The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 22, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Patter of Rain Drops on Koof Makes
Audience Unable to Hear Mrs. O. E.
Hillis Talk Last Evening—An
nouncement of Church Services
When the storm was at its height
last evening Mrs. C. E. Hillis, who was
delivering an address to a large crowd
of persons in the tabernacle, was com
pelled to stop speaking, owing to the
great noise made by the heavy rain
dropping on the roof of the tabernacle.
The booster chorus will be in full
charge of the singing at the tabernacle
this evening and one number will be
sung backward.
The Rev. C. E. Hillis will address a
meeting for men only in the tabernacle
tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
At the same hour Mrs.'Hillis will speak
to a gathering of women only in Cente
nary U. B. church. The tabernacle
meeting to-morrow everting will be ad
dressed bv the Rev. C. E. Hillis on the
subject, "The Atonement."
Nctt Tuesday night will be Christian
Endeavor night. All such societies
in Dauphin and nearby counties are in
vited. Mrs. C. E. Hillis will be the
speaker at the morning service in the
Main Street Church of God to-morrow.
The following borough churches have
announced their order of services for
Centenary U. B. —The Rev. A. K.
Weir, pastor. 10.45, "The Character
and Mission of the Church."* Sunday
school at 9.30 Women's meeting at
2.30, conducted by Mrs. Hillis.
St. John's Lutheran —The Rev.
George N. pastor. 10.45, "Led
by the Spirit." 7.30, "The Ending of
a Good Man." Sunday school at 9.30.
6.30, Intermediate C. E.
St. Mark's Lutheran, Second and
Lincoln Streets —The Rev. William B.
Slmth, pastor. 10.30, "Why Should
Christians Celebrate Pentecost?" 7.30,
"We Should Be Imitators of Christ."
Sunday school at 2. 6.45, C. E.
First Presbyterian—The Rev. C.
Benjamin Segeiken, pastor. Morning
service at 11 o 'clock. Subject of ser
mon, "The Secret of the Lord." Sun;
day school at 9.45 a. m.
First Reformed—The Rev. Charles
A. Huvette, pastor. Morning service at
11 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The
Ail Inclusive Choice." The pastor will
preach the baccalaureate sermon to
Uteelton High School graduates. Even
ing service in the tabernacle. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor
meaning at 6.45 p. m. Short prayer
service Wednesday at 7 p. m.
Church of Cod, Main Street —The
Rev. G. W. Getz, pastor. Morning
service at 10.30 o'clock. Sermon by
Mrs. Hillis. Sunday school at 2 p. in.
Junior Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m.
Evening service at tabernacle.
East Steelton Church of God—
Praise service at 9.30 a. m. Preaching
at 10.30 a. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Junior Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m.
Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p.
m. Evening service at the tabernacle.
Trinity Episcopal—The Rev. S. H.
Rainev, rector. Holy Communion at 8
a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sermon
(ind Holy Communion at 11 a. m. Even
ing prayer and sermon at 7.30 p. m.
St. James' Catholic —The Rev. J. C.
Thompson, rector. Law mass at 8 a.
tn. High mass at 10 a. m. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. Vespers and benedic
tion at 7.30 p. m.
Program Was Promptly Rendered With
Large Crowd Present
The program rendered by the pupils
of the grammar school at the annual
transfer exercises, held in the High
school auditorium last evening, was
given without a flaw and proved to
be one of the most entertaining affairs
of its kind since transfer exercises
were first introduced. Dorothy Hazel
McCoy's "Description of a Person"
was applauded more heartily than per
haps any other number offered, because,
until almost the last word, the large
audience thought she was describing a
member of the class, but when the
name was mentioned, and found to be
that of a prominent teacher, well
known, the uproar became almost
John William Grimes, who had at
tended a sesgion of the legislature just
recently, gave a vivid description of
how the sights impressed him. The
speaker of the evening was the Rev.
A. K. Wier, pastor of Centenary United
Brethren church.
