The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 19, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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( Ealahluhrtl in JS76)
Published by
Star.lndependent Building,
l«. 20-22 South Third Street. Harrisburg. Pa..
Every Evening Except Sunday.
Officiri. IHnctor*.
W*. W. WALLOW*R, ... _
Vice President. M#TIRS,
Secretary ami Treasurer. W ,\ALLOWER.
Business Manager. Editor.
All communications should be addrensetl to STAR INDEPENDENT,
Business, Editorial. Job Printing or Circulation Department,
according to the subject matter.
Entered at the Post Office in Harrisburg as second class matter.
Benjamin & Kentnor Company,
New York and Chicago Representatives.
New York Office, Brunswick Building, 225 Fifth Avenue.
Chicago Office. People's Has Building. Michigan Avenue.
Delivered by carriers at 6 cents e week. Mailed to subscribers
for Three Dollars a year iu advauce
The papet with the largest Home Circulation In Harrisburg and
nearby towns.
Circulation Examined by
Private Branch Exchange. . - cum „ALAN D VALLEY
Private Branch Exchange. - No. 245-246
Wednesday. May I#, 1013.
Bun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
SO 31
Last Quarter, tith: New Moon, I:sth:
First Quarter, met; Full Moon, 28th.
/' ' J I Harrisburg aud vicinity: Generally
it I t'uir to night. Thursday unsettled, prob
ably showers. Continued cool.
I Eastern Pennsylvania: Partly cloudy
f* I to-night, frost in north portion. Thurs-
I • day unsettled, probably showers. Mod
———s—y crate northwest to northeast winds.
Jlijjhest, oo: lowest, 43; Sa. ill., 4; Bp. in.. 52.
Ami now the Yaqui Indians have declared war
ngaiiist .Mi/xifi . A dispatch from El Paso, published
t<>-day. conveys this information which would be
more startling, perhaps, it' it were not that pretty
nearly everybody but l ucle Sam is declaring war
on somebody these days. We quote the following
from this dispatch:
'I lie entire Yaqui nation of Indians lias iteclared itself at j
war against Mexico. The Yaqui troops have constituted
the best lij;liter» in the Maytorena Villa army in Soiiora,
but after the recent attack of Yu'qnis upon Americans in
tkiiiora and rlie dispatch of Mexican troops by Governor
ii ay to re an against them the Yaquis iu war council have
decide i to drop all connection with Mexican factions and
renewed t'leir old war declaration against Mexico.
This interesting information naturally raises the
question <
What is the Mexican government against which
war lias been declared by the Yaqui*?
VV here among the various revolutionary parties !
on Mexican soil to-day is any real government ,
against which any person or group of persons can
declare anything?
A little more enlightenment is required for the
benefit of an inquiring public.
A\ hy waste time growing morning glories at the
side of you r house when you might be getting the }
benefits of a peanut vine instead? Furthermore,
why worry with a rubber plant when you might
have in its place an orange tree bearing delicious
fruit? The Woman's National Agricultural and
Horticultural Association wants to know.
Much advice was given at a recent meeting of j
that organization in New York City, calculated to j
entice persons who are now contented and happy |
to engage iu the cultivation of dwarf fruit trees I
and nut vines instead of the growing of conven
tional pansies and other pretty hut inedible things.
The listeners, prospective converts to the peanut
growing plan, were told how perfectly lovely it
would be if they could get from their own peanut
vines specimens of the nuts whenever desired, no
less than if they could go to their buffets and casu
ally pluck fresh fruit from potted orange trees to
satisfy their every mouth-watering.
Nothing was said, at least so far as the reports
extended, about tedious care of the growing peanut
vines and orange trees. It would be interesting to
know how much labor, during the period of culti- !
vation, would be required before a grower might be :
privileged to enter into the enjoyment of eating
one resultant peanut or one harvested orange.
-It is to be noted that a woman's organization is 1
responsible for this suggestion that fruit bearing
trees be given the attention of amateur dabblers in ,
the soil instead of flower stalks. Women, who have i
always been thought to be attracted to the finer
things in life, would try to have us believe that ,
peanuts are more to be desired than pansies.
