The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 20, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
r "l ■ Chas. J. Watson Moe L. Cooper I Among Men Good Dressers I Arc Not as Rare as They Used to Be There is a reason for this. Young men govern the style. Older men want as becoming clothes as the young feHow. WORTHY CLOTHES answer all these requirements. There is trimness and smartness in the ap pearance of WORTHY CLOTHES that will ap- Clf/Rl peal to you whenever you [j\ w / A \ wear the suit. It will add ilkVf 1 { to the satisfaction that I you get out of life. There ' is no exaggeration in this. You must demand I fym | style and service from / / \\\ your Spring and Summer jJK \\ | suits and our guarantee is \ J V, | ) back of what we sell in | \\\ | I WORTHY CLOTHES. Ul !j This is an assurance of | | Ul 1 giving you full measure 1 I .j of permanent style and ij maximum value. I sls, S2O j Remember our address is | 1 4 NORTH THIRD ST., Next Door to Gorgas' | NEWS OF HINEIY-IWOTRAIL UTTERS IN TWO !\NDONE-HftLF WEEKS Evangelist Hillis Puts the Moving of Steelton Up to the Prayerful Co operation of the Borough Ministers, Churches and Congregations The meetings held in the tabernacle n:ii| the Main Street Church of God ystcrdiiy afternoon in connection with tlie Hillis evangelistic campaign were well attended an I- announcement was made this omrning by the executive committee that 92 persons have hit the trail in less than three weeks of re vival work. At the opening of the services in fhe tabernacle last evening Evangelist Hilli- replied to the question, "Can ltilli* Move Steeltouf" He said: "1 never said I could and 1 never expect to move Steelton. But the Hil lis party, with the co-operation of the ministers and churches and by the pow er of God and the Holy Spirit, can move Steelton. But if God is expected to move Steelton some of the ungodly prot'e-sors of religion in the churches must clean up and get right." He said his eyes had been opened in the last ten days to some of the awful sins that were committed in Steelton. Jf Steolton is to be moved some of the leating members in the leading churches must give up their dancing and card parties. Those who have the devil in their heels or a pack of cards in their hands can do no personal work and he would rather have them stay away from the tabernacle then to have them attempt to "win souls." It is no won der some of the churches are helpless in the battle against the sins of Steel ton. He said they have a lot of num bers so useless that you could' sell them in carloa'ls at three cents; and those who bought thein at that price would waste their money. Sinners seem to be more interested in the revival cam paign then many Christians. Sinners are nctually boosting the tabernacle meet ings, while some church members are j knocking and opposing the work. Sin-, ners seem to be more willing to -open ' their homes for prayer meetings then I Christians, and Dr. Hillis said he had | more respect for the devil than he had for such Christians. H,e declare! that he was depending upon thp Godly and faithful to stand by the evangelistic campaign. "The Triumph of the Human Will" was the theme of the sermon, .lohn 5.40 and John 7:17. Kvery man is what lie wills to be. The will is the base line i>l character. Why are not all people saved'.' Not because they can not, but because they will not. At the STANDARD Theatre TO-NIGHT The Kalem Company presents "The De stroyer," in tlir*e reels, extra spe cial. Featuring Alice Hollister, Anna N'illson and Harry Millarde. Anne, of the Mines. Featuring Myrtle Gonzales, Alfred Vosburgh and Mar garet Gibson. Two-reel special. The Ranger's Romance. Selig. Josie's Legacy. Featuring .losie Sadler and Billy Vitagraph. HARRTSBTTRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1915. TRANSFER EXERCISES TO-MORROW EVENING Services WiU Be Held in the High School Auditorium and the Address of the Evening Will Be Made by the Rev. A. K. Wier Transfer exercises will be held in the High school auditorium to-morrow j evening when a lengthy program of reel- I tations, declamations, autobiography, j biogra; iiy and music will be rendered j by the 107 pupils who have concluded j their studies in the lower grades and j will enter the HigH school at the open ' ing ot the new term in September. Tiie j address of the evening will