The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 25, 1915, Page 5, Image 6

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    ' w v * w yT?Ty?tvfTT yy fyyy???yTVv? » w * w + * v <ww t t t t qr *qr~T y f r <i
: I;^cwid ll ker - I J3fMZfTT7/T/t7!A ST"" ;
Women's art ami hand em- ANY PHONE \. n. \
broidered handkerchiefs, with MB N. XV \ j
► 59c S, 3o°c dker THIS Rebuilding Sale will continue ;k '
* „,££irS •s£!! I morrow), Thursday, Friday and Satu |k \ l|m
; h 2Bcand3scHandker- are particularly anxious that you visit this store; for then you'll (T- Mm :
; w„ and realize why the items below speak of such rare price-values. |glr <
* embroidered eorner handker- I , _ , . i r * .1 r <•
► chiefs: slightly defective. Youll see a wonderful change taking place here in the form of a new building re- JOy v '
' 10can C hfe°fs s andker ' placing the old, and what word other than "Rebuilding", better suggests the neces- s(\ t - ) -
Women's embroidered cor- sity of lowering stocks and likewise prices? It also means the quick "turning over" yr)\\ ) I ]l§r //f, j[
* defective. ightly ( commercially speaking) into cash, even new merchandise that is constantly / ML KVJ |
; 5c Handkerchiefs, arriving. C §v/ <
ChildrenWored emhroid- This sale to accomplish its purpose must do away with unnecessary surplus in merchandise, the (lip A Wj i
► ered corner handkerchiefs, clearing out of odd lots, and 'the like. By scanning each column on this and the opposite pages, <
► with 1 4-inch hem. you'll readily see the method we've determined upon to carry out the above; for PRICES ARE yjM *
y 75c Chammsette Gloves, UNMISTAKABLY LOW. s/ MM \
Women's 16-button length Be on hand early—let the early hours of this sale be of most benefit to you. [ft j
On the Main Floor On the Main Floor I On the Main Floor On the Main Floor
S e!S?cialp M gi«ves C in Continued Continued Continued Continued On the Main Floor On the Second
► all colors. 12y 2 c Pillow Cases, $1 iO Iced Tea Spoons, | $1.75 Bed Spreads, $1 39c to 50c Suitings, CnntinnrH Plnnr *
► <mqq Lisle Gloves
► 49 C ' Laundered: 42x36 and 45x j Set of six iced teaspoons; $1.69 Quilts, $1.39 Worsted suitings, striped 12% Cto 25c Cluny 89c to $1 White Petti- -i
► Women's 16-button length 36 inches. | extra heavy silver plated. Roman crochet quilts; col- I worsted suitings, wash serge Laces, yd. coats, <4
► gloves in tan 20c Pillow Tubing, 50c Burson Hose 21£ ored mixtures. aild mixed suitings. Pure linen Cluny laces and Trimmed with wide lace, J
" *Sftr Chamoisette Gloves yd. Women's: regular and ex- Crochet Spreads $2 to $3 Suitings, insertions; 2to 3 inches wide. embroidery insertion and J
► -jq ' ' Bleached; cut from full tra sizes; plain and silk lisle; Full bed sizes: 50<* from yd. Notions i > ion-mil leading. 1
>• \ Vnmon > B OpSL „invp S in piei ' es ' black only; seconds. 7. _ » e ; 75c from *1.00; 79c 1 Heavy diagonal and plaid lc pack wire Hair-Pins. 5 25c Eiderdown Yarn, J
► black. ~ " 25c Neckwear, 10< SI.OO Silk Hose, y 9 J hank J
" IM Art rft/i Men's and boys'4-in-hands Women's plain' black $1.75; extra heavy. $1 to $1.50 Silks oc white Tie Laces,.
