The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 14, 1915, Image 6

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    See Announcement of Remarkable
l oe nnouncemen * R ef narkable I
■ Values For Saturday on Page 16 —Values For Saturday on Page 16
Our Clothes Give Men Full Return For Their Attractive Styles in Spring Suits Low in
Money in Style, Quality, Fit and Tailoring Price in This Special May Clearance
r f o f ID 4. A
It S &QT6 to Dtit) OL OU/f AICfC CLZ J-i-fly irlC6 the lowest price basis of the year, regardless of its original — Z I>
_ —y . price. f „
Be It SIO.OO or One at Twice I his Amount . A more representative gathering of suits is not to be W ft)*
v found in Harrisburg.
Our thanks are due the custom tailor for giving us
r I j ,atlore,i $18*75 oo|,| "^edKed C^nK Kreen! ne whUe S 'satin I /j\
t • I « ,1 1 P~ ~W9Mi R®duc«d to wlO##** lining; and vest; box pleated sKirt. ft—- •M-JI l\ \\ftRTN (L
a target to aim at, and we have picked out the makers
! ! h ' Bh flarin B collar. $22 'SO i ' $27.50 }X W *x3
whose clothes closest approach this standard in ready-
,"/ | j navy, black and sand suits. patch pockets; voke skirt. wUh pleats' I
. . rr P Ji ' trimmed with satin bullet ff ftn Reduced Cn "i J 11
fr\r c<arvirp dlltc 1 I\ buttons. Reduced to ... •"••W to. / ,%>U J~ \
"oC-1 V OHIIO. I . $39.50 covert gabardine sport suit. ] $39.50 dark blue gabardine sut? 'lt i \
„ , r . l i•. f Sk' / "7 18r,,e l> ock ® ts in sk'rt and dJ97 C/\ with Persian silk vest. *OT En / I\\
That our suits possess all the desirable features of style, quality, j // yj coat. Reduced to ,au Reduced to 94 f .5U / i |
fit and tailoring is a claim which you imy verify by seeing our lines if//,/ V Dresses For Children f Dresses For Women " ' 1
ot Summer clothing, and between SIO.OO and aie \aneties ot Aj \j \ $2.98 to $6.50 serge and cor- $4.95 to $6.50 dresses in col- I // 1 I V
patterns and styles sufficient to satisfy any taste. l&t [\| ; \ \ II duroy dresses for children,! I ored crepes, awning stripes and I Ijj jj | I I®!
, , , a- ti i 1 j /'■yß °A ) lll\ ' sizes 8 to 14 years. Extra dimity; sizes 16 to 42. Extra Hi 1/1 ! HI
The coats are in the latest two and three-button eftects. Ihe styles include »"J„ \> special d»i ot special 7C
Tartans, overplaids, stripes, checks, mixtures and solid shades such as grey
-morrow J | to-morrow 1•» J3 I \J
worsteds and blue serges. I s * s —'
Clearance Boys' Wash Suits at Half Price *|P| Beautiful Showing of Summer Hats
This includes all our Russian suits with bloomers in sizes 2 I A to 7 year sizes. £ If! ? i c.i t 1 • c
inis» iiiuuucs dii tu IXU ' "' , ~ . j . ffj fRi \ .S a \\ lute is the kevnote of the new stvles in Summer Mi linerv W'hitr <;tr-<vvs with
The lot includes white tan and blue linen; blue and white striped galatea; h ,j|Ht \ |i m '■ , • • . , J . . ~ ~ , - munncrj. \\ niie straws wun
ine wi inuuu« w mic, tan «i u i t, . , S ft w ;£C< white trimmings dominate the display. Every model is new and What n
nlain white sra atea with blue sailor collar; fancy madras; linen crash in tan with IB ffl f ffl u r .u i cj • * a new ana aesiraDie. \\ nat a
piain \\nue gdiaica >wiu uiuc j .» *■ if U B H chance tor the selection of dainty and appropriate creations for lune hrirles lune o-irl
blue sailor collar-white Diaue, etc. Our entire stock ot this style ot wash suits re- )Js A ! ? fii ~. . , , . •, _• , - . , llwllun!l lor june Driaes, june gn i
Diue sauor coiiar ,>n nnc F . 4 uc, c". - 1 I I .graduates and June bridesmaids. And next in importance are the black and white cf
duced at. tollows. w n II Ijj j f ects anc j white with a touch of color.
