WOLFE CORSET AND LINGERIE SHOP 404 North Second Street tße Fitted In a Summer > Net Corset Triple wire or walohn stays. All who seek perfect fitting sat isfying corsets are invited to join our list of pleased patrons.. Made to Order or Ready-to-Wear $1.00... to.. . $30.00 Supporting, Maternity and Surgical Corsets a Specialty Corsets and Brassieres fitted free. You Will ■ Under-muslins \ j In Combinations; jtjVT" Jvv J \ , /'l |\J Night Gowns; j f [\ Covers; Princess . Slips. » V The Newest of Neu) York Styles PHOENIX SILK HOSIERY— "The greatest silk hose value in the world." PHOENIX LISLE HOSIERY— "Fine lisle hose for discriminating dressers." NIAGARA MAID SILK UNDERWEAR—Pink and White S OCIALand PERSONAL MR. ANDMRS. W.F.SNYDER WILL ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Pleasant Affair Arranged in Celebra tion of Their Wedding Anniversary and the Birthday Anniversaries of Their Belatives Mr. and Mr?. Willis F. Snyder will entertain at dinner and cards at their home in Sununerdale to-night in cele bration of their fourth wedding anni versary and the birthday anniversaries of the former's mother, Mrs. Isabel Snyder, of Bellefonte. and Mrs. Sny der s father. William 1. Palmar, of •Uechanicsburg. The house will be prettily decorated with spring flowers in a color scheme of yellow and white, and yellow and white will be used in the table appoint ments. The guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snyder, Mrs. Isabel Sny der, of Bellefonte; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmar; Mr. and Mrs. William I. Pal mar, of Mechaniesburg; Miss Edith it". Miss Olive Snyder. Mrs. Martin lioss. Mr. ill I Mrs. Haker, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mehring, Hummelstown, Miss Sara Ntupp, Mi.s Lizzit Kbv, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and' Mrs. George Kreider and Mr. and Mrs. Willis I'. Snyder and little son. Robert. Dinner at Executive Mansion Governor Martin Ci. Brumbaugh en- j t'Ttuined at dinner Ht the Kxecutive .Mansion last evening in honor of the! members of the Supreme Court. The ! favors were American Hrautv roses anil I Post Toasfies ACJMk New Post distinctive. * •Dainty to be sure in their sweetness, the New Post Toasties have a body th Annl- WAISTS worth un to A ' \ I f W' Stunning one-piece t; i. «i cil a • (££ ******** ( f / i \ D^o S 5 W -,th h 4n P SK IRTS worth up to »" * izRS - ' \ nivLsary See SILK WAISTS worth 11/ I \ DRESSES worth up jSfn SSL./ L* niversary' prk-ef" w ?l h 'I 11 to Beautiful stylos in I | mo ?-.00. .itli Anni- crepe de chine, \ "V, E ,-^Sier 1 - versary price, Gorgette crepe und \X Y '2 i 1 ' / / / I DRESSES worth up ®i tub silks. All new- P "^- r L r jJss to $6.98. sth An- jpi.UU est ~o | ( )rs. All sizes. \ 4?. r* A?r niversarv mice. ' I*) //|\ $3'69 " HL h Women's Silk Dresses Women's Comb nations Women's Silk Hose Worth up to $18.98. Wo rth up to $1.25. Women'* and Missss' Clolh Coats 5 "' A «« ™ l " 1 "" 6 '" r*. ~, Worth up to $6.98. »th Ann .versary pr.ee oth Anniversary price j;JiUj , ' unning st\ es, *t . fit 1 iji i ii *i handsomely made. Neatly trimmed WO . OI ser « t ; M'epl-erd plauls. Crepe de chine and with pretty laces and All colors, except- In P K Hn,t « m " mer st - v,es - taffeta silks, embroideries. AI 1 ing black and white fi 1 l s * All newest shades. sizes. All sizes. lI BBlii lil I II illlllll— BW mil iniiiiim wiMiwiißinmi in M Harrisburg for a week to receive friends, after which time the couple will leave for their new home in Rock ford, a suburb of Pittsburgh. Charity Bridge at Colonial Club Members of the Harrisburg Walking j 1 lub will hold a charity bridge Thurs day afternoon, May 27, at the Colonial j Country Club. Play will begin prompt ly at 2.15 an,l continue until 5 when j tea will be served. The reception com mittee includes Mrs. Louis Druniheller, j Mrs. S. Z. Shope, Mrs. Harry Crane, i Mrs. George Barnitz and Mrs. William | Edmundson. G. fl. R. COMPLETES PLANS FOR WElßim DAY Chief Marshal Hoffman Issuos Orders to Various Military Organizations —Parade to Form on Front Street Monday Afternoon The complete program for Memorial ; Day was made public yesterday in an ! order issued by E. B. Hoffman, chief | marshal of the procession which will be I held Monday afternoon. The order names as chief of staff, F. H. Hoy; I marshal of second division, H. S. Wat son; aids to chief marshal, from Post 58, Charles Beaver, H. W. Snyder, Frank Eckelman; from Post 116, Rob ert Daugherty, Henry Burns; from Post 520, David Stevens and George Thomas; aids to marshal of second di vision, from Post 58, George W. Rhoads, Thomas Numbers and B. Bug gies; from Post 116, Isaac Haifleigh,' Joseph Leonard and J ( . D. Saltsman;| from Post 520, James Auter and Jamesl Stokes. The members of the various military bodies to participate in the parade will j form at their headquarters at 1 o'clock, j The parade will form on North Front street at 1.45 o'clock, with the right resting on Market street in the follow ing order: Platoon of police, band, chief mar shal, chief of staff and aids. .First Division—Company D, Eighth Regiment, National Guard of Penn sylvania, J. .1. Hartman