The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 19, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    A Message To Thin,
Weak, Scrawny Folks
An Easy Way to Gain 10 to SO Lbs. of
Solid, Healthy, Permanent Flesh
Thin, nervous, undeveloped men and
women everywhere are heard to say, "I
can't understand why 1 do not get fat.
1 eat plenty of good, nourishing food."
The reason is just this: You cannot get
fat. no matter how much you eat, unless
your digestive organs assimilate the fat
making elements of your food instead of
pissing them out through the body as
What is needed is a means of gently
urging the assimilative functions of the
stomach aud intestines to absorb the
oils and fats and hand them over to the
blood, where they may reach the
starved, shrunken, run down tissues aud
build them up. The thin person's body
is like a dry sponge—eager and hungry
for the fatty materials of which it is
being deprived by the failure of the
alimentary canal to take them from the
food. The best way to overcome this
sinful waste of flesh building elements
and to stop the leakage of fats is to use
Sargol. the recently discovered regen
erative force that is recommended so
highly by physicians here and abroad.
Take a iittle Sargol tablet with every
meal and notice how quickly your
cheeks till out and rolls of tirm. healthy
flesh are deposited over your body, cov
ering each bony angle aud projecting
point. O. A. Gorgas and other good
druggists have Sargol, or can get it
from their wholesaler, and will refund
your money if you are not satisfied with
the gain in weight it produces as stated
on the auarautee in each package. It is
inexpensive, easy to take and highly
Caution:—While Sargol has produced
remarkable results in overcoming nerv
ous dyspepsia and general stomach
troubles, it should not be taken unless
you are willing to gain ten pounds or
more, for it is a wonderful flesh-builder.
G. B. Osier Appointed President of Bor
ough School Board
Special Correspondence.
New Cumberland. May 19. —A spe
cial meeting of the School Board was
held on Monday evening, when the
resignation of the president of the
board. G. W. Heffleman. was accepted
and G. B. Osier appointed to take his
place. f
A petition signed bv a uumber of
citizens was sent to the Valley Trac
tion Company for an early car Sundav
morning to convey a number of work
men to Lucknov.-, Steelton and other
places where they are employed, as
they have been compelled to walk to
Harrisburg to take the car. The com
pany has decided to run the car four
weeks, beginning next Sunday morning,
leaving New Cumberland at" 5.30, and
if it is well patronized will continue
Turning at that hour every Sunday.
The New Cumberland band gave N.
P. Reed and bride a serenade on Mon
day night.
The Queen Elizabeth Circle was en
tertained by Miss Susie Hoover at her
heme on Market street last evening.
William Ennis waj in MeConnelsburg
on business Sunday.
Mrs. Roy Hoyer and two children.
Mrs. John Hoyer. Sr.. of Harrisburg.
sill Mrs Grant, of New York, were
of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyer on
Miss Margie Melvor spent last
right with Miss Nora Gross in Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John Beekley. who
.ire spending the summer with their
or.ui.hter. Mr«. 'harles Hartman. in
V :rt countv. spent Sundav with Mr.
a'id Mrs. Ross Meredith.
Misses Marguerite Witmyer. Hazel
Ro-enberger and Rose Mahan spent
>■ i". w-th friends in Hummelstowu.
y 'irare Apple, of Wellsvillo. vis
it 1 her sister, Mrs. R. K. Keiff. several
Clarence Weigle, of Dover, who
n teacher of the grammar school at
E kwood the past term. visited friends
hci*' on Sunday.
Mrs. C. D. Brown and daughter. Mrs.
Till Vcglesong. attended the funeral
> f their aunt. Mrs. Maggie Wilhelm, at
Free land, Md.
Mrs. John C. Schroeder, of Balti
more. who was on her way to Toronto,
Canada, spent several days with Mrs.
Abner F'U.
Two Civil War Veterans Buried Yes
terday Afternoon
Sp» ial Correspondence.
Duneannon, May 19. —Two veterans
of the Civil war were buried here yes
terday afternoon. William Rose* a
former resident, aged 74 years, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. E.
Evens, at Lueknow, on Friday. The fu
neral services were held in "Christ Re
formed church at 2.30. Dr. Hartman,
of St. John's Reformed church, Har
risburg, officiating. Burial was made
in the United Brethren cemetery.
