The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 15, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Transformed — N .
Your kitchen can be made as
neat as your ideal no difference
what that may be. W / /
Install a Gas Range and you J j
will find it clean, cool and pleas- A J
ant to work in. U A
Gas is the cheapest cooking V
fuel - ) , J
We sell Gas Ranges and Water \ \ \
Heaters on easy payments. \\
See the display at our store, or x I
send for a representative.
Harrisburg Gas Jf
Company /• jf I
14 S. Second St. / /\ f ll
Juveniles Spend Ascension Day Fishing
in Sherman's Creek
Special Correspondence
New Germantown, May 15.—Many
juveniles of this place spent Ascension
I>ay fishing along Sherman's crcck.
' Mr. and Mrs. Bistline, of Danville,
are spending some time with the for
mer's father, James Bistline.
iMiss Keen, of Philadelphia, who has
been visiting here for some time, left.
Thursday for her home. Miss Keen
was the" owner of a farm near here
which she recently sold to John Odell.
A number of out-of-town pnysiclans
have beeu visiting here recently, among
them being Dr. A. R. Johnson, New
Bloomlield: Dr. F. A. Gutshall, Dr.
Kistler and Dr. Woods, of Blair, r and
Dr. William i\ (iasten. of California.
David Mumper and M. E. Morrison
have jointly purchased a Pullman au
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sanderson,
Ross Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Biers,
of Enola, are spending some time with
the former's father, David Sanderson.
Russell Swartz, of Detroit, Mich.,
who was recently appointed postmaster
here, has taken charge of his new du
Memorial Day has appropriately
been arranged for when addresses will
be delivered by notable citizens and
music furnished by the New German
town band.
Miss Mina Kreraer 'Entertained the
"Campfire Girls' Club" Tuesday
Spp«i»l Correspondence.
iMillerstown, May lo. —Miss IMlna
Kremer entertained the '"'Campfire
(rills' Club" at her home on Tuesday
Mrs. John Wingcrt, of Renovo. spent
several days this week at the home of
O. D. Wingert.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner spent
Sunday in New Bloomfield.
Miss Amanda Kerr, a missionary in
India, gave an interesting lecture on
"Missionary Work" in the Presby
terian church on Sunday evening. Miss
Kerr was a former resident of this
Mr. and IMrs. J. B. Parsons, of Port
Royal, were recent visitors at the home
of MTS. Parson's father, William Kipp.
Miss Esther Swartz visited relatives
in Newport this week.
Second Annual Art Exhibit in Public '
Schools Opens
Special Correspondence.
Ilighspire, May 15.—The second an
nual exhibit of art work by pupils of
the Ilighspire schools was opened for
the inspection of the public yesterday.
The exhibit consisted of hundreds of
specimens of composition and hand
work in crayon and water colors. Some '
of the exhibits were neatly mounted on I
During a fire drill held Tuesday the J
370 scholars in the eight rooms in the
school house left the building in one'
The Woman's Home and Foreign t
Missionary .Society of St. Peter's Lu
theran church was addressed by Mrs.
<>. N. Lantier, of Steelton, at a meet
ing held Wednesday evening. At the
close of the services, tlie Rev. <!. X.
Lauffer, pastor of St. John's Lutheran
church, Steelton, baptized Frances Eliz
abeth, inf'int daughter of the Rev. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Edward Mover, the
former being pastor of St. Peter's Lu-j
theran church. Ilighspire. A nursery,'
in charge of competent women, will be
opened to-morrow in St. Peter's Luth
eran church. An effort will be made to
make this innovation a permanent fea
ture of church services.
The following order of services will
be observed in the borough churches
United Brethren—The Rev. 11. j\
Rhoad, pastor. Morning service at
10.45 o'clock. Sunday school at 9.30
a. m. Y. P. S. 0. K. at fi.3o p. m. Even
ing service at 7.30 o'clock. Theme,
"Lessons From the Sinking of the Lusi
tania." A representative of the Anti-
Saloon lieague will speak at the morn
ing service.
St. Peter's Lutheran—The Rev.
