The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 25, 1915, Page 6, Image 7

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(Established in /&?/>)
Published by
Star-Hldapandant Bulldint.
18-20-22 South Third StrMt. Harrimburg, P»..
Every Evening Except Sunday.
' ~ Off,etrs. Ihnclort.
Vice Preiident. Wm. S MEtERg,
Secretary and Treasurer. WM W ALLOWEE
Business Manager. bailor.
Alt communications should he addressed to STAR INDEPENDENT,
Business, Editorial. Jol. Printing or Circulation Department,
according to the subject matter.
Entered ~»t the Post OBice in Harrisburg as second class matter
Benjamin 4; Kentnor Compauy.
Sew York and Chicago Representatives.
New York Office. Brunswick Building, '-'-j Fifth Avenue.
Chicago Office. People's Has Building. Michigan Avenue.
""Delivered l>v carriers at 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscribers
for Three Dollars* year in advance
The paper with the largest Home Circulation in Harrisbursr and
nearby towns.
Circulation Examined by
Private Branch E,change. . - CUMBE R LAND N v ° >i i?£|?
Priva'e Branch Eichange. No - 2+5-246
Tuesday, May 23, 1915.
Bun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
18 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
SO 31
Last Quarter, 6th; New Moon, L;lth;
First Quarter, 21st; Full Moon, liXth.
Hnrrisburg and vicinity: Fair and > (JtvpFz
warmer to night. Wednesday unsettled,
probably showers, and warmer. 'j/lv l
Kastern Pennsylvania: Fair to night,
warmer iu north and west portions. V_ ~
Wednesday increasing cloudiness anil
warmer. Gentle to moderate east to
southeast winds. ' if'*/
Highest, 57; lowest, 52; 8 a. m., 56; 8 p. in., 51».
All Pennsylvania citizens are personally inter
ested in good roads and profit by their improve
ment and maintenance, said Governor Brumbaugh
in his proclamation fixing May 26th, to-morrow, as
Good Roads Day for this state. —a day on which
everybody is expected to do something to better
the road system.
"Every able-bodied citizen," quoth the Governor,
"having a patriotir regard for our Commonwealth
aud its good name shall so arrange his personal
affairs as to give one entire day to the improvement
of our highways, or contribute iu current coin to
the proper local authorities a sum equivalent to the
wages of a laborer upon the highways."
This means everybody. It means you who read
this; it means your next-door neighbor; it means
the man around the corner; it means any citizen
who desires to see the roads of Pennsylvania placed
in a condition commensurate with her standing
as a state.
It is a fact that the road system of Pennsylvania
has been one of the worst of any state in the Uniou.
Money ami labor have been wasted on the toads,
even though given lavishly, for the reason that
there has not been proper guidance in the construc
tion and repair, to say nothing of the up-keep after
the roads have been made.
In some of the western states there have been
observances of Good Roads Day that have been
fraught with the most beneficial results, and there
is reason to believe that the results of the work
to-morrow will aid Pennsylvania in getting out of
the bad road rut, and taking her road system from
the joke column.
Governor Brumbaugh is going to set the example.
He is not the man to call upon his people to do
something and not himself lend a hand. With him,
to suggest is to do. and his fellow citizens should
follow his example.
The roads of Pennsylvania, if even a tithe of her
citizens get out and help to put them in good con
dition, will be permanently benefited, and Governor
Brumbaugh knows this for he has seou the effect
of a similar action on the part of the people in
western states, and knows that it is a good thing.
Get your shovel and get out on the roads to
morrow! It will do you and your neighbor and
your state good.
Marconi, the inventor of the wireless, before leav
ing New York several days ago to return to his na
tive country at the personal request of his sover
eign, Victor Emmanuel, told of having nearly per
fected an apparatus by means of which one may see
through a solid wall. This invention, when placed
against a wall or floor, makes wood or metal trans
parent to the user of the device, revealing to him
persons and objects in the other room. The dicta
phone has already made possible the hearing of
words uttered in other rooms, no matter how se
curely the doors be locked. Marconi's invention
now promises to permit the seeing of actions as
well, regardless of how effectually the key holes
are closed.
