The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 22, 1915, Page 10, Image 10
10 When you gather at the corner to P' aster the government, JPpf pan the European warriors, m kick at the gas rate and knock K the trolley service, you generally B end the argument by saying, "Come M B ° n » boys, let's have a little Moroney ■ H Army and Navy Whiskey." Then H ' wk everybody goes home under their S wk own power and happy. Com- K pared to this 'glad hand' drink, The Hague Peace Con terence is like an ammunition plant working with a night shift Moroney's Army and Navy Whiskey ia on sale at aO first-class bars and cafes 3 HANLEN BROTHERS I NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD REWCONB STARS AT MILTON Fhiladelphian Carries Off Trophy— Harrisburger Ties for Second Place in Pour-man Event Milton, Pa., May 22.—Desfpite in clement weather yesterday, excellent scores were recorded in the final day shoot ot the twenty-fifth annual Penn sylvania State shoot. With the Milton Business Men's trophy event as a cur tain-raiser 100 singles, Charles H. New comb, the 1915 Pennsylvania amateur champion, started out as though he in tended making a clean, sweep, captur ing the opening event honors with 99. John B. Fontaine, captain of the S. S. White Gun Club, of Philadelphia, who shot the best race of his career, was tie with A. D Hickman, of McKeesport, and \V. W. Miller, of Reading, for sec ond place, while A. A. Finke, Philadel phia. was among those tied for third honors. The third day's regular pro gram events —100 targets—also had Newcomb the high amateur gun for the day. with Miller. Fontaine and Hick man tie for the runner-up honors. As hut one shooter could win one of the Pennsylvania State Sportsmen's Asso ciation day's high average prizes. Fon taine, Miller and Hickman faced the traps in the shoot-off at 20 targets. Miller blew his 20 rocks into dust and landed the prize. Fontaine broke 17 in the shoot-off. Hickman losing one. The "Ajld Lang Syne" event —100 targets for a fine collection ofjnerchan dise pri/.t-s valued at S7O0 —was warmly contested. William Letterman, of Lewistown, finishing high gun with four down in his 100 targets. William Miller, of Reading, was second with 93. The four-man team championship event, shot in a heavy downpour, re sulted in the Independent Gun Club team, of Philadelphia, winning the title, with 15 S targets, Harrisburg Sportsmen's Association tieing the South End Gun Club, of Reading, for >e<ond place. The scores ot' the Harris burg team were: .T. G. Martin, 38; Worden. 38; Wise, 37; Shoot, 30. To tal, 153. AMATEUR (JAMES TO-DAY P. R. R. Elects vs. Keener A. C., at Sixth and D.v.sion streets. West End A. C. vs. Trainmen, at Fourth and Seneca streets. 'Hick-a-Thrifts vs. Brelsford A. C., at Paxtang Park. Camp Hill High vs. Curtin Heights, at Camp Hill. Camp Hill A. C. vs. Baker A. A., at (Ynip Hill. Tech. vs. Lebanon Valley Reserves, at Annville. Friendship Fire Company vs. Le liioyne, at Lemoyne. Golf Opening Next Saturday The Reservoir Park golf links will officially open next Saturday, that marking the beginning of the regular summer handicap tournament. The new locker house will be turned over to the members at that time. Harrisburg Game Cancelled The game between the Harrisburg Independents and the P. R. R- Y. M. A. team scheduled for this afternoon on the H. A. C. fiel-.i was called off this: afternoon on account of wet grounds. Howard Camnitz Released Pittsburgh, May 22. —Howard Cam nitz, pitcher, was notified by the man agement of the Pittsburgh Federal League Baseball Club yesterlav that he was unconditionally released. Cam nitz's contract contained a clause which allowed his club to release him j on ten days' notice. t CHICHESTER S PILLS e . Tae DIAMOND BIUK A Tmk* M «(W. I>, mf jmm* V r«* known ÜBm. s«r«t, Alwt n RdLabM Oil IV DMJMISTS fVFBVWHFPf I? ' Jfe*/ 5 per cent ' First Mort g a g e Bonds for Sale principal interest