12 r •—— A List of Specials for Friday That W ill B rin gOutE a,rly Buyers No Friday Specials Wash Silks v Table Linen Cotton Toweling Women's Juliets Toilet Goods Boys' Wash Suits Sent 0. 0. D., or Mail or 2" fou,artl | s : washable in 85c bleached table damask. 5e bleached cotton towel- black kid skin Jn- Eight-ounce bottle Perox- ()li\?r Twiit wash suits light grounds; 24 inches 70 inches wide. Special Jn- ing; 16 inches wide; red bor- liets, with kid tips and rub- ide. Special Friday on Iv, 7c* striped waist and blue trous 'Phone Orders FiUed. fecial Friday only day only, yard 59* den Special Friday only. her heels: all Jos. Special Sixteen ounce bottle Per P suU 5!.6 Mid 7 years, 1 «„u» " Div "s, r r,"r;j s ' ,w *" 5 ™ „ 30 95,1 -tif' h >SFridv,,K-; «,» 8l J Silk Messallne Ht,eet ,loor - f Dives. Pomeroy 4 Stewart. WDives. Pomeroy A Stewart Ollly 95* Colored Wash Goods 4»e stripe messaHne suit- Street Floor. street Fluor - 15c "E. Z." kill. Special «" IWoy & Stewart. 75c French crepe; 40 inches terns;*lß indies wide** Spe- Huck Towels . Friday only 10* St """' Mo " r - Rowr ilcr,d b. r der Bed Spreads Tennis Oxfords I ; Silk Poplin 7{ miil imperfections. Special croi-het luHt spreads; Men's and women's 7.V 50e bottle hivf. iron and Remnants Curtain . P. . uk" I " e ? sa ' Wl t'? Fridav onlv, 5* • sl o P Hl . , Marseilles ( 1°- white canvas tennis oxfords. wine. Special Friday only, Goods 3(»oc silk poplin in three gold hairline stripe. Special *' sign. Special Friday only, . v i, ni i.| „ sn i,, s . „m 2 f>r ihades: one-half silk. Special Friday only, yard, ... 49* «THve.. Pomeroy A Stewart $ 149 sizes Snceial Fr[d«v nnlv . v u . •. t * Remnants of 121/ 2 cto 19c Friday only, yard, ...15c fi v „,b dlk= in white; Z - Div„. P. mmy . s L rt , brtday M and serin, , Rice Cloth P " , S "'" Friday only, ID, !,Vv. , 20c rice cloth, 36 inches trDiv**. Pomerov'* Black Dress Goods Street Floor. Collin ■cleaningcompound. WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart wide, in plain shades. J>pe- Wnnr a. ™ v. , """"~~~~~——- openal hmla.s only, . , .9< Third Flour. eial Friday only, yard, 7U* SI.OO black French serge; Jewelry Specials 50c Vollite knife electro- Colored Percales day only, yard, .. Pe . k e9< cdors Fit Boys' Waists Ila^'only o^. 6 "'. ~ 121,0 c percales, 36 inches Muslin Drawers SI.OO black Panama. 54 day only, 39* -~ n ' waists, with military 50c Vollitc silver plating lirocerles wide: in white grounds and lVh . , in draW ers with inches wide. Special Friday and 5tV bar and hat collar: open euffs. Special powder. Special Friday only. Swift's sugar cured shonl- Zu- Zl7 V cambric ruffle: hemstitched only, yard 79c pi„ B and brooches. Special only, J for 50c 25* ders average fi lbs. Special *' hem trimming. Limit two SI.OO black storm serge, 50 Friday only 10c " at 1 SI.OO Vollitc electroplating Hiida,\ only, lb 12'/;>* Colored Voiles P a ' r *° a customer. Special inches wide. Special Friday sl*2s German silver coin WDives. Pomernv & Stewart powder. Special Friday only, Dinner peas, large cans. 121,i»c voiles 38 inches Friday only 15* only, yard 79* purses. Special Friday only. Men's Store. 50* Special Friday only, ...6* wide; colored stripes on Pomeroy * Stewart $1.25 black Canton crepe; ' • *9c trDives, Pomerov & Stewart Fancy pack tomatoes in white grounds. Special Fri- Street Floor. 47 inches wide. Special Fri- WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart street l loor, trout. rT ass jai s 10c \aluc. Special day only, yard 7ui day only, yard 98< . Street Floor. Indian Suits ■■ 11 Hy onlv ' _____________________ a. - A , . _______________ ____________ 18c cans asparagus. Spe- Gingham and Crepe , _ * black silk and wool Hoys'play suits, including iw > o fial Friday only 14^ 1- ■ I >o I • Children S Drawers crepe. Special Friday ouly, Indian and cowlxiv mittitx- Men S Suits ... ~ , v Kk* gmghaius. 