8 Manly men, who prefer A. A. U. medals to wrist watches, enjoy a highball down to the last drop. - When in the mood specify Moloney's to the bar clerk if he tries to ring in a substi tute. Shun all pinch hitters. We take so much trouble getting our product right, that it surely won't be much trouble for you to say Moroney." Recom mend us to your grandpap. I loroney's Amy and Navy Whiskey is oa tale at aO first-class bars aad cafes HANLEN BROTHERS j mmmm—mmm DISTRIBUTORS FOR HARRISRURG vssmJ NEWS OF THE S AMONG AMATEURS AND SEMI-PBCS. Hershev at High spire. Lebanon at Middletown. Steelton at New Cumberland. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY Baltimore at Harrisburg (Pennsy M. P. League). Conway Hall at Leiuoyue Booster Dav). West End A. C. at Marysville. East End A. A« vs. Baker A. A. at Nineteenth and Greenwood streets. Hick-a-Thrifts at Hummelstown. North Street Juniors vs. Keystone A. C.. at Island Park. Colored Monarchs vs. Fisher A. C.. at Fourth and Emerald streets. Keener A. C. vs. Trainmen at Sixth and Division streets. Levau. for the Reading Railway A. A., yesterday shut out the Eagles with out a hit or run. The same went Ave innings to a score of 2 to 0. The Haskin A. C. defeated the Cam eron A. C. yesterday by a score of 4 ■to 3. Dean* struck out thirteen of the Haskin players. The Boys' Brotherhood team of St. j John's church was defeated yesterday in a ten-inning game by the West End Juniors by a score of 6 to St. j John's would like to arrange games with teams whose players average trom 12 to 16 years. John 1725 Ninth street, is manager. f In a five-inning twilight game at Sixth and Division streets last evening, the Camp Curt in Fire Company team defeated the Keener A. C. by the score of 3 to 2. The Packard Athletic Club will hold an ice cream festival at the i ity Grays' armory. Second and Forster streets, to-night, the proceeds of which ■will be used for team uniforms. >1 At KS WELCOME REST Pennock or Bressler Likely to Face Brown In To-day's Game St. Louis. Mo.. May I."..—Connie Mack welcomed yesterday's idleness which the schedule makers so kindly provided as it gives him a chance to rest his pitchers. Mack tacitly admits that the Browus and the Athletics ap pear to have cornered all the wild men of baseball this season. Pennock. who worked in two innings of 'Wednesday \ game, is likely to be sent against the Browns to-dav in an effort to even up the series. Bressler is second choice. With Rickey's crippled pitching staff he will probably send 1 Ferryman, who na< appeared in but two! major league games, to the mound, and t if he fails, Carl Weilman, despite the j fact that he worked Thursday, will be! calied on as relief pitcher. The Athletics were much exercise I over comment yesterday that Bush is using a substitute for the emery 1 all. The Athletic players all deny that their pitchers are violating the league rule. EASY FOR PLANING MILL Lucknow Shop League Contest Was a Slaughter In five innings yesterday the Plan-! ing Mill won from the Federals in a! Lucknow Shop League contest by the I score of 9 to 0. Five errors bv the Fedi rals helped in the general melee. The score: FEDERALS R. H. O. A. E. Buftington. lb .. . 0 1 6 0 1 Bums. 3b 0 0 1 1 1 Met loskey, p.. . . 0 0 0 1 0 Forney, cf 0 0 0 0 1 Ksterline, If 0 1 0 0 0| Levan, 2b 0 o 1 1 1 She do. rf 0 0 1 0 0 Dun lap, ss 0 0 1 0 0 Fcgley, c 0 0 5 0 0 Totals 0 215 4 5 ' PLANING MILL j R. H. O. A. E.! Harling. 3b 2 2 1 0 0 Hoover, 2b 1 2 2 1 0 Rhoads. c 1 0 3 2 0 Lyter, rf 1 2 0 ft oj Ford, ss 0 0 2 ft 0 Rich 'r, If 1 0 1 o 0 lb ft 0 5 0 ft Finfroek, p 1 2 0 0 ft Total- k .. 