The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 18, 1915, Image 1

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f.fetatletf Krport. Pagt «
E£ A TVs?o D VOL. 77—NO. 141.
Added to $22,767 For
Contractor is $4,500
in Fees For the Arbi
City Officials Say Some of Those Who
Gave Expert Testimony Charged
S.">« a Day—Stenographer's Serv
ices Also Help Swell the Expense
k WiiiU* tho arbitrator*' award to \V.
II Oppermau tor oxtri work ia con
i' tiou with hi* contract to build the
) e: : rout iutervepting <o»or was
|Si,7(T,tt, M forccastel iti the !»tar
i dependent yesterday anil otiicinlly
;aiuouni*t i to the t'ity I'omiuissioners
t • iv. tin- actuai ox < use to oe boruc
1 » the city, including tin* amount of
Lie a«ard. officials figured out tin* ift'
t lorn will (•,*- tivelv exceed the
r .mi: $;;n,00O which Opperman
p -!!"• i »i finally.
Mi ■r. I wi< learned to- av.
t ('I f riiiun had come down from hi*
i' ain a! ami to ¥25,000 which he
(*■' !■' n.. I accent, and later to
$18,900. Thi- was MWltcit bjf Coin
m ss oner Lx ch at the City Commis
s "ti'- in :i this afternoon.
.'.e >■ : 11.MI ! w:ii\ed, the right
to appeal mm the arbitrators' decision |
f tw .-in , therefore, con !d not now]
: i >ii a'. . it d-sire to do so.
Phe arbitrators were Joseph L.
thearer, J:.. tiauuett aud Kov
< o\. \ nipa y*iag ' i ■ decision
lu.f bills for -e vi,-,- ■ e arbitra
te »-<* h one if who: resented a
i i ■ $!.-"> ' ;i tot.-i. .it S4.SUU.
Those fee- an : the amount of the
*>. a >! livnp the tola! (lability up to ;
»>ut 'Kit - not include
the u •of the sic:i ographer who took
tie not'-*- iif testimony nor doe> U
car,-} ti c l.ii - ot ttie witnesses who
t -t 'i.- t tor the city and the coutrac
t . • , (li-ials *.i ; .i| that a few of
the witnesses «kti|ed fees at the rate
0 s."•<» .• nay. _• ve "expert testi
i. ony."'
I ' o:n; iling the approximate bill
e i' .in rou, i n-'unates. it wa
' - i_\ utti als. that the sten
ographer's bill will run close to fly
. 'O. l'hat would bring the total up
t i ss.. OT.Oy, lea\ .rig a margin of
$ '1 beiv. ihit total :s:i the
I- in. When an otti a! was asked it the
S 1._U2.1* 1 would j«ay the witnesses
the • > to the reporter's inquiry
v. a
"Vou can say that the total coots
a i the amount of the award will equal
1 : •' exceed $30,000."
Engineers in the olb ■ of the Board
0 Public Works have estimated that
1 >a an. > in the s3l (>.<>oo interce it
i se.vor loan, after the protective
vail is paid for. not including extras.
v run in the neighborhood of $12,-
»•" Thar $12,000. itv ofii ia - de
■ :« e. is all that now is available for
pay ,n<j the Oppermau award and the
costs im-nrred by the arbitration plan.
The $22,767 award and the cost* of
fi titration leaves a deli-it rather than
a .alance :n the intercepting sewer
loan fund, and consequently there will
1 no money with which to close the
gap :n the river front wall at Market
.-tree-, which i* was planned to pay for
out of this fund.
Action on Report Deferred
Individual City Commissioners in
their meeting this afternoon expressed
amazement at the size of the award
allowed the sewer contractor and a
hurried search was made for the old
count*ilmauic resolution passed on Oc
tober 1. 1913. It provides not onlv
t.'iat the sewer dispute be submitted to
a board nf arbitration but that no ap
peal can be taken from the arbitra
tors' decision.
"The arbitrators have awarded Op
permau approximately eighty-five per
cent. of his claim," -aid Commissioner
l.y nch.
