The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 25, 1915, Page 10, Image 11

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Copyright, 1915, by Oeorqa B; rr McCutchaon.
My "white elephant!" I was so ea
ger to get nil of it that I would have
wired at once, naming a figure propor
tionately low li!id it not beeu for the
united protests of my four friends and
the canny advice of Mr. Poopeudyke.
"Soak him!" said he. and 1 arose to
the occasion.
1 waited for three days and then tel- >
egrapbed him that I would not take a
heller less than $250,000, more than ,
doubling the price I had paid for the
pro[>erty. 1 was prepared, however, to
come down a paltry hundred thousand
or so if he revealed signs of reluctance.
We built another Imntire that night
and danced around it like so uiany
Terms acceptable. Will come lo Schloss
Rothhoefen at once to complete the trans
Accompanied by Hazzard and Smith.
I went over the castle from top to
bottom in guest of the reason for Tar
nowsy's prompt acceptance of my de
mand. We had no doubt that he had
a good and sufficient reason .for want
ing the place, and but one thing sug
gested itself to onr imagination: his
absolute certainty that treasure was
hidden somewhere about the venerable
pile, treasure of considerable magni
tude. yon may be sure, or be would
not have revealed such alacrity in ac
cepting my terms. Sentiment had
nothing to do with this surprising
move on his part. That was all bosh
He had an ulterior motive, and it was
for me to get the better of him at his
own game if 1 could. While 1 was
eager to get rid of the castle at any 1
price. I did not relish the thought of
being laughed at for a fool by Maris
Tarnowsy after he had laid his greedy
hands upon treasure that had been
mine without my knowledge.
He was no fool. The castle meant
nothing to him as a home or as an in
vestment. No doubt he wouid blow it
to pieces in order to unearth the thing
he knew its walls secreted.
We spent two unprofitable days in
going over the place, and in the end
sank down tired, defeated and without
the slightest evidence in our possession
that so much as a half crown lay bid
den there as treasure trove. I gave in
and announced that if Tarnowsy could
tind anything worth Irnviug he was en
titled to it so far as 1 was concerned,
and 1 wouldn't begrudge him a. farth I
ing's worth.
He telegraphed that he would arrive
on the morning of the third day. ac
companied by his lawyer, a notary and
an architect. My four guests departed
In ha<te by the late night train after
extracting a promise from me to join
them in Vienna when I was no longer
the master of Schloss Rothhoefen. I
rather relished the thought of a brief
Then, like the spiJer. I crept back
into my web ai.-i waited for the fo»I
--ish fly. knowing ail tile titue that he
would have the better of me in the
long ruu.
1 coufess to a feeling of « in
parting with the place, after all, ele
phantine though it was in every ~cuse
of the wurd. Withiu its gray and an
cient walls that beautiful thing called j
love had come to me to live with me'
forever. It had come unbidden, against
my will, against my better judgment
and in spite of my prejuu* es. but stlli
it was a thing to cherish and to hold
in its virgin youth all through the long
years to come. It would always be
young and sweet and rose colored, this
unrequited love of mine. Walking
through the empty, dismantled rooms
that had once been hers. I grew sick
with longing and in »>>mething like
fear fled downward, absurd tear*C>iind 1
ing my eyes. Verily, I was a fool—a
monstrous, silly fool!
Tarnowsy was as bland and smiling
as a May morning as be came jauntily
down the great hall to where I await
ed him.
"I am here incognito, my dear
Smart." he said, extending his gloved
hand, which I took perforce. "Sub
rosa, you might say." he went on.
with a wry smile. "A stupid, unchiv
alric empire has designs upon me. per
functorily perhaps, but it's just as well
not to stir up the monkeys, as you
Americans would put it."
"Our late friend, the baron, was not
totally without friends, I take it," said
I dryly.
He made a grimace. "Nor enemies."
he declared. "Brave men usually have
more enemies than friends, and he was
a brave man. a truly brave man. Be
cause he was a brave man I have no
feeling of regret over the outcome of
our— er—meeting. It is no honor to
kill a coward. Mr. Smart."
He introduced his three companions.
