The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 25, 1915, Page 11, Image 12

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    to Buy cjMMlont nonxM-fl
Death and Obitvary
FGSSLKR—JIfme® M: Tessler died at |
his l«Ue homo. 123* Walnut St.. Sun- i
day evening at 6.15 o'clock, ag:ed 45
years. J
Funeral will he held W»edf
nosilay afternoon at '2 o'clock, from
• hi? late residence, the Rev. Mr. Cook,
of Market Square Presbyterian church,
will officiate. Interment private at the
Harrisburg cemetery. Relatives and
friends art* invited to attend without
further notice.
I>RAWBAl T CrH—Joseph K. Prawbauph
died at his late home. 1323 Thompson j
street. Sunday evening, at 9.49 p. in., i
aged 45 years. *
Funeral services to* he held \N ednes
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his 1
late residence. The Rev. c. A. Smucker.
.of Stevens Memorial church, will offic
iate. Interment at Shoop's Church oom
etel > Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend without further notice.
WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried men
between ages of IS and 35. citizens of
United States, of good chara.-ter and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English language For
information apply to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts..
Harrisburg, Pa.
PERMANENT traveling position that
will pay $l5O per month; must have
small amount of capital; good oppor
tunity for right party. Address No.
3791. care Star-Independent.
WANTED—At once—Twenty-five car
penters. Report, with tools, ready for
work, at new machine shop. Eleventh
WHITE MAN wants work as driver or
caretaker of horses, is willing to do
any kind of work. Address or call J.
H. BLAINE. 608 Cumberland St.
A WHITE BOY. IS years old. would
like work of any kind around hause;
has experience in botany. Apply to
Ssi« Frederick St., Steelton. Pa.
YOUNG MAN. a good tailor, desires a
position at his trade. One year in
the l\* S. Speaks two languages in
addition to English. Address M. Y„
Box 100. Steelton, Pa.
WANTED—A Dosition as crane man by
a man who has had three years ex
perience. Address R. H. O. STKIN
INGER, Highspire, Penna.
YOUNG MAN of desires a position
of any kind, not Afraid of hard work.
Address 633 Geary St.
YOUNG High School boy would like to
have*work of any kind during vaca
tion. Apply 2134 Jefferson St.
PARTNER WANTED with about $1,500
or I2.oi'u, In a good paying business;
guaranteed from ?"<' to SIOO week.
Apply 3T9i, t.are Star-Independent.
A STRONG GIRL or middle-aged wom
an for general housework; good
wages; also room and board. Address
or call 107 S. Second St.
WANTED—For general housework, a
reliable white girl. Call between 'i
and 10 a. m. or 6 and 8 p. m.. at 1904
N. Second St., City.
WANTED—A saleswoman U<r shoe de
partment. must have experience. Ap
tly ROBINSON .v CO., corner Third and
road Sts.
WANTED—Vampers. tip stitchers and '
headers. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Man- [
ufaeturing Co., Vernon St.. Harrisburg.
WANTED—Experienced help. Ap-'
ply Silk Mill, corner North and!
•Second streets, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Girls over 16
years of age to learu cigar
making. Paid while learn
ing. Apply at Harrisburg
Cigar Company, 500 Race
WOMAN wants day's work or washing
aud ironing to take home. Apply 1404
Fulton St. \ j
WANTED—-A position as child's nurse, I
or would like to assist with house- ]
work. Address or call 1004 Julia Ave.
YOUNG LADY wishes position as cash- !
ier; has had experience and can give
best of references. Call or address 631
Kelker street. |
WANTED—Day's work or office clean
ing. by a young white girl. Address 1
120S Fulton St.. City.
WANTED—Colored girl wants work as
chambermaid; either In or out of
town. Address 33S Cherry Ave., City,
COLORED GIRL wants work of any
kind, by the da}". Call at 306 Daisy
Ave.. City. __________
A COLORED WOMAN wishes day's
or week's work. Inquire MRS. ROSA
SMITH. 824 Paxton SL. City. i
c -—■■■—■ - i
Exceptionally Desirable
Building Lots
EMERALD ST.—between Front
and Second Sts.—3oxloo ft. The
most desirable, cross street lot that
we know of on the .narket.
Second St.—southwest corner of
Kiperald St. —100 ft. on Second by
80 ft. iQ depth. A very choice cor
ner for a house.