in command; Company I, Eighth Regiment, National Guard of Pennsylvania, Frank E. I in command; Governor's Troop, National Guard of Pennsylvania, (ieorge K. Jack in command; Spanish- American War Veterans; Veterans of j Foreign Service; Uniform Rank, | Knights of Malta; Uniform Rank, I Knights of Pythias; Sons of Veterans, j George K. Hoy in command. ! Second Division Commonwealth [Band; Marshal H. S. Watson and aids; guard of Post 58; Post 58, H. W. | Newman in command; carriage contain ing chairman of joint committee, ora tor of the day, clergyman and Miss Wagner; drum corps;' Post 116, Dr. William T. Hi a hop in command; band; Post 520, .lames Auter in command; conveyances bearing sick and infirm j comrades. The column will move promptly at 2 o'clock out Market street to! Fourth, over Mulberry street bridge, j When the right of the line reaches; Thirteenth and Derrv streets the first i division will halt and face to the left,' to be passed by the second division. I and when the left of the second di- j vision has passed the first will pro- j coed to the Catholic cemetery via! South Thirteenth street. The second division will proceed up North Thir teenth street. On reaching State street the division will halt, face to the left and remain standing until passed by Post 520 and the carriages. Post 520 will then proceed to Lincoln ceme tery. The program of the ceremonies at the Harrisburg cemetery follows: Music, assembly, prayer, the Rev. Floyd Appleton, of St. Paul's Prot estant Episcopal church; oration, Dr. George M. Becht, secretary of the State Hoard of Education; march to burial If Your HflJr i* Falling Out we know of no better remedy than 5*222£& A preparation which we gladly recom mend to • <»«orge A. Gorgas [plot; dirge by band; prayer by ehap-l I lain, Isaac lfaifleigh, Post 11 H: ad-1 | dress bv commander, H. W. Newman, | Post 58; General Logan's Order No. [ll, J. Li. Leonard, Post 116; Lincoln's! address, N. A. Walraer, Post 58; me-1 morial services, W. H. Moore, Post I 116; William Buggins, Post 58. and i George W. Rlioads, Post 58; music; sa lute to the dead by guards of Post 58 i and Camp 15, Sons of Veterans; bene-i diction, the Rev. Floyd Appleton; I taps, Miss Irene Wagner and staff of j buglers; strewing of flowers. WORKEKS' GARDENS READY total of 210 Lots Now Under Cultiva tion in Three Vicinities Two mule teams from the House of > Employment in charge of the county's! farmer David (Jill, this morning fin- j islieil the plowing and harrowing on | Workers' Garden No. 2 at Twelfth and j ('alder streets. The total number of' lots now under cultivation in the Ben evolent Association's three gardens is 210. Workers' Garden No. 1 at Thirteenth and Hemlock, contains thirty-seven lots worked by thirty-six families. Garden No. 2, Calder and Twelfth streets, will number 110 lots, each worked by a fam ily, after to-day. Garden No. 3", Seven teenth and Brookwood streets, numbers! sixty-four lots, worked by as many families. TNpW tlo Tissor shrdl taun tapuntaunuh NOW WITH MOODY INSTITUTE I E. B. Buckalew, Former State Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Gets New Post B. B. Buckalew, who became well known in tnis city while State secre- Y> Additional 25c Sale Items on Page 12 Women's Lisle Hose Colored Dress Goods In the 25 C Sale In the 2 5<* Sale Fancy hoot lisle hose, with .50,. all wool challia. Wed pmk, sky or lavender tops nesday only, yard, ... 25tf and black hoots; green top 3 9t . navy serge> Wedne £ with sand hoot or pink top day only, yard 25£ and grey boot. Special Wed- 7 5c stripe voi i e- VVednes llPofja,Vi , (lay only, yard, 25f^ 38c black silk lisle fashion- 59c brown Panama. Wed ed hose. Special Wednesday nesday only, yard 25* on| y Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart nesday only, yard, 25^ Street Floor. fcfFDives, Pomeroy & Stewart —————— Street Floor. Linings In the 25<* Sale Black Dress Goods 40c black satine. Wednes- In the 25£ Sale day only, 25$ 75c all wool black French SI.OO ready-made waist lin- voile. Special Wednesday ing. Wednesday only,. only, 25< I II &>c Shepherd check satine. _ Wednesday only, 25? " St6Wnrt ' M Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. Women's Union Suits 111 the 25* Sale Children S Vests White cotton ribbed union In the Sale suits, sleeveless and lace trim 10c white cotton ribbed med; knee length; extra sizes sleeveless vests. Special Wed- 42 an d 44. Special Wed nesday only, 4 for nesday only, ... 25^ tiTDives, Pomerov & Stewart " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Second Floor. HATS ] I Ladies' and (jl-entle men's Straw Hats cleaned, pressed and reshaped no injuri ous acids used and first - class workman ship guaranteed. Give us a call and be con- \\ vinced. BELEHAS & CO. 305 Marktt Strut - » tary of the State Y. M. C. A., has ac* cepted a position as secretary of the ex. | tension department of the /Moody Bible Institute at Chicago. He was State Y. M. C. A. secretary in this city from 1899 to 1909, and for the past six years has been general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of Scranton. His new wortt will tbring him occasionally to this city;