be deliv ered by the Rev. A. K. Wier, pastor of j Centenary i'nited Brethren church, and the certificates will be delivered By W. j 1\ Darby, president of the local 'School i Board. The following is a complete list |-of the transfer class: Central Grammar School—Fred Alle man, Rose Virginia Beiiows, Earl Beed Boyer. Theodore Sylvester Brown, *,u geue Kiernan Buck, Alta Mai ißnsh, Oara Martha Bush, Carrie Marie Carl son, Mary Barbara Cassel, Perry Clem son. Lillian IMftrie Colestock," Hettie Mary Devlin. Verna Edna Dairbert, Hcnrv Earle. May Ma'ble Fernsler, John illiain 1 ord, Calvin Rhoads Frvsing er. .lolin Edward Geistwhite, Mildred | Elizabeth Good, Rollin Goodfellow, I Simeon Goodfellow, John William i Grimes. Donald Stuart Groome, Jane | Elizabeth Hager. Miriam Rebecca Hale, i Earl Taylor Hartmau, Adda Irene Herman, Vera Edna Hershey, Carl Christian Hess, Mary Catherine Hess, Edna Lucille Hose, Elsie Howel'l, John Richard Howell, David Ernest Jacobv, Paul Thomas Jefferies, Margaret Ruby Jones, Paul Wesley Jones, Louis Rar matz, Anna Amelia Kennev, Elizabeth 'Catherine Kirov, Fred Knuth, William Thomas Kohlhaas, Dorothy T?elley Koppeuhaver, Melvin Henry Krout, Ijouis Theodore Uaco'b Myron Lamke, Donald Henrv Landis, Chester Arthur Lipp, Rosie Ida Margolis. Sara May Markley, Falice Elizabeth i Marks, Magdalena Henrietta Martzon, Mildred Ismay Mentzer, Nora Ellen Mohler, Rose Alpha Morrett, Charles Clyde Moyer, Clarence Ammon Moyer, Regis Hugh MeCall. Caroline Violet McC'auley, Donald Neglev McCauley, Ruth Elizabeth McCauley,' Dorothy Ha zel McCoy, Edgar Allen Xebinger. Hel en Margaret Nesbit, Delia Esther Nye, ■Albert Worley Obereash, Annabel Lee O'Brien, Helen Pauline Paxton, Don ald William Phillips, Harry Edmund Proud, Mary Ellen I'ugli, John Eber Reitzel, Charles Vernon Sellers, Lillian Ruth Sliaffncr, Eleanor Fredaricka Sheaffer, Harold Wennas Shutter, Hel en Irene Siciier, Margaret Helen Slay baugh, Charles Edmund Smith. Curtis Leroy Smith, William Howard Snell, (Catherine 'Marsella Stehman, Henrietta Barbara Stonesifer, Donald Blanchard Stouffer, Harold Eugene Suydam, 'Harry Franklin Swartlev, Ellen Catherine Thompson, Paul Elmer Trieee, George Tuptanoski, Charles Richard Wallace, Blanche Eliza Warner, John Samuel Weiscnford, Sara Radford Wigflcld, William Albert Wueschinski, Harvev IHayes Yinger, Pauline Effic Ziegler, Harold Wilbur Zimmerman. Total—97. Hygienic School—Jane Lillian Brant, Somerville Wells Brant, Elwyn Laura Bailey, Catherine Elizabeth Butler, Ed ward Gregory Ball, Samuel Ellwood Brown, Earl William Carpenter, Sam uel Henry Cole, Carrie Lewis, Mary Al ice Kobinson. Total—lo. Males. 55; females. 52. Total—lo7. Faculty—Central Grammar school, G. W. Henry, principal; N. A. Yeany, Nora M. Crouse, May B. Osman. Hy gienic school, C. F. Howard, principal. NOTES OF MEMORIAL DAY Post 351, a: A. R., Will Meet To-mor row Afternoon Post 351, G. A. R., of the borough, will hold a special meoting to-morrow afternoon at 4.30 o'clock in the hall an North Front street, when important business relative to Memorial Day will be transacted. The memorial committee of the post is busy arranging for the an ' nual exercises to be held Monday aft ernoon, May 31, in* honor of the dead comrades, and expect to announce the full program in a short time. For the first time in the history of the local post, the programs for Me morial Day m Oberlin and 'Highspire, lieretoforo arranged by the local veter ans, wiH bo prepared by committees of residents of those two towns. The Rev. A. K. Wier, pastor of Centenary United Brethren church, will deliver the annual address at Baldwin cemetery Monday afternoon, May 31. STEELTON NOTES The recently-organized Sons of Italy band will hold a dance in the German Quartet Club hall, Front and Washing- I ton streets, this evening at 8 o'clock. The Douglass Association will hold J its annual banquet Friday, June S, at I S p. ni. in the Hygienic school build ! ing. The registry kept in the schools here during the observance of patrons' days j showed that nearly 12,000 visits were I made to the various rooms during the | exercises and art exhibits. "Who Is Whoi'' a comedy, will be I given by the teachers of the Hygienic I schoal to-night in the new school I building at Adams and Bailey streets, i Music will be furnished by the Hygienic j orchestra. The Imperial bnnd