. sl-00 Kid Gloves 59c and cut string tie,. thread ailk; donbl. aolca, Turkish Towels s&?yd Pi™ l'i «~u"wUte
■ tail, white fall large Men's 50c Half Hose, liale garter tops; regular and White with eolored borders Remnanta of'Vineh silk 3c' do,! 'buVk Satoy 19c Guest Towels, B<> <
* sizes. ' aiOv extra sizes, \auous. —plain in pink and blue, j crepe de chines; Canton Stamped buck towels; good 4
y _... Thread silk; double soles, Women's Cotton Hose, Liniited quantities at certain crepes and charmeuse; all 3c Glove Darners, 1< patterns.
15c and 25c FlllOW high spliced heels: sample • jl r ' l ' eB , i shades. 4c and 5c spool Machine 35r Griipst Tnwfll<;
L a„ - I ?$£ «°*"""«\ 25cto75cRibbons, -Kh^e, <
* ''"'TavTcretonnes : Men's Shirts, tT'd "K™e ao odd, ami 4t» 7 -d». silk '""""' ;
k 2 7V 2 <yd. ' Perealea; eoat atyle, with I from 10t™3for from sej "leima wide. 3e Imx Crimping I'in,, 3< 25c to 50c Pillow Ruf- ,
► Floral and Oriental de- ; attached cuffs, 3 for SI.OO. ™ ds ' 2 for from 3c. Ribbon Remnants, oc paper Toilet Pins,.. ,3£ fling, 1 piece
► X 2 5 ( Shoe Buttons','3s kinds; yards ,
► 8c Outing Flannel, i Extra size: tape neck and j Fine quality; 12-yard I ' 5c piece Bees' Wax, ..3<t rn 13 +v, ur«
► yd. Fine quality of percale; i sleeves; seconds. 3 for 25C lengths. 20c Moire Ribbons, ' 5c box Narro-nek wire Hair ijatnrobe Lords, J
► Light and dark patterns; coat style with attached 15c and 25c Underwear, White Goods Remnants yd. Pins 19<- <
k 27 inches Wide. ; cuffs. | Small lots of 75c, $1.25 and 4 inches wide; fine quality. 5c ventilating Hair W r av- Cords and trogs. A
► 8c and 9c Seersucker Men's 25c Underwear, Women's and children's $1.50 values to be sold at half 59c Vplvpt Rihhnn ( ' rs - I $1.50 to $3 Corsets, $1 <<
EV/1 „ A ICA """ s nrice p'l-i.e to l'K- values at veiveT, itlDDOn, oc spool mercerized Darn- v ' , v . „ ' "P ,
k Ginghams, 5 J 4C yd. loc I vests and pants; broken 1 aiuts ai vrl imrCnttim Warners Laßeme, Royal i
. In dainty plaids and Athletic shirts; knee draw- ! lines. b iC yd. m fft „ u a .%. |,i* u vu] ..„ f Voiiior a i Worcester and La Camille,
* a. • oKn laneta oack; black velvet oc card Yeiser Hooks and 4 . . j 1 i i 1 .
k ers. Women's 29c Knit 2^c Cotton Voiles,
ribbon; 4 inches wide. Kves i' 0 ?* an '- '' a ' '* (C n '' ( . )lse '? ; A I
, 5c Cheese Cloth, Men's 50c Union Suits, p antS) 21c . l > l ioi SlZtS ' SIZL ' S m "
yd. Fxt™ si7e- hlcacbed- Uee Set figures and floral de- | Vu , ® r '>r ' ! 10c net Collar Frames, 3<* the lot.
