THE WEATHEB ' FAXB TO-NIGHT CLOUDY TO MORROW (totalled Report. Pag* • j ESTABLISHED DEC. 4. IS7H. VOL. 77—NO. 147. 4 AUSTRIAN TOWNS ARE CAPTURED Italians Go Four Miles Into Enemy's Land, and Are Headed Straight For Trieste PORT OF BUSO IS BOMBARDED Official Statement Says That No Serious Damage Was Done by the Eleven i Bombs Dropped in Venice From. Two Austrian Aeroplanes Rome, May 25, via Paris, '2.20 P. M.—Official announcement whs m:idc by the war office to-day that Italian forces luid penetrated Austria, oc cupying Caporette, the heights be tween the Judnio and the Isorno, and j the nl' Cormoiis, Cervignano and Ter/.0. The statement savs these operations j took place yesterday, in the Austrian I crowd land of ( ariolo and in the Friuli djstrict. It reads: "On the ('aruiolo front Austrian ar- \ tillery opened lire against our positions ' without results. During the day of May ! 24 i,iir artillery tired on positions oceu- j i iei( by artillery of the enemy. "On the Kriuli ir troops ad vanced everywhere and encountered only feebly resistance. We have occu pied Caporetto, the heights between the Jdria and Isonzo rivers, Cormons, Oer vignano and Terzn. The enemy with drew. destroying bridges and burning houses. "Our torpedo destroyers opened lire I against the enemy's detachment at the) port of Huso, and have disembarked j troops. "We captured seventy Auatrians | who have been sent to Venice. Our losses were one dead and sonic j wounded.'' i The town of Caporetto, Cormons, < ervignano and Terzo are in Austrian territory three or four miles from the Italian border line. They stretch along the frontier on a line running north from the head of the Gulf of Trieste. The Austian "town of Gorz, is five miles to the east of Cormons, and Trieste itself is 25 miles from the bor der line. Railroads running cant and west pass through both Cormons and Terzo. Austrian Warship Listing Badly Koine, May 25, via Paris, 2.15 P. M.— rho Italian ministry of marine haw given out an announcement which reads: "A steamer arriving at Barletta | reports that while passing near the ' Promontory of Gargauo at midnight j last night she sighted an Austrian war ship with a heavy list. She was escort- j rd by four torpedo boats. "Thin probablv is the warship which was driven oft' from Barletta after having fired several shots." Rome, May 24, Via Paris, May 25, 2.45 A. M.—The following official statement was issued to-night by the | Italian general stall: "An Italian destroyer entered the •j'ort of Buso, near the Austrian frontier, anil destroyed the landing stages, the railroad station and'the barracks as well as all motor boats in the harbor. The destroyer was not damaged and none of the crew was wounded. Two of the enemy were killed and we took forty-seven prisoners, including an offi cer and fifteen non commissioned offi cers. who were brought to Venice. "According to supplementary infor mation received the two enemy aero planes which appeared over Venice this morning dropped eleven bombs without causing serious damage. The fire from our defenses put them to flight. The damage to the railroad caused by the attacks of warships and aeroplanes in the early hours of the morning was un important and already has been re paired. • "The Austrian cannonade sank a tierman steamer in the harbor at An cona." Washington. /May 2.i.—The State De partment issued this statement: » "The American consul at Venice lias telegraphed the department that on Continued On Ninth Page ®fic Iniin in niiu nil TURKS FORCED BY U. S. AMBASSADOR TO REMOVE BRITISHERS FROM FORTS Athens, May 25, via London, 11.58 A. M.—Advices reaching here from Constantinople by mail describe the arrival in the Turkish capital of thousands of wounded from the Dar danelles where the first Turkish army corps, composed of the best lighting elements in the country, has been en gaged. In Constantinople there is a short age of petroleum, wood and coal. Bread also is lacking and at the bakeries people must take their turn. When American Ambassador Mor genthau protested to the Turkish au thorities against the sending of fifty British and French subjects to be placed in the fortifications of the Dar danelles, a measure destined to stop the bombardment of the allies, Knver Boy replied he must do something, as the arrival of Turkish wounded from the straits was creating a deep impres sion. The ambassador's energetic, efforts coupled with the British threat to hold Knver Bey personally responsible, resulted in the return of these men to Constantinople within a week. They were accompanied to Gallipoli by Hoff man Philip, secretary of the Ameri can embassy. The collier Vulcan, which has been coaling the American cruiser Tennes see, is expected shortly at Dedeagatch from Beirut, bringing the unit of the American Red Cross Society which is proceeding to Constantinople. ALLIES REPULSE TURKISH ATTACKS ON PENINSULA Paris, May 25.—A1l recent attacks by the Turks on the Gallipoli peninsula have been repulsed by the allies, who have been reinforced and have taken the offensive, says a iHav«s dispatch from Athens. The bombardment of the straits by allied warships continues. HERMANS ARE CHECKED WITH HEAVY LOSSES IN THE EAST Paris, May 25.