I was surprised to see that the lawyer
was not the fawning Schymansky and
later on inquired for him. Tarnowsy
laughed. "Poor old Schymansky: He
is in prison.''
"Aha! I am not surprised." said I.
"He was my second, poor chap. It
did not occur to him to run away aft
er the—er—duel. They had to make an
example of some one. His trial come*
up next week. I am afraid he may
be dealt with rather harshly. I miss
blm dreadfully. But let us come to
the matter in hand. Mr. Smart. I dare
•ay is valuable. You have
no objectiiAi to my going over the
| place with Mr Saks. I am sure. He
is the architect who is to rebuild the
castle for me. My attorney and Xir.
Pooly. the notary, will, with your as
slstance. draw up the proper contract"'
preliminary to the formal transfer, and '
1 will sigu them with you upon my re- j
"Would it not be better to discuss
the question of payments before we go
any further. Couut Tarnowsy?"
"You will be paid in cash. Mr. Smart,!
the instant the deed is transferred." i
he said coldly.
1 followed him to the top of the
stairs which descended to the base-!
ment of the castle. It was rather sig
nificant that he elected to explore the 1
lower regions first of all.
! "1 shall accompany you." said I de
A faint scowl came into his face.
He eyed me fixedly for a moment, then i
shrugged his shoulders and said that j
his only desire was to avoid putting i
me to any unnecessary trouble. If 1 I
cared to come he would be more than
"It isn't necessary to visit the eel- j
lars. Saks." he said to the architect, j
"Ample time for that sort of rummag
ing. 1 particularly want your opiniou j
on the condition of the intersecting |
walls on this floor and above. My j
scheme of improvement. Mr. Smart. !
contemplates the enlargement of these j
halls by throwing them into one."
"A very simple process." said I. "if
the whole structure doesn't topple down
upon your heads while you're about it."
I "I shall contrive to save my scalp.
Mr Smart, no matter what happens.
It is very precious to me."
I Burn a Few Bridges.
WE went over the castle rather
hurriedly. I thought, but j
he explained that Saks ;
merely anted a general ;
idea of the structure; he would return j
another day to make a careful Inspec
"I dare say you are surprised that I j
should be willing to pay double your
original price for Schloss Rothhoefen," j
he ventured, pausing in the corridor to !
light a cigarette. We were on our way
to the top of the east wiug.
"Oh. no." I said calmly. "J am
aware that treasure is buried here. As
a matter of fact. I've tried to unearth ,
it myself, but without success. I wish
you better luck."
"Thanks." said he laconically, after
the first swift glance of inquiry. "It is
doubtless a fairy tale, handed down by
tradition. 1 take no stock iu it. My
principal object in acquiring Rothhoe- j
fen is to satisfy a certain vanity which
besets me. I have it on excellent au- j
thorlty that my ex-father-in-law—the !
man Titus, know—talks of buying
the property and performing the stu
pendous. characteristic American feat
of removing it. stone and timber, just
as It is. to his estate north of New
York city. No one but a vulgar, purse
rroud American would think of doing I
such a thing."
The news staggered me. Could there 1
be anything !n what he said? If it j
was true that .fasper Titus contemplat
ed such a coixotic move there could
be but one compelling force behind the !
whim—sentiment. But not sentiment ,
on the part of Jasper Titus.
"I cannot l>el!eve that he considers
doing such a thiug." I said, mtber
blankly. "You see, if any one should
know, I am that one. He has not ap
proached me. of that you may be sure.' |
He did not appear to 1* interested.
"My information is not authoritative !
Mr. Smart." said he. "It came to me !
through my representatives who con
ferred with his lawyers a fortnight ago ;
in regard to certain difficulties that
bad existed between us. From what
they were able to gather, the idea has
taken root in the old man's head. Now,
I want to buy this place for no other
reason than to tell him that be hasn't 1
enough money in his possession to pur
chase it from me. D'you see? Vanity,
you may call it. as I do. but it pleases j
me to coddle it."
Very thoughtfully I strode along be- j
side bim. Would I be serving the j
countess ill or well by selling the place
to Tarnowsy? It was her whim, of
course, and it was a foolish ou%
"Suppose that he offered you twice
what you are to pay me for the place," j
said I. struck by a sudden thought.
