The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 25, 1915, Page 7, Image 8

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Program Will Be Rendered in the Unit
ed Brethren Church and the Speak
er of the Evening Will Be Dr. Ezra
Lehman, of Shippensburg
The commencement exercises of the
Highspire High school will be held in
the Highspire I'nited Brethren church
Friday evening at S o'clock. The class
of 1915 is composed of si* scholars, of
whom .Miss Hilda Wea*f«r has been
chosen the salutntorian Raymond
L. Duncan the valedictorira. The ad
dress ol the evening will be delivered
l>v Dr. Ezra Iranian, of Shippensburg.
I'a. An orchestra will plav five num
bers during the rendition of the pro
gram. which follows:
March, orchestra; invocation, the
Rev. F. E. Mover; salutatory. "Life,"
Hilda A. Weaver; oration. "Our
Navy. T. Lloyd Heicher; music, or
chestra: oration. "The Writing of
Gray s Elegy," Anna R. Mumma; class
history and prophecy, Harrv A. Dur
borow; music, orchestra; mantle ora
tion. "The Panama Canal," Russell R.
Ehrhart: response. Millard Fink; pre
sentation of "gifts." Harry A. Dur
borow; music, orchestra; valedictory,
•'The Value of the Public Schools to
National Government,'' Raymond L.
Duncan; presentation of diplomas, D.
W. Yeager, president of the School
Board; music, orchestra; address,
'' W hat Are You Going to Do With it!"
Dr. Ezra Lehman. Shippensburg. Pa.;
chorus, "When the Sun in Splendor Ris
ing." S. A. Veaglc; benediction, the
Ke\. H. F. Rhoad.
Class Roll—Raymond L. Duncan,
Harry A. Durborow, Russell R. Ehr
hart. T. Lloyd Heicher, Anna K. Mum
ma. Hilda A. Weaver.
* lass Officers—Raymond L. Duncan,
president: T. Llovd Heicher, vice presi
dent: Hilda A. Weaver, secretary;
Anna R. Mumma, treasurer,
Class flower, lily of the valley; class
colors, red and blue; class motto,
'"Melior Ksse (Juam Videri."
Many Target Events to Feature Meet
ing <-t Highspire
The Highs: ire Rod and Gun Club
this morning announced another one of
its popular merchandise shoots, to be
held ou its grounds. Market and Lum
ber street* that town, Saturday after
noon. May 29, commencing at 1.30
o'clock. The merchandise will consist
principally of sporting goods and there
will be a number of 15-target events,
with first, second and third prizes to
be given in each event. This shoot will
be open to all comers and the targets
will be shot at from a 16-yard mark.
Members of Steelton Lodge N'o. 411,
Knights of Pythias, will be entertained
by the Acme Lodge, of Lebanon, to
morrow evening. The trip will be
made in automobiles.
The Board of Health will meet this
evening, when plans will Oe made for
putting into effect new regulations re
sulting from Council's action at its last
The latest song introduced at the
Hillis tabernacle. "'Onward Campaign
Chorus.'' was composed by Charles A.
Pierce, a local schoolboy, and was sung
by the Rev. L. A. Stahl. director of the
evangelistic choir. Sunday night.
Miss Alice Johnson, after spending
six weeks with friends in the borough.
ha» returned to her home in Gary. Ind.
Miss Crete McCoy, alter spending the
week-end as guest of Miss Kdna Baker, j
South Front street, has returned to her J
home in • arlisle.
Dr. J. 1,. Weirich and family. North ,
Fu'iit street, have returned from an
auto trip to Mt. Joy.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rraden. of
Decatur. 111. are visiting friends in the
Standard Theatre's Offerings
Extraordinary care has been used by
the management of the Standard Thea
tre in the selection of the program to |
be offered its patrons this evening and,
only the best obtainable in moving pic- j
tures has been selected for the occasion.
Seeing the reels announced elsewhere
will be worth more than the admission j
priced charged.—Adv.*
At the STANDARD Theatre
The Clairvoyant Swindlers. Fifteenth!
episode of "The Girl Detective.",
Featuring Marian Sais and Arthur j
Shirley. Two reels.
A Lily in Bohemia. Featuring Miss |
Lillian Walker and Evert Overton. ,
The Way Back. Biograph.
A Midnight Tragedy. Featuring Harrv
Millarde and Alice Hollister. Two
The Belle of Brewierville. Comedy.