9 8 15 3 0| Federals 0 0 0 0 o—o • Planing Mill 2340 o—9 ' Twu-base hit. Esterline. Sacrifice] hit. Shade. Struck out. by Finfroek. 3; McCloskev. 1. Base on balls, off! Finfroek, 2: McCloskcy, 1. First base i on errors. Planing Mill. 4. Passed ball,' Feglev. Umpires. Ellis and Lebo. Motorcyclists Will Picnic Members of the Keystone Motorcvele Club will picnic to-morrow at Peters' mountain. The party will ride away from the club house. Thirteenth and Waiuut streets, at 10 o'clock. ROMANSHAVEWALK OVER 1 Take Annual Academy Track Meet I From Brother Greeks by Decisive Score of 85'.., to 85><, The third annual Greek-Roman out- 1 door track and field meet was held on j the Academy field yesterday afternoon i before a large crowd. The Romans easily won. So 1 .. to The Romans placed every man they j had in the hammer throw, the half- | mile run and the two-mile run. In the j second event the Romans made a clean i sweep, placing three men. while the Greeks had no contestant. The third event was the orange race, which Ben nethum, a Roman, won, but the referee , ruled he did not ruii around his basket j and he was disqualified. The race was j awarded to England, another Roman, t who finished second. The 120-yard hurdle race was won j by Holmes, a Greek, but the Romans j took second and third places. The tug! of war was another interesting event, but the Romans easily won. There j was much interest, too. in an impromptu j race between George Shreiner and j John Le-vure. both Greeks, which I.es cure won after a hotly-contested run. A number of school records were broken. The half-mile run record was i sn ashed by Bennett. Roman, by three ! seconds. The 120 hurdlo record of; ; 1 3 4-5 seconds was broken by Holmes, j Greek, by 2-5 second. The 220-yard j dash record of 2 4 4-5 seconds was j broken by Krall. Roman, who ran it in 23 4-5 seconds. Bennett, a Roman.! I broke the old record for the pole vault, I which was S feet 10 inches, by 1 inch. Holmes also broke the former record ] of 11 1-5 seconds in the 100-vard dash. ' running it it! 10 2-5 seconds. Krall' also evened his old record of last year ' in the high jump, doing 5 fee; 1 inch. The sack race created a lot ot' fun. Herman, a Greek, won after a hot race with England, a Roman. The summaries: 100-yard Dash —First heat, won by Holmes, Greek: second. Stackpole. Rom an. Second heat, won by Krall. Rom an: second. Holler. Roman. Half-mile Run —Won by Bennett. Roman: second. Jennings. Roman: third. Wallis. Roman. Time. 2.15. Orange Race —Won by England, Roman. 120-yard Hurdles—Won by Holmes. Gieek; second. Krall. Roman; third. Stackpole, Riinan. Time. 13 2-5 sec onds. Tug of >Var —First, second and third forms, won by Romans. 440-vard Dash —Won by Stackpole. R<-mau: second. S"itz. Greek; third. •Hart. Roman. Time. 5S 4-5 seconds. Shot Put—Won by Krall. Roman: second. Bennett. Greek: third. Hoke. | Greek. Distance. 35 feet 6 inches. Tug of War—Lower school, won bv Romans. Sack Race—Won by Herman, Greek; I second. England, Roman: third. Bonne ! thum. Roman. ! Mile Run—Won by Broadhurst. .Greek; second. Ferber, Roman; third. Jennings, Roman. Time. 5 minutes 49 ; seconds. 100-yard Dash —Finals, won by Holmes. Greek: second. Krall. Roman: third. Stackpole Roman. Time. 10 2-5 seconds. 220-vard Dash—Won bv Krall. Rom an; second. Holmes. Greek; third, I stackpole. Roman. Time, 23 4-5 sec ends. Pole Vault —Won by Bennett, Rom jan; second. Wieland. Roman: third., ' Dunkle, Greek. Height, 8 feet 11 | inches. ' Pass Back —Won by Romans. Broad Jump—Won by Seitz, Greek, and Krall. Roman, tied: second. Holler. Roman. Distance, 1 8 feet. Two-mile Run—Won by Wieland. Roman; second, J. Hart, Roman; third. I We His, Roman. Time, 12 minutes 28 seconds. Hammer Throw —Won by Bennett. | Roman; second. Krall. Roman; third, j Waliis, Roman. Distance. 