4 AUSTRIAN TOWNS ME CAPTURED Csatlaae* Fr*m First Pace- May 23 German and Austrian aero planes made a scouting attack on Venice at dawn. Several bomb* were thrown and several persons were wounded— one bomb falling near the arsenal and another at San Nicoletta di Lodi, in the water. One aeroplane flew directly over the consulate amid a hail of ma chine gun. shrapnel and shell fire. The consul reports that there was no sign of panic among the citizens who watched the flight through glasses. AUSTRIAN AM) UERM4N DIPLOMATS QUIT ROME Rome. May 24 Via Paris. May 25, 2.20 A. M. —Baron Von Maechio, Aus trian Ambassador to Italy, and Prince Von Schoeabuig-Hartenstein. Ambassa ■ lor to the Vatican, with their staffs, left for Vienna aboard a special train at 8 o'clock to-right. They were ac companied to thv> railroad station by Count Viniza, Spanish Ambassador to the Vatican There was a large crowd at the station, but no demonstration. Prince Von Buelow. the German Am bassador. with Princess Von Buelow, the German ministry to the Vatican and their staffs, left for Berlin at 9.30 o'clock. They were followed fifteen minutes late- by the Bavarian Minis ters to the Quirinal and the Vatican and tiieir staffs. On th" Italian Frontier, May 25. Via Paris, 2.4 5 P. IM. —Prince Vou Buelow and Karon Von Macchio. German and Austrian Ambassadors to Italy, who left Rome last night, reached Ohiasso. Switzerland, at 9.30 o'clock this morn ing. They were received by the Swiss authorities. SAYS AUSTRIA REPUDIATED PART OK TRIPLE ALLIANCE On the Italian Frontier. May 24, Via Paris. May 25. 12.55 A. M. —Dep- uty Barzilai has given to the Rome "Messagero'' an account of a conver sation he had with Marquis San Guili uo. Italy's late foreign minister, short iy before Austria s declaration of war on Serbia of which Italy had no pre vious notice. According to Signor Bar/ilai he was toli by the foreign minister that Austria hail informed the Italiau government that article seven of the Triple Alliance treaty, which provided compensation for Italy in re turn for every Austrian territorial! gain ••must be considered null and of no effect.'' Two days after Italy's declaration of neutrality the Austrian Ambassador is >aid to have informed Italy that if she reconsidered her decision Austria was prepared to renounce her interpretation of article seven. French President Greets Italy Paris. May 25. 1.50 P. M.—Ray mond Poincare. president of the French I Republic, during a visit to the armies j in Lorrain, and the Vosges. sent the j King of Italy the following telegram: "At this solemn hour when Italy enters upon the glorious path marked out by her destinies, all France is glad to think that the two sister nations are going to tight once more for the de fense of their common civilization and for the freedom of oppressed peoples. Already brought nearer together by their relationship, bv their transition* and by the immortal force of the Latin genius, Italy and France will be unit ed forever by this new fraternity of souls and by this reflected consecra tion of their natural relations. '•I express to your majesty my most ardent wish for the victory of your \aliant troops. With these soldiers the allied armies are proud to .fight to put an end to the enemies of justice and of liberty. "I wish noble Italy a successful realization of her national aspirations and I beg your majesty to accept these a-su:an.iv of mv devoted friendship." Italians Seek to Volunteer New York, May 25.—Crowds of Itai aus gathered again to-day at the • ttii-e of their consulate seeking to reg i-rcr their names as volunteers to aid their country in war. There are more iiian one million Italians in New Jersey, New York. Connecticut and Rhode Islanl, in which the consulate here has jur - li. tion. and .it was said by the '•onsular officials to-day that about 400,000 of this number are eligible for military duty. It was said that no word ha.l been received railing for the return of reservists. • All the Medicis Volunteer R"me. May 25. Via Paris. 3 P. M.— All the men of the Medici family have volunteered to go to the front. Among them is Luigi Medici, a member of the Chamber of Deputies. U. S. Neutral In Italy's War Washington. May 25.—A neutrality proclamation by the United States, covering the entry of Italy in the European war, was published to-day bv the State Department under date of May 24. Italians in Britain Called Home By Associated Press. London. May 25. —Instructions were received at the Italian Embassy from Home to-day that all Italian reservists in the United Kingdom should be no tified to return at once. Week to Be Generally Fair By Associated Press. Washington, May 25.