The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 22, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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CoatlniiFd From Flrat Page.
.of the crowd increased. There were
tries of "Long live the king," and
"Long live the house of Savoy."
Royal Family on Balcony
'Finally the king and the queen and
the royal family came out upon the
balcony. His majesty was in the uni
form of a general. The crown- prince,
dressed as a sailor boy, waved his
cap to the multitude.
The excitement of the people arose
almost to a delirium.
The king- then did an unprecedented
thing. He igave orders that the, Italian
flajj be raised to the balcony. Then
amid the thundering cheers of the mul
titude his majesty advanced to the na
tional standard and folding it in his
arms embraced it. The royal family
then retired within the palace. Later
the called a group of the alder
men inside and to them expressed his
gratitude for the loyalty and patriot
ism of the Roman people.
Loud Cheers For America
After the demonstration before the
Quirnal a great crowd with an Ameri
can flag carried at the head went to
the residence of United States Ambas
sador Page. Loud cheers for America
and demands for revenge for the Lusi
tania victims.
Gre at excitement was caused .in the
capita) to-night by the report that
Rignor Bullati, Italian ambassador, had
been assaulted while driving in the
street. It was learned later however,
that the incident was not so serious
as it was thought and that the police I
had begun a rigid investigation. Let
ters of regret were sent to Signor Bol
lati by Chancellor Von Bethmann-
Hollweg and Foreign Minister Von
Coatlnued From First Pfige.
they are likely to take in the matter, i
The act referred to, it is said, pro- j
\ides that in cases where arbitrators
are appointed by "compulsion" they
shall be paid $2 a day and in enses
where they agree W"R'c,t as arbitrators |
shall be paid at the rate of $1 a day. I
Whether this act can be applied to the i
present case may be open to question.
Members of the Boa«-d of Public
Works neither would confirm nor deny
the report that they have asked the j
arbitrators for a statement of "days!
actually engaged'' and "a detailed re
port" on the award. They prefer, they
said, to make their announcement di
rectly to the City Commissioners.
Members of the arbitration board
late this afternoon stated that they !
had not received any communication '
from the Public Works Board relative j
to the intercepting sewer question and (
until they do receive such a letter they :
will have no comment to make.
Suspends Conferences With Britain
Washington, May 22.—The informal
and unofficial conferences between the
commercial advisor of the British em
• bassv and the State Department trade
advisors, to expedite handling of Amer
ican cargoes, were suspended to-day by
the State Department because of the
apparent misapprehension in London of
how far they bind the United States
Turks Repulsed by Russians
Petrograd, May 22, Via London,
11.30 A. M.—There lias been issued'
from the headquarters staff of the Rus
sian army in the Caucasus the follow
ing report:
"Attempts of the Turks to assume
the offensive along the coast of the
Black Sea have been repulsed. In the
Ollz region there has been rifle firing
between outposts and our troops have
occupied Saraivan and Bashkaleh. The
Turks fled toward Bytlis and the
The Epitaph Over Sir Henry Lawrence,
the Lucknow Hero
There is a simple'tomb in Lucknow,
in India, that cost 110 more than many
a plain farmer's gravestone in our ru
ral burying places, but Clarence Poe
declares that it impressed him more
than anything else he saw in India ex
cept the Himalayas, the Taj Mahal
and the view of Benares from the
It is the tomb of the heroic Sir Hen
ry Lawrence, who died so glorious a
death iu the great mutiny of 1557. No
commander in all India had planned
more wisely for the defense of the
men and women under his care, but
the siege hail only begun when he was
mortally wounded. He called his suc
cessor an t his associates to him, and
at last, having omitted no detail of
counsel or information that might en
able them to carry out his farseeing
plans, he roused himself to dictate his
own immortal epitaph:
Here Lies
Henry Lawrence,
Who Tried to Do His Duty.
May the Lord Have Mercy on His Soul.
And so to-day these lines, sublime in
their simplicity, mark his last resting
place, ami you feel that not even the
great Akbar in Beeundra or Napoleon
in Paris has a worthier monument.—
\ outh's Companion.