77 feet 3 i inches. Carrying the Colors—Won by Greeks. High Jump—Won by Krall, Roman; j second, Seitz, Greek; third. Holler. Roman, end Holmes, Greek, tied. I ] Height, 5 feet 1 inch. i Track Athletic Committee Meeting An important meeting of the Harris-! ! burg Track Athletic Committee will be j held in the offices of the Department | of Parks in the Calder building Mon | dsv evening. HEAR OF MANY WONDERS Members of Natural History Society Take Big "Hike" A "hike" along the Conodoguinet I creek from the mouth to Camp Hill took ! place this afternoon by a number of members of the Natural History So ciety. They left Market Square at I 1.30 o'clock on the Enola car. I During the hike Professor J. J. ; Brehm acted as guide in pointing out. i the most fertile fields for flowers. Dr. j John H. D. iFager, Jr., identified the ' most important birds, while Dr. Harvey j Bashore served as geologist. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS j Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. BASEBALL SUMMARY STANDING OF CLUBS NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. P.C. Philadelphia 15 S .652 Chicago 15 10 .600 Boston 13 10 .565 Pittsburgh 12 14 .462 Cincinnati 11 13 .458 St. Louis 12 15 .4 44 Brooklvn 11 14 .4 40 New York 9 14 .391 1 i Yesterday's Results Philadelphia, 5: Pittsburgh. 3. St. Louis, 5: Boston, 4. Now York. 3; Cincinnati. 1. Chicago. 19; Brooklyn, 4. Schedule for To-day St. Louis at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh at Bostou. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at New York. Schedule for To-morrow No games scheduled. AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. P.C. Detroit 18 9 .667 i New York 14 8 .6361 | Chicago 16 10 ,615 , Boston 11 9 .5501 Cleveland 11 14 .4 40 Washington 10 13 .435 Athletics 8 15 .348 : St. Louis 8 18 .308 Yesterday's Results No games scheduled. Schedule for To-day Athletics at St. Louis. Boston at Detroit. Washington at Chicago. New York at Cleveland. Schedule for To-morrow j Athletics at Chicago. Washington at St. Louis. I New York at Detroit. ' Boston at Cleveland. FEDERAL LEAGUE W. L. P.C I Pittsburgh IS 9 .667 'Kansas City 14 11 .560 1 | Newark 15 12 .556 Chicago 15 12 .556 Brooklyn 14 12 .538 1 j St. Louis 11 13 .4 58: i Baltimore 11 17 .393 j Buffalo S2O i2S6 Yesterday's Results i Newark. 5; Buffalo, 1. Chicago, 6: Pittsburgh, 0. I Brooklyn. 12: Baltimore. 4. Other clubs not scheduled. Schedule for To-day Brooklyn at Baltimore. Kansas City at St. Louis. Newark at Buffalo. Chicago at Pittsburgh. Schedule for To-morrow i Buffalo at Newark. Other clubs not scheduled. FEDERAL LEAGUE Chicago, (t; Pittsburgh. O Pittsburgh, P«.. May 15.—A pitch-i lers' iiiel between McConnell and Allen leaded in the ninth inning yesterday,! when the Pittsburgh twirlcr weut to pieces and Chicago made six runs, win ning the game, 6 to 0. R. H. E. I Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6—6 9 1 I Pittsburgh .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—o 5 1 McConnell and Wilson; Allen aud Berry. Newark, 5; Buffalo, t Buffalo. N. Y„ May 15.—Buffalo lost its fifth straight game yesterday, when Newark won, 5 to 1. R. H. E. Buffalo .... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 o—l 3 3 Newark .... 0 o o 3 0 0 0 1 I—s 8 2 ' Sohulz. Anderson and Allen; Mose- IPV and R&ridcn. Brooklyn, 12: Baltimore, 4 Baltimore, May 15.—Brooklyn de-; t'eatc ; Baltimore vesterday afternoon,: 12 to 4. R. H. E. Baltimore .101 100 01 0— 4 7 3 Brooklyn . 