J'raiik Edward Moyer, pastor. Morn-
_ ' ' ' v *•' V. i
| ing service at 10.45 o'clock. Dr. W. H.
i Gotwald, Washington, IX C., will repre
| sent the Anti-Saloon l<eagtie. Evening
| service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of ser
mon, "David, the Sweet Sinfrer of
Israel'' by pastor. Sunday school at
9.30 a. m. Junior Christian Endeavor
|at 3 p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor
at 6.45 p. in. At 10.43 the pastor will
address children just before regular
Earl Kreiser, of Royalton, Loses Foot
Under Freight Train
£ppclal Correspondence.
Middletown, May 15.—John Wolf
and Tillman spent yesterday at
Earl Kreiser, 12-year-old son of Mrs.
I Samuel Kreiser, of Lower Royalton,
j had a foot cut olf at Young's crossing,
below Royalton, yesterday afternoon
i in attempting to board a freight train.
Dr. H. W. George, the company's phy
sician, was summoned and had the boy
taken to the Harrisburg hospital.
Charles Christ, of Philadelphia, is
spending a few days in town.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sluiltz are visit
ing their daughter at Columbia.
The Misses Sarah and Agnes Mark
ley, are visiting relatives at Wells
Jacob Schiefer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Schiefer, of Buck bock, and
Miss Martha Selway, of Steelton. were
married at the Catholic church ip
Steelton, this morning by the Rev.
(Father Thompson. They were attended 1
by Karl Bowers, of this place, and Miss
Margaret Kelsch, of Royalton, They
will reside with the groom's parents.
Mrs. Charles Numbers and son, of i
Philadelphia, are the 'guests of the I
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip j
Ettele, Ann street.
H. C. Lindemuth returned last even- |
ing from Pottsville, where he spent the ;
past week attending the convention of I
the Knighte of Malta.
The bazar of the Union Hose Com- j
panv will close this evening.
Mrs. George Seymour and daughter, j
of Harrisburg, are the guests of the |
former's mother, Mrs. Myriia Shultz,
Susquehanna street.
The Indian Runners drum corps
furnished mueic at the Union Hose
Company's bazar last evening.
The Riverside chapel Sunday school
and the M. E. Sunday school will
change their hour of services to-mor
row. The former to 9.30 a. m. and the
latter to 9.45 a. m. Preaching service
at 11 a. m.
t Jacob McCauley is ill at his home on
North Union street.
Word was received here of the death
at Royersford of Florence Evelyn Ty
son, daughter of George S. and Gert
rude Fry Tyson, after a long illness
which developed into dyphfcheria. The.
funeral was conducted privately, the
Rev. Dallas R. Krebs, pastor of the
Sprimg City First Reformed church, of
ficiating. Interment was in Fernwood
cemetery. At the grave Mrs. Charles
Taylor ami Mrs. Amanda Bartman
sang a pleasing selection. Mrs. Tyson
and children were frequent visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Con
dran on Emaus street. Little Florence
made many friends while visiting here.
Funeral of the Late Joseph Bealor, 81,
Held Thursday
Special Correspondence.
Shireuianstown, May 15-»->[ rg ,
Oscar Hupp and won, of Harrisburg,
visited Mrs. Gilbert Starr, Thursday.
Mrs.' A. K. Mover and children,"of
Steelton, visited friends in this place,
Mrs. Annie Rtthl, of Mechaiiicsbunz,
visited her daughter, Mrs. Carroll !
Holh, on Valley Hreen farm, near this j
Mm. P. F. Feisers and (laugher's,
Laurie and Nellie, spent Thursday aft
ernoon in Mechanicslbufg.
The intermediate school closed on
Monday, the teacheT, Miss Davsie .1.
Russell left for her home in Shippens
bur;;, Tuesday evening.
The funeral of Joseph Bealor, aged
81 years of this place, was held on
Thursday at 2.30 at the Reformed
church, at Enola, of which he was a
member, the Rev. W. H. Hartzell, pas
tor of the church, assisted by the Rev.
F. B. Emenheiser, pastor of' the U B.
churjeh, this place, officiating. The
pallbearers were Reuben Kshleman,
John Maxwell, Frank KaulTman, I'eter
Warner, all of this jilace. The funeral
was in charge of Undertaker Muesle
man, of Lemoyne.