John A. Wilkinson, aged 68 years, a
lifelong resident of this place, died at
his home on High street Saturday. The
funeral services were held at his late
home at 3 o'clock, the Rev. W. W.
Sholl. pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church, officiating. Burial was made
in Evergreen cemetery.
The opening sermon of the Carlisle
Classis, in session in Christ Reformed
church here, was delivered by the Rev.
S. L. Flickinger on the subject, "The
Way, The Truth and the Life.'' The
Rev. W. R. Hartzell, of Enola. was
•U-cted president for the classical year,
and the Rev. E. Weaver, of Xewburg,
Much Interest Shown in College Com
edy, "The Sophomore"
Williamstown. May 19.—The three
a-t college comedy "The Sophomore''
which was ;iven by the junior class of
the High school in the Academy ot'
Musi;. Monday evening, displayed
much talent in the cast and credit is
ilue the instructor. Miss Anna Kahl,
assistant in the High school.
Misses Erma and Ada Kaufman, of
Reinerton, were guests of Miss Grayce
Thompson, Monday.
Lynn Parcell, of Philadelphia, spent
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Charles
The local baseball team of the Dau
phin-Schuylkill League, have purchas
ed new uniforms.
Thomas Morgan, of Philadelphia,
visited hit mother on East street, over
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Koenig and
daughter, of Reading, were visitors at
the home of his parents, Mr. aud Mrs.
William Koenig, Sunday.
Misses Alice Moffett and OlWe
Keiser, closed an eight-month term of
school teaching in Clark's Vallev on
Homer Moyer, of Harrisburg, visit
ed his parents on Sunday.
An unsuccessful attempt was made
to rob the Howard Jenkiue cigar store,
on East Market street, early Sunday
morning, when the intruders were
frightened away by neighbors who
were awakened by the breaking of a
window through which the thieves
were trying to gain entrance. A screw
driver was found on the scene.
Two Cars Buckle and Cause Wreck
Near P. R. R. Station
Special Correspondence.
■Middletown. May 19.—A slight
wreck occurred on the bridge below the
Pennsylvania railroad station yesterday
morning when two cars buckled. One
was a large battleship steel car loaded
with coal and the other a box car load
ed with bags of bran. The Harrisburg
wreck crew was called out and soon
had the wreckage cleared away.
The Rovalton School Board met in
special session on Monday evening and
elected teachers for the" coming term.
All the old teachers were re-elected
but one. Miss Dorothy Howden, of
Steelton. was elected in place of Mrs.
Jacob Schiefer. formerly Miss Martha
Selway. The High school was left va
The men's Bible class of St. Peter's
Lutheran Suuday school, taught by E.
C. lrfber. held a banquet in the Sun
day school room last evening. Seventv
tive persons were preseut. Some time
ago the class was divided and Roy
Marklev was made captain of one team
aud C. P. Poist of the other team. The
object was to see which side could
bring in the most new members. The
former lost out and had to treat the
winners. Addresses were made by Su
perintendent I. O. Nissley, the Rev.
Fuller Bergstresser, Arthur King, S. I'.
Peters and E. H. Croll.
A. G. Banks transacted business at
Lebanon yesterday.
The Rev. T. C. McCarrell left this
niorniug for Rochester. N. Y„ where he
will spend several days.
The Rev. H. F. Hoover spent Thurs
day at Mt. Carmel, where he attended
the convention of the C. K. societies and
Sunday schools of the Church of God.
E. T. Mattis attended the funeral of
the late Bail F. Sellers, which was held
at Harrisburg yesterday afternoou.
The deceased was a brother-in-law of
Mr. Mattis.
The Senior and Junior classes of the
Middletown High school and teachers
and directors will meet in the ; High
school building on Sunday morning at
10.30 o'clock and from there will go
to the I'. B. church, where the Rev. I.
H. Albright will preach the bacca
laureate sermon.
The Women's Home and Foreign
Missionary Society of the M. E. church
! held their regular monthly meeting at
the home of Mrs. Philip Ettele. Ann
i street, last evening.
