The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 21, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    Witraer, Bair & Witmer
May Clearance Sale of
All Suits a
The Best In House for $25.00
Hundreds less in price. Suits start $8.50 —Coats
start at $5 —majority SIO.OO, $15.00 and $20.00.
Palm Beach Auto Coats $5.95 to $9.50
Linen Auto Coats $2.50 to $8.50
Palm Beach Suits. 58.50, $9.50, $11.50, $13.50 I
New lot of Navy Taffeta and White Crepe de Chine
1 )resses.
New lot of White Fox Neck Furs —New York's
Summer Fur craze $2.95, $4.75 and $4.95
Waists—The new Awning Stripes, White Lingerie,
Silk Crepe de Chine, Nets, etc. —all prices.
Wash Skirts of every kind—
-490, 95<S $i.25, $1.50, $1.95 to $6.50
New White, Net, Voile, Crepe de Chine, etc.. Dresses
for < i iris and Women $5.00 to $25.00
Dresses —many kind —Figured, Stripes, Flowered,
etc. —all prices. We are featuring $6.50 Dresses.
Navy Serge Dresses reduced to $2.95 and $7.50
for the best Serge Dress.
Black or White China Silk Dresses .$6.50
Linen Dresses, colored or white $6.50
Palm Beach Dresses—ideal for motoring—all sizes
16 to 44 $7.50
Witmer, Bair & Witmer 20 l<«e{ nut
Class No. « of B. F. Stevens M. E.
Church Arrange Pleasant Surprise
Party in Honor of Members of the
Class No. 6 of the Stevens Memorial ■
church arrange i a birthday surprise
party in honor of Miss Sara Powell,
who will leave shortly for her home in
Canon City, Col. The partv was held i
at the home of Miss Powell's aunt on
Chestnut street. The guests spout a
pleasant evening with inusie and games
and during the evening the guest of j
honor was presented with a beautiful
belt pin of amethysts and pearls and i
» basket of flowers.
Those present were Mrs. 0. W.
Montgomery. Mrs. W. s. Barker, Miss
Mabel Wilson, Mrs. A. K. Murray, Mrs.
AVilson 8. Hoy, Miss Margaret Morton,
ilrs. Conrad Hoffsomnier, Mrs. .1. M ;
Allison, Mis< Alda Varnes. Mrs. H.*W.
Johnson, Mrs. Frank fngream, Miss
tiertrude Forsyihe, Mrs. C. Gnstrock,
Mrs. S. N. Ilersey, Mrs. .lack Gougler, ;
Miss Maude "Downey, Mrs. C. .]. Hart
mire, Mrs. \V. S. Meek. Mrs. Kay Heed,
Miss E'.leu Smith. Miss Kae Willis, \liss
Kleanor Follows. Master James Wilbur
Barker, Miss Norma Barker airl Miss
Sara Powell.
Dinner at Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Maguire. Mr.;
aii-1 .Mrs. Henderson Gilbert. Mrs. Hen
r\ I). Boas. Miss Helen Kspv and Cap
tain Kmest Locke comprised a dinner
party at the Country Club last night.
* aiita.n Lu-ke is the officer in com
maud of the detachment of artillery
men which camped W ■ Inesday night
at Wormlevsburg.
Mrs. Henderson Gilbert Hostess
Mrs. Hen erson Gi bert entertained|
at luncheon at her home. 16U0 North i
Fri i t street, yesterday, complimentary
t > Mrs. Charles K. Imbrie, who is vis-1
i!in,' Jier mother, Mrs. S. W. Fleming.
o* ers were laid for Mrs. Imbrie,
Mrs. W. c. Baldwin. Mrs. Lesley Mr-,
* •:«th. Mrs. \Y ! K Salsieh, Mr«. John
E. Fox. Miss Kloine Bergner, Miss Mar-j
Tftese "Sterling" Marks JEdlfo
are on Every Bottle cf
PURE MALTifin|)k
™de. a mark" d
blown in the
The Duffj' Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
| tha Fleming. Miss Margaretta Flem
j ing and Mrs. Gilbert.
The Misses Bishop Entertain
The Misses Esther ami Virginia Bis
hop entertained in a delightful manner
at a garden party at their home on
North Front street yesterday after
The guests included Alice Virginia
Cooper, Harriet Oenslager, Florence
Burtnett, Nell Payne, Lvdia Kunkel,
j Winifred Meyers, Cecilia Kmikel, Mary
Cooper, Katharine Beidleman, Judith
Lee Dusmukes, Elizabeth Harris, Eliza
beth Frantz, Gladys Yoorhees, Alice
Louise Lescnre, Marv Louise Hubley,
Florence Cocklin, Miriam Coeklin, Elea
nor Rutherford, Annette Bailey, Doro
thy Cox, Mary Elizabeth Curtis, Helen
Davis. Marguerite Stinker. Elizabeth
Brant. Marian Reinoehl, Eliza Bailey
and Marv Wiekersham.
