The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 14, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    ' A DIAMOND 1
f THE 1
Girl Graduates
The girl who is to graduate
will appreciate a diamond ring.
No doubt it is her fondest
hope that she will get one
among her commencement
presents. On this occasion, '
which is one of the most im
portant in her life, let her
wish be gratified. The price at
(Master's is easily within your
Ladies' Diamond
Beautiful, Brilliant White Di
amonds in Solid Gold Tif
fany and other fash
ionable mount
Ladies' Diamond
A special lot of beautiful—
very brilliant white dia
monds, which we purchased
and made up in solid gold Tif
fany and other stylish rings
especially for commencement
i presents. Every one an extra
ordinary value for the money.
sls, $25, $35
and SSO
Besides these specials we
j have an immense assortment
of mounted and unmounted
diamonds ranging in price from
Per Carat
There is this about buying
diamonds at ("taster's: You
invariably get a larger dia
mond of the same quality for
less money. We save by buy
ing in large lots and are satis
fied with very moderate profits.
We guarantee the qua!- I
ity of every diamond we I
H, C. Claster
800 Singers From Marysville, Harris
burg and Stcelton Draw a Record
Crowd to Evangelistic Meeting
Last Evening—Thirteen Hit Trail I
The presence of about SOO singers 1
from Marysville and Harrisburg at
traded one of the largest crowds of the!
campaign to the Hillis tabernacle last
evening. The visiting delegations in-,
eluded about 435 from Marysville and •
.100 from Harrisburg, former members ]
of the Stough chorus. The Marysville]
Booster chorus, which accompanied the i
choir, 100 voices, sang with spirit,!
'•The Brewers' Big Horses." The
'cross river delegation also presente I j
the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hillis with |
a large basket of choice flowers. !
The services opened with prayer by :
the Rev. Mr. Bidlack, of the Marysville
Methodist church.
Evangelist Hillis preached a stirring
sermon from Matt. 27:22. "What Shall
1 Do Then With Jesus Which Is Called
Christ? He asked his audience what
they will do with the Historical Jesus?
What they will Jo with the Jesus of
personal experience? What they will do j
with the Jesus of the Judgment ? What j
they will do with Jesus now?
When the invitation hymn was sung, j
thirteen persons, averaging one for'
each day in the month, hit the saw- ;
dust trail.
At the annual meeting of the board
of trustees of the First Presbyterian
__ j
Reduction From 25£ to on the Dollar
Commencing May 15th, 1915
\\ e will offer our entire stock of ?
at H reiluction of from 25 to 35 per cent, ou the dollar. This offer will
JO GOOD 1 .» days, until May 29th, inclusive, which gives you an oppor
tuuitv to purchase High-Grade Jewelry at a greatly reduced price. All
Goods Guaranteed. " * •'
| church last evening the following per
! sons were elected: President, J. A. Mc
] Curdy; secretary, M. H. Cresswell;
i treasurer. Rtiss M. Frev; financial sec
retary, Paul Miller. Other members
'of the board are Charles S. Davis,
| Charles R. Holton and L. H. Sutton.
Showing of Art and Needlework Held
at Close of Program
t Services incident to Patrons' Day
!in the public schools attracted many
j people to the High School building yes
terday. A program of literary and mu
j sieal numbers was rendered in the aft
ernoon after which the exhibit of draw
ing, art and sewing, which was neat
ly arranged about the rooms, was in
spected. The exhibition was kept open
i to-day for the patrons.
This evening au exhibits in the High
School will be open to the public and
to-morrow afternoon an opportunity
will be given to view the exhibits in
■ the High School and the Felton build-
I ing.
Steelton Camp, No. 5889, M. W. of
A., will adopt a number of candidates
at its meeting this evening. Arrange
ments for to hold Memorial Day serv
ices Sunday, May 16. will also be made.
A deputy from the Lancaster county
district will be present this evening
j and deliver a short talk.
In connection with the annual in
terclass track and field meet of the
High School to-morrow afternoon, a
dual meet will be held by thie ath
letes of the Central Grammar school
and the Forney Grammar school, of
j Steelton Lodge, No. 411, Knights of
j Pythias, conferred the Second degree
! upon a class of candidates last night.
