The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 26, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Stylish Cottons That Make
Pretty Summer Dresses
The display of summer dress cottons contains many sugges
tions for inexpensive wear for the warm months to come. The
variety of fabrics is unusually large, offering the season's choic
est styles in solid colors and fancy weaves.
Tissue, 40 inches wide, woven colored stripes and checks, yard 20c
Voiles, 36 to 40 inches wide, floral printings, coin spots and awning
stripes, yard 19c and 25c
Seeded Voile, 38 inches, white ground with fancy stripes and solid
shades, yard 25c and 20c
Wash Silks, ,!6 inches, white and colored grounds with coin spots, stripes
and floral designs, half silk, yard, 30c
Silk Stripe Voile, 36 inches, self-colored siljj stripes with floral print
ings, yard, 40c
Printed Organdie, 40 inches, tinted and white grounds, yard '2sc
Printed Flaxon, white and colored grounds, solid shades and floral styles,
yard 12 He
tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Children's Playtime Oxfords
and Sandals
Misses' and Children's tan willow calf play oxfords with elkskin Good
year stitched soles, child's size 5 to misses' size 2 $1.20
E. C. Skuffer's barefoot sandals, tan willow calf, Goodyear stitched
soles —
Sizes 4 to 8, SI.OO
Sizes 8% to 11, $1.25 Sizes 11 % to 2. $1.30
Tan box calf barefoot sandals, heavy stitched soles—
Sizes 5 to 8, 75c
Sizes Bto 11, 08c Sizes 11V& to 2, 08c
Tan grain leather barefoot sandals, heavy stitched oak leather eoles,
sizes 8 Ms to 11, 75c
Patent leather ankle strap sandal with Goodyear stitched soles—
Sizes 6 to 8, $1.25 Sizes 8V& to 11, $1.50
Outing and Sport Hats
For the Summer Girl
~ These jaunty sport hats have
no small influence in producing
cxyjt the charm of the summer girl.
Every girl looks her best in
i UI ,i iiHwjTnTTf summery things, which explains
pj y||j| these new hats have proven
hemp, Panama and Bangkok.
Prices, 50c, 69c, 98c, up to $6.50.
tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Front.
Do You Understand the
Principle of Fireless
You can learn all about this wonderful method of cooking by
attending the demonstration sale of the Ideal Fireless Cookstove
now in progress in the Basement. Mrs. Ward gives daily talks
in the afternoon and gives a practical side to her lectures by
demonstrating what can be done with the tireless cookstove.
She will tell you how to roast meats, bake beans, bread, bis
suits and many other things—how to cook vegetables—and
prove to your satisfaction that the Ideal actually saves food and
tir Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Funeral of Mrs. J. Carson Whistler Held
Yesterday Afternoon
Special Correspondence.
Xewville, May 26. —The funeral of
Mrs. Mary Whistler, wife of J. Carson
Whistler, was held from the home of j
her mother, Mrs. Lydia Abrahims, on j
Fairfield street, yesterday afternoon. |
Interment in the Xewville cemetery, i
west of town.
The body of William Sharpe, who \
died in Warren, Pa., Saturday evening, j
was brought to Xewville yesterday j
morning and taken to the home of iMiss |
Jennie Davidson, on Main street, from '
which place interment was made Tues- i
day afternoon in the Big Spring Pres
byterian graveyard. Mr. Sharpe was a |
former resident, having lived for many
years just north of town. His family
resides in Philadelphia. Joshua Sharpe,
of Chambersburg, is a brother.
A temperance mass meeting was held
Sunday evening in Big Spring Presby
terian church at which time Mrs. Addie
B. Parsells, of Philadelphia, gave a most
interesting address. "Bob'' Johnson,
the evangelist, was present and made a
few remarks.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Landis and
daughter, Elizabeth, returned Monday
to their home in Riddlesburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and
IMiss Xora Killian spent several days
in town with Mrs. Mame Hartzell on
Parsonage street.