H. A. Lenhart. the tinner, has a
frrce of men at work putting new
spouting on the house of Dr. C. E. Bow
ers, Xwatara street.
Dr. Peerv. a missionary, will speak
at the prayer meeting services in St.
Peter's Lutheran church this evening.
Mrs. J. C. Myers, of St. Louis, is
the guest of her sister. Mrs. T. M.
Yost. North I'nion street. Mrs. Mvers
was formerly Miss Mame Cobaugh and
is well known in town, having resided
here for many years.
Mrs. Jennie Slack spent yesterday at
Members of United Brethren Church
Place New Carpet in Building
Sp»<-'RI Correspondence.
Linglestown, May 19.—Miss Ma
linda Seibert moved from Penbrook .to
the home of Miss Emma Stuokev last
The new carpet was placed' in the
United Brethren church on Tuesday by
the members of the church and Sunday
Mi** Eliza Shriner and Miss Orpha
shriner spent Sunday with friends at
Mrs. Harry Juillard and daughter.
Miss Vcrna, and son. Carlton, spent
Monday with friends at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Krout and Miss Rosie Taylor,
of Glen Rock, were the week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reith.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sigler, son,
George, and daughter, Dorothy, of Har
risburg, spent Sunday as the guests of
the former's father, the Rev. Dr. Sig
Henry Babble, of Carlisle Springs,
spent a few days of this week as the
guest of Mr. an-1 Mrs. Charles Koons.
Harry Farling, of Harrisburg, spent
Monday with friends here.
Miss Jane Care and Miss Graee
Smith on Tuesday visited friends at
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Schaner, of Har
risburg. announce the birth of a daugh
ter on Sunday. Dr. Schaner was a
former resident of this town.
Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser spent Mon
day with friends at Harriaburg.
Mrs. Henry Wilbert, of Ravsorville
Heights, on Monday visited friends
Mrs. Johnson, of Harrisburg; Mrs.
Maria Crum. of Penbrook, spent Tues-
When you wash your hair, don't 1
use soap. Most soaps and prepared
shampoos contain too much alkali,
i which is very injurious, as it dries
j the scalp and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is just eom-
I mon' mulsified cocoanut oil, for this
is pure and entirely greaseless. It's
I very cheap, anil beats soaps or
anything else all to pieces.
Simply moisten the hair with
water and rub it in, about a tea
spoonful is all that is required. It
makes an abundance of rich, creamy
, lather, cleanses thoroughly, and
I rinses out easily. The hair dries
i quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh
j looking, bright, lustrous, fluffy,
| wavy, and easy to handle. Besides,
it loosens and takes out every par
ticle of dust, dirt and dandruff.
You can get mulsified eoeoanut oil
•it must be mulsified, plain cocoa- i
nut oil will not do) at any phar
macy, ana a few ounces will supply
every one in the family for months.
Just Apply This Paste
and the Hairs Will Vanish
(Boudoir Secrets)
The judicious use of a delatone paste
insures any woman a clear, hairless
skin. To prepare the paste, mix a little
of the powdered delatone with some
water, then apply to the objectionable
I hairs for 2 or 3 minutes. When the
| paste is removed, and the skin washed,
every trace of hair will have vanished.
[ No pain attends the use of the delatone ,
and it will not mar the most sensitive
skin, but to insure results, see that you '
get real delatone. —Adv. ■ j
day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Q.
C. Feeser.
Dr. F. I* Shenk, of Harrisburg, ou '
Tuesday was a visitor here.
The Woman's Missionary meeting of
the United Brethreu church was held
at the home of Miss Gallic Zimmer- j
roan on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Koppenhauer Are
Visiting Here
I Special Correspondent■«
Berrysburg, May 19.—* Mr. and Mrs.
j George Koppenhauer, of Hershev, are
spending a few days with the former's
j mother, who is very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, of
I Sunbury. spent Sunday with their cous
in, Charles Kebaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Kebaugh an 1
nouiue the birth of a daughter.
Miss Hattie Schreffler, of Mutters
town, spent Saturday with IXira Hart
The Rev. Irvin E. Runk, of Scott
dale. is spending a few days with hi
aged father, the Rev. J. Runk.