Members Were Guests of Mrs. B. D.
Woutersz at Her Home
•Mrs. B. D. Woutersz entertained the
■ members of the Mite Society of Ridge
! Avenue Methodist church at her home,
433 Boas street, last evening. A short
business meeting was hold, after which
a social hour was enjoyed and refresh
: ments were served. Those present
Mrs. 1. R. Poffenberger, Mrs. M. L.
Horting, Mrs. Reubeii Morette, Mrs.
William Stimer, Mrs. Anna Steever,
, Mrs. W. W. Hartman. Mrs. Nellie
Watts. Mrs. Miriam Halfpenny, Mrs.
David W. Fisher, Mrs. C. E. L'arr, Miss
Kmma Knight and Miss Jennie Porter.
Welsh-Bastian Wedding
Marietta. May 21.—Miss Alice A.
Basiian, daughter of John B. Bastian,
one of Marietti's oldest retired busi
ness men, was married yesterday to
William H. Welsh, of Columbia. The
ceremony was performed >v the Rev.
.M. Tavlor. at the rectory of the
Episcopal church, York, with the ring
i ceremony.
Dowhower-Balm Wedding
Mountvillo, May 21. Miss Nora
Bahn and Clarence Y. Dowhower, of
York, were married yesterdjy bv the
j Rev. J. Hunter Watts, with the ring
ceremony of the JJnited Brethren
j church. They were unattended.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
The Rev. Harvey iN. Bickel, of Potts
ville, spout yesterday with his brother,
C. M. Bickel, 1509 North Sixth street.
Mrs. Mary Brensinger, of Philadel
phia, was the guest of Mrs. Mary Hus
ton, 607 vßeilv street, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Clark, who
have been living in town during the
session of the Legislature, have return
ed to their home at Erie.
Mrs. George P. Warmer, of Buf
falo, is the guest of Mrs. Robert H.
Irons, 106 Chestnut street.
Miss Barbara Brown, of Pittsburgh,
who is the guest of Mrs. Marlin 12.
Olmsted, 105 North Front street, was
the guest of honor at a dinner given
last evening at the luglenook club
Mrs. William Leibergood, of Phila
delphia. a former resident of this city,
has beeu operated on at the German
town hospital.
Miss Teresa Peale has returned from
Williams' Mills where she has been
spending three weeks with Mrs. Jennie
IMcClure at the Maple Inn.
Edward Reed, of Philadelphia, spent
yesterday as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles UttFey, 321 Walnut
Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan and Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Henry left yesterday
for a short motor trip tnrough the Cum
berland Valley.
Miss Jean Davis. 115 Pine street,
left yesterday tor Detroit, Michigan.
W. Walley Davis, 115 Pine street,
has gone to Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Strouse. 1632
North Second street, are home after a
week's stay in New York.
Charles Wilhelm, 1706 Green street,
has returned from Delaware Water
Mrs. Howard Manifold, of York, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. James B. Mc-
Allister, North Third street.
William Gensler, 1215 Walnut
street, is in .Vilpntown.
Mrs. Hartville Wall. 23 North Fif
teenth street, is attending the funeral
of a relative in York.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bright, 227
Hummel street, are home from Norris
town and Philadelphia.
Charles Follmer, of Sunburv, has
gone home after spending several Javs
with iMr. and 'Mrs. Benjamin Earp,
1323 Derry street.
Miss May Thompson, of Williams
town. has gone home after a visit with
Miss Mellie Reigle, 14 48 Market
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grunden, of North '
Fifteenth street, have returned from
IMiss Katherine Wilhelm, 1706 Green
street, has returned from New Yoeft
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schmidt, .Miss
Matilda Schmidt aud Miss Genevieve
Schmidt, 5S North Thirteenth street,
are in Wilkes-'Barre.
'Miss Mildred Gutman, 1937 North
Second street, has returned from a visit
with relatives in Baltimore.
Mrs. ueorge Garverich, 627 Dauphin
street, has returned from a week's visit
to Martinsburg, West Virginia.
Mrs. William Harper, 351 South
Eighteenth street, has returned irom
Marietta, where she was the guest of
her -mother, Mrs. Mary Sourbeer.
