The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 15, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Three Perfect Scores
All three oars entered in the three-day Publicity Run came in on time at each and every
cheeking station and finished at final control with a perfect score.
Although many cars of higher price experienced considerable mechanical trouble every
one of the three Her If-Brooks Sixes came through without even a mechanical adjustment.
One hundred per cent, perfect on a three-day run of 40S miles. Averaged seventeen miles to
the gallon of gasoline and 1-30 miles to one quart of oil. Took every hill on high gear.
Six-Cylinder 50 H. P $1375
Pour-Cylinder 40-H. P. $llOO
Four-Cylinder 25-H. P., §765
JTZ TT3 |l> Distributor
• IV • JL J. 9 Harrisburg, Penna.
Union Tires and
Self-Sealing Inner Tubes
Guaranteed 5,000 Miles Against
Punctures and Blowouts
We keep them in repair free of charge
during the life of the guarantee.
Second and North Streets
Enjoy Uninterrupted Mileage With
Kelly-Springfield Tires
Facts show that one Kelly-Springfield tire, on an
average will outwear two of any other
Before purchasing compare the KEL
with the average. Agfa \
Ford sizes, plain, 6,000 miles.
Ford sizes, Kant-Slip, 7,500 miles. W dU
Other sizes, plain, 5,000 miles. 4§a
Other sizes, Kant-Slip, 6,000 miles. £j
This is an actual guarantee; one you
can depend upon for adjustment.
318 Market Street
Hello! I see you are earlv of late.
You use to he behind before. Xow your
lir>t at last.
The i arrival surprise of the century.
That's what they all say and from what
we can learn from the Moose them
selves as well as from press comment
ii the city where the Leon \V. Wash
-I.urn's Mighty Midway Shows, Trained
Vv(ld Animal Arena and Carnival Com
[any are playing this week the Moose
are not exaggerating when they say
that their Mighty Midway, May Fes
tival and fiala Week t'elebration will
surpass anything ever before attempted
in Mardi Gras events in Harrisburg.
All next week, every afternoon and
evening, rain or shine, there will be
big continuous doing* at Sixtii and
Mahuntonga streets, which is away
from the dirt and dust of the eity
streets and a location where all who
wish may enjoy themselves and have
a merry, noisy time.
This is a free gate midway and
patr< ns will witness a sumptuous -epast
in exquisite scenes. There will be some
thins doing in the fun-making line that
is u-nusual. There will be Trained Wild
Animal Shows, Free acts of a sensa
tional kind, merry-go-rounds, ferris
wheels, elephants, camels, calliopes,
' bands, mammoth orchestrions, and one
hundred and one bright, clean, moral
and up-to-date methods of amusement
< and the Moose want to <ee you. They
promise you an enjoyable time and a
treat that is simply indescribable.
They ask you to bring the whole fam
ily along and have them enjoy the
many wonderful and interesting feat
ures that they will have on hand.
Don't overlook the big noon-day
i parade.—Adv.*
Twenty-five cars equipped with the
I'nion Self-healing Tubes and not a one
delayed with puncture trouble, is the
honor claimed by the I'nion Sales Com
pany. Special reference is made to the
Uupmobile car, which carried the man
ager and sales force of the I'nion Sales
The tires on this car were punctured
twenty-five times before the car started
on the run, the punctures being made
with a large ice pick driven into the
tire by a heavy mallet. Following the
puncture the car made the entire run of
nearly 300 miles without further pump
ing. Throughout the run they kept the
car going at its best clip in order to
show that abuse, even of the worst
kind, had no effect on these tires what
ever. Many spikes and nails were
picked up along the course. AV. E. Orth,
of the City Star Laundry, driving a
' adillac, picked up a large nail near
< oatesville, but failed to note it until
his attention was attracted at the
< oatesville control. He plucked the nail
from the tire, started his engine, and
resumed the trip without any delay.
•I. K. Kipp. driving a Herflf-Brooks
"6." picked up an unusually large spike,
but kept or. driving and finished the run
with a perfect score.
The car was probably the best ad
vertised during the run. A body twelve
feet in length and three and one-half
tVet wide, was bolted to the bodv of
this car, with great letters which stood
out ••learlv. They distributed more ad
vert.sing literature than any other
entrant and twenty-three of the* twenty
five cars equipped with their tubes
carried I'nion Sales display advertise
Two prizes were awarded last even
ing to then: —both handsome trophies.
