4 Chalmers New Six SI4OO A Thoroughbred wSBBStGtw i \ THE Stork has visited the k\ Chalmers dealer. He left MhßbMßi I TM ' a ve ' beaut y- EfijßKmgK I l\ It is full of "pep" and r I » | I 1 Although it shows a llfj W marked family resemblance, Bfi&m&km J IIA Bt it has a different type of / Jps texture and a finer physical has a full high fore- head, a long rangy body and ? a running gear that is bound S v to set a new world's record p in the cross country class. © You can see it without V charge or take it home for ever fixed on Chalmers Quaiity "T 1 Keystone Motor Car Co. 1019 Market Street Bell Phone 1859 MOTORCYCLE WEEK 10 BE HELD WITH MANY EVENTS Local Part of National Celebration in Charge of Keystone Motorcycle Club—Heagy Brothers to Give Chicken Dinner May * National motorcycle week will he feeld all over the I'nitei States the %eek of May 24 to 31. The Keystone iiotorcyde Club and Dealers of Har risburg will observe the week with a program as follows: Monday, May 24. demonstrating day; Tuesday, May 23. commercial day; Wednesday, May 26, carnival day; Thursday, May 27. ladies' day; Friday, May 2S, bicycle and motor wheel day; , Saturday, Sunday and Monday. May £9. 30 and 31, king of sports days. The Keystone Motorcycle Club will' I ' i——^———— NATIONAL SERVICE" Will save yo.u j^6m:4o^to tKe TIRES I Why P^Mo£e?\ -* It | ! & >r- j Thes#» are first clas* I £ 1 standard wrapped tread L \ -'3 tire**. They are made E w 3 good and tkty mah* good. E § j £| Sue- Plain. Non-Skid. Tubes, fc J 3 x:s $5.50 $6 .05 i 1.75 1 3 x3O 5.75 6.35 1.85 BJ| Z4 3 x?.-: 6.25 6.85 2.00 K SM 3 1 iX30 7.10 8.15 2.20 K >*3 - &•?: 3 4x32 7.9.1 8.75 2.30 K - t. 3 3#x34 8.40 0.25 2.45 R J 4 x3O 10 00 11.00 2.85 1- M 4 x3l 10.40 11.45 2.95 W>* - 3 4 x 32 10.80 11.90 :< 05 fe 1,1 2 4 x 33 11.20 12.U5 8.15 § 4 x 24 11.50 12.65 3.25 RO * 5 4 X 35 11.90 13.10 3.35 RF •'-> 4 x 34 12.35 13.55 3.45 t v 4 4 l a x 34 14.90 16.35 4.00 | 7«f i p-.'-vK 44x3.i 15.30 16.85 4.10 Rri J 4«4x3« 15 80 17.35 1.20 f.j>g £ 44x37 16.25 17.90 4.30 / : J 5 xJS 17.85 19.65 4.85 I l ' ? 5 x 34 18.40 20.35 4.95 IK&fJ \. j 5 x 37 19.00 20.85 5.05 \ " All prices subject to K* £ ¥ -."j change without notice. ; V• Glre us s trial order. When F M : H ¥• '{ you once use our tires jou j & t V - will bu - T 00 others. tJ? •r T ' Terms: C. O. D.. sight \B * draft or cash with order. vg x jump y National Seryice%)rporatioii REAL ESTATE TRUST,£LDG. . PH fEADEfcPfcii A hold a tag week in connection with the other things and on Thursday, May 27, there will be a social held at th. 1 home of the <rlub at Thirteenth and Walnut streets, with a band concert. On Sunday, the 23, Heagy Bros.. Harlev-Davidson Dealers in Harrisburg, will again give to the Keystone Motor cycle Club and all motorcyclists of Harrisburg and vicinity, a chicken din ner at Ijebanon. all club members and other* are requested to be at the club headquarters at 9 o'clock and proceed on their way. Ail motorcyclists, if club members or not. are invited to make this trip with the Keystone Motorcycle Club and enjoy this chicken dinner. CHALMERS SHOWING Nine Cars in Harrisburg Publicity Run to Jersey Have Perfect Scores at Every Control John L. Morganthaler. of Harris b'urg, whose Chalmers Master Six was entered as car Xo. 28 in the Harris burg Publicity Run to Philadelphia and the Jersey Coast, was the first car to reach Reading, leaving Harrisburg at t>.3B and checking in at Reading at 5.34, one hour and thirty-six minutes. This car carried more passenger weight than any other car in the run. There were in all nine Chalmers cars entered in this run and each one covered the entire distance with perfect scores at every control. Mr. Morganthaler used 38 gallons of gasoline and one quart of oil. The distance covered was 408 and 2-10 miles—a fine record for his car and skill as a motorist. —Adv.