Mrs. Elisa Hartman. who spent the
winter in Elizabethville. came home last ;
week and w ill spend the summer months ;
Miss Katie Dockev, of Pillow, spent)
S.-Uittiiv at the home of Mrs. Katie
Nathaniel Swab and family, of near I
Elizabethville. visited Grant Hartman
| aud family Sunday.
| Mrs. Mutch, of Schuylkill Haven,
| '.vho s|int some t»»ne with her father.
| has returned to her home.
Funeral of the Late Clayton Shelly
Held Yesterday Morning
Dillsburg. May 19.—Clayton Shelly, j
! aged t>2 years."died suddenly at his'
heme, a short distance south of town.
I Saturday morning. Mr. Shelly was in
good health until Friday, when he be
i came very ill while he was at work.
He was taken to the house and died
1 late iu the night. The funeral was
i held from his late home yesterday
! morning and the services were held in
' Calvary I". B. church, this piece. In
| terment iu the Dillsburg cemetery. He
is survived bv a wife and one child, j
Lewis Bentz, a well-known retired |
farmer of this place, and Mrs. Susan
Bentz. of Burbank. Ohio, were married j
Thursday evening by the Rev. Mr. j
i Kveler at the home of Tobias Bentz, j
' near Mt. Zion V. B. church.
S. R. Stouffer, of York, was the \
truest of W. M. Eiicker and family yes- :
Peter Sidle is ill at his home in the ;
Palace hotel
This evening a meeting will be held :
in O. I". A. M. hall to organize an Odd j
Fellows' lodge.
(.'. C. Kinimel, of Carlisle, has a force j
of men at work on his farm, a few j
miles south of town, erecting a new |
Lewis Arnold and daughter, of Car- |
lisle, were in town yesterday attend- |
ing the funeral of Clayton Shelly.
Irving College Commencement Week
Begins May -!)
Mechanicsburg. May 19.—Then (
were very many disappointed people
hero yesterday when the Third Brigade
Field Artillery, U. S. A., failed to ap
pear an' t preparations were made for |
iheir reception. The Athletic Club and j
the High School boys were among the j
greatest disappointed.
Last evening the play, "The New
Minister," was repeated in the First!
I*. B. church. The proceeds of last i
evening will be devoted to the organ [
fund of the church.
Last evening the Woman's Foreigu
Missionary Society of the Methodist
church, of this place, celebrated their
thirty-fifth anniversary and with the i
Standard Bearers, the Young People's
Missionary Society of the church, held
a thank offering service in the church.
Miss Susan Lodge, president of the i
Philadelphia branch of Woman's Mis-1
sionary Societies, was present and gave i
a very impressing address.
On Sunday, May 16, Charles E. Ruth
and Miss Ellen P. Wise were united in
marriage by the Rev. J. J. Resh, of the
Methodist church.
This year commencement week of
Irving College an] the Mechanicsburg
Hijrh School will be at the same time.
Irving's commencement week begins on
Saturday evening, May 29, with a play
by the Dramatic Club of the College.
The baccalaureate sermon on Sunday
morning, May 30, will be preached by
the Rev. Joseph Wilson Cochran, D. I).,
of Philadelphia; annual address before
the College Y. W. C. A. Sunday even
ing, May 30, by the Rev. C. Armand
Miller, D. D., of Philadelphia; Glee
Club concert, Monday morning. May
31, at 10 o'clock; alumnae meeting and
program, Tuesday, June 1, at 10
o'clock; at 12 noon, alumnae luncheon;
at 2 p. m., alumnae business meeting:
meeting of Board of Trustees, Tuesday
3 p. m.; president's reception Tuesday
evening, June 1. Fifty-ninth >ommence
ment. Wednesday morning, June 2.
Commencement week of the High
School begins with the Junior reception
to the Seniors Friday evening, May 28;
Sunday morning. May 30, annual ser
mon to the graduating class, by the
Rev. H. H»ll Sharp; Tuesday evening,
June 1, class day exercises; Wednes
day evening, June 2, commencement.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kunkle, South Washington street, held
a family reunion of the Fehl family,
brothers and sisters of Mrs. Kunkle. it
was al9o a farewell party to Howard
Fehl. wife and daughter, of Hancock,
lowa, who have been spending some
time visiting relatives in the east.
