The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 21, 1915, Page 16, Image 17

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] N °s™:^xr ers
Another Budget of Saturday Specials Offering Values of Rare Interest
Nainsook Whit® Poplin ■ Straw Shapes Pattern Hats
[j $1.39 mercerized English ji II 35c white Poplini 36 ll Women's and Misses' Spring Suits in Final f Clean up of rough straw, ll I === \^t = of = tUe^^i^ =^»^K^
nainsook. 40 inehe*. 10 J // inches, for skirt# and I I O // homp an«l milnn turban II // tern lints, formerly $6.50 ft
// yards to piece. Sat- Of fl // dresses. Saturday JQ Jl * /"M 171 /! A T7 1 // Blia P , ' ! '- Saturday f /fl // to SIO.OO. Sat- fO QC ft
ji urday only, piece, . OtJC /I // o n.y. yard ISfC f V aIUCS Ot All E/XCeptlOlial // f // „rday only
<» V —. C 1 T- ' • V
White Voile Underwear Crepe ' OH 0816 1 O-ITIOirOW Ostrich Plumes Trimmed Hats
jj ... ~l[ ll ,7 $22.50 Spring suits in Shepherd checks, navy blue $25.00 suits in navy blue, Belgian and black serge, ll I ll ll
I 25c plain white Voile. || // 12 Hc Plisse Crepe, ll and black j>oplin and gabardine, in tuxedo. Prince I'hap with flaring silk collar. He«luced to $18.75 /' Broad-head plumes in |j // Clean up of Trimmed II
140 inches wide, sheer qual- I froning. 30 inches wide. J and plain tailored styles; circular skirt with yoke. S3O 00 navv and black fine oualitv sera* suit'with // black, Hght blue, navy and ll // Hats. mostly turbnns. I
J ity. Saturday f O'/ZC I I O-/J »• $16.50 silkStu 1 .. fl "nv ' 49 C I
I v«rd V , vard H with plaited back Reduced to S2O 00 // onlV JOt f I nn,v ' f
ii 7 /. «/ $25.00 navy, green and black suits of extra quality, . . , 7. J I' II
'XI with patch pockets and button trimming. Reduced $39..>0 Shepherd check suits with vest nnd bengnline
»„ ... Q-tQ »"er silk collar; bone button trimming. Reduced to
Linen Napkins Mosqnito Netting Jplo. «0 ; $27.50 Faney Sailors Straw Shapes
l> ■ 1 [;■■ " Jj $30.00 navy, Belgian, sand and black suits in sev- j $37.50 Belgian and sand gabardine suits in jaunty, Ij 11 Ii l 7
// Linen napkins and 'I I 59e mosquito netting S ll eTal Ver - V {roo * l sk 'ri and coat trimmed with exclusive styles, that cannot be seen elsewhere. Re I Colore.! straw sailors, I // Fine qualities hemp and I
t 24 inches square." worth | j vards to piece; black, green l bullet buttons. Reduced to $20.00 I dueed to $27.50 // shades. Rat OP /A // milnn untrimmed hats, me- 1
// $3.50 doz. Sat- ff 4A fl wid white. Satur jn II , // «nla.v only COC ll // diuni shapes. Sat- CQ r //I
j urday only. « for $!• J™ ;/ day only, piece. . 4&C T Ihv*. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Hoor. jf | „Hav only OVCM
Linen Toweling Fancy Linens Summer's Choicest Washable Fabrics Transparent Hats Women's Gloves
II 12 4c red border \incn ll ll sl-39 Japanese drawn- j foi DfCSSCS // f"" ,mcr . , h * t jl I Two-ciasp kid gloves in ll
I! toweling. 16 inches wide. ■] // work scarfs and shams. i . . j . transparent l>nm. ll jj ta n and grey, large size, /I
/• Satimlav onlv, f/| /| I Saturday 11 Organdie in choice colors for Sum- 36-inch colored voile, in i-oin Inking skirts; in putty and tan. // cjaturiiax A Q || SI.OO value. Sat- r l/l
I Vard lUC IJ /' 0n1y... t/JfC U mer dresses; 40 inches wide. spo t», awuing 9triiH«s and floral de- Y a r ' l - r,c // onlv tif*. IP /j „rday only, ....... t)"C f