General Meeting of Picnic Workers
Will Be Held Monday
The general committee with the
various sub-committees, representing
the several Sunday schools of the bor
ough in the union picnic to be held at
Mount Gretna, June 17, will meet in
St. John's Lutheran church on Monday
evening at 8 o'clock. The plans being
made bv the committee include special
arrangements for the plensure and com
fort of the aged, as well as the safety
and care of the children during the day.
Every means will be used to guard
against accident. A number of phy
sicians will be on the train and on the
grounds during the day. The sub
committees are working in harmony
with the expectation of making this the
greatest outing from the borough this
Carnival Announcement
Wet weather yesterday prevented the
erection of booths and tents designed
to be used by the local Civic Club in
holding its street carnival to-day. This
work, however, was started this morn
ing and by noon practically everything
was in shipshape for the entertainment
to start. The committee at noon an
nounced that the Bhow would start
promptly at 2 o'clock and will be con
tinued until this evening at 10 o'clock,
unless the weather Bhould become too
bad. ,
J. Bruee O'Brien, of the borough,
employed until recently at Newark,
N. J., has resigned and left last even
ing fof Havana, Cuba, where he has
accepted a position with the Spanish-
American Steel Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrrv Geiste, of En
haut, announce the birth of a daughter,
Alice Jane, May 14. Mrs. Geiste, be
fore her marriage, was Miss Edna
Durkes, of Enhaut.
Herman P. Schade, Philadelphia, vis
ited friends in the borough yesterday.
Miss Kate Schoffert, 426 Myers
street, has returned from Martinsburg,
W. Va., where she spent several weeks
with friends. t
Miss Sarah Rauch, Lebanon, is visit
ing her cousin, Mrs. J. M. Heagv, North
Front street.
The Firemen's Relief Association of
the borough held its monthly business
meeting in the Citizens' Are engine
house last evening.
I A small blaze, caused by the upset
ting of an oil lamp at 445 Lincoln
street last evening about 8.30 o'clolk,
was promptly extinguished by members
of the Citizen's and Paxtang Hook and
Ladder companies, who responded to a
telephone alarm. Very little damage
was done.
Music at St. John's
The following music will be rendered
at St. John's Lutheran church to-mor
row: Morning anthem, "Let Not Your
Heart Be Troubled," by Simper. Even
ing, quartet, "Light of the World," by
Hatton; anthem, "Great Is the Lord,"
by Packard.
Mrs. Nellie Bogner Dies After a Brief
Special PorrespouilHiitu.
New Cumberland, -uay 22.—George
Beckley is having a pair of houses
built on Fourth street.
Yesterday afternfoon John K. Fish
er, an agecl resident of New Market,
had a stroke in .lohn Watts' barber
shop. He was taken home and med
ical aid summoned.
Mrs. Nellie Bogner, aged 33 years,
died this morning after a brief illness
resulting from a paralytic stroke. She
was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Christian Bom-berger, Market street.
Surviving *re her parents and the fol
lowing brothers: Mervin, Harry, Waide
and Joseph Bomberger. Funeral serv
ices will be held Tuesday morning and
will be private. Interment in Winding
Hill cemetery.
If the weather is unfavorable the
Citizens' Hose Company will hold its
festival in the hose house instead of
the lawn this evening.
The Rev. A. X. Warner, of Florida,
was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Bobb,
'Liittle iDorothy Bicklev, of Fifth
street, is ill with pleuro-pneumonia.
Miss Ruth Stahie and Miss Hake, of
Emogsville, are spending a week with
Mr. and Mrs- IH. F. Kohr and Dr. and
Mrs. R. R. Reiff.
Harry Forry, of Blue Island, 111., who
has been visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Forry, left for home yes
Robert Glass moved into one of 'Mrs.
Addie Fulton houses on Third street
this week.
Miss Bertha Rodgers, of 'Harrisburg,
spent several days with her sister, Mrs.
Sherman Schenck.
Mrs. Joseph Thorley and daughter,
of iMarsh Run, called on Mrs. F. E.
Taylor last evening.
Church services to-morrow as fol
Baughman Memorial M. E. church.
