The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 25, 1915, Page 2, Image 3

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"Toll us about torpedoes, Uncle
Harry—the kind that the submarines
are using in sinking ships, and how
they are used/" asked Jimmy.
"How big was the torpedo that sank
the Lusitauia?" asked Joe.
"About 16 or 18 feet long, and it
'weighed about a half a ton," said L'n
cle Harry. "Some of the torpedoes
that are being used in this war are
14 feet long and others are 19 feet
from tip to tip."
' "How far can one of these torpedoes
'be shot?" inquired Jimmy.
"Well, an officer in the United
States Navy was telling me on the
.train this afternoon, tliat it is pos
sible for a torpedo to travel 4,000
Jards, and if it strikes a battleship,
even at that distance, sink the big
.ship," said Uncle Harry.
"Isn't that more than two miles?"
asked Joe.
"Yes, and 4 10 feet over two miles,"
id Uncle Harry. "Although most
of the torpedoes that have struck ships
have beeu tired at a shorter distance —
1.000 or 2,000 yards. You under
. stand, boys, the shorter the distance
.the fa-ster the torpedo is traveling when
it strikes, and also, the more accurately
it can be aimed."
"How fast do they travel?" asked
"If a torpedo is fired at a 4.000
yari range—that is, 4,000 yards from
' the object it is aimed to strike, it goes
at a flite of about 30 knots an hour,"
explained Uncle Harry: "But if it is
Jired at a 1,000 yard range it goes very
much faster—anywhere from 35 to 40
. knots; and a knot, you know, is 6.080
feet or 800 feet more than a mile."
"Why are they called torpedoes?"
asked Joe. "They're shaped like ci
gars, aren't they, and torpedoes are
"That's right about the shapes,"
said Uncle Harry, "but a torpedo does
not gets its name from its shape, but
from the cause and manner of the ex
plosion. The kind of torpedoes boys
have on Fourth of July contain a cap
and a lot of small stones—all encased
in a little paper bag. When you throw
a hand torpedo against a wall 'or a
etone step, the cap explodes and drives
the little stones through the paper cov
ering. The war torpedo has, at the
.pointed end, what is called the 'war
head I ,' which is a compartment contain
ing a mixture of dry and wet guncot
ton and mercury, which, together, make
a dreadful explosive. When this 'war
head' strikes the side of a ship an ex
plosion occurs, just the same as when
Twelve Members of High School to
Graduate Friday Night
:nl Correspondence
Tower City, May 25.—0n Sunday
evening the Rev. Ira Frankentield, pas
tor of the Lutheran church, preached
the baccalaureate sermon to the grad
uating class of the Tower City High
tdiool. The annual commencement ex
ercises will be held on Friday evening.
The following constitute "the class:
.Misses Ella G. Lewis, Susan F. fallen,
M. Priscilla Maher, Mary R. Klinger,
Margaret R. Fees, Vena M. Kolva and
lrankie A. Kline; D. Webster English,
Eronimous Shadle, Albert C. Kuntzle
n;an, Leroy E. King and James A. Ris
Eleven members of William Thomp
son Post No. 174, G. A. R„ of this
place, attended the annual memorial
services in the Reformed church. The
sermon was preached by the pastor,
the Rev. C. H. Slinghoff. It was an
appropriate message on the words,
"Remember this day." anil the attend
ance was large.
Miss Bessie E. Stephens, of Pasa
dena, Cal., is spending a few weeks
with relatives at this place.
W. N. Snyder purchased a new Ford
The Rev. O. G. Romig. pastor of the
United Brethren church, preached in
the Clark's Valley school house on Sat
urday evening.
Dr. W. A. Bennett, of Pattsville.
preached in the M. E. church on Sun
day morning.
Miss Florence Le.vis has accepted a
The Best Remedy For All Ages
and proven so by thousands upon thousands of tests
the whole world over, is the famous family medicine, —
Beecham s Pills. The ailments of the digestive organs
to which all are subject,—from which come so
many serious sicknesses, are corrected or prevented by
Try a few doses now, and you will KNOW what it means
to have better digestion, sounder sleep, brighter eyes and
greater cheerfulness after your system has been cleared
of poisonous impurities. For children, parents, grand
parents, Beecham's Pills are matchless as a remedy
for Indigestion and Biliousness
Sold everywhere. In boxee, 10e., 28c.