Those present were Mrs. Calvin King,
sister of Mrs. Kunkle, and her slaugh
ter, Emma, and son, Russell; G. Abrara
Fehl, of Dillsburg; Valentine Fehl, of
York; Mr. and Mrs. John Fehl and son,
Kov, of New Cumberland; Mr. and 'Mrs.
Peter Fehl and children, Kdith, Alma,
John and Myrtle, Mechanicsburg; Mr.
and Mrs. Diward Fehl, of York. Other
i* y y T f W y ▼ T T *f* T T W V <T w *> V * V ▼.▼ T ▼ T ▼ T T T T'Tj^
call isol fi? c\ rrf lit nr »M*t founded
: AHYPHOME JvJDUr/il&Tlti 81
: ' Sere: The Finer ;
: nC\ ■ Weaves In Summer <
:. Dress Fabrics ;
► LIJ * This will, convoy but a 4
y V \ slight idea of tlu» numerous <
.Jv* % J : other dainties for sheer, cool . <
if V summer apparel. A complete 4
► v(> 1 assortment awaits you. ffflfiML Xi <
<£> Embroidered Cotton Voiles, vV
$1.50 yd. beautiful embroidered ]
hp I iQintif*cf" rw h rri- Rice Voile - 39<k yd.—tinted /""■•'••••lß\\\ <
► •*■ J-J.V/ L/UiJ
► 1 • 1 • /% "w-s -j in mais, light blue and pink; 40 i&XJ fA\ \ .S* .
: broideries, & tavored «»*-*,«.
: Widths In a Sale ar I,WMU " - mffiraUi
TT xvAuiio, iii a uaiv, Silk and Cotton Poplins 58<i <
0/ Three Days Duration yd.—lustrous finish; good shades; <
► £.. .. », ! -Ml inches wide. -4
► Starting To-morrow silk and wool poplins, s-ic yd. y-*v <
till* beginning ot uu ('iiihroidcvN schsou, li\ i\ word, 1 tnriH, nud ('oppnhiigou. ji \
k they were made possible by quick action when the I Main Floor—bowman's. \ i
* opportunity to save presented itself. j <
piouncings— You're Acquainted With
' :!!)(• ti> ."iiv 1 S-itu-li Swiss Flouncings--.>(>l) yartU uf trial strips. Most of These White Silks j
a _ rt ' - 24<*. .... And their beautiful lustre and firmness of texture will again i
75e and 89c 27-inch Swiss Flouncings—open-work patterns. J be very popular this season. \
► \ ard. 59c. White Silk Crepe de Chine, 40 inches wide. Yard, $1.09, ")
► SI.OO 27-inch Flouncing—embroidered on voile and lace cloth. $1.50 and $1.98.
► aid. 59c. White Crepe Meteor, 40 inches wide; beautiful quality. Yard, y
► $2.00 45-inch Batiste Flouncing, Yard. SI.OO. $1.69 and $2.00.
► $2.00 45-inch Voile Flouncings fine, sheer voile; dainty em- White Merry Widow Taffeta, 40 idles wide: verv line tiual- \
► roidery. ard. $1.25. _ itv . Yard, $1.75. <
► X® I }® Y Ya | a 'o«? C ' Wfa ite Wash Habutai, !ti inches wide; tine quality. Yard, )
.)0e 40-meh Voue Flouncing. Yard, 29<*. i mi m> J
► >c and 10c Embroidery Edges. Yard, 3?. White Satin Habutai, 36 inches wide; good qualily. Yard, *
► Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 1 ' <
White Self-Figured Habutai, :iti inches wide. Yard. 89^.
* I TvT .t T~~ ~ ~ White Golfine Cloth, 28 iches wide; for skirts and sport 4
► Lovely INeW Laces, coats. Yard, 75? and SI.OO. <
► . . _ m White Jap Silk, 27 inches wide; extra good quality. Yard, <
I And Some, SpSClcll Silk Broadcloth, at; inches wide. Yard. $1.25.