Sunday school at 9.15. Preaching at
10.30 a. m. by Roy Fasick, student for
the ministry and senior at Dickinson
| College. Epvrorth League at 6.30. The
Rev. J. V. Adams, pastor, will preach
at 7.30 the baccalaureate sermon before
the senior class of the High school. The
chorus choir, H. W. BUttorff leader, will
render two anthems, "Let There Be
Light" and "Oh That Salvation "Were
Come." Mrs. William Keister and
Parker iMcAffee will sing a duet, "One
Sweetly Solemn Thought."
Trinity U. B. church. Sunday school
at 9.30. Preaching at 10.30. jr. C. E.
at 2 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m.
First Church of God. Sunday school
at 9.15. Sermon by the pastor, the
f Rev. S. X. Good to B. F. Eisentoerger
Post No. 462, G. A. R. at 10.30. Chris
tian Endeavor at 6 p. m.
fct. Paul's Lutheran church. Sunday
school at 9.30. Preaching by the pas
tor, the Rev. A. G. Wolf. Christian En
deavor at 6.30.
They Usually Miss Themselves For
Attack Upon an Enemy.
The crows are musters of mobiliza
tion. Such mobilizations have fre
quently been investigated. Usuully
they prove to be for the attack on some
Thoreau speaks of the crows "burst
ing up above the woods where they
were perching like the black fragments
of a powder mill Just exploded." When
they are gathered for war purposes
their cries will lead you to the spot
where they are fighting, and these
same bursts of black fragments above
the trees, usually following an especial
uproar of cawing, wili direct you to the
center of the battle.
Waiter King Stone, the illustrator,
and Charles Livingston Bull have told
me of a mobilisation they once wit
nessed, when the crows gathered for
hours and the two observers were able
to penetrate the woods to the exact
spot beneath the feathered explosions.
There they found a great horned owl
flying low in the trees with a- dead
crow in his talons. Whether this wns
the original cause of the battle or
whether he had grabbed the crow in
one of the descents of the birds about
his head they, of course, could not say.
He was evidently struggling to find a
dead tree where he could <take refuge.
He was saved probably by the coming
of night
Crows have even been known to at
tack foxes, as Winslow Homer's paint
ing is the most famous witness.
A farmer near my home who has
observed crows for many years and
has the reputation of knowing more
about tbem than any one else In the
neighborhood tells me that almost In
variably in his experience the cause
of a large mobilization is either a big
owl or a hawk. The little screech owls
are also attacked, but by leaser num
bers. He has also personally seen the
crows attack a fox while it was cross
ing an open field, and once he watched
a flock of nearly 100 crows worrying
a Skye terrier dog, which was so thor
oughly tl'lgbtened that It was running
In circles. 1 have seen crows attack
a cat also, but the cat always is wise
enough to make for cover. Walter
Prlchard Eaton In Harper's Magazine.
Some of the vagaries In crime might
be reached by a pure mental food law.
Its History a Romance of Philoso
phy and Mechanics.
I '
Tho National Muiaum at Washington
Shows tha Firat Cruda Machines
Made aa Well aa Originals and Mod
af tha Firat Locomotives.
Probably no museum collection In tba
world better Illustrates the develop
ment of the steam engine, particularly
the locomotive, than the exhibit of tha
United States Natloual museum at
Washington, which includes two of tba
earliest original locomotives and nu
merous, models and accessories.
The history of the steam engine is a
materialistic romance without parallel
In the record of human achievements.
It covers the stupendous and persist
ent efforts of many early philosophers
and mechanics who found steam a
mysterious uncontrollable force and
left It a comprehensible controllable
factor of public service.
No one knows how long after it was
observed that by holding down the lid
of a kettle of boiling liquid a certain
force was created, due to the com
pression of the steam, before any use
was attempted with this newly discov
ered force. It is certain, however, that
a sort of steam engine was exhibited
in Alexandria. Egypt, about 200 years
before our era began, and it was de
scribed in a work on pneumatics by
Hero of Alexandria, written between
ISO and 130 B. C. This machine was
a rotary affair, more theoretical than
practical, as were many of the result*
of philosophy in those days. A recon
struction of this engine in model form
is in the museum exhibits.