If the choice is to lie between peanuts and pansies,
give us pansies. W hat joy can there be in digging
a raw, dirty little peanut out of the earth compared
with that of plucking a pretty pansy from its stalk ?
There is more happiness to be had from looking at
a pansy than from eating a peanut, and it is much
better for the digestion. Anyhow you can buy a
whole pocketful of peanuts for a jitney.
School text books are different from other sorts
of books, not only in contents but in construction.
Their bindings must be firm and their covers dur
able to withstand none too gentle treatment by the
i stiuleiits. It is therefore of some consequence for
! this country to have the reputation of producing
better school test books than any other.
| Improvements in text books in the Uniteti States
have been as great as improvements in the schools
of the country, the former demanded perhaps by
the latter. Engravings and halftones on the pages
of the books have taken the place of the curious,
unattractive and the not very instructive woodcuts
of bygone days, and the contents of the volumes
arc arranged for the greater convenience and en
lightenment of both teachers and pupils.
Parents who take time to glance over the geog
raphies., for instance, that are to-day supplied to
their children by the school districts, will find that
j the books from cover to cover, inclusive, are en
tirely different from the crude volumes which their
i parents bought for them in their own school days.
Actual photographs of scenes in foreign lands are
presented for the instruction of the youth of Ameri
; ca, any one of which is far better than pages of
written description. The maps, too, are engraved
by the latest methods, and especially the relief maps
are of value in the teaching of the subject. So in
other branches, modern methods of engraving and
printing have come to the aid of the school children
of this country, making their lessons easier to learn
and less difficult to retain when learned.
American school text books, it has recently been
pointed out, have an extensive sale in foreign coun- 1
tries. They are said to be not only the best text |
books produced in the world, but also the lowest j
in price. Inasmuch as school books are used daily j
by pupils in many succeeding classes and must j
therefore be made more durable than any other
class of books, it is especially remarkable that they
should be sold at much lower prices than volumes
of other sorts. The large quantities produced to
meet the steady and increasing demands, of course,
reduce the cost, and it appears that the foreign
ers have been helping to make these demands.
There are many things in the production of which
the United States leads the world, and not of least
importance are the books on which educations are
Evidently the Kaiser is not going to act with precipitate
haste on the American note.
Arbitrating, in the case of the City of Harrisburg. ap
pears to have been more costly than lighting it out would
have been.
Some of the Harrisburg policemen feel a little more
secure in their jobs than if the civil service bill had not
been defeated.
A good deal of road ; repairing ought to be accomplished
with the $6,000,000 that is to be available for that pur
pose in the next two years.
Perhaps the reason the legislators set to-morrow for final
adjournment is that they want to get home and rest up to
be in shape to respond to Governor Brumbaugh's plea for
every person to shed his coat on May 26 and go to road
Smuggs—"Say, .luggs. Who are those three gentle
men standing at the conservatory entrance?"
.luggs—"Why, they represent three generations. The
ruddy old man with the fine head of hair, Buggs—the thin
haired one next to him is his son, and the dissipated fellow
with the bald head, is the grandson."—National Monthly.
A lady was walking through the park recently when two
little boys; who were playing near by, stopped her.
"Say, lady," called out the elder of the two, "me kid !
brudder does fine imitatin' stunts. Give me a dime an' !
he will imitate a chicken for vousef"
"What will lie do —crow?" queried the lady.
"Naw," replied the boy, "no cheap imitation like dat,
ma'am. He'll eat a worm!"— National Monthly.
She had tried in vain to get the telephone, but the other
parties were using the line. The last time she heard one j
woman say:
"I have just put on a pan of beans for dinner."
She tried later but the women were still talking. Ex- j
asperated, she broke in crisply:
"Madam, I smell your beans burning."
A horrified scream greeted this remark and then she was
able to put in her call.—National Monthly.
The small daughter of a Little Rock family had been j
praying each evening at bedtime for a baby sister. The ■
other morning her mother, reading the paper, exclaimed:
"I see Mrs. Smith has a little daughter."
"How do you know that?" asked the child.
"I read it in the paper," answered the mother.
"Read it to me," said the daughter.
The mother read:
"Born—on March —to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, a
The child thought a moment, then said:
"I know what I am going to do. lam going to quit j
praying and begin advertising."—National Monthly.