Pr r.ted at this office iu best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
Via Philadelphia and
Reading Railway
Sunday OA
From Fare. Lv.A.M.
Lebanon, $1.25 9.41
Annville 1.20 . 9.51
Palmyra • 1.15 10.00
Hershev, 1.15 10.07
Hummelstown 1.10 10.14
Harrisburg 1.00 10.35
Gettysburg (Arrive), Xoon 12.00
Returning. Special Train will leave
Gettysburg Depot 5.00 P. M. for
above stations.
mm i
Lesson VII. —Second Quarter.
For May 16. 1915.
Twl of tha Laaaon, I Sam. *xvi, 5-16,
Memory Vara**. 11, 12—Goldan Taxt,
Luka vi, 27—Commentary Praparad
by Rav. D. M. Staarna.
The lesson today Is ■ record of one
of tbv occasions on which David had
Saul completely at his mercy, but he
! refused to lay hands u|k>u him or to
listen to the suggestion of Abiskal that
David would permit him to smite Saul,
for he said. "As the Lord llveth, the
Lord shall smtte him. or his day shall
come to die. or he shall descend Into
I>attle aud i<erlsh'" (verses 9. 10). Thus
David left the matter wholly in the
bauds of the Lord, illustratiug his own
words. "Commit thy way uuto the
Lord: trust also in Him. and tie shall;
bring it to |>ass" (Ps. xxxvil, 51. I Batn.
jxxi tells bow his end came.
On this occasion David took the spear '
aud the cruse of water from Saul's j
bolster that he might show hhu how i
he had him in bis power, but did not 1
harm blm. David was able to do this
without any one knowing It because a
deep sleep from the Lord was fallen
upon Saul and his men (verses 11, 12). j
Compare Gen. 11. 21: xv, 12, and consid
er Peter's release from prisou. though
be was bound with chains between
I two soldiers, and there was a guard at
the door of the prison (Acts xit. 0-10.
18. 19). Truly the God of Israel Is the
God that doest wonders (Fs. Ixxll. IS;
j lxxvll. 14). David, with his trophies,
stood on the top of a hill afar off aud
cried to Abner that, though he was a
! valiant man. lie was worthy to die be- I
cause he bad failed to take care of the
king, and he told him to look for the
king's spear and cruse of water that j
had been by his bolster tverees 13-16). |
Saul kuew David's voice and pro
fessed to be very grateful to him for
sparing his life, asking blm to return
to him. and saying that he would uo
more seek to do him harm, but David
knew his enemy too well, and after
telling him to send for bis spear, they
again parted, each going his own way
(verses 17-2S). This was not the first
time that David hud Saut In his pow
er. but refused to harm him. See in i
chapter xxlv how he cut off the skirt j
of Saul's robe and how Saul then pro- '
fessed penitence and good will and
spoke of David's being king some day. j
Thus Saul sought him every day. but .
' God delivered hitn not into his hand J
| (xxiil, 14). In the end of chapter xxlll
there is the record of an Incident that
looked like a close call for David, but
Saul was suddenly called off aud David
escaped All through the story we can
hear David saying: "The Lord is the
strength of my lif?. Of whom shall I
be afraid?" (Ps. xxvii, 1-3.)
The cave of Adullam story in chap- '
ter xxii is full of interest, beginning
with his seeking a place of safety for
bis father and his mother till he could
know what God would do for him aud j
ending with his words of comfort to
Ablathnr: "Abide thou with me. Fear
not. for he that seeketh my life seeketb
thy life, but with me thou shalt lie in
safeguard." Chapter xxv tells of the
death and burial of Samuel and then
the story of drunken Nabal and his
beautiful wife Abigail—beautiful In
wise counsel to David and in her con
duct toward him. Some of her mem
orable words are ever with me: "Bound
in the bundle of life with the Ix>rd thy
God'' ixxv, 29i. a bundle which cannot
be broken, for those to w-hom lie gives
eternal life can never perish (John x.
2S). Chapters xxvli, xxlx, xxx. tell the
story of Ziklag, which Acbisb gave to
David, but to which David returned on
one occasion to find the town in ruins
and the wives, sons and daughters of
himself and his (XX) followers all
gone into captivity. That was one of
the most trying times In all David's ex
perience, and they all wept until they
had no more power to weep. The
grief of David, almost beyond endur
ance. was heaped up by the threat of
his 000 followers to stone him, as if he
was the cause of all tbis. so that Da
vid seemed, as far as human sympathy
wns concerned, to be absolutely alone.