We sincerely thank all our neighbors
and friends for kindness shown and
assistance rendered during the recent
illness and" death of Mr. Joseph Rcalor.
—By his widow and children.
Main Street Being Oiled for Entire
Length of Borough
Sr>p"ial Orresoondence.
HummelsfcowTi, May 15. —In order to
avoid the dust nuisance oil 'is being
put on .Main street the entire length
of the borough. A tank car of oil has
been received and an oil sprinkler is
being used to place the oil. The work
was started yesterday and several ap
plications of oil will be duriug
the summer.
At the meeting of the general com
mittee in charge of the Fourth of July
celebration the borough was divided
into districts and a district assigned
to each organization represented in the
committee. The* members of the organi
zation will solicit subscriptions in tho
districts for the celebration fund. The
Busy Bee club, an organization com
; posed of girls, requested permission to
I hold a button day and in the near fu
j ture safe and sane Fourth of July but
| tons will be sold by the girls in an
effort to raise funds. The program of
| events to be held during the day will
i be arranged at a meeting of the com
mittee and souvenir programs will be
issued for the celebration this year.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wells Buser and
daughter, Mrs. Alfred M(-Call attended
the funeral of Mr. Buser's sister, Mrs.
Joseph Fletcher, which took place from
her late home in Steelton yesterday
Mrs. Emma Hoffer was a visitor in
Harrisburg yesterday.
At a recent meeting of the board of
directors of the Hummelstown National
Bank, a semi-annual dividend of 6 per
cent, was declared on the capital stock
of the bank.
The Busy Bee Clutf is anxious to
show the residents of the borough what
they have accomplished by their winter
course in domestic science aiuli wall hold
a food sale Saturday afternoon and
evening, May 29, on the lawn at the
residence of F. J. Schaffner in Centre
Square. Cakes, candies, pastry, biscuits
and potato chips will be sold'all of the
food being prepared by the girls.
The Acme band will go to Middle
town tfois evening to play for the Union
Fire Company's drill team which is
j holding a bazar. The trip will be made
jin Brightbill's large auto truck.
The borough council through its park
I committee is seeking donations of
j benches for use in the borough park.
|No special kind of bench is required
j and any suitable park seat will be ac
ceptable. J. M. Brightbill is arranging
to make a number of suitable benches
: with a place provided for an advertis-
I ing inscription and each merchant and
place of business will be asked to do
nate one or more benches, with or with
out the advertising.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union will meet in the Sunday school
| room of the United Brethren church on
Monday evening at 7.45 o'clock.
Thomas Jacks and Leroy Fellenbaum
have returned from the Fountain
Springs Hospital at Ashland, Where
they had gone for treatment.
Miss Bertha Buser, of Harrisburg,
spent yesterday afternoon with Mrs.
W. B. Shope.
Mrs. Victor Dippell, of Lancaster,
is the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. Fox.
Mrs. George A. Larsen has gone to
Duncansville to visit her mother, Mrs.
G. B. McC. Hollandi
Mrs. W. C. l>aag spent yesteiriay
afternoon in Harrisburg.
Christian Collnier, of Philadelphia,
is visiting at the home of H. Wells
1 High School Commencement Exercises
Held in the Opera House
Dillsburg, May 15. —The Dillsburg
I High school commencement was held
! Thursday evening in the opera house
I when twelve members of the senior class
received diplomas. The opera house was
I most beautifully decorated with blue
j and white, the class colors, having for
j u background large sprays of "logwood
•blossoms. Pfof. Stewart, of C. V. S. N. j
8., Shipipensburg, addressed the class,
I and County Superintendent Stine was
present and made a short address. .1. S.
Kapp, of the Dillsburg board of direc
tors, presented the diplomas. The High
school furnished the music under the
direction of Miss Marietta IM'enear. The
house was well tilled and an interest
ing program was rendered.
William R. Nelson, aged about 78
years, a well-known citizen of Carroll
township, died at his home a short dis
tance east of town Thursday evening
at 7 o'clock. The funeral was held
this afternoon at 1.30 o'clock from his
late home with interment in Feley's
cemetery. Mr. Nelson had a severe at
tack of paralysis on Monday mormng
and never regained consciousness.
