TO REOOCE DANGEROUS VARICOSE VEINS People who have swollen veins or bunches should not wait until they reach the bursting point, which means much suffering and loss of time, but should at once secure from any reliable druggist a two-ounce original bottle of Emerald Oil (full strength). By using this powerful, yet harmless germicide treatment improvement is no ticed in a' few days and by its regular use swollen veins will return to their normal size and sufferers will cease to worry. The Emerald Oil treatment is used by physicians and in hospitals and is guaranteed to accomplish results. Tt reduces all kinds of enlarged glands, goitres and wens and is used ex clusively in many large factories as an unfailing first aid to the injured anti septic. Any druggist can supply you. —Adv. ' i Ignores Kansas City Protest Chicago, May 21.—President Gil moro yesterday announced he had ruled against the Kansas City Federals in their protest based on the that Catpher had interfered with the batter in Monday's game with Brook lyn. The president was assured by the umpires that there was no ground for the protest. This was the second pro test of the season involving the Brook lyn club, the other, made by Buffalo, fllso being decided in favor of the Ward team. They Do Indeed Perhaps it would have been .just as j well if Senor Hureta hadn't admitted! that he knew who killed IMadero. Peo- j pie do gossip so I —lndianapolis News. I ON THE BORDERS OF FRANCE AND FLANDERS -' " V* ' '< '•>*& .._ ' "pi'' A s' *W^*9S&St - -• * * s .£?> s, - *-•• <--^?ip ",. ° H ' ye ?. MoNSlfuR ' ™ ERE ,s fl CAMP COWN NEAR THE RIVER. Jusfl^^7Hi~wo3D^ «» «.* I 10 two trench soldiers shown in the drawing have strayed from their road and have stopped to ask some •I in illation from the litilo boy. who Is pointing out the position of the troops. By the side of the road is t p a-; , v.,.man with her market cart, drawn by one of the strong l.mbed dogs which perform .his kind of work " The dt.iw iiig wa- made by E. Matanla especially for this newspaper, the New York Herald and the Loudon Sphere. . ; _ *2 ———- \ FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE jJ s 8 I H «•! ! : ; i aJm i * Brt : J i - .-.J IJL-L'. SR. mr-~A Fireproof private rooms for household goods and special room for pianos kept at even temperature. Rates per month: SSSs™ } 32.00 and up j HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. i 437-445 South Second Street "DEAD" HUSBAND COMES HOME Surprises 'Widow' and Son and Finds His 'Ashes' On Mantel New York, May 21.—Dressed in black and still mourning her husband, Mrs. Emma Koster sat last night in her home, Ridgowood, Queens, with her 16-year-old son. The husband had dis appeared strangely. A few days later Mrs. Koster was notified that he had died at the city farm on Staten Island. She identified the Ibody and a sweater Koster had worn by a patch she had put on it. The body was cremated, tihe ashes placed in an urn which stood on her mantelpiece, and the widow col lected $6lO life insurance. Mother and son were talking, when tho door opened and in walked Koster. He said he had been out west on a trip. When Mrs. Koster was asked if her husband would remain at home, she said: "He certainly will." Asked if she would keep fbe ashes of the unknown man, she replied: "1 mean to keep them, too." Remember It is wise to get rid quickly of ailments of the organs of diges tion—of headache, languor, de pression of spirits—the troubles for which the best corrective is T\»Largett Sal* of Any Urdiein* in th* World. Sold everywhere. In boxes, 10c., 25c. BAKRISBTTRO STAR-INI>BPEMI)H;.NT,. PKIUAV KVUJU.MI, (MAY m. ibid RECIPE ff«r GRAY •r FADED HAIR Can Now Be Obtained in America Just a few applications of this famous French prescription and you will have what no other preparation will Rive; a lovely even shade of dark lustrous hair that will make you look years younger and no one can ever tell that It has been applied. A large 7-ounoe bottle of this old and thoroughly reliable French recipe can be secured all ready for use for a small sum at any well stocked drug store. Ask for LeMay's Cream of Sage and Quinine. Makes you look years younger. Important: While LeMny's Cream of Sage and Quinine will stop falling