To Finish Tennis Tourney
The round robin vaanis tournament
between Technical High school and the I
Harrisburg Academy will be settled late !
this afternoon w hen Tech and the Acad
emy teams will meet on the Reservoir'
Park courts. Central High has been j
eliminated. Three matches of singles
and three of doubles are scheduled.
AS a graduation gift nothing can excel a
*~V diamond. Our easy payment plan to
buy diamonds open the way for you to
gladden the heart of that boy or girl of
Your credit is good with us—no red
tape—see us to-day.
Local G. A. R. Veterans Are Busy
Planning Appropriate Ceremonies
for Annual Services to Be Held on
Afternoon of May 31
Some unique features will be evi
deut in the Memorial Day parade if
i plans now being matured bv a commit
tee of Post 351. G. A. H„ of Steelton,
j are carried out. One of these will be
the presence of several hundred boys in
the procession, each to be over ten
years of age and carrying a U. S. flag,
to be provided by the local veterans.
J All boys who are willing to volunteer to
I perform this service are requested to
meet the committee Friday afternoon
between the hours of 4 and 5, to be
f enrolled and instructed. One or more
troops of Boy Scouts are expected to
be in the parade, which will form Mon
day afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, right
resting on Piue street, and the march to
the cemetery will start promptly at 2
o'clock. The program at Baldwin cem
etery will be featured with an address
by the Rev. A. K. Wier. pastor of Cen
tenary I'nited Brethren church.
A detail of members of Post 351
will make the annual trip to Highspire
1 and Oberlin. Monday morning, to dee
j orate all veterans' graves. The an
i nual Memorial sermon to the local Post
] will by the Rev. W. C.
I Sanderson, pastor. All veterans are re
'< quested to meet at the G. A. R. hall,
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, from
which place they will march to the
church in a f>odv.
Members of Ball Team Attended Serv
ices for Ommert
Members of the ball teams who
played at Palmyra Saturday when Guy
W. Ommert was struck by a ball which
resulted in his death a few hours later,
attended the funeral of the young man
at the home of his parents. Mr. r.n.a
Mrs. Charles Ommert, 1114 Green
street, last night.
The services were in charge of the
Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pastor of
the Second Reformed church. The body
j was taken to Lehtuasters, near Chani
i bersbtirg. this morning for burial.
Many Large Concerns Have Agreed to
Observe Holiday
Monday, Ma; 31. following Decora
tion Day, will be observed as a legal
holiday by the banks of the city. Of-
I ficial announcement to this effect will
be made by the Harrisburg Clearing j
House Association through the secre
tary, Al. K. Thomas.
A number of merchants and busi- ]
iness houses will also observe the day. I
E. L. McColgin, secretary of the Cham- i
I ber of Commerce, has made a canvas
of a number of large concerns an i has ;
learned that many of them will ob- ;
serve the day by closing. A number of I
smaller stores will close oulv in the aft
Failing to <r»t Accommodations Many
Roam Streets at Night
A band of sixty Bohemian gypsies, j
| some of whom have been in this city for
j the last few days, left yesterday for j
Chicago on a special car provided by
the Pennsylvania railroad. Those that
| remained in the city were here awaiting
, the arrival of a 'band from New York
City, and while here had a hard time
| securing accommodations.
None of the hotels would admit them j
land during the night many of the baud j
were forced to roam the streets. A j
! number of times they were driven from
I nion station by Pennsylvania railroad ■
police when thev canie there with the j
intention of taking a nap.
To Have Beautiful Hair,
Nourish the Scalp
Dandruff must be removed and the
hair roots nourished to stop falling
hair and itching scalp. It is unneces
sary to have thin, brittle, matted,
wispy or faded hair. No matter how
unsightly your hair, how badly it is
falling, or how much dandruff, sim
ply rub Parisian Sage well into the
scalp and it will be all that is ever
needed. The hair roots are nourished
and stimulated to grow new hair.
Even all dandruff is removed with
one application, itching scalp and
falling hair cease; the hair becomes
soft, fluffy, seems twice as abundant,
and radiant with life and beauty.
Parisian Sage, a daintily perfumed
liquid, is one of the most pleasant,
invigorating and refreshing hair
tonics known, yet perfectly harmless
and inexpensive. After the first ap
plication you will be surprised and
delighted with Parisian Sage, for
there is nothing that will so help to
double your present attractiveness as
luxuriant, glorious hair, and this
tonic treatment is all that can .pos
sibly he desired.