A darkey running a ferry across a Southern river was I
accosted by a poor white stranger who wanted to cross,
but hadn't the wherewithal. Pete scratched his woolly poll,
perplexedly, then queried:
"Doan' yo' got no money at all?"
"No," was the dejected reply.
"But it woan' cost yo' but three cents ter cross," in
sisted Pete.
"1 know, but I hain't got three cents."
After a final inward thing, Pete remarked:
"I done tell yb' what; a man what ain't got three cents
am jes' as well off on dis side ob de ribber as on de odder!"
—National Monthly.
A colored man who had contracted a debt some years j
ago with one of our merchants, came to town the other '
day and called on his old creditor.
"Didn't you 'splain to me dat if I settled up dat account |
you would give me a 'lowance?" said the darkey to the
"Yes, I did say so, Sam," replied the merchant. "If you
are ready to settle your bill now I will make a good al
lowance," and the merchant waited for the colored indi
vidual to pull out his pocket-book.
"Well, sir, I hasn't got de money jus' now, but I thought
I'd come in and get de 'lowance; my wife wants to get
liersel' a shawl."—National Monthly.
Scratched and Irritated. Lost Much
Sleep. Dandruff Scaled Off So
Could Be Seen Plainly. Hair Fell
Out. Lost Half. Cuticura. Soap
and Ointment Healed.
1509 S. sth St., Philadelphia, Pa.—
"About, eighteen months ago I began to
notice the falling out of my hair and scales
t covering my clothes. A few
months later there appeared
a form of rash on my scalp.
It became worse and worse
until It Itched and burned so
much that 1 scratched and
irritated It. The itch became
unl>earable and at times I
lost much sleep. The dan
druff sealed off so it could be
seen plainly and my hair fell so fast that I
had to do something. I had lost half of it.
"I used treatments for about three
months without any relief. Then I was
recommended by a friend to use Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and after using them
only one week I noticed a wonderful change.
In about seven weeks my ailment was
entirely gone. Cuticura healed me."
(Signed! David Labov, August 5, 1914.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T, Bos
ton." Sold throughout the world.
j ' \
I Tongue-End Top ics |
Collecting Metal in Vienna
A house to house collection is
made iu Vienna for old metal for war
purposes. The collection work is being
done iby school children. The military
authorities and the munition manu
factories are running short of copper,
brass, tin, nickel and other metals and
the public in appealed to for all kinds
of wornout and broken household
wares of these materials. The Patriotic
War Metals Collecting Fund has estab
lished store rooms with show windows
in which are displayed specimens of
articles desired, such as brass candle
sticks, bronze figures, copper moulds,
saucepans and metal plates anil dishes.
Some 300,000 pounds of stuff are be
ing brought iu daily.
* » *
Some Sad Contributions
Emperor Francis Joseph has direct
ed that about eight tous of old metal,
articles of the most miscellaneous char
acter, should be sent from the Ilofburg
and the palace at Schoenbrunn, and
an archaeologist i 9 seudiug a large
quantity of Kotuan lead, excavated at
the historic camp of Carnuntum, near
Pressburg, just across the Hungarian
frontier. A Vienna b.uik has given old
brass 'gas candelabra and petroleum
lamps weighing nearly a ton, and a
rubber manufacture at Bruenn. Mor
a\ ia. has sent half a ton of brass sheets
which can be used directly for making
cartridge cases.
• . *
2,000,000 Cigarettes Given
In another recent canvas of the city
473 ibig wagon loads of miscellaneous
effects, valued at $260,000, have been
gathered in for the troops in the field
and for various charitable war organi
zations. The wagons went through
every street, rich and poor districts
alike, on thirty-five collecting days be
tween the middle of December and the
end of March. The public responded
most generously with an extraordinary
variety of gifts. A mom; the principal
items were over two million cigarettes !
and a vast store of other smoking sup
plies, 4'0,000 pounds of chocolate
cakes, biscuits, butter, flour and other
edibles, 8,000 pounds of candles and
soaps, 4,700 bottles of wine, 0,000 ;
jars of preserved fruits, 2,000 boxes of
canned meats and 1,200 ibottles of ;
mineral water.