I Nothing more Is to be found concern-
I ing the steam engine for centuries, a
| fact which is no doubt due to the lac*
; of interest in anything which did not
' have to do with war or warlike imple
ments. A book published in Home In
1029 gives a description of Giovanni
■ Branca's crude steam engine, showing
it to have been an elementary steam
turbine, with the sole defect that it
lacked any appliances for making the
steam follow the vanes, or buckets, of
i the revolving wheel, so that more of
Its energy might have been converted
i into useful work. One author in a
treatise on locomotives claims that had
some 'genius improved upon this early
i device the reciprocating engine would
probably never have been Invented, but
that we would have had the advantage
I of our modern turbines much sooner.
The museum possesses a model of a
very early machine designed by Sir
Isaac Newton in 1680 which was pro
pelled by a Jet of steam projected
backward against the air and a model
of Denis Papln's invention of about
the same time. The investigations of
| Savery and Papin and the successful
experimental engines of Thomas New
comen in 1705 with his piston and
I cylinder soon followed. Newcomen's
j ideas were improved by Jp.mes Watt in
' 1709, who also introduced the high
pressure engines, the condenser and
. later the double acting engine. The
development of the engine was advanc
ed by Cugnot, Evans. Hornbloww and
j Murdoch. A model of the latter's en
gine is on display In the museum.
As the result of a wager made by a
resident of Merthyr Tydfil, an impor
tant iron town of South Wales, that
he could convey a load of iron nine
miles by the power of steam alone
Richard Trevitbick made the first en
gine to run on rails in 1803 and won
the wager for his employer the next
year. Trevtthick, it has been claimed,
copied the stationary engine built in
1800 by Oliver Evans, an American,
who was later ingenious enough to at
tach wheels to a scow and propel it by
steam through the streets of Philadel
phia In 1804. This curious creation,
called the Oruktor Amphlbolls, was the
first motorcar to run on American soil
A model of Trevithlck'a engine Is to
be seen In the National museum, as
Is also the model of the engine em
ployed by John Stevens in 1825 and
his original tubular boiler. Other mod
els Illustrate nearly all the types which
begitn to put in their appearance soon
after 1826, when the Stourbridge
Lion was built in England and ship
ped to America, where It was the first
engine to run on full sized rails. The
museum possesses not only the model
of this historic engine, but the orig
inal engine itself. The other original
full sized locomotive to be seen in the
museum is the John Bull, built by
George Stephenson &. Sons of England
and shipped to America for use in 1881
on the Camden and Amboy railroad.
It is Interesting to recall that this old
relic of early railroading in America
made a round trip under Its own steam
In 1803 from New York to Chicago,
where it was exhibited at the World's
Columbian exposition.
Among the models of early and his
toric locomotives are George Stephen
son's Rocket, which was built in 1829;
the B. and O. engine Tom Thumb, built
by Peter Cooper in 1829; the grasshop
per type engine Arabian of 1831; the
Best Friend, used in 1830-1; Baldwin's
Old Ironsides, constructed in 1832;
the Sandusky. built in 183T, and
models of engines made by Asa Whit
ney in 1840 and G. A. Nlcholls in
1848. Besides the two locomotives and
the numerous engine models, there are
in the exhibit coach and car models,
sections of rails, spikes, wheels and
models and parts of valves, pistons
and other early accessories pertaining
to locomotives and rallronds.
Perhaps the Germans at Ypres meant
to shoot those Canadians full of holes
anyway and thought it more merciful
to put them into a "twilight sleep"
Early crop cucumbers at 12 cent*
apiece suggest that an extra early crop
sprung on the market would take the
edge off from the truckmen's greed. «
CsatlssM Freat Firat Pas*.
Glasgow crashed into them. The re
sult was 1 terrifying. Locomotives and
cars, shattered and splintered, were
hurled about in confusion.