Modeled After an Ancient Tomb
The temple of the Scottish Rite in
Washingtor is a handsome white mar
ble structure about 150 feet square
and rises to a height of 150 feet above .
the street level. At either side of the i
main entrance is an immense marble !
sphinx. A row of tall lonic columns I
surrounds the second story. The archi- I
tects followed closely the design of the '
ancient tomb of King Mausolus. which j
stood in Halicarnassus and was one of
the seven wonders of the world. It !
was built by the wife of the king and
was decorated with hundreds of won
derful statues. This old tomb became
so famous that many buildings were
modeled after it, but' this is the only
structure in America in which the de
sign has been used.
Her Only Course
Ladv Anne Lindsay, the author of
the old, poem, "Aul.'l Robin Gray,"
was not only a delightful conversation
alist, but she was a great story teller.
This gift made her not onlv a wel
come guest abroad, but a valuable
member of the home circle, for it is
related in "A Group of Scottish Wom
en" that at a dinner party which she
was giving to some friends an old man
servant caused some amusement by say
ing in a perfectly audible undertone:
"My lady, you must tell another
story. The second course won't be
ready for five minutes."
Caatlaaed From Flrat Pact,
on Monday afternoon with services at
I his Lebanon home. The interment will
I be privato.
| Mr. Houck was one of the most
I widely known politicians in tho State,
i In early life he was a mechanical en
j gineer with tho American Iron and
! Steel Company, in Lebanon, and aft
erward at Scranton, but left that oc
cupation to take a clerkship under
I former Revenue Collector H. L. Her
shev, of this city. Mr. Houck had he
come active in politics when the late
Marlin E. Olmsted, of this city, ran
tho first time for Congress, Mr. Houck
carrying Lebanon eountv for Olmsted
over E. M. Woomer, of Lebanon.
Later Mr. Houck was appointed
postnia9ter of Lebanon by President
McKinley. He served three terms in
that office. In October, 1913, he was
appointed chief of the Pennsylvania
Bureau of Statistics and Information
bv John Price Jackson, the head of tho
Department of Labor and Industry.
The legislature, that has just adjourn
! Ed, raised the salarv of the office to
Mr. Houck was an indefatigable
worker, and instituted many new plans
for the working of his bureau that
have produced beneficial results. Ho
was the son of .Dr. Henry Houck, who
is now serving his third term as Sec
retary of Internal Affairs. He was re
garded as the leading Republican
politician of Lebanon county. Mr.
Houck is survived by his wifo and
throe daughters.
The office of the Bureau of Statistics
was closed this mornintg immediately
on receipt of the news of Mr. Houck's
death, and William H. Horner, one of
Mr. Houck's- assistants, went to Leb
anon to assist in preparations for the
funeral. Mr. Houck's death was a shock
to everybody on Capitol Hill where he
was very popular.
Sessions Will Be Held in Capitol and
Continue All Week
The Supreme Court for the Middle
Pennsylvania district will bogin its
sessions at the capitol on Monday morn
ing and continue here during the week.
There are twenty-one cases on the list,
four of which are state tax cases
which will be argued by Attorney Gen
eral Brown and his deputies.
The case of Commonwealth versus
I Deardorf, an appeal from Dauphin eoun
! ty, has been continued along with the
| appeals of the John T. Dyer (Quarry
1 Company, the Penn Mutual Life In
surance Company, in four cases, and the
Alden Coal Company, all state tax
The first case on the list is that of
the appeal of Carlisle versus the Peo
ple 's Bridge Company, of Harrisburg.
I>auphin county court cases 011 the list
include: Cox et al. versus Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company; Pennsylvania
Utilities Company ■ versus Lehigh Navi
gation Electric Company; Common
wealth versus the Westinghouse Air
Brake Company; Commonwealth versus
the Wilkes-Barre & Hazleton Railroad'
Company; Kidver versus York Haven
Water and Power Company; Common
wealth versus Williamsport Railroad
Company and the appeal of Harry I.
Whiteside from Dauphin county in the
matter of the estates of George A. and 1
Margaretta P. Whiteside.