Blough Manufacturing Company In
stalling Two Floor Elevators
Sp-ciai .or resnnndence.
Dauphin, May 26. —Blou>gh Manu- j
facturing Company are installing a two |
floor elevator in their factory on Canal i
etreet. Ottis Company, of Philadelphia,
are the contractors. The machinery will j
all be placed on the second floor, the
first floor will be used as a storage and j
packing room.
Mrs. Walter Speece entertained at 1
her home, Specceville, on Tuesday the
Ladies' Aid Soeietv of the United I
Evangelical church. The usual opening
devotional exercises were held and tho |
regular business transacted. A walk
along the towpath was enjoyed in the
afternoon. The guests were Mrs. Sam
uel Mehaflie and daughter, Beatrice,
Mrs. Abner Baker and son, John, of
Harrisburg; Arthur Lutz, of Eairview;
Mrs. C. C. Hoover, of Rockville; Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Speece, of Speece
villc; Mrs. Mary Cofrode, the Rev. H.
C. and Mrs. Lutz, Mrs. Charlett Brick
er, Mrs. George Shoop, Mrs. Charles
Welker and sou, Paul, Mrs. Leßoy Me-
Kissick ami daughter, Viola, Mrs.
George Taylor and Miss Cora Cofrode.
After spending A delightful day the
guests returned home on the 6.55 "train.
The next meeting will be held at the
| home of Mrs. Charles Welker, Tuesday j
J evening, .Tune 8.
Miss Virgie Lingle, of Harrisburg,
| is visiting Mrs. Charles Swartz, at her
eottagd, "Bob White," Speeceville.
Harry Lvter spent Sunday at Pen- I
Mrs. Carrie Cauffman, Mrs. Grace
Orarman and daughter. Margaret, spent
! Sunday with Mrs. John Meek and
i Mrs. Riley Snyder, Clark 'g Valley.
| Mr. an'd Mrs. Harry Lutz ami chil- :
dren, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at
their cottage, Speeceville.
Thomas Hawthorne, of Philadelphia, j
j spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. i
' and Mrs. William Hawthorne.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheeslev, Matamoras, j
j spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. War- i
1 ren Boughner.
Funeral of Mrs. Nellie Bogner Held'
Yesterday Afternoon
Spe ial Correspondence.
Xew Cumberland, May 26.—Mr.!
Miller, assisted by Mr. Bair, ministers
of the Mennonite Church, conducted the
funeral services of Mrs. Xellie Bogner ;
at the home of her parents, Mr. and .
Mrs. Christ Bomberger, on Market
street yesterday. The pallbearers were
live brothers of the deceased, Mervin,
Xevin, Wade, Harry and Joseph, and
William Mell, a friend. Interment was
j made at Winding Hill cemetery. Mr.
Mussleman, of Lemoyne, was the funer
al director.
B. C. Snyder spent several days in
The Citizens' Hose Company greatly
! appreciate the liberal donations and
patronage of the citizens at the fes
ti\al Saturday
Mrs. Parker, of Philadelphia, is a
: guest of Mrs. Frank Fager, Reno street.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, of
| York, who have been guests of their
; son, E. H. Wright, .have gone to Clear
field to spend some time.
| Miss Eleanor Crane ,of Altoona;
j Miss Nellie H. Masoel, of Laurel, Del.;
William Gunter, of Frosting, Md.; Row
i land Ingram, of Lower, Del.; Clarence
| Shollenberger. of Auburn, N". J., and
1 Lyman Hertzler, of Carlisle, all stu
dents at Dickinson College, were guests
I of the Misses Roberta and Janet Reiff
j at their home on Third street Sunday.
I 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leidy, daugh
ters, Alma and Mary; Harry Ebersole,
of New Cumberland, and Mr. and Mrs.
McCJeary, of Middletown, motored to
Marietta and Wrightsville Sunday.
Dr. J. C. Groome, of Carlisle, was a
visitor here yesterday.