The directions with every I>ox ere very valuable—eepecletly to women.
a Fourth of July torpedo strikes a stone
step or the pavement. The explosion
tears a hole in the ship; the water
pours in; very often the ship's boilers
explode and in a few minutes she
"But. how is a torpedo fired
what makes it go through the water?''
inquired Joe.
"It is fired through a tube (or big
pipe that runs from the inside of a
submarine out into the water), by the
expanding of compressed air and it
carries a compartment filled with com
pressed air which is automatically re
leased the v instant the torpedo strikes
the water," explained Uncle Harry.
"But what's compressed air?"
asked Jimmy.
"Just what its name says it is,"
said Uncle Harry. "You use com
pressed air in your bicycle tire—air
pressed or pumped into the rubber
tube. If a tack or a piece of glass
cuts a hole in your tire you have a
puncture and the air that has been
pumped or compressed into the tire,
hisses out with force, just like a stream
of water from a hose. On the sub
marines and battleships—yes, battle
ships have torpedo tubes—there is ma
chinery for compressing air and letting
it out in such a way that the force
drives the torpedo out the tube and
starts it on its journey. Then—in the
torpedo itself, is a tank containing
more compressed air. The instant the
torpedo touches the water the com
pressed air in the torpedo's compart
ment is released. This force is ar
ranged to drive two little propellers at
the rear end of the torpedo and it goes
scooting through the water—a combina
tion of a boat and 1 a shell fired from a
big gun. In another part of the tor
pedo is an instrument called a g-y-r-o
--s-c-o-p-e which steadies the torpedo
and keep it from going off the line of
"Torpedoes are wonderful things,
arn t they, Uncle Harry?" Joe.
"Yes, they are wonderful, and fear
ful," said Uncle Harry, "aud, boys, it
seems awful that such a wonderful in
vention should be used to destroy peo
ple's lives. I want you to understand
what torpedoes are and how they work,
but I also want you to remember that
the world would be a much better
place if there were more talking ma
chines and fewer torpedoes. The talk
ing machine is just as wonderful an in
vention and many times more important
because it gives people pleasure and
helps them in their work."—Copy
right 1915 by The M-C Syndicate.
position in the Health Department at
The funeral of the late Arthur Hen
ry, who died very suddenly at Reading,
was held at the home of his parents at
this place on Saturday afternoon. The
deceased was aged 39 years, and is sur
vived by a widow, one child, one broth
er and one sister. He was a jiative of
this place, but resided th£ past few
years at Reading. Interment was made
in Greenwood cemetery. The deceased
was a member of the Red Men, of
New Chair Factory to Be Erected In
Borough Soon
Kp"f!nl <""orics|Hiii<l<TH'('
Dauphin, May 25.—Mrs. Annie Day,
of this pla(;e, spent Sunday at Lykens,
the guest of Mrs. Coble.
C. P. Polk, of the firm of A. J. Polk
& Son, has bought the interests of Jiis
lather, A. J. Polk, in their cap and die
plant here. A. J. Polk is 81 years of
age and has been very active in the
business world. The business will be
carried on under the old firm name.
Miss Lucille Brubaker spent the
week-end in Harrisburg, as the guest of
Miss Getha High
The Misses Esther and Ellen Xeyer
and Dan and Ray Neyer, of Tremont,
came to Millersburg on Sunday by auto
and spent a short time among friends
Albert H. White, of the Harrisburg
branch of the American Civic Reform
Union, will lecture here this evening at
7.30. The meeting will bo held in the
Lutheran church and will bo for womon
Saturday's rain was a great disap
pointment to our citizens, as the first
Mr. Martinran Finds Good Health
After Using Wonderful Remedy
C. Martinran, of 42 Graves street,
Union City, Pa., after long suffering
from ailments of the stomach and the
digestive tract, took Mayr's Wonderful
Remedy with the most remarkable re
The suffering of years was ended
with the first dose.
Mr. Martinran's experience is told
in a letter—written a year after tak
ing the remedy, thus proving the per
manent nature of the benefits. He
"It has been a year since T took your
treatment, which I am sure did me a
great amount of good. My health at
present is good, thanks to your won
derful remedy. I will always recom
mend it to m* friends."
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per
manent results for stomach, liver and
intestinal ailments. Eat as much and
whatever you like. No more distress
after eating, pressure of gas in the
stomach and around the heart. Get one
bottle of your druggist now and try it
on an absolute guarantee—if not satis
faetory money will be returned.—Adv.
ball gahie of the Perry-Dauphin League
was to have been played here. The
Marysville team was to play the home
John H. Klingman, of Halifax, has
purchased two lots of ground from C.