$1.50 Wash Suits 75c $3.50 Wash Suits $1.75 I 1 1 B In all their beauty are graceful white hemps, white lingerie effects, transparent
$1.95 Wash Suits 98c $3.95 Wash Suits $1.98 W 9 | I ffl hats, leghorns, panamas and white hats with crowns of black velvet or Hatter's plush
$2.50 Wash Suits $1.25 $4.50 Wash Suits $2.25 iu (| j t jy —the very latest mode in millinery.
$2.95 Wash Suits $1.48 $5.00 Wash Suits $2.50 | |j The price range begins at $3.95 for excellent dressy Summer Hats and goes up
Men's Dusters For Motoring ' 81 Th e Untrimmed Section shows, too, the newest creations in white, and white and black straws in
" j J. : wonderful variety and style correctness.
Grev blue grev tan and brown auto dusters in chambray, linene, linen and ym And il S oes without saying that our famous lines of Summer Hats at $4.05, $5.95 and #<>.3o
mohair.' The stvles are balmacaans and double-breasted coats. $1.50 to $5.00 / j ! ai " e „^ e smartest and handsomest obtainable at these prices.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men s Clothlns—Seconfl Floor, Rear. | \\ elcome to tills Formal bhowing of Summer Hats.
Copies of HigherPricedWaists Three Specials in Iceland Refrigerators Women's Silk Hose
Are These NewStylesat SI.OO
Ihe Iceland is a strictly high-grade refrigerator and is in use in hundreds of homes in this city. I Attractively Priced
.It has been our best selling refrigerator for more than a quarter of a century, and these specials , .
The number of distinctive styles is greater than we nave are o ff erec f j n t | le i lope t]ia j we w jjj a n recort i s for week-end sales of Icelands. W omen s fancy silk hose; in black, white and sand hoots
ever before presented in one showing and the range oi materials . . _ . , with fancy stripe and colored tops; fashioned feet. Pair, SI.OO
is as complete as your fancy could dictate. £
Foremost in this unusual group are waists fashioned of '' r f|=■ J (jj $11.95 jfe-jj -- $25 00 to P s - fair oOe
voile, madras, batiste, lawn and other desirable materials: trim- ~!, ft. . c'S j 1 overhead ioer. rounded ' I hread silk hose; fashioned feet; in black white and colors
rai „ gs «of or tm br„id.rv inse r ti «„. organdie 11 'J--J |; S!i SST *'•<*>
| and hemstitching: 111 full length or three-quarter sleeves. deep and"43 inches w'gh: wide - 21 lnches dee P' 48 ,ion with nlckel t rimmln K- Black silk hose; fashioned teet, with lisle garter tops; a
Don't miss this showing. I -«-j« r —white enamel lining. inches high. " • 100-lb. ice capacity. specia value at 79^
Petticoats of Taffeta. Messaline and Cotton tfl 25c Sale of High Grade Enamel Ware Women's Summer Vests of Cotton and Lisle
Black cotton petticoats, with circular or plaited flounce, J This special lot consists of dish pajis, preserving kettles, tea kettles, s ieeve"esa ves^fancv^-oTes, Whl,e llsle vests, low
SI.OO to $2.50 " -JJ coffee boilers, rice boilers, covered buckets and tea pots; values to 98c. white cotton ribbed sleeveless neck> sleeveless or short sleeves
.... (j. ® Choice of anv Saturday at ... 25e vests, extra large sizes 12'iC and shield; extra large sizes, 25c
Tafteta. silk jersev or mes.-ahne petticoats, with trimming, v-nune oi an\ .aiurud) at ~»s , "
$.3.95 and s.">.<x) or f SamnU ot rn iO Qft Mens and Boys Summer Underwear
m |- n -„; roat « in Hesirahle «timmer color* with cir- lO OaiTiple DaSKetS at lUC rO 4)Z.i/U Men's black and white mixed cotton union suits; short sleeves and
Mes?«uinc in dc>irsi lc summer \Nixn en , . , . ankle length e < no
, Jtll , An importers sample line of bamboo baskets, flower vases, sandwich trays, flower pot holders, fruit Y' ' , L' 1' .' • »i.w«
cular or plaited flounce and $3.00 baskets, sewing baskets, wood baskets, etc.; no two alike. • -lens black cotton union suits; long or short sleeves; ankle length
I . 0 . #I.OO
Extra ?ize gingham petticoats O'JC WINDOW SCREENS A Mens white lisle athletic union suits, in knee length SI.OO
. ~ Adjustable hardwood screens. 20c to f*\ f~\ /"% Men's black and white fancy figured shirts and drawers; each.... 50c
InPXDPnSIVP Lorsets of Ciood wualltv 59c. according to size. 1 I 1 / I Boys white madras athletic waist union suits; sizes 4to 15 50c
liir.\[JniM\C sets U1 Viuutl Vjtuauly Hardwood screens. 24 inches high. -iFflSfflS '\ J f|* - I | Boys' white cotton ribbed union suits, knee length ... 25t-
Many St} !es from which you can make leisurely choice; of opens to 33 inches 2ac I —* Children s white cotton ribbed waists; sizes 2to 12 years, 12* / jC, 25c
coutil. batiste or open mesh weaves, including such well-known * SCREEN' DOORS v U. ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart street Floor.