Mrs. Isabella MeCleary, 1925 IMar
ket street, is visiting friends in 'Balti
-uiss Verna Fishel, 216 South Thir
teenth street, has returned from Al
toona after spending some time with
Miss Blanche Garverich, 627 Dau
phin street, has returned from Phila
del: hia and Atlantic City.
_ Mrs. John Dorscher and daughter,
Katherine Dorscher, have gone home to
New York after spending two weeks
with Mrs. John Black, 201 South Sev
enteenth street.
Were Entertained by Mrs. H. N. Bass
ler and Mrs. H. E. Koons in So
cial Hall of Church
Mrs. Harry Nelson Bassler and Mrs.
H. C. Koons entertained the Woman's
Missionary Society of the Second Re
formed chur'h in the social room of
the church yesterday. A short business
session was held, after which a social
hour was enjoyed. Those present
Mrs. Elmer S. Johnson, Mrs. Flora
Cussaek, Mrs. Jane Conlev, Mrs. Alvin
Myers. Mrs. John W. Dennis, Mrs. Wil
liam Wertz, Mrs. Lillie Goetz, Mrs.
Sarah Blessing. Mrs. George Gray, Mrs.
I). J. Kramer, Mrs. John W. Plowman,
Mrs. George Shook, Mrs. C. E. Snyder,
Mrs. Charles Fleck, Mrs. Clara Bam
hard, Mrs. Rufus Hartman, Mrs. F. H.
Hantzman, Mrs. Harry J. Coover, Mrs.
J. W. Shephard, Mrs." W. H. Cleckner,
Mrs. E. K. Heinrichhouse, Mrs. H. V.
Albert, Mrs. Ada Eicholtz, Mrs. Ora
Blizzard, Mrs. Samuel Porter, Mrs. Har- (
ry Beck, Mrs. Alvin Weaver, Mrs. Carl
I'olen, Mrs. John Fraley, Mrs. Edgar
Smith, Mrs. Annie Smith, Mrs. Mary
o'Learv, Mrs. Clarence Ritter, Mrs.
George Fessler, Mrs. C. R. Miller, Mrs.
Anna Kaiser, Mrs. Alvin Fasnacht,
Mrs. Mary Billett, Mrs. Ellen Van
Zant, Mrs. John W. Martin, Mrs. John
T. Selsam, Mrs. Harry M. Yingst, Mrs.!
Bessie Hollenbach, Mrs. Isabella Walk- !
endifer, Mrs. Harry Rhinesmith, Mrs.
Robert Watts, Mrs. 'Harry Albert, Miss'
Marv Cussaek, Miss Lulu Koch, Miss
Marian Wertz, Charles Smith and Don
ald Hacker.
Suffrage Tea and Luncheon
Miss Margaret Blackburn gave a
suffrage luncheon aud parlor meeting
at her home in Mechauicsburg yesterday
afternoon, with Mrs. Mabel Cronise
Jones as the guest of honor.
The decorations were in suffrage yel
low. The luncheon guests were Mrs. I
Jones, Miss Tetrick and Mrs. Mclntyre, j
of Carlisle; Mrs. Elder Williams, Miss
Hummel, Mrs. R. P. Mrs. W. D.
Blackburn. After luncheon Mrs. Jones
gave an interesting suffrage talk to an
audience of fifty.
Kochenour-Latshaw Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Latshaw,
of this city, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Edwina, to Karl K.
Koehenour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
E. Koehenour, 1939 North Fourth
street. The ceremony was performed
Monday evening at the parsonage of
the Messiah Lutheran church by the
Rev. Henrv W. A. Hanson, the pastor.
For the present Mr. and Mrs. Koehen
our will reside at 1939 North Fourth
Women's and Misses' _ I VUPA) A A A M Women's and Misses'
Worth u P to $3.00. <T»-| «Q fc' WF ================== Worth up to $1.50. rjfk
. t Ann .versa ry r,e. J)1 D 0| $ T fORGET flf | |AA J.LQ. DON'T FORGET & V <9C
tub »iik. AII sizes. "W e Advertise the Truth—The Truth Advertises Us" sizes.
Hour WCome and Share In the Big Feast of Bargains mi Hour
Sale To-morrow In the Celebration of Our sth Birthday Sale
• Charming Women's and Newest Women's and Misses'
Summer Washable WASH DRESS
Dresser, (M^j)SKIRTS •
Extra Special unusuaiiv low tn pn, P I Extra Special
For One Hour Only „ ft If* <' . fA) / At Nearly Half Price For One Hour Only
on sale from 9to or ur nmversary J p or Qur sth Anniversary Sale () " SHlpfrmn 10 to
10 in the tnorning. Sale \ It in the morning.