There is not likely to be much security shortly
within walls. \\ hen words and actions can no long
er be concealed from persons in adjoining rooms,
secrecy behind closed doors will no longer be possi
ble. Crime prevention and detection will of course
be made easier and more certain with every new
invention such as Marconi's, and for these purposes
the revealing devices are primarily intended.
Science has at times been of assistance to crooks,
in giving them formulas for safe-blowing com
pounds, and the like, but it has also come to the
aid of their detectors, and is making crime more
and more difficult of accomplishment and more and
more liable when accomplished, to discovery.
Marconi has also reported progress is being made
on the perfecting of the visible telephone, by means
of which persons talking over the wire may see
each other*B features. I'sers of the telephone are
sometimes at disadvantages because the expressions
on the faces of the persons to whom they are speak
ing are not visible to them, and because they may
therefore put the wrong construction on the spoken
words which reach their ears. Within the visible
telephones, when finally in use, it will doubtless be
possible to carry on conversations as intelligently
over the wire as ordinarily.
At this time also the announcement comes from
Thomas A. Edison that he has perfected an inven
tion by means of which telephone conversations may
be recorded automatically on wax cylinders which
may then be run off like ordinary phonograph rec-
ords. This " telescribe," as it has been named, makes
possible the recording by a typist of a telephone
conversation from a cylinder on which it has been
received, just as though dictation had been taken
direct from the speaker. The wax cylinder itself
may be preserved in case it is desired to keep a
record of the speaker's voice as evidence, and thus
to bind that speaker to any statements he may have
These new devices for use in connection with the
telephone promise to be of inmeasurable value to
business men in particular, in expediting transac
tion among them and making even more thorough
the methods of modern offices.
A squad of Chicago policemen yesterday raided
the city hall and took two hundred prisoners. They
made their arrests, oddly enough, in the very halls
of justice. The two hundred persons were idle
spectators in the Morals Court, and all of them who
could not give satisfactory reasons for being in the
courtroom were charged with vagrancy anil are to
be given hearings at which they will no doubt be
fittingly fined and advised to look for their amuse
ment elsewhere.
That the Chicago Morals Court no longer is to be
a theatre is the decision of the presiding judge,
who planned the raid which came upon yesterday's
audience so unexpectedly. As a consequence of this
wise decision the chances are that the attendance
will not he large at future matinees.
The assertion has recently been made by a promi
nent jurist that the New York night courts have
become principally places where wealthy members
of slumming parties are provided with spectacles by
unfortunate persons of the lower strata of society.
There would no doubt be great confusion if some
of the distinguished visitors at such night courts
were to be arrested as vagrants, yet if all of them
who could give no other reason for their presence
than curiosity or desire for diversion, were to be
fined good round numbers of dollars and advised
to withdraw their patronage, the boxes and par
quets in the courtrooms would not be likely to have
so many distinguished occupants in the future.
Too much curiosity has been excited concerning
courtroom trials, especially trials such as those in
the morals courts. The public hears of things be
ing said at such trials that do not bear repetition in
polite society, and that would not even be permitted
on the stage, and accordingly the courtrooms have
great attractions for the public during hearings of
certain kinds of cases. The curiosity itself is only
natural, but the unrestricted satisfying of it need
not lie tolerated by presiding judges to the extent
of allowing their courts to become popular places
of amusement.
Italy ami Austria are losing 110 time in mixing it up.
Let the highway knockers put aside their hammers anil
get out their shovels to morrow!
When we can see through telephone the good housewife
will no longer dare to rush to the receiver with her hair
done up in curl-papers.
Wife, to her husband who is in the bedroom dressing—
"Have you locked the door? My sister msy come in."
Husband —"Well, I am not the one to worry."—Ginger.
Sunday School Teacher —"Now, Harold, what is the les
son about to-day 1"
Harold—"All about Adam's fall and Eavesdropping."—
Sidney Hocks became intoxicated Saturday evening and
tried to drive his yoke of steers into the postoffice, but
failed on account of the door being too narrow. There
have been many other complaints recently on account of the
narrowness of the door at the postoffice.—Hamburg (Pa.)