Fire <broke out and spread with great
rapidity through the wreckage. It was
soon burning so fiercely that the men
engaged in the work of rescue were
driven back. There was nothing to do
but wait' for the eoming of the fire
These were brought up at all possible
speed. Once on the scene they labored
frantically to control the flames. In
the end they were successful but beforo
the fire was put out many of the trav
elers pinned under the wreckage of the
cars and unafole to make their escape
were burned alive before the eyes of
the helpless onlookers.
Five hundred men of one regiment
were on the troop train. When the
roll was called after the wreck only
fifty-two officers and men responded.
Numbers of others, however, were en
gaged in caring for their wounded com
Some of the victims were no mang
led that their rescue from tho wreck
age was impossible. Beveral others who
were extricated died soon after.
Doctors performed heroic services,
braving tho flames in their efforts to
help those pinned in the tangled mass
es of wood and iron. One physician, Dr.
Edwards, responded to the appeals of
two soldiers who were imprisoned by
the legs. Facing the scorching flames,
he amputated both legs of one soldier
and one leg of the other, and this
method offered their only hope of es
cape. One of the soldiers died from the
Professor Dibble Tells School Board He
Is Pleased With Everything In Con
nection With His New Position, Ex
cept the High School Building
Professor Howard G. Dibble, new
principal of the Central High School,
in a speech before the School Board
last night declared that he "sees red"
for the pupils when he contemplates
the overcrowded conditions of the
building. He expressed the hope of'
being able to do something to relieve
the congestion. He thanked the board
for his election and said he is pleased
with the city and with the Bchool, es
pecially since he has met the faculty
and students.
"I am pleased with everything but
the building," he said, "and you can
not expect me to be enthusiastic about
that. I am beginning to see red, for
the pupils in the cramped 'quarters, are
not getting the chance they ought to
Professor Dibble's desire is to iiave
a structure better than the Technical
High School building, he said. The
new principal took up his new duties at
the Central High School on Monday.
It was decided to place the new
Tenth ward school house, at Tenth and
Mahantongo streets, well back from tKe
street to give room for a park.
Holiday on London Stock Exchange
By Associated Press.
London, May 22.—T0-day is a holi
day on the Stock Exchange here and
the Liverpool Cotton and Corn Ex
changes. All exchanges in both cities
will be closed Monday.
New York Eaaets Law Which Failed
la Thla State Two Vrara ABO.
Announcement has been made in the
"Medical Record" of the signing re
cently of a bill by Governor Whitman,
of New York, which provides that mu
nicipalities shall pay physicians twen
ty-five cents for each certificate of birth
or death properly made out and filed,
to prevent inconvenience which may be
caused by the common neglect to file
such certificates.
The bill is a copy of a bill drafted
by Dr. Samuel Z. Shope, of this city,
which two years ago passed both
branches of the legislature and was
vetoed by Governor Tener. The enact
ment of the law in New York state was
brought about through the efforts of
the New York Medical Society.
I.JS7 Inches of Halnfall.
Rain for two days in Harrisburg to
taled 1.57 inches, the greatest amount
falling after 8 o'clock last night. The
storm area responsible for it has moved
from the upper Mississippi valley to the
Atlantic coast. A partly cloudv condi
tion will result here to-night 'and to
morrow with little change in tempera
At Ridge Avenue Church
At the Ridge Avenue Methodist
church to-morrow the pa3tor, the Rev.
William W. Hartman, will preach in the
morning <yi "Keeping the Heart," and
in the evening on "The Life Worth
Living." Sunday school will be at 2
o'clock, and Epworth League at 6.30.
Shirley Watt* to Give Addrni
S. B. Watts, local manager of the Bell
Telephone Company of Pennsylvania,
will address the Minu'te-Men-Kourth-
Reformed-Church, Sixteenth and Mar
ket streets, on Monday evening at 8
o'clock. Hi® subject will be "Talking
Across the Continent." A cordial in
vitation is extended to all who attend
this lecture, which will he illustrated
and of considerable interest.