;/ Yard 25c| . v . Imported dress linens, in a com- '-L. " " .' I 7
■yj— —— l ' -vi "V 40-inch French voile, in floral pat- s, £ n * - ar plete color range; 36 to 44 inches
terns. Yard «oc' 36-inch army covert cloth fori wide. Yard. IlOc, 59c, 75c and KOc
r | W 71 1 T"' *1 **" D' v *s, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floor. T l l " T*\ 11 A _
Shoes for the Whole ramily ' —» blectric Portable Art Lamps
Women's Silk Hose Infants' Silk Hose Men s Silk Hose T * *
Attractively Reduced // /I n ,i 11 il In a Month-End Clearance
for Tn Mnrrnw fSZiX™" I II 'J // ,4"S'"£ N . i« oh.'.n.r ,„.i ™ th,
rOl I O-LVIUrrUW I 0 „1 V oOC fl /■ Saturday onlv, ...HOC /j // onlv uDC 1| indirect lighting system, providing a sott, well-diffuspd light for
~ . . .. . // r I ' r u I library or living room.
From regular stock we have gathered this group of interesting ! >/ / h „
shoe values for Saturdav; ' allies that we shall not be able to duplicate later embrace:
Women's $2.00 tan calf pumps, with ribbon bows, stitched soles and • $19.50 lamps HOW SIO.OO
Cuban heels. Reduced to $1.50 Tabourets Porch Rockers Mesh Bags j..»0 r.n i sioaa
. , , .1 ir ..... —r/ r. —~i 11 _ . _ iciiiips now ipxi^tUU
I r^T^ / | - »«.«»1amp.,..»»• $13.50
„.T» b,., k ,nd kid *l. sbw.; .Z h,7" 5J«£ i / .«"• " £«= I / •»"' "» JO, J *«•«> !»«.,.8 HOW $17.00
«—» $1.20 // satuTii.* only, . 37'jiC fl // srrtr '1.59 jl / Wc I Supplies for Auto Owners
Bovs- $1.50 uun metal calf button shoes, full toe lasts, with solid " // II ll It II OUppaeS lOr AUIO UWneiS
leather soles: sizes 9to 13 Vs. Reduced to $1.25 V Sq ■*" ' XI NT Hook on tire boots in three sizes:
Infants' 50c patent leather ankle strap slippers, sizes 2 to 5. Re- $1.49 size, «5c $1.7.) size, 88c $2.19 size, sl.lO
dueed to 25c Bead Necklaces Enameled Jewelry O-Cedar Mops 5-lb. pails Purtan s. Ip; regularly 75c. Special to-morrow 50c
Children's 90c tan leather barefoot san.lals; sizes $4 to 11. Re- > ? y ** l)iv,,!i ' l> """' r "y & Stewart, Basement.
ti Dives, Pomeroy i Stewart, Street Floor. // coJorg / // bar pins, crosses. etc. /I // ing mop 1 Silk Gloves Silk Gloves
1 ' j SI.OO fancy bead OQ 7 j Saturday tf H $1.25 O-Cedar pol OQ ft , ■ ,i I, '" 11
Apron Gingham Silk Organdie /. necklace ,/ only it/*- V /; ishing V // Sixteen-button Bilk gloves ll I Sixteen-button silk gloves fl
r, ,i ■, y- ---J - r // ' n >-' r e.v.' tan, navy and I in navy, tan, grey and I
J] If ll t brown, $1.50 value. A | /ft // brown, SI.OO value. <7Q ill
*i v.- Lancaster tiingham in i j -9c and .»9c Siik Or- J jl Saturday only, V * // Saturday only, ... »%7 C IP
/ 6c I I S''£t*""*l9c & Waists of Voile and Organdie In Unmatch- v
t / / _ _ _ Wash Gloves Embroideries
~ ~ ~ able Values: Many New Styles to Be // //„. . " ll
Embroidered Crepe Cotton Voile j Sixteen - button cham- I // SI.OO fluun- /jq it
i j Introduced To-Morrow j //,2 /J
/• oik- t rej»e with embroid- 1 jj 20c voile, 36 inches wide, j j 59c value. Saturday.C r // «*ing, 40 in oO CJ'
jl rdiv onlv^ 1 ti! "' ure8 «* at ' ill ! s'atuMav' 1 onU- 0 i Waists of stripe voile, made with turn-over Voile waists trimmed with tucks and Irish ; —.— I
i *. n * r .i. cOC P v*'rd. ........... IJ C 'll collar, trimmed with venise. lace edge; three- crochet insertion; the turn-over collar is trim- _ . T ..