"You are charged with selling adulterated milk," mused
the judge.
"Your honor, I plead not gjiilty."
"But the testimony shows that it is twenty-five per cent,
"Then it must be high-grade milk," returned the plaintiff;
"if your honor will look up the word 'milk' in your diction
ary you will find that it contains from eighty to ninety
per cent, water. I oughta sold it for cream!" —Ginger.
Jenkins had ceased to complain, but one evening his
troubles as a strap hanger in the tram got so bad that he
felt bound to expostulate.
"Excuse me, sir," he said to the man sitting by him,
"but would you mind moving your portmanteau from the
gangwayf I really can hardly find room to stand."
"Move my portmanteau J" gasped the stranger. "Those,
sir, are my feet!"
"Is that so?" said Jenkins. "Then, perhaps you would
pile them one above the other."— Ginger.
Tak« Hood's SarsapaxUla, the Old
Reliable Spring Tonic
Don't let the idea that von may feel
better iu a day or two prevent you from
gettiug a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla
to day from any drug store and start
ing at once on the road to health and
When your blood is impure and im
poverished it lacks vitality, your diges
tion is imperfect, your appetite is poor,
and all the functions of your body are
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a wonderful
blood tonic. It will build you up
quicker than any other medicine. It
gives strength to do and power to en
dure. It is the old standard tried and
true all-the-year-round blood purifier
and enricher, tonic and appetizer.
Nothing else acts like it, for nothing
else has the same formula or ingredi
ents. Be sure to ask for Hood's; insist
on having it.—Adv.
Tongue-End Top icsj
Unanimous For Dohoney
John P. Dohoney, of this city, con
nected with the Public Service Com
mission as investigator of accidents,
received an endorsement for retention
in his place under the new commission
such as no other man in the State will
get. The entire membership of tho
Pennsylvania Legislative Correspond
ents' Association, composed of news
papermen from all parts of the State
engaged in reporting legislative pro
ceedings, made a united request of
Governor Brumbaugh that Mr. Dohoney
be retained. It was such a spontaneous
aud united expression of the desire of
this body of newspaper workers in Mr.
Dohoney's favor that it impressed tho
Governor forcibly, and without hesi
tation he at ouce declared that Mr.
Dohoney should continue in the posi
tion in which he hns served so efficient
ly. Furthermore the Governor expressed
his appreciation of Mr. Dohoney's work
since he has been connected with the
commission. It was the first time in
the twenty years' history of the asso
ciation that, as a body, it unitedly,
with every man present, made a re
quest of a Governor for anything. Mr.
Dohoney was for years connected with
Harrisburg newspapers as corres|>ond
ent for metropolitan dailies, ami had
the good will of all of tho "newspaper
bo vs."
♦ * *
John M. Reynolds' Run of Luck
John M. Reynolds, of Bedford, hail a
strange run of luck last week. His
handsome home in Bedford caught fire
and the neighbors rallied iu such num
bers to fight the flames that compara
tively little damage was done. After
the fire was over his married daughter
presented hini with a brand new
grandson, the first in the family.
Later in the week he came to Harris
burg, and while in the Senate chamber
shaking hands with those with whom
he had served as their President for
two sessions, he was stood up and pre
sented with a set of silver dining table
decorations, including beautiful can
delabra and casseroles, as an evidence
of the high esteem in which he is held
by those who know and love him for
his many estimable qualities. Mr. Rey
nolds got back to Bedford before any
thing else happened to him.
Seeing Pennsylvania
Next fall, when Pennsylvania is
loveliest in nature's colors, it is the
intention of Governor Brumbaugh to
advocate the organization of parties of
tourists to "see Pennsylvania.'' The
Governor believes, and his belief is
shared by almost every Pennsylvanian
who has traveled through the State,
that there is little scenery in the world
to surpass that of Pennsylvania, and
that people should go out of the beaten
paths of travel to see and enjoy it.
Mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers—
every kind of beautiful natural views
—may be seen in this State, and it is
a small thing for any Pennsylvanian
to boast that he has seen European j
scenery when he has to confess at the !
same time that he has not familiarized \
himself with what is infinitely more
beautiful in his native State.