f Bleached: 36 inches wide; White or ecru< long and knees- seconds. ■ sign*; 40 inches wide. j es U P 0 -* K - | 10c white mercerized Tie j 79c Corsets,
f cut from full pieces. short sleeves; seconds. "Rr>Tre» (=ino TTniori Quite 15c Printed Crepes, 15c and 20c Laces, | Laces, | Figured and plain coutil,
[ 7c Muslin, 4V 2 t yd. Men's Working Shirts, y ' yd. yd. j Uk ' sectional Collarbone, j medium bust long hips, '
Bleached: 36 inches wide; 35C n i i t Rosebuds and floral pat- j Point de Paris laces; white ! Jd l' ii "i" , Rightly soiled; all sizes in the
b . .. en • , Open mesh; eeru; short .. •>,> :, I# ,i w , a onlv x tn <; i»w.h».v wiii« 10c pack Patent Hooks ami lot i
|[ cut from full pieces. Plain blue chambrav, with sleeves - knee length • seconds ; mcheß lde * y ' Eves It IJ'
50c White Flannel, military collar; 3 for SI.OO. t' o r SI.OO. 25c Suitings, yd. 50c to 89c Embroidery -J 1 1! $1 to $1.50 Dresses, 69r
yd. $1.50 Pearl Beads, 98<> | SI.OO Hand Baes 50c 1 ,• V ott ?V suitings,,in rose Flouncing, 39<* yd. /-\ .* children's gingham, per-
All wool; cut from full With solid gold clasp. ' w », ~ ■ r ue a lilac; full Remnants of 27-inch floun- i \_)n tll6 <'ale and chambrav dresses, m
nip,.p« c/v i. >i i. «il . «omen s black hand bags, pieces. cine- 2to fi-vnrd lpn w th« " M 6 all the new spring models; <
•71 , Q M r $1.50 to $5 Coat Chains, in assorted styles. iq Percales fiV* 4 vH Aoq e t O fI? 1 double and plaited skirts; 4
7Hc andL 9c Muslin, 69c 50c Belts, 29C 36* n + d 39c Swiss Inser- beCOfld t loor trimmed with fancy collars '
y°* , in Women's eoat chains, set Women's white kid belts wide. 1 n «O ns > yd- _ fl n f n nvpv „ o-, and belts of plain color and
► Lnbleached; 36 and 40 with fancy stones. and children's natent leather ot> 1 j i Beautiful patterns; left OUC UOrset OOVers, o&C white pique; sizes 4to 14
L inches wide. $1 nn Wof.l/ ritaino ro rt 1, .it P e rcales, s<? yd. 1 from match sets. Made of crepe and trimmed years. i
7- Cimncnn "DrHn+o ?I.W A6CK Ituains, " s Navv blue striped. Kfir* anrl fiftn Vol n/To+oli with neat lacc and einbroid- ' „ , 4
7c Simpson Prints, Gold filled; soldered link. Children's 25c Hand 12 1/ c Percales IOC vH 50c and 60c VaL Match d ribbon-run beading; 50c to $1 Baby Nov-
Z /2 o Perca es, 10< yd. Sets, siz es36to42. elties, 10<»
y Black figures. onJ; t i op Light percales; 3b inches Insertions and edges. _ _ n . , . 4
«1 nnrnWcu* 89<? In assorted colors. 2 for wide; best grade. %tn T.pp Uln,„ 25c to 39c Corset Covers, Coat hangers, rattles, pin ,
► SI.OO L-onasset Sheets, German silver; each one 2o<?. ' . I oV/C to /OC Liace Floun- "ISC and ribbon boxes, whisks and
' <3* si i I , has a Place for cards, mema Paraaols, at 19C to $ Si . m6llS ' 1 «, C , ingS ' ???■ 7 f\ , Yokes of lace and embroid- Pin"h<>lderß
- Size 81x90 inches; best tablet pencil powder p.,ft $5.50 In Nile brown h,ul ! in7 is I™ ery, with embroidery and lace $1.50 to $2.50 Lingerie "
and three coin holders. Women's and children's
► 40C Sheets, 28c SI.OO Tango Bracelets, parasols in many different _J J_ Dust Caps, Children's hats, made of <
► 7, L un e f am; laUnd6red; 69<? styles and colors. . Made of lawn, with lace I lace and embroidery, trim- <
► V U «J S ' Gold filled. $1.65 to $6 Traveling I hrcc iLXtraOrClinSrV Sill t edge, or turn back. ! ined with ribbon; soiled. 4