Be sure to get the real Parisian
Sage from H. C. Kennedy, or at any
drag counter, as there is* no other so
effective. —Adv.
For Nervous People
The great nerve tonic —the famous
Wendell's Ambition Pills—that will put
vigor, vim and vitality into nervous
tired out, all in, despoudent people iu a
few days.
Anyone can buy n box for only 50
cents, and 11. C. Kennedy is authorized
by the maker to refund the purchase
price if anyone is dissatisfied with the
• first box purchased.
Thousands praise them for general
debility, nervous prostration, mental
depression and unstrung nerves caused
by over-indulgence in alcohol, tobacco,
or overwork of any kind.
As a brain food or for any affliction
of the nervous system Wendell's Ambi
tion Pills are unsurpassed, while for
hysteria, tremliliug and neuralgia they
are simply splendid. Fifty cents at
H. C. Kennedy's and dealers every
where. Mail orders filled, charges pre
paid, by Wendell Pharmacal Co. Inc.,
Syracuse, X. V.—Adv. '
150,000 FOR ROAD
Continued From First Pnj;e.
as much as possible, avoiding State
highway routes where little or no vol
unteer work is to be done in those coun
ties. During the rest of the week Com
missioner Cunningham will inspect the
work in the western and northwestern
counties, returning to Harrisburg early
next week.
Chief Engineer W. D. Fhler left for
Philadelphia late this afternoon and
will spend Good Roads Day in Chester,
Delaware, Montgomery and Bucks
counties, possibly getting into the
southern end of Berks county before
the day is over. In Bucks county Mr.
I'hler will inspect the work being" done
on tht Newton road, where the State,
at the request of the good roads en
thusiasts, sent 500 tons of crushed
stone to be placed on the road.
In the northeastern part of the
State. Second Deputy State Highway
Commissioner E. A. Jones will represent
the department and will put in the day
in Uu-kawanna. Luzerne and Wayne
counties. Maintenance Engineer
George H. Biles will spend the day in
and around Harrisburg, taking a trip
up to Millersburg and the Lvkens Val
lev to inspect the work being done
Results to Be Tabulated
Arrangements have been made by
the State Highway Department to re
ceive early reports from all over the
State of the number of men, teams and
road drags at work on the roads and
the number of miles covered by the vol
unteer workers. These reports will be
tabulated as rapidly as received and
an estimate of the total number will be
prepared at an early date.
Desires No Formal Relationship With
the General Assembly
By Associated Press.
Rochester, N. Y„ May 25.—Continu
ation of the discussion of the report of
j the special committee on Union The
i ological Seminary presented yesterday
afternoon was the special order of busi
ness at this afternoon's session of the
| 127 th General Assembly of the Pres
byterian church of the United States.
Rush Taggart, of New York, a mem
ber of the subcommittee which inves
| tigated the legal side of the question,
! will be heard upon that phase and
i friends of the Seminary will be given
•au opportunity to present their case,
j The report made no recommendations
; but declared I'nion Seminary desires no
! formal relationship with the General
! Assembly and feels no constraint to
j teach Presbyterian doctrine.
Pastors of Other Local Methodist
Churches to Preach During Week
A program of services for the week
| at St. Paul's Methodist church has been
arranged as follows:
A twentv-minute prayer service will
! be held in all the homes of the church
to-night: Wednesday night, "-Church
Night,'' all members of the church,
Sunday school, Epworth Leagues and
societies will attend; Thursday, sermon
by the Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, pastor of
Fifth Street Methodist church, subject,!
"Going One Mile," music bv Harris
burg evangelistic chorus; Friday, ser
mon by the Rev. William W. Hartman,
pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist
church, music by the Stevens' IMemorial
Methodist male chorus.
Makes Bed on Park Bench and Falls
Into Clutches of Police
James Doyle, a bridgeworker, said -
by the police to be somewhat under the
influence of liquor, was sleeping peace
fully on a beach in Front street park,
near Mulberry street, at 9.30 o'clock
this morning, unconscious of much ex
citement of which he was the cause. |
His derby hat was smashed flat on his i
head and a passerby told the police!
the man had been assaulted.