"Holy Moses. The worst is yet to 1
e 'me. ' commented Mayor Royal when
advised the arbitrators ask $1,500
a•• h a- fees, that the stenographer's
bill will be $1,500 and that the whole
proceeding will cost the Citv more
than $30,000.
•' Who is responsible for ail this?"
"Why was this matter acted upon in
this manner.'" and many more ques
t ons were anion;; the Commis
sioners before it /was decided to defer;
for one week action upon the arbi
trators report. TJie Commissioners 1
unanimously agreed to call in Citv So- !
lieitor Seitz and of Public I
Works for information and advice on
the subject.
The only satisfaction the Commis-i
(doners got from the whole matter, thev |
said, was the fact that the arbitration '
plan was ordered by a former board |
ot councilnien. The arbitrators were;
appointed on October IS. 101.3. before
Harrigburg had the commission form i
of government.
®be Stat" Sttkpcnktii
Legislative Leaders
Will Put Through
Bill Relating to Third
Class Cities
Its Adoption Will Mean That Two Ser
geants and Ten Patrolmen in Har
risburg Must Pass Examinations in
Order to Betain Their Present Jobs
The Walton bill proposing civil serv
; ice in [H>iit-e. tire, electrical an I oiisii
nenring departments in third class cit
ies. applying to salaried officers in those
lepartments only, will pass both
branches of the tlonoral A?scml>!y a*
amended in the House early this morn
ing and go to Governor Brumbaugh for
approval, according to an agreement
reached between legislative leaders.
The bill previously, after having
• pa*>cd both branches. wont to the Gov
ernor and then was recalled by its
sponsor. Mr. Walton, of Lawrence coun
ty. according to an agreement with
Lieutenant Governor Mct'lain and other
Lan aster member* who desired that it
should be made not to apply to Lan
caster which is operating under a sep
arate charter.
The amendments which were pro
posed earlv this morning ould not be
inserted in the bill an \ printed for the
use of the members in time for action
n the House to-day and the bill there
fore postponed until the printer can
' have time to repriut it.
I jam-aster's objection was a just one.
a -ording to Mr. Walton, as Lancaster
is a third .'lass city in point of popu
lation and not in point of legislation
for it has never accepted the third
class city classification proposed in
('■mtinuril on Miuli I'asr.
Governor Still in Doubt as to One Com
missioner—Most of the Other
Officeholders Whose Names Were
Withdrawn Will Be Beappointed
Senators who conferred with Gover
nor Brumbaugh t. lay said that they
were gh en to understand that there
»ill be three changes in the personnel
of the Vnl'lic t>erv ic,> t >nimis*ion when
announce.i to-morrow—the retiring
numbers icing K. M. Wallace. Erie;
Kmorv L Johnson. Philadelphia, and
Waiter H. Gaitlier, Pittsburgh.
No names are certain a* to who will
their successors, but John S. Killing,
if Erie, may .i. ceed Wallace, and
hmerson Collins, of Willianirport. is
spoken "t a* Mr. (<aithor'> suci umpt.
I ' e successor to Professor Johnson i?
not nainei *in the rumors.
It was stated at the Executive De
partment tins morning that no appoint
ments nf members of the Public Service
Commission will be *ent to the Senate
by Governor Brumbaugh until to-mor
row and au intimation was given that
the Governor is still in doubt on at
least one of the appointments and is
waiting to hear from the person to
whom lies heen ten'-lered om* of the
SIO,OOO jobs.
Along with the more important ap
pointments to be sent in to-morrow will
be those to succeed tiiose persons re
••ailed last midnight, and it i* said
there will be few changes and those
iiief.v ti till vacancies that have oc
urred * nc'e the names were sent in by
tiovernor Tener These include the var
ious commissions, hospital boards, trus
tees f State institutions and associa
• ontinurd on Fourth Page
Five Pound Bronze Acorn Crashes Into
Senate Chamber During Session
and Misses Mrs. Charles E. Mills
Only By a Few Inches
One of the heavy bronze acorns
forming the bottom of a massive side
bracket in the Senate chamber became
detached during the session of the Sen
ate last night and fell with a era*h,
striking the marble wains. oatin'i which
projects a few inches from the wjll
and 'breaking off a large fragment of
Mrs. Charles E. Mills, wife of Sen
ator Mills, of Athens, Bradford county,
was sitting at the end of a lounge be
neath the bracket when the acorn fell
and narrowly escaped being struck,
fhe five-pound acorn missed he*r head
| by only a few inches.