guaranteed. ljl| Union Trust Co. of Penna. JBwHS Union Trust Building j BASEBALL SUMMARY STANDING OF CLUBS NATIONAL LEAGUE j W. U P.C. Philadelphia 17 11 .607 I Chicago 18 12 .600 ißoston 14 14 .500 ' Pittsburgh 15 15 .500 Brooklyn 14 15 .453 'St. I,ouis 15 17 .469 ! Cincinnati 12 16 .429 I New York 11 16 .407 Yesterday's Results Chicago, 3; Boston, 2. Other games postponed—Rain. Schedule for To-day Cincinnati at Philadelphia. Chicago at Bostou. St. Louis at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at New York. Schedule for To-morrow Xo games scheduled. AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. PC. : New' York 17 10 .630 1 Chicago 20 12 .625 Detroit 19 12 .613 Boston 13 11 .542 Washington 12 14 .462 Cleveland 12 16 .429 St. Louis 11 20 .355 Athletics 10 19 .345 Yesterday's Results Athletics, 11; Detroit, 8. Chicago, 3; Boston, 2 (17 iugs.) 1 St. Louis, 5; New York, 4. Cleveland-Washington—Rain. Schedule for To-day Athletics at Detroit. Boston at Chicago. Xew York at St. Louis. Washington at Cleveland. Schedule for To-morrow Boston at Chicago. Xew York at St. Louis. Athletics at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. FEDERAL LEAGUE W. L. P.C Pittsburgh 20 12 .625 Newark 19 12 .613 Chicago 18 13 .581 Kansas City 16 13 .552 Brooklyn 15 14 .51" St. Louis 12 16 .429 Baltimore 12 19 .387 Buffalo 9 22 .290 Yesterday's Results Pittsburgh. 3; Baltimore. 2. Chicago, 9; Brooklyn, 2. Kansas City, 8; Buffalo, 3. Newark, 4; St. Louis, 3. Schedule for To-day Xewark at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Chicago. Baltimore at Pittsburgh. Buffalo at Kansas City. Schedule for To-morrow Xewark at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Chicago. Buffalo at Kansas City. Other ciubs not scheduled. MARTZ EIRDS WIN LONG FLY Homing Pigeons Make Kecord in 100- Mile Race Flying at an average speed of 1259.50 yards during each minute of the thrcp hundred mile flight from Manassas. Va., to this city, birds owned by C. A. Martz won first honors in the homing pigeon race yesterday. The rec oid for the birds follows: Time of Yds. per arrival, minute. C. A. Martz 9.43.52 1259.60 C. A. Martz 9.44.33 1254.03 E. Weaver 9.47.55 1232.28 John Fisher 9.46.17 1243.95 E. Weaver 9.48,16 1232.26 'John Fisher .... 9.48.01 1230.41 Jos Crutchlev ... Wm. C. Roberts.. 9.45.48 1221.88 Wm. C. Roberts . . 9.46.12 1219.04 Wm. C. Robert's .. 9.47.00 1212.82] HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 22, 1915. STATUETTE OF JOHN JACOB ASTOR IN CHILDLIKE POSE n J JOHN u£j • JACOB - m,\ \V astor,. J^\ / Kp< .Tolm Jacob Astor, infant son of Mrs. John Jacob Astor, recently sat for a sculpture portrait, and the work a small statuette. which has just been completed, lias caused much admiration among the frauds of Mrs. Astor The sculptor was Miss Marie Apel, a young English woman, now In the United States. The statuette shows the baby nude in an alert attitude, as if he were enjoying his freedom from clothes. Xot only is the portrait full of beauty and grace as a piece of modelling, but it is also, members of the Astor family say. a remarkably good portrait oil August 14 the boy will be three years old. When he was born he weighed seven and three-quarter pounds but as he statuette shows, be has gained weight rapidly. By the terms of his father, the late Colonel John Jacob 4stor the baby will iome into a trust fund of $3,000,000 when he attains his majority. NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago. 3; Boston, 2 Boston, May 22.—Chicago won the j second game of the series from Boston j yesterday, 3 to 2. It was a pitchers'; battle between Rudolph and Lavender.' R. H. E.; Chicago .... 00020010 o—3 7 1 Boston I)0000i' 02 o—2 7 1 I Lavender and Archer; Rudolph and | Gowdv, Whaling and Tragesser. AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago, 3; Boston, 2 Chicago. May 22.