Doyle was later committed to jail
un ler a disorderly practice charge to
await a hearing. He said he has no
home and had slept in the park all
Eight Bodies Taken From Mine
By Associated Press,
Johnstown, Pa., May 25.—The bod
ies of eight men killed'by the explosion
in the Valley mine of 'the Smokeless
Coal Company yesterday were brought
to the surface to-dav, and members of
the rescue crew overcome while at
tempting to rescue them were so far
recovered they were discharged from
thp hospital. Engineers from the
Pittsburgh station of the Bureau of
Mines arrived to-day to investigate the
accident, for which no cause can be
assigned by State mine inspectors and
officials of the company.
No Americans Hit by Bombs
Washington, May 25.—American
Consul Carroll, at Venice, cabled the
State Department to day that German
and Austrian aeroplanes which flew
over the oitv yesterday dropping bombs
injured several peasants but no Amer
icans. The Italians returned fire with
machine guns and shrapnel.
Warburg Says War Has Taught the
Nation's Not Involved That They
Must Rely More On Their Own Re
By Associated Press.
Washington, May 25.—Need f° r
greater reliance on their own resources
is one lesson which the European war
has brought home to the nstious not
involved, in the opinion of Paul M.
Warburg, member of the Federal Re
servo Board, who spoke to-day at the
Pan-American Financial Conference.
Mr. Warburg pointed out that when
the war began England, then acting as
ibanker for the world, felt forced to
ask for some of tho vast sums due her
and that this request was reflected in
varying degrees in countries that were
in her debt. He spoke of the acute sit
uation which resulted in the United
States and elsewhere on this hemi
sphere, and added:
"The lesson which all American na
tions will have to learn from last
y<»nr's experience, is that it is unwise
for the world to place its tiuancial de
pendence upon auy single nation; and
that those who can afford to do so,
as for instance the United States,
should from this time on adopt a policy
of greater reliance upon their own re
sources. Those countries which cannot
rely exclusively upon their own re
sources, should adopt a policy of di
viding their risks of financial depend
ence as evenly and as widely as they
possibly can.
"Europe has done much In develop
ing both tho northern and southern
parts of this hemisphere. European
oanks and bankers have been our
staunch and loval friends in tho past.
It would be unbecoming in us and dis
loyal at the samo time were we to for
get this or to attempt to profit from
their misfortune. But our own 'growth
and development and the unhappy fato
that has overcome Europe have com
bined to bring about a momentous
turning point in our economic history.
In the future the new world must lean
less heavily on the old.
"Though in normal times closely
connected with Europe, the American
continents ought to be so organized as
to form a distinct unit in times of
emergency—A union whose transpor
tation and credit system will remain
unbroken even 'though all Europe
should go to war."
Governor Hamlin, of the 'Federal He
serve Board, told the delegates that the
United States never before was in the
position it occupies to-day to extend
its trade by .ranting credit to thost.
nations which wish to be its customers.
Mr. Hamlin said he would leave to
others a detailed explanation of how
the financial resources of the United
States have been strengthened bv the
Federal Reserve act. but he ventured
the prediction that the banking system
of the nation through that act will
become "one of the strongest systems
in the world."
He referred also to the establishment
of branch banks.
"Branches of natioual banks have
already been authorized in Argentina,
Brazil and Panama and other coun
tries." said he, "and it is confidently
expected that a great development in
our trade relations with such countries
will result."
Secretary McAdoo announced that
the committeee on uniformity of laws
would consider the creation of an in
ternational commercial court to settle
matters arising out of trade disputes.
He also announced the personnel of the
committee which will take up the ques
tion of improved transportation facili
ties to South America.
The conference by a rising vote ap
proved sending the following cable
gram to the President of Argentina:
"The Pan-American Financial Con
ference, assembled in Washington, join
with you in celebrating this glorious
anniversary of Argentine independ
ence. We extend to the government
and to the people of the republic of
Argentina our warmest congratula
tions and our siucerest wishes for the
happiness and prosperity of the Argen
tine nation."
Showers Expected Again To-morrow
The fine weather to-day is hut a brief
i respite from the rainy spell of the last
i week. Rain will return to morrow, ac
-1 cording to the weather forecast. Un
settled conditions will result from the
moving eastward of a disturbance cen
! tral to-day in the Mississippi valley.
] The temperature will rise here to-
I night.
Here, at last Is that remeclv for de
bilitated, run down, played out people!
Whether your trouble is nervous or or
ganic, whether very serious or just a
half sick feeling, here is the remedy:
The right remedy because it attacks
disease through the right medium,
through the body's most important
nervous center—the Solar Plexus.