—The weather bureau to-day in rts forecast for the week beginning May 26, made the fol lowing predictions: "Middle Atlantic States generally, fair except thunder showers Wednes day night or Thursday; warmer Wed nesday; seasonable temperatures there- ' after." Unitarians Retain Their Name By Associated Press. Boston. May 25.—The name of the Unitarian denomination will not be changed for the present. This was decided at the annual meeting of the American Unitarian Association to-day. j The assets of the association increased I from $600,000 in 1900 to J2.500.000 in 1915. Leg Fractured Under Dirt Slide George X: Jtchong, 1128 Julian street, suffered a fracture of left leg below tHe knee under a dirt slide in a cellar ex- j eavation at/ Seventeenth and Boas j streets at 10.30 o'clock this morning. He was taken to the Harrisburg hos- j pital where the fracture was reduced. The Hnrrisburg Polyclinic Dispensary I will be open daily except Sunday at 3 p. m., at its new location, Front and Harris streets, for the free treatment •f the worthy poor. ITALY TELLS ALLIES SHE WILL NOT MAKE A PEACE SEPARATELY - London, (May 25, 11.52 A. M.—Ac tive military and naval operations are now under way betweeu Austria-Hun i garv and Italy, but land forces of any | great strength have not as yet come 1 into contact. Air and naval raids of a minor character form the sum total of the first twenty-four hours of war ! fare between these former allies in the ! triple alliance. ; It is generally understood that Italy I has arrived at an agreement with her | new allies under the terms of which she will sign th. existiug treaty not to con- I elude a separate peace. On the eastern frontier, the signs of a check to what at one time seemed I au overwhelming Austro-German offen sive movement are becoming more and . more apparent. Eveu the flying wedge which was driven into the Russian cen ter along the river San has been com pelled to give some ground by the ener getic counter attacks of the Russians. In the West General French reports that the Germans. ! by the use of asphyxiating gases, succeeded iu pene trating the British lines at two points, but he claims that some of the trenches lost as a result of these tactics were regained in the subsequent fighting. The contest is still raging. Domestic politics continue to absorb attention in England, but there is delay in attaining definite results and the membership of the new Cabinet has not as yet been advised. The delay, accord ing to the "Manchester Guardian," a ministerialist organ, is due to the in sistence by the Unionists on eight places in the Cabinet as representing their nu merical strength in the House. A clean sweep is looked for in the Admiralty, where it is expected that Baron Fisher as well as Winston Spen cer Churchill will go. JAP FOREIGN MINISTER IS CALLED "TRAITOR" Exciting Scene in House at Tokio When Verbal Attack Is Made on Anti-Jap Sentiment Orows in China —Rioting Is Feared Tokio, Japan, May 25, 6.50 P. M.— To-day's session of the House of Rep resentatives witnesses an incident which caused much excitement. While Foreign Minister Kato was ex plaining the Chinese situation to the House, a member of the opposition aros» in his seat and called the Foreign Min ister a traitor. Thereupon Saburo Shimada, president of the House, fol lowing out the policy of securing better conditions of parliamentary procedure, ordered the member to apologize. This the member did, but his act was imme diately followed by a violent coninineu attack of the opposition on President Shimada on the charge of having ex ceeded his powers. The incident finally was referred to a committee. There is much uneasiness in Tokio because of the receipt of private re ports that the anti-Japanese agitation is spreading "ingh South China. There are fea.j i rioting at Hankow. There h. s bee . rejoicing in Tokio over the advent of Italy into the Euro pean war on the side of the allies, and the conviction tK.t this will hasteu vic tory is being expressed. There is excellent reason for the statement that the allies have definitely abandoned the project, entertained by them at one time, to induce Japan to send a regular army to Europe. BRITISH BARKED FROM HORSE RACES AT BERLIN Berlin, Via London. May 25. 11.10 A. M.