4 v • ————— — ■ nimnir _ Exceptionally Desirable j Building Lots EMERALD ST. —between Front and Secqnd Sts. —50x100 ft. The most desirable cross street lot that we know of oil the market. Second St.—southwest corner of Emerald St.—loo ft. on Second by SO ft. in depth. A very choice corner for a house. Bellevue Park —Market St.—between 21st and 22d Sts., 62tyx135 ft. —an ideal setting for your home. # Edgewat-er —-west side of Susquehanna River. Some splendid 1 suburban home-sites. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Federal Square Opp. Post Office I I Bogar Lumber Co. i Wholesale and retail lumber and builders supplies Office and Yards: I North Sixth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. ■ Bell Phone 3274 United 983 Z ] BRETZ BROS, j * Even-thing in % « i i Builders Hardware f * _ * t —— J| Test our ability to serve you. ♦ ] ! 109=1 1 IMar/ref I <* 2 1 A | •> «5» ♦> «5* «8» «5» ❖ *s* •> ❖❖❖•& «8» 4» ❖❖•5 1 t •' M. H. BAKER PLUMBING AND HEATING 1330 Derry Street '| II IS Bill ! HUMS' permits Already Have Been Issued For New ; Structures That Will Cost $284,000 BIG DEMAND FOR CARPENTERS liarrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Works To-day Advertises for 73 of f Them to Eush Extension of the Plant—Building Outlook Good > than half a hundred new brick and frame dwellings, several new fac tory and store buildings and altera tions to other homes and business places, all planned during the last three weeks, will make May the record month of the year thus far for building opera , tions, 60 James H. Orove, Harrisburg's 6uilding Inspector, predicted this morn ing. ; Permits for two new dwellings and fpr the asphalt repair plant to be wected by the city at Ninth and Sha l&is streets boosted the figures by al most $15,000 to-day. The permits iasued thus far this mouth by the Build ing Inspector represent new buildings, additions and alterations that will cost nipt less than $284,000, an amount rrtore thai/ double the total of April's (•cord. ' "On the assumption that the business I Iff ALL PAPEE is an important I factor in your home making. It can enhance its value or mar its i beauty. , Let us assist you in selecting the | i correct paper for your needs. Xo job too large—none too small ! for us to handle. H. A. BOOMER Wail Papers of Merit i 813 North Third Street i \l. i\ | will continue during the next week pro ' portionately as heavy as it was in the past three weeks the Building Inspector ! predicts that the high-water mark i established several years ago will have been smashed to smithereens. The to- ; I tal amount of the permits issued during i ! the first three weeks come within ! SB,OOO of the high record of 1914, i which was registered in the month of | April when the permits totaled j $292,175. Want 75 Carpenters Contractors are busy in the business i | section rushing work on the new home j of the Kaufman store; the costly nddi-: tion to the Bowman store; alterations j for the Hanover shoe store and changes ] to the building occupied by the R. V. Fairlamb cigar store. So extensive has the building work become that the scarcity of carpenters already is ap parent. The Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bend ing Works, which this week took out permits for tjje erection of three brick and iron factory buildings, to-day is ad- I vertising for seventy-five carpenters. The woodworkers are to report to the construction foreman at the place of the proposed improvement, Kleventh and Herr streets, and have their mechanical tools with them and be prepared to go to work at once. The cost of the pipe works improve ment is estimated at $19,000. The necessity for the hurried completion of these buildings officials of the company said to-day is due to Ihe fact that the company just recently received a $50,- 000 order for several thousand seamless gas containers. The plant now is run ning to its full capacity, a state of affairs that has not existed for several years. Big Demand for Homes The extension of the Capitol park and the consequent razing of many dwellings and business houses within that district made it imperative that hundreds of families seek other quur ! ters and these removals leaves Harris burg virtually free from vacant houses. There is a great demand now for housea and this has generated the spirit that is directly responsible for the building boom. The contract price of the municipal asphalt repair plant that is to be erected . * r ' .• * - * ' * " « iiARRISBUBG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 22, 1915. I®J! • " m % %: f I*l^^lßbb'" i* i£4 I X jl Hi v >/ .. An Ideal Eight-Room Cottage j • This unique cottage cannot fail to light stuecp. brown trim and brown On the second floor is the master s ! excite the admiration of all who ap- «t«i«ed roof. The long, graceful which corresponds in size » .... 