[ Harrisbvrg Light l I &,pOWER.QO. I I Germany's Reply to j President Wilson's Letter | may not reach this country for a week or ten days. This should not interfere with you purchasing one of our $3.50 Electric Irons j that are guaranteed for five years for $1.85 Cash Buy at Once and Do Your Ironing in Peace and Comfort 5 OCIA L and PERSONA L PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF COUNCIL JNNER GUESTS Harrisburg Councilmanic Association, Recently Organized, Held First Banquet Last Night in Chestnut Street Hall Members of the old and newer city government to the number of two hun dred, who have recently organized themselves into what is known as the Harrisburg Councilmanic Association, so that they can get together at least once in a while, attended the first din ner of the organization last night in Chestnut street auditorium. During the dinner former city offi cers made brief addresses and related incidents that had taken place during their terms of office. Among the speak ers were Mayor Royal, who years ago was a member of Council; Benjamin P. I'mberger. Colonel H. C. Demming, William Jennings, Charles E. Pass and ii number of others, who made brief talks. Daniel S. Seitz, City Solicitor, acted as toastmaster. Prior to the dinner a short business meeting was held and the following officers were elected: Charles A. Miller, president; Ashton D. Peace, first vice p-esident; Cameron 1.. Baer, second vice president; Charles Knunit Murray, treasurer, and R. Ross Seaman, secretary The members of the association are: Arthur D. Bacon, Cameron L. Baer, llarVy F. Bowman. Thomas J. Bell, Charles H. Bernheisel, H. E. Brandt, Theo. G. ('aider. L. Calder Clemson, John Dougherty, Calvin Etter, S. W. Fitzgerald. Charles Fisher, Dr. J. A. l'ritchey, Richard V. Fox, William L. (lorgas, H. W. (tough. A. B. Gardner, Adam D. Houtz. Robert Hughes, Dr. Hugh Hamilton, Henry E. Hershey, • •eorge A. Hoverter, Francis H. Hoy, Jr., William L. Jaitss, Benjamin F. Kelt, J. Grant Koons. I). L. Keistcr, Fred L. Morgentlinler, Edward Moeslein, Wil liam 11. Moody, Christian Xauss, Charles M. Ortli. Dr. M. M. Ritchie, C. I.: ndis I,'ucly. Isaiah Reese. Jr., Robert W. Rutheifurd, H. F. Sheesley, B. Frank Suavely, M. G*. Stoner, W. H. shcrtzer, Samuel H. Smith, George B. Stueker, M. Harvey Taylor, Benjamin ]■'. I'mberger, Augustus Wildman, Dr. >l. B Walter, H. G. Walter. 11. C. Wells. Win. s. c. Abbott. George W. Arm-] piiester, M. ss Margaret James prior to her marriage. News of Persons Who Come and Go Mrs. William 11. Bradley, Miss Marv ] Cameron and James M. Cameron have ! closed their town house at Front and I State streets and have gone to thoir I summer home at King's .Gap, Cumber land county. Miss Sarah Lvinan and Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, 203 Front street, have re turned from Wernersvillo where they spent last week. Mrs. William S. Bergner and daugh ter, of Newport, ara staying at Had 'd'en Hall, Atlantic City. Miss Anna Henderson, 111 South Front street, is on a visit to relatives in New York, Philadelphia and Summit, N. J. Richard Hamer has returned from State College where he was the guest of the Thcta Xi fraternity. Mrs. J. H. Buffing ton, 2204 North Fifth street, has returned from a visit to Ridgway and Buffalo. Mrs. William Raub, of Lancaster, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Diehl, 225 Bri ggs street. Mrs. F. O. Horting, 30G Market street, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Har ry Thomas, of Pitman, N. J. Mrs. Mary Woodside, of Suubury, is the gues't of Mr. ami Mrs. Ben jamin Karp, 1323 Derry street. Mrs. John McGranaghan and chil dren, 1715 Penn street, have returned from Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith have re turned to Baltimore after a week spent with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 8. Mingle, 17 South Third street. Miss Marjorie Fackler, 1626 Mar ket street, has returned from Atlantic City. Miss Louise Sponsier, 105 Chestnut street, has gone to Nashville, Tenn. Miss ltachaol Staples, social worker for the poor board, is attending tl»o national conference on charities and corrections at Baltimore. j Mrs. C. W. Montgomery, 1903 Mur- I ket street, has returncl from a several days' visit with the Rev. Mr. and Mrs, 1 1>. F. Boggs, of Waynesboro. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shearer, 130 Locust street, are spending several days in Carlisle. W. R. Pcuwell, who has been the j guest of his brother, James Penwell, j in West Fairview, has gone to Akron, j Ohio. Mr and Mrs. E. IJ. Fields, 141U ytate street, have returned from a visit to Mt. Union and Altoona. C. W. Fisher, 2515 North Front street, is spending several days in i Wilkes-Barre. ; Mrs. William McOlure, of Chicago, | lias returnevi home after a visit at tho home of her son, Herbert McClure, jIOOO Green street. Miss Eleanor Green, who has been visiting Helen and Dorothea Davis, 1926 Xorth Second street, returned to her home in Lock Haven to-day. * Mr and Mrs. Frank I\. Bjnnix, formerly of this city, now of Gary, Indiana, and who have been visiting Mr. Binnix's sister, Mrs. John H. Scott. 1919 North Second street, will leave to-morrow for a short stay in Atlantic City. The Misses Florence auil Helen Bealor, of Shamokin. returned home from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Zimmerman, 1245 Mulberry street. MISS \VIL!.IAMSOi\ HOSTESS Entertained at Cards in Compliment to Miss Grace Post Miss Mary Williamson entertained at cards at her home, 1629 North Sec ond street, yesterday, complimentary to Miss Grace Post, of Hartford, Conn. Those present were: Misrses Sara Cooper, Grace Post, Helen Hammond. Mary Myers, Sara Denehey, Arba Williams, Katherine Etter and Mary Williamson. Patterson-Lerew Wedding The marriage of Miss Sara E. Lcrew, of this city to Edyar M. Patterson, of Philadelphia, was solemnized Tuesday, May IS, at the parsonage of the Cal vary Presbyterian church, Philadel phia. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. William Muir Auld. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson will re side in Philadelphia. Brotherhood Meeting Dr. J. M. Francis, D. I)., of Zion Lutheran church, Sunbury, will address the Men's Brotherhood of Christ tai theran church, Thirteenth and Thomp son streets, to-morrow evening at S o 'clock. Dr. Francis is considered one who is especially strong in addressing men. A general invitation is given to all men of Allison Hill and others to attend the meeting. Mort Held For Court Charles 11. Mort was held under s.">oo bail for court at a hearing before M ivor Royal yesterday charged with stealing sß's in cash and two watches from his employer, F. F. Burke, Twen ty-first and Greenwood streets. Mort was arrested in South Dayton, X. V., .by Constable E. E. Stern, for the local authorities. Wa Guarantee 4$ This Per; Cure t Rnser'a Corn Solvent H wLltV'Vli absolutely guaranteed to re gal Kyji. move rvory corn or bunion, upon which it li applied; to completely dlssolro the com and not merely lessen tlio Pain temporarily. sne market thai If worthy oft ho name corn euro became It does really cure, You m.'iy have nsed a hundred dlflereut co-called corn cures or remedies; but If you haven't tiled Kaser's Corn Solvent, you haven't used the remedy that will cure corns and bunions completely, In the short estpossible time. Don't waste another cent on worthless plasters, pads or so-oallod corn cures, but get the guaranteed corn care—Rasrr s Corn Solvent. 1 t's entirely dl ITerent. acts quick er, does not cause pain, and completely removes the corns so they will never bother you again A 100 bottle will cure a dozen of tho worst aorns or bunions that ever happened. Get a bottle today and make vour feet cl.id. C, | Buy of the Drugel-.t li.imed below or lend loe tr> Win. H. Baser, Druggist and Chemist, Bead, tag, Pa. • for sale in Harrisburg by Geo. A. Gorgras. FORT WASHINGTON PAVILION lender new management and re modoled. Dancing Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday evenings. Loeser's Orchestra Mr. George Hess, Floor, Manager. JT When y / Spring Brings \ 1 That Tired Feeling t J "Spring Fever" laziness hinders your ► work and spoils your pleasure. It is r caused by the impurities stored up r in your body through a winter's inactivity. These impurities actually poison the blood and deaden the nerves. Help your body to throw them off by cleansing and fortifying your system. Do this at once. Take BEECHAM'S PUIS IThey act quickly and surely. They clear your skin, brighten your eyes and help you to regain the energy that should be yours in the Spring of the year. They bring health. \ - Beecham's Pills have given excei- m lent results for sixty years. Today W if they have the largest sale of any w « medicine in the world. 2 Not only in the Spring, but any time you !