J. Snyder, fronting on Front street,
uprn which he will erect a factory
building for the manufacture of chair
seats.. He now has a factory at Hali
fax, which will be discontinued.
Mrs. Mary Cofrode and daughter.
Miss Cora, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Speece, Speeceville.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer are
visiting at Halifax and Lykens.
Mrs. Clarence Weaver, of Sunbury,
spent Saturday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Wolf.
Miss Kdna Cooper returned to Mats
moras on Saturday after visiting her
brother, Charles Cooper.
Mrs. James Trvin and Mrs. Frank
Kline attended the funeral of Jesse Mc-
Cr.rty on Thursday.
•Mrs. George Crouse, of Renovo. spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Sarah
• Mrs. William Paul, of Penbrook, is
Visiting her sister, Mrs. Daniel Bordner,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlow and chil
dren, Edward and Eleanor, of Harris
burg, were the guests of Mrs. Edith
Ebv on Sunday.
Miss Edna Maeder spent 'the week
end at Millersville.
Miss Claire Demaree, of Newport, is
the guest of Miss Helen Wallis.
Miss Martha Cresswell, of Harriburg,
is visiting Miss Sabra Clark.
Charles Snyder, Norristown, is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. William Valentine.
Mrs. Marv Bowman, of Riverside, is
visiting her son, Frank Bowman, at
Mrs. William Strieker and children,
William and Marjorie, spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Charles Bowman,
at Lucknow.
Miss Myra MeGinnis, of I High spire,
and Miss Bertha Clay, of 'Harrisburg,
were the week-end guests of Mrs.
Charles Lyter.
Edward Meese and Son, David, Mans
field, Ohio, Are Visiting Here
Special Cor-esDOiulencn.
Linglestown, May 25.—Mrs. Binz,
of Harrisburg, will lecture in the Union
Chapel on "Woman's Suffrage" on
Tuesday evening. A large audience is
expected to attend.
A meeting for the old folks was held
in the United Evangelical church at j
Paxtonia, Sunday, which was largely
S. C. Bear, of Harrisburg, visited
friends here on Sunday.
An Otterbein Guild for the young
ladies of towil was organized at the
home of Miss Sallie Zimmerman last
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Backenstoe, son,
Ward, and daughter, Lillian, ami Mr.
and Mrs. Monroe Schaffer, .of Mount
Joy, were the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs.
Miles Bolton, Sunday.
Miss Ella Good, a student of Mil
lersville State Normal School, was the!
week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Good.
Mh and Mrs. George Unger, of near
town; Edward Meese and son, David,
of Mansfield, Ohio, on Sunday were the
guests of C. B. Care and family.
Miss Pauline Reily, the Misses Fan
nie and Ethel Lenker, spent Sunday as
the guests of Mjss Frances Jacob, at
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacobs, of
Paxtonia, purchased a new Ford auto
mobile last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koons and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koons, Mrs.
Whilhemina Koons "and Miss Minnie
Kuons, of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson ami daughter, Ruth, of
were the guests of Mrs. Mary
Farling, Sunday.
Miss Myrna Spceee, of Penbrook,
was the guest of Miss Marion Smith,
Edward Meese and son, David, of
Mansfield, Ohio, are spending several
days of this week as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Unger.
Edward Buck, a student of« Gettys
burg College, was the recent guest of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Buck.
Norman i'eeser, of near Pittsburgh,
is spending a few days of this week as
the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary
Reformed Congregation Held Sunday
Services lit Old Stone Church
Special Correspondence.
Shiremanatown, May 25.—At; 2
o'clock on Sunday afternoon the spring
meeting of the Reformed church serv
ices were held in the Old Stone church
opposite this place, The Rev. John 8.
Adams, pastor of St. Caul's Reformed
church of Mechanictfburg, had charge of
the services, and the choir of the saino
church lead the singing, ine Old Stone
church, properly Priedens Kirche, or
Peace clv&rch, | s one 0 f the oldest in the
valley, having been buMt 'by the Lu
therans who purchased an Interest in
the property anil-the two congregations
worshiped on alternate Si nnaya, The
Rev. John Hantz wan the first pastor of
the church. The old pipe organ has 'oeen
removed to the newer church, erected
recently by the Lutherans, but the old
high pulpit unit sounding'board are still
in place as In the early days. Both the
Beformed and the Lutheran congrega
tions having built new edifices, the old
church is »o longer regularly used, but
both denominations hold services there
once or twice annually. These services,,
because of the quaint-ess of the sur
roundings and the historical setting, are
usually very interesting and largely at
Miss Gladys Chevney, of Harrisburg,
visited friends in this 'place Sunday.
