The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 21, 1915, Image 1

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OtttlM R«»nt Pace 8 \
SEWS!?® VOL. 77—NO. 144.
Premier Salandra Ob
tains Royal Signa
ture to Decree Sus
pending Diplomatic
Immunity of Aus
trian and German
Ambassadors to the
Vatican and Both Di
plomats Will Leave
Rome To-morrow,
Says Dispatch From
Italian Capital
King Emmanuel's Gov
ernment Has Not Yet
Decided on What
Neutral Country W ill
be Asked to Protect 1
the Interests of Her
Subjects in Germany
—Naples Customs
Offi als Sequestrate
Immense Cargo of:
Rice Consigned to
Kaiser's Empire
London, May 21. 12.34 P. M.—ln a
dispatch from Rome the correspondent
of the Kxchange Telegraph Company"
'"Premier Salandra this morning ob
tained the ro.val signature to a decree
suspending the diplomatic immunity of
tne Austrian and German Ambassadors
tu the \atican, who leave to-morrow."
Paris, May 21, 3.30 p. if.—The
Havas Agency publishes a dispatch
from Home, which savs:
"The Messaggero declares that the
council of ministers -will meet after the
session of the .Senate, and that the min- j
isters probably will draft a form of i
declaration of war against Austria-Hun
War Measure Now In Senate
Paris. May 21, 4.20 P. M.—The
Rome correspondent of the Havas
Agency telegraphs that Premier iSal- j
a dra introduced in the Senate to-dav '
the bill passed by the Chamber of ;
Deputies yesterday, conferring upon j
the government plenary powers in re
gard to the conduct of war.
'lt is predicted that the Senate
■will vote unanimously for tho bill "
the message adds.
Ou receiving the bill the Senate de
cided unanimously to consider it as an
emergen. y measure, and named a com
mittee to make a report. This commit
tee met immediately. The Senate
took a recess of an hour after which
it was to meet to receive the commit
tee 's report.
Rome. May 20, 10.25 P. M., Via
Paris, May 21. 3.05 A. M.—The!
'•Tribune'' says the Italian government
has not yet decided what neutral coun
try will be asked to protect the inter
ests of Italians in Germany after war
is declared, but predicts that it will be
Paris. May 21.—A Havas dispatch
from Rome says the Naples customs au
thorities have sequestered a steamship
cargo of 2.000 tous of rice consigned
to Germany.
Washington, May 21.—Count Bern
etorff. the German ambassador, was
advised to-day bv the Berlin foreign
office, that the German diplomatic in
terests in Italy have been taken over
by Switzerland.
Declaration of War Soon?
Geneva, Via Paris, May 21.—An ul
timatum from Italy to Austria may be
expected Friday and a declaration of
war before the end of the week, accord
ing to information received here from
Baron Von Macchio, the Austrian
Continued on Thirteenth rage.
\ ; ■'
®k Star- Jirftepeitfrent
I iimi *nV ; 'i *
rji .j J( J WJp*»A yL
» > jL A* Iml'.
H ' pp q Hcnro In the Italian sitimtl. :> Iturone SiMiuino Is the Foreign Minister.
S.gaor Gabrlele iFAnnunzlo. the poet, has t**»n a lifted' figure among the strong Advocates of national eipan-
Mon. The sceue was taken iu Milan during the twenty-four hour genera! strike, when almost the entire popula
tion turned out and shouted for war The picture shows the troops holding back the crowd during the funeral of
the laborer who was killed by a [lollceiuan during the riots attending tile strike.
Rome, via Paris, May 21.—During
the recess which preceded the vote in
the House of Deputies on the bill giv
; ing the government full military
i power the deputies thronged the lo!>-
; bies eagerly discussing the premier's
speech and reading the (ireen book,
i Promptly at 5 o'clock Signor Ma
i cera re-entered the chamber followed
! by Signor Salan Ira and the other miu
! isters. Siguor Boszelli, secretary of
j the committee announced while" the
' deputies wildly applauded, that the
I committee unanimously proposed the
adoption of the bill giving tho gov
• eminent full military power.