John K. Fisher, of New Market, who
had a stroke the past week, is improv
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Myers and
daughters, Vesta and Dorothy, of Wells
ville, are visiting Mrs. Myers' sister,
Mrs. James Weigle, Fourth street.
Mrs. Warren Miller is spending a
few days with her daughter, Mrs. Mar
tin Crull, at Middletown.
The borough schools closed to-day.
t mn \
Those Suits "ISy
for Men at I
$9.75 ym
\J"EN who think they cannot ij
get a good dependable f h i
suit at a moderate price are
urged to get acquainted with \\j / ■■
these clothes. We claim for u ■ ■
these suits perfection of tit, B jf
correct style and tine quality— I ■
because, they are in reality a I I
far better value than the price S
indicates. &
Blue Serges Overplaids Mixtures Checks
Broken sizes of Men's and Young Men's sls !
to $lB Suits at $11.75
W Dives. Pomeroy i Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear.
This popular curler is being demonstrated. It makes a beau
tiful soft wave without the application of heat, and will not cut
or injure the hair. Price, card of 2 and 5, 10£ and 25<
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front.
Lace Remnants
Clearance of lace remnants, in all-overs, edges, insertions and
flouncings at half former prices. Most of these remnants are
in desirable lengths and the values are unusually good.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
A Complete Showing of
Porch Rugs In Crex and
Japanese Matting
Inexpensive porch rugs of Crex tibre and matting are features
in the summer display in the carpet section on the third floor.
There are many sizes to choose from.
Crex Rugs— J Japan Grass Rugs—
-9x12 feet $7.05 9x12 feet $7.00
Bxlo feet $0.45 6x9 jj e «t $3.00
Bxl2 feet $7.00 3x6 tpet $1.25
6x9 feet $3.05 Bo *art Fibre Rugs—
-54x90 inches, $2.75 £ ~ feet, $8.50
6x9 feet $4.5(>
Crex Runners— xt * tee * $1.75
72 inches wide, SI.OO and $1.20 " ie :,ntcx Hugs
54 inches wide 75c and 00c, 9xl \ ' * $0.50
.... ... 8.3x10.6 feet $8.50
ob inches wide, .. . . oOc and OOc g x g t - eetj $5 50
27 inches wide 40c and 50ci 3x6 feet, $-.00
*8" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
1 Governor Whitman Gives Orders to
Watch for Law Violations but
Can Locate None
New York, May 26. —Owing to a
notification received from Governor
Whitman a close watch was kept at
Belmont Park yesterday by Sheriff Pet
j tit and his men to see that there was
no violation of the law relating to bet
: ting. No actual offense was discovered,
! but several men who insisted on a too
! liberal interpretation of the statutes
| were warned and one was asked to
j leave the track.
i Sheriff Pettit said last night that he
was unable to see that the law was not
! being complied with. "In case the same
\ men appear from day to day and seem
; to make indiscriminate bets," said the
; Sheriff, "and it becomes apparent to
'my aids that they are there for that
; purpose only, then we will regard them
|as common gamblers, under County
Judge Niemann's 'decision, and we will
prosecute them."
District Attorney Smith said he was
co-operating with the Sheriff and had
made arrangements to keep the June
Grand Jury, which goes into session
next week, sitting until the races are
over. Mr. Smith has hired special de
tectives to work at the track, but so
far has been unable to procure any evi-,
dence that the law is being violated.
Independents Will Also Play Reading
Olivets on Monday
The Altoona Independents will play
j the Harrisburg team on the H. A. C.
field Saturday afternoon, the game be
ing called at 3 o'clock. Several for
mer Tri-State players will be on the
Altoona team. Monday the locals will
play two games with the Reading Oli
vets, games being played in the morn
ing and afternoon.
This afternoon the Harrisburg team
met the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. on the
H. A. C. field.
Jeff Smith Fouls Englishman
Rfl Associated Press.
London, May 26, 11.20 A. M.—Syd
ney Darcy won his boxing bout with
Jeff Smith, of Bavonne, N. J., last night
on a foul. Smith gave his share of the
gate receipts, $2,500, to the patriotic
Games Wanted
The Progress A. A. for Saturday.
