The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 15, 1915, Image 7
lb Sasij to be Optimistie £ When your liver is working and your digestion is I m right, the whole world seems bright to you. You feel IM {%W M cheerful, clear-headed and energetic. W/ Ilv 11 m But when your food does not digest and your liver becomes m torpid and clogged with the impurities it should throw off, you M m are not to blame for being grouchy and pessimistic. M i ■ Don't let it continue though. Grouchiness loses friends and injures ® •'I I ■ feelings. Regulate your system and put yourself in good shape by ■ V'l jJ II H taking Beecliam's Pills. You will be surprised to see how quickly- B __ *** I this mild, harmless remedy will tone you up physically and mentally. M B Beecham's Pills act immediately on the stomach, liver and bowels; M m M regulate them and keep them in healthy condition. Free from m 'C\ I minerals and habit-forming drugs. Never produce any dis- K I C\\2 0 agreeable after-effects. Safe, sure and prompt. m " Proved by sixty years of world-wide use, Beecham's M Pills have the largest sale of any medicine to-day. M BEECHAM'S PILLS,/ At All Druggists, 10c, 25c Directions of special value to uxrmen with every box. NEWS OF STEELTON THE GIANT OF STEELTON IS OUTLINE! BY HILLIS A Lucid Sermon. Punctuated With Per tinent Sentences, Was an Interest ing Feature of the Services Held in the Tabernacle Last Evening According to a statement made by the Rev. C. E. Hillis at the upeuing of the tabernacie meeting last evening, the cottage prayer meetings are taking on life and invitations arc coming from the homes of the unsaved for these meetings. Mrs. Hillis spoke to a large number of women and girls in the tabernacle this afternoon on the subject. "The Model Woman." The large booster cho:us will be present at the meeting this evening at 7.4 5 to sing. Evangelist Hillis took for his text last night ''Behold the Lamb of God. which taketh away the sin of the world." He said: "The greatest giant in Steelton is sin. I believe in a personal devil, because there arc so many little devils everywhere. The devil is at work in Steelton. and he is working through some church mem bers here who are trying to block the progress of this i ampaign. 1 would rather be right than to be popular. John the Baptist got his head cut off for preaching the gospel, but he did not lose his soul. What we need to-day is to get back to the old-time preaching on sin." "There were men here last night who bit their lips until the blood almost oozed out. Why! Because they were struggling with the devil. It is sin. man, who holds you in your seat and will not allow yovf to go up these aisles and confess Jesus Christ. I see a man lying in the gutter drunk. Did God make him thus! Xo, the devil did that. If I had my way with some of the men who are publishing some of the cheap literature. I would shut them up forever. We call ourselves a Chris tian nation. That is a blank lie. Eighty-five per cent, of the people of this land are not Christians. "Before the sun rises to-morrow 170 firls will be sacrificed on the altar of the white slave curse. The devil even comes to ministers and tries to get them not to do what God tells them to do. The great enemy in our homes to day and in our business, ami every where. is sin. The time to begin to fight sin is at the cradle From the moment of your child's birth the devil goos to work to get it. You can't begin too e&r'y to tell him about Je sus. A boy or girl is old enough to be a Christian when thev are old enough to sin. Don't stand in the way of your child's conversion. There are some men and women in Steelton to-day with characters black enough to make a black mark on a piece of tar paper. "Sin robs a man of peace. Sin: shuts you out of heaven. Sin is the cause of all crime, misery and dis-, ease. All the disease that this old world knows can be traced to sin. Take sin out of America and we will be on the way to everlasting prosperity. Sin is in the world, but there is a cure for sin. 