The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 21, 1915, Page 8, Image 9

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( Established in W76)
Published by
Star. Independent BulMlng.
15.20-22 South Third Street. Harrlaburf, Pa»
■vary Evanln* Exoept Sunday.
Officer!. Director*.
W*. W - WALLO VIc R .' Pre.ident. W » K Ml ""'
'and Treasurer. w Wallqweb.
Wu H. WARNER. V. Hummel BE.ghaui, J»
Bnalntu Manager. fcditor -
All communication* should be addressed to Star
Business, Editorial. Job Printing or Circulation Department,
'according to the subject matter.
Entered at the Post Office In Harrisbnrg as second class mstter,
®aniamin & Kentnor Company, .
J York and Chicago Representatives.
New York Office, Brunswick BuiUlinfc. 225 Fifth Avenue.
Chicago Office, People's Gas Building. Michigan Avenue,
Delivered by carriers at 6 ceata a week. Mailed to subscrlberi
tor Three Dollars a year in advance
The paper with the largest Home Circulation in Harrisburg and
aearby towns.
Circulation Eaeaalned by
Private Branch Enchange. - CUMBB^AND VALLEY
Prlvata Branoh E»chan«o. No
„ . ~
Friday, May 21, 1015.
Bun. Mon. Toes. Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29.
SO 31
Last Quarter, «th; New Moon, 13th;
First Quarter, Silrt; Full Moon, 28th.
Harrisburg and vicinity: Showers T
and warmer to night. Saturday partly
Kastern Pennsylvania: Showers and j
warmer to-night. Saturday partly I -
cloudy, probably showers iu north por- W
tion. Moderate southeast to southwest
Highest, 65; lowest, 44; 8 a. m., 54; -8 p. m., 56.
r~-n —I — ■ ■ . . i s
According to official figures which arc now avail
able on the foreign commerce of the United States
during the nine months that ended with last March,
through eight of which the war in Europe was going
on, the exports from this country to Germany have
decreased more than $260,000,000, compared with
the same period last year, while the exports to coun
tries close to Germany have increased to the
amount of $149,000,000.
The principal exports to German's neighbors,—
Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the Netlu.iands, —
that have been increasing have been found to be
wheat, cotton, copper, boots and automobiles, —
articles which are at present in demand in Germany
as well as in other Svarring countries. Accounts
have been given of large shipments of supplies into
Germany from agents of that country located in
Scandinavia and the Netherlands, but figures have
not before been available which can be trusted to
show the exact extent to which such business, —
indirect commerce between the United States and
Germany,—has been carried on during the war.
Although the British order, which went into
effect .Ma rch 1, cut off direct commerce with Ger
many, it has not stopped trade with neutral coun
tries near Germany,—countries from which goods
can be transported with no great difficulty into the
Kaiser's realm. As a consequence the commerce of
the United States with Norway during the nine
months ended with March increased 370 per cent.;
1o Denmark more than 400 per cent., and to Sweden
500 per eent.
During that period of time, what of our imports?
Their value decreased from $1,398,352,000 "to
$1,213,653,000 compared with the same period last
year,—a loss of $184,699,000. Although this loss
lias been made up to some extent by increased do
mestic production of the articles formerly imported
from foreign countries, it is manifest.that there has
been a decrease in consumption of certain luxuries
which the belligerent countries are no longer sup
plying. The imports of precious stones, for in
stance, fell off from $27,000,000 to $10,000,000.
An increase in imports is noted in the case of
raw wool, which advanced from $31,000,000 to $37,-
000,000, while there was no raw wool reported
among our exports. There was an increase, how
ever, in the export of woolen goods, including cloth
ing for soldiers. A great increase in domestic man
ufacturing of woolen goods is thu6 indicated. There
has been reported this week, in fact, a veritable
"boom" in scoured and pulled wools in this coun
try, because of the increasing needs of manufac
turers who have taken large contracts to supply
army goods for England and France.
It is too early, of course, for correct estimates
to be made of the effects on the various industries
of the United States of the changing values of ex
ports and imports during the war, yet the indica
tions seem to be that these industries are enjoying
some very substantial gains.
The Ohio village of Hudson has adopted a new
attitude toward motor tourists who pass that way.