John Harlacker, 1692 R-5, Bell phone,
is manager.
Camp Hill A. C. for Monday. Sam
uel B. Curran, B. aud C. Department,
Pennsylvania Steel Company, is man
Manager i rdered to Resign by Louis
ville Club Officials
Louisville, Ky., May 26.—John P.
Hayden, manager of the Louisville
American Association Club siuee 1912.
; has been summarily dismissed. O. H.
I VV'athen, president of the club, yester-
I day sent a telegram, approved by the
I directors, to Hayden at Minneapolis in
] forming him of this action. The step
: was taken following Hayden's refusal
to resign, as had been requested of him
Claude Derrick, Louisville shortstop,
was notified to take charge of the team
for the present. He will continue in
control until the return to the game of
Manager Ezra Midkiff, appointed Mou
day. Midkiff at present is disabled with
! a broken ankle.'
| Minneapolis, iMay 26.—-Manager
Havden, of the Louisville Club, which
! defeatea Minneapolis yesterday, said
! last night that he had sent * telegram
to President VV'athen stating he refused
to resign and asserting he "had left
nothing undone" to make the Louisville
team a winner.
The Good Will nine won from the
Trainmen's A. C. last night, score 5 to
1. It was the ninth straight victory
for the fire laddies. The Good Will
nine would like to arrange an out-of
town game with a strong team for Dec
oration Dav. The score:
R. H. O. A. E.
Berrier, 3h 2 2 0 1 0
Matter, ss 1 3 0 1 0
Anderson, If 0 0 1 0 0
Klugh, p 0 1 0 2 0
Gibson, c 0 117 1 0
Boss, 2b 1 0 1 2 0
Spero, ef 1.0 2 0 0
Marks, lb 0 0 4 2 0
Andrews, rf 0 1 2 1 0
Totals 5 8 27 10 ,0
R. H. O. A. E.
Breach, ss 0 0 0 4 1
Lightner, lb . .... 0 0 7 0 1
Garland, 2b 0 1 2 2 0
Beam, p 1 1 0 2 0
Weigle, 3b 0 1 2 2 0
Verger, rf 0 0 I 0 0
Stoops, c 0 0 12 1 0
Yontss, ef 0 1 1 0 0
Davis, rf 0 0 2 0 0
Totals 1 4 27 11 2
Good Will 10100201 o—s0 —5
Trainmen A. C. .00001000 o—l0 —1
P. R. R. Sends Oars South
Many empty refrigerator cars of the
Pennsylvania railroad are being sent
from this eitv to points South for the
purpose of handling the enormous fruit
crop. The first train of forty-seven
cars was sent from here yesterday.
Tech Loses Three Singles Matches, but
Takes Two of Three at Doubles
—Academy Are Champs
The Harrisburg Academy tennis team
defeated the Technical High court stars
.yesterday afternoon, winning the scho
lastic championship of the city. Cen
j tral High had already been defeated.
| The Academy players won all three
| matches in the singles, while Tech won
I two of three sets of doubles.
| 'Horton, of the Academy, defeated
I Polleck, Holmes dispatching Gerberich,
and Shreiner Beard. Polleck put up the
I strongest game for Tech, but Horton
1 defeated him after a hard struggle.
The other sets were easy.
The first match of the doubles, be
tween Horton and Hoke, of the Acade-
I my, and Polleck and Pager, was won
by the Tech pair in easy manner. The
second doubles match of the day was
won by Holmes and Broadhurst, of the
Academy, against Gerberick and Lloyd
in two easy sets by scores of 6-1, 8 3.
The third match between Shreiner and
Senseman, of the Academy, and Beard
and Ramey, of Tech. was won by tho
Tech pair, 6-3, 6-3. Holmes and
Broadhurst, of the Academy, and
Beard and Ramey along with Polleck
and Pager went through the entire
j championship matches without being
i defeated in a match.