Among the out-of-town visitors at
the commencement Thursday evening
were J. W. Fortney and family, of
York; 'Mrs. D. D. Ha-mm, of Harris
burg; Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Hess, of
York; the Rev. J. 'B. Wolf, of Glen
Hock; Klsie Hooper, of MechanieSburg;
Dr. Spath, of Ho'boken, N. J.; Clyde
S.pahr, of Harrisburg, and Verna De
muth, Brantsville.
Mothers' Day services will be held in (
Calvary IT. Hi. church to-morrow evening
at 7.30.
The ladies of Dillsburg camp met at
tho camp grounds Thursday to plant ,
the flowers for the summer.
John F. Evans has purchased a Chal
mers runabout. .
Clayton Hinkle, of Ephrata, is spend
ing several weeks with his mother on
Harrisburg street. Mr. Hinkle has been .
suffering from ill health on account of
overwork anil is trying to recuperate, i
C. W. Strayer, of Lemoyne, was in
town on business yesterday.
High School Commencement Exercises
Held Thursday Evening
Special Correspondence.
Newville, May 15. —The High school
commencement exercises were held
Thursday evening in Zion Lutheran
church when ten members of the grad
uating class received diplomas. The
graduates are 'Mary Caroline Clouse,
Charlotte Roberts Dougherty, Lucretia
Mjje Ott, Sara L. Ovler, Eleanor E. 1
Sharp, Lucy W. Sollenberger, VV. Rea
'Duncan, George Mterrett Eckels, Donald \
McKee T'ipes. Oliver C. Tritt. The ex- I
ercises were interesting throughout, j
Prof. Leon C. Prince, of Carlisle, was I
the speaker for the evening. His ad
dress was "Square Pegs in Round J
Holes." The decorations were very at
tractive. The alumni banquet was held i
last night in the sijhool "building anil
was greatly enjoyed by all present.
Dr. H. Everett Kend'ig anil family, of
» Philadelphia, were guests of his mother,
t Mrs. William Kendig, Nurth High
. street
Miss Helen Scouller, teacher of the
grammar grade, left Monday evening on
a Three months' trip to Sacramento,
C'al.. and other points along the Toast.
3 (Miss Sara 'Myers has gone to Roches
ter, Minn., and later will visit her sis
ter in Missouri.
Dr. K W. Remsberg attended the fu
neral of his nephew in Middle-town, Md.,
? Tuesday.
i The Rev. A. A. Kcliy, of Waynesboro,
, will (ill the pulpit in Zion Lutheran
s church Sunday. Mr. Kelly is a former
1 A large number of out-of-town people
attended the commencement exercises
• Thursday evening.
I tl. B. Sunday School Will Hold Picnic
s Saturday, June 1»
■ Sn* -hi I Corref*t>r>n<len<*»».
' Halifax, May 15.—Mrs. Irvin E.
Doppen, of Harrisburg, is spending a
•few days with relatives in town.
' Mrs. George Srhroyer and Mrs. .Stew
art Potter spent to-day at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Johanna Fairchilds is confined
[ to her home on Armstrong street by
' Walter of Millersburg, vis
ited friends in town on Friday.
* The United Brethren Sunday school
will hold its annual picnic in the grove
!• at Crow's Landing, opposite Millers
' burg, on Saturday, June 19.
Miss Sue Wagner left to-day on a
1 visit to her sister, Mrs. William T.
Keiter, at Cherrydale, Va.
The ißev. J. A. Lyter, D. -D., of Har
-1 risburg, will preach in the Ottorbein
United Brethren church to-morrow
evening at 7.30 o'clock.
, Carlisle Classls of Reformed Church to
Meet Monday Evening
SpHoial Corresporidftnce.
Duncannon, IMay 15.—The School
Board has re-elected Prof. W. A. Me-
Cuue as principal for the, next term.
, The Carlisle Classic will meet in its
: thirty-third session in Christ's Re
formed church here on .Monday evening
. at 7.45 o'clock. The day business ses
sions will open at 9 a. in. and close at
4 m. with a recess from 11.30 a. in.
to 1.30 p. m. Special services will be J
held Tuesday and Wednesday evenings \
at 7.45. No sessions of the Classis are
private but the public is invited to at
tend all evening services and join
, in tho worship.
Fred Hamilton, of Maiysville, visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Robert Ham
ilton, yesterday.
-Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd left yes
terday for an extended visit to rela
tives at Pittsburgh.
Epworth League has elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year:
President, Miss Sarah Page; first vice
•president, Miss E-dytli iMader; second
vice president, Miss Rebecca Owen;
third vice president. iMrs. W. W. Slioil;
fourth vice president. 'Mrs. Charles \V.
Sieg; secretary, Miss Meta Harper;
treasurer, M':ss Eda Mader; pianist,
Miss Irene Kent; assistant pianist, Miss
Ada Novo; chorister, F. E. Pines. They
will be installed Sunday evening.
Junior Baseball Team Defeats Heckton !
, by Score of 7to it
S|-"|(|| <•' on r j|,„ii.|nnci'
Dauphin, May 15.—The Junior base
ball team, of Dauphin, defeated the
Heckton Junior teams at Dauphin yes
terday afternoon, 7 to 2.
Miss Margaret Robinson left Wednes
day for a visit to Jefferson City, Mo.
and Louisville, Ky.
Miss Mary Umberger returned Wed
nesday from Sunbury, where she spent
the winter.
Mrs. T. M. 1.. Poffenberger, of Har
risburg, was the guest of Mrs. W. P.
Clark on Tuesday.
Mrs. T Eisert left Monday for Pitts
Mrs. Augustus Herrmann, of Harris
burg, spent Thursday with her parents, '
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf.
Ueorge Crouse, of Ronovo, spent Sun- '
day with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth I
Miss Maud Bailets, of IHa rrisburg,
was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles I
Lyter, on Sunday.
Gertrude Smith is visiting her grand-'
mother, Mrs. Jerry Smith, at Harris
Mrs. Charles Lenker Poisoned by Eat- j
Ing Canned Salmon
S(i"cia I Correspondence.
Linglestown, May 15.—Mr. and Mrs.!
Barney Gastrock announce the birth of I
a son, Thursday, May 13.
Mrs. Marv Farling purchased a Ford
automobile this week.
Mr. Wagner, a butcher, of Sand
Beach, yesterday started a meat route
through this place and vicinity.
Mrs. Lillic Pittman spent Thursday
with friends at Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shepler on Ttyurs- J
day were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. |
.1. N. Wright at the old. homestead of!
Mr. and Mrs. Aungst, near Beaver Sta-1
William and Alhert Eckenridor and !
George Snyder, of Harrisburg, on Thurs '
day were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Reith.
Miss (Irace Henry, of Penbrook, on
Thursday was the guest of Mr. and I
Mrs. John Lingle.
Mrs. Charles Look and daughter,'
Fay, and Mis* Jane fare spent Thurs-i
day with friends at Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Cassrl, of near j
Cure Your Corns
fithout Cutting
Raser's Corn Solvent U a
real corn remedy—dissolves
oorm and bunions quickly,
without cutting and without
the loast bit of pain. Make*
u forget you ever bad a com.
iei right to tbe root of the
rn, removes the cause, give*
Hate and lasting relief.
I quickly,lately,surely on the
or bunion* no matter wlictb
it starting or of many years
h. Other so-called corn cure*
noodle* may temporarily les
—— sou me pain, but Raaer'sCorn Bot
vent kills the corn for all time. It's pirmM.
One 100 bottle will cure s dozen of the wont
eorns or bunion* you »wr saw. Don't suffer
any longer—dun'twasteyourmoney on the chiro
podist or throw U away on worthless sooalisd
corn aires. Buy a 100 bottle of Buser's Corn
Solvent todCy and be rid of evory corn on your
toot Unmix!lately, without the least bit of pain.
Buy of the druggist named below or send 10*
to Wm. a. Baasr, and Chemist, Koafc
Uar. Fa. ■ T
For sale in Harrisburg by Geo. A.
Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Loner, But Because Hoalltles Are RcIIerSSSSSS|
/*ti\Nr* > \ Store on Which You May Depend
Offers You These Exceptional
fgM Millinery Bargains
' Every Article Is New and Desirable Merchandise
Ladies' and Misses' Hats, QKp Genuine Panama Hats, <J*l A A
new goods. Monday price, ... new goods. Monday price, «PI«UU
Ladies' and Misses' Hats, FCFtp Children's Trimmed and Un-
new goods. Monday price, ... wJ*' trimmed Hats. Monday price, OSJC
Ladies' and Misses' Hats, CQp 25c value. Monday price 10^
new goods. Monday price, ... wC 50c value. Monday price, 25^
Soulier's Ic to 25c Department Store
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market Street opp. Court House
Hocrneratown, spent Thursday with
friends here.
Miss Martha Graybill spent Friday
with friends at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Charles Leaker on Thursday
evening was poisoned by eating canned
salmon and for a time was in a seri
ous condition.
Miss Grace Smith spent Friday with
friends at Harrisburg.
I. H. Schreffler and Tamily Entertain
Many Visitors Sunday
Special Correspondence.
< urtin, May 15.—1. H. Schreffler and
his carpenter crew moved their tools
from W. W. Wert's, Killinger, to Henrv
W. Miller's.
Those from this place who attended
the circus at Harrisburg were Misses
(iertrude Eardman. Anna and Sadie Mil
ler and Harry Miller.
Those entertained by 1. H. Schreffler
and family on Sunday were Mr. and
■Mrs. George 1.. Zeigler and children,
Paul, Margaret and Maty; Misses Hel
en Cooper, Mary and Bertha Teter,
Gladys Buftington, Meta Cooper, of Eliz
abethville, and Miss Hannah Lenker,
of Millersburg.
Mrs. Daniel Shaffer, who was ill, is
rapidly improving.
St. Paul's Lutheran Ladies' Aid So
ciety Elects Officers
.■Special Correspondence.
New Cumberland, May l'o.—Last
evening was the last of the dedicatory
services held in the Church of God.
John D. Sipe, presided. Music was ren
dered by the Harrisburg C. E. Choral
Union. A tine sermon was delivered by
South Carolina Avenue <1- Beach
Pleasai.Uy situated, a few steps
froru Boardwalk. Ideal family hotel.
Every modern appointment. Many
rooms equipped with running Water
loo private baths. Table and service
most excellent. Kates slo.»u. Sl'.'.oo
$15.00 weekly, American plan. Book
let and calendar sent tret request.
David I'. Ituliter Silas Wright
Chiet Clerk Mounter
Caienu<.rs o! above hotel can also be
obtained by applying at Star-In
dependent office.
Grand Atlantic
Virginia A von III* nenr lten<»h
<ll (inch.v <;oo
Every room contains two to six
windows. ;
?-.r>o per day upward. Special
weekly rates. Private baths on
suite. ISvery modern high-class con
venience for up-to-date accommo
dation. Evening dam-ant.
Superior Tnble
Service, Attention. Write for Book
lot. Auto meets all trains.
\\. F. Show, Proprietor.
§~ SPSffiffi
rjdeal in it's appointments,
comfort.s.tablc «ndservice
witn Baths fbrpleasureorfiealtfi
in the Mountains
Wernersville, Pa.
Delightful SprliiK Itesort. Drv Air
Outlook of 3T. Miles. Curative and
Tonic Uaths. Superior Cuisine. U-ood
ltoads. N. Y. Office. 243 Fifth Ave.
F. L. YOUNG, Gen'l M(?r. '
on the Atlantic Ocean and the In
land Waterway is one of the
srea-t attractions at
and Wildwood Crest
Fine al'coninvodatlone. Plenty of
other amusements.
DRIVING automobi-I.INO
Excellent hotels, patronized by
peoplo you will be Klad to meej.
Reasonable rates. Cottages and
apartments at moderate rental.
Quick trains on both P. R. R. and
Reading Railway.
Full information from
J. WHITiKSKU* City Clerk,
Wildwood. N J„
the Rev. B. L. C. Baer, pastor of the
Church of God, Highspire.
A. H. White, lecturer for the Ameri
can Civic Reform Union, addressed
two audiences in New Cumberland last
Sunday. In the morning he spoke in
the Trinity United Brethren church and
at 3 p. ni. he addressed men only in
tho Baughmjn Memorial M. E. church.