He laugbej easily. "You wilt not. it
seems, acquit me of cupidity. Mr. j
Smart. I should not sell to him under 1
any consideration. That is final. Take |
it or leave it."
Ey this time we were in the rooms
once occupied by the countess. He!
glanced about the apartment carelessly. ;
"Deserted. I observe." he remarked !
with a queer smile.
My heart almost stood still. "Eh? 1
What do you mean?"
"If I am not mistaken, these are the j
rooms once occupied by your valet's i
wife. Am I right?"
I steadied myself. "She has gone
away." I said. "Couldn't stand the
"I see." said he. but he fit still
smiling. "How does your valet stand '
Nicely,' said I, with a conscious
The Star-Independent
Makes It Possible
for every reader to possess the first, authentic, authoritative work yet to issue from a
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It is offered practically as a gift from this newspaper, a much-desired gift of ster
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"I mean the separation, of course." ;
i "Certainly: He is used to it."
"Isn't it rather odd that he should
still think she is here iu the castle?"
"Does he?" I murmured.
' "1 inquired for her when I eneoun-1
tered him downstairs. He said she
( i
He Wa* Holding the Doll at Arm't
was quite well this morning, except,
for a headache."
"She is subject to headaches. I be
lieve," said 1. with the utmost non- '
chalance. He lifted his right eyebrow ]
slightly, but said no more on the sub-,
To Be Continued
Coal Companies Close Collieries to En
able Men to Labor on Highways
Scranton, May 25. —Good roads day
received a big boost yesterday after- j
noon when orders were issued by the i
Lackawanna and Scranton Coal Com
panies closing down all of their col- j
lieries Wednesday so that their em
ployes might have a 'lav to devote to
the good roads movement.
The Lackawanna Company's action
means that 22,000 men in Luzerne and j
Lackawanna counties will be at liber- i
tv to handle a pick ami shovel on the
roads in thi* county. The Krie inter
ests and the Delaware and Hudson are [
expected to follow suit.
Two Models
Mrs. Toggerbiossom—"Vain man! j
Did you never observe that designers i
take a woman's head to adorn nianv of j
your coins?"
Mr. Toggerbiossom—" N'o, but I|
have observed that designers lake many ,
of my coins to adorn a woman's
bead."—National Monthly. '
Men Who Found St I, 000 in Gold Order
ed to Give It to John Haggerty
Haxleton, May :!o.—Satisfied that !
the SI,OOO in gold coins found buried j
at Oakdale by workmen digging post- ,
holes belongs to John Haggerty, of
Oakdale, a mine foreman of the C. B. i
Markle Company, whose mother died
suddenly in 1597 and much of whoso j
reputed savings were never found, the j
C. K. Markle Company has issued a de- i
free to" the men who struck the treas
ure that they must restore what they
have appropriated or get other posi
Haggerty has shown by witnesses
that the portion of the land where the
money \»as discovered, was tilled by his
mother as a garden, and that he never
was allowed to dig in it. Mrs. Hag
gerty was reported to he well-to-do,
but only S3OO was found of her sav
For Coughs That "Hang On"
Lingering colds, bronchia! coughs,
la grippe colds and similar ailments
that "hang on" until May are likely to
last all summer if not cured. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound will allay in
flammation, clear stopped passages, re
lieve distressing discharges at the |
source, banish stuffy, wheezy breathing 1
and heal and soothe raw nasal and |
bronchial passages. It is prompt in
action; safe and sure. Contains no :
opiates. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 X. Third
St. and P. R. R. Station.—Adv.
Attacked By Husband When She Re
fuses to Live With Him
Chester, May 25.—Mrs. John Me- j
Devitt was attacked in her boarding
house at Kssinigtoii by her husband t
yesterday, and is not expected to live, j
Me.Devitt is employed at the Ritz-Carl
ton hotel, Philadelphia, and his wife
works at the Rosedale Inn, Ksrsiugton.
The couple, who have two children, 7
and 9 years old, have been living apart
for nearly a year.