—Chicago and Bos- | ton played the longest game of the sea- j son yesterday, the former winning out 1 3 to 2 after 17 innings. Incidentally, this was Faber's seventh straight vic tory. Boston— -0 0 00011000000000 o—2 j Chicago— -0200 0 0000000 0 000 I—3 ' Shore. Mayo and Cady;' Russell, Fa-i 'ber and Schalk. Athletics, II; Detroit, 8 Detroit, iMich., iMav 22.—Out of a horriole jumble of wild and otherwise' ineffective pitching, schoolboy base run-1 ning and tremendous hitting, the Ath- j letics emerged yesterday with 11 runs! to Detroit's 8. R. H. E. Athletics .3 0100 13 2 1 —ll 17 3 i Detroit ..3 03011 00 0 — Sll 0 , Shawkey, Davies and Schang; Bo ■ land, Dauss, I'avet and Stanage, Baker. ! St. Louis, 3; New York, 4 St. Louis, May 22.—< A batting rally i in the ninth gave St. Louis the victory j over New York yesterday by the' score of 5 to 4. R. H. E. New York . 00020020 o—4 I 2 St. Louis ..00000002 3 —5 12 a Fisher- and Sweeney; Laudermilk, Ferryman and Agnew. FEDERAL LEAGUE At Chicago— R, H. E. Brooklyn 2 6 3 Chicago . 9 13 0 Seaton, Finneran and Simon, Pratt; Hendrix and Wilson. At Pittsburgh— R. H. E. Baltimore 2 8 0 Pittsburgh 3 6 0 Quinn und Jacklitsch; Rogge and 'Berrv. At St. Louis— B. H. E. Xewark 4 8 2 St. Louis 3 9 4 Falkenburg anil Rariilen; Plank and Chapman. At Kansas City— R. H. E. Buffalo .. . 3 9 0 Kansas City 8 14 2 Schuitz, Elimke and Allen, 'Blair; Cullop, Main and Brown. De Palma Nearo 100-mlle-an-hour Speed Indianapolis, May 22.—Ralph De Palma, favorite in the 500-mile auto mobile rare to b e held at the Speed way here May 29, qualified for the con test yesterday afternoon when he made a circuit of the two-nnd'-one-half-mile course in 1:31.7, or at an average speed of 98.2 miles an hour. Tennis Finals Postponed Finals in tennis between the Har risburg Academy and Tech teams were called off yesterday afternoon because of the rain, which had made playing on the Reservoir Park courts impos sible. The matches will probably be played on Monday afternoon. LAWYERS' PAPEE BOOKS Printed at this office in best styie, at lowest prices and on short notice. 305 LOCUST STREET Opposite Orpkeitm . Bell 35.13 Eyen Examined Leniiea (Ground Open \\ edomday and Saturday Evening* Until 0 ' —' Buying Coal In Winter Months is an extravagance. e can prove it to you. The price of Mixed Nut Coal this month is $6.55 for 2,000 lbs. From September Ist to April 1, 1916, thjs sAme kind of coal will cost $7.05. You save 50c on each 2,000 lbs. Say you burn 20,000 lbs. ©. $6.55; cost $65.00. Tf you buy this amount on October Ist it will cost you $70.50. * You save $5.00 on $65.50 for six months, or at the rate of 16$ per annum for money invested. Now is it not extravagant to wait until October Ist and pay so much more for the coal ? United Ice & Coal Co. Forster and Cowden Third and Boas Fifteenth and Chestnut Hummel and Mulberry Also Steelton, Pa. READY FORGRADUATION Harrisburg Academy Students to Cele brate Week of Social and Athletic Events Commencing May 28 The graduation exercises of the Har risburg Academy will be held in the Majestic theatre, June 3, at 10 o'clock in the morning, following a week of social and athletic events. The first day of events will start Friday, May 28, with a dinner at the Harrisfourg Country Club at 8.30 o flock in the evening. On Saturday evening the graduating class and mem bers of the faculty will be tendered a reception by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Brown. The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered Sunday night by the Rev. Dr. John D. Pox, pastor of the Grace Methodist • Episcopal church, in the church. On Tuesday afternoon a base ball game between the faculty and the sixth form will be played on the Acad emy grounds and a play entitled, "As You Like It," in the evening at 8.15 o 'clock. The commencement program Tluirs day morning will include the saluta torian oration, "The Pioneer of the Susquehanna," by William A. Smiley; the valedictorian oration, "Metal for Plowshares,"' by Russell A. Hoke and an address to the class by Dr. E. E. Sparks, president State College. The diploma* will be presented by Vance C. (MeCormick; the Rev. Dr. L. S. 