. Men's 25c Suspenders, 25c Brooches, 12V Cases, 83£ to $3 m m
LWeweJb stot'LKSL. W * nd Offerings For Men Rebuilding Clearing Out ;
' At these rebuilding prices, men should lose no time in n f o • T) <
5515 Will Purchase Anv Hitfher rart?n,:. eoodBUit jot Lxtra Large bize Kugs
► \p±KJ # - £ *- AA J $lO Men's and Young Men's Suits, $8 a ,idTa r^strg e hnmeir b ° dy brußßels ' velvet Axn,inßter
► Qlllt 1 n 1V F nf"l Vf* St" OP If Suitsot wool cassnneres, homespuns i, worsteds and chev- "'noS reductions; then come in and see the <
, I 1 JLCCU. OUJLt 111 Will MLfil 111 C OIUCJ! lots; sizes up to 44. A few shorts and stouts in this lot. beautiful patterns and colorings. This should interest <
„ 1,/ sl s is in some oases half-price; in all others, s l2 - 50 and s l3 - 50 Suits > 9 * 50 \V," P StS! inK h ° Uße p, '° prietorß - ° nly °" e of
► gf cl \ less than half. Sls is the price that we are mark- From our regular stocks of Men's and "° s pa i
N S . ~ » i . v ~ , u ° , . . V V • Size 11.3x12 ft., tapestrv Size 10.6x12, Axmingter
" mg suits from our own regular stocks. sls IS an Youths Suits we have taken about If JK rug, regularly $lB, at SI2.UH niK, regularly $29.50, nt 4
y jw. /T exceptionally low price even at this period of the fifty suits and lowered the price, for r& 1 ~/T \ Size 11.3xt2, Axmingter, #IB.»K 4
► / ' JMt VPAI-for all arp nf «Pfl«sfttialilp wpio-h+ nnrl will crivp quick selling. Serges, worsteds, home- /y#7 /M regularly $27.60, at #17.98 Size 10.6x12, body bnwsels i
>eai , tor an are ot seasonable weight aild \\ 111 gne apuns and cassimeres, in blues, greys, I[r aAV A Size ll.axia.e. tapestry rug, regularly $38.50, Hi
\ — Service throughout the summer. browns, tartan checks, overplaids and \|L (yl iA \ rug, regularly $22.75, at $311.75
: J" ,/ iMgfe sls-A wouderiul bargain; in suite of such mixture ; f„ r reguta, B h„r,., Jj; VV K/ sto JSZ ]
qualltv; in the stvles that Will be seen on the J. ]/ y / rug, regularlv $32.50, at Size 11.3x12. tapestry rug,
¥ I \K Street this very moment; and of shades, the same sls to $22.50 Men's and Young 5,, - 9H regularly SIB.OO at #12.08
; MJjXwl is truo. On oir medium priced snits, new prices Men>s Suits, $13.65 \U M .«^
y / B'Wt' will go into effect to-morrow, for instance: We have added a great many more Vl; #17.98 Size 11.3x12. Axminater
— \7 / < tf.or.crw J Ainnrt x suits from our regular stocks to the sur- 1 I il Size 11.3x12, body brussels rug, regularly $25.98, at 4
mW Mil S2SOO sSlts $12.50 IJom Suits $8.98 phis stock sale of Braiidegee, Kincakl & \\ t, '
► Vv / k \l $z5.00 Suits $19.50 Suits **■ Co.'s suits. 1 rug. regularly $25.98, at regularly $17.50, at #12.48 <
' I /M V These also are from reKula.-stock-equal to the T .. «„ u.u,i. {
I / I
* II 'I yUjJl'' „„ Size 11.3x12, Axminster regularly $17.50, at #11.»8 <
v-vj SI.OO Top Skirts, 39£ 39c Percale Petticoats, $3.00 Trousers, $2.35 rug, regularly $26.75, at Size 11.3x13.6, tapestry
' j . . Dark blue with nolka 23 C Pure worsteds, in grev and Striped patterns; sizes to 44. #17.48 rug, regularly $22.75, at
dots, and blaek. Made of Stripes, dots and plain $5.00 Flannel Trousers, $3.95 ru g,'TeguLVly"' size 11.3x12, tapestfvnSJ
► I) duck. shades. White and white striped. #18.48 regularly $19.00, at #13.48 *
► ? BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. . Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4