* DODGE BROTHERS' EXHIBIT Big Detroit Motor Car Makers Will Be at 'Frisco Fair Among the latest entrants as ex hibitors in the Transportation Build ing at the San Francisco Exposition are Dodge Brothers, the big Detroit motor car makers, whose ylisplav has just been shipped to the Coast. The interesting collection of parts the Dodge Brothers' exhibit will in clude a' standard touring car aud a mounted transmission. This transmis sion a* part of the standard equipment en Dodge Brothers' car is unique in that when the car is running on direct drive only one set of gears are in mo tion in the transmission.—Adv. * HARRiaBTOQ STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1915 USE NEW KIND OF BIBLE IN THE BIG CHALIfIERS FACTORY Ross Morton, of This City, Sees Great Book While Going Through Plant of Automobile Company and Places Order for Cars "I heard of a new kind of bible the other day," said Ross Morton of Key stone Motor Car Company, the local Chalmers dealers. "I was going through a big automobile factory and every once in while I heard a foreman say, 'what does the bible say about that!' "f)f course my curiosity became aroused after a while and I asked the official who was with me what all this talk about the 'bible' was. He smiled and took me over to a great big book, one of the biggest and fattest that I ever saw outside of a museum. "It was the- shop 'bible' or instruc tion book on automobile building from A to Z and in all uiv career as an automobile exeprt I must say that I never saw anything like it anywhere. Every operation was detailed down to the minutest point. And after a de scription of each operation was the one word—'inspect.' And that word 'in spect' appeared thousands of times. "I never saw such inspection any where. We are accustomed to look on inspection as a once-in-a-while necessity but in this plant were enough inspectors to man an ordinary factory. And they were right on the job with microscopes and delicate measuring instruments to make sure that every piece was just like its mate." The factory in question is the Chalmers Motor Company. Mr. Morton has just placed another order for Chalmers ears and expects to receive them early next week.—Adv.* PULL BOY FROM TANK CAR Heroism of Companions Saves Selins grove Lad From Asphyxiation Selinsgrove, Pa., May 15.—Heroic work on the part of his 14-year-old com panions saved Robert Hartman from being asphyxiated in a tank car here yesterday. He was playing on the empty car when his hat fell through the open ing and he went into the tank to re cover it. He did not return and Peter Young man, Eageue Schucker and William Haines crawled into the car and by a human ladder rescued HarLmau, who was unconscious. PRIZES HI Til urpro Thirty-nine Motor Club Entrants Finished 3- Day Run With Per fect Score J. J. HARGEST IS POPULAR DRIVER The Nineteen Lesser Fortunate Drivers Who Suffered Penalties Also Get Prizes—Drawing Made in Dauphin Hotel Parlor Prize awards of cups and trophies for the three-day run of the Motor Club of iHarrisburg held IMonday, Tues day aud Wednesday, were made last evening in the parlor of the Dauphin hotel. There were thirty-nine entrants in the run who vut in first for the trophies aud later the nineteen less suc cessful entrants were given an oppor tunity to draw for prizes. John J. Hargest, Jr., was voted the ' most popular driver and awarded the i Hotel Rudolph trophy. The special ad vertising prize went to the Union Sales Company; K. H. Fac'kler won the West I Chester trophy for the make of car with ; the most entries; I. » . Dill* the , KV.brikoid trophy; J. J. Hargest, the hoodoo prize of a pair of auto gioves; C. B. Shope, the Shriner trophy; J. C. Orr, two Firestone inner tubes; John H. Williamson, the Overland special I trophy; E. C. Knsminger, a drum of ; Texas Company oil. j The thirty-nine entrants having per ! feet scores and the trophies they won : were as follows: 1. W . Hill, Ocean City j Title Trust Co.; S. F. Jlauek, Fitch and Foukes, Sea Isle City; J. L. Mor | o-enthaler, Swan hotel and garage; Fred I Bryan, Delaware Auto Association; F. I B." Bosch, Green Tree Inn; 'Harry Mil- I ler. Cape May County Inn; James U. Lptz, Oceau City Fishing Club; G. B. I Hess, Lancaster Chamber of Commerce; j H. B. Lau, Hoffman house. Wiluiing | ton; J. C.' Soutter, Ainscons cafe, Wil mington; E. S. 