A fine brick highway has been built through Hud
son, extending from Cleveland to Akron and be
yond. Instead of placing constables with stop
watches along the road on the outskirts, of the
village in the hope of trapping motorists exceeding
the speed limit, and instead of trying in other ways
to make the tourists' visits miserable, the people of
Hudson are taking special pains to make the
strangers feel "at home." Visiting motorists in
Hudson from now on are to be treated like honored
guests. Instead of being "gun shy" of the village
the autoists are making it a point to stop there, all
of which is greatly to the benefit of Hudson.
A rest room has been provided in one of the pub
lic buildings at a convenient place for tourists in
the center of the pretty settlement and along the
brick highway.' There the autoists are invited to
rest, lounge or write to their hearts' content, and
it already has beeu demonstrated that they not only
do not abuse the privilege but that, on the other
hand, they show their appreciation in numerous
ways. Not only do they take special care not to
break the speed laws but they have become an
enthusiastic corps of "boosters" for Hudson, Ohio.
In the rest room every reasonable convenience
and comfort is provided and the ladies of the
Hudson Home Circle take turns in acting as host
ess. Eventually a regular attendant is to be hired.
Money to equip the rest room has been obtained by
village subscription and by a benefit entertainment
in which the whole town took interest. One of the
ladies of the Circle made the following comment
on the plan Hudson has adopted:
It was easy to get the money to equip the quarters as
soon as the town caught the idea. They all saw that it WHS
better to have the good opinion of the scores of people who
pass through Hudson in motor CRrs than to have them avoid
or deride our town. Almost everybody gave, including the
Cleveland Automobile Club.
The Hudson idea might well be adopted by other
villages and boroughs which in many cases, it is
feared, have assumed an unduly hostile rather
than a friendly attitude toward the great army of
auto tourists. Persons who make auto tours are,
for the most part, well-to-do persons of conse
quence who can help a town if they are inclined
to do so. They are much more likely to be so
inclined if the town treats them as Hudson is
doing than if the town tries to shoo them off with
a shotgun,—and they are much more likely, too,
to obey the speed laws.
One medal more or less may not make much dif
ference in Thomas A. Edison's collection of such
tributes to his inventive genius, yet there has
surely been a prominent place found there for the
recent gift of the Franklin Institute of Philadel
phia, the Franklin medal showing the profile of the
great American who first attempted to tame the
lightning which Edison later succeeding in har
The presentation of the medal was made in appre
ciation, it was said, of the worth of Edison's "nu
merous basic inventions and discoveries forming the
foundations of worldwide industries and signally
contributing to the well-being, comfort and pleasure
of the human race."
That is a very fair account of the South Orange
wizard's accomplishments, even though it does not
fully express all that might be said on the subject.
A set of books would be necessary to do such a
theme justice. Volumes have been written about
far less important things.
The actual products of Edison's genius, of course,
give the best testimony on the topic and their daily
use in lands civilized and uncivilized must be the
source of great gratification to the inventor.
Even humble medals, however, have their place
as expressions of appreciation. They are concrete
evidences of the high regard in which the recipient
is held by his fellows. The Franklin medal is a
prize won only by signal service rendered to science
and the race.
There in a little more peace of mind in official circles on
the Hill since the appointments have been announced.
Harrisburg's new asphalt repair plant will hardly be in
operation in time to help out on Good Roads Day, next
The thieves who have been taking flower-beds from lawns
in Royalton at least are not so depraved as to be without
a sense of the beautiful.
We don't care how long you take to think it over,
Kaiser Wilhclm, just so you keep the submarines from
operating in the meantime!
Nivens—"What are you doing now; still moving pianos?"
Rivens—"No, moving pictures."—Ginger.
Tommy—"Paw, what is a freethinker?"
Paw—"An unmarried man, my son."—N. Y. Times.
Nivins (cautiously)—"ls she economical?"
Miss Sharpe —"Oh, very! I have seen her work five days
making a cushion cover she could buy for a dime."—Ginger.
Boy (applying for a job)—" Have you an opening for
me, sir?"
Boss—"Yes, behind you; close it please as you go out."
—O-B Bulletin.
"Madam, here's a man at the door with a parcel for
"What is it, Maggie?"
"It's fish, ma'am, an' it's marked 'C. O. D.' "
"Tell him to take it back; I ordered trout."—Ginger.
Census Man—"How old are you, madam?"
Census Man (gallantly)—" You could easily say you were
five years younger than you are."