hair, | scalp itch and-re-move dandruff in one , week it should NOT be uSed by people who do not desire, their hair restored to its natural color. You can get an ex tra large bottle for about 50 cents ait any druggist. - Bucknell Academy to Play Here The Bucknell Academy nine will meet the Harrisburg Academy team on the Academy field to-morrow afternoon. The game yesterday between the Acad emy and Country Club teams, scheduled for yesterday, was postponed on ac count of rain. IOF INTEREST TO WOMEN , I COATEES A NEW FEATURE IN LINGERIE DRESSES Net and Batiste in Filmy Frocks Be neath Silk, Lace and Embroidered Jackets, Cut in Zouave and Bolero Fashion—Black and White Effects Xew York, May 21. Nowhere is the American idea of directness more strongly felt than in clothes. Paris offers a wealth of ideas and America selects one. After weeks of hesitation, while the popularity of one style or another in the priceless | collection received after a perilous trip across the Atlantic, quakes in the bal ance, the American public, at last, places emphasis on one chosen feature and the coatee dress becomes universal; not a tailored creation as the name im plies, but a sheer confection of lace, net or batiste, topped with a gay silk or lingerie jacket. 80 cavalier have fashions become, they carry us back to the Cromwcllian era. Like spirits of the old French empire, society in lingerie dresses trips across the velvety lawns or loiters in old rose gardens. The other day, I chanced upon a party enjoying tea in the far corner of a greeu lawn under the shade of a mulberry tree; the black wicker furniture, upholstered in broad stripes, strewn with apple blossoms, was as striking in effect as the frocks the girls wore. Mnmwt One of the New Lingerie Frocks Made With a Dark Blue Silk Coatee A vivacious dark-eyed Miss, who served tea at the glass-topped table, carried off well the style of the smart coatee in a frock that bespoke the cou turier Jenny. The bodice of allover em broidery, nipped in at the waist as fash ion approves, showed from beneath the jaunty jacket of dark blue taffeta silk. The Quakerish collar and cuffs of white organdy made a connecting link with the billowing folds of organdy, laid in deep crosswise folds, paneled "with em broidery and trimmed with Valenciennes lace, which formed the skirt. That she was a devotee to the lad of fancy shoes, one could easily guess, j for her pumps were the last word in I style; the heel, back ahd vamp was of j patent leather and the uppers of white i kid to match the white silk stockings. Beside the low chair, a garjon hat care lessly dropped, glistened in the sun, for it was one of the new dark blue shiny straws. The crown was circled with tulle with pond lilies beneath and, like all other broad brimmed garden hats, it had black velvet streamers attached to the back; these sprawled 011 the grass as if they were tired of their voyage through the tfind. The guest of honor, an artist of fame who is making the best of war enforced exile, was a credit to the maker of the clothes she wore; what could be smarter for a woman passed thirty than a symphony in black and white? Again the coatee was the chief detail of the costume; this time it was a short Zouave jacket of exquisite batiste, heavily embroidered. It opened as she lounged in her chair, showing a waist of plain batiste. Flouncing, re peated iu the sleeves and skirt voie, and a lower skirt of plain batiste, cut circular that it might flare the more, needed only the black and white, blazer striped, girdle to bring out its style, so perfectly was every detail worked out. The skirt cleared the ground by about four inches; mature women have all adopted this length as more becoming than the extremely short skirt. Below the skirt a trim white buckskin tie laced in black could be seen. Her white Milan straw, medium in size, with brim flaring just enough to soften her face, sported a bow of the blazer striped silk and her slender-handled parasol, resting open on Run Down People Need This Great Tonic In 18 Hours You'll Feel Your Old-time Ambition, Confidence and Power Returning Nervous, rundown people have noth ing to fear nowadays, for Chemist Bcgv has prepared a prescription that start's to make