Mrs. Comfort is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ida Baker, in (Lemoyne, for
some time.
Young Men Converts of Hlllis Campaign
Organise Bible Class
Marysvilie, May 25.—A large Amer
ican flag was presented to the Metho
dist Episcopal Sunday school last Sun
day. The flag was purchased by the
church. Benjamin Flickinger, Marys
ville's oldest soldier, was selected to
make the presentation. Ernest' Kenne
dy made the response.
The men's class of the Methodist
Episcopal Sunday school has organized
a Bible class of 25* members, most of
whom are converts of the Hillis cam
paign. Last Sunday the following offi
cers were elected: President,- John
Westfall; vice president, John Shull;
secretary, Paul M.'Ellenberger; treas
urer, Harry Keel.
Miss Mary Bower left for her home
in Baltimore, after spending several
weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. O.
Mrs. M. O. Sheaffer and daughters,
Ethel, Bernlce and Pay, are spending
two weeks with Mrs. Sheaffer's father,
Thomas Bower, of Baltimore.
Samuel B. Gingrich, Hotelman, **ad
Two Toes Amputated Yesterday
.SDeclHl Can't si,-tndencc.
Middletown, May 25.—The borough
council met in special session last
evening. Simon Blecher and Jacob Gib
bens will be given the grade on Race
street between Water and Main streets
as they want to put down pavements.
The fire committee were instructed to
get bids for fifty tons of stove coal,
fifteen tone for each company and five
for the council chamber. Council grant
ed s'2<s to the Sons of Veterans for
Memorial Day. Street intersections in
the district where the property owners
had oiled the streets, w*ill be oiled by
the borough. The inlets at Pike street
and Swar avenue, were ordered clean
ed and repaired.
S. B. Gingrich, proprietor of the
Mansion House, who has been confined
to the house for several months due to
an infection of the foot, is slowly im
proving. Two of his toes were, ampu
tated yesterday by Dr. Rhodes, who
expressed belief that his patient soon
will be able to be about.
W. J. Kennard, who has been at the
American hospital, Philadelphia, un
dergoing treatment for the past three
weeks, will return home the latter part
of the week.
Mrs. Percy Reed, who spent the past
two weeks in town, returned to her
home in Philadelphia on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Huntzberger
and soiv and Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Huntzberger, motored to York on Sun
day in the former 's automobile.
Percy Reed, of Philadelphia, spent
Monday in town,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marxley and
two children, • and Miss Kathrvn
Kohler, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday
in town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Markley, East Main street.
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
Clara Hoffmau will bo held at the late
home on Hiuh street, to-morrow morn
ing. The body will be taken to Pillow
where services will be held in the
Evangelical Lutheran church. Inter
ment will be made in the Uniou ceme
tery at that place.
Mrs. Anna M. Shank died at tho
home of her daughter, Mrs. Ellsworth
Musgrave, Catherine street, Monday at
2.10 o'clock, aged 81 years. She is sur
vived by the following children, Airs.
W. E. Musgrave and Mrs. U. E. Reit
zel, of town; Mrs. Laura Wilf, Mid
dlesex, and one 'brother, William Stev
ens, of Enhaut. Funeral services will
ibe held at the home of the daughter
on Thursday afternoon at 1.30 and at
2.30 in the Church of yGod, at High
spire. The Rev. B. L". C. Baer, assisted
Iby tho Rev. H. A. Rodes, of the U. B.
church, of Highspire, will officiate. In
terment will be made in the xnghspire
Thieves entered the chicken coop of
Elijah McCrearv, Ann street, Sunday
night and stole ten chickens.
Claude Fox, of Dayton, 0., is visit
ing friends in to-wn for two weekn.
The public schools of town will closo
Friday, of this week, after a nine
months' term.
High School Class Hears Baccalaureate
Sermon In Methodist Church
Sjk > n I i 'iTinsDOMdence.
Williamstown, May 25.—The bac
calaureate sermon to the graduating
class of the High School was delivered
to the class in the Methodist Episcopal
church by the pastor, the Rev. B. A.