1 sweep of the roof serve* a dual pur- to the living room below, ami two preciate simplicity in house construe- Qsp j t nQt Qn j v p rov j^ es R covering other chambers of generous propor tion. To the last detail it is a model f or t j lo porch, but it likewise makes tions, in addition to a linen closet, house—cozv, comfortable and invit- the house appear less high than it four clothes closets and a bath. If ing—with a flour arrangement al- actually is. A pleasing porch effect desired, a play room for children and .... . is secured bv means of two massive a maid s room may be finished oft most perfect in its appointments. stm . ( , o (>olun ; ns whi , h rest on a floor . on the third floor. In this design there is no superflu- infr ot - cement. The dormer, with its Tilo cp || nr extends under the en itv or decoration to compel attention. casement windows, and the canopy ji rp structure, affording plenty of The absence of decoration is the pre- entrance supported by wooden brack- r?>iim for hinting plant, storage, veg , • . t.- i ■ ets are notable features of the ex- otahle room mid Innndrv dominating virtue. Simplicity and a tel .: or eiaoie room ana inunary. happy combination of right propor- ' * Arrangements have been made tions are alone responsible for the jn addition to a good-sized pantry, w ' th the architects to furnish esti , results obtained. And this is as it coat closet, toilet and vestibule there mated cost of construction, or any should be in a modest home where an > n central hall and three rooms on other information desired regarding refinement- and good taste are the the first-floor. The commodious hall, ,l ) e hm,Be illustrated. Thav also in attributes most sought. which provides easv access to every readers to make suggestions A pleasing color combination ob portion of the house, separates the tor plans which they would like il tains in the exterior by the usje of iving room from the dining-room. lustrated in the future. Please ad- I This advantageous arrangement may '' r, ' fis 8 correspondence to Ashley & jjt." ' be found quite often in the more Peterson, Spnngfiel'l, Mass. U. ' I TSfP " pretentious homes, but is rarely seen 11 P I- -- in a cottage no larger thai) the one J R t o ] j ■ IX) [i-cj k,tc.«-« depicted. From the hall, the living f.| i t- *—bJ room is approached through French 111 » ' I """" doors. For its attraetivrness, this Ijf £ r_ " ' 1 - 1" ""JB room depends on its opening to the H sr. hi j>orch and upon a fireplace of pleas- H ' |*'' 1 M ' 3 '■ I'J-' design. The dining-room is de- ijl 33 3 ' lightfully located in the front of the ;| a I■„ ■■ """y . house, and the windows and doors p '3l l, " > " c( . are so arranged as to provide plenty I | u * 4 - "Tn I * V 1 of all space for bnft'et, serving table, ■» » iU i r i chairs, etc. The kitchen and pantry | ■ beyond are botli well lighted and i__—' liT. rsooß. Fcan convenient. 2nO Pu*.n am—a—a—ammia—■—»mi—mmmmc——■—a—to— ', t ] ■■r>v A 5-Cent Fare Will Do the Trick—Take a Jitney or a Car to the I LESTER PIANO STORE Kt! And save $75.00 to SIOO.OO on the purchase of a piano. IM H. G. DAY, Manager 1319 DERRY STREET , t ' I 1 , I j by the F. D. Cummer & Son Company i under a building permit taken out to- j ! day will cost $9,768. W. S. Harris got ' | papers this morning to build two 2-story j ! brick houses on Twenty-first and One half street, 145 feet north of Brook-; | wood street, to cost $4,000/ The per-; I mits issued thus far by the Building Inspector call'for fifty-two brick and, frame dwellings, two churches, several | factory buildings and garages in addi tion to a number of alterations and ad-, ditions. Many of the buildings changes are ; attributed to the transfer ol; ownership j of Harrisburg realty. The real estate I dealers themselves concede that busi ness has picked up wonderfully within ! the last two months and declared that j |of the more than a million dollars', | worth of bnsiness transacted in the county since April 1, a large percent-, i age directly affects Harrisburg real ! | estate. I j Some of the more recent changes in j | the city include these sales: 2142 1 j North Second street, from Helen D. I j Snodgrass to V. R. Brinser, nominal! I consideration; property on Swatnra | j street from N. S. Manley to J. W. • ! Hoover, $600; 1342 North street from i Elizabeth Denlinger to I. E. Terry, j consideration nominal. * Building Inspector Busy Man Building Inspector .lames H7 Grove, who resumed work to-day after being confined to the house for several days due to illness, had this to say concern ing the building boom: "The month of May thus far has proven to be the busiest one for me j since I took office more than a year ago. j , My illness prevented me from continu ing my direct supervision of the work during the past few days and now I , am 'head over heels' in work. "Everywhere I go I find someone either rebuilding or erecting new houses i and to keep in touch with all of them . consequently means that I must be right on the job and get busy. It is undoubt edly true that this will be the banner month of the year and while the next, succeeding months may not show up so 1 well on the records of building permits, ! I do feel that there will be big business among the builders all summer. "Some of the permits which were lifted were taken out so that the con tractor, when prepared, may go right ahead, uninterruptedly with the work. ' Of course, work already has been start ed on the buildings for which a ma : jorltv of the permits were taken out. 1 feel confident that the boom will con tinue throughout the year." i Harrisburg Hospital The Harrisburg Hospital iB open ; daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical 1 advice and prescriptions to thoic un -1 able to pay for them. ITALY'S ML COMMANDER | fn 51 ' ■ ffll ,^9H duke of the abru^zi. IThe Duke of Abrtizzi is in command I of the Italian navy and in the war with ! Austria will probably be found on the j i flagship of the fleet that made the first ! ; hostile advance against the Adriatic ports. He is a thorough sailor. Train Hits TeampTwo Men Injured Hagerstown, \ld., May 22.