The ornament had become detached
; by constant use of it 'bv page* in get
j ting a hand-hold in moving from wia
j dow to window in opening the blinds.
The fall made a loud report that
startled the lawmakers and spectators.
Mrs. Mills however, seemed little eon
i cerned about the incident.
Sixteen-Y ear-Old Mary
Louden, Who Disap
peared Last Septem
ber, Is Brought Home
Justice of the Peace A. L. Brubaker,
Schoolmaster of the Fugitive.
Learns She Is On Farm in Ohio and
Bet urns Her to Her Parents
After an absence from her home of
eight months, during which her fam
ily knew nothing of her whereabouts,
16-year-oid Mary Louden, daughter of
Alfred ,1. Louden, who lives on a farm Mechanicsburg, was yesterday
morning returned to her parents by
her former school teacher, A. L. Bru
baker. Through some means which lie
has not revealed. Mr. Brubaker, who is
a justic of the peace, and a neighbor
and intimate friend of the girl V par
ents. learned of the runaway's where
abouts and then went and persuaded
her to return home. He found her em
ployed on a farm near O >erlin. Ohio,
twentv-five miles from Cleveland.
During the eight months from the
time she ran away from her home un
til she returned yesterday. M,ary*w"ork
e.i industriously and practiced strict
, onomy, for out of sauries of $2 and
$2.50 i week she saved a total of fifty
dollars. She returned home with this
amount of money and the same clothes
-he had when she ran away, having
bought no new garments throughout
the period.
It was on September It? last, that
Mary suddenly disappeared from her
home on a farm ill Silver Spring town
ship. several miles from Mechanics
burg. She took with her a pink
a green dress with black trimmings
and a light crowned hat. These were
still the principal articles in her ward
robe on her return yesterday.
According to her account, > Marv
went into Ohio, as far as her funds
would permit, and got employment on
farms in the vicinity of Oberiiu, where
she was found a few days ago. Her
wages were two dollars to two and a
half a week, with board and lodging,
nnd «he hoarded practically all the
money she received.
IHinny her absence, the girl seems to
have had no desire to return home, for
she kept her whereabouts from her
parents. They, however, had not given
up hopes of finding her and were con
stantly looking for -ome wori concern
ing her. When Justice of the Peace
Brubaker learned where the girl was
living, by means of investigations
which he carried on his own account, he
promptly went there and confronted
her. Tne iiir 1 evidenced surprise at
seeing her school teacher, but after
some persuasion agreed to accompany
him to her home.
i>n her return, she expressed neither
delight nor regret, and would give no
account of her motives in attempting
to shitt for herself. Her parents were
overjoye - i to see her again, as were
her sister and two brothers.
It is figured out that the consolida
tion of the Eastern and Western pen
tentiaries at the Centre county insti
tution which is now being constructed,
the bill for which passed the Senate
last night, will mean a good deal more
in the way of expenditures for Dau
phin county for the maintenance of
her prisoners than is paid now.
The per capita wage per day for
maintenance in the Eastern peniten
tiary, where the Dauphin countv con
victs are sent, was 19 cents in'l9l4.
while it wis 39 cents in the Western
penitentiary. In 1914 Dauphin county
committed 42 prisoners to the Eastern
penitentiary and the«se 42 cost the
county at the rate of 19 cents per day.
The county i«aid for a year $2,91:2.70.
These same prisoners for a year, under
the Western penitentiary charge of 39
cents a day, would huve cost $5,978.-
70, or $3,026 more than in the East
ern penitentiary.
These figures apply only to those
prisoners committed ' from' Dauphin
county in 1914, but there are also a
number of prisoners ther» committed
from Dauphin county prior to 1914.
and the ratio of increase of cost for
them would be the same.
A number of Senators who voted for
the consolidation bill last night ob
tained reports of the two institutions
for 1914 this morning and did some
figuring, much to their astonishment.