Women's & Misses' \ i„ r};(> a)W einblßge of Imndsome /, *J 1 The newest circular, belted and pocket Women's & Misses'
SILK HOSE styles and materials, including white gUj L.' » i styles in every new wash material includ- Striped Voile
membroidered voiles, colored voiles, lin- if* , , \ i„„ (ordeline, Repp, Ratine, Linen and WAISTS
Kf|/» ens and crepes 111 everv new shade, 5S • 4 , . , .
specially reduced for our sth Birth- W*, ' ( • 1 novelty fabrics. /*q
Regular price 70c. day Saie. V l' « • , A , P UUL
and ol White ' unly! DRESSES worth up to $4.08 V " ''' V \ stl ' Anniv " Prke
in 0i 71 .a n«iv •> stli Auniversary Price, . vJweV*/ t j < « • j J ~, . < T
All Sl/(S. Dnly - *\ # ] RTCTRTR wnrth nn tn $1 n 0 i\ si/CB. None
pairs to a cus- DRESSES worth up to $6.98 QOCQ Wink. * ' SKIRTS P ' 79T snl, l to children,
t oilier. None sold Anniversary Price. . *3.69 If|llT44 Anniversary Price IUL 2t „ „ oug .
l j DRESSES worth up to $8.98 *1 /»Q %otf t SKIRTS worth up to $2.00. £ 1 /)/) t ""' Pr '
Women's & Misses' "™""~™""""""™"""™ Women's & Misses'
SILK DRESSES Exceptional Reductions in Women's and Misses' Drastic Reductions in Women's and Misses' CLOTH DRESS
Worth up to $17.08 CLOTH SUITS
Fifth Anniversary WllUlll OUAXO Coaits for every occasion, for dress, street or util- Worth up to in.OS
Price Probahlv the very suit vou have admired all sea- Ity wear, can be found In this big; variety of pretty Klfth Anniversary
cn r Rnd • VOU '■° Ul ' t , " 0t ~ffor,i I ', l have - iS nOW COATS "worth,, p n< toss 00. l Q ■■-'lce.
$9.69 hereat the price you desire to S!»end. nth AnniverMr , v PrU . e $ZJif # 1 ?Q
SUITS worth up to $20.00. fry COATS worth up to $6.98. Q n Q U
Prettv Anniversary Price, V* stli Anniversarv Price, Newest circular
e»t"stvtea a"d'rol- SUITS "» r ' h to $30.00. /JQ COATS worth up'to SB.OB. <f>J fiQ '"/hS
ops. All sixes. »th Anniversary Price, %pu•\J%/ nth Anniversary Price, *P Tel/*/ che( ks - *
' ' ' " v
This picture shows the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch with staff and officers of the crack Kabardine Russian Regiment who have done
illant work at the front against the Teutons. The Gland Duke, who is a brother of the Tsar, is the foremost figure in the group. Among the group is
eluded one of the priests, or mullachs. of the Caucasian Native Division, as well as certain if the more influential of tbe Caucasian princes.
Business Women's Gymnasium Class
of Y. W. C. A. Enjoyed au
The members of the business wom
en's gymnasium class of the Y. W. (J.
A. held a picnic at Reservoir Park
yesterday, going to the park in three
large auto trucks.
Those present were Miss Marjorie
Holies, the guest of honor; Miss Mahcl
Edwards, Miss Mollie Lingle, Miss
Katherine Fahrney, Miss Jean Fahrney,
Miss Katherine Morgan, Miss Eliza
beth Killinger, Miss I'earl Yahn, Miss
Grace Sigler, Miss Mary Sigler, Miss
Helen Mauk, Miss Helen Brenneman,
Miss Clara Wolf, Miss Esther Smith,
Miss Helen Hammond, Miss Mabel Arn
old, Miss Martha Neglev, Miss Ber- !
tha Turner, Miss Margaret Turner, |
Miss Margaret Pollock, Miss Bertha j
Motter, Miss Mabel Charles, Mrs. R.
T. Cox, Miss Anna Glass, Miss Mabel
Jones and the Misses Nissley.
Mcllhenney-Hayberger Wedding
Miss Gretna May Hayberger, of
Lower Paxton, and Warren E. Mdlhen
nev, of Penbrook, were quietly married
yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
parsonage of the Second Reformed
church, the Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler,
the pastor, officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
Mcllhenney will reside at 239 South
Twenty-ninth street, Ponbrook.
Under new management and re
modeled. Dancing Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday evenings.