Then we read the words which have
helped so many. "David encouraged
himself In the Lord his God" (xxx, 6).
A somewhat similar incident in the
life of Puul is recorded in II Tim. iv,
16-18. The way that David found the
•ueniy, the Amalekltea, through the
guidance of an almost dead Egyptian
servaut whom be restored to life, aud
how he recovered all—wives, sons,
daughters, spoil, nothing lacking to
any. and much additional spoil—is a
very thrilling record and should en
courage us all to wait on the Lord and
not to thiuk anythiug too hard for
Him There were 200 of David's men
too weak to join in the pursuit of the
enemy, but they. too. shared In the
spoils of victory, and David made it a
law that those who tarry by the stuff
shall share equally with those who go
forth to battle (xxx. 10. 24). Let all
homekeeprrs be encouraged. The sin
of Saul in the matter of familiar spir
its and the witch of Endor Is recorded
In chapter xxvlll This ts a prevailing
, sin of many today. It is wholly of the
devil and Is strictly forbidden in Deut i
xvili. 9-12. It Is not all trickery, but
ofttimes some real work of the adver
sary. The living, those who are truly
saved, should seek only the living God
and His life giving word. All else is
from the devil, and It will be a night
of awful darkness forever for all who
turn away from the Word of God.
"No morning for them" (Isa. vlll, 19,
10; margin and R. V.».
""What's tbe idea of using the pro
noun "we" so often in your articles?"
j "Well." replied the editor, "tis a mat
ter of self protection. In case any
body takes offense 1 want to sound as
much as possible like a crowd."—Pbil
-1 adelpbia Rcvord.
Stitfht not what's near through aim
t at what't far -Euripides. j
A Little Country Lad Once
Moved To the City
Everything about his home had to be packed securely for the
trip by freight. »
Now railroading happened to be this boy's ambition, and a
wonderful system of trains, tracks and wrecks was his constant
His childish instinct told him that a number of days would
pass before the journey would be completed, and being the good
railroader that he was, realized the length of time his trains would
be idle; so he thought of a scheme to avoid delay. Meanwhile, full
schedule was in order until moving day came, and then he placed
his engines and cars in a small box and carried them right with
Store-Keeping Is
Business must go on and on without interruption—not even
rebuilding dare interfere with serving the public's desires. All
delay has been, and will be avoided while building operations
Space has been curtailed, to be sure; but assortments are just
as complete as ever, with duplicate merchandise at our finger
tips to replace quick sellers in the shortest possible time.
Forty-six Fewer Persons Killed in First
Three Months of This Year Than
In Same Period in 1014, According
to Service Board's Investigator
The investigator of accidents for the
j Public Service Commission, has report-
Icd that during the first three months
of the present year. 216 persons were
j killed and 1.904 injured on the steam
railroads of the State. This is a de
-1 crease of 46 in the number killed as
[ compared with the lirst three months
, of last year, anil a decrease of 576 in
I the number injured.
Those fatally injured included: 72 I
employee, 1 passenger. 11! 4 trespassers 1
ami 19 others. Of the latter 12 were
killed at grade crossings. Eleven were
i fatally injured during the same period I
| of 1914. The occupations of the em- j
i pioyes killed and injured follows:
Killed. Injured ,
. Baggagemen 8
i Br.tkemen 24 4 49
| Car Cleaners 19
: « ar Inspectors 1 12
Car Repairmen 3
. Carpenters I 22
. Conductors 7 135
Crossing Watchmen .4
Engineers 2 SO [
Firemen 3 IS6 1
! Flagmen 3 47,
Freight Handlers 107 !
Sect ion men and Work
Train Laborers ... 13 300
Signalmen 1 19
Track Walkers 4 8
Yard Crews 134
Miscellaneous 4 40 ■■
There is a decrease of 26 in the '
number of employes killed and a de- j
crease of 345 in the number injured
as compared with the first three months
of 1914.
i Thirty-three persons were killed on ;
the street railways during the first |
! three months of this year, three of 1
whom were passengers and four tres- !
pas-sers. Five hundred were injured,
j This is an increase of four in the num- 1
j ber killed and a decrease of 225 in j
the number injured.