' ® All regular sizes, natural wood finish, VGr |
brands as the D.. P. & S.. American Ladv and Earner's, complete with fixtures 88c f . CQ T3„.i t> u "" J " Tr^
$1 00 n S3 00 Fancy screen doors, complete , Datn riOOm
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. Bring size with you. Fixtures at I .Specials in the Oaroet Section
ur^'tith-a^i'^^erung- 66118 ' """ QQp These special are announced for Saturday only
r\ f T InciltTXQCeorl e Ti de ' BOc wool ingrrain carpet. Special, Saturday Bsc
wIIK. OiOVeS Oi fISVirpQ.SSeCI e f e et d wide 51.75 We ' 3 Highly polished— 50c Wilton rugs. 18x27 inches. Special, yard 39c
LAWN* SETTEES fi!> c wall soap 1 dishes S9c tSBR $1.35 Japan grass matting rugs. Special, Saturday 97c
S~\ t" j T ,1 C O . , Folding lawn settees, hardwood. jp* 69c tumbler and brush holders. 39c J1.50 Mottled Axmlnster rugs, 27x54 inches. Special, Saturday, SI 37
x wualiry in Lengths tor otreet •- a » a «»»—•*>.*»««, ».
J1.20 6-qt. Wear-Ever aluminum ware t '® o !>>>th tub soap dish 39c * China and Japan matting
-j | —i • /~\ ' preserving kettles 83c 69c 20-inch towel bar 39c 35c grade. Special, Saturday, 2Sc
Qfin H \/pn Iflff ( IprQCI nn C 33c Globe Crimp and 33c solid brass Toe oak bath tub seat 39c 30c grade. Special, Saturday, 19c
CI 11VU J—/ V VyV^/V/CIOIWJIIO wash boards—choice of either at ....17c 25c grade. Special, Saturday, 17c
52.00 set asbestos sad irons, large ZH2Oc rubber stair treads, 18x9 inches. Special, Saturday lflc
Kayser and Fownes' 12-buttOn length silk gloves, with pressing iron and two laundry Irons J jr 15c rubber stair treads, 18x7 inches. Special, Saturday 12c
double linger ends; in white and black.* Pair .... 75© to 51.25 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Basement. ® 13c rubber Stair treads, 15x6 inches. Specia.l Saturday 10c
Kayser and Fownes' 2-clasp silk gloves, with double finder _________________ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor.