—i Horse rating was resumed in Germany to-day with the opening of the spring meeting at Hoppgarten track, in a suburb of Berlin, in the presence of a crowd almost as large as is usually pres ent in peace times. The pari-mutual system of betting has been temporarily abandoned, but bookmakers are allowed to accept wagers, although the odds are not published There are large fields for all races, with 26 starters in the principal event. Subjects of nations at war with Ger many are Barred from the grounds. The rule applies to trainers and jockeys, as well as to spectators, and was adopted as a measure of precaution to prevent hostile demonstrations against British race track followers, many of whom were engaged on the German turf be fore the war began. It had been feared the controversy over the shipment of munitions of war from the United States to nations hos tile to Germany might result in some exhibition of feeling against American trainers and jockeys, but two victories to the credit of Jockey Archibald seemed the most popular of the day. The Dacia to Discharge Cargo Brest, France, May 25, 5.25 A. M.— ; The American steamer Dacia left here j yesterday for Havre, where her cargo j of cotton will be discharged by special ; dockers. The prize court decision in the ; case has not yet been announced. The Dacia. formerly of the Hamburg- American Line, but now owned by E. N. Breitung. of New York, was taken to Brest March 1, after she had been seized by a French cruiser. Will Bespect Swiss Neutrality London, May 25.—Germany and Austr'a-Hungary have formally notified the Swiss government that they will re sj ect Swiss neutrality, according to a Berne dispatch to the Reuter Telegram Company. Sinking of Russian Ship Confirmed Amsterdam, May 25, Via London, 3.06 P. M. —A telegram from Con stantinople says it is announced official ly that a Turkish submarine sank a Russian warship in the Black sea. The dispatch adds that Turkey succeeded for sume time in concealing the fact that this submarine was in operation, and that the complete results of its activities are unknown. A wireless dispatch from Berlin yes-1 terday reported that a Russian warship, HARRISBFRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, TttESDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1915. Erobably the battleship Panteleimon, ad been sunk in the Black sea, with the loss of 1.400 men. The disoatch gave no intimation that the vessel had been sunk by a submarine. Lord Stamfordham's Son Killed London, May 25. —Captain J. N. Bigge. only son of Lord Stanifordham, private secretary of King George, was killed in action near Fostubert May 16. The captain was 28 years old and when a boy acted as page of honor to Queen Victoria and later to King Edward. Swiss Diplomats to Act For Germany Berne, Switzerland, M"! high cost of living" found to exist in the city. The delegates asked for $lO and the decision was a compromise. Parcel Post to Italy Suspended Washington, May 2's.—The Italian postoftice department to-day notified the United States of the suspension of parcel post tootween the two countries. Packages now in the mails will be re turned to the sender*. HE WANTS GERMANY TO PAY Stockholder Says Insurance Company Should Not Bear Losses on Luai tanla Victims An echo of th« Lusitania disaster found its way into the Insurance De partment here to-day when a strange request was made of Insurance Commis sioner Johnson. Riley W. Allen, of Williamsport, is a stockholder in the Travelers' Acci dent Insurance Company, of Hartford, and he was here to see Commissioner Johnson to try to induce him to begin suit against the Travelers" Company to enjoin it from paying any of the losses sustained by those who Iwld poli cies in the company aud were drowned when the Lusitania went down. Mr. Allen's contention, the Com missioner said, was that the company should not pay. but the loss should fall on Germany, whose submarine sank the big liner. He suid that the Travelers' Company will have to pay losses amounting to about $400,000 as the result of the boat being destroyed, and he held that this is not right, and the company should be enjoined from pay ing the loss. As a citizen of Pennsyl vania he contended he should be pro tected by the Insurance Department from loss in the stock he owns in the Travelers' Company. Commissioner Johnson told the appli cant that he could have nothing to do with the matter, as the company is a Connecticut corporation and that Mr. Allen should go to that state and bring his suit, as