ME\—ltFK'iu Your Ylgornu* Henltli,
Revitalise Your Functional Organ*.
WOMK\—Repair Your Shuttered Nerves
—Rebuild Your Youthful Ylicor.
The sub-center of your nervous sys
tem, which governs all your bodily
functions, and determines their health
ful activity or unhealthful Inactivity,
lies in the Solar Plexus. It is most
obvious then that our new Solar Plexus
treatment goes directly to the point
where battle against low activity
and disease must be waged.
We want you to know of the good
Dean's Solar Plexus Tablets can do for
you, hut we don't want you to pay for
something you don't know about. So
send no money—not a cent—but just
(ill out and mail the below coupon
You'll receive a 50c box of Dean's Solar
Plexus Tablets prepaid by return mail
Mail the coupon TO-DAY! Be aure
to do It. ,
| The Dean Co.
431 Gurney Bldg., Syracuse. N. Y.:
I accept your free offer. Send a
50c box of Dean's Solar Plexus Tab- i
| N'ame
! Address j
r <
The SI.OO size of Dean's Solar Plexus
Tablets is sold in Harrisburg by Geo.
A. U-oigas.
Indications Were That Final Session
Would Be Hold Late This After
noon—Opinions Bxpected Is Several
Oases From Philadelphia
The Supreme Court for the Middle
district mot this morning for what will
practically be the last day of its sitting
in Harrisburg. All of tho cases, it
was thought, would be disposed of by
late this afternoon, at which time it was
expected a number of opinions in cases
argued in Philadelphia would be handed
The appeal of the Alden Coal Com
pany front the decision of the Dau
phin county court which declared the
coal tax law of 1913 Constitutional has
been continued - until the Pittsburgh
sitting, Attorney General Brown dis
senting and desiring to make an argu
ment as soon as possible in order to
have the matter settled soon.
The case of Rider against the York
Haven Water & Power Company, an
action for damages against the com
pany. was the last regular case 011 the
list from this district. Reynolds D.
Brown appeared for Rider, who claims
damages from tho company for divert
ing water that he insists belongs to
him. Fox & Gever, of this city, rep
resented the company.
The court may ask for an argument
in the case of an application for man
damus against Judge Heck, of Potter
county, who denies the constitutional
ity of the law taking Clinton county
from one judicial district and affixing
it to his district of Potter county. At
torney General Brown was ready for
the argument for tho State, and J. E.
B. Cunningham represented Judge
(i Eli MAN TRADE TO I'. S.
i New York, May 25.——Scott R.
Hayes, son of former President Ruth
erford B. Hayes, who arrived here
from Copenhagen on the steamship
United States, which docked to-day,
had with him as part of his
a sealed canvas pouch bearing the
stamp of the Russian government and
addressed to the Russian ambassador
in Washington.
It had been reported that Mr. Hayes
was the bearer of confidential govern
ment dispatches from Petrograd to
Washington. A dispatch from Copen
hagen which told of his departure,
May 13, for New York so stated, but
Mr. Hayes asserted to-day that this
was erroneous. He said he did not know
what the sealed bag Contained.
Mr. Hayes said ho has been in Den
mark and Russia for the last two
months on a business trip. Merchants
and manufacturers of Russia, he said,
are in a most receptive mood with re
spect to the United States taking over
trade relations that Germany held with
Russia previous to tho war.
Leon E. Brokman, a representative
of the Russian "Sun" and the " Ko
peika," published in Petrograd, was
also a passenger. Mr. Brokman said
that he tame here to determine the
feeling in America with regard to
trade relations with Russia after the
war. He corroborated' Mr. Hayes in
saying that Russia is anxious to trans
fer to this country business formerly
conducted with Germany,
If you want to keep your hair in
pood condition, the less soap you use !
the better.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos- !
contain too much alkali. This dries |
the senlp, niakes'the hair brittle, and !
is very harmful. Just common I
mulsitied coeoanut oil (which is !
pure and entirely greaseless), is |
much better than soap or anything :
else you can use for shampooing, j
as this can't possibly injure the hair, j
Simply moisten your hair with j
water and rub it in. One or two j
teaspoonfuls will make an abundance j
of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses j
the hair and scalp thoroughly. The (
! lather rinses out easily, and removes 1
j every particle of dust, dirt, don- !