'Marks, Fogg Motor Car ! Co.; T. H. Bogar, Postles Auto Broker j Co.; J. J. Hargest. Stone 'Harbor Yacht ' Club; O. K. Eshenatier, Auto Club of I Chester county; L. H. Lamz, State's j garage. Atlantic City; Howard 'Jrove, ' City of Sea Isle No. 2; W. L Stoke, i American house, Beading; Dr. Basehoar, | Chas. Camp. Sea Isle City; Dr. H. C. , Stober, Merchants' hotel, fottsyille; I John C. Orr, Lincoln Highway Inn: H. j D. Delmotte, C. Koss Boas, Harrisburg; >l. K. Kit'p, Davis, Wilmington, Del.; F Keuig. Sea Isle City Lumber Com -1 panv; E. G. Irving, Young Men's Pro ; gressive League: C. E. Ensminger, | Ocean City Board of Trade; R. H. For i nev, City of Clayton, N. J.; E. H. Fack ier, West Chester garage; A. J. White, j Charles Robinson, Sea Isle City; H. It. ilMyers, Wilson Line. Wilmington, Del.; | S. S. Dowhower, Sea Isle City, No. 1; j Dr. E. E. Campbell, Ocean City Auto j Bridge Co.: F. Z. Ployer, Schick's ho- I tel. Somer's Point; T. iB. "Wildermuth, j New Merritt hotel; Conover and Melir ! ing, First National bank, Ocean City; I Morris Yoffee, Titus garage, Penns grove; J. S. Elliott Co., Hotel Bruns j wick, Lancaster; C. E. Ensminger, Buena Vista hotel. No. 1; W. L. Keeuey, Lafayette hotel; E. S. Man : ning, Patrick and Cann, West Chester. The 19 entrants wbo failed to make i perfect scores are given "below with their penalties and the trophies won: G. T. Cunkle, 3 penalties, Louis Bratta, i Sea Isle; C. B. Shope. 24 penalties. Slack and Sou, West Chester; C. iM. | 'Fornev, 2 penalties. West Chester | Board'of Trade, No. 1; LM. Wentzel, 2 penalties. Gloucester Ferry Co.; C. H. Wentzel, 13, West Chester Board of Trade, No. 2: Union Sale* Co., 12, I. ; H. Smith, West Chester;- Mrs. Britten, 4, George J. (Moses trophy; G. D. Hoff- I man, 11, A valon Board of Trade, No. 2: J. B. Clay, 5, J. K. Duffy. Penns grove; E. <M. Singer, 15, West Chester ! Board of Trade, No. 1: H. H. Hess, ; 23, Hotel Berkshire. Reading; J. H. j'Benfer, 72, City of Stone Harbor; | I. H. Williamson, 3, A. G. Bice Co., Sea Isle; W. A. Setron, 6, Hotel Mont gomery, Norristown: F. H. Bomgardner, I, Avalon 'Board of Trade No. 3; J. I N. Ilursli. 28, Hotel Brunswick. No. 3; 1 E. L. Smith. 25, Hotel Brunswick, No. 2: Hugo Schutzenbach, 60, South Jersey ' Realty Co.; W. E. Orth, 10, Board of j Trade, Avalon, No. 1. GERMAN CITIZENSHIP RUSH Applications to Be Naturalized in Unit ed States Treble New York, May 15. —Since the sink- I ing of the Lusitania the number of Ger mans applying for naturalization in this city has increased nearly 300 per cent., it was asserted yesterday by Naturalization Commissioner Weiser. He added that the greatest number of applications for some time had come from Russians, and thai Germans were at the foot of the list until recently. Now they are side'bv side with the Rus sians. For Coughs That "Hang On" Lingering colds, bronchial coughs, la grippe colds and similar ailments that "hang on" until May are likely to last all summer if not cured. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will allay in flammation, clear stopped passages, re lieve distressing discharges at the sourco, banish stuffy, wheezy breathing ! and heal and soothe raw nasal and | bronchial passages, it is prompt in | actirtn; safe and sure. Contains no I opiaies. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 N. Third St. and P. R. R. Station.