it was a matter between him and the company with which the Pennsylvania * Insurance Department had nothing to do. Italian Ambassador Leaves Berlin London. May 25, 4.26 P. IM. — An Amsterdam dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company says that Riccardo Bollati, Italian Ambassador to Germany, left Berlin with his staff this morning. He was driven to the railway station through less frequented streets. Lerwick, the Metropolis of Shetlands There is something circumspect and quiet about Lerwick, until those sum- I mer night when the fishermen come iu land all the Northern nations mbet in its narrow, twisting street. Then the j shops flare wide, especially the refresh ment shops. Tho flagstones echo to i the beating feet of the sailors walking I iu couples, or else as many abreast as I the walls of opposing houses will ad mit, enjoying themselves, but with lit tle talk and less laughter. Among these are a few blue-eyed Shetland girls, Scatch lassies, and perhaps a few from Ireland. The rest of them, how ever. are working till midnight in the great curing-sheds. The fishermen, looking to the east, can see the sheds glowing crimson from the great torch lights. the figures of the girls black against the glow, as thev bend over their work of gutting tie herring. Youth may call them out there in Ler wick streets, but duty's note is higher. They must earn their bounty money; they must make their eight shillings'a day to carry them through the nine winter months when there is no money to be won except by a little knitting. So while youth and love call outside, they work in their oilskin blood-stained aprons, amid the screaming of the gulls feeding beneath the windows on the of fal thrown them. A scene less populous, hut not less striking, is olil Christmas Eve, the 4th !of January, when the children anil young men of Lerwick go a-guizing. | The children disguise themselves in strange dresses, parade the. streets, and invade the houses and shops beg | S'ng for offerings. At 1 o'clock the | young men, coarsely clad, drag blazing tar-harrels through the town, hlowing horns and cheering. At 6 in the morn- I ing they put off their grimy clothes, and. dressei in fantastic costumes, go in pairs or in groups to wish their | friends the compliments of the season. —'.Maude Radford Warren in Harper's Magazine for June. Boda-water Our National Beverage The time nas-—it is not yet so very i distant—when the chief, almost the ! only, possible recreation during the heated spells in town was drinking • soda-water. And this is still, perhaps, i the king of city summer sports. There are, of course, adepts of the fountain who keek up their favorite recreation | all winter. Who of us has not seen, on some bleak January day. half-frozen ' district messenger-boys take refuge in a drugstore and there forty them selves against the bitter cold by huge mugs of ice-cream soda? But the taste, though preserved in winter, is formed !in summer. It is then that doors are [ flung wide open to the street, while I glittering fountains, towering like fairy castles, cast their magic spell upon those who pass along the burning pave ments. In certain fortunate regions. I where the tide of national civilization i must be admitted to be rising very high, the drug-store serves its soda to the musjc of a string-quartet, and, in j one happy Southern city, to the accom paniment of a ''cabaret show." L»et those who are approaching middle age remember the corner drug-store of their childhood, with its molest white-marble fountain dispensing six simple syrups. Nothing better marks the triumphant progress of the country, the richeniug and deepening of its l'ife, than these gorgeous modern source* of a thousand strange concoctions of exotic names and irresistible allure.—Harrison Rhodes in Harper's Magazine for June. Shifting For more than a century a careful calculation has been made every ten years to fix the exact center of popula tion. When the census was taken in 1790 the center of population was found to tie near Annapolis, Old., well east of Chesapeake bay. A decade later the center had moved to a point just above the city of Washington. Through out the history of the country the popu« lation center has moved steadily west ward at the rate of about 100 miles every ten years. The center of popula tion of our 100,000,000 lies in Illinois near its western boundary. In another decade it will probably .-ross the Mis sissippi river.