Barnes, Sunday evening. He was as
sisted by the pastors of the different
churches of town. The members of tho
class are: Misses Helen Blvler, May
Batdorf, Helen Messner, Annie Shadle,
Jacob Mellon, Arthur Klinger, Anion
Trotman and Clair Rowe. Tho teach
ers of the ■borough schools and the
Board of Education attended 1 the serv
ices in a body. <
Miss Emily Jury, of Wiconisco, vis
ited town friends Sunday.
Joseph Buggy had parts of two fin
gers amputated Saturday the necessity
of which was caused by' his fingers be
' - - -
' ■
Foot Troubles Are Foolish
Thousands of people who suffer
Intense torture from sore feet
will welcome the Information
that a quick, easy, positive rem
edy Is now obtainable, "Two
spoonfuls of Caloclde compound
In warm foot bath; soak the feet
in this fifteen minutes, gently
rubbing; sore parts." Relief Is
Instant for tired, aching, burn
ing, and sweaty feet; corns and
callouses can be p»eled right off,
Caloclde penetrates and removes
the cause. Get a twenty-ttve cent
package of Caloclde from anv
drug store and end foot torture.
Prepared by Medical Formula,
Dayton, O.
>' n'fi~ mii iiin ■ >
ing smashed in an accident at the col
liery some time ago.
Wendell Blanning, of Harrisburg,
was a visitor at the home of his par
ents, Sunday.
The sale of reserved seat tickets for
the commencement exercises of ''the
High School will begin Thursday noon
at the box office of the Academy of
Miss Loretta Foy, of Philadelphia,
was among the visitors at the home of
J. C. Thompson.
Miss Ruth Laudenbaucher, of Schuyl
kill Haven, was the guest of Miss Em
ily Reigle, over Sunday.
Miss Mary Batdorf returned from a
visit, to' relatives in Philadelphia.
This valley was afforded its greatest
musical treat Saturday evening when
members of the Victor Talking Ma
chine Orchestra displayed l their ability
at the intHicaie in the Methodist Epis
copal church before a large audience.
John S. Thompson, one of America's
greatest pianists, and son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Thompson, of this place, oc
cupied a prominent part, on the pro
gram. Many people from the surround
ing towns attended.
Miss Mercy Crozier, daughter of
Mrs. John Crozier, and Miss Asenatb
Halter,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Haller, are members of the
graduation class of the Nurses' Train
ing School of the Harrisburg Hospital,
which will hold its exercises June 1.
Miss Alvilda Seiler and Samuel Fauber
Were Becently Married
Sp'rlnl Con espoiulent'fl
Fisherville, May 25.—Mrs. Henry
Shade, of Harrisburg, spent a few days
here with her mother, Mrs. Catharine
Mrs. Harry Putt, of Inglenook. vis
ited her parents a few days last week.
Amos Zimmerman visited his brother
at Milton a few days last week.
Harry Eisenhower, of Lewisburg,
transacted business here in town last
Samuel Fauber and Miss Alvilda
Seiler were married last Saturday even
ing at the Lutheran parsonage by the
Rev. J. F. Stabley.
Mrs. Charles Sheaffer, of Dauphin,
spent a few days in town with relatives.
D. W. Bixler and family, of Harris
burg, spent Sunday in town, visiting
Walter Mattis and family and Miss
Minnie Speece, of Halifax, spent Sun
day in town.
The Enders sale was well attended
last Saturday. The home was not sold
on account of the bids being too low.
• Mrs. M. D. Lehr, of Lykens, spent
Sunday in town.
The Rev. J. F. Stabley will preach
in the Lutheran church on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rutter, of Car
sonville, were town callers on Sunday.
John Fehr, of Reading, was in town
recently on business.
N. C. Matter and family and S. F.
Bowman and family antoed to Perry
county on Sunday.
Miss Bertha Kline and H. H. Mo
Chesncy United In Marriage
Special Correspondence.
New Holland, May 25.—A beauti
ful wodding was solemnized to-day at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kline,
■when their daughter, Miss Bertha
Kline, was united in marriage to H.
H. McChesney, of York. The ReV.'Dr.
C. E. Hanpt, of the Grace Lutheran
church, Lancaster, performed the wed
ding ceremony. The attendants were
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Bradycamp,
and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Still well, of
Philadelphia. A wedding dinner follow
ed the ceremony. They will reside at
York, where the bridegroom is engaged
in business.