Bellevue Park —Market St.—be
tween 21st and 22d Sts.,\4J2 *4 x 135
ft. —an ideal setting for your home. >
Edgewater—west side of Susque
hanna River. Some splendid suburb
an home-sites. 1
I»nrnn Surety Bonds
l ocum nnd Court Streets
Real Estati
AN old-established grocery store, on
the Hill, <loino; a ffoori huslHess; sold
at Inventory. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S.
Thirteenth St.
FOR SALE—iA new brick house, all im
provements; side entrance, now va
cant; can he purchased with s<o cash,
balance t15.25 per month. H. G. PED
IJOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St.
A PROPERTY on the river road, with
about i, acre of ground; good house,
porches, granolithic-walks, price I--00.
H. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St.
gas; electric light; 8 rooms and bath;
large porches; lot 60x150; fruit; 5c car
fare BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner
3-story brick; S rooms; bath; gas;
electric lights; steam heat: porch; lot
ISxIOO. Inspect It. No. 2114. BHLL
REALTY CO.. Bergner Building.
Penbrook and Camp Hill; various
sines; good locations and at very rua- >
sonable prices. Get particulars at BELL'
REALTY <."0„ Bergner Building.
N. W. corner Hamilton and Logan
Sts.. Camp Hill, . squares north of
trolley line; 2H-story frame dwelling
containing S rooms, bath and furnace;
hardwood floors, large porches; a num
ber one condition, lot 60x147.
1436 Swatara St., corner Fifteenth,
and Swatara; grocery store and dwell
ing; 8 rooms, bath and store room; j
furuace: lot ir>x!>o; will sell grocery
stock and fixtures at risht price.
BRINTON-I'ACKEU CO.. second and
Walnut Sts. !
S8 ACRES—4 miles west of Enola; 2*4-
story frame dwelling; 10 rooms; frame
bank barn; level land; well fe*iced.
Secotld and Walnut Sts.
ONE of the tiest aud most desirably lo- :
cated homes in Wormleysburg, Front ;
St.. can be bought for much less than
it cost. l.arge house, all conveniences,
gas and electric light, hot water heat, j
Address 3730. care Star-Independent.
No. 1413 Market St »:6.50
No. 1110 Walnut St $20.00
No. 20 Hi Kensington St J10.50 ■
No. 1013 S. 11 St »10.00 i
1351 Market St. !
FOR RENT—House No. ISIS N. Seventh
St.. with seven rooms, in good repair,
with a large yard with fruit trees, rent j
reasonable. Apply 433 Maclay St.
DESIRABLE houses and apartments for j
rent, all over city. Reasonable rents.
Inquire HARVEY T. SMITH, 304 South j
Thirteenth street. Bell phone 24!>M.
FOR RENT—House, all improvements.
city steam heat, central location, 3
douis Market siriei, suitable for
Ouardiug or looming uouse. 3 N. Fifth
St, Apply S. MEL'I'ZER. 513 Walnut. St.
-542 IS. 17th St., $15.50
540 S. 17th St., $18.50,
Apply Kuhn Hershey,;
18 South Third Street.
FOR RENT —Houses with all improve
ments, at moderate rentals, J. &
GIPPLE. 1351 Market St
ant location, on the Hill; private fam- !
ily. gentleman preferred; must cpme j
well recommended For particulars
call Bell pnone 1331 R. j
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, single or
en suite, with board IP desired; just '
vacated by members of the Legislature.
Two minutes walk from Capitol. in
julre 731 North Sixth St.
FOR RENT—Furnished room for gen-
tleman; opposite Reservpir tennis
courts; breakfast, board. Inquire Bell i
phone kg>32R. I
Built especially for light housekeeping,
single or with kitchenet'tes, arrange
ments strictly private, stoves furnished
free; laundry, phone and bath room
privileges. Private lockers for surplus
furniture. Inquire offi e. 439 Broad St.,
or Janitress. same building. Daily in
spect'.on ited.
FOR RENT—Two new modern apart
ments. 1814 State St., four and six
rooms; large, light, cheerful; three hav
windows in each apartment; tiled bath,
papered, electric light, steam heat, cab
inet gas ranges, refrigerators, shades,
all new; front and back porches, side
entrance and back yard: rent reason
able. A. S. MILLER A: SON. Eighteenth
and State Sts. Bell phone 3596 J.
FOR RENT—One five-room apartment,
with front and back porches: all
modern improvements, at 2019 Green St.