Defense of Italy's Course
I "The Chamber's vote,'" said Signor
| Boszelli, "will be a new and solemn
: affirmation of our invincible faith in
j the .justice of our cause and the glories
! of our country. The moment has come
! to fulfill our promises to "our unre
deemed countrymen.' "
Deputy Barzilai. a native of Triest,
; spoke in sup|>ort of the bill, Deputy
: Turati explained the views of the So
j ' ialists and Deputy Colajanii, the Re
-1 publican leader, announced that he
I would refrain from speaking, but
! shouted "Viva Italy" causing anoth
; er outburst of cheers,
j Deputy Ciceotti, a Socialist, said,
| "As a citizen and a -Socialist, I con-!
j sider it my duty to place no obstacle,
j material or nioral in the government's
' path. We are faced with a defensive 1
I war. Socialists in whose* name I speak,
hope a new Europe will sprint; from
this war. They hope it will lead to the
disarmament so ardently desired. We j
wish to help the progress of the civili- ]
Bill Adopted By 407 to 74
This closed the debate and the bill |
was adepted on a secret ballot by a j
vote of 407 to 74. Then President i
Macora rose to his final address, all |
the minister* and deputies rising with j
him to listen to his remarks.
"In the solemnity of this historical I
sitting,' - he said, "we find again the
sacred faith of our ancestors. I,et us i
ever do our duty to our country, firm j
in the conviction that our union, our
steadfastness ami gallantry, our army I
and navy will complete the unification ;
of our country. Long live Italy! Long
live he, who by his unflagging patriot- j
ism. his spirit of sacrifice, his .leep de- I
votion to his country is worthy to be j
its guide! Long live the king!"
When the tumult and applause and j
cheering provoked by Signor Macera's '
words had died away, he moved that i
adjournment be taken sine die. Tho
motion was carried and as the deputies
left their seats there was witnessed a
scene of the wildest enthusiasm ever
seen in tho chamber.
Brakeman Suffers Broken Ankle
Edgar Hilner, of West Fairview, a
brakeman in the Enola yards of the
Pennsylvania railroad, 'suffered a frac
ture of the (ight ankle in a fall while
at work yesterday. The fracture was
reduced at the Harrisburg hospital.
Petrograd, May 21. via London,
i 1 -45 P. M. —An official statement
! referring to the recent fighting in the
Carpathian mountains was issued here
to-day and reads:
"In the fighting of the past three
weeks, since the beginning of the oper
ations of the enemy in Carpathians,
their losses on May 10, 11, 12 and 13,
during which the fighting lost some of
its intensity, averaged 10,000 a day.
On the other seventeen days they were
much heavier, especially during the
period between May 16 and May 19,
when they amounted to several tens
of thousands daily.
"Certain regiments of the enemy
have been reduced to a single
company. Their total losses during this
period, including 40,000 prisoners cap
tured by us have undoubtedly reached
to one-fourth or perhaps one-third of
their total strength.
"The score of guns lost by the
enemy in this fighting is as nothing
compared with their total ntitrtber, but
it must be borne in mind that owing
to the lack of horses and the scarcity
of projectiles—between two and three
1 million shells having been expended
by the enemy during this period—tho
enemy left behind on old positions
several hundred This circum
stance h;:s helped to equalize the odds,
which wore in favor of the enemv."
Several small engagements occurred
yesterday in France and Belgium. The
official German statement of to-day says
French attacks east of Ypres canal and
in the Ailly forest and a British move
ment near Neuville-Chappene all failed.
The French statement adds that the
Germans gained some gTound in an as
sault in the vicinity of Ypres, but as
serts they were driven back subs*
The Berlin War Qffice reports that
the situation in the east is unchanged,
except for additional minor successes
for the Germans in the northern region
east of the Prussian frontier.
So far as dispatches reaching this
country from Borne Indicate, Italy has
not as yet taken the final step to
plunge her Into war with Austria-Hun
gary. Yesterday the Italian Parliament
gave the government full powers to
act. oince that time no news of any
decisive developments have been re
ceived. It would appear that the cen
sorship Is tightening and it is a fact
that dispatches from Borne are Deing
A Geneva dispatch says Italy may
send an ultimatum to Austria to-day,
and that a declaration of war will come
before the end of the week. A message
Cvatlnucd Thirteenth Pace. '
London, May 21.—Cabling from
Athens the correspondent of the Reu
ter Telegram Company says fierce fight
ing is in progress near the neck of the
Gallipoli peninsula. The big guns of
the British battleship Queen Hlizabeth
are being fired from the Gulf of Saros,
thus assisting in the allies' attack. The
Turks are being supported by the guns
of the SiUtan Selim (formerly the
German cruiser Goeben) which are be
ing fired from the sea of Marmora.
Turkish troo(>s from Aivali, in Asia
Minor, are said to have been trans
ferred to the Dardanelles.
Newspapers of Athens, the corre
spondent, declares, say the British au
thorities have increased to SIO,OOO the
reward offered bv them for information
leading to the destruction of the Ger
man submarines, the presence of which
has been reported in the Mediterranean.