• * *
The Governor's Slogan
New England's scenery has been |
touted, according to the Governor, be- i
cause its people have provided many j
summer resorts, made out routes for j
travelers, provided hotel accommoda- j
tions and in every way encouraged i
travel in that direction. With the im- i
proved system of roads in Pennsylva
nia, especially the county and town- 1
ship roads which it is proposed to fix
up on Good Roads Day, those who wish
to travel in Pennsylvania and to de
light in its scenery, can go everywhere
without inconvenience. "See Pennsyl
vania First," should be the slogan of |
every Pennsylvanian. That is the Gov
ernor 's idea.
• * •
Fires Swept 240,000 Acres
With the State paying out big
money for forestry land every year, it j
is rather discouraging to have 25,000 j
acres of what it has cared for for some I
time destroyed by fire, but that is what
happened during the fires early in the
present spring. Altogether there were
1240,000 acres of woodland destroyed,
the largest for many years, and the
State's 25,000 acres were all good
timber. The estimated damage ie
$570,000, the State's loss being pro
portionate and it will also have to pay
$17,500 for forest fire extinguishing.
All but a few of the reports are in,
and what is to come arc of a minor
character. More than twenty counties
suffered in their forests from fierce
flames. Clinton county suffered "the \
most, 50,000 acres beim< burned over. |
But three acres were burned in Ches- i
i ter. |
Item Welcomed
By Many Men
This will prove a welcome hit
of Information for nil those who
are overworked, gloomy, de
spondent, nervous and have
trembling limbs, heart palplta
(ion, dizziness, cold extremities,
insomnia, fear without cause,
timidity in venturing, and gen
eral inability to act naturally
and rationally as others do, be
cause the treatment consisting
of grain tablets can be obtained
and taken without the knowledge
of anyone. If the reader has any
of the symptoms, and decides to
try it just go to any large, well
stocked drug store and ask for
three-grain Oadomene Tablets,
and then take according to the
directions which accompany each
sealed lube. The tonic-Invigorat
ing power is soon felt and the Joy
of a healthy body experienced.
These tablets, originally dispens
ed by prominent physicians and
pharmacists, now are packed with
full directions for self adminis
tration. so that It 1« wholly un
necessary to pay a physician for
prescribing them.
Cyrus Heilman Drops From Hayloft to
Barn Floor
Lebanon. May 25.—Cyrus Heilman,
who conducts a farm near Sporting
Hill, between Lebanon and Annville,
met a sudden death by accident yester
day. He was at work in his big barn
during the morning and just before
noon he felt from the hayloft to the
barn floor. Dr. Hank, of Annville, was
sent for, but found that no bones were
broken. Intense injuries of a serious
nature resulted in his death about two
hours later. He was a member of the
prominent Heilman family 4 and was
widely known. He was a son of Dan
iel Heilman, of Heilmandale, this coun
ty, and was a direct descendant of John
Peter Heilman, one of the pioneers of
the family in this part of theVStato
and who came to this country fron) Ger
many in 1732. He is survived by 13
Investigation Shows Great Damage
Done by Eruption of Lassen Peak
By Associated Press,
Wedding, Cal., May 25.—Greater ruin
was wrought by Saturday's eruption of
Lassen peak than first believed, accord
ing to stories brought here to-day by
returning investigating parties, who
traveled over almost impassable roads
and through > raging storm to reach the
edge of the danger zone.
Widespread damage to standing tim
ber was the most evident of the newly
discovered destruction done by the
mountain 's eruption. The mud torrents
and the showers of superheated rocks
and boulders are reported to have
ruined a million feet of timber. Trees
were snapped off at their trunks and
the hail of heavy stones swept through
large areas of forest like a gigantic
scythe. Tangles of timber caught fire
from the hot lava, but rain soon
quenched the flames.
The mud stream in Hat creek valley
was still moving to-day, but it has
cooled and flows sluggishly.
Doctors Take Bullets From Woman
Lebanon, May 25.—Dr. John J.
Ijight, of this citvj assisted by Or.
Frank Zimmerman, of Sehaeffer'stown,
performed an operation upon Mrs.
