The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 15, 1915, Image 1
THE WEATHEB . FAIR TO-NIGHT j • CLOUDY TO-MORROW / OttilM Keport. P>§« a \ nlT A " L, ,K?« ED VOL. 77—NO. 139 U. S. NOTE IS DELAYED IN TRANSITION Cablegram From Am bassador Gerard States He Has Not Received Message WAS RELAYED AT ROME YESTERDAY Ambassador Page Says Note Was Sent From Capital of Italy Over Italian Telegraph Lines—Officials Seek to Hasten Its Delivery By Washington, May 15. —A cablegram from Ambassador Gerard in Berlin, sent at 7 o'clock last night and reaching the state Department early to-day, stat ed that the Ambassador had not then received the American note. State De partment officials expected further ad vices soon. Meanwhile officials sought to trace the note and hasten its delivery. Hav ing knowledge from Ambassador Page at Rome that the note wa-s relayed from their yesterday afternoon on the Italian telegraph lines, officials felt assured that it surely would reach Ambassador Gerard to-day. Bryan's Messagos to Gerard Secretary Bryau sent two messages to Ambassador Gerard after the note itself left the telegraph offices here— on** notifying him that it had been sent, and another advising him that it had been arranged to release it for publication for 5 a. m. Friday and therefore to present it to the German Foreign Office as early as Am bassador Gerard acknowledged both. Interest continued to-day in official Washington and diplomatic circles as to the probable nature of Germany's re ply but neither th e embassy or the .State Department had any intimation as to the feeling in Berlin. Among well informated diplomats as well as officials the belief existed that (ser manv °s reply would afford a means of settlement through diplomacy. Gossip About Germany's Action It was thought not improbable that Germany would suspend submarine, war fare while the diplomatic discussion was in progress and it might suggest that if the British government notified all its merchantmen the right of visit and search would then be exercised to prevent contraband from reaching its destination. Another suggestion which was re garded as not unlikely to be made by Germany was that the belligerents give assurances that no contraband be car ried on passenger ships. Although the United States has asserted the right of neutrals to travel anywhere on the high seas, even on ships carrying contra band, insisting that the light of visit and search be exercised iu accordance with previous rules of international law, the possibility of a discussion of the legal points involved so as to fur nish a common ground for an under standing was admitted in official quar ters as a 1 likely development. WOULD ARBITRATE SINKING OF LOSITiIAJS REPORT London. May 15, 3.22 P. M.—The Exchange Telegrajdi Company has re ceived the following message from Am-, sterdain: '"A telegram from Berlin states that the "Vossisehe Zeitung" announces that high government circles in Ger many favor the submission of the ques tion of the Lusitania sinking and the difficulties with America arising there from to a court of arbitration.'' Washington, May 15.—The sugges tion of arbitration contained in a dis patch to Ixuidon from Berlin by way of Amsterdam was received among offi cials here with the informal comment that such a course was rfmong the con siderations which had occurred in Washington, but it was pointed out that it probably would not be satisfac tory unless assurances were given in the meantime and the submarine war fare on merchant ships was suspended. Officials pointed out that unless' that were done more lives might be lost while an arbitration was in progress. American Woman's Body Identified May 15.—The body ot an American, Mrs. Harry .1. Keser, of Philadelphia, was identified to-day among the bodies brought in last night. A tug with five bodies on board a man believed to be the Rev. Basil W. Ma turin, of Oxford, England, and four women anil children, has been compelled to take shelter from a storm in a bay % near Baltimore, on the south coast. FFLIE STAR- MEPTTKNI DANISH SHIP TORPEDOED BY SUBMARINE; CREW SAVED London, May 15, 3.09 P. M. —The Danish steamer Martha was torpedoed and sunk off Aberdeen this morning by a German submarine. Her crew of eighteen was suved. The Martha's net tonnage was "24 She was 232 feet long, was built in 189" and was owned in Copenhagen. PROPERTY LOSS $5,000,000 IN AKRICA ANTI-HERMAN RIOTS London, May 15.