—The Christian Herald. Where Will It Stop? The center of population has moved steadily westward for tnoro a Hun dred years without being flsfiected "ei- ' ther to the north or south. It might be expected that the development of some section of the counrv would have drawn the mystical point "far from the horizontal, but such has not been the ease. The wonderful regularity of the movement of the line westward indi-' cates at a glance the steady movement I of the population.—The Christian Her-1 aid. I COURT COURTNAMESVIEW BOARD Proceedings Will Determine Damage and Benefits Occasioned By Grad ing of Brookwood Street Harry Falinestoek, Paul G. Smith and E. Clark Cowden this morning wero named by the Dauphin county court to constitute a board of viewers to as sess damages and benefits, if any, sus tained by the abutting property own ers jy a result of the grading of Brook wood street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. Tho viewers are to meet on Monday, dune 14, and sub sequently to exhibit their decision to the property owners. They will make a report of their findings to the court on September 2 7. Wants Lien Se# Aside Gustavo .V. Koster this morning obtaiuod a court rule on the Whitten niver Lumber Company requiring it to show cause why a mechanics' lieu on tered by tho company the de fendant's property should not be va cated. The matter will be taken up at the June argument court. IH7 Jitneys In City New jitney busses are coming into the Harrisburg field of competition every dav so that the licensed autos now number 167. Council to Answer on June 7 HIP Lvkens councilmen who In- vir tue ot a writ of mHminimis arc requir ed to appear in court and show cause why they should HOI make known to the voters of their district the terms of years to which each was elected, must make answer to thp writ on or before Juno 7, according- to an order made by the Dauphin county court this morning. The date for hearing the case will be fixed later. GOOD I(OADS FUND |583 i Newport Committee Volunteers to Do Repair Work On Hill Near Town Donators to the "Good Roads DAV Fund" of the Motor Club of Harris burg, are as follows: Motor Club of Harris>burg, $300; The Hub, $2; Roth ert & Co., $2; Jerauld Shoe Co., $2; , I'ook & Co., $.2.50; Bowman & Co., $5; Dr. C. R. Phillips, $3; .1, Clvde Mvton, $10; D. M. Dull, $10; R. C. Halde man. $10; R. P. Blough, $2; ,1. H. Collins. $2; Dr. W. E. Wright, $3; W. O. Hickok, 3d, $5; Row* Hickok, $1; Mrs. R. J. H ildeman, $25; Harrislmrg Bridge Co.. $100; H. C. Gilbert & Son. $10; William Jennings, $5; James Brady, $2.50; W. C. Met/.ger. $2; C. | H. Miller, $2; James McOormick, Jr., $5; Dr. S. P. Earnest, $1.50; H. W. Raker, $5; P. R. Downev, $5; Jos. Poulton, $1.50; John A. Affleck, $2; H. B. McCormiok, $10; John Pox Weiss, $5; John S. Ebv, $2; Harris burg Bridge Co.. S4O; Stephen Huber tis. $3, making a total of $583. Iu additiou to this sum turned in to the Motor Club, the committee in Me chanicsburg has collected over S3OO and the New Cumberland committee has collected close to SIOO, and the Newville committee has a sum for its work on Cemetery Hill, near Newville. Tho Newport committee headed by Representative John S. Eby, will repair Orebank Hill, ap proaching Newport. BETUBNS CASH LEFT IN JITNEY Honest Driver of Auto Makes Extra Trip to Eestore Woman's Purse Shortly after driving a young wom an, who is visiting in this city, to the home of her sister, 'Mrs. J. H. Reist, 327 South Front street, last night, Ja cob Bargonstock, a well-known jitney driver, turned to the seat just occupied by her and discovered a purse contain ing $12.75 in cash and a mileage book. The young man promptly returned it to the address. In the meantime the young lady had missed her purse and started a search ' for the jitney driver over the Mulberry I street bridge. On the way she met W, j H. Lutz. and the two started in search i of the driver, whom they finally located ! at Third and Market streets, and who j answered their inquiries bv telling j tbem that he had already returned the ' purse. GIRL'S SKELETON IS BURIED Bones Unearthed On Fourteenth Street Now Rest In Potter's Field The skeleton of the young girl un earthed by plumbers under the cellar steps at 133 South Fourteenth street, on the afternoon of February 12, was buried yesterday afternoon in Potter's field. The bones were buried under the direction of Coroner Eckinger. No evidence which would connect any person with the concealment of the bones in the 'basement has come, to light