The last Legislature passed an act
taking Clinton county from one Judicial
district and attaching it to Potter
county. Recently Judge Heck refused
to entertain an action in Potter county
brought by a man in Clinton county 011
the ground that the law affixing Clin
ton to Potter was unconstitutional. At- j
torney General Brown will ask for a 1
mandamus to compel Judge Heck to |
act, and on this the constitutionality;
of the law will be tested.
12fl Local Members, Knights Templar,
To Go to Philadelphia Monday
When the Grand Comniandery,
Knights Templar of Pennsylvania, !
holds its sixty-second annual conclave j
at Philadelphia, starting Monday and j
continuing until Wednesday niiiht, !
Pilgrim Comniandery No. 11, of this !
city, will be represented by 126 Sir !
Knights and ladies.
The local members have established j
headquarters at the Windsor hotel, on j
Filbert street, near the Masonic Tem
The eommandery will Ibe eighth in
line of the parade to be held Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock. The line will
assemble on South Broad near Reed
street, at 9.30 o'clock.
Manila Rioters Sentenced
By Aitociatctl Press,
Manila, May 22.—Twelve of the
participants in the uprising on Christ
mas eve in the suburbs of Manila were
sentenced in court here to-day. Three
of them were sentenced to six years
in prison and to pay a fine of $5*000;
six to five years' terms and $5,000
fines; the remaining three to four years'
terms and $4,000 fine*.
Lloyd George May Be Retained
London, May 22.—Work is progros
sing slowly on the formation of the
new national cabinet but decisions
have been virtually reached as to who
shall hold a few more portfolios. It is
regarded as almost certain that David
Llovd George will remain as chancel
lor of the exchequer instead of going
to the war office an has been suggest
ed, to take charge of the production
of munitions.
Rockefeller Still on the Rack
By Associated Press.
Washington, May 22.—With only
four members of the Industrial Rela
tions Commission present Chairman
Walsh to-day resumed his vigorous
cross-examination of John D. Rockefel
ler, Jr., on is relations to the indus
trial warfare in the coal fields of Col
2,500 Start For Europe
New York, May 2i2>.—More than
2,500 passengers* were booked for
passage to Europe starting to-dav on
five steamships leaving here. The" ves
sels included the St. Paul, of the
American line carrying 750 passengers
among whom were more than a hun
dred Americans.
Gave Prisoners Drugs, Is Charge
By Associated Press.
New York, May 22.—The crusade
which the city has been making against
the drug traffic resulted in the arrest
to-day of Martin Currv, a keeper in
the city prison on Blaekwell's island,
■•harged with furnishing drugs to pris
Continued From First Pace.
when he sent the shot a distance of 47
feet, 4% inches. The old record was
held by MeCutcheon, who, on May 13,
1911, made the cast for a distance of
45 feet 6 1 /., inches. Second honors in
the shot-put event to-day went to Em
manuel, Technical; third, W. Crump,
Steelton; fourth, iMcKay, Technical;
fifth, Wilkenblech, Milton.
After Tech'b Laurels
The rain of the last two days did not
seriously daftiage the cimlfcr track on
Island Park for this afternoon's cham
pionship meet for Pennsylvania schools
under auspices of the Harrisburg
Track Athletic Committee. On the con
trary it packed the cinder and this
was expected to aid in establishing new
records for this annual gathering of
scholastic athletes.
The downpour at, several times last
night was very heavy but early this
morning Park Commissioner Taylor
went to the island and' found conditions I
favorable for the meet. He then de
cided that unless another heavy show
er should interfere the meet would be
held as scheduled. The seats in the
stands were all cleared of water and'i
what sun shone this morning dried them I
nicely so that at noon the comfort of I
the spectators seemed, assured.
This is the ninth annual scholastic
meet to be held under the auspices of j
the Harrisburg committee. In point j
of the number of schools entered it
surpassed all the meets for several
years back. Two hundred athletes from
the following fifteen high schools were
Elizabethville, Harrisburg, Central,
! Harrisburg Tech, Lykens, Millersburg,
! Milton, Reading, Steelton, Waynesboro,
Columbia, Williamsport, Lancaster,
Chester, York and Lebanon.
