai •worsteds —made skeleton and trimmed with silk —worth S2O, at $14.75 Classy Styles of White Flannel and Striped Serge Trousers at $3.50 and $5 Sporty trousers for the picnic and the tennis courts—dressy enough for the dance floor. Khaki Trousers, .. ,SI.OO and $1.50 Motorcycle Suits $5.00 Linen and Mohair Dust Coats, $1.50 to $5.00 And Then—You'll Need These Things, Too Silk Shirts at $2 A Lucky Purchase A special lot of tub silk shirts just in time for Decoration Day—the most beautiful patterns imag inable—all sizes—worth $2.50. Best Makes of Athletic Union Suits at SI.OO These are the real comfort-giving undergarments for summer wear—the famous B. V. D., Manhattan and Piccadilly makes. THE GLOBE " The Friendly Store" | Harry, left Monday for Kansas City, iMo., where tkey will visit, relatives. This borough will have a mammoth Fourth of July celebration thiß year judging from the activity o:' the mem bers of Liberty Hose Company under whose auspices the celebration will be held. A contest to decide the queen of the celebration was opened Monday. The moving pictures in the Academy of Music to-morrow evening are being shown under the ausupices of the fire men. Miss Clara Gtites returned to her home in Atlantic City after a visit to her brother, Dr. G. M. Stites and family. The male pupils of the 'High school are sodding the terrace part of the 'bor ough school grounds. Prof. F L. Shambaugh, county su perintendent ot schools, gave an exami nation to the pupils of the Williams township district for entrance to the borough High school. Robert Fasold is on the sick list. The minstrel show which v.ill be given in the Academy of Music on Thursday evening for the 'benefit of the Athletic Association promises to be a musical treat for this community. The borough's best talent is taking part. DUNCANNON Miss Ima Jenkyn, of Clearfield, Is Vis iting at Her Home Special Correspondence. Duncannon, May 26.—Miss Ima Jenkyn, of Clearfield, is spending a few days at her home here. During her vis it she will attend the Miiler-Jcnkyn wedding. George Houser, of Lucknow, was a recent visitor among friends here. Miss Louisa Ackenbaugh, a student at Bloomfield Academy, spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. Louis Bover is upending a week with her parents at Shiremaiistown. Miss Lou Snyder, who is employed Yes —Many People have told us the same story—distres« after eating, gases, heartburn. A D Taset' a before and after each meal will relieve you. Sold only by u»—2sc. George A. Gorgas ' SENSATIONAL ' WAR FACTS SUPPRESSED Now Made Public Bead The BTAR-INDE P E N D E N T'S Free Offer On Page 8 Donegal Tweed Suits—coat quarter-lined with mohair— athletic vest and English trous ers—worth S2O, at $14.75 Breezeweve — A new Summer suit—zephyr weight, with out a semblance of lining—a soft pliable fab ric that resembles the tinest wool crash. Eng lish Norfolk and plain coat models—coat and pants. Blue Serge Summer Coats, $3.50 and $5.00 Clergymen's Mohair Suits, ...SIO.OO Knitted Fabric Scotch Sport»Coats, SIO.OO Tub Scarfs at 50c For Outing and Dress Of mercerized Marseilles with beautiful embroid ered figures—wide, flowing end four-in-hands. White Duck Hats at 50c Soft, crushv, stitched brim hats of elegant quality white duck—for tennis, for rowing and every out-door purpose—for meu and women. at Carlisle, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sny der. In spite of the inclemency of the weather Saturday, the game of ball played on the local field between Dun cannon aud Halifax, proved to be very (c 15 per cent. First Mortgage Bonds for Sale principal and interest guaranteed. Union Trust Co. of Penna. Union Trust Building 4 / -i [Harrisburg Light L I &powER.r [ o. 1 DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST it isn't very pleasant to face the task of using stove heated irons, is it ? As a matter of fact they are annoying the year 'round. As soon as you begin to use an Electric Iron the real hardship of ironing day disappears. You can now purchase a $3.50 Electric Iron, guaranteed for five years for $1.85 Purchase at Once. / Smart Worsted Suits in dark gray cheeks —made over a con servative model elegantly trimmed—worth S2O, at $14.75 interesting. The lou-al team winning 'by a score of 9 to 7. Miss Tirzah iiepperd left last week for Atlantic City, where she will spend the summer months. Miss Gertrude Haas, of Harrisburg, spent the week-end with her parents.