0 0 0 0 4 6 2 0 o—l2 15 5 j Bailey and Owens, Russell; j Upham, Marian and Simon. CENTRAL BODY BEATEN First Academy and Then Tech Wins in j Tennis Tourney The Technical High school players ! defeated Central High at tennis in* the scholastic tourney held at Reser voir Park yesterday afternoon four j sets out of six. Central had already j oeen defeated by the Harrisburg Academy teays eight sets to five. The i third and deciding contests in the three- ; cornered tourney was lucid this morn- ■ • ing. Yesterday's results: Zimmerman, C„ Polleck, T„ 6-2 T., . 6-2 T. Fox. C., Beard. T„ 6-0 T.. 7-5 T. Munuell, C., Gerberieh T., 61 C., 4-6 T.. 7-5 C. Zimmerman, C., Zigler, C., vs. Pol leck, T.. Fager, T„ 3-6 T.. 3-6 T. Fox, C„ Withcrow, C., vs. Beard. T., Ramey. T.. 5-7 T.. 6-4 C., 6-1 T. Munnell. ('., Walters. C.. vs. fcler berich, T.. Llovd, T., 6-4 C., 2-6 T., i 6-4 C. Weidenmyer scoring. M ASONS ELECT OFFICERS Nineteenth and Thirty-second Degrees to Be Conferred Wednesday Officers were elected last night when j the different bodies of Harrisburg Con : sistorv, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite I Masons, met at the consistory. The following were elected in Har j risburg Lodge of Perfection, fourteenth degree: William B. Bennett, T. P. Mas ter, Warren E. Parthemore, Deputy i Master; Luther W. Walzer, S. W., and ' Livingston V. Rausch, J. W. In the Council of Princes of Jeru salem. sixteenth degree: William Y. Davies, was elected S. P.; John E. i Muninia, High Priest; E. Clair Jones, S. W„ and F. J. W. Horich, J. W. C. Wayne Singer was elected M. W. Master of Chapter of Rose Croix, | eightenth degree; Frederick M. Tritle, S. W.; the Rev. Henry Nelson Bas sler, J. W. George A. Gorgas was j elected trustee. Andrew S. Patterson j was elected treasurer; Charles C. | Bchriver, secretary and William V. Da-1 vies, assistant secretary of all the bodies. At a meeting to be held next Wed nesday afternoon tile nineteenth degree will be conferred ami in the evening the twentieth and thirty-second degrees will be conferred. HARRISBTTRfI STAR-INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1915 AMUSEMENTS I AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS I / 3rd FIREMEN'S CARNIVALn^T and benefit for Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Home and I Reily ALL NEXT Reilv I America's Representative Carnival Organization JOS. G. FERARI SHOWS INC. THE SHOW YOU ALL KNOW NEW SHOWS PARISIAN ORCHESTRIONS NOVEL RIDES $20,000 CAROUSELLE EXTRAORDINARY FREE ACTS A Visit to the Ferari "Pleasure Plaza" Will Convince ivyr A IPCTir 1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19TH i iVInJEO 1 lv>— ONE NIGHT ONLY Extraordluar? Triple-Star Combination for thin Sraxon Only CHARI.ES PHOHHAN I'KESE NTS WILLIAM GILLETTE Mall -w BLANCHE llnlfm *on ["""""TiTvirtorlrn Sardou'a I T MARIE I > " , " t<rP ' C<f ! Doro DIPLOMACY BUCKNELL REGENT UNIVERSITY ™ ■»>-«.«« J "8l'( H A MTTLE (|IKEX" | Q 1 C in Ave reels Other CuiiinlloN Summer OoursßS , i ; --.-«i-'Vx^rKHr.^ e ,xAHK^ "THE GOOSE tiIHJ.." * ■ AA • A Pioturlzßtion of Hnrold McGratli's KQiysn ißinc m /nn m ° Bt famous romantic novel UO&ell 1111110 fcfaSlU Rlt'hnril Carlr, <hr far 0..... come dlan. 1a "THE DISCING BEETI-E." For bulletin of infonna- i_ —4 tion write Walter S. Wil- i The Harrisburg Hospital is open T • , I ilaily except Sunday, between 1 anil eOX, Registrar, LjOWlSwlllff, |2 o'clock |>. HI. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those un- j | able to pay for them. NATIONAL LEAGUE Phillies. 5; Pittsburgh. 3 Philadelphia. May 13.