Philadelphia, 3; Chicago. 0
Philadelphia, May 26. —After riding
I rough-shod over the world 's champious
I in Boston ami wresting first place from |
| the Phillies, the Chicago Cubs encoun- \
! tered Grover Cleveland Alexander on j
| the mound at Broad and Huntingdon I
| streets vesterdav. The Phils won 3 to 0.
R. H. E.
Phillies 00000210 x—3 6 1
Chicago .... 0000000u o—o 2 2
Alexander and Ki 1 lifer; Humphries,
Stanbridge and Bresnahan.
Boston, 3; Cincinnati, 1
Boston, May 26. —Boston won from !
Cincinnati yesterday, 3 to 1.
R. H. E.!
Cincinnati .. 000 0 0010 o—l 7 2 !
Boston .... 00 0 0 20 0 1 o—3 9 1 j
Benton. I>ar and Dooin, Wiugo; Ru
dolph and Gowdv.
St. Louis. 11; New York,
New York, May 26.—St. Louis had a j
big seventh inning yesterday, scoring j
seven runs in that period, which en- I
a bled it to take tl.e first game of its
series with New York, 11 to 5.
R. H. E.|
St. Louis .000 0 0270 2 —ll 14 3 1
New York 00100 300 1— 5 6 3 1
Doali aim Snyder; Tesreau, Mar- >
i|uard, Perritt and Smith.
Brooklyn, ; Pittsburgh, I
Brooklyn, N. Y., May 26.—Brooklyn!
passed Pittsburgh and went into third I
place yesterday by defeating the Pi- I
rates, 5 to 1.
K. H. E. I
Pittsburgh . 1 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 o—l 10 1 i
Brooklyn .. 00220001 x —s 11 0 j
McQuillan. Harmon and Sch-ng; i
Pfeffcr and McCarty.
Chambersburg, May 26.—The Cham- i
bersburg Maroons, who will represent !
this place in the Blue Ridge league
which opens Thursday defeated the P. j
R. R. Y. M. C'. A. of Harrisburg vester
dav, 9 to 2.
R. H. O. A. E. 1
Walt 7., i! 0 1 6 2 1 i
M. Ford, If 0 1 2 0 j j
Dwyer, 2 b 1 0 0 1 0
Hichoh, lb f 0 6 0 0 1
Ziegler. 3l> 0 1* 3 1 0
\V. Ford, cf . 0 1 2 3 0
Haines, rf 0 2 2 0 0 >
Wallace, ss 1 0 1 1 0
Finnen, p 0 0 2 6 1 I
Totals 2 6 24 14 3 !
R. H. O. A. E.
liockard, cf 1 2 2 0 o!
Dunn, lb 0 3 7 0 0 1
G. Stroch, e 2 0 10 2 0 j
Francis. 2b 2 1 4 1 0 '
Moore, If 0 t 1 0 0
Siiker, If 3 0 0 0 ;
W. Stroh. rf 1 1 1 0 0
Ellor, 3b 1 0 1 1 1 1 ;
Ponne, ss 1 1 1 0 0 1
,Grove, ss 0 0 0 1 1 I
Hofbig, 0 1 0 1 0
•Bitters, p 0 0 0 0• 0 j
Totals 0 13 27 6 2
Harrisburg 0 000 11 0 o—2 !
Chambersburg ... 001332 0 0 x —9 !
Now Athletic <<T" at Tech
Berk, Scheffer, Steward, Polleck and
Hefl'elfinger have been appointed a 1
committee to decide on a new type of
"T" for athletic awards at Technical
High school.