! druff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and it
| leaves it fine and silky, bright,
I lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. I
You can get mulsified coeoanut oil j
(it must be mulsified, plain cocoa- I
nut oil will not do) at' most any j
drug store. It is very cheap, and a
few ounces is enough to last every- !
one in the family for months. i
The Rev. J. H. Miller and O. W. Zim
merman Will Represent Church
The Synod of the Ministerium of
Pennsylvania will meet in the 168 th an
nual session on Thursday morning at
10 o'clock in the Holy Communion
Lutheran church, Chestnut and Twenty
j first streets, Philadelphia. The pastor,
the Rev. John Henry Miller, and dele
gate, George W. Zimmerman, will rep
resent the Lutheran Church of the Holy
Communion, State and Seventeenth
streets, this city.
Two Steel Men Convicted
By Associated Press,
Pittsburgh, .May 25.—Dennis K. ißul
lens and David J. Simpson were con
victed and Samuel Wetmore was ac
quitted in the Federal District Court
here to-day of conspiracy to furnish
inferior steel for the United States
government. Two others are still to be
tried on the same charge. The men
were officers or employes of the Carbon
Steel Company of Pittsburgh which
filled a suib-contract in connection with
the construction of the canal locks. The
men were recommended to the mercy of
the court.
Burns' Man on Trail of Thieves
An operator for the Bums Detective
Agency was in the city to-day inspect
ing the work of the thieves who stole
$661 from the safe in the Woolworth
five and ten cent store on Saturday
morning. A number of similar robber
ies have been committed in Wool
worth stores in other places.
Evans Assistant U. S. Treasurer
Washington, May 25.—President
Wilson to-day appointed John B. Ev
ans Assistant Treasurer of the United
States at Philadelphia
There's only one Easy
way to use Soap.
There's only
water. It does away with
all hard rubbing. It works
while you rest. It saves
money, time and strength.
You'll find '
Felt-Soap Powder
is the better kind you've been wanting.
Side By Side Lie British Cmisers
Aboukir, Hogue and Cressy, Vic
tims of the Famous German Sub
marine, U-0
Deep, deep down on the jjroon floor
of thedarU ocean depths lie the A'bou
kir, the Hoigue and the Cressy, with
the Iblind sea eels nesting abo/t their
once mighty kools and schooling cod
playing in the muzzles of their rusting
guns. With the ebb and flow of the
ocec.n tides these departed giants lean
and courtesy to one another mutely,
like the silent grotesque crews all
piped to stations as they sank.
A last glimpse of these mighty men
of war, the last look bet'oro each set
tled forever beneath the rolling swell
of the North Sea, may be found in
Abbot's great masterpiece, "The Na
tions at War," where the subject of
this naval exploit by the famous Ger
man submarine U-9 has been giveu a
double page illustration as befits its
tremendous importance.
Stronger than words <ki the pictures
in this wonderful .book relate with
graphic distinctness the gripping hor
ror which stalks abroad on land and
sea throughout tlio shifting zone of
this titanic struggle. It is authorita
tively stated that after sinking two
of these mighty men o' war, the Ger
man commander, Lieut. Weddiger, .was
so appalled by th awfuluesn of the act
that he well-nigh missed sending the
third to its watery grave.
"The Nutions at War" is tho first
book of its kind to be brought out,
and is recognized as the only volume
from a high authoritative source. It
is written without fear or favor, it
offends no nationality, but its truths
are strong, virile and thrilling. The
Star-Independent secured through spe
cial arrangements a limited allotment
from the first edition of this handsome
$3 book, which it olfers to its readers
while the supply lusts at the presen
tation expense of 98 cents only to
defray book rights and handling. Tho
book contains 463 fresh actual photo
graphic illustrations, 20 full-page col
or plates of the most important events
and 364 pages crammed with truths,
facts and information about the little
understood European struggle. While
the supply lasts readers should en
deavor to secure a copy for their li
brary—it is the most instructive work
published in twenty years. ,
Philadelphia Division —10 4 crew to
I {jo first after 1.20 p, m>: 124, 115,
Flagman for 116.
Brakeman for Edg. No. 1.
Engineers up: Layman, Streeper,
Grass, Seitz, Earhart, Madenfort, Hu
bler, Wanbaugh, Snow, Welsh, New
comer, Geesey, Manley, Sellers, Teu
nant, Bissiuger, Emith, Reisinger, Speas,
'Hennecke, McCauley, Dennison, Wolfe,
Sattler, Shant, Buck, First.