Paris, May 21, 4.05 A. M.—A dis
patch to the Havas Agency from
Athens, dated Thursday, says:
"The British battleship Queen
Elizabeth, posted in i-e gulf of Saros,
supported the allies with her big guns
during a tbattle on the north side of
the Gallipoli peninsula yesterday, ac
cording to dispatches from JMv'teline.
The fofts and hatteries at Xagara are
being bombarded continuously. Fort
Kilid Bahr is resisting feebly.
"General >H. J. Geraud, the French
commander-in-chief, has issued an army
order congratulating his army on the
results they have attained.
Governor's Secretary In Hospital
James 8. Hiatt, private stcretarv to
Governor Brumbaugh, who was com
pelled to go to his Philadelphia home
last week by reason of a severe attack
of illness, is now in a hospital in that
city. He is reported to be gaining
strength. Mr. Hiatt had a nervous
breakdown several weeks ago and re
turned to his duties at the Executive
Department before he had fully recov
ered, the consequence of which was a
Boys and Girls!
Uncle Harry Talks
To-day On
"The Cost of the
Read What He Has to Say
On Page 2
Will Wield Shovel on
Highwa3's in Cum
berland County Next
Pointed Oat They Must All Be Re
leased From Their Regular Duties
for a Day If They Are to Qualify
as "Good Citizens"
I've been working on the highways.
All the live-long day.
I've been working on the highways,
To pass the time away.
That is the refrain that Governor
'Brumbaugh will sing next Wednesday
night, after he has properly observed
Good Roads Day, for it is the Gov
ernor's intention to set the example
to the people of the State and do his
share of manual labor on the roads just
as every other good citizen is expected
to do in pursuance of the Governor 'a
proclamation calling upon all to get
out May 26 with picks and shovels. He
will make a full day of it, too.
Accompanied by Deputy State High
way Commissioner Joseph W. Hunter
and Williau B. D. 'Hall, statistician of
the State Highway Department, Gov
ernor Brumbaugh will leave Harrisburg
on next Wednesday morning, taking
with him his little shovel and pickaxe,
and journey due south through the
Cumberland Valley, avoiding all State
roads and confining his jouri.ey ex
clusively to county and township roads
which seem to be most iu need of re
As the Goverqor's proclamation failed
o neverv good citizen of the State so
to "arrange his affairs'' as to be able
to go out and wield a shovel or a pick
for eight hours on Good 'Roads l>ay,
their is much speculation among Cap
itol Hill employes as to whether they
are expected to take this literally and
abandon their regular duties for the
State. It was said this morning that
ail depend* 011 the headr of the various
departments as to whether all the Cap
itol deputies, clerkH, stenographers and
other attaches will be permitted to "ar
range their affairs" so as to be away
from the Capitol on the day specified.
To Qualify as Good Citizens
It has been pointed out that since
the Governor expects all good citizens
to abandon their regular jobs to work
on the roads next Wednesday, the first
ones to do so ought to be the State's
Continued on Fifteenth Pave.
Passengers Traveling Out of Harris
burg Will Break Monotony of Long
Trip By Viewing Film Pictures If
Plan Being Discussed Is Adopted
Harrisburg travelers, going east or
west on the Pennsylvania railroad, will
while away long hours on the trains
| by looking at moving pictures in .the
Pullman car's, if a plan goes through
| that the Pennsy officials have under
| consideration, according to to-day's
I issue of the "Motion Picture News,"
j a trade journal printed in New York
I City.
This "movie" publication declares
; the Penusv is considering installing
| motion picture machines in some of the
company's fastest flyers "to relieve
j the monotony of long runs."
"A picture corporation recently
j gave a demonstration in a Pullman
smoker," declarer the "News," "of
the adaptability of their projection
j machine to showing the pictures. The
j demonstration was given in broad day
| light and,the pictures were remarkably
. clear. The demonstration showed how
I easily motion pictures can be installed
I on these trains."
i Local officials of the Pennsylvania
when asked to-day about the story,
said that such matters are handled en
tirely at the main offices, in Broad
street station, Philadelphia, and that
the officials here would notf learn
| about it until a decision was reached
j at headquarters.
Berne, Switzerland, May 21. Via
Paris, 11.25 A. M.—The Swiss Fed
eral authorities have decided to make
suitable representations to Germany on
the sinking May 7 of the Canard Line
steamer Lusitania by a German sub
marine, as a result of which three Swiss
citizens lost their lives.