'Behoid the lamb of God which taketh away tie sin of the world.' The only hope for you and me is in the * At the STANDARD Theatre TO-XIGHT The Road o'Strife, No. 4, or The Ring of Death. Featuring Crane Wilbur, Marv Charleson. John Ince and Jack Stanading. One reel, Lnbin. The Lonely Lovers. One reel, Lubin. A Marriage Wager. Two reels. Lubin. Barry O'Mopre in the Adventure of the Lost Wife. One reel, Edison. The Deacon's Son. One reel, Biograph. ' STEELTON TRANSFER TBEWICK ST., Near FRONT ST. SAND, LIME, HAULING, Etc. Bell Phone 10 X United Phone 33 atoning hlood of Jesus Christ. It may be the sin of morality that, is damning! your soul. Whatever your sin is, you ' can be saved by surrendering your will } to Jesus Christ." To-morrow afternoon at 2.30, the Rev. Mr. Hillis will ad-Vress a meeting • for men only in the tabernacle on the . subject, '' Pilots for Men to Pace." At. 2.30 Sunday afternoou Mrs. Hillis will I speak to women in the Centenary I". B. church on "Faith's Persistency." The Rev. Mr. Hillis will speak in tie tabernacle Sunday evening at 7.30 . o'clock on "Heli, What Sort of a .•(Place It Is. and How to Get There." Standard Theatre's OSerings ; The program offered its patrons by, , the Standard Theatre this evening is de cidedly one of the best of the week and . comprises the best offerings in moving j i picturedoui. There will be a large crop , of laughs for the small admission price ~ charged.—Adv.* ■ WILL CELEBRATE LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY TO-MORROW ; Special Program at First M. E. Church , j — Centenary U. B. Sunday School to Meet In Morning—Mrs. Hillis at J First Presbyterian at 11 A. M. . • f! The twenty-sixth anniversary of the' i Epworth League will be observed with • | a special program at the First M. E. ;! church to-morrow evening at 6.30 J o clock. The Centenary Cnited Breth ; i ren Sunday school has changed its ; j meeting time from 2p.m. to 9.30 a. m., »I commencing to-morrow. Mrs. C. E. Hillis will deliver an ad- ' [ dress at the 11 a. m. services in the | i First Presbvterian church to-morrow j i and the Rev. UA. Stahl. of the Hillis ! [ party, will occupy the pwlpit of the East] L Steelton Church of God to-morrow at | ' 10.30 o'clock. Special music is an-1 : Bounced for both mornlig an 1 evening, II services in St. John's Lutheran church I ■ i to-morrow. In the morning Luke Butt i j will sing a selected baritone solo and at the evening worship Miss Ruth Wol j cott will interpret a selected soprano solo. The following borough churches have I announced their order of services, as i i j follows: St. John *s Lutheran—The Rev.' 11 George X. Lauffer. pastor. 9.30. Si'.n --j day school. 10.-15, "The Ascension." >'6.30. Intermediate Christian Endeav . or. 7.30, "Reconciliation in a Strange Land." The program of music fol-1 i j lows: Morning, anthem. "Crown; ■ Him." by Sweney; baritone solo, se i! lected, Luke Butt. Evening, anthem, i "God Bo Merciful." by Vance; so ; pr&no solo. Mjss Ruth Wolcott. St. Mark s'Lutheran. Second and i Lincoln Streets—The Rev. William B. ■ Smith, pastor. 10.30. "The Ascension ii of Christ." 7.30, "What the Bible i! Comprises for the Believer." Sunday ,' school at 2. 6.45. Christian Endeavor j Sccietv. First M. E. —The Rev. W. C. San . I derson. pastor. Morning service at 10.30. Evening service at 7.30. Sun day school at 2. Twenty-sixth anniver sary of the Epworth League at 6.30; I special program. Centenary I*. B. —Sunday school | changed from £ p. m. to 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 10.45 a. m. Theme, "The I Church's Duty Toward Her Lapsed."! j The evening service will be held at the ! tabernacle. A women's meeting will be held at 2.30 p. m.. to be addressed > by Mrs. C. E. Hillis. First Presbyterian—The Rev. C. I Ban.iamin Segeiken. pastor. Mrs. C. E. Hillis wiii speak at the morning serv-j ice at 11 o'clock. .Sabbath school at j 9.45 a. m. Evening service in the tab-1 ernacle. Church of God. Main Street—The; Rev. G. W. Get*, pastor. Morning serv-| j ice at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of ser-j mon. "The Man Who Was Shy of j i Evil." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Junior! I Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m. No even-j ; ing service during the evangelistic! I campaign. Esst Steelton Church of God—The i Rev. E. J. Huggins, pastor. Praise serv- j j ice at 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 10.30 1 a. m. by the Rev. ljawreuce A. Stahl,, |of the Hillis evangelistic party and j j chorister of the big choir at the taber | nacle. Sunday school at 2p. m. Junior | Christian Emleavor at 6p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Even ing service at t'.ie tabernacle. Trinity Episcopal—The Rev. S. H.! Rainey, rector. Holy Communion at 8 Ja. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon. "Power 'of Reverence. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30 [ o'clock. ■ St. James' Catholic—The Rev. J. C. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 15. 1915. | i Thompson, rector. Ix>w mass at S a. m. i High mass at 10 a. in. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Vespers and benediction at | 7.30 p. m. Grace United Evangelical—The Rev. J. M. Shoop, pastor, will preach at 10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 9,15 a. m. K. L. C. E. at 6.4 5 p. m. Firs; Reformed —The Rev. Charles A. Huvette. pastor. Morning ser<.*— a; ! 10 o'clock. Subject of sermon. "The Test of Our Love for Christ.There will t>e no.evening service. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, opening with the regular service. Christian Endeavor at 6.45. Short prayer service Wednesday at i o'clock. FUNERAL OF HARRY J. ERBE Large Delegations of Firemen Will At * tend Services To-morrow Delegations from the six fire com panies of the borough will attend the funeral services of Harry ,T. Erbe. to morrow afternoon at his late home. 350 Bessemer street. The Rev. .T. \t. Shoop. j pastor of Grace I'niied Evangelical ' church, will officiate and interment will be made in Baldwin cemetery. • ' The firemen will be accompanied by the Highspire 'baud, which will play a dirge on the way to the cemetery. Krbe was a member of the Paxtang Hook anil Ladder and he met his death early yesterday morning when an automobile, driven bv L. , Chambers, was wrecked along the river j road near Heckton. •Both William F. Carlson and Law rence L. Chambers, who were injured ;in the same accident in which Erbe ' was killed, were reported at noon to-day ; a< improving from the effects of their J injuries. ELECTED NEW OFFICERS Mrs. Coble's Class, of Highspire Church of God. Held Meeting The Young Men's class of the \Hlgh spire Church of God Sunday school, j taught by Mrs. A. C. Coble, held a busi ! ness meeting last evening at the hortie 1 of Clyde Renshaw and elected the fol j lowing officers: President, Earl R. Shellenbergm I vice president. Robert E. Sides; secre ! tary, Xelson Wise: treasurer, tje*ter Leidig; lookout and flower committee, George D. Shroll. Harry Gingerich aul Elmer Myers. Others who were present were Eugene Book, Marlin Kellev, | Bruce Lehman and Donald Sides. Fol | lowing the business session a social time was spent in games and music after which refreshments were served. Frank Williams Dead Frank Williams, 27 years old. Adams j street, >teelton, who was hurt Monday night when a piece of iron weighing 100 pounds fell upon his stomach while he was at work in the yards of the Pennsylvania steel works, died last night at the Harrisburg hospital. Williams was assisting at loading a car when a large piece of iron slipped and fell upon him, inflicting internal in juries. Pre-vacation Meeting Monday The final session of the local Civic Club prior to the summer vacation will be held in Trinity parish house. Pine street, .Monday afternoon, at which time ; arrangements will be concluded for the street carnival to be held next Satur ! lav. At the close of the business ses- I sion, Mrs. C. E. Hillis will deliver a - Profitable to Buy Coal Now Profitable because prices iof furnace sizes and hard ipea are the lowest of the j year. Asr coal will not deterior ate in quality no matter how (long you have it stored in ivour cellar, the present I seems to be the logical time to fill bins for next Winter —especially with Kelley's Coal, the best mixed and the I cleanest delivered. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State Streets lecture ou some subject of her own j choosing. Funeral of Mrs. Joseph Fletcher Funeral services over the body of •Mrs. Joseph Fletcher were held in her late home. 117 South Front street, yes tor.lav morning. The Rev. \V. ('. Sail -1 tlersou officiated and burial took place at Oberlin. Hiler-Stengle Russell Hiler and Miss Ida Stengle, both of the borough, were married to day at noon at the parsonage of the Main Street Church of God 'bv the Rev. G. W. Getz. pastor. STEELTON NOTES The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Mark's Lutheran church will hold an ice cream and strawberry festival on the church lawn at Second and Lin coln streets Saturday, May 29. Clinton Jones, administrator for the estate of Arch H. Galloway, has sold to Mrs. Millie May * double frame dwelling at 10" Adams street, and to E. W. Boiling, a single frame dwelling at 52S Ridge street. The first anniversary of the pastorate ; of the Rev. Charles A. Huyette at the church will be observed Suniray morning. Miss Jessie Wright entertained a ! party of ladies at auction bridge in her home. 362 Locust street. Thursday even ; >nS JOHN BIRKINBINE. NOTED ENGINEER, JS DEAD AT 71 Continued From Firiit Pa*e. j and it was through his influence, and , largely on account of the high ideals set by him. that the Water Supply I Commission has been able to develop I as it has. Mr. Birkinbine was a friend l of long standing of the present Gov ernor. Three of hie sons have been in i their father's office in Philadelphia for I several years. i Among the water works systems which Mr. Birkinbine and his father, the late H. P. M. Birkinbine. designed and constructed, were those of Harris burg, York, Chambersburg. Oil City, j and many other Pennsylvania cities. Mr. Birkinbine had been ill for i about two months having first been ! taken ill while in Harrisburg attend j ing a meeting of the Water Supply ; Commission. He had been confined to i his home practically ever since. Mr. Birkinibine was born in Phila j delphia in 1544 and was the eldest son ; of the late H. P. M. Birkinbine, widely recognized as an authority ou hydraulic, j engineering. He was educated in pub . lie and private schools of Philadelphia and the Polytechnic College of Penn sylvania. He served with the Union ; army in 1563-4. and at the close of the ; war became assistant to his father, | who was then engineer of the Phila -1 delphia water supply. Early in his career he was assoeiat j ed with the firm of Weirner & Birkin- I bine, which operated the Weimer ma j chine works at Lebanon. Later, as | manager of the South Mountain Min -1 ing and Iron Company, he experiment ed with excellent results, in various I fuels for iron smelting. Much of his . work as an engineer has been in min j ing. metallurgy and blast furnace eon ! struction. He had been sent for expert exami ! nation in this field to every State in the Union and in Canada and Mexico, j He was intimately concerned with the 1 engineering problems and the mining j industry in Mexico. For some years Mr. Birkinbine was consulting engineer for the Philadel phia and Reading Iron Company and held a similar position with the Colo rado Fuel and Iron Company and with Witherbee, Sherman & Co. Thomas A. Edison engaged him in the same ca pacity in his early experiments on magnetic concentration of iron ore. Mr. Birkinbine took a leading part in the formation of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association, and had been its president for twentv-tbree years. He was a member of the" Engineers' Clnbe of Philadelphia and New York, the American Society for Testing Ma terials, the Manufacturers' Club, and an honorary member of the Canadian Mining Institute. He was president of the Engineers' Club, of Philadelphia, in 1893. Must Have Liked Jack "And what did you do last night when Jack kissed you—scream?" '' And spoil the dcliciousncss of it ? I did not. I'm going to be perfectly frank with you, Mazie. I nestled my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.'' "You sensible girl!'"—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. PERRY coin ni BE 1IET" AGAIN i'oatlaned Kroin Firat P>(r. cisiou iva? to determine all of the ton cases wherein the law judge objected only to the form of the license appli cations. The Superior Court ruling does not have hearing on the six licenses denied on the grounds of "irregulari ties" or lack "necessity.'' for the liq uor establishments. The ten licenses will be issued as soon as the Superior Court decision is received by the clerk of the Perry couu ty courts. Some persons were of the opinion that the papers would arrive late to-dav and that the licenses would be granted forthwith. The half dozen cases in which the Appellate Court's decision will not ap ply include that of a bottler who