Funeral of Mrs. John N. Pinkcrton
Held From Beformed Church
Special Correspondence.
Marietta, May 25.—The funeral of
Mrs. John N. Piukerton, was hold this
afternoon from the Zion Reformed
church, and largely attended by rela
tives and friends from Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and other places. The
Rev. Elmer Sensenig, of the Marietta
Reformed church, and the Rev. Dr.
Pannobecker, of the Reformed church,
Columbia, officiated, Burial was made
at Columbia.
Henry Pickle, to-day celebrated his
77th birthday anniversary, and in hon
or of the event, the Biblo class of tho
Reformed church, of which he was the
'organizer, tendered him a reception. A
planked shad supper was served. John
C. - .idling, of Lancaster, was toast
master, and the Rev. E. Elmer Sense
nig, presented him with a huge bouquet
of carnations—seventy-seven in mini-1
ber, red and white. Many toasts were
responded too. Mr. Pickle is an older
in the church and one of the oldest
members of tho congregation.
Professor, Mervin T. Brandt, will l>e
the orator at the memorial day serv
ices in May town, on Saturday evening
next. The O. U. A. M. and the Sunday
schools we arranging an elaborate
program to be given in the cemetery.
Miss Ruth Harper and John HUbe'rt
United in Marriage
Special Corrfwpondence.
Halifax, May 25. —A pretty home
wedding took place Saturday evening
at the home of Mrs. Valentiue Harper,
on Fifth street, when her daughter,
Miss Ruth, was united in marriage to
John Hilbert, of Mt. Plealant Mills,
Snyder county, formerly (ft this place.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. C. A. Funk, pastor of the Otter
bein United Brethren church, in the
presence of a number of relatives and
Miss Martha Kepner, of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. anil
Mrs. Charles Bailetts.
Charles E. Motter is seriously ill at
his home on Sjecond street.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Miller and
Edward Harper, of Millersburg, spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Sarah
Tl\e Rev. C. A. Funk and family are
First Blade Public
'Bead The
Complimentary Offer
On Page 10
J? fa,
By insisting on Washington
CRISPS. They meet the test
of flavor—of crispiness—of
Test CRISPS today—with milk
or cream, sweetened to your taste.
Another thing—
Washington CRISPS
The Crispy Toasted Corn Flakes
are not artificially treated—their
delicious, appetizing flavor is the
natural flavor of corn, flaked very
thin and toasted brown.
nnfi ri MTrfiTaXJP*^
10 cents at your grocer's for the bigger bo*
spending the week with relatives at
Mountville, Lancaster county.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fetterhoff and
children, of Lucknow, spent Sunday
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Koppen
heffer spent over Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Rush Sterringer, at Harris
Mrs. Elmer Sheesley and daughter,
of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her
sisters, Mrs. W. B. Nace and Mrs.
Charles E. Knouff.
Mrs. John Brotherwell Is Visiting
Friends in Philadelphia
Special Correspondence.
Duncannon, May 25.—Charles L.
Del'ugh, of New Bloomfield, Register
and Recorder of Perry county, was in
town between trains yesterday morn-
Misses Merle Dunkel and Hazel
Thayer have returned from :t week 'g
visit with relatives and frieuds at Al
William Owen, Jr., was a week-end
visitor to Atlantic City. *.
Mrs. John Bothwell is visiting rela
tives in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Margaret Snyder Returned From
Several Months' Visit to Washingon
SpeH;i 1 Cnrrespnmlenc«.
Millerstown, May 25.—A number of
people from this place went on the ex
cursion to Washington on Sunday.
Mrs. Himes, of Thompsontown, spent
Sunday with her son, the ftev. O. F.
Himes, and family, at the Methodist
James Brandt is having his residence
repainted 011 Main street.
'Mrs. J. I. Crane was in 'Harrisburg
on Saturday.
H. S. Branyan was a recent visitor
in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Margaret Snyder has returned
from a several months' visit in Wash
ington, D. C., and Harrisburg.
The Rev. Paul Huyett Is Visiting Rela
tives at Lancaster
Sr"*<' , nl Correspondence
Berrysburg, Pa., May 25.—David
Bender, of Lykens, is visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bender, for
a few days.
Ross Bergstresser and son, Robert, of
Harrisburg, are spending a few days
with his mother, !Mrs. Bergsfrcßser.
Dr. Schminky, of Gratz, was a vis
itor in town last week.