Lady—"Oh, I've done that already."—Boston Tran
In a railway station at Bath, Illinois, "No loafers al
lowed except employes."
In Appleton, Wisconsin, "Everything in Sausage."
In Ann Arbor, "Hand Pressing—Ladies' work a spe
At Fourth and Sycamore, "Our magazines, newspapers,
candies and confectionery contain all the latest reports
from the front."—Cincinnati Ad Club News.
What Thin Folks Should
Do To Gain Weight
Physician's Advice for Thin, Unde
veloped Men and Women
Thousands of people suffer from ex
cessive thinness, weak nerves and
feeble stomachs who, having tried ad
vertised flesh-makers, food-fads, physi
cal culture stunts and rub-on creams,
resign themselves to life-long skinniness
and think nothing will make thein fat.
Yet their case is not hopeless. A re
cently discovered regenerative force
makes fat grow after years of thinness,
nnd is also unequaled for repairing the
waste of sickness or faulty digestion
nnd for strengthening the nerves. This
remarkable discovery is called Sargol.
Six strength-giving, fat-producing ele
ments of acknowledged merit have been
combined in this peerless preparation,
which is endorsed by eminent physi
cian! and used by prominent people
everywhere. It is absolutely harmless,
inexpensive and efficient.
A month's systematic use of Sargol
should produce flesh and strength by
correcting faults of digestion and by
supplying highly concentrated fats to
the blood. Increased nourishment is ob
tained from the food eaten, and the
additional fats that thin people need are
provided. G. A. Gorpas nnd other lead
ing druggists supply Sargol and say
there is a large demand for it.
While this new preparation has given
splendid results as a nerve-tonic and vi
talizes it should not be used by nervous
people unless they wish to gain at least
ten pounds of flesh.—Adv.
IT ongue-End Topics ]
Riots in Colon and Panama
The recent riots between United
States soldiers of the Panama canal
forces and the Panama police in both
Panama and Colon, in which several on
both sides have been killed, have made
it necessary for Brigadier General
Clarence H. Edwards, U. S. A., com
manding the Panama canal troops, to
establish large permanent provost
guards in both cities. In Panama the
guard is composed of Company E, Tenth
infantry, Captain F. W. Coleman, while
at Colon the various coast artillery
companies stationed at Toro Point are
assigned to that duty in turn.
* * "
Police Clubs for Soldiers
An arrangement has been made with
the Panama government whereby tjie
soldier-guards are furnished with the
regulation Panaman police club. In ad
dition, they wear their service revol
vers. It is their duty to patrol all
places which the soldiers are likely to
| frequent, especially the Tenderloin dis
trict. Soldiers no longer are arrested
by the native police. All such cases
are handled by the soldier-guard. At
Panama the patrol company has its
own camp on the side of Aneon Hill,
only a short distance from the new ad
ministration building and within easy
inarching distance from the main part
of Panama city. A guard-house is
maintained, where refractory soldiers
are confined. It is planned to build
permanent barracks for this companv,
the'construction to begin at an early
date. The monthly paydays usually
bring many soldiers to the cities and
•then the soldier police patrols also are
• , .
Mexican Money Values Drop
The purchasing price of Mexican pa
per money has been decreasing stead
ily until to-day the Mexican peso is
worth but 11 cents in gold in Mexico
City, instead of 50 cents as in normal
times. The price of commodities has
risen accordingly and the populace has
become greatly excited. A few davs
ago the exchange value of the peso was
the occasion of a heated debate among
the delegates attending one of the na
tional conventions. An orator had been
holding forth for an hour or more in an
incendiary speech wherein he charged
Wall Street and the financiers of Lou
don, Bi.rlin and Paris for respon
sible for the "thirty cent" variety of
money now prevailing in Mexico. He
was interrupted by the president of the
session, wiio said:
"Mr. Delegate, I desire to call vtur
attention to the fact that the relative
value of Mexican paper currency and
the gold cuin of foreign states is due
in a large measure to the law of supply
and demand."'
"Then," thundered the orator, ! 'I
demand that this Jaw be repealed forth
The statement met with great ap-'
ptause on the part of the majority of
the delegates, who signified their will
ingness to vote for the repeal, but the
chairman failed to put the question.