A number of visiting knights witness
j ed the degree work of the local lodge.
Steelton Lodge, Loyal Order of
j Moose, beginning in June, will meet
I only on the first and fourth Thurs
day evenings of the month during the
hot weather.
Steelton Lodge, No. IS4, I. O. O. F„
will confer the first degree upon a
class of candidates to-night.
}lrs. Ruth Walters, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Frank Knoderer, North
S Second street, was successfully operat
;ed on at the Fountain Springs Hos
| pital, near Ashland, several days ago
1 for appendicitis.
Miss Rena Fetrow. of Lewistown, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Krney,
Lincoln street.
Peter Snyder, of Lewistown, is vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Sultzabcrger,
North Front street.
Elmore Dewitt, of Jersey City, a
salesman for the Pennsylvania Steel
j Company, visited friends in the bor
ough yesterday.
John Loudermilch and Miss Bertha
Slioop were married Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock at the parsonage of
the Main Street Church of God, by the
Rev. G. W. Getz, pastor.
Dr. Harry Bashore Reads Paper of Red
men of More Than 300
Years Ago
The history of the Indians in this
vicinity of more than 200 years ago
was told thi members of the Dauphin
County Historical Society by Dr. Harry ;
B. Bashore, of West Fairview, last
I night.
Dr. Bashore told how at that time
the settlement was a "convention j
town, ' where many conferences were
. i held between Indian chiefs and white |
' agents. He said that even then there
were many protests by Indian chiefs
j against the rum traffc." concluding that j
| the present temperance movement is'
I not a hysterical outburst of religious !
j fanatics, but the growth of years of
evil effects. In part, Dr. Bashore fur- ;
I ther told how at one of these meetings i
an Iroquois chief protested strongly!
i against the traders in rum.
| The story of Half King, the great '
j chief among the western Indians, who
i died at the home of John Harris and I
j was buried somewhere near his grave, |
I was interestingly received by Dr. Ba
i shore s audience. This Indian was fa
j mous for his friendship with Washing
ton, and led him to victory at Joumon- I
| ville at the Great Meadows.
The Rev. J. G. Smith Will Take Charge
of Church of Christ Sunday
■ The Rev. J. G. Smith, of Kokomo. !
Ind.. the newly-chosen pastor of the |
Fourth Street Church of Christ, Fourth j
| and Delaware streets, arrived in this j
i city this morning. The Rev. Mr. Smith !
' is considered one of the live wires in |
; the State of Indiana, and conies on this
field highly recommended. Mr. Smith j
i spent Fabruary among the people of,
the Fourth Street church. The subject '
; of his morning sermon at 11 o'ciock
Sunday is "A Wiiining Power." The j
evening sermon subject"is "'The Divine !
i Analyst.''
j Jitney Now Runs to Dauphin
Dauphin. May 14. —The S. B. Reed j
j Rapid Auto Delivery Company, of Har- ! :
, risburg, will run a jitney from Harris 1
I burg to Dauphin and return for 25 ;
i cents fare. The jitney will leave Dan- i
j phin at 6 o'clock in the morning, ta-j
: king the men to Rockville who are cm- j
ployed at the Lucknow shops, returning '
| to Dauphin and going on through to j
|'Harrisburg. making two trips a day, < (
| morning and evening. ' j '
If You Have No Ambition
' Wendell's Ambition Pills
The Great. Nerve Tonic. Good for
that tired feeling. It will help those
i Morning Headaches and that Tired
1 Feeling, relieves Nervousness, Nervous
Debility, Weakness, Poor Blood, Kidney
and Liver Complaints, Malaria, Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia, Exhausted Nervous
Vitality, Nervous Prostration, Sleepless- j
ness. Despondency, Mental Depression,
Hysteria, Numbness, Trembling, Nerv- |
ous Headaches. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, i
Loss of Appetite, Constipation and all
Affections of the Nervous System.
H. C. Kennedy is authorized by the I
1 maker to refund the purchase price if i
any one is dissatisfied with the first box
' purchased.