He appealed to men to lend their as
sistance in the correction of the social
vices of the times.
The Ladies' Circle of St. Paul's
Lutheran church held its fifth anni
versary at the home of Mrs. Andrew
Kane. North Bridge street, Thursday
evening. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: Presi
dent, Mrs. H. G. Young; secretary,
Mrs. Mary Stiles; treasurer, Miss
Sarah Myers. Those present were Miss
Ruth Lingle, Mrs. H. G. Younii, Miss
Edith Cripple, Miss Fay Apmyer, Mrs.
W. L. Keeney, Mrs. Brook Weigle,
Miss Sara Coover, Mrs. E. Clarke, Mrs.
Mary Stiles. Miss Sarah Myers, Miss
Gertrude Keeney and Miss Bertha
Bankert. who assisted the hostess in
Mrs. Margaret B. Proweil, who lias
been spending several weeks with her
nieces, Mrs. .1. C. Neff, of Overbrook,
and Mre. Edward Freeland, of Phila
delphia, has returned home.
Walter Brinton returned from Los
Angeles, Cal., and is the guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brinton,
.Market street.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winters and two
children, spent yesterday in York
Mrs. M. K. Hench. of Camden, X.
! J., is visiting her .brother, M. L. Baker,
I and family on Fifth street,
j Harry Ross, sexton of Mt. Olivet
I cemetery, and his men are mowing the
' grass and getting the cemetery ready
for Decoration Day.
Baughman Memorial M. K. Church
-—Sunday school at 9.20. The firo'l
quarterly communion will he observed
at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Members
will also be received into the church.
The pastor the Rev. ,f. V. Adams, will
preach in the evening before the ad
ministration of the Sacrament.
First Church of (iod —Sunday school
at S). 15. Breaching at 10.30. < . K. at
6.3'0. Communion services at 7.30.
Trinitv United Brethren church —
j Sunday nrhool at 9.30. Breaching at
I 10.30. ,lr. E. at 2. Sr. C. E. at ti.3o.
, Breaching by the Rev. A. R. A.vres,
| pastor at 7.30.
St. Baul's Lutheran——Sunday s"hool
at 9.30. Breaching at 10.30. Christian
Endeavor at 6.
Frank H. Neidlg Entertains IfMO High
School Class
i IMivhanicsburg, May 15.—Thursday
I evening Frank H. Neidig. a member of
I the class of 1916 of the High school,
entertained the class at his home east
of town. Tho evening was devoted to
games, j iano, violin and vocal music,
ami was very enjoyable. A 'course
supper was served, attractive both to
tha palate and to eye. The table dec
orations were in white and blue, the
class colors. Toasts followed the feast.
When the time for departure came the
whole party, 'before coming home,
"hiked'' to Shircmnnstown, leaving
there one of their number whose home
is there. The class is composed of the
following young peoiple: .lanet Eckels,
Ha/.el Fink. ( arroll K. Frey, (Eleanor
It. IHarold, Beatrice Heiges, E. Uorena
Kilmore, Olive R. Lauck, Xenia Miller,
Martha M. iMorrette, Anna D. Muinma,
Frank H. Neidig, Katherine Kiegel,
i.Marie Senseman, Miriam Shope. Helen
Sowers, Lloyd Ulrich anil Henry Wil
'Mrs. Coover E'berlv arrived last even
ing from her home in Terre Haute, Ind.
She has come to attend the funeral ot
her father's aunt, 'Mrs. Mary Ellen
Miss Freda Kistler. of Carlisle, was
in Mochanicsburg yesterday.
Brof. and Mrs. Kast are spending a
few days at Mt. Olivet camp.
Mrs. S. E. Basehore has returned
home after a visit of several weeks 111
'Baltimore as the guest of her parents.
The senior class of the High school
had their last regular recitations.yes
terday. The first three days of next
week will be devoted to examinations,
after which the senior vacation will be
gin. The other classes continue work
two weeks longer.
A'bout 10 o'clock Thursday night Mr.