—Adv. All that's left of an Automobile after ' The owner doesn't care. """*' ii ) Aetna-Essick paid the bill. Our Aetna Combination Policy covers If you injure persons. X If you damage property, i If you smash your own car. » If you get hurt yourself. jkThe Aetna will take care of you. 'Phone your order and name your • THE AETNA, BIGGEST & BEST Wm. S. Essick General Agent, Also Adjustor, Union Trust Building BUYING OF AMOTORCYCLE Harry Feldstern, of the Excelsior Com pany, Gives Valuable Hints to I Intending Purchasers '• ; 'dfc I, f I - I HARRY FELDSTERN Harry Feldstern, of the Excelsior Cycle Company of Harrisburg, says: "In buying a motorcycle it is well for the purchaser to know what sort of an establishment is behind t'he ma chine. Only a satisfactory product can have an established growth and the remarkable development of the Excel i sior motorcycle business is one of the greatest proofs of the serviceability of our machines. Beginning with a small output in the latter part of 1907, the demand for Excelsior autocycles has grown so great that the company was last year compelled to put up an en tirely new plant at Chicago, 111. "This building is of reinforced con crete throughout, six stories high with a frontage-of 600 feet and a depth of 123 feet. This enormous building is used for the production of Excelsior autocycles only, and is equipped throughout with the most modem ma chinery for the economical production of the various parts of our motorcycle. "To provide power for both heating and ventilating plants and the great volume of machinery required, a sep arate power plant, 100x50 feet, and two stories in height is located within a short distance of the main building, access to which is by a tunnel, under a private railroad track running to the shipping and receiving rooms in the main building."—Adv.* ft CREST CfIRFORIiIE PRICE The Herff Brooks Automobile Is a Wonderful Piece of Mechanism As a Whole i j J. K. Kipp, distributor for Harris l burg of the Herff-Brooks automobiles, ' says that if anybody can show you a j better car for tiie price he has not yet | been able to discover it. This car is I splendid as a whole and there are no i weak points. It is comfortable, pos sesses appearance and wonderful .value, ■ and is thoroughgoing at every point. There were only three Herff-Brooks j tars entered in the Harrisburg Publicity j Hun, but every one of these cars had i perfect scores at every checking point. : Not one of them experienced any me chanical trouble and finished winners. In good looks, the car's pure stream line design—the roomy body—its con veniently placed and heavy nickeled fittingß. its perfect detail in manufac ture and sterling qualities of control ! and power stand out as evidence of its ! worth. Compare them point by point with any other automobile and eventu ally you are certain to arrive at a con clusion to buy the Herff-Brooks. Mr. Kipp asks: "Won't von come and sec it for yourself!"— Adv.*' WOMEN REJECT PEACE IDEA "I'd Send My Four Sons to War," Says Texas Suffragist Galveston, May 15.—A proposal that the Texas Equal Suffrage Association endorse the Women's Peace Party failed of adoption at the annual convention yesterday. Mrs. Wendell Spcncc, vice president of the Dallas association, said: "I am opposed to war, but if our country is subjected to insult I will willingly givo my four sons to assist in wiping out that insult." SHIPMENTS OF SAXON CARS' Close of April Marked Finish of Big gest Month the Company Ever Experienced The close of the month of April marked the finish of the biggest month so far as shipments were concerned that ! the Saxon Motor Company has ever had. This month showed an increase of j 30 per cent, over the same period of j last year. Coincident with the announcement ' of this record it is made known that the production for the month of May j will be still larger