» , «
Much Warm Clothing
There were immense quantities of \
warm clothing- including 119,000;
woolen garments, 190,00'0 pieces of ;
underwear, IS,OOO articles of clothing, 1
13,000 pairs of shoes and 3,400 hats ;
and caps. The whole work has been car
ried out by a special organization com- j
posed largley of women of Vienna. The j
actual collecting work was done by
Bov Scouts.
• * *
Effects of War on Hamburg
The effect of 'lie war on transporta
tion and passage out of Germany
through Hamburg is indicated in fig
ures just compiled, showing that dur
ing the entire year of 1914 but 72,-
958 persons went abroad from Ham
burg, an against 192,733 in 1913.
Practically all of the 72,000 odd left
the city before August 1. The war
similarly has seriously affected the
number of visitors in Hamburg. Thus
there were accommodated during
1914 but 2>2,299 transients, as against
51,364 in 1913. The total number of
persons going to Hamburgh stopping
temporarily and then leaving, either
for abroad or for other parts of Ger
many, fell from 244,097 in 1913, to
95,257 in 1914.
♦ * *
Killed in Testing Trench Gases
Two soldiers are reported dead in
the military camp at Colchester, a few
miles from London, as a result of in
haling poisonous gases while engaged
in mimic trench warfare. It is said that
experiments were being conducted for
the purpose of developing means to
counteract the gases alleged to have
been used by the German troops in
Flanders. A sapper who had gone into
a gas-filled tren-ch wan overcome and
several others who went in search of
him also succumbed. The sapper, a pri
vate named Williams, and the com
mander of the squad, Lieutenant Dar
ton, died before fresh men succeeded
in getting the partv into the open air.
uriLiN iill siA ■■■■HHiHHHiiHHI
The Globe's A.
Surprise Sale ; 111
Results—Show For Themselves I
» » II 1 always busy? /
Are we compelled to work our I fJm
\A/U"Y alteration force at nights, when Jtt
VV 11 1 other stores are complaining of HST
dull business ? \ llw,U
WHY Is our delivery service taxed to ttftV I
Will its utmost? IW\ i |
Questions With One Answer — I i Jiu
This Great Surprise Sale of Adler-Rochester Clothes l|i 1
has opened the eyes of every purchaser to REAL CLOTH- iii/rr%" * \
ING VALUES —and we are free to confess that we have
even had our own eves opened. We consider this EXTRA- «5k
Adler-Rochester Suits That Adler-Rochester Suits That
Sold at S2O and Better, Sold at $25 and Better,
$14.75 $19.75
Superior Value Manhattan A Straw Hat to Please Every
Shirts at $1.50 Man at $2 and $3
GLOBE "Straws" are exclusive in shape—
replete with character and individual ex
-1 selves this season on their $1.50 shirts— eellence—and afford the wearer an out-of-the
the values are greater—thtr patterns the most ordinary appearance. All the "new ones,"
beautiful we've ever seen. The soft turn-back including the season's newest self-conforming
cuffs are preferred for summer wear. "straws" are here.
"The Friendly Store' ' J
Thirty-ninth Annual Commencement Ex
ercises to Be Held May 2"—Dr. J.
George Becht Chosen as Principal
Speaker of Evening
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Mivldletown, May 19.—Nineteen
members of the Senior class of the
Middletown High school will receive
diplomas this year, when the thirty
ninth annual commencement exercises
will be held in the Realty Theatre,
Thursday evening, May 27. The num
ber graduating is considered the an
nual average although it is a few more
then has been for the past few years.
The principal address of the evening
will be made by Dr. J. George Becht,
secretary of the State Boar.l of Educa
tion. The program for the evening
March, Elizabeth I. Seltzer, 'ls; in
vocation, the Rev. Fuller Bergstresscr:
salutatory oration, "Benefits of the
European War Upon the United
States," Harold L. Kauffman; chorus,
"Joys of Spring," Geible; essay,
"Taxation Without Representation,"
Sara R. Deimler; "The Doge's Sen
tence," Byron; Chief Senator, John A.