Loeser's Orchestra
Mr. George Hess, Floor, Manager.
Pupils of Vernon School Chaperoned
By Miss Julia Zudrell
Misn Julia Zudrell took the pupils
of her school in the Vernon building
on ia hike to the Rockville mountains
yesterday. In the party were:
Thelma Hicks, Julia Shartzer, Edith
Atkins, Hilda Atkins, Hilda Atkinson,
Eva Hoover, Lucile Stoufer, Laura ,
Rf>hler, Zelma Bauchmoyejr, Louise
Strine, Marie Badorf, Beatrice Mailoy,
Nclle Goodhart, Vera Madden, Gordon
Thessinger, William Worley, Robert
Hamilton, Charles Rowe, Arthur Bard,
Ernest Cox, Edgar Spotz. Leeter Mot
ter, Michael Farley, Marlin Wolfe,
Russel Rohler, Arby Lothrope, Nile
Sowers, Hugh McGrath and Edward ,
Married by the Rev. H. N. Bassler
Miss Elizabeth V. Novinger and Carl
! E. Polan, both of this city, were mar- ,
! lied last evening at 6 o'clock in their j
newly-furnished home at 429 South ,
| Fifteenth street. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Harry N. Bass
ler, pastor of Second Reformed church,
in the presence of a number of rela
tives and frien'ils.
Shearer-Shields Wedding
Miss Bertha Shield's, of Blain, and
Harry Shearer, of New Germantown,
Pa., were married last evening at 8
o'clock rit the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hollenbaugh, 1512 North Fourth street,
by the Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pas
tor of the Second Reformed church.
OpppNlte Orphrum llrll 3M]
K>CM Kxamlnrd l.ennra (■round
Open VVnlnpmlnj' anil Saturday
Evtnlagu I'atil U
Members of Keramic Class Presented
Her With Kitchen Ware
Miss Edith Troup was given a sur
prise shower yesterday afternoon when
she entertained the members of the
keramic class, to which she belongs,
at her home, '2*l3'B North Third street.
Luncheon was served to the following
Miss Lillian M. Quigley. Mrs. C. C.
Nissley, Mrs. Fratok Morrett, Mrs. J.
Newton Deeter, Mrs. C. M. Forney, of
Paxtang; Miss BdHh Troup and Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Troup.
Mt. Calvary Dance To-night
In spite of the inclement weather
the dance which the men of Mt. Cal
vary P. E. church, Camp Hill, have
worked so hard to make a big success,
will be hel'ii 1 this evening in the Fort
Washington park pavilion. The dan-1
cing floor is inclosed and everything I
has been aranged to insure the guests
an enjoyable evening.
Birth Announcements
Mr. and Mrs. William Gorgas Hicks,
193" North Third street, announce the
birth of a daughter, Mary Alice Hicks,
Saturday, May 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Smith, 232
Harris street, announce the birth of a
daughter, Dorothy Jane Smith, Tues
day, May 18. Mrs. Smith was iMiss
Mary Sommer prior to her marriage.
Musicals at Country Club
Mrs. Henry McCormick and Miss |
McCormick have issued invitations for I
a musicale Thursday, May 27, from
four to six, at the Harrisburg Countrv |
Club. 1
Announce Birth of Son
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Diehl, 1706
Susquehanna street, announce the birth
of a son, Luther Kenneth, Tuesday,
May 18. Mrs. Diehl was Miss Helen
Flowers prior to her marriage.
Quest From Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. W. faster Lenney, of Atlanta,
Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank
Ttinplar, 11 South Eighteenth street.
Bulls and Bears
They are getting so gay again in
Wall street that seats on the stock Ex
change that yiere selling a little while
ago for $35,000 have been bid up to
$70,000. Still, a trifle like that can be
made in a few minutes' operations—-
sometimes.—Philadelphia Press.
Let Us Be Thankful
Summer colds are bad enough in all
conscience, whatever that means, but
let us turn to the silver lining of the
cloud and cheerly reflect that there are
no summer chilblains.—Boston Globe.
Fast Colors
If the American chemists can make
dyes soon enough to keep our mills
from shutting down they will furnish
fast colors.—Boston Herald.
1 .
I - ■ =3
To the Man v»ho Needs Glasses
To the Woman Who Needs Glasses
We Make a Silent Appeal
Eyes Examined am
■•free. No drops VL .■
' Jjsed. Glasses fitted U/ *
J*in gold filled H *
frames for reading
or sewing, as low
as .
Rubin & Rubin
:sslo Market St., Second Floor.
I Open Wed. and Sat. Evenings.
Bell Phone 2020-W.