than April, the • schedule output calling for nt least } 3,000 cars. This unprecedented output is due to I the tlood of orders that have come into the big Detroit factory of the Saxon Company. On one day 26.9 orders for 1 earlier, possible delivery were received.] According to the present factory j schedule the Saxon Company is pro- i ducing nil average of 125 cars per day j and is increasing this number right | along. At the present rate it is ahead of its schedule, which calls for a don- ! ble output of the roadster model, with ! a total of 25,000 sixes ami roadsters j for the vear.—Adv.* I • 1 BULLET THBOUGH COAT SLEEVE Bovolver Discharged by Falling to Side walk Sandwich, 111., May 15.—tMiss Adele j Scheidecker, 23 years old, daughter of George Scheidecker, a wealthy farmer, was killed instantly by the accidental i discharge of a revolver. With two sis ters she had returned from Sandwich I with Henbert S. Lett, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lett, in his automobile. Reaching the house, Lett reached into , his pockets for the keys and pulled out j the revolver. It slipped from his hand ' i and fell to the cement walk and was ' discharged. The bullet passed through I the coat sleeve of his left arm and i struck Miss Scheidecker in the head. Contests $60,000 WUI Tjancaster, May 15.— MTS. J. B 1 Wilson, is contesting the will of her i half-sister, Mary A. Herr. who left her ' estate of $60,000 to "he United Breth ' ren Seminary and Church at Dayton. ! 0., and is alleged to have been of un bound mind. Mrs. Herr during her life- j time donated $79,000 to the same in- 1 stitutions. Claim Agents Select Atlantic City Galveston, May 15.—Atlantic City! ! was chosen as the next convention city : I bv the Association of Railway Claim ! Agents of the I'nited states and Can- i ! ada yVsterdav. "Real Comfort at Little Cost," "Most Simple Device of Its Kind." 4SIMFLEX Automobile Shock Absorbers They do all that any other absorbers do at from one-half to one-third the cost. BE PAIR TO YOUR CAR! (Jive it longer life. Ride in comfort and ease. Simflex will allow it. Ask us about them. Eureka Wagon Works, Agents Wagon Building, Repairing & Painting a Specialty A. H. Bailey Bell Phone 1349J 614-18 North St. pfliGEim The Six 46 at $1395 has set a new standard of value—for a superior ear of its quality, beauty and power GEORGE R. BENTLEY, Proprietor Rear of 1417 N. Front Street RIVERSIDE AUTO CO. UNUSUAL KBCOUO Visiting motorists often express surprise at the asphalt roadway on the Market street bridge. Of course asphalt is the ideal surface for any bridge, although it is much more ox pensive than aiiy other roadway as to iirst cost. But the expense is not the reason that few bridges have asphalt. It requires a very strong bridge to car ry such a roadway, which is laid on plates supported by steel joists, and is calculated to last as long as the bridge. lu this connection it is interesting to note that the Market street bridge has never been closed for repairs in the last ten years, except for the paving of the island roadway, which was fin ished in eight and one-half working days. And last month, the whole road way was put in excellent condition in two ami one-half days, without in terfering with traffic.—Adv. Ask for Pink's draught Pilsener. Low alcoholic percentage.—Adv. / 1 Save Money By Buying Motorcycles Bicycles Here Bicycles, $21.30 and /ffUps Motorcycles, $125.00 >4 Yjr /l\ and up. LA jJk\ New and Modern Sold on small weekly payments. jj TmJ] Bicycle Tires from I fflK* $1.50 up. V, Mr 1 We repair all makes YA*ul » of Motorcycles and ▼ lJi J Bicycles at reason able prices. GIVE US A TBIAL EXCELSIOR CYCLE CO. 10 SOUTH MABKET SQUABE, HABBISBUBG, PA. Bell Phone (180-W Open Evenings Agents for Excelsior Auto Cycle— holder of all world's records.
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