► are constipated, nervous and depressed, take £ 4k Beecham's Pills— F \ They Tone Up E \ Your Entire System gk At All DruggisU, 10c., 25c. Directions of special value to women with every box C. V. M 1 I'CIIJNTV SOLID FORSIIFFRAOK ' i Is Plan of the Ladies Who Now Are ; Working in Gettysburg Gettysburg, May 19. —To organize j thoroughly every portion of Ad'ams county in preparation for the fall cam- ■ paign, Mrs. Evelyn B. Binss, slate | headquarters suffrage worker, is in j Gettysburg now, outlining a course of ! meetings which will likely take the better part of two weeks to complete, j The first of the meetings will be \ held at the furniture factories at noon \ on Wednesday when she will make a short address to the several hundred men. Triple Observance in the Schools Carlisle, May 19.—T0-day was one of triple observance in the schools of the town. The annual Patrons' Bay was this year combined with exercises I for the formal opening of the new j Lamberton Building an I the observance of Peace l>nv with special program. Early reports were that a large num ber of persons visited the schools, the majority making an inspection tour of the new building. Penna. Pairs Wed in Maryland * Hagerstown, Md., May 19. —Penn- . svlvauiti couples married in Hagers tewn yesteruay were Walter M. Smith i and Ruth O'Donnell, Lebanon; .1. Nor-1 man Shover and Elizabeth .1. Ickes, j Mifflin; Victor B. Bassler and Ruth Chester, Phila lelphia. Dickinson Exercises June I) Carlisle, May 19.—With the chief; interest centering on the selection of j a permanent president, which will prob-! ably be made at the annual meeting of the trustees of the institution to be held here Monday, .lune 7, the annual \ commencement exercises of Dickinson ! College and Law S.diool will be held Wednesday morning, June 9. at 9.lit) ■ o'clock. There are about .'il members | of the Senior class to graduate. Cut Wood at 85 Waynesboro, May 19. —Mrs. Henry Bafley, near Beartown, widow of the I oi' l overseer of the Bailey reservoir of . the Waynesboro Water Company, cole- I brated lier eighty-fifth birthday, Friday j last. A dinner party was given in her honor. Mrs. Bailey is still in good health and very active and observed her birthday by cutting a lot of tiro- | wood at her home. Woman Wins for Injuries Bageretown, Md., May 19.—Suing for SI 0,1)00 damages for injuries sus tai r i two years ago while coming to Hagerstown on a passenger train which ! sidt -swiped a freight train at Charlton station, Mrs. (ieorgia A. liurney, col ored, was awarded $3,500 against the Western Maryland Railway by a jury ; Monda,v. Ohio Gerrymander Passed Columbus. < May 19. —With three Repuiblican members voting in the neg ! ative, and one Democrat voting with 1 the Republican majority, the Ohio I House of Representatives yesterday ! passed the Congressional "gerrymander bill'' which is designed to give the Re- ; publicans control of 1C Ohio districts.] Force of Habit "■See here, boss, I ordered tripe and I beans with coffee, and the waitress has 1 brought me a lettuce saniOwich and nj cup of weak ten." " Vou must excuse her, sir. All duel to absentmindedness. She's a former I society girl, and she can't grasp the idea that a quick lunch is not a func tion."—Exchange. When a man is old enough to be ! sinful discreetly he is usually too old to be sinful at all.—June Smart Set. FORESTERS IN SESSION j Six Hundred Delegates Attend Conven tion in Allentown Allentown, Pa., May 19. —Prof. , James ]•'. Gallagher, on behalf of the I order in this city, and Mayor Charles W. Rinn, for the municipality, yestcr j day welcomed the GOO delegates as j sembled in the fifteenth biennial con j volition of the Grand Court of Penn | sylvauia, Foresters of America. A j delegation of upwards of 100 from | Philadelphia came on special cars. The convention was called to order bx Arthur Nagle, deputy postmaster, jof Allentown. The response was made : by M J. Seymour, of Philadelphia, grand chief ranger. Preliminary work took up the afternoon. To-day officers will be elected. Prudent Steering "Laiw, pa, what are you sneaking ; araund the hall at this time of night : with your shoes off?." j ''Sii, sh, son! 1 don't want to run I into the war zone." —Baltimore Anier j ican. Is There Music En Your Home? ———— If not, visit Iho Sticff warerooms to-day and let ns show you a player-piano. Prices are fair and pay ments are easy. Your old piano in ex change. " Lureslijalc" GHAS. M. ST'EFF 212 North 2nd Street BBBmSOMi I To the Man Who Needs Glasses To the Woman Who Needs Glasses We Make a Silent Appaal Eyes Examined «| ! Kifrce. No drops VL I jS .tod. Glasses fitted K ; 1 W\n gold filled HI frames for reading or sewing, as low MJSSLB I, Rubin & Rubin I EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 820 Market St., Second Floor. I Open Wed. and Sat. Evenings. ■ y 801 l Phone 2020-W. 3