213 CHESTNUT ST.—Two small 3-room
apartments, rent $3.50 and $4.00 per
week. All improvements. Call A. F.
WERNER, 213 Chestnut St.
MODERN and sanitary; steam heat;
electric lights, gas range and water
heaters; laundry trays; finest equipped
for medium rent in city. Location 1419
Vernon and 1416 Thompson Sts. Open
for inspection. Apply BAPTISTI, Third
and Chestnut Streets.
FOR RENT—Large room, third floor,
fire proof building: corner of Aber
deen and Strawberry avenues. Freight
elevator service. Apply Commonwealth
Trusty Co., 222 Market St.
Houses For Rent
1011 N. 19th St., 3 s. x„ 8 r *lO
140 Linden St., 3 a. f„ S r *l3
1336 N 6th St.. 5 r sl2
2111 Atlas St., 3 s. b., 7 r f!3
2146 N. Seventh St.. 3 s. b., S r.. . . *l3
1508 Allison St.. 3U s. b„ 7 r *l4
1505 Allison St.. 3'\ s. b.. 7 r.' b.. *IS
1523 Allison St., 2>.j s. b„ S r *l3
133 Dewberry St., 2 s. f„ 6 r (IS
1535 S. 13th, 3 s. b., S r. b *lB
153S S. 13th St., 3 s. b., 8 r *l6
1500 S. 13th St., 2% 8. b., Br. b.,..*!«
46 N. 10th St.. 3'/j s. b|, 8 r *t«
660 Emerald St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r *l7
2245 Jefferson St.. 3 s h„ 8 r *IS
30 N. Cameron St., 3 s. !>., 8 r *2O
546 Camp St S2O
1307 V* l'erry St., ;; s. h.. 9 r *22
405 S. 14th St., 3 s. f.. S r *Z2..~>A
133 N. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r. & b„ *ar.
303 Kelker St., 3 s. b., 8 r *23
1814 Green St., 3 s. b., 11 r. b„ JST..I#
613 N. 16th St.. 3s. b., 9 r., . *27.r>ti
23 N. 18th St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r *2s
3202 N. sth St., 3 s. b„ 7 r. b *3O
3330 N. 3rd St., 3 s. b.. 10 r„. , *32.30
1914 Market St., 3 a b„ 10 r *4O
3330 N. Second St., 3 s. b„ 9 r *45
1114 N. 2d St., 3 s. b„ 8 r *43
2120 Chestnut St.. Bellevut* Park. *SO
23 S. Front St.. furnished xSept. 1).
209 "S. Front St., from Sept. 1.
343 Muench St., 4 r. & b *l2
35 S. Summit St., 3 *l2
13 N. 4th St., 3 r. & b *23
2208 N. 3rd St., 3d floor, *4O
2208 N. 3rd St., 2d floor *45
FOR R K,.\T—Summer rottOfcrn, fur
nl»he nail iinfurnlMhed: ntim, xnliurh
an h»ii»r«. I rnixnlt onr liat.
laaurnnrr Surety floiiilK
l.orunt sad Court Street*
MM! Bund* of the Vrhmil Olntrtet of
tfce City of Marrtahurv, Pa.
Sealed proposals will be received by
t ht l Board of School Pi rectors of the
School District of the City of Harris
burg. Pa., until June 4. 1915, at 7.30
o'clock p. m... for the purchase of all or
any portion of s'.>!>,ooo.oo four and a half
(4 H> per cent, coupon bonds of said
School District.
They will be issued In denominations
of >1.000.00 each, bearing date of April
1. 1915. and maturing $16,000.00 April 1,
1930, $.1,000.00 annually from April 1.
1931 to April 1, 194 4. bojh Inclusive, and
$11,000.00 on April 1, 1945. with Interest
payable on the flrst day of October and
April of each year.
The principal and Interest will be
payable at the office of the Treasurer
of the Harrisburg School District. Har
risburg. Pa., and the bonds will be free
of state tax.
Each proposal niust he accompanied
by a certified check, payable to the
order of the Treasurer of the School
District. Harrisburg. Pa., for the sum
of Two Thousand Dollars ($3,000,001.
Bonds will be ready for delivery June
35, 1915. and bids must Include the pay
, ment of accrued Interest to date of d'e
j livery.
The right is reserved to reject any or
all bids not deemed to bo in the Inter
ests of the School District.
By order of the Board,
D. D. HASH! HI.R A UGH. Secretary.
Chestnut St.. Harrisburg, Pa.