Modern Fortifications No More Effect
ive Than Ancient Walls, Arma
ment Considered
Impregnable Antwerp with her "im-j
passable forts fell as easily under the ]
hammering impact of the giant howit- :
• z er shells as did the walls of Tyre. I
Jericho or other cities of antiquity un I
dcr the crude battering rams of their!
Xo lesson of the great European war
is so impressive as that taught by the 1
destruction wrought bv the heavy iirma
ment of the Germans, and no greater
i destruction has artillery ever perpe-1
trated than the Belgian cities laid j
; waste.
Modern ordnance has been so great- j
i ly perfected that the possibilities of
greater range and higher trajectory
might well bring the British coast un
der the German guns, or vice versa.
Next to Antwerp, Paris is the strong
est fortified city, with rows upon rons!
of great pieces having a range of up
ward of twelve miles beyond the city, l
and protected from bursting shells by |
concrete and steel, yet had the German j
I army penetrated far enough 011 their j
i first drive, they already having the !
range of Paris, might easily have du
plicated the successful artillery attack
of Antwerp, for the guns of Paris are
in fixed position, while the range of the
German army would have been tem
porarily speculative for the French
The great range of modern guns and
the destruetiveness of present-day shells
preclude any idea of the safety of his
toric buildings or edifices in a city un
der fire, as is evidenced in the many
ff Our Certificates of Deposit
earn 3 per cent, and are con
vertible into cash any time.
Union Trust Co. oi Penna.
vL 4
.... . _ ;
illustrations reproduced from actual
photographs in "The Nations at War,"
which is being presented by the Star-
Independent to its readers for the >m:ill
sum of 98 cents to defray the expense
of the book rights and delivery.
This historic volume, edited by the
well-known author, Willis J. Abbot, is
the first of the authentic works from
any American press and is the most ac
curate and complete history of the first
six months, the most important months,
of the great European struggle.
The heavy demand is making in
roads into the stock, and, as the Star-
Independent secured only tiie right to
the first edition of this $3.00 bo)k.
readers shoud avail themselves of the
presentation opportunity to secure the
volume for 98c. merely the cost of au
thor's royaltv and handling charges.
Airship Will Carry Eight Men aud Fly
•2r> Miles an Hour
Washington, May 15. —The navy has
bought the first dirigible airship, under
a contract which Secretary Daniels ap
prove.! yesterday. The aircraft will be
made h\ the Connecticut Aircraft Com
iany, of Xew Haven, ('onn., which 'bid
$45,636.25., aud is to be delivered
within four months.
The dirigible is designed to carry
eight men. will be 175 feet In length
and 55 feet in height, will have a gas
capacity of 110,000 cubic feet and a
■llll II 11 II of
)j«C3KI L
The Longest Trust
T"' HE permanency of a trust company is one
*of its strongest claims upon the considera
tion of the man about to make his will and
name his executor. A trust company lives to
carry out the longest trust. Its efficiency is
unimpaired by the>mutations of time. Jtjgrows
stronger year hy year through its accumulated
And there are 83 years continuous service
to the credit of this institution.
M 213 Market Street ijj
I™"™ - ! Capital, *100,0(10 Surplus, #:{<m>,o<><> |™"l
I speed of -."J miles an hour.
The last naval appropriation hill ap
propriated $1,000,000 for aeronautics.
Last week the department received two
i hydro-aeroplanes from the t.'urtiss Cony
! panv.
London, May 15, 3 P. M.—German
and Austrians again besieged the Amer
ican consulate yesterday, hut instead
of demanding protection for them
selves and their property they sought
the aid of the American otlicials to
prevent their heing repatriated in con
sequence of the action of the govern
' ment announced Thursday by Premier
Asquith. Most of the callers at the
I consulate were either over or under
the internment age. Many were worn
en with their children. These persons
explained that for years their homes
had been in this country and that their
| deportation to Germany or Austria
would bo regarded by them as n greater
calamity than internment here.
The American consul general, Rob
■ «>rt P. Skinner, took their statement"
but was unable to promise any action
in their behalf further than that trans
! mission of their requests to the proper
, authorities.
Eighty Germans and Austrians were
stricken from the membership roll ot
the Iron and Steel Institute yesterday
by unanimous vote of a meeting held in