Keiper; Doge, H. Maxwell Brandt;
Hat;-. Oratorical Prize Declamation,
"Consecrated Patriotism," Sprague,
Eva J. Blecher; "Motto and Flower,"
M. Rom ain e Keunard; octet, "Morn
ing Invitation," Veazie, Misses Ettele,
Lutz, Foltz, Sheaffer, Messrs. Kain,
Hess, Beard, Brandt; reading, "The
Hero of St. Michael's," Mary 11. Long;
oration, "The New South," Grady,
John C. Lingle; presentation of picture
to the school, Clarence H. Philips, presi
dent class 'ls; acceptance, Principal
11. B. Garver: "Visions," E'.lna M.
Sheaffer; "The Biter Bitten," Ruth Y.
McNair; piano duet, "Semirainide"
(Overture), Rossini, Elizabeth I. Seltzer
and Aniv K. Ro>p; valedictory ora
tion, "Life," Clarence H. Philips; pre
sentation of diplomas, Dr. It. W.
George, president of School Board; ad
dress, Dr. ,T. George Becht, secretary
of State Board of Education; class
song, "Happy Days are Glhling;"
The class colors are maroon and
steel, the class flower a daisy. The mot
to, "Not the End, but the Beginning."
The class roll follows: Harry C.
Beard, Eva J. Blecher, H. Maxwell
Brandt, Sara R. Deimler, Mary B. Et
tele, Mary B. Foltz, Harold G. Hess,
Adam J. Kain, Harold L. Kauffman,
John A. Keiper, M. Romaine Kennard,
John C. Lingle, Mary H. Long, Oma S.
Lutz, Ruth Y. MeXair, Clarence H.
Philips, Amy K. Roop, Elizabeth I.
Seltzer and BJna M. Sheaffer.
The faculty are: H. B. Garver, prin
cipal; P. K. Gotwalt, Latin and Ger
man; Lydia C. Peters, English and
History; M. Marguerite Potter, music
and drawing.
The official directory is composed of
H. W. George, M. D., president; N. C.
Fuhrnian, vice president; J. P. Acker
man, secretary; C. F. Beard, treasurer;
M. 11. Gingrich, H. E. Force, VV. S.
Si'des and H. J. Wickey, superintendent.
Car Plunges Over Twenty-foot Embank
ment at Helfenstein
Mahanoy City, Pa., May 19.—A
seven-passenger touring car owned by
William Shumber, a real estate dealer
of Frackville, plunged over a twenty
foot embankment at Helfenstein yes
terday, severely injuring Shumber and
James Applegarth and James Fennessy,
other occupants of the car. The auto
was wrecked.
John Collins and party of friends, of
Delano, plunged into a ravine at Maple
Hill, wrecking the machine, but the oc
cupants escaped with slight injuries.
For Hundreds of Years Changing
Boundaries Have Followed the
Arm of the Strong
Despite territorial aggression, which
for generations has been the aim of
most European governments, as evi
denced since the days of Attila, or even
further back in the dim years before
feudal Europe sank into barbarism,
the lines of demarcation between king
doms have been drawn with regard to
racial differences rather than political
Except in the instances of Poland,
the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine,
and the Italian lamb held by Austria,
each nation stayed well within its own
bounds, and these alien territories held
by Russia, Germany and Austria fell
to their lot as the fortunes of war.
Territorial acquisition across seas
being always a pawn to be won or lost
by military ami naval strategy in the
game of war, does not count so much
as the changing of national boundaries,
uor does it arouse the smoldering re
sentment experienced in the loss of,
even the smallest portion of the father
Whatever the final decision of courts
or arms may be in the matter it is in
teresting to note the swiftly changing
territory of Europe, territory occupied
by the shifting armies, broad domains
held under martial rulo, in one instance
a whole nation held although not sub
To gain a comprehensive idea of this
phase of the first six months of the
war, an angle which will have its bear
ing in the future settlement of bound
ary questions, it is but necessary to
look over the maps contained in Willis
J. Abbot's great book, "The Nations
at War," offered to readers of this pa
per for the presentation fee of only 98
cents. This handsome $3 volume is
profusely illustrated with more than
463 half tone engravings from actual
photographs, and contains 364 pages of
accurate, authoritative news, informa
tion, fact and data appertaining to the
titanic struggle. In addition there are
20 color plates of stirring scenes of
historic import.