Double width white Shadow All Over Laces, used for waists ! M »» n Floor —BOWMAN'S,
and new boleros. Yard. 50f, 59#*, 75<* and SI.OO. """"~~
White and cream Oriental Laces—a large assortment in A C SILr r*ij n/V 1 nf Cn-f
" different widths. Yard. to SI.OO. ™ Of IA. OT tU L <
► 800 yards loc to 20c Venise Edges, white only. Yard. 12 1 f fi f /) 4.C \7 fl *
► Venise Bands, 2 to 4 inches wide, fine for voile and organdie I * <
dresses. Yard, 20<* to .Just plain facts follow: Sale price, former price; width; <
► Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. weave; yards. ,
"~™" — ™ . -m $ 1.10-inch light hlue Chnrmeuae, yards.
' ___ _ A Tr/ J Sl.u'.'i lu-incli black Brocade Silk Crepe, r>'j. yards. ■*
L T3l . . . a _ P '\ " *
r PHIV Hi I ITVIP I O J SI.OO 40-inch Printed Foulards, :>■* yards. *
. *■ XVUI/V V/A X lill V X U $ 1.50 40-Tnch navy Charmeuse, t yards. ,
1 40-inch maiioKany Canton Crepe, J yards.
l ¥ i r | /-* • , a j sl.-5 40-inch black Brocade, t> yards. j
VA/ oO V O y-v -f i A 1 Wiiif $1.50 38-inch brown striped Taffeta, yards.
► » V Cdl d. w 7 111 111 if 131J.1L $ 1.00 40-inch liattleship (irey Poulard. r»yards. j
ST C 5 $1.50 36-inch rose Canton Crepe. yards.
► . $1.50 40-inch garnet Crepe de Chine, 2* a yards. 4
And the savings are unusual. *; ••« »«_ nch putty Crepe de Chine, 1 7 S yards.
y 0 ,iKf SI.OO 27-inch Shantung; Pongee, yards. 4
, li- . . 11 Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. .
y \\ e cannot speak too well ot _
J the suits in this sale, for they V xM Second Lot of '
- a ' v l righ ! 7"'" r YA mm stack Jersey Bust Forms
. stock and we can vouch tor the \"w\ ' t * i a 4
\l|,' Just unpacked <
* st_\ It l and \\ol kuianslll]). Excellent for home use; sizes 84 to 44. Covered with *
► Note tlfe saVillus: /' \J U\J black jersey. Price 49? 1
► ' Tl \ I Mam FIoor—BOWMAN'S. i
i 2 C a°' | J Sale of Large Size Sheets ;
► s>lo J) j O.OIJ l /if I'tica, Cohasset and Mohawk—the three highest grade sheets <
' * / 1 /|1 made. Note the special price:
Former prices, sl2 to l_J. I J S£;S. , ffiisT!3U , '4,
$35 and upwards « ' 8U ";_
[ n,.„- B mvMAN' S . V
_ Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
relatives present were Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Kunkle, of Camp Hill; Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Willis and son, Charles, of
New Cumberland; children of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Kunkle: Mr. Sheffer, a
nephew, and his wife, of Lancaster;
Merle King, a nephew, and his wife, of
Marvsville: Mrs. Wilbur Westhafer. a
niece, and children Charles ar. i .lames,
of Mechanicsburg; Gladys Bradley, a
great niece, of Mectuinicsburg. The re-
! Bailey's
I Pure Rye!
5 Used by the grandfather* of i
5 the present generation—and bet- s
i ter now than then! 5
!• Full Quarts 75c <s 100 . i
J [ * 1.23, $1.30 |
j! On sale in Quarts, Pints and Half- #
J| Pints at the following dealers;— t
C'% Peler Kohlman |
§1 F. B. linger j
J baileV® I * I
I Ksg|?l J. L. Mirgan- i
| ggjgg tlialer
Made for 48 Years by ||
5 1308 Arch St., PHILADELPHIA Jl
union was much enjoyed by all and the
dinner served by Mrs. Kunkle received
full justice.
Howard Feiil and family left* to- 1 lay
for North Dakota, where they will
visit relatives be/ore returning to their
home in lowa.
Miss Jean Sample has returned
from a visit to her sister, Mrs. A. S.
Black, in New Cumberland.
Mrs. Andrew Sheaffer visited Carlisle
friends yesterday.