Mary C. Waik, of Millbach, this coun
ty, and succeeded in removing two bul
lets which were tired into her head last
Thursday by her husband, Thomas
W'eik, before he ended his own life. A
bullet which had entered the right
cheek had bored its way under the nose
into the right cheek and had lodged
just before the left eye. The other
lodged in the neck. Both pellets were
much flattened.
Live Frog in a Piece of Coal
A collier who was working recently
at the coal-face in the twenty-inch, or
Smith-coal, seam at the Trafalgar col
liery, Forest of Dean, states that about
10 a. m. he was holing underneath the
coal-seam, which is about twenty inches
thick. He had holed in the under
earth a distance of about fifteen inches
and. as was the usual custom, to enable
him to hole farther underneath he
struc.k the pick into the coal-face a dis
tance of about six inches from the floor.
At the point where he did so a thin
land of shale —black earth, technically
known as a parting—was running
along the coal-face. The pick, where
he pierced the coal, appeared to strike
through into space; the piece of eoal
below the pick fell off up to the parting
above spoker. of, disclosing a small cav
ity, out of which at the same time fell
a live frog. It was small in size and
dark in color, with a bright yellow band
running the whole length of the back.
The examiner of the district came up
just at the time and took charge of
it. Shortly afterward, at the request
of the management, the pieces of eoal
were carefully looked over, and the
piece with the shale adhering to it was
found. In this was a cavity of such
size and shape as would .just about
hold the body of a frog.—The Strand
THE of the
hour that grows
more popular
every day, is the cool,
comfortable Poulton
"straw." Our enormous
variety enables us to
please every taste and
style itlea. Surely you'll
want a new one for Deco
ration Day. The prices
are easy.
$1.50 to $4
Panamas and Leghorns at
"Where the Styles Original"
I ♦ mm +
The Daily Fashion Hint.
T 1 ♦
Green duvetyu motor or sport coat
It tuny be buttoned up to the neck or
turned back in a flat collar. The coat
> La cut in very full godet folds.
Tobias K. Weller
Tobias R. Weller, aged 70 years,
died yesterday at the Polyclinic hos
pital following an operation. He was
an employe of the Bigler brick yards
for the last 21 years. He was a mem
ber of the Derry Street United Breth
ren church. Surviving are his widow,
two sons. John, of Brooklyn, X. Y., and
tirant. of Philadelphia, and one sister,
Mrs. Marie Meals, of Boiling Springs.
The funeral will be held from his home,
1314 Kittatinny street. Thursday
morning at 9.45 o'clock, the Rev. Dr.
:J. A. Lyter officiating. Interment in
Mt. Zion cemetery.
Joseph E. Drawbaugh
The funeral of Joseph E. Draw
baugh, a former city policeman, who
died Sunday at his home, 1323 Thomp
son street, will be held to-morrow aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock from his home, the
Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, pas
tor of the Stevens M. E. church, offi
ciating. Interment in Shoop's church
Thursday evening, May 27, Christie
Mac Donald in "Sweethearts."
Kvorv afternoon and evening, vaudn
villi! and pictures.
Victoria Theatre.
William Penn Theatre.
Photoplay Theatre.
Regent Theatre.
—— mm. MM ——mmm MM —mm-mmmmm
When you reach home to-night don't
forget to make that date for Thursday
night to hear and see "Sweethearts."
And when you tell her—whether you
impart the information across the din
ner table, or by phone as the case may
be—don't forget to add that Christie
Mac Donald is going to play it. That
little tip ought to make you "high
man" for some time to come.
Harrisburg theatregoers have had
an opportunity to see and hear some
splendid offerings at the Majestic this
year, particularly at the tail-end of the
season, but it is doubtful if any book
ing will meet with more general ap
proval than "Sweethearts" and Chris
tie MacDonald.—Adv. *
Electrical Venus is Shocking
The Electrical Venus who began a
three days' engagement at the Colonial
Theatre yesterday proved to be a very
shocking act. Not from a standpoint
of vulgarity, however, but from a stand
point of electrical current which runs
through the young woman's body and
also sends shocks into the squirming fig
ures of those who go on the stage to
investigate the mystery. All in all it
makes one of the best laughing acts
that the Colonial has played.