Lancaster, Williamsport and Bead
ing entered full teams and came here
hoping to take laurels away from the
Harrisburg Technical High School
which had made the best record on the
track so far this season of any school
Cinder Track in Good Shape
The shield which has been competed
for for seven years will be formally
awarded to the Reading High School at
the end of to-day's meet, that school
having won the championship more
times than any other school in that
period. The winner of last year's
meet was Technical High, of Harris
burg, which holds th e shield until to
day, under the rules. The prize this
year is a new shield to be competed for
annually for seven years. In addition
the championship team will get a silver
cup and the runner-up a bronze cup.
Individual athletes taking first, sec
ond and third places in the different
events will receive gold, silver and
bronze medals, respectively. In the
scoring, first place counts 'five points;
second place, four; third place, three;
fourth place, two points, and fifth, one.
W. Orville Hiekok, 111, former in
tercollegiate champion weight thrower
for Yale, was 011 the program to ref
eree. The pole vault was scheduled' to
start at 1.45 o'clock and was expect
ed to last all afternoon. The first track
event, preliminaries in the one hundred
yard dash, was scheduled for 2 o'clock.
They Have Even Been the Means at.
Times of Saving Lives
Guns would not go even if warfare
were abolished. For example, the sig
nal gun of a ship is used to announce
her arrival on a coast. It would be
difficult to find an equallv effective
substitute. The 1 o'clock' gun, too,
which is fired by electricity
Greenwich observatory, is the most ef
fective means possible of announcing
the exact time to surrounding towns,
while nothing more impressive could
be found than the minute guns fired
for public mourning and the salute giv
en on occasions of public rejoicings.
Guns save lives as well as take them.
In desert countries, where it is difficult
to collect water out of a mere damp
ness of sand, gun barrels are often
sunk into the ground. By this means
moisture is collected in the bore and
many lives have been preserved by a
timely draw at the muzzle.
A slaver, captured with a crew of
slaves iu the tropics, was once put in
charge of a prize crew. During the
voyage water ran out and slaves, slav
ers and prize crew were all dying of
thirst. Then a sergeant hit on a bril
liant idea. Taking all the available
gun barrels, he plugged up the breach
ends of a few of them, filled their
bores with sea water ami set them end
up among the coals of the galley fire.
Then as the steam rose he ran it
through the other gun barrels till it
cooled. The cooling steam collected in
the shape of excellent fresh water and
bv this means scores of lives were
saved.—Pearson 's Weekly.
Trial by Jury
The "New York Law Journal" says
on the subject of trial by jury:
" While we do not think that trial
by jury ought to be abolished or that
there is any increasing sentiment in
that direction, we do believe that the
system should be modified by dispensing
with the requirement for unanimous
verdicts. This would obviate the ele
ment of individual eccentricity as an
impediment to the administration of
justice. Mental idiosyncrasy on the
part of judges is constantly exhibited
and scarcely excites comment. An emi
nent and very able judge will dissent
r'roni the ruling of his associates when
it is extremely difficult to understand
how so gifted a mind could have gone
off on that particular tangent. By per
mitting affirmances or reversals," not
withstanding dissent, the personal equa
tion is eliminated."
In Biology
Teacher—"John, how can you tell
the dogwood trcef'
John—"By its bark."
And his answer was correct, even if
it did cause a laugh.
Another bright answer captured in
Teacher—"What animal supplies us
with ham?"
John—"The butcher." —Chicaeo
Herald. -
Easy Money
"1 give my wife half my salary ev
ery week to spend on the housekeep
ing and herself."
"And what do you do with the
other halff"
"Oh, my wife borrows that."—
Houston Post.
A man must be excessively stupid as
well as uncharitable who believes there
is no virtue but on his own side.—Ad
Caatlaaed From Flrat Pas*.
far reaching importance la under way.
The Russians are credited with having
made progress on both flanks of the
Austro-German forces but apparently
have not been able to menace their
communications. The main struggle Is
being carried on along the San, from
Permyal northward for a distance of
about sixty miles. Although the Ans
trlans and Germans apparently are
making slower progress than hereto
fore, Petrograd dispatches admit they
still retain the advantages. An official
report from Petrograd states that at
tempts of Turkish forces to advance
along the Black Sea oast have failed.