32 inches va-.j ai io "Raspmpnt Snprialq inaian aim cowoov outnts, V 10c cans Eureka soups, ox wide, in stripes. Special Fri- Children's muslin drawers; ' (.rjjiyjj Pomeroy i Stewart - • v*-i " i years. Special Brown mixture suits, three tail, mock turtle and con day only, yard 10c plain hem and bunch tucks Street Floor loc iced tea tumblers. Spe- Friday only pieces, sizes :<4. 35 and 30; so in me. Special Friday only, 15c crepes in solid shades trimming. Limit, two pair to _^ r '^ a y on b' 10<* m Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart SIO.OO value. Special Friday 4^ of blue, tan and cream. Spe- a customer. Special Friday 6!)e » nvert(, d gas lamps, Men's Store. only, 5?6.75 Fresh huckleberries in cial Friday only, yard, Bi-jf- only. fnlnrpH Tlrocc complete. Special Friday ——————W uo su jt s , n e luilk stripe large glass jars, 20c value. 7e apron ginghams, in blue ""Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart OOlOrea iiress ItOOaS only _________ checks. Special Friday only, street Floor. and 38, $12.00 value. value. ' Special Friday only, M-Dives, Pomerov k Stewart only, yard 45

. ..i,;♦....ttnn rihhi> " . Friday only, 5 lbs. for 24* 25c and 29c plain white "'"j*/ s, ' atie s tan, green and pans. Special Friday only inches, wide: values to 20c! Men's Silk Hose . Hunter's Norway sardines 10c -..h-inch bleached mus- voile: crepe and flaxons; 36 peoial lrida.\ oiib- 69* Special Fridav onlv 10* • ' n bouillon. Special Friday lin ; regidar K>c quahty. Spe- to 38 inches wide. Special - vard - ' Pn * f Black silk hose with lisle only, 4 cans for 25* trula.v onlv. yard. B'..ff Frid.v only, yard 10c «»«'". oi.l frid.y only »1.98 s t . " f«t and tops, seamless hpe. «..« "■ Di,„. Fl «"- Dtve,. Pomeroy A Bt.wart, eial Pr'day only, ......11 mil>. g • and white values to 2oc. Peter Thompson dress; size to *12.00 models. Special Dives Pomerov & Stewart. Flannel Shirts <>- ,- n ... , Men's hemstitched linen Special t riday only . la* 18. Special lYiday only FriHav onlv <1 O". Street Floor. ~ . 2.H' and oOe pillow tops; n V i/ i V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart $2.98 b - ° n - 851 8o Mens SI.OO light weight stamped. Special Fridav handkerchiefs; V 4 -.nch hem. Street Floor. $1250 trabardine dress in i ta- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, grey flannel shirts. Special n nlv Special Friday onlv. 3 tor -tIAo ganaraine dress in Street Floor. Friday only .59* • ' : < * 25* navy; size 18. Special White Lawn Men', »1.00 plain whit" JlVr'lv^r 1 5« " . negligee shirts. Special Fri- "-2 to H* Special rriday .» fhirtain Matprinld ity dresses; all sizes. Spe -•'C wuitc lace crepe, for i » , nnlv Hatiste embroidery inse VyUiXcilll ludtcridlS . TCimnnoQ . PO ; oto on i day only, oniy, ~ail 7 tfiiuiioiutij inse. cra | p ri day only, 81.75 JUmono ® waists and dresses; 28 tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. tions: 2to 3Vfe inches wide; 19c scrim and marquisette • 40c black satine: 36 inches leather strap slippers; sizes and black; values to 25c. and ecru, 40 inches wide. in Baldwin double service tiste, 40 inches wide. Spe- white celluloid clocks. wide. Special Fridav only a "d 4. Special Friday Special Friday only, yard, Special Fridav only, vard, styles. Special Fridav onlv, eial Friday only, yard. . ,9c Special Friday only, . .79* yard on i y tyDives,^ Pomeroy & Stewart tv Di\es, Pomeroy k Stewart, tCDives, Pomeroy k Stewart t*"Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart tf Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, t»" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. street Floor. Third Floor. Second Floor. ——————— I _________ ____________ ~ J! ON TRIAL FOR GIVING OUT MILITARY SECRETS, MAN BANCS HIMSELF 1M PRISON London. May 20.—Anton Kuep ferle, who claimed to be an American citizen who once lived in Brooklyn, and who has been on trial charged with giving military information to the enemies of Great Britain, committed suicide last night in Brixton prison. He is reported to have handed him self. Keupferle left a message written on ■ slate bearing testimony to the fair seas of his trial. He confessed he was a soldier and said he wished to die as a soldier, and declared he could not bear to mount the scaffold as a spy. The trial of Anton Kuepferle began Tuesday at the Old Bailey police court before Lord Chief Justice Reading and ■Justices Avory and Lush. The (proceed ings were public and the court room was crowded. The charges against the prisoner was Unit he attempted to communicate to Germany information respecting British warships and mili tary force*. The prosecution was'con ducted by the Attorney General. Keup ferle pleaded not guilty. The prosecu tion contended that while he claimed to be a naturalized American citizen, he was in reality a OernHn. Kuepferle was charged with writing ia letter to an address in a ivfutral N T DKPENI) EST, THUKSPAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1915. country in Europe giving valuable facts t regarding English military dis- I positions. It was asserted that while , the letter appeired on its face to be ! an innocent commercial communication | it "ii" found to be interlined in in- j visible ink with military information written in the German language. Keupferle arrived in Liverpool on February 14. He showed a passport signed iby Secretary of State William J. Bryan, issued ten days prior to his sailing from New York. In writing the letter which resulted in his arrest he gave his home address as 1665 De- Kalb avenue, Brooklyn. He represent ed himself to be a woolen merchant. From Liverpool he went to Dublin and then to London, where he wa* arrested February 16. His hearing was resumed yesterday. EMMANUEL TO PARDON ALL ITALIAN RAILWAY STRIKERS Rome, May 19, Via Pari9, May 20. King Victor Emmanuel, it is asserted, has decided- to grant a general pardon to all railway employes who were pun ished because of the part they took in the strike of May, 1914. This action is said to be designed as another step to bring a closer union of ail parties in the country. Reports received from every univer sity in Italy are to the effect that the students of each will volunteer in a body if war is declared. Dispatches from Verona say that Italians whose homes are in Austria and Italy are pouring across the frontier by thousands every day 'because they are fearful of reprisals in the event of hos tilities. The authorities at Genoa tiave been notified to keep a rlose watch on Ger man steamers interned at that port as it is believed their captains may at tempt to escape after a declaration of war or to t>low up the vessels. Canadian Captain a Prisoner Ottawa, Ont.,i>lay 20. —In a casualty list containing fewer than a dozen names issued yesterday. Captain George William Northwood, of Winnipeg, is given as a prisoner of war, having been captured at Mainz, and lieutenant Ar thur Ijoge Ijindsav, of SStrathroy, Out., as dead of wounds. Dying American Writes Farewell Houghton, Mich., May 20. —'Herbert Thomas, an American enlisted iu the Canadian contingent, is Head of wound a received in the fighting In Northern France, according to a note received yesterday hv his sister. Lottie Thomas, at Hubbell, Mich. " Wounded three times to-day. Am dying. Good Joy." the note read, it was dated Margate, 'France, -way 1. Sails With :l:io Passengers New York, May 20. With 330 pas sengers on hoard, two of whom arc Americans, the White Star Line steam ship Arabic sailed yesterday for Liver pool. In addition to passengers, the Arabic carried 15,000 tons of miscel laneous The American passen gers were' Mrs. George Piatt, of Boston, and John Coyne, of Chicago. Adds s2i!tMMM>,o to French Budget Paris, May 20.—Minister of Finance Ribot introduced in the Chamber of i Deputies vesterday a bill providing for 11,100,000,000 francs (220,000,000), being an additional appropriation for the first six months of 1915. Parlia ment already has voted 8,500,000,000 francs ($1,700,000,000) for these ap propriations. Brakeman Shirk Injured While helping to make up a train in ( the Harriaburg yards of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Tuesday, B. M. Shirk! a jbrakeman residing at 313 Verbekrt ;street, received a bruised hip when be 'fell between two cars.