To lacover on Memorial IJay
Governor Brumbaugh last night is
sued Ms Memorial Day proclamation in
which he calls upon ail good citizena to
stand for five minutes at noon on May
30 with uncovered heads, while hells
are tolled and flags drooped to half
mast. Memorial Day falls on Sunday
this year, but the regular observance
of the custom of strewing flowers on
the graves of the dead soldiers will be
held on the day following, Monday.
If the allies had started lb to put
down beer twelve months ago perhaps
the kaiser would have been content to
umpire the tight and not mix In.
Advice to "cook more apples" may
spring from the apple belt, but It
sounds like mother's voice calling to
recreant children.
Spanking does not care children of bed
wetting. is % constitutional cause
for this trouble. Mrs. M. 'Summers, Box
W, South Bend, Ind., will send frea to
any mother her arccessful home treat
ment, with fall instructions. Send no
money, but write her today it your chil
dren trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child —the chances are it can't
help it." This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine diffl
oultie* by day or night
Ket the Favored Fabric for Her Frock
Empire, Bodice or Bolero
Fashion Flowers Introduced for
New York, May 22.
The question of the graduation dress
is always perplexing. Here girlhood
and womanhood meet, but the girl must
yet be kept the girl for the one day of
days when she receives the bit of parch
ment, which seals her school life.
In this season of revived fashions
and fabrics, the problem simplifies itself
to some extent, for all styles are youth
ful. One need only visit the large stores
to appreciate the variety offered in
these frocks. La, la, you fair maidens,
wrestling with the quibs and questions
of your last examinations, you should
foe with me in the great metropolis!
On the spacious fourth floor of a house,
devoted solely to the needs of the girl,
there are mahogany cases, filled with
frothy white dresses, stretching away
row after row, like the battalions of an
army. It is seldom you find so large
an assemblage of frocks for one pur
pose, anil age, collected in one place.
Here you can be outfitted from tip to
toe, with the style and suitability of
the garments assured.
© MOCiia Sj 1 \
A Pink Rose Above the Hem Gives the
Graduation Dress of Net and Taffeta
a Touch of Color
At first glance, it seems the whole
graduating world is to be gowned in
net, so completely does the fabric domi
nate the collection. No doubt, it is the
extremely full skirt that brings this
material so noticeably to the #bre; but
regardless of the cause, the effect is
charming in the quaint Empire, bodice
and bolero dresses, showing features
from old fashions such RH short, puffed
sleeves and narrow ruffles. Valencien
nes, filet and imitation Irish crochet,
repeated again and again in the trim
ming, reminds one forcibly of"the time
ly revival of these three laces. There
are frocks, too, where heavy embroid
ery is used in the ornamentation; others
edged with half-inch shirred ribbon, and
here and there a model touched with
taffeta. One frock in particular of the
last type has the new laced front
bodice, rippling peplum, and applied
hem of the silk. The guimpe, showing
above and between the lacings of the
bodice; the sleeves, puffed until they
resemble toy balloons and the skirt,
with its entire width gathered in at-the
waist, are of net. A half-blown rose of
delicate pink, tacked above the hem,
gives a touch of color, which makes
the net and taffeta seem the purer white
for the contrast. It might be well to
add here, while speaking of the rose,
that all the frocks have this bit of color
and are named according to the flower
they show. The model mentioned above
is the rose dress; the Marguerite frock
has a chain of daisies around the waist
and the pansy dress, a corsage bouquet
of deep purple pansies as the name
These touches and trimmings are also
carried out in frocks of other fabrics;
introduced, ]>erhaps, to diversify the net
models or for the few who do not care
for such transparent material as the net.
As the styles themselves hint of old
time fashions so these textures, have
their origin in the modes of from 1840
to 1850, Sheer Swiss, plain and em
hroidered, batiste, point d'esprit or
gandy and dimiiv show to goo<T effect
with ValencienneH lace. Only two reallv
modern materials are used and these
are cotton crepe, and voile.