'Mudge, pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian church, will read from the Scriptures and offer the opening prayer, and the Rev. Dr. E. N. Kremer, of Salem Re formed church, will pronounce the bene diction. Announcements and presenta tions will be made by Howard R. um wnke. GENERAL SYNOD TO MEET Sessions of Lutheran Body Will Open Wednesday at Akron, Ohio The delegates from the East Penn sylvania Synod of the Lutheran church who will attend' the forty-sevmth Gen eral Synod convention opening at Ak ron, Ohio, next Wednesday and contin uing until June 3, are as follows: The Revs. Dr. E. H. Del'k, M. H. Valentine and A. Pohlman, Philadel phia; S. W. Herman, Dr. L C. Manges, R. H. Meisenhelder, Harrisburg; C. R. Trowbridge, D. Burt Smith, Kaston; 0. Z. Stup, ljafayette Hill; Stanley Biilhelmcr, Norwood; S. S. Diehl, Kint- nersville; G. A. Greiss, Allen town; C.! | G. White, Millersburg; Dr. J. A. Sing-j master, Gettysburg; Messrs. Harvey C. i Miller, George C. Baum, A. D. Chi- i jquoinc, Philadelphia; E. G. Hoover, W. I |C. Beidleman, Geo«gc Hocker, S. A.! i Worley, Harrisburg; J. W. Schlichter, j Conshohocken; J. A. Deliuff, Maytown; | : L. M. Shepp, Millersburg; W. H. Earn- I est, Hummelstown; D. H. Koch, Rea l ! ing; Arthur King, Middletown; Wil liam Hambrecht, Jr., Collingswood, I | N. J. The total of three hundred delegates j from the tvventv-four district synods [ are divided equally among clergymen and laymen. Committees of the' General Synod have been at work in co-operation with other Lutheran general bodies to form ulate plans for a great national cele- ] br&tion of the 400 th anniversary of the Reformation, which will be observed ' in 1917. V WAR HORRORS UNSPEAKABLE INSIDE SECRETS Read The STAR-INDEPENDENT'S j Gift Bo ok Offer On Page I a 1. ASK FOR-* Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. \ AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC) Thursday evening, May 27, Christie Mac Donald in "Sweethearts." COLONIAL Kverv afternoon and evening, vnml* villi' and uictnres. MOTION PICTURES Victoria Thputre. William Penn Theatre. Photoplay Theatre. Regent Theatre. "Sweethearts" Patrons of the Majestic theatre next Thursday evening will hear Christie vMsi-Donald, the most popular prima donna' in America, in the irresistable operetta, "Sweethearts." There is an added charm to "Sweet hearts" in these stirring time of wars and rumors of wars, because it was written in the care-free days of peace. The first scene is in "the ancient city of Bruges"—that same Bruges that has figured in the stories of Belgian horrors. There before you ar t > the red tiled roofs, the stepped, a land scape dotted with swishing windmills, the short abundant skirts of the wom en folk, the wooden shoes figuring in special music—all showing what the stage artist and the song writer were wout to do before the war with the quaint scenes of the Netherlands.— Adv. * College Girls Colonial Hit The College Girls, who are appearing at the Colonial Theatre, have evidently taken a post-graduate course in the art of entertaining. They are sfven in number, with two valuable assist ants in the male line to len I a co-edu cational aspect to the act, and they are pretty too. The whole show is an all round good bill. Another novelty is announced for the first thre,» days* next week. The Electrical Venus will prove a distinct novelty in spectacular acts. The Colonial has presented sev eral first class acts of this character, inclulling "Th e Girls In the Moon," and "l>a Graciosa," who afterward was headlined at Hammersteins. The Klectrical Venus is another of these things that are pretty to look at.