Arrangement having been made
with the publisher of this, the first
authentic volume on the war from a
responsible source, a large part of the
first of this work has been se
cured for readers of the Star-'lndepen
dent, none of whom should lose any
time in securing this valuable and in
teresting historic book.—Adv. *
Two Outings Scheduled by Faculty of
the Institution
Plans for a camp for the members
of the Harrisburg Academy arc rapidly
being pushed by Headmaster Brown
and Professor Kennedy. The camp
will be situated on the shore of Lake
Damariscotta, Jefferson, Maine, and
will be called Camp Wauver. It is be
lieved by the two masters that the
first year will be a success and that
quite a number of boys will attend.
Another camp to be run under the
supervision of the Academy was an
nounced yester.lay and will be on Shore
Island, twenty-five miles north of this
city, near Montgomery Ferry.
. Volt Meters Are Working
In a letter to the City Commissioners
read at the meeting yesterday after
noon City Electrician Clarke fc. Diehl
pointed out that the four volt meters
which have been hooked on the lines of
the Harrisburg Light and Power Com-'
pany are working satisfactorily. Mr.
Diehl pointed out that while the volt
meters do not reduce the cost of elec
tricity, they assure a steady and per
fect light and the consumer will get
the full worth for his money.
Rome, Mlay 18, via Paris, May 19.
—A royal decree under which all rail
road lines and stations in Italy are
placed entirely under the supervision
of the military authorities is publish
ed by the "Official Gazette."
Under the provisions of the decree
military officials are given the power
to prohibit suspected persons from
traveling on the railroads or even ap
proaching the lines. All travelers are
warned that at certain points they
must not loo"k from the carriage win
dows but must keep the shutters
Any person approaching a tunnel or
bridge will be imprisoned for six
months. If war has been declared when
the offense is committed, they will be
court martialed. Soldiers and the police
are entrusted with the enforcement of
the decree and are authorized to tiro
upon persons who violate its provi
London, May 19.—The Alexandria
correspondent of the "Jewish Chron
icle," sends an interesting account of
the formation in that city of the '/Aon
Mule Transport corps, composed almost
entirely of Jewish refugees from Pale
stine. Those refugees who were of Rus
sian nationality expressed the desire to
serve under the British flaig, and the
British military authorities immediate
ly took steps with a view to forming
a Jewish regiment, under command of
Colonel J. 11. Patterson.
Officers and men wear on their mili
tary caps the Jewish token the "Shield
of David," in addition to the British
ensign, and in the camp the words of
command are spoken in Hebrew.
Philadelphian Wounded in War
Ottawa, May 19. —A list of casual
ties among the Canadian contingent is
sued last night bv the militia depart
ment, includes the name of William
Hopkins Pemlberton, of Philadelphia,
among the wounded. Peniberton is a
member of Princess Patricia's regi
Eed Cross Supplies For Servia
New York, May 19. —The American
Red Cross shipped 4,102 cases of sup
plies to Dr. Richard P. Strong, head
of the American Red Cross sanitary
commission in Servia, on the steam
ship Athianai, which sailed this week
for Palinero and Piraeus. The weight
of the shipment was 400,350 pounds
and it was valued at $37,392.
Reformed Classis Elects Officers
Lebanon, May 19. —Between 30
and 40 delegates are in attendance at
the sessions of Lebanon Classis of the
Reformed church which is meeting at
Jonestown this week. These officers
were elected to the year: President,
the Rev. David Scheier, of St. John's
church, Jonestown; vice president, Cou
nty Superintendent of Public Schools,
John W. Snoke; corresponding secre
tary, the Rev. John l'\ Prantz, of Pal
myra; stated clerk, the Rev. .T. Lewis
Fluck, of Tulpehocken, Myerstown.
Charged With Stealing Money
At a hearing before Mayor Royal
yesterday Augustus Flickinger was
held under SIOO bail for court charged
with stealing sl3 in money from John
Wertz, 1923 North Fifth street. Flick
inger was arrested by Detective Ibacli.
Mr. Wertz says he had the money con
cealed in a hole in the cellar and when
the prisoner left after through white
washing, the money was missing.