An Excellent Opportunity to Get Commencement
and Wedding Gifts at Your Own Price
COMMENCEMENT! Afternoon 7 2(1 | venin « 7 ( WEDDING li|
GIFTS Sale > • • • I Sale, fi[ p TS
Diamond Rings. IflC 11 DDCIIMCD Cut Glass,
Rings of All Kinds, lIUOi 111 DUdllvEall Silverware,
7A!Z ltY ' DIAMOND MERCHANT and JEWELER Mahogany Clocks,
French Ivory' J Third Street J lat " are ||
A Diamond Ring Given Away Free After Each Sale
Drives a Stutz 08.9 Miles an Hour in
Elimination Trials at Indian
Indianapolis, May 26.—0n1y twenty
five cars will start iu the Speedway
500 mile race Saturday. This is the
smallest number in the" history of the
course. Although forty cars were en
tered a large number could not meet
the high standard set of a lap at eighty
miles an hour. Others were damaged.
Still others did not have time to tune
up. The fastest lap was bv Wilcox in
a Stutz at the rate of 98.9 miles au
The twenty-five picked cars were
about the track early yesterday with
their drivers putting ' the finishing
touches on the engines. To-dav was the
last day for practice. Friday the
track will be cleaned.
The cars that will start, their
drivers, numbers and beet speed in the
elimination tests:
1, Stutz (Wilcox), 98.9, Mercedes
(R. l>e Palma), 98.6; 3, Peugeot (Res
ta), 98.5;. 4. Stutz (Cooper), 96.75;
5, Stutz (Anderson), 96.4;- 6, Sun
beam (Porporato), 95.1; 7, Sunbeam
(Oldtield), 93.75; 8, Burman-Peugeot
(Burman), 92.4; 9, Kleinert (Klein),
90.2; 10, Duesenberg (Alley), 90; 11,
Peugeot (I* Cain), 89.5; ' 12, Sun
beam (Grant), 89.25; 13, Duesenberg
(O'Donnell), 89; 14, Peugeot (Bab
cock), 85.9; 15, Delage (J. De Palma),
87.5; 16, Sebring (J. Cooper), 85.5;
17, Maxwell (Orr), 53.5; 19, Duesen
berg (Mulford), 52.7; 20, Maxwell
(Rickenbacher), 82; 21, Mais (Mais),
82; 22, Pureell (Cox), 81.5; 23, Bu
gatti (not named), 81.5; 24, Cornelian
(Chevrolet), 81.1; 25, Km.len (not
| named'), 80.3.
Athletics, «; Cleveland, 5
Cleveland, 0., May 26.—Pine pitch
ing on the part of Weldon Wyckoff and
1 sensational second-base play by Napo
leon l<ajoie gave the Athletics a 12 in
ning victory over the Indians by a
j count of 6 to 5 yesterday,
! ' R. H. E.
! Cleveland—
-2 1002 0 00000 o—s 111
: Athletics—
-0103001 0 000 1— 6 1 4 1
Mitchell, Walker and O'Neil; Wy
: ckoff and McAvov.
Washington, 8; Tigers, t
; Detroit, Mich., May 26. —Washing-
ton awoke from its batting slump yes
, terdav and in a ninth inning rally,
I which scored six runs, defeated Detroit.
1 8 to 4.
R. H. E.
Washington 000 0 0 0 1 1 6—B 11 1
Detroit ....11010010 o—4 13 1
Gallia, Ayres, Harper and Ainsmilh;
| Cavet, Boland, Dubuc and Stallage.
At Pittsburgh—First Came—
| R. H. E.
I Brooklyn 412 0
I Pittsburgh 4 f, 2
Seaton and Pratt; Knetzer and
Second Game— R. H. E.
! Brooklyn 4 fl 0;
j Pittsburgh 5 12 3
Marion, Uphain and Land; Allen'
land O'Connor.
j At Kansas City— K. H. E.
Newark 5 10 2
Kansas City 6 10 i
Falkcnberg and Rariden; Main audi
Take Allison Hill League Game From
Hick-A-Thrifts 7 to 4
Readiug Railway A. A. of the Alli
son Hill Amateur League, increased its
lead last evening, the Hick-A-Thrifts
I being the victim in a six-inning game,
j score 7 to 4.
