Notable Reductions On Spring Suits For Women 7~~ 7 I ' If you have de re m a P os ition now to save a feu) dollars on the lower . /'^j\ priced grades: an > Saturday Hours, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ..If L———exquisite models. / A . . + u c I f The price on every suit has been revised, without exception, and every value-wise woman will V )A> V \ Continuing znc S3.IC OT readily see the advantage in investing so small a sum in a good suit that will give her excellent service // x -V I A M 1 J "V i * ) throughout the summer. ' ' Men S and JVLenS i The following reductions tell their own story, however: h M sls to $lB Suits at $18.50 $15.00 $12.50 $9.90 «Sf i M Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly 71 \ / \\ yjv W/\ $35 upward $25.00 $19.50 to $22.50 $12.00 and $15.00 P / \\ I I Many of the higher priced suits are copies of imported models, and altogether the assortment is one i \\ tJJ M \Jof most approved styles and fabrics; while the tailoring is an example of careful workmanship. 1 | \ _ , . There are silk poplins; wool poplins; gabardines: and other popular weaves. \—^ Taken from our regular stock a _ jr Jr single size or two left from that par- Mostly the wanted light shadcs---sand, putty, battleship gray, checks j ticular assortment; but altogether, and the like . / fr) most every size will be found. j Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. yj Warm weather suits in English and « * *7* 1 TAT ~~ '«' Conservative models. Un Most t OVOred U eaVes: Greatest In Volume of New " r ''" ' These Special 2 m , Showing corduroy, Summer Millinery Opening Men S QHQ Young skirts*** r )ort eoa^s son; half silk; exquisite street A picture of warm weather beauty is seen in: Men's Suits at * Silk and Wool Poplins. 84e "" < white. . r\ri (£1 O Kkfl PI Russian green, Labrador, black, sand, putty, lattice nite Dress Hats ranama Sailors Jpi/.i/U, JplO, Jp . wanted bv conservative as well as ultra-stvlish dressers. Black Satin Messaline, ' ' Glen Vrquhart plaids; dominant shepherd cheeks; unfin- SI.OO yd.-star edge; very Silk Crepe de Chine, $1.09 . •I, 4. j t * i i -11 i lustrous. yd.—in lvorv; 40 inches wide. • r\/ • u*£ i ished worsteds: Tartan check worsteds: serges in nine and . ... / / V Most Delightful gray; homespuns and tweeds. Two and three-piece suits. Mam Hoor— i>o\\ man s. Th.rd Floor—bowmans. Galvanized Sheet For the Comfort \ Baby Week A T onw T lot TUinfio Steel Ware and Safety of Baby VESSEL • ,lere ' s f lll ij lent y of time to enter baby IsOnfJ L*tst Ot 1 tlfflQS . . , . . m the contest for six handsome prizes; to Articles that are wonderfully pop- Folding Babv Yards, with canvas \ i lJ|V _ u -. v f „u ov> . i nri. it TT 99 AT I ular and very convenient. .. f. /, .„„ j , ' \ ills pictuie taken; or receive a big That He Needs Galvanized foot tubs. 39*. w it- f f ' ' balloon. (Pictures taken Saturday even- Baby Walkers, with bamboo trame, ! • \ Ualvanized refrigerator pans. 25< lllg.) Dress Shirts.—silk bos- aiu i 390. at §1.69. Others at 52.00. om, coat style, with tVeneh cuffs. Galvanized sprinkling cans. 29* Nursery Chairs, with trays: var- Timely HintS On Baby Apparel Dress Shirts. SI.OO- percales t0 ® 9c * . , , ~ 0 „ nished, at 50*. Reed Nursery Infants' Oapes—in cashmere, serge, . Children's Coats—poplin scrsre and madras: coat style, with (.Talvanized chamber pails. o9c and chairs, with covered bottom ami tray, ! Bedford cord and crepella: silk lined „i.,;,i u u„,i vi, ~,1, ..j u 1 v starched and soft cuffs. jf 49*. at 51.49. hoods. Prices range from $1.50 to I l }] ehecks;L,np,re c -4cu -4 , • . >g/V Galvanized water pails. 15* to Pn 11a „ s : h 1o ou nnflvs at 0 8/ , nnrl SIO.OO. aml I)elted models, with silk trim- Sport Shirts—plain and mercer- SI 'oo «5?1 fo°° C au l /fnSfJ ■// l\ Galvanized wash tubs,39* to 98* ' l 00, <>tlu'rs with ree.l upholster- j pi qHe , serge, cashmere and crepella; | sizes L' to (i years. Prices are $2.25 SI.OO. men sat 81.00. i ( JJ || (/ U Galvanized garbage , all , 39c to ed at « I * 9B * «zes « montlts years. Prices are Ito §7.98. Leather Belts, 250, 50c and /jJiVHIi f - 'Al' W 98c. « Safety Porch Gates, opens from 4 ! to §s.OO. t ir,«.«».;« u ♦ , D SI.OO-black, white and tan. /Jjll //f \\ ... _ to 8 feet : at §1.49 to §1.98. Infants Cajw-in fine lawn, Swiss, Linger e Hats and Bonnets-trim- II 'A- \ \A/ Q f-p r (^ r . r .|4 arc j crepe, silk aud all over embroidery; meet with dauity lace, flowers and Monito Half Hose—Mack and DrCV Vx Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. trimmed with ribbon, lace and buds. ribbon. Prices are 98* to §4.50. colors: double soles and high splic- * A\-~, / Seamless, galvanized lined coolers. _______________________ Prices are 25* to §3.98. ... , „ ed heels. Silk lisle at 25c pr. * with self closing nickel-plated faucet, Children's White Dresses—French, j .J 11 s ** . Hats, made of Silk at 50c P r. £ at §1.49 to §2.98. SPECIAL SALE OF Kinpire and yoke effects: made of fine pi(,ue with pmk and blue fac. Balbriggan Underwear 25c !