It is said that an effort will be made
to have Governor Brumbaugh veto the
About Six Hundred Members Arrive lu
Wormleysburg This Afternoon
I'pward of live or six hundred mem
bers of the First division of the United
States army, comprising the Second bat
talion" of the Third Field Artillery So.
6. field hospital corps and Xo. 6 am
bulance corps from the Walter Reed hos
pital, arrived in Wormleysburg this
afternoon where they will camp for
the night.
The detachment is in charge of Lieu
tenant Colonel Menocher,- and is en
route to Tobyhanna, near Hcranton,
where they will instruct the State
militia in target practice.
No Indication From
Ambassador Gerard
When Answer Will
be Formulated
Amsterdam Correspondent Says Ger
many's Note Will Be Sent Thurs
day, in Which It Is Said England
Will Be Blamed for the Disaster
Washington, May 18.—Ambassador
Gerard has transmitted no indication
from the German Foreign Office as to
when a reply to the American note may
be expected. Secretary Bryan said to
day nothing ''of any importance" had
been received from the Ambassador and
that the State Department was without
advices as to when the reply would lie
As to the United -States seeking a
safe conduct tor Or. Hernhard Dern'burg
when he leaves the country, Secretary
Bryan said: "We have no official
knowledge of Dr. Dernburg," and re
fused to discuss t e question further.
Mr. Bryan also refused to discuss
whether the administration was con
sidering making further representations
to (?reat Britain over delays to Ameri
can commerce.
Only One Torpedo Hit Lusitania?
Paris. May i>:.—Germany's reply to
the American note on the sinking of
the Lusitania will be sent .Thursday, ac
cording to the "Matin's" Amsterdam
correspondent, who says he is informed
it will justify the attack on the steamer
on the ground that the submarine com
mander has affirmed in Tiis report that
only one torpedo was fired which con
vinces him that the second explosion
was due to the fact that the ship car
ried munitions of war. The report is
said to state that the torpedo was fired
in such a way the Lusitania would not
have sunk if she had not had ex
plosives aboard.
rhe '' .uatin s ' correspondent savs
it is reported in Amsterdam that Ger
many will throw the responsibility for
the disaster on Kngland and on the
American authorities who permitted
passengers to embark on a ship carrying
Continued on Ninth rase.
Hope Company's Engine Sees Actual
Service for First Time Since It Has
Been Equipped With Tractor at
Lively Blase in the East End
Fire starting at noon to day destroy
ed the frame dwelling of George Stark,
lwenty-first anil i'axton streets, result
ing in a loss of about $2,000. Most of
the furniture was lost. The loss rs
covered by insurance.
-Mr. Stark, a carpenter, was going
bom* t'or dinner when he noticed smoke
and flames bursting from the north
side of his house. He rushed in and
saw the interior was already in flames.
His wife, who was in the cellar at the
time, knew nothing of tho fire, but on
being told rushed up tht> stairs and res
cued her tj-nionth-olil baby which was
sleeping in the parlor.
The origin of the tire is not known
positively, but it is believed the flames
started from au overheated flue. The
house was built four years ago by Mr.
Stark and is located' about 130 feet
from any of the nearby houses.
While removing some of the furni
ture from the house Mr. Stark laid his
coat on a chair for a few minutes. When
he put it on his back again he reached
for his pocketbook and, he says, found
Continued on Fourth I'aice
Drivers Admit There Is Little If Any
Gain in Present Btate of Keen Com
petition. When Cost of Fuel and
Wear and Tear Are Considered
According to estimates based on
data obtained from a large number of
the owners of the 135 "jitney" autos
that are licensed to 'operate on Har
riaburg's streets, the combined daily
receipts from that kind of travel run
anywhere from S7OO to SI,OOO. The
ie\enue s only slightly overbalance the
expenses of fuel and so forth, but, as
many automobiles literally are being
racked to pieces, there is little if any
profit in the operation of the cars at a
5-cent fare when deductions are made
for wear and tear
A few of the licensed "jitnev" op
erators haev become discouraged as a
result of the keen competition and have
quit the business either because other
work was found to'bc more profitable or
because'they have found the "hack
ing" is both nerve-racking and disas
trous to the machines. Yet others are
confident that the business is going to
be a permanent paying proposition and,
even at this late day, many are enter
ing the field of competition' for nickels.