At 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon,
-May 23. the spring meeting of the Re
formed church will be held in the OKI 1
stone church, opposite Shiremanstown.
The Rev. John A. Adam, pastor of the
Bt. Paul Reformed church of this place,
will preach and the choir of the same
church will lead the singing. The Old
•Stone church, properly Friedens Kirche
or Peace church, is one of the oldest in
the valley, having been built in 1798.
Some years later the Lutherans pur
chased an interest in the property and
the two congregations worshipped on
alternate Sundays. The Rev. John
Hantz was the first pastor of the
church. The old pipe organ has been re
moved to the newer church erected
more recently by the Lutherans, but
the old high pulpit and sounding board
are in place, as in the early days. Both
the Reformed and the Lutheran con
gregations having built new edifices,
the old church is no longer regularly
used but both denominations hold serv
ices there once or twice annually.
These services, because of the quaint -
ness of the surroundings and the his-
Ouick Relief for Coughs, Colds and
Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Fine for
Speakers and Singers. 23c.
i 16 N. Third Bt. Penua. Station
torical sotting, aro usually very inter- j
esting and are largely attended.
Miss Elsie Strong, of Shiremans-1
town, was a visitor here yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Martin and daughter,
Mrs. Harper Myers, spent yesterday in J
George F. Getz, of Chicago, who was
visiting relatives here, left for Harris
burg to-day where he will visit his
sisters, Mrs. Charles Miller and Mrs.
Bankert and their families. He was
accompanied to Harrisburg by his moth- i
er, Mrs. Amanda Getz, who will spend
some time in Harrisburg as the guest j
of her daughters.
Elmer Beitzel, of near Carlisle, spent |
yesterday in town as the guest of his j
daughter, Miss Annie Kuhl.
Lloyd Smith, Normal School Student,
Visits His Parents
Special Correspondence.
Ijemovne, May 19. —Mrs. Amanda
Rehm, of Lewisfoerry, York county,)
visited relatives in town.
Mrs. J. F. Sutton and daughter,!
Anna, of Lewisberry, are spending a j
few days with the former's sister, Mrs.;
George Coover.
Lloyd Smith, a stirlent at the Ship
pensburg Normal School, spent a few
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jonas Smith, Herman avenue.
Paul Stetler is visiting in Lewis- i
berry, York county.
Mrs. John Bentz will visit relatives!
in York and Kralltown, York county,
this week.
Mrs. John though and mother, Mrs.
Lavina Danner, returned to the for
mer's home, near Dillsburg, York
Calvin Straver has gone to Ross
ville, York county, to assist in road
The Ladies' Bible class of Trinity
Lutheran church met at the home of
Mrs. Albert Snyder last evening.
Week's Outgo From New York
<MM> Above Last Year
New York, May 19.—Although ex
ports from this port fell oil' slightly in
the week ended May ID. compared with
(he week before, the Custom House re
port issued yesterday showed that tncy
exceeded those of the corresponding
week last year by $9,000,000. Uis;
week's outward shipments totaled
$24,071,218, compared with $'24,-
532,245 the week before and $24,763.-
189 the week before that. In the same
week a year ago the exports from thin
port to date for the present year ag
gregated $512,334,633, against $385,-
213,582 the corresponding week in
England, which usually leads as a
purchaser of American goods, gave first
place last week to France, Ihe value of
that country's purchase being $6,70<',.
646, while England's share amounted to
$5,823,4 14. Italy continued her heavy
purchases of wheat, motor trucks and
other military supplies to the value of
$2.24.),467, while exports lo the Neth
erlands totaled $2,060,496.
Kills Himself With Pistol
Kane, Pa., May 19.—John Hea. 23
years old. is dead near St. Marys as the
result of an accidental shooting. ITn
was visiting James (ionterro, a neigh
bor, and was examining a revolver. Not
knowing the gun was loaded, he placed
the muzzle of the revolver ayainst his
forehead ajid pulled the trigger. Ho
was hilled almost instantly.
Age is Not the Cause
of your hair falling out. It is the con
dition of your scalp.
Hair Tonic
will destroy the germ which is the cauM
of this trouble. 60 cents a bottle.
George A. Gorgas