—The French War Office this afternoon gave out a report the progress of hostilities which reads: "It was a night of considerable ac tivity between the sea and Arras. In Belgium, following a violent bombard meut, a Yrman attacking column en deavored to gain a footing on,the high way between Langemarck and Ypros. Jt, was definitely checked. "The Germans delivered two at tacks yesterday to the north of Ab lain. In each case they were repulsed. To the north of Neuville they deliv ered four attacks, each of which was checked by the fire of our artillery. "In these various aggressive en deavors, all of which resulted in com plete failure, the enemy suffered heavv losses. > ".Nothing has been reported from the remainder of the front." GERMANY TAKES CONTROL OF RIO DUKE TOBACCO CO. Amsterdam. Via London, May 25, 10.10 A. M.- —All property of the Brit- | ish-American Tobacco Company in Ger- 1 many has been placed under German j supervision, according to the Berlin j correspondent of the "Telegraaf." .lames B. Duke, of New York, is pres ident of the British-American Tobacco Company, the capital of which is $55,- 000,000. One of the principal German j subsidiaries of the company at Dresden I was sold in November to Germans with the consent of the British Board of Trade. LATE WARIEWS SUMMARY Italy has invaded Austria. Official announcement was made by the War Office at Rome to-day that Italian' forces had penetrated Austrian terri tory along a line running about forty miles north from the Gulf of Trieste, capturing four towns within two or three miles of the frontier. An Italian destroyer raided the Aus trian port of Busc, near the frontier destroying the landings, railroad sta tion and barracks. Two Austrians were killed, the first casualty officially re ported in the new campaign. It is regarded in London as prob able that the Austro-German army will Continued on Mnth rngr. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE IN FIELD John Davis Is Found by Boys After Swallowing Poison in Vacant Lot Near Home John Davis, 403 South Seventeenth street, attempted suicide at noon to-dav by drinking the contents of a bottle of medicine believed to have contained a quantity of creosote. Davis was found in a field at Sixteenth and Paxton streets early this afternoon by a num ber of boys, who called the police am bulance. i told the ambulance crew that he had been ill for a long time and did not care to live any longer. He re sponded to treatment at the Harris burg hospital, but would volunteer no information about himself. He had been taking the medicine in half-spoon ful doses, although he hail been cau tioned by a physician, he said, that an overdose would kill him. He is ex pected to recover. HARRISBURGT, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1915 12 PAGES. HINTED GERMANY WILL SATISFY OS That Impression I s Given Out Through Raiser's Subjects in Washington DELAY OF REPLY IS EXPLAINED President Wilson Assumes That the German Government Is For the Mo ment Absorbed With Circumstan ces of Italy's Entrance Into War By Associated Press, Washington, May 25.—President Wilson told callers to-day he did not know the causes for the delay of the German reply to the American note on the Lusitania, but ho presumed the German government was, for the mo ment, absorbed in the new circum stances arising out of Italy's entrance into the war. . While Ambassador Gerard has sent several messages Ibearing on what the Herman reply may .be, no direct inti mation had been received concerning its contents and the American govern ment is reallv uninformed. The German embassy here, however, has made suggestions to the German foreign office for the reply and in Ger man quarters it is said the note will be of a character to satisfy American public opinion. While declining to throw any light on the shipping situation as between Great Britain and the United States, the President referred to it as a "chronic case." Jt. was learned that he believed any formal note at this time to Great Britain might be con strued as a weakening of the American government's position in its delicate relations with Germany, but ai soon as the Berlin reply is received sonic action may be expected. Pressure is constantly being brought ta. bear, informally, however, on the British foreign office and admiralty to ameliorate conditions with respect to American cargoes and ships and if not relieved shortly, general represen tations of a broad character would not be surprising. GERMAN REPLY SATURDAY? London, May 25, 5.10 P. M.