The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 25, 1915, Page 12, Image 13

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'r J =• Si
| of Granulated Sugar If 4 %\\ 7 bars of Laundry Soap; choice of Pels
I each 50c grocery purchase, not OfT« If M II Naptha, Star, Ivory, Red Seal or OPJn <
I 1 including soap. Wednesday onlv, II II Babbitt's. Wednesday only, .. 1
Wi IP*
No Mail, 'Phone or C. O. D. Orders . No Mail, 'Phone or C. G. D. Orders
Silk Organdie | Washable Foulards Pillow Cases Basement Specials Rugs and Matting Embroideries Fancy Pin Cushions
In the 25c Sale In the 35c Sale In the 25C Sale In the 25c Sale I n t h e 25C Sale 'ln the 25C Sale In the 25< " Sale
2fK-silk orsandie. 36 inches Regular 50c silk foulards, ; i3e bleaehed pillow eases, 83c decorated china berry ~<* wilton and velvet rues Swiss embroidery floun- 59c satin hand-painted pin
wide, in floral designs; one in white grounds with black 40x36 inches, embroidered sets; 7 pieces. Special Wed- VV<>IIIH.««HHV nnlv cine 27 inches• values to $1 cushions with lace trimming.
half silk. Special Wednesday designs,- in. navy and and hemstitched. Wednesday n.-sday only, ...? 25# wA«U«y only, yml 25# Wednesday only 25*
only, w \aids ioi 25c black: 24 inches wide. Spe- only, 25* 7oe decorated china trays. on j y ' ' 25c Swiss embroidery galloons, t<rDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
tFDives. Pomeroy & Stewart cial Wednesday only, yard, wDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Special Wednesday onlv, J," w ) , 2to 4 inches wide* values to Street Floor.
Street Floor. - 25 0 Street Floor. _ 25* t j av o „i v x 1,1 25* ">9c. Wednesday only, yard, •—— ——-————
M-Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart . cake plates. Spe- :{oe a matting! Wed- 25 <*
I street Floor. cial Wednesday only, 25* ~esday only 25* Cambric corset cover em- White Goods
Voile and Batiste Muslin . 1(V n ae . k Bin ; b) ' nk J s 40c rubber do.r mats. b *oidery, 17 inches wide, 20c I I W 111 Tie VrO OuS j,i
In the 25C Sale In the 25c Sale flower seeds. Special Wed- Wednesday only 25* values Wednesday only 2 !35* Sa ; le
26c colored voiles, 36 inches Silk Messalines . lOe bleached muslin. 36 '
wide, in checks and stripes. In the 25C Sale inches. Wednesday only, 3 Wednesday onlv 25C Wednesday only, 25* Dives. Fomeroy & Stewart. nches wide. Wednesday only,
Specia ednesdaj °n > _ Regular 50e stripe messa- yards for 25* 20c steel butcher knives. ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 2 yards for 25*
yards tor .............lines, of an extra weight; 18 7c unbleached muslin, 36 Special Wednesday onlv. 2 Third Floor. 15c , HWn checkgt a/ 4 i ne h
.« %n» inches wide. Special Wed- inches Wednesday only. 4 f or 25* size, 40 inches wide, for cur
cial Wednesday only, 4 yards ""day only, 25* yards tor 25* »8c carpenters' drawing Stamped Dresses tains and children s wear.