According to County Detective
O Toole, McDevitt came to Essingtoa
to persuade his wife to return with
him. When she refused he grabbed a j
butcher knife and slashed her across i
the right cheek. She threw up her arm (
to ward off a blow aimed at her head !
and her arm wan nearly severed. A final j
staib in the head is likely to cause her !
death. McDevitt ran from the house ,
and escaped.
Via Philadelphia and
Reading Railway
Sunday OA
From Fare. Lv.A.M. i
Lebanoi $1.25 9.41
Annville 1.20 9.51
Palmyra 1.15 10.00
Hersbey, 1.15 10.07
Hummelstown, .... l.iO 10.14
Hnrrisburg 1.00 10.35
Gettysburg (Arrive), Noon 12.00
Returning, Special Train will leave
Gettysburg Depot 5.0« P. M. for
above stations.
. * a. 1.. -1 I »
Grand Atlantic
VirKlnln Aveuuc near Ileach
Capacity lion
Every room contains two to six
1 windows.
3ioiiern KnfcN
| J2.50 per day upward. Special
| weekly rates. Private baths .n
suite. Every modern high-class con
venience for up-to-date accommo
j dation. Evening (lansant.
Superior Table
Service. Attention. Write for Book
let. Auto meets all trains.
W. I''. Shatv, Proprietor.
v '
in the Mountains ;
Wernersville, Pa,
Delightful Spring Resort. Dry Air.
Outlook of 35 Miles. Curative and
Tonic Baths. Superior Cuisine. Good
Roads. Resident physician. X, y
Dfflce, 243 Fifth Ave.
F. L YOUNG. Gen'l Mgr.
i ,i ii n ihii iii mn ■ia imamiMi i'
Golf, TennlM, floating. Rathiav,
and Cycling
I Tours Inc. Hotel*. Miore Uxcurnloa*.
I.ow eat Rutea.
i Twin s s "£E7MI DIAN" 'J*- 518 Ton «
j strew >• J' BE.IIIILIMAU displacement.
KaßtfMt, neweat ami only steamer lond.
lug at the dork iu iferxniiila
uitliout transfer by tender.
For full information apply to A P
OITKRRKinUE .V CO.. AicentM (
S. S. Co., Mil., tiroatfwa.Y, ,\e%v York,
or hi*> 'I lc ki-t Agent.
r \
Begin Preparation Now
Day and Night Sessions
15 S. Market Sq., Ilarrlsburg, p«,
329 M.irket Street
FalJ Term September First r
Metropolitan Annex
One Square from Penna. and P. & R.
512 to "•_»() MARKET STREET
Kntire new equipment throughout. !
Hot and cold running water.
Telephone in even- room. Rate, SI.OO
, i 23-425 Market St.. HarrUbnrp Va
At the Entrance to the P. B. B. Station
The Harrkburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and
i - o'clock p. iu. for dispensing medical
1 advice and prescriptions to those un
-1 able .to pay for them.
\ v
Henrietta D. Grauel
Strawberries Ripe!
The strawberry .season is here and
so are the berries, ready to be used
in many ways. Along in June recipes
for canning and preserving will be pub
lished but now we have some new ways
of serving berries sent in by various
One is short cake meringue. Cut any
sort of cake in sizes suitable for a help
ing. Now beat egg whites to a stiff
froth and sweeten with powdered sugar,
allow two tablespoons of powdered
sugar to each egg white used. Place
the cake slices on a sheet of tin covered
with several sheets of paper and spread
the egg white oti. Bake gently in a
moderate oven until the egg is light and
brown, decorate with strawberries and
serve with a nice juicy sauce.
The next is a elever'idea for making
berry tart shells:—Make a tine puff
pastry, using plenty of firm, cold butter
and as little water as possible. Line
the gem pans with this and All with
dried bean* or peas. This keeps the
pastry from swelling or blistering and
the beans may be used again and again.
Another plan to keep the tart shapes
from blistering is, after fitting the tins
with the pastry, to press another tin
the same size 011 too the paste and
leave it there until the shell is baked.
Fill the tart shells with fresh ripe ber
ries and cover with strawberry juice.