—The Cape Trrwn correspondent of Router'« Telegram Company sends the following: "Grave anti-German rioting is re ported in some of the principal towns of the Union, accompanied by whole sale destruction of German property. The total Uss is estimated to exceed so,Uoo,ooo.'' The Cape Town correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company mentions the towns of Johannesburg, Kimborley, Blocmfontein and Port Elizabeth as scenes of rioting. ALLIES (JAIN 500 YARDS IN VIOLENT ARTILLERY BATTEL Paris. May 15, 2.30 P. M —The French War Office this afternoon iseuef the following statement on tie progress of hostilities: "There have been 110 changes in the situation since last evening in the sector to the north of Arras. Here the lighting continues under the conditions set forth in our last communication. We have progressed 500 yards in the direction of Souchez. In this sector there have been violent artillery ex changes." NINE OF LUSITANI A'S DEAD NOW OX WAY TO NEW YORK New York. May 15.—The bodies of nine of the Lusitania"s dead, including the body of Charles Frohman, are be ing brought to New York aboard the American line steamer New York, which will leave Liverpool at 9 o'clock to-night, according to a cablegram re ceived here to-day from Liverpool by the line. EIRE COS. HERE (JET $5,600 Governor To-day Signs the Bill Making That Appropriation Iu legislative days gone by it was the practice to includ* in the general appropriation bill that passed the Leg islature an item appropriating money to the various companies of the Har risburg Fire Department, but somebody discovered that this item was not prop erly a part of such a bill, and that a separate bill ought to be introduced. In accordance with that idea Repre sentative Wildman, of Harrisburg, on March 23. introduced a bill in the House making such an appropriation, and to-day Governor Brumbaugh ap proved a bill to givp the 14 fire com panies a total of $5,600 for the two years beginning June 1, 1915, to be distributed among the companies in equal amounts. Each, therefore, will get S2OO a year. 2 BOYS HURT JNE HORSE KILLED BY TROLLEY CARS Youths Are Knocked From Wagon at Kith and State Streets, While Horse Is Wounded and Has to Be Shot at Second and Locust Streets Two trolley accidents this morning resulted fatally to a horse belonging to Bernard Schmidt, baker, of Eight eenth and Holly streets, when it was struck at 9.30 o'clock on Second street, just north of Locust, and in injuries to two youths who were thrown from a wagon at Sixteenth and State streets, at 5 o'clock. The horse was injured so ba»lly that it was shot where it lay. The wagon was standing along the curb. The driver, J. W. Broughter, got into it and the horse walked. Almost instantly there was a crash with a trolley car going north. The driver had been ac customed to permitting the horse, which was well trained, to walk off while the driver prepared for the next stop. This he did this morning, according' to a statement given to the Harrisburg Railway Company officials. The trolley car was in charge of J. Continued on Xlnth Pan. TO AMEND THE CURFEW LAW City Commissioners Believe It Will Be Passed With Minor Changes That the curfew ordinance, which is on the City Commissioners' second reading calendar, will be amended at the meeting next Tuesday anil then passed finally at a subsequent meeting, was the belief among some of the City Commissioners to-day. Joliu Fox Weiss, former District At torney, representing the Civic Club of Harrisburg, will discuss the merits of the proposed curfew law at the meet ing on Tuesday. It was said this aftenioon that the latest plan is to amend the ordinance so that only boys under fourteen years old and girls under fifteen will be af fected. As the measure now stands the age limit is fifteen years for both sexey. Jitney Driver Fined H. R. Zinn, driver of a jitney for the past few days), was arrested this afternoon by Xraffic Officer Hicks, at ■Second and Locust streets, for driving past a street car and was fine'd $5 by Mayor Royal. He said he did not even know there was a traffic ordinance in force in the city. HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1915—12 PAGES. Dine PLANS TO OOITJBII Alleged Unofficial Spokesman of Raiser to Leave Country of His Own Initiative HIS SPEECHES DISTASTEFUL President Wilson and the Cabinet Were Displeased With German's Remarks in Which He Said Sinking of Lusi tania Was Justifiable By Associated Press, Washington. May 15.