you feel younger, more vigor ous and keen minded the first day. If over work, over eating or drinking, too much tobacco or any excess of any kind ha.3 wrecked your health and caused you 'to lose ambition and confidence get from your pharmacist to-day a 50-cent box of Begy's Nerve Aid Tablets and become your own happy, contented, ro bust self again. Make no mistake, Begy's Nerve Aid Tablets contain no harmful drug nf any kind and they are guaranteed to put confidence, ambition and energy into nerve wrecked, rundown people or money back, says Chemist Begy, well known as the man who manufactures Bogy's Musbarlne which Is used In millions of homes for Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Ohes>t Colds, Rheumatism and all aches and pains. Any druggist can supply Begy's Nerve Aid Tablets. Three days' trial treatment, 10 cents, from Begy Medicine Co., Begy Bidg., Roches ter, N. Y.—Adv. "There Madam— the BIG package of Washington CRISPS, the toasted CORN FLAKES with the natural corn flavor. " I Have no hesitancy i n recommending them—l know every member of your family will pronounce them delicious. "You'll find them very economical and as crisp and dainty as the day they were packed " Washington CRISPS The Crispy Toasted Corn Flakes 10 cents at your grocer (■4) the back of lief chair completed the picture of an up-to-date woman well dressed. 80 diverse are the effects gained with these jackets, it is hard to believe so many frocks have the same feature. Here, is a coatee of robin's egg blue taffeta, fitted through the body, having daring tails, and "leg o' mutton" sleeves set in with narrow frills revived from Victorian styles. This is worn with a voluminous skirt' of net. There is a frock of cotton erepc, embroidered and hemstitched in pink with coatee of pinK linen; while a model of voile and filet lace has a jacket of black faille cut on the bolero order. Indeed, f*liere is no end to the materials. Dolly Varden taf fetas, deep old-world pink and brilliant blue taffetas, failles and moire silks make quaint coatees for crinoline frocks and not a. few of the bolero effects are fashioned of lace or fine embroidery. There is also a lace material, lately launched 011 the market, for dresses of this type, the texture like a fine voile embroidered with garlands in pastel shades. Aside from the fabrics, accessories are so attractive, they in 110 small meas ure account for the success of the ljn "gerie dress, for there is many a maiden who buys a frock that she may have the girdle that goes with it. Although, it is an acknowledged fact, waists "are gradually growing smaller, the girdle still follows straight lines. Loose crush girdles of taffeta, moire silk or primly flowered beits of narrow grosgrain are pretty finishes for filmy frocks. The handkerchief bag is another fancy, demure as the daguerreotype from which it is taken. Usually, the bag is made of material the same as the dress, cut in a half-circle, shirred an inch down from the top and hung from the belt with cords or ribbon. The hand bag, too, takes on a new beauty. Soft gathered models of flow ered, moire and Striped silk, have silver tops, that stretch like a bracelet; white leather bags, Hat purses and gold kid skin cases are lined with gorgeous flow § H jfj ©McCiLL J A \\ \ & \ The Popular Black and White Effect Carried Out in a Batiste Costume ered and striped silks. Madame La Mode, not content with these features alone, insists that milady be up to the ears in style this season and introduces the feather and tulle boas to wear with the new lingerie drosses. Hats, too, conform to the new lines In dress. Large French sailors, tilted on one side, daily grow in favor; satin and clritfon facings are being used on the top of the brim and sides of the crown. One smart black sailor has the LIVINGSTON'S 9 SOUTH MARKET SQ. HARRISBURG'S OLDEST CREDIT STORE Commencing this Saturday and continuing through out next week, every garment in our store will be put on sale at prices which will surpass any that have ever been offered in this store. During this sale your credit will be good, as usual, and you will be able to take advantage of our special prices by purchasing any thing you desire and paying for it on our easy pay