It is said the Russians compelled them
to flee, and captured two towns.
The British sailing vessel Glen
holm was sunk by a German submarine
off the Irish coast yesterday. The crew
was permitted to leave the ship before
It was destroyed and escaped.
King Victor Emmanuel signed to
day a decree conferring upon the Ital
ian government extraordinary powers
during the period of the war. Aus
trian troops are being concentrated in
large numbers along the upper course
of the Adlge river, which flows from
the Tyrolese Alps Into Lombardy.
The French and German official
statements of to-day tell of only unim
portant engagements. Battles were
fought last night near Neuve Chapelle
and Lorette and each side claims to
have made progress.
An official British report from the
Dardanelles says the allies have won
further ground on the southern end of
Gallipoli peninsula.
London, May 22, 1.50 P. M.—Offi.
| cial announcement was made here to
day that the French and the British
forces operating against the Turks on
Gallipoli peninsula had gained further
{.'round on the southern end of the
peninsula. The statement reads:
"The following has been reecivod
from the Mediterranean forces:
"On May 19, in the southern area
of Gallipoli peninsula, the French
forces, in conjunction with the British,
made a considerable advance, and have
consolidated the new position.
"Our aeroplanes dropped bombs
against Turkish reinforcements landing
at Ak-Bashi Liman and caused consid
erable losses.
"On ihe night of the 18th-19th.the
Turkish forces made determined at
tacks against the Australian and New
Zealand corps, which were all repulsed
with heavy losses. Our losses did not
exceed 500.'"
Paris, May 22.—Telegraphing from
Bucharest, the correspondent of the
Havas Agency says:
"Ten Turkish officers of fitfld rank
have been brought back to Btamboul
from the Dardanelles to he court-mar
tialed for refusing to obey their Ger
man commanders.
"The Turkish cruiser Goeben, badly
damaged, has been towed into the Gold
en Horn by the cruiser Breslau.
"The authorities at Constantinople
Wednesday night arrested a number of
Christians and .foreigners and even
Vqme Musselmen They are charged
wtth plotting against the Young Turks.
"Generil discontent in Constanti
nople is increasing, but the existing
reign of terror makes outward mani
festations impossible. ,
"Reports that Italy is about to de
clare war on Turkey' and assist in the
attack on the Dardanelles has brought
about deep gloom in Constantinople."
Paris, May 22. —Prince Von Buelow,
German Ambassador at Rome, will not
leave the Italian capital until compelled
to do so, according to the Rome corre
spondent of the "Petit Journal."
A circumstantial story also is told
by the correspondent of a report cur
rent in Rome that when popular agita
tion against former Premier Giolitti
was at its height a plot was formulated
to kidnap I'rince Von Buelow from his
residence, the Villa Malta, but that the
plan was abandoned when Signor Gio
litti left Rome.
The "Petit Journal's" correspond
ent is authority for the statement that
Prince Von Buelow has installed his
aged mother-in-law. Donna Laura
Minghett, in the Villa Malta in the
hope that the property will not be con
fiscated so long as it is occupied by
an Italian woman. He is said to have
offered her the use of the villa for the
time he leaves Rome until his return, j
Paris, May 22.—Captain Edmond
Thery, widely known as an economist,
estimates that the total military ex
penditures for the first year of the war
will be $10,000,000,000 for the seven
allies and $7,400,000,000 for Germany,
Austria and Turkey. This makes an
average of $1,440,000,000 a month,
$48,400,000 a day and $2,000,000 an
He believes the economic powers of
Great Britain, France and Russia can
support the strain much more easily
than their opponents.
New York, May 22.—Records which
were regarded as tending to substanti
ate the claim of Anton Kuepferle, who
committed suicide in London while on
trial as a German spy, was a United
States citizen have been found in
Brooklyn, it was learned to-day.
The papers.on file there show that
he swore allegiance to the American
fiag in Brooklyn in 1912.
Turns Down Large Shrapnel Order
Battle Creek, Mich., May 22.—C. E.