'Rowles, in crossing the alley which runs
back of H. C. 'Brown's residence, ob
served an automobile standing across
the alley, back of Mr. Brown's garage.
'He reported the fact to' Mr. Brown who
had locked up the machine in the gar
age. An investigation showed that
some person had taken it out and was
either unable to get it turned and out
of the alley or was frightened away.
Mise Maibcl Givler, of West Fairview,
is the guest of hwr uncle, Mr. Givler,
West Main street.
J. A. Lefever, of Lidburn, was a
i visitor to Mechanicsburg last evening.
The Rev. Mr. Pahs and family moved
j yesterday from the Huber apartments
j to South Market streot.
The Susquehanna Synod Is First to
Favor Movement to Unite All
Selinagrove, May 15.—First link in
j the proposed federation of all the
J Lutheran churches in the United States
I was forged here yesterday in the forty
! eighth annual convention of the Hus-
I quehanna Synod when that body unan
! imously favored the movement. Tho
movement was launched last month in
j Akron, ()., by a conference of presi
dents ot synods, and it" successful will
i unite all Lutherans into a body of 10,-
I 000 ministers and 2,500,000 communi-
I cant members.
The Rev. Dr. Frank P. Manhart,
I dean of the Susquehanna University
| School of Theology and president of
j the synod, was chosen delegate to the
! general synod which opens its annual
j session in Akron, May <26. Dr. Manhart
| is secretary of the general synod and
i one of the promoters of the federation
| proposition.
j The synod discussed the. scarcity of
i young men for the ministry. This sub
! jeet came up in a debate on the sug
gestion that the regular three-year
I course in theology and four years in
i college for prospective clergymen
| should be shortened. The majority vote
was that dead languages should be
| eliminated from the course and at least
j three years lopped oil' the term.
j Sixth Annual Meeting Held at State
| State College, May 15.—High school
i principals from all parts of the State
j met here yesterday tor their sixth
annual conference. They are the guests
iof the Pennsylvania State College.
Sessions were held yesterday and to
| djy under the direction of Dr. L. W,
Rapeer, professor of education at the
I college. The general topic discussed
! was how to secure more helpful co
| operation between the schools and the
| 11 .'\lh school principals were present
I from Millersburg, Lebanon, llollidays
, burg, Ambridge, Ashley, New Kensing-
I ton, Olyphant, Donora, Huntingdon,
| Northampton, Greenville, Allentown,
! Edwardsville, Kane, Plymouth, Mc-
Kee's Rocks, Windber, Philadelphia,
j Jeaunette, Waynesboro, Uniontown,
| Blooma'jurg, Milton, Archbuld, Hones
dale, Jersey Shore, Ridgway, Tyrone,
| West Berwick, Ashland, Washington,
! Lock Haven and Lewistown.
Our "JITNEY" Offer—This and ."So.
DON'T MISS THIS. Out out thii
. slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co.,
j Chicago, 111, writing your name and ad
' dress clearly. You will receive in re
! turn a trial package containing Foley 's
| Honey and Tar Com|>ouud, for coughs,
colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills,
| for pains in sides and back, rheuma
j tisni, backache, kidney and bladder ail
ments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a
! wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
j cathartic. Stout people enjoy them,
(■eorge A. (iorgas, 16 North Third
St. and P. R. R. Station.—Adv.
Policeman's Slayer Hanged
Wilmington, Del., May 15.—Peter
Krakus, alias Mel'ba, the slayer of Po
j liceman Francis X. Tierney, yesterday
paid the penalty of his crime, when
he -was hanged in the yard at the New
Castle county workhouse. The drop fell
at 10.26 o'clock. He was pronounced
dead eleven minutes later.
| A palatable pleasing drink. Fink's
| Extra Pale Beer.—Adv.
Two Insane Patients Escape
Pottsville, May 15. —James Bren
i nan and Simon Trevest, two patients
| ::t the county insane asylum, escaped
early yesterday morning by picking
the locks of their rooms. Brennan was
captured in the Humbling Run Valley
by State police four miles from the
■hospital, hut Trevest is still at larige.
C!;t-425 Market St., Hantaburg, Pa.
At the Entrance to the P. R. R. Station
Proprietor .• . v ,