will give a con ! cert Saturday night for the Goodwill | Fire Company ir Enhaut. The Bessemer mill at the local steel ' plant resumed operations last night j after a suspension of several weeks. | The mill is working on the duplex sys tem for the open hearth. Steelton Lodge, Loyal Order of I Moose, will observe ladies' night June j 16. A big banquet will bo held in oue I of the local halls and the wives and ; friends of the members will be guests ! of the lodge. The teachers' examinations for pro visional artd professional grades of cer tiflrates in the public schools will be held in room 15 of the High school June 2, beginning at 9 o'clock in the I morning. A big crowd jammed Front street I near Locust street last evening when jan athlete billed as Daredevil Daro i sprawled upon the wooden blocks while ] a loaded touring car passed over his body. He will test his strength against four dray horses to-night. PERSONAL W. A. Keister is confined to his home. Front and Adams streets, by ill ness. William H. Fisher, 30S Lincoln street, a student at State College, has been brought to his home suffering with lan attack of rheumatism. He was ac- I companied by T. J. Howarth and F. J. | O'Brien, who returned yesterday morn ing. .Mrs. George H. Roberts and Mrs. ! Jennie Keller are attending the Gram! I Assembly, Degree of Rcbekah, I. O. j O. F., at Stroudsburg as representatives j of the local lodge. Standard Theatre's Offerings Exceptional interest will be evident i iu the program offered by this popular moving picture theatre this evening. 1 The Kalem company has a three-reel ; headliner to start the show. The other j reels, although different, will be of the i same high class.—Adv.* ! THIRD JI IHiE PLAN FALLS Nissley Bill Concerning This County Fails to Pass the Senate The Nissley bill providing for an 1 additional law judge tor E>auphin couu j ty, died in the closing hours of the Legislature. The bill went through the House swimmingly and got into the Senate where it was hung up for some time in committee. It was finally brought out to the light of day and (got a place on the calendar, tout there it remain ed after it reached the third reading stage, being marked "postponed for the present." It might just an well have been labeled "a dead one," for it was never called up, and finally on to-day's cal endar it occupied an inconspicuous position at the bottom of all the bills. The Senate last night passed every bill, but when it reached the "third judge'' measure, it halted about 2 o'clock this morning and adjourned, and with the adjournment the Nissley bill died. It is understood that the contention that it was looked upon with disfavor by the judges of Dauphin is what con tributed to the downfall of the meas ure. MINE STRIKE SETTLED Men at Another Colliery in Wilkes-! Barre District Quit Work Wilkes-Barre, Pa., May 20.—About 2,000 mine men and boys employed bv the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Com pany at the Maxwell and the No. 4 collieries of that eompany returned to' their work yesterday after strikes had been in progress for several days. At the same time 1,000 men and boys em ployed at the colliery of the same company, located at Plymouth, went out on a button strike and are idle to-day. Trouble is also threatened, at the Empire colliery. The strike at No. 4 mine was called : last week as a result of the company in augurating a new checking system, and the same cause is threatening trouble at the Empire, where about "00 men and boys are employed. The strike at the Lan-ce colliery started when a few inen refused to join the union. Gets Wireless Message From York Foster Coeklin, 17 .years old, 1630 North Fifth street, during the last few weeks has been making wireless ex periments. There are about thirty young men in Harrisburg who are in terested in this branch of science. Mr. Coeklin this week was successful in re ceiving a wireless message from York. RAILROADS CREWJOARD HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division —llo crow to igo first after 10 a. m.: 119, 113, 128, 111, 132, 109, 107, 123, I<X4, 124, 115. Engineors for 104, 109, 110. Firemen for 104, 107, 109, Edil. No. 1. Conductors for 107, 113, 116, 132. Flagmen for 107, 13,2. Brakemen for 113, 119, 132, 183, Edg. No. 1. Engineers up: Layman, Streeper, Mc'Oauley, Grass, Albright, Karhart, Madenford, Hubler, Wambaugh, Now