»R. H. O. A. E. I
Noll, c 2 2 10 0 0
Atkinson, p 0 0 0 3 0
Turner, lb 1 2 5 0 1
Kleruer, ss 1 2 1 1 2
Richwine, If 0 0 0 0 0
May, cf 0 0 0 0. .0 '
Herr, rf 0 0 0 0 0 j
3b 0 0 0 2 0
Stroud, 2b 0 0 2 1 0
Totals 4 618 7 3
R. R. R, R.
R. H. O. A. E.
G. Levan, rf 1 1 1 o 0 !
Hillery, 2b 0 1 1 0 0
Bricker, If 2 1 1 1 o
Ehling, c 0 112 0 0
P. Levan, ss I 0 0 0 0
Johnson, p 0 1 0 1 1
McAlister, 3b .. , 1 0 1 0 0
Cashman, cf 1 0 1 0 0
M. Levan, lb .... 1 1 1 1 0
Totals 7 6 18 3 1
2 for 25c. Cluett, Pea hod y & Co., Inc.
W. L. P.O.
Philadelphia 18 11 .621
Chicago 20 13 .606
Brooklyn 15 15 .500
St. Louis 16 17 .485
| Pittsburgh 15 16 .484
Boston 15 16 .454
Cincinnati 12 17 .414
New York 11 17 .393
Yesterday's Results
Philadelphia, 3; Chicago, 0.
Boston, 3; Cincinnati, 1.
St. Louis, 11; New York, 5.
Brooklyn, 5; Pittsburgh, 1.
Schedule for To-day
Chicago at Philadelphia.
Pittsburgh at Brooklyn.
Cincinnati at Boston.
St. Louis at New York.
Schedule for To-morrow
Cincinnati at Boston.
Pittsburgh at Brooklyn.
St. Louis at New York.
Chicago at Philadelphia.
W. L. P.C.
Chicago 23 12 .657
Detroit 22 13 .629
New York 17 13 .567
Bostou ,13 14 .481
Washington 14 16 .467
St. Louis 14 20 .413
Cleveland 13 19 .406
Athletics 12 21 .36 4
Yesterday's Results
Athletics, 6; Cleveland, 5.
Washington, 8; Detroit, 4.
Chicago-New York—Rain.
St. Louis-ißoston—Rain.
Schedule for To-day
Athleties at Cleveland.
Boston at St. Louis.
New York at Chicago.
Washington at Detroit.
Schedule for To-morrow
New York at Chicago.
Washington at Detroit.
Athletics at Cleveland.
Other clubs not scheduled.
W. Ti. P.O.
Pittsburgh 21 13 .618
i Chicago 21 14 .609
I Kansas City 19 14 .576
j Newark 19 16 .543
(Brooklyn 16 16 .500
I St. Louis 15 16 .484
1 Baltimore 13 21 .382
I Buffalo 10 24 .294
Yesterday's Results
Brooklyn, 4; Pittsburgh, 2 (Ist
| game.)
| Pittsburgh, 5; Brooklyn, 4 (2d
j game.)
St. Louis-Baltimore—Rain.
Schedule for To-day
Baltimore at St. Louis.
Newark at Kansas City.
Buffalo at Chicago.
Brooklyn at Pittsburgh.
Schedule for To-morrow
Brooklyn at St. Louis.
I Newark at Chicago,
j Baltimore at Kansas City.
Buffalo at Pittsburgh.
Tigers Release Two Men
Detroit, Mich., May 26.—The De
j troit American league baseball club
yesterday released Catcher John Petera
to Chattanooga and Pitcher John Smith,
i son to uie Si-rant, n (Pa.) club. Both
men are subject to recall, it was an
| nounced.
Physician aad PnrgCM I
Offices: 20<1 Walnut St* Harrtsbnrv, Pa*
Diseases of women and meat special*
private, ■pcrlftc. nervous and elroalt
diseases. General office work. Connl*
tatlon free and confidential. Medlclaa
furnished. Work guaranteed. Char sea
moderate. 2U years' experleaea»
UK. KLIGH, (he well-known Specialist