Since so many of the schools have
set the limit of three dollars for the
cost of the frock, the stores also feat
ure inexpensive fabrics by the, yard,
the goods draped on forms to show the
various styles in which to make it up.
There aw* dainty cross-barred dimities;
Swisses, plain and embroidered batistes,
voiles and crepes for twenty cents a
yard; nets at forty cents come seventy
iwo inches wide. The dotted Swiss is
unusually attractive as one draper ar
ranges it, in an Empire effect. The
trimming is suggested, too. At the
Dutch neck and elbow sleeves Valenci-
Acid Phosphate
(N on-Alcoholic)
In summer, body and brain crave
acids and phosphates. Lack of
acid causes thirst, lack of phos
phates causes physical and nervous
exhaustion. Quench the thirst,
tone and strengthen body, brain
and nerves with Horsford's Acid
Phosphate. A little in a glass of
water makes a satisfying
Drink and Tonic
Make your
Clothes white and clean.
House bright and shining.
Home happy.
by doing all your worfc the
easy, quick, money-saving,
cool-or-lukewarm-water way.
Every user of Fels-Naptha Soap
will want to try the new
F<e!#-Soap> Powder.
cnnes lace is applied; also on the skirt,
in a Grecian border above the hem.
Primness, the chief charm of the frock,
i» again in evidence in the broad girdle
of moire ribbon, brought straight
around the Empire waistline and fin
ished at the back with a flat bow and
long streamers.
Gloves, for the graduation frock, Hre
generally of plain silk. Many well-to
do mothers are buying their daughters'
silk gloves in place of the formal white
kid; the effect is more girlish and they
are much cooler for warm weather. To
be .cure there are fancy models shown
and in good taste, too". A silk glove,
pin tucked around and around the wrist,
a half-inch apaTt, or delicately embroid
ered, mpy he worn; the new lace gloves,
too, is perfectly appropriate for the girl
grad nate.
The medium heel on the shoes is
another feature of the fashions shown
for graduation that the mother, at least,
will like. These appear, slightlv curved
in the approved French style,"on slip
pers of white kid with colonial buckles
and on white satin pumps with flowers
in front to match the flower of the
frock. This makes one think that the
makers of slippers and the makers of
frocks have held some secret sessions
this season. Nor are the styles confined
alone to white; black patent leather is
considered equally appropriate for the
graduate, especially if worn with white
stockings. There is a pretty model
shown with flat heel and crossed laces
of ribbon, which brings to mind Crino
line days, when tiny slippered feet
peeped from beneath the folds of the
hoop skirt.
The Day of Days Demands a Simple
Girlish Frock, Such u the Empire
Now in lashion
The simplicity of the fashions al
lows but little jewelry. Such touches
as a string of pearls, a torquoise locket,
or a heavy gold bracelet, are employed
to give the desired old-time atmosphere.
The hair, however, is decidedly modern,
but so artistic that it in nowise spoils
the quaiutuess of the costume. The
bobbed effect is the most .popular
coiffure for the young girl. This may
sound as if the younger generation are
recklessly cutting off their hair; do not
be misled for such is not »ne case.
Some clever Miss lately conceived the
idea of combing her hair back straight
in front, low over the ears and wind
ing it in a loose coil in back. Her
friend copied it and now all the young
girls have the effect of the Castle clip
without the "clip" and the originator
of the fad, who cut her hair close,
envies them their long tresses. Since
the first girl wound her hair in this
knot in back, so many have adopted the
mode that pins have been especially
designated for the knot. They consist
of a single straight spike with ball or
slender triangular top of amber, jet or
tortoise shell. Poignards, the French
call them; in plain English they are
dashers. One of these pins will hold the
knot firmly and is a fitting finish for a
young girl's coiffure; more, Dame Fash
ion taboos as poor taste.
Philadelphia Division —ll3 crew to
go first after.l p. m.: 132, 110, 128,
111, 107, 123, 109, 104.
Engineer for MO.
Fiif.inen for 111, 107.
Conductor for 113.
Flagmen for 132, 107.
Brakemen for 113, 132, 183, No. 2,
Ed sr.