The total number of jitney licenses
issued at the City Treasury at the close
of business yesterday was 135, but
C«atlaae4 on Milt Pace.
DEEXtL BIDDLE cJfc, . -n,
Here fs a snapshot of Miss Mary L. Duke and her f'.aiv.*. Mr. Anthony J
l'rexel Biddle. Jr., taken at the I'nited Hunts racing meet at Beluiout I'ark,
Lnug Island. The couple will be married next month.
Parliament Will be
Asked Thursday to
Confer Plenary Pow
ers on Government
Alarmist Rumors of All Kinds Being
Circulated In Some—Report That
Prince Von Buelow, German Am
bassador, Left City Secretly
K.y Assoi iatrd Press.
Rome, May 17, via Paris, May 18. —
The Italian Parliament will be asked
Thursday to vote on a bill containing
a single clause conferring plenary
powers on the government, according
to the "Giornale D"ltalia." Final ac
tion regarding war is not expected un
til after that time unless Austria
makes the first move which in consid
ered unlikely in view of the pacific
speeches made in the Hungarian Diet.
Situation in Rome Tense
Alarmist rumors of all kinds are
being circulated in Rome and the situ
ation is so tense there are many who
believe them all. One report to-day was
to the effect that Prince Von Buelow,
the German ambassador, already had
left the city secretly, it was unfounded
although a special train is kept in
readiness to carry him to Switzerland
if .a break comes. Another special
stands ready to s|>eed for the Austrian
frontier with Baron Von N'acchio, the
Austrian ambassador and his staff.
Th Cabinet council to-day was one
of the longest on record. At its dose
brief communication was issued stat
ing that the ministers discussed the
statement to be made before Parlia
King Victor Emmanuel spent the
day in granting audiences to govern
ment officials and in the consideration
of military and political quarters.
Preparing For Eventualities
The general staff continued with
feverish activity its preparations for.
There were further demonstration*
of rejoicing throughout Italy at the
solution of the ministerial crisis. In
Rome a great crowd climbed the Cap
ito line Hill to listen to a fiery address
Continued on Ninth Page.
Commandeer Italian Cabinet Autos
Rome, .May 18, 11.10 P. M., Via
Paris, 4 P. M.—The automobiles of ev
ery member of the cabinet, with the
exception of Premier Salandra, were
commandeered to-day by the army au
Rome. May Is', Via Pari#—Dis
patches from Triest confirm previous;
reports that a revolutionary movement !
is in progress there. The town is in 1
a »tate of siege. The presence of the
military, however, has failed to pre- ;
vent attempts at popular uprisings and I
demonstrations of hostility to Kinperor
'Francis Joseph.
Rome, May 17. Via Paris, May IS.
Dispatches from Triest telegraphed j
from the frontier to the "Idea Na
zionale" state that the number killed)
in the rioting ol yesterday (Sunday) j
was about fifty. The Austrian authori
ties has) three cannon trained on the
town from the height of Opicina and j
also threaten to have the city bom
barded by warships. A renewal of the >
revolutionary outbreak has heen im
possible because of strong forces of !
troops occupy the city.
London, May IS, 5.06 P. M.—ln
the House of Lords this afternoon Sec
retary of War Kitchener said he want '
ed 300,000 more recruits to form new!
He expressed his confidence that in'
the very future the country would
be in a satisfactory position with re-I
Hard to the supply of ammunition.
The news from the Gallipoli penin 1
sula, in other words the Dardanelles. ,
was thoroughly satisfactory, Karl
Kitchener declared.
Lisbon. Via Paris. May IS.—lm- j
provenient is shown in the condition of
Joao t hagas, new Premier of the Cabi
net. who was shot and dangerously
wounded while on board a train. Kx
amination showed that a liullet entereil
the forehead and eame out near the
right |>arietal bone. It is feared Sen
hor C'hagas may lose the sight of his
right eve.
Lisbon has resumed its normal
appearance,. except that no street cars
are running. Business is being con
ducted as usual.
Madrid, May 18. Via Paris.—A dis
patch from Lisbon, tiled, late last night,
says order has been re-established there.