comer, Snow, Long, Goodwin, Welsh, Manley, Geesey, Sellers, Davis, Ten nant, Smith, Biseinger, Reisinger, Spear, Criswell, Wolfe, Deninsou, Henecke. Firemen up: Martin, Libhart, Grove, Ventzer, Beliman, Copeland, Cover, Miulholcn, Maderforil, Hus ton, Farmer, I. L. Wagner, Gilberg, Pen well, Bushey, Brenner, Gelsinger, Lantz. Conductor up: Fraelich. Flagmen up: Sullivan, Bruehl. Brsikemen up: Wolfe, Allen, Felker, Shultzerberger, Malsecd, Albright, Bryson, Stehman, Griffie, Busser, Mc- Ginnis, McEntire, Mumma, Arment, Wiland, Hivner, Riley, Baltosscr, Mc- N'aughton. Middle Division—246 crew to go first after 12.15 p. m.: 245, 218, 20, 24, 23, 15, :2'2, 112, 16. Engineer for I's. Conductor for 16. Engineers up: Kugler, Wissler, Mumma, Hertzler, Moore, Carman. Firemen up: Karstetter, Ross, Lie bau, Cox, Thomas. Conductors up: Paul, Huber. Flagmn up: Smith, Carpenter. Brakemen up: McHenry, Roller, Baker, Kane, Thornton, Boian, Reese, Fritz. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Salts- | man, Kuhn, Snyder, Pelton, Shaver, Laudis, Hoyler, Beck, Warter, Biever, Blosser, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Harvey. Firemen up: Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schief er, Rauch, Weigle, Lackey, Cookerly, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Eyde. Engineers for Ist 24, 32. Firemen for 18, 56. THE READING P.. H. and P.—After 1.45 p. m.: 12, 9. 15 20, 2. Eastbound—sß, 54, 67, 53, 51, 61, 63, 69, 68, 71. Conductor up: Gingher. Engineers up: Wood, Morne, Mer kle, Barnhart. Firemen up: Nye, Snader, Auspach, Zukoswiske. Brakemen up: Kapp, Ayres, Miles, Shearer, Taylor, Lauks, Epley, Brown, Wynn, Machamer, Carlin, Heckman, IMc iHenry, Grimes, Ensminger, Zawaski, Hoover, ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—2oS crew to go first after 12.15 p. m.: 213, 202, 220, 225, 237, 207, 238, 212, 240, 228, 226, 222, 218, 20'6, 239, 234. Engineers for 212, 213. Fireman for 206. Conductor for 213. Flagman fpr 2'20. Brakemen for 208, 213, 225 226 234, Conductors up: Eaton, Stauffer. Flagmen up: Suvder, Gehrett, Reitzel. Brakemen up: "Rice, Deetz, Goudy, Long, Wertz, Fair, Sumniy, Vandling, Twigg, Schuyler, Jacobs, Baker, Shaff ner, Myers, Stimeling, Kone, Taylor, Walkeman. Middle Division—los crew to go after 1.15 p .m.: 117, 111, 118, 101, 107, 102, 1 10, 116, 104, 109. Conductor for 107. Flagmen for 104, 109. Brakemen for 111, 118, 102. PLUMBERS END CONVENTION | Harrisburg Man Is Elected First Vice President Wilkes-fiarre, Pa., May 20.—A ban quet at the Hotel Sterling last night brought the twenty-first annual con vention of the Pennsylvania State As sociation of Master Plumbers to an end. Late yesterday afternoon tellers com pleted the counting of ballots cast at the annual election. The result follows: President, F. J. Hauley, Pittsburgh; first vice president, H. George Palmer, Harrisburg; second vice president, Ed ward Vandorberg, Reading; third vice president, Robert Perse. Johnstown; treasurer, John H. Burehell, Allentown. President Hanley appointed George B. Stewart, of Philadelphia, as secretary. The delegates to the national con vention to be held next year in Chicago are retiring President George Bray, of Kingston; the incoming president, F. J. Honley, and Robert Plugfelder, of Phil adelphia. Swollen Tramp—Could you spare me one of 1 your husband's old hats, mum? Woman —They would be too large ! for you. My husband is an actor. — Puck. —— HAVE COLOR IN YOUR CHECKS | Be Better Looking —<- Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow—complexion pal id —tongue coated —appetite poor—; you have a bad taste in your mouth—a lazy, no-good feeling—you should take i Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—a sub- ! stitute for calomel—were prepared by 1 Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study ; with his patients. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with ' olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. If you want a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days, you must get at the cause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowels like calomel—yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome con stipation. That's why millions of boxes are sold annually at 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Take one or two nightly and note the pleasing results. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus, O. —Adv. HOUSE IS JOLLY 1 imrnm Members Bombarded With File Paper in Fun-making Session Lasting Till Morning ANTI-FUSION BILL IS PASSED Lower Branch. However, Fails to Con cur in Senate Amendments Adding $2,0(H>,000 to the Appropriations and Measure Is Sent to Conference The House of Representatives did not have a "calendar" last night, but from 9 o'clock in the evening until 1.45 o'clock thiii morning there was a "session" of jollity, fun and not a lit tle horseplay. Sandwiched between the hurling of bits of file paper about was the transaction of a little business, but roll calls were a tiresome procedure for a House bent on pleasure and it was with difficulty that anything seri ous was done. After a session og song, in which the Rev. Thomas W. Davis, chaplain of the Senate, occupied the Speaker's chair and sang the solo parts, the McNichol anti-fusion bill was called up and passed by a vote of 14 4 to 50. This bill prevents i candidate from with drawing from the ticket after ho is nominated at the primaries. There was: a parade, in which Mr. Shaaber, of Berks, a Grand Army man of the House, bore the United States flag. He was escorted to the Speaker's rostrum and gave Lincoln's Gettysburg address. The House set tled down to business and passed the salary-raiser of the 'House clerks by a vote of 115 to 75. Appropriation Bill as Missile The "Peerless Quartet," four young colored boys of Harrisburg, was given a place of honor on the newspaper desks at the front of the hall and ren dered several late selections feelingly. Representative A. C. Stein, of Alle gheny, took up a collection for the quartet. During the evening paper lints made their appearance and mem bers wore them until knocked off by other boisterous members with paper from the files. There were several interesting "fights" during the evening, when various members were sought out as targets for the paper missiles. Mr. Cromer, of Allegheny, put up the stiongeßt defense, but he was forced tiuallv to capitulate when the general appropriation bill, which had just been filed, was thrown at him. This bill is one of the largest of the session and makes splendid ammunition. $2,500,000 Added to Bill Many of the members disposed of the appropriation bill without examin ing it, but the watchful ones discov ered that the Senate had added $2,500,000 to it and in the final busi ness of the evening the iHiouse failed to concur in the Senate amendments, making the appointment of a confer ence committee necessary. At midnight the House recessed to allow the members to partake of a buf fet luncheon arranged by fhoinas H. Garvin, chief clerk. It was served in the basement of the south wing. It was 1 o'clock when the House recon vened and a forty-five-minute session of fun ended the jollification. The galleries were filled with Har risburg people who witnessed the clos ing jollity. Many of the members had brought on their wives and fami lies, who had places along the sides and at the front of the hall. Senate Starts Work Early The Senate early this morning began its Thursday session, after adjourning at 11.55 p m. yesterday for Wednes day. Immediately Mr. Varo offered a resolution creating an Economy and Efficiency Commission, to be composed of Governor Brumbaugh, Attorney General Brown and Auditor General Powell, which is empowered to com plete the number, character and compen sation of all persons in the employ of the State ard to recommend whatever changes are necessary and report to the next Legislature. Reppert to Succeed Judge Umbel Governor Brumbaugh last night ap pointed Edmund H. Reppert, of Union town, to be Judge of the courts of Fayette county to succeed Judge Robert E. Umbel, who resigned. BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE Ladies' Bazaar Will Celebrate Five Years of Continuous Success With Big Bargain Event Five years ago Mr. Morris Schon dorf started the Ladies' Bazaar at the present location on Houth Fourth street. The beginning was very modest and the premises occupied were small compared with those occupied by the store to-day. Mr. Schondorf started with the fixed policy of giving extra values for thß money. His long experience in manu facturing and his knowledge of the markets put him in a position of secur ing