—After trail ing the Pirates for six innings yester day the Phillies unexpectedly staged one of their old-time batting rallies and snatched a victory from the Pittsburgh : crew bv a score of 5 to 3. R. H. K. Phillies ...00000023 x—s 12 5 Pittsburgh .20010 0 00 o—30 —3 7 0 Chalmers, Rixev. Mayer and Killifer; Mamaux, Adams and Schang. Chicago. 19; Brooklyn, I Brooklyn. May 15. —Chicago made 23 hits for a total of 35 bases ofl' three Brooklyn pitchers yesterday and won 1!* to 4, the season's record score for Ebbets field, if not the National League. R. 11. E. Chicago . 28502001 1 —l9 23 1 'Brooklyn .0 0003000 1— 4 10 6 i Standridge and Bresnahan, Hargrave; j Atchison, Codore, Appleton and Me- Carty, M. Wheat. Giants, Cincinnati, 1 New York. May 15.—The New York Nationals made it three out of four] from Cincinnati yesterday, winning the 1 last game of the series. 3 to 1. I R. 11. E. j Cincinnati ..00000001 o—l0 —1 5 3 | New York .00200100 x —3 7 3 Brown, Lear and Clark, Wingo; Tes- j reau and Meyers. St. Louis. 3; Boston. 4 Boston. May 15. — Held to two hits and without runs for eight innings yes- i ter lay. St. Louis in the ninth overcame Boston's lead and won, 5 to 4. R. H. E.; St. Louis ... 00000000 5—5 7 2 ' Boston 10012000 o—4 8 4 1 Sallee. Robinson. Griner and Snyder, j Gonzales; Hughes and Gowdy. MILLERSBIIRG HIUH WINS j Dual Meet With Elizabethville Held ; Yesterday Afternoon Mil'.ersburg High defeated Eliza bethville High in a dual track meet at Miilersburg yesterday afternoon by the • score of '53 to 46. Messner and Gal- j lagher were the biggest point winners, j The summary: High Jump—Meaner, first, 5 feet, 1 ) inch; Ziegler, Hartman. Running Broad Jump—Messner, first. 17 feet, 10 inches; Bashore, Loo ker. Hammer Throw —Zeigler, first, 115 j feet; Keaffer, Weaver. Twelve-Pound Shot Put—Messner, first, 35 feet; Zeiigler, BaehoTe. Pole Vault —Tie, Bowman and Hart man, 9 feet; Zeigler. 100-Yard Dash—Gallagher, first, 11 seconds; Messner, Hartman. 220-Yard Dash, Messner, first, 26 seconds; Gallagher, Hartman. 4 4 0-Yard Dash —Keaffer, first, 1 minute, 3 seconds; Lenker, Bowman. Half Mile Run—Hartman, first, 2 minutes, 25 seconds; Lenker, Zeigler. One Mile Run—Gallagher, fiTst, 5 minutes. 15 seconds; Shaffer, Keaffer. Two Mile Run—Twelve minutes, 37 secondg; Gallagher, Hartman. Keaffer. I smj tv 1 ♦ | The Daily Fashion Hint. ♦— » fov" Blue taffeta afternoon gown. Tlit corsage is laced up the back with blue velvet ribbon. The upper and lower skirt are corded and ruffled along thelt «*lges. Ruffled net collar. To Lecture on "Thoughts" "Thoughts" will be the subject of a lecture by K. G. Mateer, district manager of the Bell Telephone Com panv of Altoons.. before the members of the Telephone Society of Harris burg at their regular monthly meeting Monday evearing in the Board of Trade building. Lectures to Alricks Association Dr. William C. Miller, a traveling tuberculer lecturer for the State De- j partment of Health, addressed the mem- ! bers of the Alricks Association at their ASK FOR-* Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. "HOWDY PAP" The Moose Midway and Carnival (Benefit of Charity Fund) Coming—Washburn's Mighty Midway, Shows TRAINED WILD ANIMAL ARENA AND CARNIVAL COMPANY 20 ENTERPRISES The one show of modem times that Is always successful because of Its multiplied attractiveness and ever pleasing, always changing, pleasura giving qualities. A Startling and Sublime Exhibition of Trained Wild Animals—loo of Them The most unique and novel line of shows in America. Tableaux of the World's Grandest and Richest Exhibition. The Mightiest Popular-priced Shows of the Universe. Everything Moral, Refined and High Class. Edu cational Amusements