I Ii 1 if ouarter sleeves, with trimming of lace edge. An med with Irish crochet insertion and the sleeves Wlss inser t lon Women 3 Handkerchiefs
I attractive summer garment for .......SI.OO are finished with crochet buttons $1,95 1 // c , , ~ . ll It J
,11 i-i 1 -.i II Swiss embroidery inser- I // I?,,,„ s titrh<>(l linen hand-
Seersucker Gingham Wash Goods Remnants i Organdie waists with tunk trimming and All over embroidery voile waists, with seams j tioll , V to , inrhoSi 10c \ ker St S'inehhem.'aoft
- , -—] natch pockets SI.OO veinmg; embroidery collar trimmed with filet f value. Saturday only, o IJ // fini9h . 2 0c vnlue. 1r „ .fl
8c Seersucker Gingham, Gingham, voile J Voile waists trimmed with embroidery or- a, ' e et ge ' " IP j Saturday only, .. .
1 , '^ythV e Saturday''//, Off | gandie panels and lace insertion and with a Two new styles of nainsook, with trimming
vard. on, - v ' 1 xo eoi ar - Women's Handkerchiefs Laces
—— I ij All over embroidery voile waists with an em- broidery insertion and the arm eyes are finished n —,l 1,
broidered organdie vestee, $2.50 with lace edging 50c / White cotton handker- j // 10c Val. lace, lto r I
Striped Batiste Cotton Crepe »r Dives, I'omeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. ll sJ'valueT'' Saiuidaf J| 1 Vj'inen' Torchon |
// Batiste, 40 inches, j i 8c Crepe, figures on white j Cut Glass Brass Jardinieres China Bowls . -- -- - ; J] , ../
I colored stripes. Sat- *7 - ' I irround. Saturday C . I — — ■« >i ">J
urday onlv, /C j ' onlv, vard DC 1 |T 1 ll ' ll ll I .
til r f $3.00 sugar and cream . oil , I -»
1 I I «t. M U,r tray. i,» ».,h« I // brass .lardimeres, 8- I J 9S( , aecorated china salad 1 /■ t , ,
w _ I : i/.751 I S?s9c I IX. . 69c I The Year s Greatest
Grocery Specials: Saturday '' v ' Towel Values
In several of the individual spaces on this page appear sugar Toilet Paper Step Ladders Wash Boards j^q c kj n( j S)
and potato specials of importance to everv household. ll D ll ll ll t 1 > 1 1 e a 1 1
Additional values include: ' Ij Ten rolls crepe toilet | I st » ix '-7 n an<i il // -0" Protector wash | ™aker s surp us s c 0 ne grade towels came to us at a
.. I paper. Saturday *\ 1 I // step ladders, pail shelf. I // boards; only one to a cus- ,1 mere traction ot prevailing wholesale cost—all opportunity that
1 0 bars of soap for laumtry uses, New seeded raisins, 2 pkgs., 35c • t on j v £1 C /" • ll Saturdav onlv, anv /»A 11 1 I tomer. Saturday 1/t 'll ■ j. ■ e
:«>C Large cans Asparagus, can, 18c; f " • '/ size. .......... OifC .'/I //only lUC ill presents uncommon savings for you.