with drew his application on the dav of the annual license court; one in which a hotelinan was charged with violations of the law and four cases in which Judge Seibert ruled the bars are not necessary. A ease similar to that of Perry county which was appealed from the Tioga county courts, where 2-1 licenses were not granted, was decided by tile Superior Court in a like manner. These licenses all will be granted also. In another decision the Superior Court issued a mandamus directing the Commissioners of Somerset county to maintain an abundoncd road. The Ap pellate Court also ordered the release of Henry O. Hess, of Blair county, from the Western Penitentiary. In that case the court sustained the contention of Hess' lawyers that the defendant should have been imprisoned in the Blair county jail instead of the Peni tentiary. Fink's XXX Derby Ale is especially : strong in hops.—Adv. CHILDREN TO REPEAT PLAY ' Intermediate Department Harris Street Evangelical Sunday School to Give Cantata Monday Night The cantata entitled "A I>.<y in j Flowerdom. which has been recently | rendered by the intermediate depart ! ment of the Harris Street United Evangelical >llllllß* school, will be re- I peated on Monday evening in the lee ! ture room. The music" and drills are attractive ! and it is expected that the house will joe tilled to its capacity. Spot liglu3 • will be used which will add beauty to | the scenery. The first scene represents the flow ! ers preparing for a reception for their j queen. Second scene is the reception to the queen with a program prepared for her benefit. This includes a solo by Alverda Swartz: pantomime with reci | tat ion accompaniment, "My Mother's ! Bible," by Kathryn Steepley ami ; Frances Grove; violin solo, Carolyn | Boyer; rejdiiu>, Dorothy Bicker. | The characters include: Pupa Jac : que Rose, Vincent Stanford; Mamma | .iaeque Kose. Margaret Chester; the j daughters. White Rose. Mae Gtross; I Pink Rose. Dorothv Maddux; Lilac, ; Elinor Gardner; Lily, Rosella Jenkins; 'Bluebell, Grace I'lsh; Queen. De'.iua ; Beshore; Miss Moss Rose, Viola Car ! nahan; Mr. Sunflower, Lester Gipple: 1 Pansy, Paul Schwartz; chorus of boys | and girls representing flowers; accoiu | panist, Sylvia Gingrich. * j An offering will be lifted and 110 ! tickets will be sold. SENIORS WIVE BAXUI KT I Susquehanna Township High School Entertain Directors and Faculty The Senior class of the Susquehanna Township High school held their ban quet 011 Tuesday evening at the Grand Central hotel. Hummelstown. They had as their guests the Board of School Di rectors for the district and the in structors of the High school. Professor Patterson, supervising principal, acted as toastmaster and toasts were respond j ed to by A. F. Henry, president of the Board, and the vice president, C. M. 1 Rauch. An alumni association was formed by the class, membership in I which will be open to all former grad- I uates of the High school. The following persons were present: j A. F. Henry, C. M. Rauch. L. C. Orr, | W. L. Hepford, David Smith, W. H. | Wittnan, Professors Pattersou and Ret | tew. Miss Coyle, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Pierce Rettew, Miss Esther Long, Miss Catherine Speck. \Y. Glenn Lynn, 1 Gilbert Zeidcrs, Lester Garverich. Tialpli B. Kramer, Frank Rudy and Glover ' Rogers. | JOHN A. WILKINSON DIES 1 Duncannon Citizen Enlisted as a Drum mer Boy in Civil War (.-Special to the Star-Independent.) Duneannon, May 15.—John A. Wil j kinson, aged 68 years, died at his home here last evening. He had been jin ill health for some time. He was i a veteran of the Civil war, having en listed as a drummer boy at a very early ; age- Up to the time he was taken serious j Iv ill Mr. Wilkinson was in the employ • of the Duncannon Iron and Steel Com ! panv as day foreman. He is survived | by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Rich ard Bollinger, of Harrisburg; two sons, Thomas, of Philadelphia, and Robert, l at home, and oue brother, James, of Philadelphia. Funeral arrangements ! have not been made. L HEASICHE that throbbing, persistent kind brought on by nervous strain, brain fag, overwork, worry or anxiety, is caused by lack of phos phates, necessary to the health of nerves and brain. Renew the sup ply of these vital elements, and relieve the head torment by