— Adv. * At Paxtang Park Paxtang Park will open this evening with all its various amusement devises, except the theatre, in full operation. The summer season at the Park theatre will start Monday evening with Harry Beck's, "Made in Harrisburg," minstrel troup as the attraction. Mr. Beck is a local producer of amusement enterprises and has been very success ful in the minstrel line. His present show has been prepared with great care under the direction of Earl Bnrt nett of the Leo Feist music publishing company. Mr. Burtnett will act as mu sical director for the show during its three nights' engagement at Paxtang and a first class performance may be looked tor. Most of the latest song hits published by the Fiest Company will be introduced in first part. For the last half of the coming week Man ager Davis has booked a high class vaudeville show with Brindamour, the "Handcuff King," as the feature of the bill. During the balance of the summer vaudeville will be played at the Park theatre and Manager Davis promises his park patrons the best acts avail able for tho summer season.—Adv. * Geo. M. Cohan Presents Mary Ryan in "Stop Thief" at the Regent To-day Geo. M. Cohan and Sam Harris pre sent Mary Rvan in "Stop Thief," pro duced by Geo. Kleine Attractions. This is our special Saturday show, where it is a laugh and a scream from the be ginning to the end. A high-class come dy. The ability of Geo. M. Cohan is well known in this city and by all theatregoers of Harrisburg. His fea turing Mary Ryan, that great emotion al actress, in " Thief," from a play by Carlyle Moore, in five reels, is an extraordinary event. In addition to the above feature, Hurst Selig News, showing the current events of this war and other educational news, and Lubin comedies entitled, "The Fresh Agent," and many others. Monday and Tuesday Daniel Frohman presents Mary Pick ford as "Mistress Nell," the celebrated romantic drama by Geo. E. Hazelton, Jr., in the film version of IHenrietta Crosman's former starring vehicle, "Mistress Nell," the famous drama of the gallant days of the gay King diaries 11. Mary Piekford portrays Purity of Products and Cleanliness of Manufacture are operative principles in the production of the Beer and Aie make by our MASTER BREWER DOEHNE BREWERY Bell 820 L Order It Independent SIB ' $ AMUSEMENTS Sacred Band Conceit AT BOILING SPRINGS PARK SUNDAY, MAY 38 Carlisle Man School Band 7(t Muslcicns of Carlisle, Pa. ■———————— —— / COLONIAL LAST DAY TO SKK THE TRAMP Chas. Ch THE COLLEGE GIRLS A.\n THRHK OTHUH ACTS *■ J PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY HPBCIAI. TO-DAY "The Frank Case" In live reels Founded mi the fnitmiin l.eo M. Frank trlnl. AilmiMNlont Ailiiltw, 10 eentni ehll dren, 5 cent". v -* Geo. M. Cohan present h >IAIII RYAN In "STOP THIKIV In 5 reela from the piny of Cnrlyle Moore*—A ■ lieelnl arrangement with the icrent etil comedian on the atnue. HearM- SellK Jienni The Krexh A Ken . com edy! The Haunted Attic. Monday and Tuemlay—llarrlNhurK'ft fnvorle, MARY I'KKFORD, a« "MISTRESS \K I, Ithe eelehrated roninntle drama by lirn. Ila/.leton. Jr. Film vlMlon of Henrietta CronNman. I'nrnuionnt ProKram, exelimlve to thla theatre only. \ BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY 1915 Summer Courses Begin June 22nd For bulletin of informa tion write Walter S. Wil cox, Registrar, Lewisburg, Pa. v ====^= -* that wonderful character. Adv.* At the Photoplay Geraldine Farrar has'visited Leo M. Frank, condemned for the murder of 'Mary Phagan, in his cell, and is con vinced that he is innocent. She was ac companied by IMrs. Trail k. Five reels of motion pictures depicting the im portant events in the "Frank Case" will be shown at the Photoplay theatre to-day. The Frank case opens in col lege. and shows when on April 26, 1913, fate begins to weave its web around Frank, ending by showing him awaiting the end when Supreme Court of the United States will pass on his right under "due process of law."— Adv.* LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice.