6 I . s-impo«n. Speci.b |. A Surprise Special In Men's dT»Qk Suits of Dependable Quality at No Comparative Value Needed to. Convince You jl of the Unusualness of This Clothes Offering (f iH GET acquainted with these Surprise Special Suits at $9.75 t0-morrow. It's a special _fQ~i ' make of suits taken right from regular stock and offered for the first time at this ( moderate price. The styles are right, the tailoring is right, the fit is right, the patterns _ lEIIM t l'*V iTipi are right, the workmanship is right—and naturally the price is right. T^l' You'll be surprised at the value in good clothes you can get here to- 1 W Sacks are of the latest English cut witli two or three buttons, and patch or regular pockets. mLmi I/r| Blue Serge Light and Dark Oyerplaids in Different Shades Scotch Mixtures Tweeds Tartan Checks J, Shadow Stripes PinStripes Li Men's and Young Men's Regular $15.00, IYV \j 11 f~ — $16.50 and SIB.OO Suits at lm m Ciffliuiif-np rpgiilm 1 stocks of all stylo oddments and including those popular patterns: | Blue Serge Carlton and Tartan Checks Overplaids Grey Scotch Mixtures Fine Tweeds 7\ IL- lul A Black and White Check Worsteds and Cassimeres Grey Shadow Stripe Worsteds and Cassimeres L—J / X Many of these are hand-tailored suits in English sacks with one, two or three buttons and regular or patch pockets. Choice I rQ£\ of anv suit in this lot at $11.75. » Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Kear. i i J J LOOKING FOB. 1 4TH HUSBAND Woman of 70 Beady to Sue Thirteenth For Divorce Evansville. Ind., May 21. —Mrs. , FoHy Anne Weed Strodes. 70, an trounced yesterday that she wanted to marry her fourteenth husband. Her thirteenth husband, Harrison Strodes. : AN OPEN LETTER This Is Also a Paid Advertisement RIGHT OR WRONG We do not believe a whole lot in expending much money for newspaper advertising so that we are thereby compelled to ask increased prices for our goods. However, we do, just occasionally like to let EVERYONE know that this store is now as always selling furniture and other housefurnishings at lower prices than most other stores. OUR WAY— We do a large business under an economical expense system which enables us to quote the lowest possible prices on EVERYTHING. Our prices are uniformly low on all our goods. Our stock is one of the largest and most complete in the city. Our customers will tell you that this store is not only one of the largest, but the best store in which I to purchase their home needs. In fact, our customers really prove to be our advertisers and they have done it very well indeed. We believe thoroughly in a business system that will convince the cus ' tomer that what he purchases here is at least ju3% a little better for the same money, or as good for less money than he can obtain it for elsewhere. / This is the system which has built up our business to its present large proportions and is still doing good work for us. We try our best to give our customers the most for their money and our Experience has been that the customer can always be depended upon to return the favor in some good way. REMEMBER THAT— You may not see our advertisement in the newspapers very often, but we ask you to chalk this down: When you want to buy good furniture at the way-Sown price, this is the store that is sure to be there with the goods you may want and with the price that will suit. A JITNEY WILL LET YOU OFF RIGHT AT OUR DOOR. ■ CASH I BROWN & CO., CREDIT 1217=1219 North Third Street THE BIG UP TOWN HOME FURNISHING STORE PhOße ISSBM i -, * - p;v. - • i ... - .. • ' » ■ ■ vK. - . . , ■ • ,/ ' , •. v "'• . i- 'V • •» f '• r t . • . . . • HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 21. 1915. has disappeared, and MM. Strodes was forced to pay a SSOO bond for hira. She says she does not expect him to return." and she will ask for a divorce at once. Mrs. Strodes was freed of her other husbands by death and divorce. In spite of her yeans, she says she is as active as she was when she was first married at the age of 17. Mrs. Strodes says she has always found it an easy I matter to get a husband. Woman Found Thirty Dupts Kansas City, May 21.—Several ■ mouths ago Mrs. Belle Freeman, a widow, of Kansas City, Kan., adver j tised for a husband. She asked those ; who replied to advance car fare, so • she could visit them. Thirty did so, i and when- they found that they had been duped the widow was arrested. She was fined $l,O-00. Newsboys to Meet The Harrisburg Newsboys' Associa tion, including carriers, will meet to night at 8 o'clock at the office of the Harrisburg New« Agency. MRS. CAM FILM PLAY Her Arrest and Trial Will Be Depicted —She Is Going on the Stage Next Fall New York, May 21. —Mrs. Florence ' i Conklin Carman, acquitted a fortnight I c ! ago of the murder of Mrs. Louise D. j c j Bailey in Dr. Edwin Carman's office in t e I Freeport, L. 1,, is to enact for the i j "movies" the story of the. tragedy | that resulted in her twice -being placed ' on trial. i According to George W. Winniett, 1 a play broker of No. 1400 Broadway, , the scenario is being prepared by Mrs. Lottie Blair Parker and will be pro duced under the management of Nel- ' son Roberts of the above address. - 1 "The scenario is not quite com- -i pleted," explained Mr. Winniett yes- ( terday. "However it will have the scene of the murder, the escape of the slayer, followed by Mrs. Carman's "ar- 1 rest and the trial. We expect to make J a fortune out of the venture. ' For ' several months Mrs. Carman has been rehearsing under Garland Garden's di