Kolb, president of a local manufactur
ing concern, has refused an order from
a European government for shrapnel
shells. The order, if accepted, would
have amounted to $3,000 a day for an
indefinite period.
Association's President Calls on Con
stituents' of Representatives Who
Voted Against Women Watchers'
Bills, to Punish Them at the Polls
Mrs. Frank M. Roessing. as president
of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage
Association, sent out last night an open
letter to the constituents of all the
Representatives whose votes helped to
defeat the bill in the House which
would hav<> permitted women watchers
to be at the polls in November when
the suffrage question will be voted on.
In this county the letter was addressed
to the constituents oi Representative
John ('. Nisslev and Representative
Walter S. Young. The letter says in
•'Of course, if your representatives
merely carried out your personal wishes
when they voted against a measure
framed to minimize the chances of
fraud at the polls, we have no criticism
to make. But we do not believe that
such is the case. We are convinced that
deep in the heart of every real man is
a love of fair play. Therefore we feel
confident that your representatives did
not truly represent you when they voted
against this measure, and we would ap
preciate it if you would let the public
know that uo man who betrays the
principles you stand for can 'expect
your vote as a candidate for re-election
to the Legislature."
The letter also says:
"Inasmuch as members of the same
well-organized lobby that defeated the
local option bill lobbied against the
watchers bill, we nre curious to know
if their activities influonced your rep
resentatives' votes, or of they voted
against our nv asure merely on the as
sumption that you, their constituents,
were averse to giving womenfolk a
square deal."
Class of Sixteen Will Be Confirmed by
Jewish Orthodox Congregation
For the liist time in this city the
Jewish orthodox congregation will to
morrow hold confirmation services for
girls. These girls have for several
mcnths past been attending the He
brew Educational Institute, where they
were given instructions in the Hebrew
language, in the customs and ethics of
.Judaism and in Jewish history. The
class of 1915 consists of sixteen girls.
The service will be held at 4
o'clock to-morrow afternoon at the
synagoguo L'hizuk Emunah. It will be
a very impressive one. Rabbi Leon Al
bum will deliver the address of the day
and D. Goldberg and J. Klaster will act
as masters of ceremony. The public is
invited to attend.
At the conclusion of the service Rab
bi and Mrs. L. Album will tender a re
cc|tion to the confirmation class at
their home, 213 Kelker street.
Alleged Chicken Thief Held
Robert Braxter, 812 Cowden street,
who was arrested with eight chickens
in his possession last night by Police
man MeCann, was held at a hearing
this afternoon before Mayor Royal un
til further evidence could be secured.
Braxter says he got the chickens up in
Fishing Creek Valley, but as yet no
complaint has been sent the police. Fol
lowing an investigation of the matter
he will be given another hearing.
% J. L. L. KUHN, Secretary-Treasurer i
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I 46 and 48 N. Cameron Street 1
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f A Bell Telephone call will bring one of our solicitors. ft
Mrs. T. H. Clark Will Occupy Pulpit of
Church of God To-morrow
Enola, May 22.—One week more
remains of the Enola Church of God
campaign. Quite a number have pro
fessed conversion and many have signi
fied their intention of uniting them
selves with the church.
The services to-morrow morning will
be in charge of B. H. Derrick. There
will be special Sunday school services
in the afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. In
the evening at 6.30 o'clock the Junior
Christian Kndeavor Society will meet
and at 7 o'clock the Senior Christian
Mrs. T. H. Clark, of Harrisburg,
will occupy tho pulpit at 7.30. Mrs.
Clark will have charge of all the even
ing meetings next week and will de
vote considerable of her time in going
from home to home in Knola, doing per
sonal work in the interest of the Church
of God.
On May 30 at 3.30 in the afternoon
there will be a grand rally and, men's"
mass meeting, at which time the Rev.
William N. Yates, of the Fourth Street.
Church of Hod, Harrisburg, will be the
principal speaker. The committee in
charge have sent out invitations to all
the fire companies and secret organiza
tions, urging them to attend in a body.
Tliis will be the last mass meeting for
men only of the campaign. Special
music and good singing are the features
of all the services.