Proposals will be received at the office
r»f the Superintendent of Public Grounds
and Buildings. State Capitol Building.
Harrisburg. Fa., for the purchase and
removal of ledger, bond, book and other
scrap paper, and old newspapers and
1 manilla cards collected and baled by
! the Superintendent of Public Grounds
and Buildings for the year beginning
June 1, 1915, and ending June 1. 1916.
Contractor to* remove the above at his
own expense from the buildings when
directed by the Superintendent.
The successful contractor will be re
quired to give an approved bond In
the amount of $.">00.00, for the faithful
> performance of the contract.
The right Is reserved to reject or ac
; cept any or all bids.
Proposals are to be submitted in seal
ed ' envelop# marked "Proposals for
Waste Paper."
Superintendent of Pubne Grounds and
CBALED PROPOSALS f>r furnishing
k-» steel plates, dies, halftones, line
j plates, zinc plates, binders' stamps and
; electrotypes for the execution of the
| public printing and finding of the Com
' monwealth of Pennsylvania.
I In compliance with the provisions of
the act of Assembly, approved Febru
ary 7th. 1905, as amended by an act
I of Assembly, approved May 11th. 1911,
I hereby advertise for proposals for
j furnishing s>teel plates, dies, halftones,
I line plates. plates, binders' stamps
| and electrotypes required by the Coiu
i monwealth of Pennsylvania, necessary
I in the execution of the public printing
| and binding thereof, for two years from
j the first day of July next, at certain
; ra-tes per centum below the maximum
I rates fixed in a schedule prepared by
I the Superintendent of Public Printing
j and Binding, and which can be procured
upon application to the Department of
| Public Printing and Binding. Harris
! burg. Pa. Proposals must be enclosed
I in envelopes, sealed and endorsed "pro
posals for furnishing steel plates, dies,
halftones, line plates, zinc plates, bind
j ers' stamps, and electrotypes," and be
i delivered to me on the first Monday of
June. A. D. 1915, being the seventh day
of the month, at or before ;i o'clock p.
m„ of said day, accompanied by bond
with two sufficient sureties, or one
surety company, in the sum of ten thou
sand dollars, as required by said act of
Assembly as amended as aforesaid. Such
proposals as,shall have been received up
to said hour will be opened, and the
contract or contracts awarded to the
lowest responsible bidder or bidders.
, The right is reserved to let the con
! tracts in parts to different bidders if it
i should be to the best Interests of the
! Commonwealth.
j Copies of the schedule, blank bonds
i and forms must be had at this office and
j no bid will be accepted unless submit
; ted upon such form and bond filed
therewith in accordance with' the said
; act of Assembly as amended as afore
| Harrisburg. May 20, 1915.
Sealed bids or proposals will be re
ceived by the County Controller until
II ocloek a. m„ Friday, June 4, 1915, for
the rebuilding of the following county
A reinforced concrete, earth-filled,
arch bridge over Wlconisco creek, at
Lykens, and
An iron truss bridge with creosoted
plank and creosoted block floor over
Armstrong creek, about five miles from
■ Halifax,—as per plans and specifications
j now on file in the County Commission
ers' office, subject, however, to approval
by the Grand Jury' and the Dauphin
| County Court.
All bids or proposals must be plainly
marked as such on the outside thereof.
Bidders on either or both of these
bridges must (Tie with the Chief Clerk
of the Commissioners a certified che-k
equal to at least ten per cent, of the
amount bid by ll o'clock a. m„ Friday,
June 4. 1915.
All bids will be opened In the County
Commissioners' office at 12f o'clock, noon,
Friday. June 4., 1915.
The Commissioners reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
Deputy County Controller,
I '
f \
Sale and Exchange
40-11. P., 1 Maxwell 5-passenger, 1
Reo truck, 1 Pope-Waverly electric, 1
Oldsmobile. See these bargains to-day.
FOR SALE —One Ilart-Kaist motor
truck: capacity 1000 pounds; first
; class condition; also one delivery wag
on and one delivery horse, six years
old. Apply 420 Walnut St., City.
FOR SALE —Cabbage, tomato and red
beet plants and spring onions. 337
Bessemer street, Steelton, Pa.
ONE PIANO —Was used about one year.
1 air leaving city and will sell It
reasonable on monthly payments. Ad
dress 374:;, care Star-Independent.
FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S. 113, 116 and
117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons
New Era Ready Mixed Paint. Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 Sooth
Second St, 5,000 sets new Sash. Bxlo
(12 I— primed and glazed, at $1.15 per
»et. Also other slses.
Lost and Found
FOUND—The well-dressed man. He
always sends his clothes to Eggert'e
Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning
Works, 1245 Market St. Do you? Call
and deliver.
FOUND—A decided Improvement In my
appearance since having my clothing
cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye
Works. 1409 N. Third. Branch. Hoffman-
Kerns. 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call
ing and delivering
L/JST—On Sunday afternoon, about 4.30
p. m., between Huiiimelstown and
Harrisburg, a toolbox and license tag.
Please return to 1304 N. Third St., City.
1914 Porcooal School Tax, SI.OO
The office of the City Treasurer will be open on the
nights of May 27, 28 and 29 from 7.30 to 9.00.
Also on Saturday afternoon, May 29th, from 2.30 to
City Treasurer and Collector of School Taxes
Four of these beautiful S-story Bungalow* for Sale—and on
easy terms—« rooms and bath—all improvements. Located on Schuylkill St.
Fast Motor Truck Express
All kinds of haulinp—-freight or furniture. One nud two-ton trucks.
Trunks, small boxes anil packages delivered.
PLEASURE TRIPS to all parts of the city and suburbs—mid for piemc
parties. (
Very reasonable rates. Calls promptly made.'
Bell Phone H644 J. 441 HUMMEL ST.
PACKING—A. n. SHRENK. 1906 North
Sixth street, first class packer of fur
niture. china and Drlcabrac. Bell phone
AMOUNTS Paymeuts to suit
borrower. Small loaus a specialty.
Positively lowest rates in the city.
Up-to-daie methods. Licensed,
bonded and incorporated.
132 Waluut Street
I WANT TO BUY six or eight second
hand hot water radiators one corner
cupboard. Address No. 3793, care Star-
ALL companions of Herculean Temple,
No, 165, Ladies Golden Eagle, are re
quested to attend the funeral of Com
panion Nellie Weaver to-morrow after
noon at 1.30 o'clock, at her late resi
dence, 1938 Fulton street.
Noble Templet'.
Guardian of Records.
FAST motor truck express. 1 or 2 tons —
all kinds ot hauling; freight and fur
nituru in the city or suburbs, at reason
able rates, day or night service; picnics
and pleasure trips, safe and best of
service. THEODORE T. PRECHT, 441
Hummel St. Bell phone 3t>44J.
ALL kinds of hauling; large two-toil
truck; furniture, pianos, freight. In
the city and suourbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. W'M. H. DARE. 14 53 Vernon
st. Bell phone 3517 J.
STORAGE In 2-story orrck building,
rear 408 Market St. Household goods
In clean, private rooms. Reasonable
rates. Apply to P. G. DIENEK, Jeweler,
108 Market St.
for household goods, $2.00 per month
and up. We invite inspection. Low
insurance. 437-445 South Second St.
amounts from $5 to SSO, holding a
salaried position, would be oencdlea by
calling on us. EMPLOYES' DISCOUN'I'
CU„ 36 N.Jfhird
a3- S. Fifteenth St.
Bell Phone 2>li)Bß
The Unpopular Weather Man
The government weather 'bureau,
which lias trouble "enough making cor
rect forecasts for one day, is taking a
fearful risk when it issues weekly pre
dictions for the benefit of farmers and
shippers. '.But it might as well be
hanged for a sheep as a lamb.—New
York Sun.
A Cautious Reply
At West Point they tell a story of ai
man known as Ginger, on account of j
the peculiar color or his hair, who grad- \
uated at the foot of his class after six j
years at the Point.
Ginger distinguished himself while I
reciting to an instructor in ordHaneo
by a temarkable answer to the ques
tion "How many pieces will a twelve
pound shell burst intof" the average
number having been -determined well
by experiment. After due reflection
Ginger lifted his eyes to those of the
instructor and replied:
"Not less than two."—New ¥ork
Large Room)
ji About 4,000 sq. ft., third |j
j:| floor, fire-proof building i|
i|| Corner off Aberdeen & |j
|| Strawberry Avenues ji
j|: Freight Elevator Service ji
!|j Comnlonwealth ||
Trust Co.
ijl 222 Market Street jj
Bedded Plants
of all kinds,
Hydrangeas, Geraniums, Verbenas
and Ferns. Also a choiee display
of Hanging Baskets and Poreh Dec
Best hardy Monthly Roses of all
Flowers and Potted Plants
Two Blocks From Cemetery
Owing to the death of the pro
prietor, the entire stock, machinery
and equipment of the New Cumber
land Mattress Factory, doing an
established, profitable business, will
be sold at a great sacrifice.