Senhor Chagas, although seriously
wounded, ha* improved somewhat and
was able to talk with political asso
Heavy Snow in Wisconsin
Appleton, Wis., May IX. —One of the
heaviest snow storms of the season pie
vaiied last night.
Reported toliave Aban
doned 20,000 Pris
oners in Their Flight
From Russians
Remnants of the Austrian Array Now
Retreating iu the Diroction ol' Pruth
Are Said to Be ii^. Grave Danger of
Uuiilnti, May IS.—The Austrir.n de
tVat in Uukowina was of su.-li vast pro
port ions as to niiiri' than ofTset the vie
torv gained b\ the Teutonic allie, in
West Gal'da. according to a Russian
oili ■ :ii statement contained in a dis
patch from Petrograd to the Router
Telegram < 'ontpany.
rhi' Austrian* arc reported to have
abandoned 20.000 risnners in their
flight ami important positions organized
on a front of 14 n versts t !K! miles).
The Rn.-siaus ciaim t.i have occupied
O.ernowit/ and that the remnants of
the \ list rin n army ret rent ins; in the
direction of the I'ruth are in danger of
disaster. The Renter dispatch says:
Abandoned Important Positions
''The Russian official statement de
scribe* the Austrian debacle in Uukii
wina as of siteii vast importance as to
render nugatory their ephemeral success
in West Oalicia. The latest particular*
represent that the entire region between
the Dniester ami the I'ruth is in Rus
sian hands as the result of the brilliant
victory, while the Austrian*, utterly i!e
feated. are in disorderly flight. They
have abandoned 20,000 prisoners and
important, powerfully organized posi
tions on a front of 140 versts for tho
defense of which they made tremendous
sacrifices in money and lives.
" Kvervthing tends to prove that a*
a consequence of this victory t'zemo
wit/ already is in the possession of the
Russians, while the remnants of the
Austrian army fly ins in the direction of
the Pruth are in danfjef of disaster
which seems inevitable Because of %he
fierce action of our cavalry which fell
upon the retreating enemy in full di
visions. destroying him and incessantly
augmenting the number of our trophies.
Continued on Fourth r«(i<
Paris,' May 18, 2.35 P. M.—The
French war office this afternoon issued
the following statement on the pro
gress of hostilities:
"On the terrain to the west of the
Yser canal conquered by us yesterday
and the day before yesterday, the Ger
mans left about 2,000 dead and a
great number of rifles. During the
course of the engagements of yester
day wo made some further prisoners.
To tlie east of the canal we have con
solicited the positions recently taken
by us. During the the (Germans
undertook a particularly violent coun
ter attack, preceding this action by a
bombardment with artillery and bomb
throwers. They were repulsed. >.
"hi the region to the north of No
tre Dame De Lorette, on the road from
A ixNoulette to Souclies, we checked
completely by our fire two other tier
man counter attacks. As for ourselves
we captured as a result of a night ad
vance a group of houses near the ceme
tery of Ahlain. Along all the front to
the north of Arras the artillery fight
ing is continuing by day ami by night.
The Germans have bombarded Arras
with particular ferocity.
"111 the region of Villr-Au-Bois,.
near Berry-Au-Buo, the enemy yester
day undertook a fresh attack, but lie
was easily repulsed."
A far-reaching victory in Bukowina,
the Austrian crown land on the eastern
extremity of the Russian front, is
claimed in an official announcement
from Petrograd. According to this
statement, the Russians have swept
through Bukowina, taking back much
of the territory which they held earlier
iu the war until they were driven out
l>y the Außtrians. Their successes are
described as of such importance that
they mote than offset the Austrian-Ger
man victory in Western Galicia, in the
drive from Cracow. It is reported the
Russians have taken Czernowltz, capi
tal of Bukowina, having broken down
Austrian resistance over a 00-mile front
and captured 2»,000 prisoners.
The Russian War Office concedes a
Continued on Fourth I'nse
By Associated Press,
New York, May IK (Wall Street
Closing).—Further selling forced prices
down again in the later dealings. The
closing was heavy. To-day's stock
market was altogether the dullest and
most unimoprtant in over two months.
A drooping tendency prevailed through