—Dr . Bern hard Dernburg, often referred to as the unofficial spokesman of Emperor Wil liam in the United States, has made plans to leave the country of his own initiative within a short time. • It became known in official quarters here to-day that in view of the intima tions that President Wilson and the Cabinet were displeased with Dr. Dern 'burg's speeches justifying the sinking of the Lusitania and some of his other public utterances, which they believed might be calculated to array sentiment of Germans in the United States against the Washington government, friends of Dr. Dernburg here have persuaded him to leave the United States. Just when Dr. Dernburg would leave or where he would go was not made known, but it was believed he would sail for Cuba or South America. Dr. Dernburg's activity in the Unit ed States since the beginning of tfie war, has been closely observed by the President and other high officials here, who came to believe in the last week that a continuation of his speeches and statements might, in the event of a critical turn in relations with Germany, menace the democratic welfare of America. It has been repeatedly denied by the (German embassy as well as by Dr. Dern burg himself that he was a spokesman for the German government or that he had any official status. In view, how ever. of the fact that Dr. Dernburg was formerly Colonial Secretary ,in the Ger man Foreign Office and has become prominently active in belialf of the Ger man .cause idnce the outbreak of the war, officials here believe that German- Americans attach official weight to bis utterances. Dr. Dernburg himself issued a state ment last night declaring he had never discussed matters that had arisen diplo ! matically between the United States and Germaav. Officials here made no comment on that beyond pointing to Dr. Dernburg's utterances in Cleveland and New York recently, seeking to jus i tify the attack on the Lusitania. At the German embassy it was learned that Dr. Dernburg had ex pressed the wish himself to leave the country. Embassy officials made it very plain that the action was voluntary on his part. The question of his depar ture depends upon securing assurance from the British and krench. through the mediation of the State Department, for his immunity from detention on the high seas. Dernburg Remains Secluded New York, IMay 15.—©r. Bernhard Dernburg declined to-dav to discuss the statement from Washington that ho would soon leave the country of his own initiative. Remaining secluded In his apartments here, he refused to see news ! paper representatives. In an answer I to a note enclosing a copy of the Wash- I ington dispatch, he returned the reply, j'' No comments." : A REVOLUIIONJN PORTUGAL Reported in Madrid That Former Pre mier Closta Has Been Assassin ated in Lisbon By Associated Press, London, May 15, 12.49 P. M.—A i news agency dispatch received here | from Madrid declares there has been | received in the Spanish capital infor | mation of a grave revolutionary move ment in Portugal. One report is that a revolutionary committee is in control of the situation at Lisbon. This information has reached the Spanish ministry of the interior. Re bellion is said to have broken out at Ciomibra, Oporto, Lisbon and San - tarem. Fugitives reaching Bada.jos de scribe the situation an extremely men acing. Telegraph and telephone com munication has been interrupted and the troo(>8 appear to be powerless to control the people. . A news agency from whose agent this dispatch comes gives it out under reserve but at the same time says it believes the information probably is correct. A dispatch from Madrid to Reuters Telegram Company, says it is reported there that Dr. Alfonso Closta, former premier of Portugal has been assassin ated in Lisbon. AMERICAN YACHT WRECKED No Lives Lost on the Ramona—Cause of Disaster Unknown By Associated Press. Washington, Miay 15.—The Ameri can yacht Ramona has been wrecked off the Mexican west coast near Tep opa, north of Gnaymas, without loss of life, according to a report to the navy department from Admiral Howard, who sent the cruiser Raleigh to pick up the rescued crew. The cause of the wreck was not reported. BOXING BILLY QOAT, LORD O !3£9HHI •y|if Tit JHH HORKED BOXER. AND BLUEJACKETS' PET.? ABOARD tUE DELAWARE One hundred parrots, a boxing billy goat, a "superdreadnougbt" tn the form of a pup fox terrier, a chicken, a squirrel. Spot, an English bulldog; and two canaries, the latter caged, live In harmony on board the bntlle ship Dela ware, known as the mascot ship of the fleet mobilized in the North River J»t New York. The parrots have the freedom of the battle ship. They light on top of