Kor full particulars call on
Lock Box 131,
Front Street, New Cumberland, Pa.
No Rest for the Wicked
But the complacency of sly soakers
who are in the habit of enjoying in se
clusion the comfort that a bottle grants
is shaken by a decision given by the
full benvh of the Massachusetts Su
preme Court. A woman, drunk, but
quietly sleeping on a couch at her home,
was complained against, arrested and
convicted of being drunk. The court
instructed the jury that "if they were
satisfied upon all the evidence that the
defendant, when found in the room, was
drunk by the voluntary use of intoxi
cating liquor, she might be convicted
under the complaint." Appeal was ta
ken to the Superior Court and to the
Supreme Court, but both sustained the
conviction. The offense made punish
able by the Massachusetts statutes, ac
cording to the interpretation by the Su
-preiuf Court, is "drunkenness by the
voluntary use of intoxicating liquor,"
and "the place where ,the offense is
committed, whether public or private, is
not an element to be considered in de
termining whether an accused person Is
guiltv under the law."—The Christian
CUHMN From First Pag*.
Whether those monikers are commit
ting a sin or not will bo decided at the
Hershey gathering.
From the West <>omes a qner.v re
canting the ethics of wearing " fash
■ onable neckties,"' which is also to come
before the Hershev conference. The
query is worded as follows:
"Wo, tlie members of the Qui liter
clmrch, petition Annual Meeting of
1915, through District Meeting of
Northwestern Kansas and Northeastern
Colorado, to say whether the ilress de
cision of 1911 forbids the wearing of
the fashionable necktie."
The recommendation of the commit
tee is that the dress decision be con
strued as forbidding the display of
fashionable neckwear. That there is
some unrest over the matter of dress
is evidenced by another query from
Eastern Maryland as follows:
"Since the holding and expressing
of widely different views on the 'dress
question' by members, especially pas
tors. evangelists and elders of the
church, has caused much confusion and
discord among us, and since what we
have on our Annual Meeting minutes
is inadequate for our present needs, we,
the members of the Monooacy church,
sincerely prav the Annual iMeeting of
1915. at llershey, Pa., through the Dis
trict Meeting of Kastern Maryland, to
appoint a committee of five, who shall
prayerfully consider and investigate, in
the light of the Gospel of Christ, the
church's need on this question, and re
port to the Annual Meeting of 1916 a
basis for union and harmony among the
churches of the Brotherhood, so that all
may walk in the same rule. Scripture
references: 1 Cor. 1:10; Philip 1:27;
From n Northern Virginia church
comes the following:
"We, the Mill Creek congregation,
petition Annual Meeting, through the
Northern District of Virginia, to ap
point a competent committee ot' three,
whose duty it shall he to make a thor
ough investigation of the conditions
that lead to the loss of so many of the
brethren's children to the Church of
the Brethren, and to recommend such
remedial measures as mny seem wise,
and report to Annual Conference."
Rules in Favor of Unions
Among the reports prepared by com
mittees for presentation at next week's
conference, under the head of unfin
ished business, is one in answer to a
query of the Reading yhurch as to
whether leniency can be shown members
who .join labor unions; whether it is
allowable for contractors to sign the
union wage scale and whether brethren
are justified in belonging to relict' asso
ciations. The committee's decision
"After a most careful investigation
of all the issues involved in the above
queries, your committee submits the
following report:
"1. Members may belong to labor
unions, relief associations and bene
ficiary societies when by doing so they
violate no gospel principle.