The government is awaiting knowl
edge of the German reply to the Wash
ington note on this subject so as better
to be able to choose a wise course of
procedure. The Swiss think well of
President Wilson's note, but to most
newspapers it appears to be hardly
Btrong enough.
The argument is being made here by
Swiss observers that th e Swiss repre
sentations will have great weight be
cause behind them there will be the
Swiss army, 500,000 strong.
Lawmakers Who Were In Charge of Fi
nances Say It Will Not Be Neces
sary for the Governor to Swing Ax
on Bills Calling for 907,000,000
Of the several huudred appropriation
bills left in the Governor's hands bv
the Legislature, carrying appropriations
of between >66,000,000 and $67,000,-
000, very few will be taken up for
consideration before Decoration Day,
but about June I the Governor, after
a much needed rest, will take all of
theso bills up with Representative
Woodward, chairman of the House Ap
propriations Committee, the body in
which most of them originated.
Chairman Woodward will leave here
for his homo in McKeesport to-morrow
morning and while home will make tip a
tabulated list of all of the appropria
tions. On his return he will put in the
time with the Governor until all are
disposed of.
i a refill calculations have been made
as to the revenue to be gotten by the
State in the next two years, and it is
found that the money appropriated can
be met by the revenues and a balance
bo left for emergencies. So careful
were the Senate and House Appropria
tontlnued on Thirteenth Figr.
1 1,045 Sent to Governor in Session Just
Closed—Beats All Past Totals
More bills were passed and sent to
the Governor by the legislators in the
session of the General Assembly that
adjourned yesterday than by any oth
er Legislature iu the history of Penn
sylvania. This became known to-day
when Cyrus K. Woods, Secretary of the
Commonwealth, issued a statement
showing that the total of bills sent to
the Governor was 1,045.
Of this number, according to Mr.
Woods' official figures, 41 were recalled
by the Legislature before the Governor
acted on them. The Governor has ve
toed 53 bills thus far and has ap
proved 243. That leaves 708 bills
in Governor Brumbaugh's hands for
him to dispose of in the next 30 days.
It is pointed out that, while the num
ber of bills introduced this session was
considerably below that of the 1913
season, the number that actually was
approved by both branches of the Leg
islature and sent up for executive ac
tion was never so large as in the ses
sion just closed.
Hotel Clerk Says Two Assailants
Tripped Him—Arrests Made
in Market Street
The nose of George W. Freeland,
1419 North Third street, night clerk
at the Dauphin hotel, Market street,
was fractured this morning at 8 o'clock
when he was tripped in front of the
hotel by tw-o men with whom, he said,
he had had a struggle when he at
tempted to put them out of the build
Patrolman Hippie was called after
Freeland had been taken to the Harris
burg hospital. The alleged assailants
were walking away. Hippie arrestod
them near Fourth and Market streets.
At police headquarters they gave' their
names as Robert Sanford" and Hoke
MeDcvitt, but refused to tell their ad
dresses. The police are of the opinion
that the men are New Englanders.
After treatment in the hospital, Free
land signed information against the
captives before Alderman Murray,
charging assault and battery. The pair
were committed to jail for a hearing
late this afternoon.
Freeland told the police he had put
! the men out of the hotel several times,
! but each time they had returned. He
j said his nose was broken when he was
j tripped and fell to the sidewalk. The
affair attracted the attention of a big
crowd of persons on their way to work
in the Market street business district.
I Governor Appoints Another Man to
Wagner's Place on Pish Board
j "Honus'' Wagner, the veteran short
stop of the Pittsburgh Pirates, has
j lost his job as a member of the State
! Fisheries Commission,
j On April 23, 1914, Governor Tener
appointed Wagner a member of the
! Commission. Shortly before Governor
iTeuer's term expired the shortstop's
! name was again sent to the State Seu
, ate for continuation but upon request
iof Governor Brumbaugh the nomina-
I tion, with others, was held up. Another
j name ultimately was sent in. The of
| flee paid no salary.
Wild Cat Jollification May 2H
Many Harrisburgers received invita
tions to-day to attend the thirteenth
annual opening of the Wild Cat Falls
Club, of Marietta, at the club house
along the Susquehanna on Friday, May
28. These annual openings of the fa
mous Wild Catters are social events
participated in by guests from all parts
of the State, many politicians of State
wide prominence being members of the
Corporations Give to Band Fund '
At least one of the band concerts to
be given this summer at Reservoir
Park under the direction of the Mu
nicipal Band Concert Association is to
be paid for by the Harrisburg Light &
Power Company, said Park Commission
er M. Harvey Taylor to-day. The
amount given is SBO. It is understood
the Harrisburg Railways Company has
offered a contribution of $250.