Firemen up: A. C. Wagner, Rhoads,
iMyers, Whichello, Manning, Kreicler,
Bleich, Miller, Collier, Everhart, Chron
ister, Hartz, Weaver, Herman, Duvall,
Moffatt, Arnsberger, Shaffer, Penwell,
Watson, Farmer, Robinson, Spring, Sees.
McCurdy, Mulholm, Martin,
Grove, Libhart, Yentzer, Cover.
Conductors up: Fraelich, Fesler,
Flickinger, Looker.
Flagman up: First.
Brakemen up: Coleman, Brown. Bog
ner, Jackson, Gouse, Moore, Wolfe,
Ferguson, Bryson, Felker, Campbell,
Kochenoner, Knupp, Collins, Allen, Wi
land, Boyd, Malseed.
Middle Division-—229 crew to go
first after 1 p. m.: 231, 227, 250, 214,
21. 17, 24, 15.
Flagman for 24.
Engineers up: Wissler, Moore, Hertz
ler, Garman.
Firemen up: Wright, Seagrist, Look,
Thomas, IMohler.
Brakemen up: Rissinger, Marlin,
Werner, Frank, Troy.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Pelton,
Shaver, Landis, Hoyler, Beck, Biever,
Blosser, Houser, Stahl, Swab, Harvey,
Saltsman, Kuhn.
Firemen up: Cookerly, Maeyer,
Sholter, Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Barkey,
Sheets, Bair. Evde, Bostdorf, Schiefer,
Weigle, Lackey.
Engineers for 16, 2d 21, 3d 24.
Firemen for IS, 2d 21, 56.
Philadelphia Division—2l4 crew to
go first after 14.45 a. m.: 205, 207,
1237, 219, 202, 208. 213, 225 220
212, 238, 228, 240, 206. '
Engineers for 205, 219.
| Firemen for 20'5, 212, 213, 237,
Conductor for i 213.
Flagman for 220.
| Brakemen for 202, 208, 213, 219,
| 225.
I Flagman up: Gehrett.
Brakemen up: Schuyler, Vandling,
. Jacobs, Taylor, Maker, IJcctz,
Shaffner, Walderman, Kone, Myers,
Stimeling, Lutz, Rice, Goudy, Mitsser.
Middle Division——224 crew to go
after 1.15 p. m.: 243, 113, 120, 114,
105, 101.
Engineer for 105.
Conductor for 120. t
I Brakemen for 120, 105.
P., H. and P.—121, 22, 15, 12. 9,
20, 6, 16, 8, 19.
Eastbound—62, 65, 67, 56, 60, 54.
Conductor up: Si pes.
j Engineers up: Middaugh, Tipton,
j Ricwine, Morrison, Massimore, Wo
i land, Fetrow. Snavelv, Morkle, Kett
| ner, Morne, Wood, Lape, Martin, Bona
Firemen up: Anders, Chronister,
j DoM)ins, Sullivan, Stephenson, Rum
j baugh. Henderson, Nye, Kelly, Biugn-
I man, Snader, Bowers," Lex,.Zukoswiskii
Brakemen up: Laaks, Ware, Page,
Brown, Paxton, ('arlin, Epley, Me-
Henry, Knsminger, Miller, Kapp,
Ayres, Bingaman, Hinkle, Taylor,
Heckman, Hoover, Zawaski, Grimes,
Charles Deardorf Buried
The funeral of Charles Deardorf, the
11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David
F. Deardorf, 1509 Naudain street, who
died Sunday night as the result of a
fall frowf the skylight of the Shimmell
school building, was held from the homo
of his parents at 2 o'clock this after
noon. The services were in charge of
the Rev. Dr. J. A. Lyter, pastor of the
Derry Street United Brethren church.
Interment was made in the East Harris
burg cemetery. The pallbearers were
four young men from the Sunday school
of the Derry street church of which ho
was a member.
Opposite Orpheum llcll y.V»2
Kjew Exnmlnril l.rnHm (Ground
Open Wediiefuliiy nml Saturday
Evening* I ntil 1)
| -T - - r
3 for 25 cts. Per dozen, 85 cts.
10 Cts to $2.00
100-8 South Second Street
Karrisburg, Pa.
Open Saturday Evenings
Both Phones
Vi n.<»
1 Feet
16 North Third St,
Penna. Station