—Struck ] by a double-header Norfolk and West- j em freight train as their team was j crossing the railroad tracks in Ha- j gerstown suburbs, D. R. Jenkints 'and ] Edward Frantz were seriously injur ed, tho latter internally. ■ To Build Four Handsome Homes George A. Shreiner, the of homes'in one of Harrisburg's restrict ed residential districts, has taken out a permit during the past week to build four handsome properties to coet about $20,000, in the vicinity of Seven teenth a%d Boas streets. Mr. Shreiner also has plans in course of preparation, covering the construction of four hand sprue, detached, single dwellings, to be built in that same section of the city. The properties heretofore con structed by Mr. Shreiner all go to adorn one of Harrigburg 's best resi dential suctions * ' / PEN-MAR REUNION JULY 22 Annual Lutheran Event Arranged Yes terday by Committee in Charge At a meeting held yesterday by the I j committee on arrangements in the I/u j thcran Theological Seminary at Gettys- I burg, it was decided to hold the twenty ' ninth annual Lutheran reunion at Pen ! Mar on Thursday, July 22. Addresses j will be made by the Rev. A. S. Hartman, j Baltimore, Md., secretary of the board ;of homo missions; the Rev. 'H. H. j Weber, secretary of the board of church I extension, of York; the Rev. Prof. J. j A. Singmastcr, president of the Theo j logical Seminary, Gettysburg. The committee consists of the Rev. G. j W. Knders, York; the Rev. J. B. Mar quard, Harrisburg; the Kev. William ■ Reddig, Shippeasburg: the Rev. Oliver Roth, of Chambcrsburg; the Rev. L. U i Knders, of Cumberland, Md.; the Rev. I Charles H. Trump, Martinsburg, W. V'a.; j the Rev. J. B. Baker, Gettysburg, and I the Rev. A. M. Heilman, of Hanover. Lincoln Among Othar Man. j Some years ago a series of pictures ! was printed showing Lincoln In many attitudes, either ulone or in company with statesmen or military men in ' Washington or in camp. Attention was called by the writer, who bad as sembled the pictures, to the singular Isolation and dignity of Lincoln when taken with any group of men. They, almost without exception, showed that they were conscious of observation, at titudes were studies, and the effort to look well in the picture was often evi dent. No matter in what company he | was, the president seemed not to be : conscious either of the artist, of him ' self or of the men who surrounded him. He stood or sat alone, as if he were an Impersonal figure representing native strength and unique sublimity of character—Christian Register. Marital Diplomacy. Plunger—l felt awfully sorry for a poor guy down at the exchange today. He lost $5,000 on cotton, and all tbe boys were guying blm, and as he start ed off home they taunted him with tho prediction that his wife would land on him roughshod. The poor chap acted as though he felt pretty badly about It Mrs. Plunger 'isympatbetlcall.v)—Poo* fellowl No doubt he used his best judg ment, and if bis wife turns on him be cause of his reverses she Is not worthy to be called wife. But who was the man? Plunger—Why— «r—lt waa me.— Woman's Home Companion. How About That Vacant Lot ? DON'T LET IT STAND IDLE ANY LONGER N6 ft,W i j* furnish all materials. PAY ME ON EASY TERMS IF YOU WISH TO DO SO Call and let us talk it over jj L. A. FETROW NEW CUMBERLAND » BELL PHONE ! ft , \ WATCH THIS SPACE jj; \\/ E GIVE OUR PATRONS flip benefits of more l> |!> * * than half a century's experience and the great- | :ji est, best and most completely equipped establishment | ||! for x jil CLEANING AND DYEING I i.!; in America. S ; jil A service that is unequaled, distinctive, and satis- | 11; factory. - S || FOOTER'S DYE WORKS HARRISBUUG BRANCH OFFICE <» j; 34 NORTH THIRD STREET £ j; Automobile Delivery Telophono Your Order ? "VVWV* * % % VWVV i / \ Geraniums, . 6c to 15c Roses, . . 10c and up ; Place your order now. Shade ! and fruit trees. Full line of ' I flowering plants. Write or call Harvey, The Florist ,203 E. Main St., Hummelstown, Pa. v J ACTRESS TO RETURN TO AMERICA /// M MWH; ' \\ / w V' # • *■ y if % # v '' 9 '' * *-* f \ •' ' > JU - M , * A ' MISS LAURETTE TAYLOR., FROM HER. LATEST PHOTOGRAPH & «, | Miss Laurette Taylor, after having had financial success In London in "Peg o' My Heart" In the face of adverse theatrical conditions due to the , war, will return to America In September and will appear under the manage i inent of Klaw & Erlanger, in association with George C. Tyler. It Is proposed I to present MUs Taylor iu two or three new plays, the first a comedy by her husband, J. Hartley Manners. Her engagement will begin in Chicago. Read the Star-Independent 'THE WORDEN PAINT] AND ROOFING CO. i ! H. M. P. WOEDEN, Proprietor. Slag, Slate and Tile Roofs, Damp and Water Proof ing, Faints and Roofbrs' Supplies Genuine Pen Argvl Inlaid Slate for Flat Roofs. HAERIBSUEG. PA.