ment plan. Ladies' Suits 1 in all the approved fabrics, such as Pop \N\Bi n ' Gabardine, Serge, etc.; all the latest OvTff [vly' creations. Garments that sold up to Aj i t $22.50. This sale, Jpj $11.85 mr Ladies' Coats W Lot of about 75 to close out. Complete assortment of styles, materials QK and sizes. Values up to $15.00. This sale, . Ladies' Lot of about "50 —in Poplin, Messaline, Crepe de Chine and other popular material. Excep- (PC 'OC tional values. Thic sale, Ladies' Hats A limited supply on hand to close out. Val ues up to $4.50, i/OC Men's Suits in Serges, Plaids, Mixtures and all the popular materials and styles of the season. Lot of about t W-ll 150 to choose from. Extraordi- pHSfc-1 chilli nary values. This sale /11 1 $11.85 1 I These are but some of the won- \ I derful values. Space does not UlJi permit to enumerate them all. Come in and convince yourself. LIVINGSTON'S 9 SOUTH MARKET SQ. HARRISBURG'S OLDEST CREDIT STORE crown covered with silk beaver and a single flower embroidered on net ap pliqiied on to one side. A smoothly polished lisere straw of "nigger-brown" has large detached roses, and another Marguerites and velvet streamer? tacked in the back, while white Milan sailors show ropes of white beads around the crowns with a single beaded flower directly in front. For those who do not like the sailors with light dresses, there arc dainty creations with pleated tulle brims and all-lace hats trimmed with roses, lilacs and the like. It would, seem the whole manufac turing world had been busy, of late, digging up styles of the past century. That the glove maker has succeeded is evident in the lace mits he now offers for sale, along with the white and col ored kid gloves embroidered in chain stitch. As yet, parasols hold to the large sizes, in the immediate present the flat many-ribbed Japanese parasols of print ed crepe, silk and paper being popular. Net parasols are also shown over ba tiste foundations, embroidered in chain stitch and finished at the edge with a shirring or band of ribbon. Not a detail in the whole costume, lias Dame Fashion slighted. Stockings are in every hue of the rainbow, em broidered, with insets of lace and smart black and white effect, the prettiest white silk with butterflies embroidered in black outlines and clocks at the sides of black flowers. So extreme have the stockings become, that some well dressed women are going back to pure black, especially with the. white dresses, as they elbim the contrast is more striking. The white buckskin or black patent leather and white kid tie or pump is favored with the lingerie dress, al though Biich combinations as white buckskin and pale blue or pin'< uppers are shown in fancy modeU. One pump in particular has the pale blue upper and an American shield in pastel shades placed in front where the, buckle belongs. * 7 MYSTIC CHAIN ELECTS Atlantic City Man Is Supreme Com mander of Order Atlantic City, May 21. W. H. Bid die, of this city, was elected supreme commander at the dosing session of the Supreme Council, Knights of the Mys,- tic Chain. Other officers are: Supreme v|ce commander, H. 0. Gibbons, York, Pk.; supreme marshal, W. IH. T'atton, Roa noke, Va.; scribe, George K. Dovey, Westview, Pa.; treasurer, John A. Rhoades, Pittsburgh; inside guard, W. L. Price, Berkley Springs, W. Va.; out side guard, K. It. Mosher, Binghamton, N. Y.; chaplain, Theodore Cook, Phila delphia; trustees. John Smith, Louacon ing, iMd.; S. B. Hunt, Binghamton; M. 10. Heimes, Lancaster, Pa. Atlantic City was selected for next year's con vention. BURY THE SLAYER AND SLAI3J Suicide Husband and Wife He Killed! Laid Side By Side Cambridge, Md., May 21.—The burial of J. Eunalls Heck with and his wife, both of whom died in the double tragedy of Monday ninht, when lie sent a bullet through his wife's brain and later committed suicide, took place yesterday afternoon it the Beck with home at Cornersville. The bodies were buried side by Hide in the Beckwith cemetery, at Todd's Point, a large crowd attended the serv ices. There Is No Question but that indigestion and the distressed feeling which always goes with it can be promptly relieved by taking a TsssSSi D m ,a i before and after each meal. 25c a box* , George A. liorgas