special lots, and in many instances extraordinary price concessions. These advantages he has generously shared : with the public, and the result has been j so much appreciated that the store has ' been enlarged on several'occasions to j meet the rapid growth of the business, j To-day it occupies commodious (j'uar- ; tors and carries a stock that is so large | and so complete that it affords the wid- j est range for making satisfactory sclee-I tions. The business some time ago reached such proportions that Mr. Irving E. Robinson, formerly connected with large cloak and suit houses in Boston ami later with the Kaufman stores in this city, was made manager. With characteristic energy, Mr. Robinson is rendering valuable service and the vol ume of trade continues to grow at a most satisfactory rate. To commemorate the fifth anniver sary, a big sale will be held, beginning to-morrow. To show the appreciation of the liberal patronage extended to the store during the past, there will be eight days of extraordinary value giving. Don't use up your strength cool or lukewarm water. It's the easy-way, time-saving helper for the tired housekeeper. ■ * »% You need it—you'll like it. Fs!s-Soap Powdlsir. The newest and best. MISS COLT ATTWO SERVICES Former Member of Stough Party Will Speak at First Baptist Satur day and Sunday Plans are about completed for the mass meetings for men and women in the First Baptist church, Second and Pine streets, Saturday night at 7.45 and Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, respectively, with Miss Josephine Colt, formerly one of the Stough evangelistic campaign party. Professor Clippinger will have charge of the singing, and the Stough hymn book will be used. A great interest is aroused in these meetings. Miss Colt will be in entire charge of the meetings, which will guarantee a large company of the Stough campaign workers to hear her. Miss Obit at present is one of the teachers in the Practical Bible Training School, Bible School Park, New York, Harriabnrg High School W. S. Steele, Principal Harrisburg, Pa,, Feb. 25, 1913. MR. A. C. MEAD, General Manager, Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Co., Des Moines, lowa. Dear Sir:—l hold three policies of insur ance in your most excellent company, the Royal Union, which I purchased from you at different times. I also carry several policies in other companies, and it has been m- ex perience to vie*;/ quite a number of different life insurance policies. I am free to confess that your contracts of insurance apoeal to mc as being the mast attractive of any I have ever seen, and were I in a position to carry more life insurance, I would certainly give it to the Royal Union. Yours very truly, i , Vr. A. C. Mead, General rancor. Royal Union Kutual Ufa Ina. Co., Harrlaburg, Pa. I Dear 81r: l I wish to thank you let your very proepl and eatiafaotory aettlanent of the lneuranoa carried In your moat exoellent company upon ay lata buaband William 3. steal*. Owing to the fact that l!r. Steele dlod away froa hone, thero wao eome delay in aecuring the death proof a, but onoa reoeiTed you baro certainly bean Tery prosipt in your aettleaient which. I aeaure you io nuoh epprolooted by no. Youra very truly, Cltou Jb k 1 »- , 7 of which Ihe Rev. William H. Pike is dean. Mr. Pike and his wife, with Miss Colt, will conduct the thirteenth monthly Bible conference, to be held ; Monday and Tuesday, May 24 and 26, in the same chuicli. Mr. and Mrs. I'ike's singing, accompanied by Miss Colt, will be one of (he features of the conference. The subjects for the two days' study will be found in 1 .lohn in the afternoon I and at night in Hebrews, the eleventh I chapter. Mr. Pike is recognized as a teacher clear and simple in his meth ods. They Are "0 Years Old "For some time past my wife aucl myself were troubled with kidney trou ible," writes T. B. Carpenter, Harris | burg, Pa. "We guttered rheumatic pains | all through thp body. The first few | doses of Foley Kidney Pills relieved us. I After taking five bottles between us ; we are entirely cured. Although we are ! both in the seventies we are as vig | orous as we were thirty years ago." | Foley Kidney Pills stop sleep disturb ing bladder weakness, backache, rhCu- I matism, dizziness, swollen points and i sore muscles. Cieo. A. G org as, 16 N. j Third St. and P. R. K. Station.—Adv.