Get them at 11. C Kennedy's and |
dealers everywhere for fifty cents. Mail
1 orders filled, charges prepaid, by the '
Wendell I'harmacal Company, " Inc., j
Syracuse, N. Y. —Adv.
; Also Gives Ten Rules on How to Fight i
the "Typhoid Fly"—Only Nine
More Births Than Deaths in the
City in Month of April
The stork's race with the "grim!
reaper" during the month of April was
a close contest, according to the month- ]
1 lv "Bulletin" of the City Bureau of
Health, issued to-day. The births for
the thirty-day period totaled only 9(5
as against S7 deaths. Births • and
deaths both showed an appreciable de
cline as compared with the correspond
ing period a year ago when there were
113 births and 105 deaths.
Heart disease claimed thirteen vic
tims last month. Bright's disease was
second with teu and tuberculosis third
with seven. Reportable diseases, includ
ing the contagious maladies, numbered!
13S in April of this year as against:
244 during the corresponding period of j
1914, and 118 in 3913.
The Health otlieials again advise |
against the handling of foodstuffs bv
prospective patrons and make the foi j
lowing suggestions to persons when j
buying fresh fish: They should sink in
wsker; scales should be firmly attached
and free from slime; eyes should be
prominent, standing out; gills should
be bright red and closed.
The Health authorities call attention
to the fact that bacteria double their
number every hour when in milk that is
above fifty degrees Fahrenheit. The
only precautionary measure is to cool
milk at milking time and have it re
main cold until used. This comment
is made:
"Ordinary milk is responsible fori
from twenty per cent, to fifty per cent,
of all diarrheal diseases during the hot I
summer months. During 1912-13 and j
14 diarrheal diseases caused the un- I
necessary deaths of 71 babies under i
the age of two years."
Ten rules directed toward swatting I
the "typhoid fly" are suggested in the
"Health Bulletin" as follows:
Kill the "Typhoid Fly" the instant j
he appears.
Treat outdoor privy vaults and ma- j
nuie piles with borax, chloride of lime
or rock phosphate.
Keep all garbage covered.
Remove manure and garbage at I
least once a week.
Keep all food covered.
Keep the baby screened from "Ty
; phoid Flies.''
Keep all windows and doors
■ screened.
Kill or trap by anv means vou
i know.
! no food that "Tvphoid Flies"
! have walked on.
Buy no food from a store, stand or
I wagon where "Typhoid Flies" are
Harrisburg Newsboys and Messengers
Will Not Have to Carry Water
to Elephants to See Shows
Jos. G. Ferari, manager of the gigan- i
i tic amusement enterprise that bears !
: his name and exhibits at Third and ,
; Riley streets, all next week, believes
that it pays to advertise, but at the j
; same time he thinks there are limita- j 4
I tione.
Last fail, while the shows were play- 11
j ing Buffalo, N. Y., Mr. Ferari was ! '
! standing near the entrance to his dog ! '
| and pony circus when he noticed a j!
1 small boy standing to one side cry- !
I i"S
"What is the matter sonny, haven't j
you any money with which to see the '
show?" aeked the showman.
"No, sir; I haven't a cent," an- 11
swered the lad.
" Why didn't you carry water to the
elephants?" continued Mr. Ferari.
Well, I would, but my mamma is I '.
sick and I had to stay with her all I
this morning," said the lad sorrow- ! '
fully. a
"If that is the case you don't need ! «
any ticket, said the showman, and ' '
the boy was ushured in.
Nftw the press agent happened to I.
be standing near and heard the little '
tragedy of life. It so worked on his {'
feelings that he was able to write col
umns of the showman's generosity. c
The next day and the next, through- !
out the entire engagement there were I
several hundred youngsters whimper
ing and waiting to be aeked why they j
didn't carry water to the elepha'nts. ! .
Mr. 'Ferari always had a kind heart i
for the younger generation and remern- ;
bers the days when the sight of a 1
spread of canvas was his highest am- I
bition. To-day he is the manager and |
owner of America's Representative !