I an; * tomntoes. 3 cans. 35c 4 dozen 81.00 I ' ; / j 19c large size bath towels; white and colored borders. Special, "1 9.1/
t hoice shoe peg corn, J cans, 25c Banner Ive, large can 8c V ' • 1 /2V
Waldorf pork and beans, 3 cans. Laundry'starch, 5 lbs 34c 26( " fancy check bath towels. Special 17<^
25c Broken macaroni, lb 8c Men's Oxfords Women's Pumps Sheets 2»c large size hath towels. Special IQ/
Alaska salmon, can, 12c; 6 cans. Pearl tapioca, lb 8c . 1«V
«8c l>emonstration of Lutz & Schramm If " 1/ [I ' ' ll fl I 39c colored border and faney Turkish towels. Special 25<*
Santa « lara prunes. 2 lbs.. . 35c products now in progress. j? $3.00 and $3.00 patent I j $3.00 and $3.50 oxfords I // 62 % c bleachcl seamless II 50c large colored stripe Turkish towels. Special
tf Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart, Basement. fl colt, w caifand gun metal I // ln d pumps, some sizes miss- I // „ hect s- 81x90 in. C?„ | .- , , • tu-i. ♦ . r «, ' Si
v ' fl oxford ties. Sat- d* 1 Of) u // ing. Saturday *<) A P : fl // H nec iai Sat onlv, . OOC (il 6oc large plain white Turkish towels. Special 39^
Silk Poplin Mohair I * V °' V ' ,f // only *&AD ,f | ' s9 e sheets. Sat. only, 50c IT Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
=n « - d Lr,- vP *
'4o s^ 0S ' lkm ' tiD :9sc I I 75c nmbajir, 50 inches j Muslin Men's Shirts Men's Pajamas Women's Neckwear Guimp€S
4 nsi'n"." "1" " ,pn ' 79C J S'onlv/ra riT*.. 49 C | ll ll jj jl // $1 50 crepe pajamas; ll I Fancy embroidered col- ll // 25c s ,, a !llTTaco ir I
J I // .c bleached musing 36 j $ 1.50 woven madras silk /J / tri Led neatly. Special ] // lars in colored designs, // JSC I
" V I// EVS?. 5Z./9 j ir* y SUI9 2Se f I c , 4 9c 4
Black Linings I /'■ '/ "St 1 L J
[j I 1 , Ribbons Men's Coat Shirts
; sl "! J oiie' a vard ren ' 39c I I -n l- , / Children's Pajamas Sweaters Girls' Sweaters l, ' ')l n • l if
~V» bC ..Ik 70, 1 '/ .A TiTV'L" I J I, ,1 „ , ll 59, «a.p prin. ribhoj. f J
w «..v.ri, ... 79c | j Saturday on, V,' '« I j// Mf."' » l I SI.So .kit. I I ' 'Ui'lii&J jI , iJ*', 4 P "'."1""" Co"' |
- ' : f~ 69c ) hsxxr. 69c t—■ • ••■"' f I -S9cs
M«Umon Su,« Women's Pnio, Suit, ~V - "V* M«'. Work Shirts Sport Shirts
/; 75e Egyptian cotton ,'j // white cotton ribbed union /j Potatoes Granulated Sugar # Embroideries // „,, all , lirav Jl fl /|
/ ribbed union suits, short jl // suits, low neck and knee i i. 1 ' !/ ,1 , ll // ' li ' u l e . . e - jh 'I // 69c grev American cloth Ii
Z~ s "" d ". 65c f hxL'\: t l£.2sc §/ j Sfr..?. 54c I
*-= — v / ssrsrisnci
Women's Vests Women's Hose ij «oap>- Saturday. « ,j Men's Garters White Rice Cloth
J / "7S I See Announcement of Sale of Men's Suits I fe"H'l9cl
si V On Page 6 t -<i' t -J
'• ,/k- ""*•■ • . • 1 /