ends: in colors, white and black 50© to 51.50 f —a • * 1 T'V * I '
bummer Cottons in Rich Designs Sale of Porch Rockers
2-clasp lisle gloves in colors, white and black. Pair .. 25© I l\."Io
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. 1 || * —. . 4 « _
Low in Price Like Cut at $1.39
T T A TL - Maple frames, triple slat Click and strong double reed
iIOW Are I nese IMOtlOn checks, and Stripe patterns; 36 inches wide. Spe- signs. Yard .....25© sea t; only one to a customer. Special for Saturday
cial, yard Ill© 38-inch seeded voiles, in fancy awning stripes qo
O ' I £._ _ O 1 printed flaxon suiting in more than 100 de- of pink, black, helio and blue on grounds of
opecials tor Saturday si^ns - Special White. V V d 1 25© 1 oak Princess Dresser 516..-01 Choice of
20c colored voiles, in solid shades and floral de- Cotton and silk crepe de chine, 36 inches wide, 1 mahogany Princess Dresser .... $16.50 any piece
Saturday is going to find the Notion Section as busy as a bee signs. Special, yard 12in solid colors. Yard 40© 9 , ' . sl6 SO i" Saturday
hive for the offerings are needed wherever Spring and Summer Bates' 12'/,c seersucker. Special, yard 8© 36-inch lace cloth, in white grounds and floral ** "" " °"|" s "
40-inch printed organdie in white and tinted printings. Yard 29© ' Lnittonier s>i/..iu (h 1 A QCf
sewing is being done ana the savings are unusual grounds and floral patterns. Yard 25© Solid color voiles in all of the season's best 1 walnut Chiffonier $25.00J $ 1 Uii/O
JI.OO Jersey covered waist form. 24-inch wavy hair switches Spe- 36-inch wash silk and cotton in solid color shades. Yard 20© FURNITURE SPECIALS xj
correct models. Special. Saturday C'al. Saturday 95c grounds, with Coin Spots, Stripes and floral de- 36-inch silk stripe voiles, in floral patterns. $31.50 fumed oak davenport. Spe- Q 3
75 C Eiderdown wool, black, brown, siems Yard VarH -iQ<> cial, ® atur( ' ay $18.» i» J ~|
.... . .... , , heliotrope and green. Special, Sat- g ' ' afd $59.00 3-piece mahogany parlor j V
SI.OO garment shields, sizes urday. Half Price. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor. suits, leather seats. Special, Saturday . if
and 4. Special. Saturday IBc Children's 25c and 50c beaded $29.00 j 18
l»c sanitary belts. Special. Sat- bags. Special, Saturday, 19c and Ssc 595.00 walnut vanity dresser. Spe- ! lI . _■ |
urday 12c 25c satin pad hose suDDorters. ' cial, Saturday 539.00 |
»i.i>v.p r ized baby pants. Special, with 4 wide straps. Special Satur- -w& * * _. _ V $35.00 golden oak buffet, claw feet. "" 1 |J
Saturday 15c day 19 c I 1 I % / I A I 1 * \ 1 1 Special. Saturday $19.50 ______r=.
c i t -i j Dlack Velvet Kibbon specials 'iasss\
bpecials in louetOoods Bf , kk ...... «...<•« « w ..- Jl j^|
best, quality satin back black velvet ribbon— cial, Saturday f0.95 # Jj 111
Clean-o-la for cleaning kid yloves, russet or white shoes, belta, bags. j indies wide. Special yard »5 C $20.00 felt mattresses. . Special,
etc. Special. Saturday 30c 2 Inches »ide'. Special', yanl 1 !!!!!'.! 11| ||V ! !!!"!".!!! i I!!'. Ssc Bat" rda y 512.50 /H'iinßjP'
N'o-odor for perspiration. Special. Saturday, Jar 17c Inches wide. Special, yard . " .150 $15.00 silk floss mattresses. Spe- ! ((({(((('fl |[l
Par. .h. m poo. Special, Saturday ....V" M. } K SSS !!!! ! !!! !! ! ! !!! ]! |' i I' !!:!! I ''' ! 11 ' !!!!!! 1!! » '' 's„S 1 ,
sa.or"",' .' • ■ .' ,0 . ,ns D,V "' * St,«.rt-S t V,«, P,„, ',u" i I(i /
10c wo.l powd.r puffs. Special. Saturday 5c ' ~ !H
10, 2oc and 3oc shamoid polishing cloth. Special. Saturday ■ $169.00 I
Bc, 20c and 29c I "X O L-9 F \ T A. TW T ni $ 183.« 5 10-piece fumed oak dining \ V I
White Pine and Tar cough syrup. 25c size. Special. Saturday.... 15c L/lVfc/O, 1 01X1010V period, "spocikl, sl'tuX '"'llS hf
L)i\es, Pomeroy St Stewart Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Fl. Lr
11 Mi J 111 1 ■
.♦. •' f 1 i * A i-'' '•' : • / *'< if* ill » , r * '• r f ' i« :f : / : I Yi
_ ■ " ■ • ' V • < ' v