Carnival organization and finds time to ;
turn the clock back to hie boyhood I
days. In consequence he wrote the ;
Firemen.'s Association to invite all |
newsboys and messenger boys to attend I
his shows as hi« guests next Tuesday '
night. Special arrangements will be !
perfected for the care of the boys and I
a noticeable feature of the Ferari |
shows is the fact that all shows are of
the highest class and such that will |
have a tendency to amuse and instruct j
the youngsters. There is nothing to ]
good for the newsboys and messenger !
boys, so eavs Mr. Ferari.—Adv.
Under Knife for Appendicitis
Theodore Burridge, aged 13 years, of
Hummelstown, was operated on at the
Harrisburg hospital for appendicitis.
His condition is reported fairly good.
Setting the Style=Pace
JpijL To prove how far we've ad
vanced in producing pleasing styles,
Ajv/ ? et out f amily album and look at grand
father in his best Sunday suit rather comical looking duds weren't
MM —and there are men. to-day
WISHI H! r w w h° hold back from the new styles,
1 If M w h° think the new lines extreme, they sigh for
M ffi ft ► tlU ' SaSgV ' )a^V (laVS ° f 0,(1 aU<l th °' V Selcloln 1(>ok wp " dressed.
mllMfjvfk We have always led in show-
KmMm </ the New Styles, we feature each
V||B 1/ new idea as fast as it is produced and stamped
|||H I with the approval of
111 77ie House of
■fifl Kuppenheimer
I 111 11 111 I \l anc * you ( '' lot lI P <m t,u> P°P u lar styles of to-day, the styles which
II! If * 111 -I other stores are novv featuring, which are being worn generally, vou'll
111 I 111 111 l\ lilK * tllat tiloSe st - vles were heralded here in this Live Store, six, eight or
ill ImHiilf Vl twelve months ago.
Well take our chances on being called
extremists to hold our place of leadership . . .
We intend to maintain our position as the forecasters of fashion....
We'll always show the New Styles first; the Standard Styles with them;
,THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER every style it it s good style, always.
More than two score new Spring models now on dis
play; a half thousand or more patterns and shades; every weave of
all pure wool; priced in proof of greater value giving at
304 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
"Mayor" Berrier Waives Hearing |
Harry J. Berrier, "Mayor" of
"Hardscrabble;' his son. Robert, 1204
North Front street, and Joseph Berrier,
a game warden, 1210 North Front 1
street, who were arrested May 6 by I
Detective Durnbaugh, of Steeiton, on |
charges of assault preferred by Bessie
Shaw, r former housekeeper for Harry
,T. Berrier, waived a hearing before !
Squire Gardner in Steelton last evening |
and entered bail for court.
$300,000 More For Park Extension
The House Committee on Appropria- i
tions late yesterday reported out the j
Senate bill carrying $300',000 to com- <
plete the purchase of properties in the [
Capitol Park Extension District in this j
city. A million was added to the Sprout j
road bill in the House committee so !
that when it was reported out the total j
for good roads was placed at $9,500,- 1
SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1915, 10.30 A. M.
lative Preferred.
Opportunity will he Riven to purohane above stock* In odd lota.
Klvrht I" reserved to reject any l»Id, nnd to withdraw any of Nald
MecurltieN from wale.
Term* canlt: but* where denired by purchnnerM, the teador will arrange
for loan* upon necuritleM pitr<lia*<'il to the extent of 7.~» per eent. of the
purehaae money| or. If preferred, for the entire purehane money* upon j
approved additional Necurlty.
v '
Philadelphia Division—l 32 crew to
go first after 10 a. m.: 102, 10S, 103, i
104, 125, 115, 1 14, 1 18, 117, 101,;
121. 106. 131, 122.
Engineers for 101, 125, IS4.
Firemen for 108, 114, 122.
Biakemen for 102, 104. 1 14, 118,!
121, 125.
Engineers up: Young, Bissinger.j
Dennison, Speas, Crisswell, Wolfe, Mc-
Guire, Wambaugh, Buck, Stattler, Hen- 1
nocko, Supplee, Shaub, Seitz, Sellers,
Smeltzer. Powell, First, Streeper, Fos
ter, Layman, Hindman, Brubaker, Al
bright. Karhart, Long, Downs, Goodwin,
McCauley, LMadcnford, Hubler, Welsh.