£ or - 25 c f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Mr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. knives. Special Wednesday Turkish Towels In the 25C Sale Wednesday only, 3 yards lor
a- DiVes." Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Street Floor. onlv, ....25* . In the 25C Sale Children's dresses, 2 to 4 _ 25 f
Street Floor. ——————— ———_______ f„,, nv Turkish KotVi years; white and colored ma- 50c lace trimmed scarfs
I——■ ——————- —>—s —__— —, | ■ • ■, ,| terials. stamped for embroid- and squares, 18xo(l and 3(1.\ !l)
Women's Knitted Vests Shaker Flannel Men's Work Shirts and lavender. Wednesday ering. Wednesday only, 2 for inches. Wednesday only
Embroidered Voile In the 25* Sale In the 25 < Sale In the 25* Sale only, 25*
In the 25* Sale SI.OO Cardigan jackets and 8c bleached Shaker flannel. Blue chambray and Amos- «■ Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart, Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart. Pomeroy & Stewart
Regular aOc embroidered vests, in navy and grey : sizes Wednesday only, 4 keag shirts; sizes 14 to 17. Street Floor! Rear. Third Floor. Street Floor,
voile, 3ti inches wide; in sdk 34 and 36 only. Special Wed- 25* Xnecial Wednosdav nnlv ' "
stripes with figures. Special uesday only, 25* wDives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart '2s* ■
Wednesday only, yard, 25c tS'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor —_ vr_ „1 _
»' Dives. Pomerov & Stewart. Bt ™et Floor. "Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Mercerized Napkins ? oS^?* 16 In the Sale
Street Floor. T - a„i„ In th e 25* Sale In the Sale
"■ _ —_——.. . . .. . 15t hemstitched etamine in Colored border napkins,
————— Oak Tabourets ———• €rcer ' zei ' napkins, 18x18 white, ivory and ecru, colored pink and blue stripe designs,
—^— Infants' Shawls In the 25c Sale ~~ —————— inches; hemmed ready for border, 36 inches wide. Wed- with fringe, worth 60c a doz-
Ratine and Gingham In the 25C Sale One hundred golden oak Mens Neckwear ,lsp - Wednesday only, hall nesday only, 2 yards for 25* en. Wednesday only, dozen,
In the 25c Sale Flannel shawls finished tabourets, only 2to a eus- In the 25c Sale dozen 25* tr Dives, Pomeroy'& Stewart. 25^
50c ratine. 42 inches wide, with embroidered edge or tomer, none delivered. Wed- 50c flowing end four-dn- wDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Third Floor. wDive., Pomeroy & Stewart
in solid colors. Special Wed- hemstitched hem; regularly nesday only, 25* hand silk ties; in Palm Beach Street Floor. ____________ street Floor.
nesday only, yard 25c *'. so to $3.00. Special Wed- M Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, colors. Special Wednesday > '
8e seersucker, in stripes. nesday only 25C . Third Floor. only, 25* ' tj "D'll ——
Special Wednesday only 5 «■ Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart. 50c solid calf skin work Union Toweling fothe 25C Se White FlaXOn
yards, 2oC Second Hoor. —___________ gloves. Special Wednesday T .. ° in ine oaie Q ql „
8c strine and check ging- - onh' 25* In the 25* Sale 29c cretonne and silkoline In the 25* Sale
hams, for women's and chil- XiamDOO laOOUretS 10c brown union toweling, pillows, ruffled edge. Wed- 25c linen finish white flax
dren's dresses. Special Wed- In the 25* Sale t*D»ves, Pomeroy & Stewart pHr( linon 17 j nt . hes wil j e nesday only 25* on. Wednesday only, 2 yards
nesdav onlv, 4 vards, . 25c Children's Drawers Twenty bamboo tabourets, Street Floor. Wednesday only, 4 yards f Q r tar Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart 25*
«• Dives. Pomeroy i Stewart In the 250 Sale Tf one . to » e |} Bto ™ e *. no , ne 25* Third Floor. »Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor Drawers, trimmed with delivered. Wednesday only, Street Floor.
ect llo ° r - bunch tucks and embroidery 25c Jewelrv Due., Pomeroy & Stewart. -
edge. Special Wednesday Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, T iU ««- « , rP6 °° r _ .