the guns, the sun turrets, occasionally climb on the back of Spot and rest there and also make themselves comfortable on the rungs of the masts. Superdreaduouglit is a fine looking pup, less than four inches high. He was appropriated by one of the crew at Norfolk, who found the animal near the navy yard barking at the sailors. As soon as he got aboard he seemed happy and contented. Spot sized him up, growled a little and then adopted the little fellow. Since tben they have been the best of friends. Rilly, the goat. Is quite a boxer. When a sailor assumes a fighting position the animal stands on his hind legs, turns his tiead a little to one side and lunges forward to butt. Billy has sharp horns, but he is never rough and has never hurt a Bailor in getting home his blows. On the other baud, he lakes a good mauy blows without displaying anger. WILSON Will REVIEW DIC ATLANTIC FLEET MONDAY Week of Recreation for Officers and \ Men of Navy Ends To-day With Bound of Pleasure—Ships to Be j Illuminated To-night Bit Associated Press. New York, May 15. A week of re creation for the officers and men of the Atlantic fleet ends to-day with a final round of entertainment. Sunday will be a da* of rest audSf&iday will ! bring the review by President Wilson and the culmination of the whole naval demonstration. For the officials to-day there was a luncheon given by the Circumnaviga tors' Club and a dinner to-night ten dered by the Mayor's entertainment committee. The enlisted men will be! guests at tho baseball games and more theatre parties. To-night the warships will 'be illuminated and there will be ai> exhibition of fireworks from floats and band concerts on Riverside drive, where several hundred thousands of citizens have gathered each day to view the inspiring spectacle spread out on the broad waters of the Hudson. The international crisis has directed to the fleet more attention than it ever has received during former visits and the dinner given for the officers last night by the navy league was marked by patriotic speeches. CITY MUST PAY FOR HOUSES RUINED BY SEWER CAVE-IN A Common Pleas Court Jury This Morn ing Awarded C. J. Mahoney $4,- 557.78 for Damages to His Two Naudain Street Properties After a trial lasting ail of this week a Common Pleas Court jury this morn ing rendered its verdict, holding that the damages and losses sustained by C. J. Mahoney when his two Naudain street properties were precipitated into the Fifteenth street sewer, amounted to $4,557.79, and t'hat the City of Harrisburg is liable to Mahoney for the full amount. A question of law raised by the at torneys in the cas® was reserve*!! by the court for future argument an*!' upon this hinges the final outcome of the case. Should the court decide in favor of Mahoney, the plaintiff, the case will not be appealed by the city and the property owner will be paid the full amount of the award. In the case of Riley Bogner, the Dauphin man who brought suit against Ihe Northern Central Railroad Company for damages as a result of injuries sustained when he fell into subway at Dauphin, the jury found in favor of Bogner in the eum of $2,541. The Railroad Company proposes to ask for judgment and a new trial, it'is said. The jury in the damage suit of John Thompson against John G. Wall evi dently were guided by their knowledge of criminal court procedure for they returned a verdict of "not guilty." "You mean you find in favor of the defendant!'' asked Judge iMcCarrell. "Yes, sir," said the foreman of the jury. Thompson lost an eye through in juries sustained when a bottle which he was filling with beer at the Wall bottling works burst ami! showered him with fragments of glass. The question of liability in this case hinged on whether Wall actually has provided proper safety devices for the bottling machine. 118 th Jitney Bus Licensed' City Treasurer Copelin to-day issued a license for the 118 th itney 'bus that is operating in the city. PERRY COM TO IE "WET" AH Judge Seibert Says Su perior Court Ruling Means Reopening of Ten Bars HAD BEEN "DRY" SINCE APRIL 1 Higher Tribunal Decides There Must Be a "Behearing" Which Perry Jurist Asserts Simply Means That the Ten Applications Must Be Granted (Special to the Star-Independent.) New Bloomfield, Pa., May 15. —The whole of Perry county has been "dry" for a month and a half, but ten of the sixteen liquor establishments, whose li cense applications were not granted at tho annual license court on March 12, last, because the court was hopelessly divided, will reopen for business