in the last three months and with the burial of the skeleton ends the in- I veetigation of the mystery. The bones have been in the possession of Cor oner's Physician R. L. Perkins, since they were discovered. Morton Company Turns Out Steamer The steamer of the Uniou Fire Com pany. of Lebanon, mounted on a four wheel chasis by the Morton Truck & Tractor Company, of Harrisburg, was exhibited on the streets of this city to day. Its attractive appearance caused much comment. Fire Chief Kindler was among those who inspected the mo torized engine. Movinc to Mt. Gretna Harrisburg families are already pre paring to s;'cnd t! e hot weather season at their summer homes. Some plan to move to Mt. (iretna on Saturday, in cluding City Clerk Charles A. .Miller, Senator E. E. Beidleman, School Treas urer George W. Mcllhenny, William D. Block, license tax officer, and Harry F. Oves, chairman of the Republican City Committee. Not Considering Extra Session Washington, May 25.—President Wilson said to-day he had not consid ered calling an extra session of Con gress in October. He remarked his mind had been occupied with other matters and that there was still plen ty of time to think about an extra ses sion. Visiting In L&ndlsbnrg Mrs. William H. Straw, with her son, William, Jr., 2124 Boas street, and Mre. George J. Liebtren, 1739 North Third street, are spending some time with their father, D. M. Rice, of near Landieburg. PLANS LOAN OF $300,000 FOR BRIDGE CMtlßued From First Pas*. •Money the city will pay under the arbi trators' decision simply will be "ex- Has''—abonus. The original contract with Opperman, Justin declared, would have meant that the total cost of the sewer construction would have approxi mated SBI,OOO. Changes in the plans and materials prescribed by the State Health Department netted an additional cost of $13,000. he said, all of which already has been paid the contractor. Blames Former Administration Justin ended by saying that the arbi trators gave Opperman "every thing he asked" and the two items which the re port show were awarded to the city, he declared, "simply were a matter of arithmetic." William Jennings, a for mer member of the Public Works Board, pointed out that changes in the original sewer plans, which entailed an increase in cost, were recommended by the old Park Hoard and Warren H. Manning, the city's landscape architect. Commissioner Bowman expressed the opinion that the former city administra tion alone was to blame for the present state of affairs. He criticised the fact that the contractor rarely was given written notice to change plans, and wound up with the remark that "ap parently the city is in for it and we have nothing to do but foot the bill. The Commissioners unanimously re considered the vote by which the pro posed curfew ordinance was passed on second reading a week ago and by a vote of 4 to I—the Mayor diss'enting— further amended the bill so that it will not apply on "holidays and other spe cial days to be designated by the May or.'' The Mayor thought the amend ment "too broad," he said. The meas ure will come up next week for sec oud reading and final passage. Cost City !W)Oi> a Month Mr. Uorgas was sponsor of a resolu tion providing for the dismissal of the Board of Public Works' engineering force 011 July 1. Action was deferred one week nt the request of Commis sioner Lynch who suggested thai the City Engineer may not be in a posi tion to take over, on July 1. what'im provement work remains uncompleted at that time. The engineers of the Board of Public Works, Mr. Gorgas said, are costing the city about S6OO a month. Under the recommendation of Park Commissioner Taylor the Commission ers made Ihe following fire hose con tract awards: B. P. Goodrich Rubber Company, by Harry P. Sheesley, 800 feet at 70 cents, $560; Boston Woven Hose Company, by Henry Gilbert & Son, 800 feet at 70 cents a foot. $560; Voorhees Rubber Company, SOO feet at 80 cents a foot, $6lO, or a total of 2,400 feet for $1,760. That is S9O less than was appropriated for the pur- Commissioner Bowman introduced an ordinance plotting the "Taylor Boulevard'' and "Berkley Place," on Allison Hill on the city official plan and ho offered another measure pro viding that Twenty-first street be va cated from Whitehall to State streets. The extension of the park boulevard makes this action advisable. Mr. Bow man said. A Bowman resolution adopted by the Commission gives the head of the Pub lic Safety Department authority to trade in