Signs "Fourth of July" Bill
Governor Brumbaugh this-morning
approved the bill authorizing the ap
pointment and prescribing the duties
of a commission to aid in celebrating,
each year in Philadelpha, the anniver
sary of the signing of the Declaration
of Independence, known as the "Fourth
of July" bill. It carries an appropria
tion of SIO,OOO.
1.1 TO I FOR
Foreman Announces
Verdict in Favor of
Colonel, But One Jur
or Then Balks
Presiding Judge Informed That Jury
Stood Unanimous in Favor of &
Verdict for the Defendant if Costa
i Could be Divided Equally
R.i/ AsHin iiilid Prca*.
j Syracuse, N. V., May 21.—After
mice reporting an illegal verdict to
the court in favor of Theodore Koose
vclt, the jury trying William Barnes'
suit tor libel, failed to-day, in more
than three houre of additional delibera
tion to arrive at a verdict that wag
i legal.
Shortly before 2.30 o'clock this aft
ernoon no word having come from the
j jury room, Justice Andrews announced
that he was going to his home and that
in case that a proper verdict should
be found before 5 o'clock he should be
.sent for. It' no verdict was returned by
that time, Justice Andrews said that
court should be adjourned until 10
o'clock tomorrow morning and the jury
j locked up.
Syracuse, X. V., May 21. —The jury
i in the Barnes-Hoosevelt libel suit came
in shortly before 11 o'clock to-day and
I the foreman announced that the jury
I had agree,! upon a verdict for the de
fendant. When the roll was called by
the clerk of the court, eleven of the
■ jurors said they were in favor of a
■ verdict for the defendant but tlio
twelfth, Edward Bums, a Syracuse mo
torman, arose in his seat and said: "I
j am for the piaintilT."
Justice Andrews himself haid' been
j informed before the jury entered the
room that a verdict had been found.
The spectators were warned that any
i demonstration would be met with se
vere punishment. Then the jury was
brought in and the foreman made his
announcement. After Burns had dis
| sented Justice Andrews sent the jury
! back to its room.
Debating Disposition of Costs
j Justice Andrews was informed by
the foreman that the jury stood unani
i mous in favor of a verdict for the'de
fendant in case the costs were split
, between the plaintiff and defendant.
The jury debated upon the question of
! the costs when it returned to its room,
I it was said.
The jury was trying to decide the
Iquestion of costs and that alone. It
; was apparent when the roll was called
: that some of the jurors were in favor
jof dividing the costs, which at the
most, it was said, would amount to less
than $1,500 while others were iudif
, ferent.
! The law of libel provides that - the
I loser in a contest must pay the costs
Jot th» action, lawyers said there was
no way in which the costs could be di
vided if a verdict were returned. In
the event it was said of Juror Burns
refusing to agree with his eleven com
panions. the costs would be split.
Colonel Declines to Comment
Shortly after 12.30 o'clock
was taken until 2 o'clock this after
noon with the jury still considering the
j case in its room. A verdict, if any is
found, cannot be returned before the
j oppning of court this afternoon.
Colonel Hoosevelt declined to cont
inent for 'publication upon the action
of the jury. By the expression of hii
face, however, it was most apparent
! that he was as pleased as he possibly
j could be. His counsel said their client
| was perfectly willing to divide the
j costs if there was any way in which it
could be done. They made it plain
in the presence of the defendant that
a verdict was the tiling desired re
gardless of any costs.
Mr. Barnes was was not present in
the court room when the jury came in,
having returned to his home in Albany
last night.
Jury Lunches During Kecess
The jury went to luncheon during
the recess. It returned to the court
j house shortly before the opening of the
'afternoon session and immcdia ely went
to its room. Juror Burns was tlie last
man in the line of twelve which walk
ed through the streets in single tile.
A deputy sheriff was at Burns elbow.
Other deputies walked alongside the
line an,l' in front of it.
Colonel Roosevelt had luncheon at a
local hotel. Some one sent him a
bunch of flowers while he was dining
and many persons crowded around him
in the hotel lobby to congratulate him.
The Colonel was wearing a big rose
from the bunch when he returned to
the conrt room.
Ry Associated Press.
New York, May 21.—1n the later
dealings a further rise in specialties
was offset by recurrent weakness in I
low priced railways. The closing was
firm. War shares, notably Crucible
Steel, was the features of to-day'a
dull and professional market.