using HORSFORO'S Add Phosphate (Non-Alcoholic) When "Bill" Byrou arbitrarily called out Fred Mollwitz at third ia the sev enth iuultig of a giiiiie between the Giauts and the Cincinuntis at the Polo Ground. New York, lie aroused the ire of the Cincinnati club, who. to a man, assert Byron guessed wrong. The above snapshot of the play that sent two Reds to the club house and caused auger to the visitors seems lo prove Moll witz as safe. In the photograph Mollwitz's hand is seen just about to touch the bag. l.obert apparently has just received the bail and has not started to swing around to touch the runner. "Rube" Benton already is catling the man safe, as hi outspread hands wouid indicate. Byrou is seen directly behind Loberf, whose back hides the full play from the umpire, which condition might »*ve made it impossible for Byron to judge correctly or piny. RAILROADS CREWJAR3 HAREIS3URO SIDE Philadelphia Division—ll6 crew to go first after 11.45: 105, 120, 119, 110, 129, 127, 113, 111, 12S. Engineers for 120, 127. Firemen for 1 -0, 129. Conductors foi 101, 119, 129, IS7. Flagmen i'or 110, 119. Brakemen for 105, 110, 113, 129, 187, 183. Engineers up: Sellers, Smi itzer. Pow ell, First, Streeper, Foster, Layman. H i nil in an, Brubaker, Albright, Earhart, Ijong, Downs, Goodwin, McCauley, IMadenfort, H abler, Weisii, Geesey, Manley, Snow, Grass, Davis, Teanant, Sober, Wanbaugh. Firemen up: Shive, Behman, Mul holm, Whichello, Collier, Duvall, iHor stick, Shaffer. Manning, Herman, Bushey. Huston. McCurdy, Ro'bi lison, IMyers, Sees, Miller, Moffatt, Chronister. 'Spring, Arnsberger. Earhart, Ycntzer, •Grove, Copelaud, Krcider, Watson, Weaver, l.i'bhart, Hart/. Conductors up: Rapp, Endanger, IMchaflie. Flagmen up: Donohoe, Bruelil, Sul livan. Clark. Brakemen up: McEntire. Kope, Hiv ner, Kochenour, Arment, Wiland, Mum ma, Riley, Baltosscr, Goase, McXaugh ton, Ferguson, Brown, Bogner. Malseod, t.'ox, Coleman. Middle Division —239 crew to go first after 1.30 p. in.: 223, 251, 221, 226. 246. 220, 249, 242, 24, 23, 18. Brakeman for 24. Engineers up: Mumma, Hertzler, Garman. Firemen up: Shoesly, Zeiders, Cox, Gross, Mohler, Ross, Arnold, Fletcher. Conductors up: Byrnes, Baskins, Paul. Flagman up: Miller. Brakemen up: Troy, Wenrirk. S'pahr, Stalil, LMcHenrv, Roller. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Snyder, Pelton. Shaver, Landia, Ho.vler, Beck, Barter, Biever, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Crist, Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn. Firemen up: Lackey, C'ookerljr, Macver, Sholter, Snell, Bartolet, Uetty, I Barkev, Sheets, Bair. Eyde, t'lsh, Bost- I dorf. Schiefer, Kai'.cii. Weigle. Engineers for Ist S, 3d 8, 10, 2,1 24, • 32 | Firemen for 2d S. 12. IS, 32. 56. ENOLA 3TDE Philadelphia Division—2o6 crew go after 12.1,) p. m.: 22<2, 211, 230, ' 234, 226, 21S, 204. 233, 231. Engineers for 235. 291. Firemen for 222, 12'33. Brake for 218, 231, 234. Conductors tip: Shirk, Dewess. Firemen up: Ford, Camp, Geluett. Bnkemen up: Vandling, Schuyler, Jacobs, Baker, Myers, Stimoling, Stiaff ' ner, Bovd, Tavlor, Kone, Walkeman, Lutz. Middle Divifcica—2 45 crew to jo 1 after 12.30 p. m.: 225, 218, 233, 240, j 107, 101, 102, 1 10. Engineer for 101. Fireman for 107. Conductor for 107, THE READING P., H. and P.—After 11.15 a. in.: 5, 21, .'24, 12, 9. 12. 15. 20. 2, 6. Eastbound—After 12.15 p. m.: 87, ! 68, 11. 65, 64, 59, 54. Conductors up: Wolfe. Ginghcr, j Hilton. Engineer*! up: Morne, Wirenian, Pletz. Tipton. L:ipe, Ware, Kettner, Barnhart, .Vlassimore, Middaugli. Firemen up: Chronister, Dobbins, i Grnmbine, Keefer. Brjkemen up: Zawaski, Stephens, | Machmer, Paxtou, t'arlin, Brown. Heckman, Strain, Haines. Taylor, Gardener, Painter, Greagcr, Miller j Smith, Duncan. Calling on' Wilson i The average person who calls on the i President is in no hurry to leave, and the less important his errand the longer he takes to explain it. I'residnt Wilson listens patiently, although perhaps with little enjoyment; then he gets up and moves toward the door, and it must bo ; a very obtuse person who cannot taUo | the hint, and if something more than ! a hint is needed then the President shake hands with him, hut it is done ! graciously and in a way that is flatter- I iug to the person who without knowing |it is being dismissed.—New Yuik ' Telegram.