Association Announces Contributions
Amounting to $477.40
Contributions to the band concert
fund of the Harrisburg Band Concort
Association announced at a meeting last
night total $477.40. This, together
with $114.06 still remaining in a simi
lar fund from a former year, will make
the grand total $591.56. It is esti
mated that $1,500 is needed to carry
oil the plans of the association. Con
tributions announced last night follow:
Harrisburg Railways Co., $250;
Harrisburg Light & Power Co., $80; !
Robert McCormick, $25; Mayor John
K. Royal, $5; Donald McCormick, $25;
Jtrauld Shoe Company, $5; Henry Gil-'
bert & Son. $25; Henry B. McCormick,
$25; Charles C. Stroll, $5; J. N. Kin
tianl, $5; E. S. iHcrman, $5; E. Bruce
Taylor, $5; Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, $5;
Russ Brothers, $10; cash (J. A. G.),
$1; cash, (J. C. C.), 50c.; Mrs. Lila
Keats Peay, sl.
To Satisfy Judgment Against Homes
' of Union's Members
By Associated Press.
New York, May 22.—Tho United'
Hatters of North America, in conven
tion here, voted to-day not to raise a
fund to satisfy the $285,000 judg
ment affirmed bv the United States
Supreme Court to Loewe & Co., hat
manufacturers of Danbury, Conn.,
against members of the hatters' union.
The hatters voted, however, to raise
a fund for the relief of the individuals
whose homes and bank accounts have
been attached' to satisfy the judgment.
New York's First Jitney Law
By Associated Press.
Albany, N. Y., May 22.—New York
State.'s first law regulating "jitney"
busses became operative to-day when
Governor Whitman signed the Thomp
son bill placing them under the juris
diction of Public Service Commissions
aud municipal authorities.
Shares of Various Companies Engaged
In Filling War Contracts Lead the
Rise With Two to Three Point
By Associated Press.
New York, May 2.2'.—The stock
market gave one of its recent exhibi
tions of strength at the outset of to
day s short sessions, shares of the
various companies now engaged in fill
ing war contracts leading the rise with
2 to 3 point gains, which were subse
quently increased, notably by Bethle
hem Steel and Crucible Steel. U. S.
Steel and. the metal shares also were
strong, ibut Standard Railways issues
made less upward progress.
The advance embraced numerous
obscure industrial specialties. The
greater part of the trading occurred
in the first half hour, after which deal
ings fell away appreciably, with some
recessions from best prices. Ttye clos
ing was stroma:. Bonds were steady.
Chicago Board of Trade Closing
< liicago, 'May 22.—Close:
Wheat—May 154 1-2; .lulv 127 1-8.
Corn—May, 73 3-4; July, 75 3-8.
Oats—May, 52 3-8; July, 50 3-8.
Pork—July, 18.20; Sept. 18.32.
Lard—July, 0.75; Sept. 10.00.
Ribs—lnly, 10.55; Sept. 10.80.
230 People Faint in Bush to Get
B,ii Associated Press.
Washington, May 22.—'Mexico
City continues to suffer from shortage
of food, especially corn. State depart
ment dispatches to-day said that when
an attempt was made yesterday to dis
tribute corn to 8,000 people, there was
not a sufficient supply and a'bout 250
people fainted during the crush. Sev
eral demonstrations have taken place,
the official dispatch sav and in one
such yesterday a c-row.A invaded the
Chamber of Deputies where a conven
tion was in session and cried; "We are
Carranza agency dispatches to-day
refer to the situation in Mexico City
and the food situation in general. The
authorities are encouraging planting
of crops and in places are distributing
supplies to the people, but a serious
situation is expected 'before the next
Carranza troops under General Gon
zales marching on Mexico City report
ed near Otumba.
To Give Concert May 34
The Harrisburg Mannerchoir will
give a concert and entertainment in
its hall, 221 North street, on IMay 24,
at 8 o'clock. It has arranged a very
fine program as this will be the last
concert of the season. The chorus will
render only old 'German songs that will
never die as long as there aro- Germans
living in this world. There will also
be given two one-act comedies and a
rare treat ii in store for those who
choose to attend.—Adv.*
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