Firemen up: Dodd, Kearney, Gil
berg. Farmer, Brenner, Gelsinger, Pen-
I well, Rhoads, Shivo, Behman, Mulholm,
i Whickello, Collier, Duvall, Horstiek,
[ Shaffer, Manning, Herman, Bushey,
f Huston, MeCurdy, Robinson, Myers,
| Sees, Miller, Moffatt, Chronister,
I Spring, Arnsberger, Everbart, Yentzer.
'j Flagman up: VVitmyer.
•' Brakemen up: Bryson, Allen, Deng
•j lcr, Felker, Wolfe, Gritlie, Shultzerberg
er, Knupp, Stehman, Albright, Bogner,
McCinnis, Busser, Hivner, Kochenour,
! Arment, Wiland, Mummaw, Riley, Bal-
I tosser.
Middle Division—2o crew to go first
I after 1.40 p. m.: 227, 229, 2110.
Preference: 2
Laid off: 21. 23.
Fireman for 20.
, Engineers up: Moore, Kugler, Free,
Clouser, Mumnia, Webster.
Firemen up: Fritz, Karstet.ter, Ar
nold. Liebau, Sheeslev, Zeiders, Cox,
' Conductors up: Gnnt. Fralick,
( Eberle. Huber, Byrnes, Baskins, Keys.
i Paul, Patrick.
Brakemen up: Strouser, Rissinger.
Katiffman, Bell, Nearood, Henderson,
; Troy, Frank, Wenriek, Spahr, Stall).
Yard Crews—Kngineers up: Bios
! ser, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Crist, Harvey,
j Saltsman, Kuhn, Snyder, Pelton, Sbav-1
! er, Landis, Hovler, Beck, Harter, I
I Biover.
Firemen up: Bartolet, Getty, Bar-]
key. Sheets. Bair, Eyde, Bostdorf, |
| Schiefer, Rauch, Weiglc, Lackey, Cook-1
j erly, Maeyer, Sholter, Uish, Snell.
Kngineers for 10, 3d 24, 32.
Firemen for 6,Til 8, 18, 56.
Philadelphia Division —210 crew to
Igo fir«t after 12 m.: 236, 208, 214,
j 205, 213, 223, 215, 242.
Firemen for 214. 223.
Conductors for 210, 213, 214.
| Flagmen for 210, 242.
1 Brakeman for 236.
, | Conductors up: Eaton, Stauffer, Lo
, igan, Stinehouer, Shive, Do-wees.
Flagmen up: Shindel, Reitzel, Corri
, :gan, Ford, ("amp.
, | Brakemen up: Musser, Wrigjit,
Campbell, Deetz, Goudy, Long, Fair,
I Wert./,, Suinmy, Vandling, Schuyler.
i Middle Division—los crew to g:i
' first after 3 p. m.: 111, 118, 215,
231, 234, 214, 241, 228, 250, 2411.
i -37.
Uid off: 107, 101, 102.
Brakeman for 118.
P., H. & P.—After 9.30 a. m.: IT,
; 23, 7, 10, 4, 3, 14, 19, 18, 11, 5.
i Eastbound—After 9.45 a. m.: 70,
' 56. 63. 57, 51, 61, 62.
| Conductors up: Orris, Wolfe.
Engineers up: Richwine, Wood, Fort,
ney, Sweeley, Fetrow, Martin, Merklu,
Bonawitz, Morrison, Morne, Wiremau,
j Pletz, Woland.
Firemen up: Anspach, Koefer, Nyo,
l Anders, Henderson, Binganian.
Brakemen up: Page, Knsmingor,
; Shearer, McHenry, Bingainan, Hinlilp.,
Holbert, Ely, Epley, Kapp, Ware",
Hoover, Grimes, Shader, Paxton, Car
lin, Ilecktnan.
i r <!
i i Gold Crowns & Sets o i
i Bridge Work Teelh '*
$3, $4, $5 | $5 r |
We altva make teelh that lit. 'i
Come In the morning. set your S
1 teeth same day. Plates repaired 5
on short notice.
Mack's Painless DenHsiS I
r 310 Market St. '
J Ollfl EM'UiUtIR.