♦ * *
Scissors in Demand in Vienna
Scissors are oddly in great demand
in Vienna. It does not see.n to have
occurred to the authorities 10 [<?rforate
the coupon parts of the municipal bread
tickets, so they have to be cut off with
scissors. In consequent these, instead
of being merely a professional or house
nold necessity, have suddenly become
indispensable for everybody. As
bread can only bo had in restaurants
and cafes in exchange for coupons, the
waiters must be provided with scissors,,
and it is estimated that at least ten
thousand pairs have been bought for
them alone. The bakers must have
I them also, as disputes frequently arise
; as to whether it is the duty of the
j buyer or seller to detach the coupon.
Many private persons carry their own
scissors around with them.
Clergyman'* Arm Fractured
Lebanon, May 21.—The Rev. Wil
liam W. Friddinger, pastor of the Unit
ed Brethren in Christ church, Jones
town, this county, is suffering from
•a double fracture of hie right arm as
the result of the back-firing of an
auto as he was in the act of cranking
it yost«rday at the Union water works
in North Annville township.
An Excellent Opportunity to Get Commencement .
and Wedding Gifts at Your Own Price
COMMENCEMENT] Afternoon. J 2(1 I Evening 72A WEDDING
GIFTS Sale < •• • Ltt)V I Sale > I,OV GIFTS
Diamond Rings; Ift C II RBENNED Cut Glass,
Rings of All Kinds, llUOa Ua DllbllllEiH Cf 'verware,
Toilet Goods, cnina,
J' rench ,vo 'y 1 N. Third Street J lat Ware
A Diamond Ring Given Away Free After Each Sale
Three Hundred Nobles and Novices
Make Trip on Special Train
With Patrol and Band
Shriuers of Zembo Temple, of this
city, headed by Illustrious Potentate
George W. Mcllhenny, went in a spe
cial train to York last night to aid in
a ceremonial session held by the York
A special business session of Zembo
Temple was held at 4 p. m. in this city,
after which the nobles and their novices
left Harrisburg at 6 o'clock on a spe
cial train via the Pennsylvania railroad,
arriving at York at 6.40 o'clock.
There were about 300 in the Harris
burg delegation, including the Zembo
' ——— ■,|f>
Tilis is not a bucking bronco, but the steamship C'hßtham, of the Merchants and Miners' line, which struck the
submerged outer end of the jetty at the mouth of the St. John's River, near Jacksonville, Fin. She slid part way over
the jetty, when the bow filled and sank, lifting the stern high in the air. A severe storm afterward moved the vessel
back into deep water.
Temple band, under the direction of
Cornelius B. Shope, and the famous
Arab patrol of the temple. Upon their
arrival in York they were joined by
the York, Lancaster and Columbia
Shriners and the novices and a short
street parade, headed by the band, was
The official divan ui' Zembo temple
for 1915 is as follows: Illustrious po
tentate, George W. Mcllhenny; chief
rabban, John M. J. Raunick; assistant
rahban, Luther J. Schroeder; high
priest and prophet, Henry W. Gough;
oriental guide, E. Clair Jones; treasur
er, Maurice E. Finney; recorder, Fred
erick J. Smith; trustees, J. Howe Fletch
er, John K. Royal and Charles E. Co
vert; representatives of the imperial
council, George W. Mcllhenny, Krrder
ick J. Smith, E. Clair Jones and Elmer
W. Ehler; past potentates, William F.
Richardson, deceased; Owen M. Cope
land and C. Reese Kaby; first ceremon
ial master, Francis C. Neely; second
ceremonial master, J. Harry Messer
smith; marshal, Mercer B. Tate; di
rector, Harry E. Whitmoycr; assistant
director, George Roberts; captain of the
guard, Ralph B. Brimmer; outer guard,
William E. Brorlbeck.
The officers of the Arab patrol were:
Captain, Francis H. Hoy, Jr.; first lieu
tenant, William A. Boll; second lieu
lenant, William T. Laubenstein; third
lieutenant, W. A. B. Miller; director of
Zembo band, Cornelius B. Shope; di
rectors of vocal music. Ralph E. Stecv
er and 'Harvey 0. lHassler; alchemists,
Charles H. Kline and Frank B. Bosch;
electrician, Robert W. Hoy; keeper of
the robes, Charles P. Lush; pianist,
Fred J. Kramer, and steward, William
B. Miller.