The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 26, 1915, Image 1

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»rtatU4 Bcfatt, Pas* •
SB?™'™ VOL. 77—NO. 148.
Late Report Says Ves
sel Is Proceeding and
That No Lives Have
Been Lost—lmmedi
ately After Ameri
can Ship Was Struck
She Began Calling for
Help by Wireless
Soon Ascertained That
the Nebraskan Was
Not Seriously Dam
aged and Crew Re
turned on Board and
Got the Vessel Under
Way— C re w Had
Taken to the Boats
and Stood by the
London, May 26, 12 Noon —The
American steamer Nebraskan, Captain
Green, from Liverpool, May 2 4 for Del-1
aware Breakwater, was torpedoed yes-!
terday by a submarine at a point forty
miles west southwest of Fastnet, off the j
coast of Ireland. The sea was calm at
the time. The crew at once took to the
boats and stood by the steamer.
It was soon ascertained that the Ne
braskan WHS not seriously damaged.
She had been struck forward, an i her
t'oreholds were full of water. The crew
returned on board and got the vessel
under way. No lives were lost among
the crew. The Nebraskan did not
carry anv passengers.
The foregoing information was re
ceived to-day bv the British Admiralty
in London and it was at once com
municated to the American embassy.
Immediately after she was struck the
Nebraskan began calling for help by
wireless. Browhead received the wire
less communication at 9 a. m. yester
day from Crookhaven.
Nebraskan Down at Bows
London, May 26, 1.11 P. M. —A mes
sage to Lloyds from Kinsale, Ireland,
says that the Nebraskan passed that
point at 11 o'clock this morning, ap
parently bound for Queenstown.
The Nebraskan was down at the
bows. She was proceeding under her
own steam and flying the signal: "I
am not under control."
The American steamer Nebraskan,
Captain Green, is owned by the Ameri
can Hawaiian Steamship Company, of
New York, and is of 2,524 tons net
Was Bound for Delaware Breakwater
Philadelphia, May 26.—The Ne
braskan, it was said here, is bound for
Delaware breakwater in ballast for or
ders. This means that upon arrival
there the agents of the ship would di
rect its master to proceed to any port
where a cargo might be procured, pos
sibly to the Pacific coast via the Pan
ama canal.
The Nebraskan sailed from New York
May 7 and arrived at Liverpool on ilav
19. Previous to the war the ship had
been active in trade between northern
ports and Galveston, but since the out
break had made one voyage to London
and one to Bremen.
New York, M: 26.—The American-
Hawaiian Steamship Company, owners
of the Nebraskan, received t wireless
message to-day from the Nebraskan's
captain, relayed by in wjich the
captain said the vessel had been struck
either by a mine or torpedo and that
he had turned back and was proceding
with a convoy to Liverpool.
Probably Struck by Drifting Mine
Washingtjr, May 26.—The govern
ment had no report from the embassy
in London n~r from any of the consuls
along the Irish coast of the plight of
the steamer Neb askan.
Coming close on the Lut'tania dis
aster, the ..ews that another American
ship had been endangered aroused more*
than ordinary attention, but all officials
were disposed to hear details before
liaking comment.
Some officials could not understand
fchy a ship bound for the United States,
in ballast, and, therefore, carrying no
contraband, should have been endan
gerel by a torpedo and they considered
it among the possibilities that the Ne
braskan had struck a drifting mine.
Reports Nebraskan Torpedoed
Washington, May 26. —Consul Gen
eral Skinner at London cabled to-day:
"The British Admiralty reports the
American steamer Nebraskan torpe
He gave the same location as men
tioned in the London dispatches and
added that he had received no direct
The text of Mr. Skinner's cable
gram follows:
"Admiralty Teports American steam
er Nebraskan, Liverpool for Delaware
Breakwater, torpedoed forty miles south
by- west Fastnet. Crew and boats
standing by. Weather fine. No direct
Secretary Bryan said the State De
partment 's information was too meagre
to permit the forming of an opinion.
He said a full report with details of
the attack are expected soon.
No One Injured. Reports Green
| New York, May 26. —The text of
| the message which was dated yester
| day and signed by Captain John S.
j Green was as follows:
| "Struck either by mine or torpedo
I boat 4 8 miles west of Fastnet and
i steaming to Liverpool. Water in lower
I hold. No one injured."
Nebraskan Passes Queenstown
London, May 26, 5 P. M.—The
American steamer Nebraskan passed
(Queens' wn this afternoon on her way
to .Liverpool. She was proceeding un
der her own steam at eight knots an
American Officials Surprised
London, May 26. —The torpedoing
of the ><ei/raskau was a surprise to
American officials here. Apparently it
occurred before 9 o'clock last night.
Ail foreign vessels leaving Liverpool
recently have had their names and na
tionalities painted in large letters on
their sides and nave Hovrn large Hags.
Yesterday evening was dear, and tho
period between S and 9 o'clock is tho
twilight hour in the British Islands at
this season.
A message to Lloyds says that an
armed trawler went to the assistance
of the Nebraskan and stood by her all
Submarine Campaign Continues
The German submarine campaign is
continuing actively. Dispatches from
Norway say the people of that coun
try have been aroused by the sinking
la>t week of the Norwegian steamer
Minerva and the attempt to torpedo
the Iris, which went to her assistance.
The steamer Cromer, loaded with pas-
Continued on Fourth Pnse.
Cologne, via London, May 26.—A
novel situation has arisen in the rela
tions between Germany and Italy, ac
cording to the usually well informed
Berlin correspondent of the "Volka
Formally no state of war exists be
tween the two countries, the paper
save, but Prince Von Beulow is said
to have informed the Italian govern
ment before leaving Rome that Ger
man troops were so closely intermiugled
with the Austro-Hungarian forces that
Italy, in making war against an Aus
tro-Hungarian army, faced the danger
of firing upon German soldiers.
The ambassador is reported to have
pointed out that Germany naturally
would regard this as an unfriendly act
and would take steps accordingly.
Detective Ibach on Trail of "Thief"
When Notified of Error
When Dr. J. A. Stine, Sixteenth and
Berryhill strets went for his automo
ibile which he keeps in a garage near
the Will market house, he found that
he was a little too late for another
person had been there first and drove
away with it. Detective Ibach was
notified and at once started a search for
the supposed thief. This took place
shortly before 10 o'clock this morn
About two hours later Dr. Stine
again called the detective, this time to
notify him that the suspected "thief"
had replaced the car in the garage. It
all happened, when another renter in
the same garage sent his new chauf
feur for his car, who took the doctor's
in mistake.
Kaiser's Granddaughter Baptized
Berlin, via London, May 26.— The
infant daughter of tho Crown Price
and Crown Princess was baptized to
day in the presence of the Emperor
and Empress. She received the namo
of Alexandrine Irene. The Crown
Prince was not present.
Injured in Fail From Engine
John S. Orncr, 442 North street, was
admitted to the Harrisburg hospital
this afternoon suffering from a frac
tured hand. Orner is employed as a
laborer for the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company at Lucknow, and while doing
some work on an engine fell and frac
tured his right hand.
No Trace of Charles Berger, Who Lost
Life When Motorboat Capsized
Near River Dam Last Night, Was
Pound by Early Afternoon
Searching parties using grappling
hooks and other implements, after rak
ing the river bottom in the vicinity
of the municipal dam, South Harris
burg, since last night for the body of
Charles Berger, reported no success at
1.30 o'clock this afternoon. Berger
lost his life by drowning, about 7.30
o'clock last night when a motorboat,
containing Berger, Joseph Harlacher
and Stephano Froe, all from Steelton,
capsized near the breast of the dam.
All three were thrown into the swift
Berger had been raised along the
river and was known to be a fearless
and expert swimmer. The supposition
of his friends is that in some manner,
when the motorboat capsized, he re
ceived a blow on the head which made
him helpless. He was born in Royal
ton and moved to Steelton several years
ago. He had been a stove molder in
the employ of the Middletown Stove
Company, but had been laid off for
lack of work several weeks ago. Since
then he had assisted Samuel Shrauder
in taking care of a number of motor
boats, in Steelton.
Berger. last evening, had completed
making repairs to the gasoline engine
of the boat in which the fatal trip up
river subsequently was made. In fact
the trip was made to test the repaired
When the swift overflow of the dam
was reached, the party lost oontrol of
the boat, which spun sideways to the
current and capsized. The ' accident
caused the submerged men to cry for
help. Lewis Gibson, Raymond Dunlap,
John Mclntee and Lewis Bowman hur
ried out from shore in a row boat. Har
lacher and Froe were pulled out of the
water in a helpless condition, but
nothing could be seen of Berger.
The former two had managed to
obtain a hold of the upturned motor
boat and clung to it until rescued. Aft
»r recovering from the shoi-lr, they re
turned to their homes in Steeliuti- Ber
ger wan married, and with his wife, re
side! on Franklin street, near Main
street, Steelton. He was aged 24
Leader of New York's Social Set Suc
cumbs After An Illness of Only
a Few Hours
By Associated Press.
Garrison, N. Y., May 26.—Mrs.
Stuyvesant Fish, leader of New York's
social set, is dead at her summer home
here. She died last night of cerebral
hemorrhatge after an illuese which had
lasted only a few hours.
Shortly after luncheon yesterday
she was stricken while planning to
give a garden party within a few days
on her estate. She failed to rally and
died soon after 10 o'clock. Her hus
band was with her when she died, but
her three children, Stuyveeant, Sydney
and Mrs. Albert Gravj did not reach*
the house till a short time after she
had died.
Airs. Fish was about 60 years old.
She was born in New York. Her maid
en name was Marion Grayes Anthon.
On June 1, 1876, she was married to
Stuyvesant Fish, a well known railroad
man and financier and a son of Ham
ilton Fish, Secretary of State in the
Cabinet of President Grant. With her
husband she was interested in manv
charities and entertained liberally. Her
list of personal charities, too, it was
said, was large.
First Time In History of State. Pro
fessor Surface Finds This
Destructive Pest
The pear midge has come to the State
of Pennsylvania for the first time and
is not a welcome visitor.
Professor H. A. Surface, State Eco
nomic Zoologist, so announced to-daj
after examination of several abnormally
large young pears that were shipped to
him by a Philadelphia county grower
with an inquiry as to the identity of
certain worms "that were found near
the cores.
These worms, Professor Surface says,
are pear midges. They arc very de
structive to the fruit, and never before
have appeared in Pennsylvania. They
appeared first in Connecticut forty
years ago, gradually spread into New
York and New Jersey and have now
come to this State to add to the worri
ment of fruit growers. The midge
multiplies very fast.
Professor Surface says it cannot be
killed by spraying, but it has been more
or less successfully combatted in Jersey
by scattering 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of
kainit to an acre. This, however, is
Tecommended only for sandy soil, as on
some soils it damages the trees. Where
the pear midge occurs the ground
should be cultivated by shallow cultiva
tion during June and July. As it goes
to a depth of only one inch or two, it
can be destroyed by this means in its
earthen cells.
Professor Surface is going to make a
special study of the midge to devise a
better way of killing it off.
Three Other Persons, Incl ding Two
Women, Are Injured When the Oar
Upsets—Surviving Victims Brought
Home From Carlisle Hospital
An automobile accident which result
ed in the death of John Shenk and
minor injuries to Mr. aud Mrs. William
Stietler aud Miss Kose Kohler, all of
Enola, occurred last night shortly be
fore 10 o'clock when the machine
struck a fence post one and one-half
miles west of New Kingston.
According to the story told by the
injured members of the party they had
left Enola about an hour before on the
way to Carlisle. The machine, which
was driven by Shenk, was going at a
rapid rate of speed and just as it was
about to make a slight turn in the road
in front of the Albright farm, the car
skidded, striking an iron post and a
foot square wooden post, turning the
car completely over forward. Snenk,
who was the only person in the front
of the car, was pinned beneath the
wreckage, while the other occupants
were hurled from the machine into a
farm yard.
The injured persons were picked up
by a p: :sing autoist and rushed to the
Todd hospital, Carlisle, where their in
juries were dressed. On examination it
was found that Shenk was suffering
from several broken ribs, a punctured
lung and other internal injuries. He
died at 10.30 o'clock. Stietler was
badly bruised about the head, while
Miss Rohler suffered a badly bruised
leg and Mrs. Stietler minor scratches.
After being treated at the hospital
the three injured persons returned to
this city. When they arrived ait the
station in Harrisburg, Stietler became
suddenly ill as a result of his injuries
and fell over. He quickly revived and
the two women helped him to a street
car and proceeded to their homes.
This morning it was reported that
all three were in good condition, Mr.
and Mrs. Stietler having improved so
far as to be out doors. Miss Rohler
will be confined to her home for a few
Both the men are widely acquainted
among railroad men of this city and
Enola, being Pennsylvrnia railroad lire
men. Shenk was a single man and re
sided with his parents.
An investigation of the accident was
being made late to-day by the Cumber
land county authorities.
Grace Badel Is Recovering 1 From Slight
Injury Inflicted Yesterday
Williamstown, May 26. —•i?ixt«»n-
Graco Radel, who was shut
by her father. Elias Radel, yesterday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home iu
Bear Valley, near here, is recovering.
According to the attending pyeician,
Dr. Shaffer, only a flesh wound was in
flicted. Neighbors say that Radel was
in a drunken frenzy" at the time of
the shooting. He will be placed under
arrest by Constable Reisig.
Dutch Liner Ryndam
F'reigher Cuneo Col
lide—No Lives Are
Wireless Messages Prom U. S. Warßhips
Standing Near Scene of Disaster
Report the Accident Occurred dur
ing a Thick Fog
Bj/ Associated Press.
New York, May 26.—The Dutch
liner Ryndam, which sailed from this
port yesterday for Rotterdam with 77
passengers and a million dollar cargo,
was badly damaged in a collision fif
teen miles southwest of the Nantucket
shoals lightship at 4 o'clock this morn
ing with the tramp freighter Joseph J.
Cuneo, which sailed from Boston last
night for Baracca, Cuba.
Both vessels were seriously injured.
The Ryndam's wireless reports indicato
she was struck aft with such force that
hold No. 5 filled almost immediately,
water flowed freely into the engine
room «nd began to creep up in hold
No. 6. The Cuneo 'e bows were smashed
in badly.
U. S. Warships Answer 8. O. S. Calls
S. O. S. signals were flashed from
the Ryndam's wireless and her pas
sengers were transferred hastily to the
Cuneo. One hundred and sixty of the
Ryndam's crew of 200, likewise were
put aboard the freighter leaving only
forty men aboard the liner to navi
gate it.
United States battleships in the vi-
Contlaued oi Fourth Pas*.
Brumbaugh Can't Make
Stubborn Animal
Move Water Wagon
On Good Roads Day
During Auto j.'our of Cumberland Val
ley He Frequently Stops to Do
Manual Labor Wlt*> Other Volun
teers—College Girls Cheer Him
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Carlisle, Pa., M<iy 26.—Governor
Brumbaugh this morning got a lesson
in some of the difficulties of road-n.end
ing when he took the driver 'a seat on
a sprinkling cart and tried in vain to
make a balky mule go. Hooked up with
that mule —whose name, by the way,
was Local Option, which, perhaps, ac
counts for the Go"ernor's failure to set
it in motion—was an equally stubborn
horse. The distinguished driver simply
couldn't make them budge, go finally he
climbed dow-ii .rom the seat in disgust,
leaving the immobile water wagon
stalled ' the roadside on the outskirts
of Mechanicstiurg.
This was only one of the interesting
"Good Roads Day" experiences the
Governor had after setting out in an
automobile from in front of the Capitol
in Harrisburg this morning. He went
to do his share to help the volunteers
who went out in all parts of the State
to devote one full day to wielding the
pick and the shovel on the highway* in
response to the Governor's proclama
Dr. Brumbaugh determined to do his
share of the actual manual ia»or. Ac
cordingly he spent the forenoon travel
ing through the Cumberland Valley,
stopping here and there to encourage
the roadside workers and in several in
stances seizing a pick and a shovel ami
working with all the enthusiasm he
used to display in the old days on the
farm in Huntingdon county.
Just to break the monotony the Gov
ernor stopped at Irving College, Mo
cha- csburg, where one hundred very
pretty girls made a great fuss over him.
Eighteen in the Party
There were eighteen persons in the !
three ears of tl.e gubernatorial party
that set out from the at 9.15
o'clock. In the first auto—the Gov
ernor 's official car—rode Dr. Brura
bauga, Deputy State Highway Commis
sioner Hunter, Chairman Woodward,
of tiie Appropriation Committee of the
House of Representatives, and several
newspapermen In the other two cars
were newspapermen, Highway Depart
ment attaches and photographers, in
cluding several motion picture men
with their cameras, all loaded to catch
the uistinguished road mender when he
C ontinued on Mnth Pnge.
Court of Appeals Fixes Week of July
12 for Convicted Slayer of
Rosenthal to Die
By Associated Press,
Albany, N. Y., May 26.—The Courf
of Appeals to-day fixed the week begin
ning July 12 for the execution of for
mer Police Lieutenant Charles Becker,
convicted of the murder of Herman
New York, Msy 26.—Martin T.
Manton, chief counsel for Charles
Becker, the former police lieutenant
whose conviction of the murder of Her
man Rosenthal was affirmed by the
Court of Appeals yesterday, was plan
ning to-day to visit Becker at Sing
Sing to confer with him concerning fu
ture action. Mr. Manton agreed with
Becker in stating that no attempt will
be made to obtain executive clemency
from Governor Whitman.
District Attorney Perkins said that,
in his opinion, Becker's only chance of
escaping the electric chair is in newly
discovered evidence or in an appeal to
the Governor. "Not a single consti
tutional question has been raised in
this case," said Mr. Perkins, "and
without nueh a question the Federal
court will refuse to touch the case."
Others asserted that Becker might
apply to a Federal Judge for a writ of
habeas corpus, or send a petition to a
Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court for
a writ of error.
Striken Didn't Attack James Duffy
East Donegal, 'May 26.—The news
item published last week relative to
the strikers of the Hollowware works at
tacking James Duffy, one of the firm,
was not correct, but several men were
arrested for alleged rioting by a Lan
caster constable and furnished bail for
a hearing to-night.
Philadelphia Lawyer Oomes Here To
day and Presents New Case Before
the Members of Newly Organized
Public Service Commissioners
Edwin M. Abbott, chief counsel for
the United Business Men's Association
of Philadelphia, and the Commuters'
Association, lost no time in presenting
the case of the commuters before Penn
sylvania's new Public Service Commis
sion, when the commissioners held a
brief session this morning.
Being dissatisfied with the decision
of the old board, which refused to
grant a rehearing on the whole Phila
delphia commutation schedule. Abbott
appeared this morning and assured the
commission that he would present an
entirely new case and asked for a
hearing. He presented the case in per
son, while other counsel for the busi
ness men sent letters.
The commission made no decision to
day. It was merely an informal meet
ing and no chairman presided.
After the meeting Commissioner
Pennypacker and Secretary Miller left
for a tour of the northern tier coun
ties to investigate a complaint against
tho Erie railroad. The commission will
meet next Tuesday. Governor Brum
baugh yesterday outlined his policy
regarding the new commission, saving:
"It is my purpose to have the'PuTi
lic Service Commission in session all
; of the time. It will Ibe a business
! board instead of merely a judicial one,
although when it considers cases or
! renders decisions it necessarily will
I have to act in a judicial capacity."
Rilling Coming Here to Live
■ John S. Rilling, of Erie, one of the
I new members of the Public Service
Commission, announced to-dav he will
: give up all his law practice at home
and move to Harrisburg to better look
j after the business of the commission.
| Mr. Rilling also has resigned from the
State Board of Education.
State Capital Lodge No. 70, I. O. 0. F.,
Held -mousing Meeting Last Night
State Capital Lodge No. 70, Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows, closed
their degree work for the season last
night, when the third degree was con
ferred on a class of ten candidates in
their hall, 304 North Second street.
The degree was conferred by Palmyra
Lodge No. 1132.
Addresses were made during the
evening by Rooert W. Montgomery,
newly-elected Grand Warden of the j
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, of Phila
delphia; past Grand Master Christian
•W. Myers, the Rev. Amos Htamets and '
Attorney D. H. Moyer, of Palmyra.
The Past Grands' Association of the |
Southern District Dauphin County were 1
also present and held a meeting, follow- i
ing which refreshments were served to
about 250 members.
Kills Self With Pistol After Tying
Cords About Necks of Her Tot;
By Associated Press.
New York, May 26.—Mrs. Charlotte
O'Neill, wife of Francis O'Neill, an
architectural engineer employed by the
tßrooklyn Rapid Transit Company, was
found dead to-day with a bullet in her
heart in a bed room in her home in i
In an adjoining room lay two of her
three children, Josephine, 1 year old, j
and Francis, aged 4, with cords drawn i
tightly around their necks. The boy j
was later revived, but the baby died.
Detectives said that it was their'
theory that Mrs. O'Neill became sud
denly demented, tied the cords around
the children's i.eck and then believing
them dead, shot and killed herself. A
revolver lay on the floor near her body.
Knights Templar Hold Election and
Advance Old Officers
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia, May 26.—Thomas R.
Patton, Philadelphia, was to-day elect
ed junior warden of the Grand Com
mandery, Knights Templar, in anuual
conclave here. All the other officers,
as usual, were moved up in rank, Brad
ley W. Lewis, of Tunkhannock, becom
ing grand commander. He succeeds A.
Howard Thomas.
The Rev. Robert O'Boyle, Sunbury,
was selected grand to fill the
place made vacant by the Rev. John
Hewitt moving out of the jurisdiction.
The next conclave will be held in
Awarded $14,675 Against Reading
Railway for Killing of Husband
By Associated Press.
Norristown, Pa., May 26.—Mrs.
Minnie Simons has been awarded $14,-
i 075 damages in civil court against the
Reading Railway for the death of her
husband, Fred. W. Simons, a newspa
perman. Simons was killed when a
motor car in which he and several
Washington party candidates were rid
ing was struck by a train at Souder
ton on the night of October 15.
Others who were in the car have
suits pending, as has Mrs. A. J. Mc-
Farland, of Upper Merion, whose hus
! band was killed.
Brewer Jacob Ruppert Dies at 74
By Associated Press.
New York, May 26.—Jacob Rup
pert, one of the most widely known
brewent of this country and founder of
the Jacob Ruppert Brewing Company,
died in his home here late last night.
He was 74 years old.
King Constantino Critically 111
London, May 26, 4.22 P. /M.—: The
condition of King Constantine of Greece
continues critical, according to a dis
patch received to-day by the Kxchange
Telegraph Company from its corre
spondent at Athens.
Destroy Them as Ital
ians Pursue Troops
of Dual Monarchy in
Mountain Defiles
Offensive Operations on the Part of
King Emmanuel's Forces Result In
the Occupation of Austrian Terri
tory All Along the Frontier
Rome, May 25, Via Paris, May 26,
8.30 A. M. —Offensive operations re
sulting in the occupation of Austrian
territory all along the frontier from
Lombardy to the Adriatic are claimed
in an official statement issued to-night
by t lie War Ollice. Italian troops have
seized various towns in the Trentino
and forced their way through mountain
defiles. On the lower lsonzo attacks
were continued to gain the line of the
river. The Austrians are reported to
have retired, destroying bridges behind
them. Italian aviators bombarded
Monfalcons, near the Gulf of Triest.
Italians Take the Offensive
The communication follows:
"Everywhere on the 24th our troops
took the offensive, occupying Forcella,
Montezzo, Tonale and I'onte Caffaro,
in V'al tiiudicaria, the territory north
of Ferrara and Monte Baldo.
"They also occupied Monte Reorno
and Monte Foppa, on the slopes north
of Lessinni; Monte Pasubia and Monte
Baffelan, at the extremity of the Agno
and Leogang valleys, and the defiles
of Val Brenta. We took a number of
i prisoners. In Cadoro we occupied all
I the frontier defiles.
"The enemy's medium calibre artil-
I lerv opened hre ou the Bay of Misi
trina, but without results. On the
frontier the night of the 24th we took
by a bayonet attack the defile of Val
D'lnferno and the extremity of Val
Austrian Fire Without Result
"On the Frieuli frontier on the 2oth
in the mi'ddle of the lsonzo region we
successfully continued our offensive op
erations near Catoretto. We have dis
posed of troops on the conquered
heights between the Judrio and the
lsonzo. Medium calibre artillery of the
Austrians at Santa Maria and Santa
Lucia, to the southwest of Tolmino,
opened fire on the heights between the
Judrio and lsonzo, out without result.
"On the lower lsonzo we also con
tinued our offensive to attain the line
of the river. Everywhere the enemy
\ retired, destroying bridges and cutting
I "Our aviators bombarded the district
power house and railroad station at
i Monfalcone."
Italians Blockade Austrian Ports
Paris, May 26, 7.10 P . IM. —The
Italian government to-day declared a
'blockade of all ports on the Austro-
Hungarian toast.
Lomlon, May 26.—The "Times' "
correspondent at Rome says that an
ini]iortant revelation iu the Italian
green book is the statement that the
immunity from Austrian attack enjoy
ed by Serbia and Montenegro during
the last three months was directly due
to the action of Italy, who made the
immunity of Serbia a condition for en
tering into negotiations with Austria,
Baron Sonnino, Itailian foreign min
ister, having twice in February noti
fied Austria that any military action
on the part of Austria iu the Balkans
without a previous agreement with
Italy would have the gravest conse
The American steamer Nebraskan
was torpedoed by a submarine yester
day off the south coast of Ireland. The
crew took to the boats but returned
on ascertaining that the damage In
flicted by the torpedo, which struck
forward was not serious. No lives were
lost. The Nebraskan carried no pas
An official communication from
Rome indicates that the Italian Inva
sion of Austria has been extended over
almost the whole of the Austrio-Itallan
frontier. According to this statement,
the Italians have seized a number of
towns near the border, and have forced
their way through mountain defiles,
occupying strategic positions. Appar-
Contlnueri on Fourth I'aic
New York, May 2« (Wall Street).—
Severe declines in the less prominent
specialties occurred in the final hour.
The closing was heavy. To-day's dull
and heavy stock market was again
dominated by fears of further compli