There are three other acts on the
: samß bill, all of which are well up to
i the top of the Colonial's standard. Lar
! guy and' Snee are a pleasing couple of
young people who have a flirtation
I novelty that is very good indeed. L«ang
] and Coulter give a black face comedy
act and the Selvenos present shadow
pictures that include among other
i things the sinking of a ship by tor
pedo.—Adv. *
At Paxtang Park
Harry Beck's "Made-in-Harrishurg"
j minstrels will close their engagement
at Paxtang Park to morrow evening.
! The show has been one of the most sue
i cessful amateur productions that has
ever appeared at the park. For the
last half of the week Manager Davis
has booked a vaudeville show with
r the mysterious Brindamour as the fea
i ture attraction. Brindamour has ap
peared in the various theatres of Har
risburg several time* anil his act hard-
Ily requires description at this time.
Five other standard acts will make
up the balance of the coming show.—
Adv. *
Paxtang Park
Harry Beck's "Made in Harris
| burg" minstrels opened the summer
I theatrical season at Paxtang Park last
evening with a performance that was
greatly appreciated by the small audi
i ence that braved the threatening
| weather to see it.
Mr. Beck undoubtedly has the best
array of amateur talent that has ever
| appeared at the park theatre. He has
in his cast such well-known amateur
performers as "Si Boob,'' ''.lake"
; Kinneard, Charley Orier, " Heist"
j C'ulp, "Ed." Huber, "Ike" NVeller, N.
i i
IF you come to us for your j
straw hat you can get j
just what you want —because j
j we have every correct style !
I and kind of "straw" the best
j dressed man demands. And j
j —no man can get better j
j " straws " than McFall
( " straws " at
$2 to $4
j, Panamas, Leghorns and
! Bangkoks at $5
) HattriV Men'n FuruUhfra miml
| Milrt Makorw
E. Malseed and last, but not least,
'Beckie" is there himself with a couple
of songs.
The musical program contained many
of the song hits of the day, such as
"Tokio," "There Is a little Spark of
Love Still Burning," "When I Dream
of Old Erin," etc. Jake Kinneard in
troduced a new song written by Harry
Flanagan and Karl Burtuett entitled,
"Watching the Waves Roll In." This
song was one of the big hits of tho
show. An olio followed the first part,
in which P. C. Pendergast, a well
known contortionist; "Christie," billed
as "The master magician," and the
Keystone Singing Four were the lead
ing features. Adv.*
Last Day to See Mary Pickford at the
Regent Theatre as "Mistress Nell"
The crowd last evening was wonder
ing how the management of the Re
gent Theatre gives such high-class pho
toplays, same as they are running in
the lr.rge theatres in the Metropolitan
cities at high prices. The Regent The
atre is doing it just the same, that Mr.
Magaro will now show no films in his
theatre unless it is the highest class
of film production for the reason that
the Regent is here to stay. This after
noon and evening is the last day of
Mary Pickford where she showed to a
crowded house last evening in film
vision of Henrietta Crossman's former
starring vehicle, "Mistress Nell," the
famous drama of the gallant days of
the gay King Charles 11. Mary Pick
ford portrays that wonderful character.
To-morrow another Paramount plav pre
sented by Bosworth, "Buckshot John,"
by Charles E. Van Loan, featuring John
Moraii, a highlv dtamatic story with
many unusual fentures and remarkable
cast. The Paramount program will not
be used in no other theatre in Harris
burg.—Adv. *
Beck's Minstre!s
Thursday, Friday, Sa'
s—Other Acts~s
*■ *
Specially Selected Company and
Singing Chorus
PRICES 50c to fJ.OO
There's Nothing Shocking About
Electrical Venus
Except the current, and that's
Mats., 5 and IOc; Eve., 10 and 15c
* J
f m 1 " 1 " V
To-day only: Daniel Frohman
presents MARY PICKFORD as
"MISTRESS NELL" in 5 reels. The
Face at the Window, Drama; The
Taming of Rita, Comedy.
by Charles E. Van Loan, in 5 reels.
Art star cast.
* J