for the Whole Family. AUSPICES OF THE HARRISBURG MOOSE CHARITY FUND Opening 7 o'clock A. M., Monday, MAY 17th, and continuing for Six Days and Nights. Corner Sixth and Mahantongo Streets. Continuous Band Concerts and Sensational Free Attractions Every Afternoon and Evening. Watch for the Big Street Parade Monday. SECURE YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE. Notice—A Downtown Ticket Office Has Been Opened at 18 NORTH T For the Advance Sale of 50c Coupon Tickets Which are good all over the Midway all week. This ticket will be on sale ONLY THIS WEEK—it will be withdrawn from sale the day the carnival opens—therefore take advantage of it—BUY NOW. The Ballot Boxes for the Flag and Banner Contest Are Located at the Following Places: Ed. Rinkenbaugh. jeweler, 121." N. Third St.; Lynch Hotel, Capital and Broad Sts.; Lauster's West End Hotel, Third and Broad Sts.; Chas. Davis, cigars, Third and Sayford Sts.: J. R. Koblor, cigars. Sixth and Reily Sts.; Hattie's, cigars and pool, J SMI N. Sixth St.; Fisher's Pool, Sixth above Maclay; West End Republican Club, 1110 N. Third St.; Hope Fire Co., Second and Liberty Sts.; Camp Curtin Fire Co., Sixth and Reel's Lane; Kobler's Hotel, Sixth and Broad Sts.; Taylor Hotel. Sixth and Cumberland; Hess, cigars, 4 Hi Market St.; Miller's Hotel, 435 Market St.; John Finn, store, 42-1 Market St.; Hess, cigars, Thirteenth and Market Sts.; Cassell, barber, Regina, near Fifteenth St.: Runkel, cigars, 1022 Derry St.; Hess, cigars. Thirteenth and Derry Sts.; Acri Hotel, Fourth and Chestnut Sts.; Fairlarob, cigars, 210 Market St.; Commonwealth, pool, Market Square; Koch, cigars, :55 North Second St.; Harry's, cigars, Third and Walnut Sts.; Canno Bowling Alley. TICKET OFFICE —lB NORTH THIRD STREET 24 Organizations in Moose Banner Contest Twenty-four organizations have entered the Loyal Order of Moose Ban ner and Flag Contest which will be held in conjunction with the annual carnival. The silk banner is valued at $75 and the flag at $25. The contestants are: Harrisburg Bowling Association, Knights of Malta, No. 90; West End Republican Club; F. 0. Eagles; Civic Club; Hope Fire Company, Juniors; M. W. A., No. 5250; Cornplanter Tribe Redmen, No. 01; Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen; Sons of Italy Bank Association; Allison Fire Company; Camp Curtin Fire Company; Knights of Pythias, Nos. II):?, -111 and 150; Warrior Eagle Tribe Redmen; Knights of Pythias, No. 59; Patriotic Order Sons of America; Junior Order United Order Amer ican Mechanics; Odd Fellows; Knights of St. George; Ancient Order of Hibernians; Reily Hose Company; Royal Fire Company. The first $25 made at this Carnival will be given to the Children's Industrial Home regular monthly meeting at St. An drew's pariah house last night. 11.' gave a talk on the work of the depart ment. Washburn's Shows to Parade The Ijeon W. Washburn's Mighty Midway shows presented by the Ijova! Order of Moose L«o:lge No. 107, will open the first day of the show Mon day, when a number of tents will be AMUSEMENTS VICTORIA * "pfflnl T#-d»y hy Hpqtirm "THE DEVIL" 5-pnrt Mutunl Mnntfrplerr Also Exploits of Elaine COLONIAL l.aat liny to SM the l.lvrlj Monte Carjo Girls COMING MONDAY WILLARD •The Man Who Growi" See If You Can Explain Itf ! erected at Sixth and Mahantongo streets. The show will continue every day of the week both afternoon and evening. A parade will bo given Mon day noon. The Harriaburg Polyclinic Dispensary will be open daily except Sunday at .1 p. m., at. its new location, Front and Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor.
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