next week, probably on Monday. In these ten cases the State Superior Court, to which appeals had been ta ken, decided that, contrary to the de cision of Judge W. N. Seibert, of Per ry county, the applicants' papers were in proper form and according to law. Tho Superior Court sent the cases' back to the county court for rehearing. Judge Seibert had decided, that the applica tion [tapers were defective and for that reason he would not agree to grant the applications. His associate, Judge S. W. Bernheispl, a "lay" judge, said he was disposed to grant the licenses. Judge Seibert said this morning that if the official reports bear out the news dispatches that the Superior Court holls the teu license applications to be regu lar, th/re will be nothing left for him to do out grant the ten licenses. Only two hotelmen had appealed the cases to the Suporior Court but an un derstanding was had between the par ties whereby the Appellate Court's de (ontlnurit on Seventh I'm. '/ TO BUILD ON RIVER FROM I. W. Copeland Acquires Land Near Fort Hunter From Colonel Ott -Vhuouncement was made this after noon that I. W. Copland, of Toledo, ()., brother of City Treasurer O. M. Copelin, of Harristourg, has purchased from County Solicitor Colonel Fred M. Ott, a strip of river front property, skirting the Riverside Drive, near Fort Hunted, and proposes to build a costly stone dwelling. An architect now is preparing plans for the home. EXPLOSION AT DUPONT WORKS No One Injured When Smokeless Pow der Wrecks Building By Associated Press. Wilmington, Del., May 15.—An ex plosion at the Dupont. Powder Works at Carney's Point, N. J., at 5.10 o'clock this morning startled Wilmington by its heavy concussion. It happened in the still hours, burn ling a considerable quantity of shotgun smokeless powtyr and wrecking the building. There was no loss of life or | injury to persons, none of the men be ing at work at the time. JOHN BIRKINBINE. NOTED ENGINEER. IS DEAD AT 71 Stricken Here Two Months Ago. Chair man of State Water Supply Com mission Dies of Heart Failure—He Designed City's Water System -Tollii Birkinbine, 71 years old, chair man of the Pennsylvania Water Sup ply Commission, and one of the fore most consulting mining ami mechanical engineers in this country, died sudden ly 'vetterday afternoon at liis home on Highland avenue, Cynwvd, near Phila delphia. Heart disease was the cause. He is survivd by his widow and nine children, four sons and five daughters, One of his sons, Henry E. Birkinbine, 2518 North Sixth street, Harrisburg, is' an assistant engineer in the office of the State Water Supply Commission, in this city. His widow \va.s formerly Miss Weimer, of Lebanon. John Birkinbine was appointed a member of the Water Supply Commis sion by Governor Pennypa«'ker in June, 19'0'5, and reappointed bv Governors Stuart and Tener, and was still a mem ber of the board it the time of his death. Although he was a very busy man. he gave a great deal of time and attention to his work for the State Continued on Seventh I'ncr. ITALY DENOUNCED TRIPLE ALLIANCE WEEKACO. REPORT London, May 15, 11.45 A. M.—Aft er having been deluded by a series of chimerical crises, the Rritish public is coming to the belief that Italy finally has reached the point of a momentous decision in the matter of her relations to the Triple Alliance. Early to-day London was informed unofficially that Italy a week ago had denounced this alliance. When this step failed to produce further conces sions from Austria, there occurred the resignation of the Italian Cabinet. London is now awaiting breathlessly news from Home of the final break. DENIES REPORT THAT ITALY DENOUNCED TRIPLE ALLIANCE Home, May 15, via Paris.—The "Tribuna" in a special edition denies the report that Italy had denounced the Triple Alliance. It explains ■. the king's decision to entrust to Giuseppe Marcora the formation of a cabinet, instead of insisting upon the retention of Premier Salandra, as being due to the fact that the Salandra cabinet has shaped its policy in the direction of withdrawal from the Triple Alliance, but had not taken definite action to this end, wishing first to obtain the support of Parliament. No pledge of any kind had been made, the "Tribuna" asserts and the new will thus have complete liberty of action. Riotous demonstrations continued in Rome during a great part of the night. They increased in intensity when it became known that, notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the king had accepted Premier Salandra's resigna tion. One of