—The following dispatch was received to-day by the Exchange Telegraph Company from Amsterdam: "The German government has asked America for a further delay of a week in its reply to the note concerning the sinking of the Lusitania. In all proba bility the note will be delivered at Washington on Saturday. "It is stated in Berlin that the note will be couched in very friendly terms. On account of the recent Italian compli cations the feeling in Berlin regarding the United States is much more calm. Everything possible will he done to avert trouble. German submarines are to be instructed in accordance with this policy, although the note will explain that 0 n principle Germany cannot open ly stop-submarine warfare." NETHERLANDS SENDS PROTEST TO GERMANY The Hague, Netherlands, May 25, ia London, 2 13 I*. M.—The govern ment of the Netherlands has sent a note to Germany protesting against the sink ing May 7. of the Cunard liner Lusita nia by a German subma'rine. The contents of this note are sub stantially the same as those of the American communication on the same subject. I The lives of several Duteh subjects were lost when the Lueitania was tor pedoed. 4AUTOISTS MUST EXPLAIN Ordered Before the Mayor on Charges of Traffic Violations Four more alleged violators of the traffic law were ordered to appear be fore Mayor Royal late this afteruoon, — two jitney drivers and two other a .- toists. J. Lerov Messenger, of Lincoln street, Marvsville, is charged with us ing his dealer's license on a car in which he was hauling passengers at a nickel a head. One of Edward F. Eisley's chauffeurs is charged with passing a trolley car at Sixth and Oranite streets while it was discharg ing passengers. Dr. Charles H. tal street, and Jonas Heist, 327 South Front street, were both charged with allowing cars to stand with side and tail lamps uulighted. Four more alleged violators have been ordered to appear- before to mor row afternoon. Will REBUKE BRETHREN WHO GROW TOKO Clash Expected at Her shey Conference on Question Affecting Lancaster Countians BAN ALREADY RECOMMENDED Committee Will Urge That All Mem bers of Church of the Brethren Who Profit By Cultivation of the Weed Be Barred From Office Is the raising of tobacco a sin I That question is one which promises to pro voke much discussion at the annual national conference of the Church of the Brethren which opens a week from to-morrow in Hershey, and which will brim '4 through Harrisburg thousands of Brethren, from all parts of the coun try. It is expected fully 60,000 will igather at the big tabernacle in Her shey. At the yearly gatherings of the Brethren queries coming from local congregations are presented for gen eral discussion and final adjudication and of this year's questions none prom ises to excite more spirited argument than that dealing with the growing of Tobacco. Jn their aversion to what they term "the things of the world," some of the members of the Church of tho Brethren have regarded unfavorably the use of tobacco by those of their number. The members of the Blue River Church of Northern Indiana, have now gone so far as to petition tho annual meeting "to prohibit members of our church from raising tobacco." The committee on resolutions, which passes on all queries received, has re ferred this question to the Hershev conference, attaching the following statement as an expression of its own views on the matter: "VVc advise all our members not to raise tobacco, 4inf the arbitrators in the Oppcrman in tercepting sewer dispute. No filial ac tion was taken on the arbitrators' re port. Curing the discussion, however, Joel I>. Justin, chief engineer of the Board j of Public Works, declared unqualified | ly that Opperman, under his original contract with the city, was paid fur all work on the intereepter and that any Continual on Mnth I'Dgr. SAYS WIFE WAS CRUEL Frank Weber, Seeking Divorce. Swears She Rendered His Life "Bur densome and Intolerable" Frank Weber, 925 Crand street, a telephone lineman, wants the Uauphin .county court to grant him a divorce from his wife, Katherine, because she annoyed him by screaming and other wise treated him cruelly and made his life burdensome, according to W. Jus tin Carter, his counsel, who has just Hied the papers. The Webers were married just thir teen years ago this month and Weber charges he has been unhappy the great er part of that time. The troubles be gan in January, 1903, so it is charged •in the divorce papers which set out that the wife "hath by cruel and bar ! barous treatment and indignities to his person rendered the condition of the said Frank Weber intolerable and his life burdensome. - ' Besides annoying him by screaming it is charged the wife kicked her hus-' band out of bed, pulled hi* bair aud occasionally "beat him up." Fire Wrecks Breaker Bfj Associated Prc»a, Hii/.leton. Pa . May 23.—Fire of un known origin, starting in the tipp!e r early to-day destroyed the Lattimer ; Xo. 4 breaker, of Pardee Brothers k Company, Inc., causing a loss of $75,- ' 000. partly insured and throwing about 500 hands out of work. Spread of the flan-es to eompanv houses nearby was prevented by biasing away the breaker drag line. W ALL SIUEET CLOSING New York, May £->.—Decline in Bock Island to a new low record pro voked further recessions in the lata dealings. The closing was heavy. Dull ness, accompanied by a declining ten j dency, were the only characterises ot 1 to-day'B market.