"2. Members desiring to have the
benefits of labor organizations, relief
associations and beneficiary societies
shall, before affiliating with such organ
izations or societies, request the local
church to investigate said organizations
and societies, to-See whether any gospel
principle may possibly be by
affiliating with such organizations and
"3. All former decisions, conflict
ing with the above, are hereby re
Must Not Be Reproachful
One of the regulations to bo fol
lowed at the meeting, to prevent any
of the thousands of delegates from be
coming unruly, is as follows;
'' 111 case a brother or brethren shall
speak reproachfully against the Annual
Meeting, or her proceedings, at the time
and place of Annual Meeting, said
brethren shall be held as offenders
against the General Brotherhood, and
they shall be tried at once by a com
mittee, appointed by the standing com
mittee, and approved by the General
Council; and said committee shall deal
with them according to their offense,
and their decision shall be respected by
the General Council, and by the re
spective churches. The word 're
proachfully' shall not be so construed
as to prevent any brother from express
ing his opinion with Christian court
All interesting feature of the con
ference this year is that it is to be held
within one hundred miles of the land
ing place of the founders of the Church
!of the Brethren in America, in the
eastern district of this Stafe. This one
district has thirty-four local churches,
with a total rfiembership exceeding fi,-
4 00. The church in this city is the
Hummel Street Church of the Breth
ren, which has one delegate at the con
New #50,000 Tabernacle
Kxtensive preparations have been
under way for some time at Hershey
for the reception of the many dele
gates. The tabernacle, known as the
Hershey convention hall, in which the
business sessions are to be held, is a
new steel «nd tile structure built at a
cost of $50,000. The seating capacity
is nearly ten thousand.
A temporary postoftice near the rail
road • station, on the way to the tab
ernacle, will be used for the handling)
of the mail of the visitors. A serial
baggage room is being built by the
Philadelphia & Heading railroad, at the
passenger station. Special trains will
run to and from this city during the
sessions, from June 2 to June 10.
A newspaper, "The Conference
News," will be published dwily on the
grounds during the meetings. The big
day of the conference will be Sunday,
June 6, when 60,000 members of the
Church of the Brethren arc expected to
be present.
To Raise Question of Autos
(S>pt:Mal to the War-Independent.)
Kli/.abet.htown, Pa., May 25. —At the
annual conference of the German Bap
tist Brethren at Dayton, Ohio, begin
ning next Friday, the delegates will
decide whether the raising of and us
ing of tobacco is sinful. The question
will also be settled whether it is a sin
to own or to ride in an automobile.
Elizabethtown borough, in which
there are many members of the church,
has within its territory 163 automo
biles, motor trucks and motorcycles.
Funeral of James M. Fessler
The funeral of James !M. Fessler, a
car inspector of the Cumberland Val
ley Railroad Company, who died Sun
day at his home, 1236 Walnut street,
following a valvular heart attack, will
fee held from his home to-morrow after
noon at 2 o'clock. The services will
■be in chargo of the Rev. William B.
Cooke, pastor-in-chargc of the Market
Square Presbyterian church.
John T. Klrby, Field Manager of Na
tional Dry Goods Association, Also
Haps Profit Sharing Coupons at the
Chamber of Commerce Luncheon
John T. KirKv, field manager of the
National Dry Goods Association, New
York, spoke to a hundred members of
the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce
at a noon luncheon in the llarrisburg
Club to-day. He is finishing a trip
which has taken hiru to the principal
cities of the Kast and Middle West in
the interest of good business.' A large
part of his audience was composed of
merchants engaged in retail trade.
He advocated the organization of re
tailers the country over for protection
against unfair methods of iiterchnndis
ing and adverse legislation.
"The merchant is asking," he said,
"to be permitted to conduct his husi
ncss without outside interference, to be
relieved of the worries that have ham
pered him hi the past through fear of
what Congress or State legislatures
might HIO. ''
Me condemned the Rtevvens Price
Maintenance bill which was defeated at
the recent session of Congress.
"The bill sought to allow manu
facturers to fix retail prices, which is
unfair to the merchant who can fix his
price to meet the market demand and
unfair to the consumer because he
could not enjoy the competition of
trade," he saiiL
The so called trading stamp andi
profit sharing coupon, which the Har
risburg Chamber of Commerce sought
to have regulated to oblivion by a bill
introduced in the legislature and which
died in Senate committee after parsing
the House, was severely criticised by
Mr. Kirbv. He said:
"About the worst practice that of
late years has crept into certain lines
ot business in the packing in merchan
dise by the manufacturer of premium
certificates. Such schemes are contrary
to all business ethics ami compel* the
retailer to sell merchandise plus some
so-called profit sharing premium, otc.,
aginst his wishes. These i»ortificates are
supposed to represent and he redeem
able for articles which article there
fore, the merchant indirectly sells,
although he receives no profit on this
sale, la fact, he is directly competing
with himself, for thp nrticfe represent
ed bv the certificate may be carried
in his own stock and if he had not sold
it for the benefit of the premium con
cerns he might have made the same
sale to his own advantage. The profit
accruing to those engaged in the pre
mium or gilt enterprises is enormous
and is based on th,> supposition that a
large percentage of their certificates
will not be redeemed. In fact, it was
recently stnted by a representative of
one of these concerns that if more than
j.SS per cent, of their certificates were
redceine I thev would go out of busi
ness. The business of the land can
not survive it' such unfair practices
and laws as outlined above are permit
ted to exist.