the most violent outbreaks occurred in connection with attempts of the crowds to approach the Austrian embassy. A member of the staff of the Nationalist newspaper "Idea Nation ale," succeeded in hurling his cane through a window of the embassy, breaking the glass. He was arrested. At a meeting in Horghes square, twenty speakers, niost of them depu ties, made addresses in favor of war. POSTSCRIPT PRICE. ONE CENT. NEW ITALIAN CABINET TO [BE FORMED Marc or a. Asked by King Emmanuel to Perform the Task, Declines the Offer SALANDRA TO BE ASKED TO STAY Latter Insisted Upon His Resignation Being Accepted and Emmanuel Then Chose President of Chamber of Deputies. Who Declined the Honor I i • Rome. May 15, 12.55 P. M„ Via Paris. —Signer Marcora. President of 'the Chamber of Deputies, requested by King Victor Emmanuel to form a new Cabinet in sue,cession to the Salandra ministry, has refused the commission. It is probable that the King will in sist ou Premier Salandra remaining in power. Rome, May 14, Via Paris, May .15, 6.20 A. M.—Premier Salandra has In ! sisted upon his resignation being ac cepted and King Victor Emmanuel lias entrusted Giuseppe Marcora, president of the Chamber of Deputies, with the task of forming a new Cabinet. Marcora a Oaribaldian Veteran Rome, May 15.—Giuseppe Marcora. I entrusted tty King Victor Emmanuel | with the task of forming a new Cabinet I to succeed the Salandra ministry which, insisted upon its resignation being ac cepted b&cnuse it lacked the. unanimous i support of the country in a supreme | crisis, is a Oaribaldian veteran 74 years old. He. has had wide experience in I public 111* and in 1910 declined a re quest to organize n cabinet. 'He tias served many years in Parliament and has long been president of the Chamber j of Deputies. After receiving the King's request I he called upon Premier Salandra and j former Premier fiiolitti. He then waited 1 ! upon His Majesty and reported progress in his efforts to get together a new min istry which would represent all phases ' of public opinion. Urges Respect for Foreigners Prince Scipione Borghes, bead of one 1 I of the foremost families of Rome, In ! dicated yesterday that he favors when 1 j lie sent from his palace to Hergiies Square a large Italian (lag to be car ' ricd at the head of the crowd which was 1 loudly applauding Salandra. Before bis resignation was accepted Premier rialanilra sent to all prefects in the kingdom a circular reminding j them they arc authorized, if necessary, ! to entrust to the military authorities p j the protection of public order. He es pecially urged that foreigners be treat ' ed with respect, evidently referring to , Germans anil Anstrians. f j ANTI-JAP RIOT IN HANKOW s QI'ELLKD BV ALLIED TROOPS i Hankow, China. Via Peking, May 14, s 7.18 P. M.—An incipient anti-.lapa s j nese riot resulted last night from the circulation yesterday of circulars of I unknown origin stating that the Jap anese colony would hold a lantern pa ' rade in celebration of the victory ove: a China. Shops were closed and crowds assem bled at the British concession to watch a the Japanese procession. Three Jnpa nese shops were looted and two Japa nese injured. British and Russian vol ■ unteers with fixed bayonets dispersed the rioters before the arrival of a regi ment of Chinese troops which had been called out to quell the disturbance. The Japanese garrison was ordered out, but J | withdrew at the request of the British I consul and tho Chinese authorities, ; | LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY • j Giuseppe Marcora, a Garibaldi vet , ! eran, is to form the new Cabinet to i guide Italy through the present crisis, i It is believed in Rome that he will be 4 able to assemble a Cabinet in which ■' the opposing factions will be represent , | ed. He is said to have received the 1 ; support of the retiring Premier, Signor i Salandra. who insisted upon quitting . i office, notwithstanding the desire of tha . | King to retain him. It is reported in London that Italy > ; had denounced her alliance with Ger • 1 many and Austria a w.sek ago and news of the final break is expectantly await ; ed there. Internal agitation continues in Italy. In both the east and west the oppos- Cfiatlnueit tin Mnlh Page. > Increase in Bank Reserve 3 By Aaaociatcd Prmt, New York. May 15.—The statement ' of actual condition of Clearing House > banks anil trust cam >anies shows that they hold $1 73,241,1 ISO reserve in ex , cess of legal requirements. This is an • inrreauo of J10,847,390 over last . week.