rection. He drilled her for her appear ance in court and you know how she conducted herself during the second - trial. "In the fall Mrs. Carman will ap pear in a. play under Mr. Roberts's di rection. A very rich man is forming the company just to exploit Mrs. Car man. This is not the venture of afiy moving picture corporation, but of au individual. Dr. Cai'man may appear in the movies also. I guess he will have to bo present at the scene of the mur der. The pictures will be taken on Long Island. "Mrs. Carman's salary? Well, just say she will make more than the Presi dent of the United States gets in a : year. We are all going to make a fortune out of this murder." "I have been told not to talk," said Mrs. Carman over the telephone last night. "You will have to see Mr. Rob erts or my lawyer. No, I do not know what play 1 am to appear in or any of the details." This Boy Has a "Mirror" Eye Savannah, May .21. —Harold Lutzk, a 7-year-old boy, has what the doctors call a "mirror" eye. That is, he sees everything reversed. He starts at the wrong side of the paper to read or write. It is hereditary. An undo writes all his characters backward. Will Be Camp John W. Schall Lebanon, May 21.—The provisional division camp of, the National Guard of Pennsylvania, which will encamp at Mt. Gretna from July 9 to July 17, will be known this year aB Camp Ma jor General John W. Schall, in honor of a retired major general of the State Guard and a veteran of the Civil war and the Spanish-American war. Cap tain J. B. Kempert, infantry, IJ. 8. A., assigned to duty with the National Guard' as senior inspector-instructor, will be the chief of staff at the Gretna camp. CROWN QUEEN OF CARNIVAL Elizabeth Holstein Given Diamond King and Miss Virginia Eisenberger Pre sented With Gold Watch Amid a laige crowd of people, Eliza beth Holstein, the 6-year-old grand daughter of Howard O. Holstein, was! crowned queen of the Harrisburg Vet- | eran Firemen's carnival at Third anil | Reily streets last night. Although i quite young, the little miss seemed not in the least embarrassed as she sat on | her throne draped with flowers anil the J national colors. Following the crowning of the little! queen with a wreath of sweet peas and lilies of the valley, she was presented with a $35 diamond ring, the prize giv en the winner of the contest. Miss Virginia Eisenberger, the daughter of a well-kjown Pennsylvania railroad engineer, the only other con testant, was presented with a gold watch. The presentation of the prizes was made by Augustus Wildman, after j which the two young ladies were pre sented with a number of bouquets by their friends. | S9OM j Upright Piano $90.00 First-class Condition. Many other bargains to be had at our opening sale. We are taking elegant instruments hi exchange daily for our regular line. Pay us a visit during this sale and save from S6O to $l2O on your purchase. We will redeem all credit , checks on the purchase of a new piano, regardless by whom is sued, up to the amount of our largest credit check. If you have won a credit cheek from any dealer bring to our store. Look over our line of pianos then decide. Stauffcr Music House ' ■* POSSE AFIERWDfTE SLAYER Robesonia Man Cuts Htr Throat and Then Escapes to the South Mountain Robesonia, Pa., May 21.—A posse of I county officials and farmers are search ing thq Ssoutly Mountain for Charles i Bausman, wante t for killing his wife, J Edna May Bausman, at the home of a neighbor, a mile from here. Her throat j was cut. The pair frequently quarreled over I the husband's jealousy. Mrs. Bausman ! swore out a warrant Wednesday fior her husband's arrest on a charge of assault and battery. » While Constable Kalbaeh was search ing for Bailsman he made his way to the home of Charles Keple, where his wife had sought shelter after leaving him. Crouching in a clump of bushes, he waited until Mrs. Bausman came into the yard, grabbed her by the hair an I slashed her throat. Her death was a j matter of a few moments. The husband dashed into the moun tains where he has succeeded in eluding capture. He is 29 years old and his wife was seven years younger. BOARD TO ORGANIZE MONDAY Public Service Commission WiU Take Up Its Duties Immediately | The new Public Service Commission j will meet for organization next Monday I morning and will at once thereafter begin business. The two members of the old Commission who are retained— ! Messrs. Pennvpacker and Brecht—re mained on duty .yesterday and finished j up the business for the week, which was not very heavy. The retiring i members returned to their homes during | the day after saying farewell to official I friends and packing their belongings. | The Commission will, on next Tues day morning, when the regular meet ing opens, be called upon to hear argu ment on the telephone rate which has occupied the attention of the Com mission for more than a year. The Commission yesterday approved the application for a charter made by the Grata Water Company. It also approved the application of the Her shey Transit Company for permission to construct a power line in Derry town ship, Dauphin county, and in South Londonderry, South Annvillc and North Cornell townships, Lebanon county. Former Prothoontary Dies Lebanon, May 21. —Former Prothon otary Christian K. Bomberger died yes terday at his home here of hemorrhage suffered last Tuesday afternoon after a fit of coughing. Ho was 77 years of age. fHte was a prominent Republican and was Prothonotary of Lebanon coun ty 20 years ago. A wife and a number t of children survive. •