f~" " only 25c Third Floor. In the Sale Scrap Baskets „ r , « „
Women's $2 &$3 Shoes t»Dive., Pomeroy & stewart r °se beads, in colors. — —j n Women s Collars
In the 25c Sale Second Floor ——- Special Wednesday only, Groceries 50c scrap baskets, in nia- In the 25* Sale
A rummage lot of oxfords —C.nt.r Pi.,« 25 * In the 25* Sale hogany and white frames. I I Assorted lot of women's
and shoes: small sizes and owuuyeu neoes 50e oxydize slipper buckles. . , , 1T . . silkoline filled. Wednesday collars, values to SI.OO. Wed
narrow widths. Special Wed- in , ♦ A . Special Wednesday only, Dned, corn. Wednesday 0n1y,... 25* nesday only 25*
nesday only, 25c Women's Undermuslins to -.*• stamped buffet only - lbs. ior .. . . 25* WDives, Tomeroy & Stewart »Dives Pomerov & Stewart
t-v- r. . * +u o-- a 1 scarfs and center pieces, ~ , , , , Bitters pork and beans. m. • , Dives, 1 omerov & stewart
Dlves ' Po, " er ° y & stewart ' .. In the 2oC Sale ready to embroider. Wednes- bea J d necklaces. Wednesday only, 3 large cans ml Moor ' Street I,loor
street l-loor. Nainsook drawers, trimmed day only, 2 for Special Wednesday on b^ for ———————— ____——_
———————with eyelet embroidery ;reg- Pomeroy & Stewart , ~, , , 2^C Ritter's tomato soup. Wed-
idarly 3.) c. Special W ednes- Third Floor. JnL i i vv , I>lL l ' re nesday only, 3 cans for 25* Leather Goods Stationery
Boys' 50c Oxfords <lay only, 25c _____________ onlv '
Red Alaska salmon, tall I I In the 25* Sale I I j n the 25c Sale
In the 250 Sale Regular 50c nainsook cor- •' tins. Wednesday only, 2 Women's pocket books. p . H 9
Black tennis oxfords, with set covers, trimmed with lace S taTYltlpH p; 11nw ra<s ._ ""Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart cans for ........25* Wednesday only 25* envelopes and bo tie David's
cemented rubber soles, sizes insertion and lace edge. Spe- btampect PlllOW Cases Street Floor. Pure country lard. Wed- 50c to $1.50 leather music n X V „1 Wednes iJ
11 to 5y,. Special Wednes- cial Wednesday only,. .25* In the 25* Sale nesday only, 2 lbs. for 25* folds. Wednesday only, 25* »°k 50c value. Wednesday
day only, pair 25c Dive. Pomeroy & Stewart. scallopeYor himl'itJhed edge Dives l Pon,eroy & Stewart ' Correspondence" cards and
cr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, oor. —ready to embroider. Wed- Trimmed Hats Je'llo ' dessert powders Street Floor.
I paper; few boxes of initials
Stfeet Floor ' ~ nesday only '...25* In the 25* Sale Wednesday only, 3 packs for ZZZZIZZIZZIIII jhe lot; values to 75c.
f™"" - —■"—~~~~~ Dressing Sacques Third Floor. | la ( S remaining from our Senate blend tea, regular v/rystai ISUttons tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stowart
Infants' Shoes In the 25c Sale spring stock. Wednesday 63c grade. Wednesday only, _ In the 25* Sale Street rioor.
In the 25c Sale Regular 50c white lawn ———only, 25* pound, 25* r °^ ( ' to crystal buttons.
Infants'soe patent leather dressing sacques; slightly Chocolate Candv „.„! x . . Old Dutch Cleanser. Wed- Wednesday only, dozen, 25*
ankle-strap sandals: sizes 3 1 U soiled, sizes 36 and 38 only. „ " r " enar nesday only, 3 cans for 25* erDive., Pomeroy & Stewart "Ronkfi
to 5. Special Wednesday Special Wednesday only, „In the 25c Sale Second Floor. Laundry starch. Wednes- street Floor. 1 T „ + i,7 o°rSf
on ] v 25C 2^c Regular 40c chocolate coat- ' —————— day only, fi lbs. for 25* L————
Infants' 50c kid skin soft tr Dive.. Pomeroy & Stewart, ed erushed strawberries. Spe- Fancy Santa Clara prunes. Miniature series of writers
sole shoes and canvas Second Floor. lia e nes aj onlj,
b 25* I straw Sailors I I w e d„™d.y only, 31/j lb» 2 ta I I Button Hole Scissors I sell at 25c. Wednesday only, I
Wednesday only. .'... P 2 s* ~ Pomerov 4 stewart In Sale Tuna fish for salads. Wed- Sale 4 for 25*
«• Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. " Basemen. Straw sailors in manycoU nesday only, 2 cans for 25* viXv°llv Pomeroy & Stewart
street Floor. Basement Specials ors. Wednesday only, 25* «- Dive. Pomeroy & Stewart ednesday only, 25* Street Floor.