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Koppenhaver, of
Lvkensr attended the funeral of Mrs.
Kate Koppenhaver last Saturday, who
died last Wednesday.
Prof. D. L. M. Raker, of Harrisburg,
spent Saturday and Sunday with his
mother, Mrs. Ra'kcr.
Mrs. John Kebaugh and Mrs. Elias
Shooji are still bedfast.
Rufus Deader, who had been spend
ing a few weeks with his grandfather,
Frank Osman, at Valley View, returned
home last wec».
The Rev. Paul Huyett, left Monday
for Lancaster where he will spend some
time with relatives.
IMiss Anna L. Henninger is spending
a few weeks with her brother, Prof.
Edward Henninger, at Pine Grove.
Senior Class of High School Attended
Dickinson College Concert
'Special Correspondence.
iMechanicsburg, May 25.—Samuel
Sadler died on Sunday moruiug at his
home 011 South Market street, aged 62
years. Mr. Sadler was stricken with
paralysis three weeks ago while fish
ing at Williams' Grove. He was brought
to his home and his condition improved
to such an extent that full recovery was
expected, but subsequently he received
other strokes which resulted in his
death. He is survived by two sisters,
Misses Ada and Susan Sadler, with
whom he had his home. The funeral
was held this afternoon from his late
home. Services and interment wefre
: Mrs. H. 8. Cocklin and little daugh
ter, of State College, are visiting rela
tives in this place and vicinity.
The Senior class of <he High school
was to iflarrisburg last evening where
they attended the concert given by the
combined musical clubs of Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Goodyear and
son, of Carlisle, were guests over Sun
day of Mrs. Goodyear's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John B. Musser, North Walnut
Mrs. William R. Kline and little son,
Alfred, of Carlisle, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Asheiifelter, East "Main
Mrs. Martin Xissley was called to
Lancaster yesterday by the death of a
Miss Violet TCliue and Miss Beam,
of Carlisle, were guests of Mrs. A. .T.
Ashenfelter, East Main street, over
Dr. J. Frank Ritchie, East Main
street, who has been ill for some time,
was taken, to the Harrisburg hospital on
Sunday for treatment.
J. H. Schreffler Entertained Friends In
Honor of Willis Cooper Friday
Special Correspondence.
Curtin, May 25.—Dafen Romberger
and George Deibler, of near Berrys
burg, visited I. H. Schreffler 011 Sun
John Herman, of'near Elizafoethville,
spent Sunday with George Eacdman.
Willis Cooper made a trip to Millers
burg 011 Saturday.
A birth<lav surprise party wag. held
at the home of J. 11. Schreffler on Fri
day in honor of Willis Cooper. The
evening was >pent in playing games
to the music of the accordion. Re
freshments were served to the follow
ing: -Misses Mellie Shaffer, Flora Deib
ler, Ruth and Florence Yertz, flattie
Schreffler, Harry Miller, Ralph Deib
ler, William Sevidge, Clarence Shaffer,
Warren Matter, Blair Werner anil Wil
lis Cooper.
ft. M. Klinger made a trip to Eliza
bethville on Monday.
Our "JITNEY" Offer—This and sc.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enflose with 5c to Foley & Co.,
Chicago, 111, writing your name and ad
dress clearly. You will receive in re
turn a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Comfwund, for coughs,
colds and cropp; Foley Kidney Pills,
for pains in sides and back, rheuma
tism, backache, kidney and bladder ail
ments; and Foley Cathartic, Tablets, a
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. Stout- people enjoy them.
George A. Gorgas, lfi North Third
St. and P. R. R. Station.—Adv.
Man Who "Grubstaked" Another
Beneficiary In Will
.San Bernardino, Cal., May 25. —
Eleven years ago A. J. Garner, of J.e
reme. Ariz., grubstaked W. H. Haw
suyder, a prospector, who told him he
was "dead-broke." Fifty dollars was
all the money Garner possessed, but he
lent it to his friend.
Yesterday H. G. .Jamison, a New
York attorney, called and notilied Gar
ner that Hawsnyder was dead and had
willed $40,000 to Garner.
He Was
"Jane, what time is itf" called
down the irate father.
*'l don't know, pa. The clock isn't
"But I am," spoke up the young
man, who could take a" hint.—Detroit
Free Press.
You Can Enjoy Life
Eat what you want and not be troubled
with indigestion if you will take a
a .
before and after each meal. Sold only*
by u«—2sc a box.
George A. Gorgaa