Engineers up; Crisswell, Wolfe,
Dcnnison, Hennccke, Stattler, First,
ShiMib, Burk, Downs. Soiber, Young,
McGuire, Supplee, Brubaker, Smeltzer,
Kautz, Heindinan, Kennedy, Long,
Powell, Albright, Layman, Grass,
Beitz, Streepcr, McCaulev.
Firemen up: Horstick, Huston, Arns
berger, Weaver, Shive, Shaffer, Rob
inson, Moffatt, Mulholm, Martin, Lib
hart, Yentzer, Cover, Parker.
Conductor up: Stouffer.
Flagmen up: Bruehl, Sullivan,
Brakemen up: Shultzberger, Cbllins,
Knupp, Dengler, Wolfe, Allen, Felker,
Campbell, Malseed, Boyd, Albright,
Middle Division —224 crew to go
first after 1.30 p. m.: 238, 216, 247,
! 219, 244, 1202, 223, 21, 17, 24.
Engineer up: Garnian.
Firemen up: Zeiders, Mohler, Arn
| old, Fletcher.
Brakemen up: Strouser, Frank,
1 Kauffman, Henderson, Troy, Spahr,
i Wenrick, Stahl.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Landis,
I Hoyler, Barter, Binver, Meals, Stahl,
1 Crist, Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn, Sny
der, Pelton, Beck, Shaver.
Firemen up: Bartolct, Getty,
i Sheets, Bair, Kvde, Ulsh, Bostdorf,
Sehiefer, Weigle, Lackev, Sholter,
Engineers for 10, 12, Ist 24, 3d
24. 32.
Firemen for 18, 2d 24, 32, 56.
P., H. and P.—After 11.30 a. m.:
21, 24, 1, 22, 12, 15. 9, 2, 20.
Eastbound—After 12.45 p. m.: 67,
60, 51, 68, 53, 58, 57.
Conductor tip: Gin^'her.
Engineers up: IMassimore, Woland,
Wireman, Morrison, Sweely, Morne,
Merkle, Wood, 'Martin.
Firemen up: Sullivan, Chronister,
Stephens, Carl, (Henderson, Rumbaugh,
Nye, Anders, Lex, Anspach, Kelly,
Zukoswiski, ißingaman.
Brakemen up: Lauks, Poxton, Mach
amer, C'arlin, Miller, Epley, Brown,
Avres, Miles, Hoover, Grimes, Zawaski.
-Philadelphia Division —2l4 crew to
go first after 1.15 p. M.i 242, 215
205, 207, 237, 208, 213 202, 219.
225, 220, 212.
Engineers for 202, 212, 214 219,
220. 225, 242.
Firemen for 202, 215, 214, 220.
Conductors for 205, 215.
■Brakemen for 220, 202, 208, 213
219, 225. .
Conductor up; Eaton.
Flagman up: Snyder.
Brakemen up: Shaffner, ,Buyor,
.Stimeling, Koone, Taylor, Walt man,
Lutz, Rice, Deet, Goudy, Musser, Long.
Middle Division —243 crew to go
after 1.30 p. m.: 214, 217, 120, 113,
105, 117, 111, 118.
Engineer for 117.
Conductor for 117.
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and
2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those un
able to pay for them.
* __
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent
- ■ "■
Grand Concert, Entertain
ment and Ball
To be held in Maennerchor Hall
231 NOrth Street
at ft o'clock p. m. Admission, 25c
Via Philadelphia and
Reading Railway
Sunday OA
From Fare. Lv.A.M.
Lebanon $1.25 9.41
Annville 1.20 9,51
Palmyra, 1.15 10.00
Hershey, ...i..,, 1.15 10.07
Hummelstown 1.10 10.14
Harrisburg 1.00 10.35
Gettysburg (Arrive), Noon 12.00
Returning, Special Train will leave
Gettysburg Depot 5.00 P. M. for
above stations.
L |
/ 'A
$6 A SET
Crown and Bridge Work, *3. m, us
Plates Repaired on Short Notice
310 Mnrket Street