„ r 3{ * sk »P mobiles. Special Women's Gloves Seeon ' l Floor - Rear - street Floor -
Wednesday onlv 25C VTlOVes ______ _
Men's White Aprons 25c white tar coated naner. In the 25* Sale n Men's Socks
In the 25c Sale 9x16 inches; 12 sheets to a 2-clasp kid gloves in large Women's Handkerchiefs Toilet Gonris In the 25* Sale
extra IPax > w^!| e box. Special Wednesday sues of tan and grey? none White Suiting In the 25* Sale T n the Salo Men's 10c cotton seamless
! p p3 Wl o i ( r.v h „°nTv b,b ' "t; ?, for , 25< s^?, n , g W ! / eg S 1 ' rIV In the 35£ Sale He mS Mtched ,tae„ hand- Wad. »o,k«; in Pal,,, Be»h ,„d
' 25* aOc Heisey colonial fruit Special Wednesday only 15c Killarney suiting, linen kerchiefs, i/ 4 -i„eh hem. Wed- nesday only, 2 for 25* P u . r P lp ; Special Wednesday
Men's 25c black satine of- bpwial ednesday 25* finjßh Wednesday only, 3 nesday only, « for ... .25* isc Tu-bo-lax. Wednesday! | on '' X > P H ''> I
fice sleeve protectors. Spe- ° n ?' '' * . * ll " n was na^ e cham- yards for 25* Hemstitched diinitv Hand- °nly, 2 for 25* «" Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart,
cial Wednesday only, 2 for . ( olo ™' tab e tumblers. oiaette gloves; o9c values; • kerchiefs with cable border-. 40c quart witch hazel street Floor.
Special W ednesdav only, doz- none exchanged. Special "inves, Pomeroy &, stewart u- i„„Ju,.n„i,. ii VK.+ wa. J i
, . \V,.rlnnd«v nnlv Street Floor. W ednesdav only, I) for.. 25* Wednesday only, 25*
20c cooks white caps. Spe- en ' Zs * Hemstitched linen hand- Household seamless rubber ——————
cial Wednesday only, 2 for **"Dives, Pomerov & stewan WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart —______ kerchiefs, soft finish, 10c val- gloves Wednesday onlv Men's Underwear
2S * _ _ BaS _ em ! nt : Btreet Floor ' Camisnlft T*.n« U€ ' Wednesda « v only ' U°l P» ir - '... .25* In the 25* Sale
*r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, - In gale $ Bulh syr i ngP) with two at- 50c white nainsook draw
street j- loor. ~ 1 * Camisole lace ill shadow ef- »" Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, tachinents. Wednesday only, ers; ankle length. Special
Hemp Hat Braid Basement Specials fp( . ts> 14 to 18 inches widCj street Floor. 25* Wednesday only, 25* I j
In tile 25* Sale In the 25* Sale 35c to 75c values. Wednes- 10c soap tablets. Wednes- 35c Egyptian balbriggan
Shirt Neckbands Clean-up lot of hemp braid 4 rolls 10c crepe Japanese day only, yard 25* ———————— d a y only, 6 for 25* shirts and drawers; not all
In the 25C Sale in blue, navy, green, sand, toilet paper. Special Wed- Linen and cotton Cluny Men's Handkerchiefs 16 oz. bottle Peroxide. sizes. Special Wednesday
Regular 4c neck-bands for yellow, brown and grey; 6to nesday only, 25* 4ace edges and insertions, 2 j n j.jj e Sale Wednesday only, 2 for 25* on '.V, each, 25*
men s shirts; sizes 12 to 1(. 10 yard pieces, worth l'sc to 4,2 c parlor brooms. Spe- J® 4 ® 8 w j^ e; values to Hemstitched linen hand- Munyon's witch hazel soap, or Dive., Pomerov & Stewart,
Special Wednesday only. H 20c yard. Wednesday only, cial Wednesday only, . 25* >c - Wednesday only, two kerchiefs 14-inch hem. Wed- only 4to a customer. Wed- Street Floor.
• * 25* piece 25* 50c alcohol stoves for home yards tor 25* nesday only, 3 for 25* nesday only, 4 for ....25*1 ' ' I
*TDive«. Pomeroy & Stewart tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, or camp. Special Wednesday trDives, Pomeroy & Stewart fcTDives, Pomeroy & Stewart tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart * __
Btreet 1* loor. Second 1* loor. only, Second Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor, Front. Otllßr StOFC N6WS Oil