his old automobile and SI,OOO in cash for a new Hudson runabout ] auto. The new car is valued at $1,595, i he said. | Francis Jordan Hall, whose one-year | term as a memlber of the City Planning Commission expired on April 15, was i reappointed under a Taylor resolution which makes his new term of office five years. Object to Closing Street H. C. Mitchell. M. G. Sollen'bcnjer, j Richard Reeser, L. H. Kinnard estate, | C. Ellenborger and Mrs. Alma Ellen- I berger, and a dozen others, protested j against vacating a 237 foot section of I Atlas street, near Emerald street, for I park purposes. The street is to be va | cated for park purposes under a Tay ] lor ordinance now pending. The spon sor of that bill declared that he will I ask for its defeat if a satisfactory ar j rangement cannot be made with all concerned. | Ordinances passed finally include I j the following: Requiring hawkers and I peddlers to wear badges? paving Saul i alley from Howard to Brensinger ! street; construction of sewer in Cam j eron street, immediately north of For- I ster, and paving of Atlas street, Wood bine to Emerald. COMMISSIONERS SWOCX IX Ceremony Held This Afternoon Follow ! ing First Meeting of Public Service The new Public Service Commission j was sowrn in by Secretary of the Com j monwealth Woods this afternoon, fol lowing the first meeting of the Coni | mission. Together with Attorney fien | oral Brown the members of the Com mission were greeted by Governor 1 Brumbaugh who held a long conference with them. Tiie Commission will meet next week j at which time the selection of a chair man will bo announced. Before this I time Attorney General Brown will de cide if positions already held' by four j members of Commission are incompat ible with membership of the Commis sion. Mr. Magee is a member of the | hake Krie Canal Commission; Mr. Ril ling, the Board of Education; Mr. Kiess, a United States Congressman, and Mr. Monaghan, assistant district attorney of Philadelphia. Mr. Morrell Lectures To-night An interesting lecture on the "Old 'Fashioned flower Garden" will be j given this evening at 5.15 o'clock by | Krnest IMoirell, superintendent of the IBerrvhill Nursery, in the auditorium of the Technical High school. The lecture is free and will be the last one to toe held under the auspices of the Natural History "Society in the present season. In addition to being illustrated with lantern slides the lecturer will have on the stage plants of some of the old- I time garden favorites. All lovers of flowers will be welcome. Maccabees Elect Miss West By Associated Press. New York, —ay 25.—'Miss Bina M. West, of Port Huron, Mich., will again be the active leader of the Women's Beneßt Association, Ladies of the Mac cabees of the World, her re-election a» supreme cojnmander having been unani mous at to-day's session of the associa tion's convention. The officers chosen for the next quadrennial term included Senio'r Past"<'ommander Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Bradford, Pa. FINANCE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS •Vow York. Muv 25. j Open. Close. ; Alaska Gold Mines ... 05 35 , Atiml Copper lifiy, (itiTfc I Amer Heet Sugar .... 46',, 4(! | American Can ........ 36' s 36% Am Car and Foundry Co 5 1 1 51% j Amor Loco . 4947% I Amer Smelting t!7% (;71 j American Sugar 106% 106% j Amer Tel ahd Tel .... 119 11!) • Anaconda ■■ • • 31% 31 % Atchison 99', 99% Baltimore and Ohio ... 72'., "2% Bethlehem Steel 138 139 Brooklyn R T x 7% 87%, Canadian Pacific lfiO'4 1 f>o 1 1 Central l.enther 36', : '>6% | Chesapeake and Ohio .. 40% 4 0 1 Chi, Mil and St Paul .. 89', 88 c. Chino (Ton Copper .... 44'.. 14% ('ft I Fuel and Iron .... 112V6 30 Distilling-Securities ... 16% IK Erie 26 25'/, Frio, lsl pfd 40 1 , 40'; General Klectric Co ... 151 150%' Hood rich B F 4 4>i 42% Create Nor pfd 116 c. 116 c. Great Nor Ore subs .. . 32'.. 31 % Interboro Met 20% 20% Interboro .'Met pfd .... 64% 64% Lehigh Valley ....... 141 111 Mex Petroleum 71'/» 69 'Missouri Pac 12'/, 12'/. National Lead 62' 4 60% New York Cen 55% 85% NY, N ill and H 62% 62% Pacific Mail 22% 22% Press Steel Car 45% 4 4',;. Rav Con. Copper 23% 23% Roa.linn 143% 14 2-% Repub. Iron and Steel . 29 28% do pfd 87 84 C, Southern Pacific 88 88% Southern Rv if,;, ifix-, Tennessee Copper .... 34 33% Third Ave 126% 126 IT. S. Rubber «4% U. S. Steel 541,., 54% do pfd ~ . 106% 106 Utah Copper 6.", 65% Vir.-Carolina Chem. ... 31 % 29% W. P. Telegraph 86% 66% Westinghouse Mfg. ... !)