' H is only by co-operation of the
strongest and broadest kind that busi
ness will he enabled to successfullv re
sist and overcome these evils that are
growing stronger every day until at
the present time they threaten the \ery
loundation of the country.'*
Trading Dull at the Opening of the
Market—Coppers Make Moderate
Gains and Republic Steel Issues are
Very Strong
Xew York. May 25.—■ Wall Street
trading in stocks at to-day's oj ening
was dull, in striking contrast to the
previous day's initial dealings. Such
interest as was manifested centered al
most wholly around the war specialties,
the more important of which recorded
declines ranging from fractions to more
than a point.
This was partly offset by moderate
advances in other shares of the same
group and in coppers. Republic steel,
common and preferred were prominent
for their strength, gaining 2'/ t and 3'/i
points respectively. IT. g. stool showed
some irregularity and standard stocks
were almost neglected.
Prices receded gradually in all parts
of the list during the very dull first
hour period. The average level of quo
tations was under yesterday's lowest
figures, investment shares as well as
specialties reflecting mild pressure.
The short interest was a factor, selling
trom that ,quartcr being again based
upon rumors concerning the tenor of
Germany's forthcoming reply- to Wash
ington's note. As a matter of fact the
market was loft largely to the
of the trading element, public interest
being utterly lacking. Some improve
ment was noted at noon. Bonds were
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, May 25.—Wheat higher-
No. 2 red, car lots, export. 154® 157; No.
1 northeVn, Buluth export, 165® 168
Corn higher; No. 2 car lots, export
?oH®7»H; No. 2 yellow, local, 82 Vt f5) S3*
Oats higher; No. 2 white. 60®60i£
Bran lower; spring, per ton, 25.00®
Refined sugars steady; powdered. 6.10-
line granulated. G. 00; confectioners' A.
Hotter higher: western creamery, ex
tra, 2N 1 /4; nearby ptints, fancy, 32.
Kggs steady; nearby lirsts, fri.o , as< .
$6.00; cuirent receipt.*, tree case, $ j Vo'
western extra firsts, free case 16.00*
firsts, free case, $5.70.
Uve poultry firmer; fowls, 17®17V,-
roostilrs, li®l2; chickens, broilers. : } if
30; turkeys, 13® 15; ducks, 10 <g) 15 -
geese. 10® 11.
Dressed poultry easier: fresh it'lied
fowls, fancy, 18®!!); average, l(iy,;7;
unattractive, 14 ji 15; old 1-9, 13;
frozen fowls. Ill® 18; roastini.' chickens.'
16®21; broiling chickens, 22®27; tur
keys, 18@22; itucks, 12® 18; geese. 13
Potatoes lower; Pennsylvania, per
bushel, 40®45; Maine, Is®.'io; New York,
40®45; Florida, per baric], $3.00®5.U0.
Flour firm; winter straight, "6.900)
7.15; spring straight, 7.25@7.50; do., pat
ent, 7.50® 8.25.
Hay firm; No. 1 large bales. 20.00®
20.50; No. 1 medium hales, 20.00®20.50;
No. 2, 18.00® 19.00; No. 3. 15.50® 16.50;
sample. 14.00®15.00; light mixed, 19.00
#19.50; No. 1. IS.OO'® 18.50; No. 2, 16.00
® 17.00.
Chicago Live Stock Market
Chicago, May 25.—Hogs—Receipts,
11.000; steady. Bulk.. 7.50® 7.55; light,
' 7.35® 7.65; mixed, 7.30®7.60; heavy, 7.05
@7.55; rough, 7.05®7.20: pigs. 5.75 ®7.35.
I'aittle—Receipts, 2,000; firm. Native
beef steers, 7.00®9.30; western steers,
6.60®5. 10; cows and heifers, 3.25®8.65:
calves, 6.50®!1.25.
Sheep Receipts, 8,001); unsettled.
Sheep, 7.20®8.25; lamt>s, 7.75® 10.35.