Strawberry roll is made as jelly or
chocolate roll is. Ise a recipe for plaiu
•.ponge cake and bake on a tin. When
done spread with sliced ripe berries,
dredge with sifted, powdered sugar.
Roll the cake up without breaking and
pin firmly in a towel until it is cold.
Frost this or not as you like. Serve
with a cream sauce in which berries
have been crushed.
Strawberry Sponge: Dissolve one
half a package or box of gelatine as
directed and add water to equal half a
pint, one cup of powdered sugar, one
Personal Property of Late P. and R.
President Amounted to s:{.<>« 1,771
Reading, Pa., May 25.—The first ac
count of executors of the estate of
George P. Baer, late president of the
Reading Railway Company, was filed
with the orphan* 1 ,• M rt here yesterday
widow, Mrs. Emily K. Baer, and
by the widow, .Mrs. Kmily K. Baer, and
the sons-in-law, Isaac IHiester, of Read
ing, and William N. Appel, of Lancas
ter, Pa. Only the personal property of
the decedent is contained in the" ac
count, the inventory of which is $3,-
061,771. From this credits amount
ing to $132,68$ are deducted, leaving
a balance of $2,292,083. The accumu
lated income account totals $179,-
The account will come before
Unsurpassed Purity of Products and
Excellence in Quality.
Bell 82« h Phones Independent :i!8
= i
Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246
* >
$5.00 Is the
Interest on SIOO.OO
For One Year
You save $5.00 when vou buy 20,000 lbs.
of coal at this month's price for next winter.
20,000 lbs. of Wilkes-Barre 01* Mahanoy
Egg will cost you $59.50.
Suppose you buy this amount of coal on November
Ist. It will then cost you $64.50. ,
$69.50 earns you $5.00 in six months, or about
16% saved.
This is a straight proposition and one you
should take advantage of.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster »nd Cowden Third and Boa*
Fifteenth and Chestnut Hummel and Mulberry
Also Steelton, Pa.
pint of crushed, fresh strawberries. Let
this stand ten minutes and strain into a
howl, place it on ice and stir it until
thick. Add the stiff whites of four eggs,
beat all thoroughly, turn into a mold
and replace on ice to harden. Serve
with cream. If you have capned straw
berries on hand from last season vou
can mnke excellent sauces from them.
"When is veal, lamb and mutton in
season and are lobsters good eating in
the spring?— Mrs. .lav."
Reply.—Veal is prime from April to
July, mutton is finest flavored from Oc
tober to January. Spring lambs come in
plentifully after May and are called
"grass lamb" until October. Lobsters
are said to be in senson whenever
oysters are out of the market, though
they may be eaten whenever they are
offered for sale on public markets!
• • •
"Which is most economical for fam
ily use, natural or manufactured ice and
is one purer than the otherf—Winnie."
Reply.-—Natural ice is more lasting
than artificial and therefore cheaper,
but the purity of either is determined
by the source of the water from which
it is made. It is not wholesome to put
ice into foods, they should be chilled by
contact with the ice.
• * *
"Would subscriptions to several
monthly periodicals devoted to house
hold administration problems make a
suitable wedding present to a young
woman who has been a student of this
subjectf If so, please give a list of good
ones. —Barkis."
Reply.—Such a gift should please
anyone and be a pleasant reminder of
your friendship each month. Go to any
newsstand and select from magazines
displayed there.
To-morrow—Table Service.
♦he court for audit and adjudication in
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effaot May 14. I*l4.
Tralaa Lt»v« HarrUbura— 1
For Winchester and Martlnsbtirg, at
6.03, *7.50 a. 111, *3.40 p. at.
For Hagerstown. Ch&mbarsburff and
intermediate stations, at 'MS, *7.(C
>il.u3 a. m.. *1.40. 6.12. *1,40, 11.0?
p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanlcsburg at 9.48 m.. 2.18. I.JT.
t> Su. a.3u d. m.
For Dillsburg at 5.03, *7.50 and *11.1)
a. tn.. 2.18. *3.40, 5.32. 6.30 p. a.
•Dally. All otber trains daily exosaf
Sunday. J H. TON (MB,
H. A. RID DUB. «. P. A. ttupt.