\lndurated fibre coolers, §1.69 to . lawn, organdie and Swiss; lace and Ulgh - nce.l at JH* to §1.50. ami 50c-long and short sleeves: §1.98. Venetian embroidery trimmed; sizes 2 to 6 Boys' Hats-in straw, checks, double seated drawers. 1 | Stoneware coolers, §1.35 to „ , Prices range from 75* to | serge and wash materials. Prices are ao ok |-c of r\ rvq rv 4 .oU. i.« >f* to oiS.oO. Mesh Union Suits. 50c and 81 ■" J— * * ' Ddtll OOdp i Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. S3? •- " r " ; " " " nk " Munsing ** s ,oo Nursery Refrigerator 7c cake-4 for 25c Suits, si.oo and Water Cooler Grey Hair Goods Reduced and short sleeves: knee and ankle and §1.50. p„ m L ■ 1 ' , , I length: ecru. B. V. D. Union Suits, §I.OO. ComDineCl mour stamp; guaranteed ah- For One Day Only Main Floor— BOWMAN'S. ' Painted in oak color • packed with sollltelv pure. Two fragrant i ~ . , * , ~ : Ktrn ni m Urth IUHI, jd ivni HI U ,i j 1 hese grey switches and transformations are so excellent in nualitv. so minera «oo : don > e \\a 1; outsii e scents. handsome in appearance and so reasonable in price that you cannot afford to w _i- TiT _.. XT Cl • made of tin; inside of galvanized let an opportunity of this kind go past unnoticed. If your hair is ju«l iVlUSlinWear INO Other «i"a« a «•> " ,,S 'e.V wavy switches, 2J indies long, to-morrow §2.25 0113.rK Skin c I Grey all around to-morrow, $1.65 embroidery trimmed; low neck and Widths and designs ot the most 1 x \/ \ Urev all around transformations, to-morrow $3.95 *•» r!'h d .Sd, ,nd v ' rds r """ ine """ 4 red -"it, r , • i j «W. Corset Covers at 25c to 59r re.fl.rly ' .SrStan 2 k Seootnl Floor BOWMAN'S. - ' made of fine sheer nainsook, with ' BaS Flounoing, regnlar. 27 inches wide; 44 Vif*Pr*l V yokes of lace and embroidery; lace ,lv $2.00; yard. §1.25. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. | and embroidery trimmed. Voileßouncing: regularly i Batiste Corsets, at /9c—medium 27-inch Batiste Flouncing; regu- For Il3.nds T113.t /Y 1/j f\ j /\ ! "V /7 /jQ i* high bust: long hip • embroidery trim- larly 1 5c and 89c; yard, 59c. D * J . 1 \ \Jm \JL I M rned at top: webbinir hose supporters. v.". g r,i. RcqUlTe the if HH O I O O 9 Second Floor BOWMAN'S. Main Floor BOWMAN'S. BeSt in GIOVCS i Cj fflltfl CSL OOH S row nes' an.l Kayser's 2-clas|< Silk m T> T—a « | , Gloves, in all shaiies, with self and con- XT . Au J * jj Jy » rour Lxceptional Bargains Notes on Clothes >| > i -m . . Fownes' and Kayser's 12 and 16-button t-* r, I hat Should Crowd Our Shoe SSIf b pK ror the Boy Almost evei-y season this well-known mill holds an auction . Alt w »t 75c to nM pr. A splendid assortment Of boys' sale ot surplus stocks, and patterns to be discontinued, bection All Dav Lon£ sut'oiovWin wM'U o Md"Ma t -k\ ,,, 8V«i173 Norfolk Suits, some with extra knick- () lu - representatives were on the spot to secure a ® i' r -. Hn S pn« llTpT^u goodly portion for you, portions of which have been arriving Women's finest quality $3.50 Women's $2.00 and $.3.00 da.lty anlrconTtr'astlng 6to 18 years. Priced h7*2.95? almost daily and here's your gain: to Ml dressy shoes, in both pumps and oxfords, welt soles; Bti^ ng o, at $1 and p h r ", §3.95, §4.95 and up to §IO.OO. Smith's Axminster Rugs-size Smith's Colonial Velvet Rugs— Imttoil and lace; mostly smart mostly tan Russian calfskin. 25c aml soT^r.' * *' ea ' 2 vl * a P- Ht Boys' Wash Suits—a department 9x12; regularly Auction size 9x12; regularly .$23.00. Auc rldtll top lllilitarv stvles, at Small sizes nreHnminato nt Chamoisette Oloves, long and short, complete with all the new ideas in Sa . lp QJQ tlon Sale AA S2 85 ur nqc 7v / at aoc to $1.25 pr. linens, reps, madras, poplins and P riee . price owe pr. (.Not exchangeable.) Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. crashes; in ever so many colors and Smith - g Kirman Seamless Rugs Smith's Tapestry Brussels Rugs Women's $3.00 and $3.30 Men's tan and black double models. Prices range from up —size 9x12; regularly $29.50. Auc- —size 7.6x9; regularly and hw, «».! 1..W summer f„o t; Join the Bowman Refrig l "ZLU 11,,., J ". $24.00 IS $9.75 Stvles in 1 black erev low shoes; welted and Stitched °J, others at s<^to^MLso!! d ' l "°°* Smith's Axminster Rugs-size Smith's Axminster Rugs— ' ' ' soles. All sizes in the lot Kitchen Cabinet Club. Only § . . 7.6'x9; regularly SIB.OO. Auction hearth size; regularly $2.25. and brown; welted soles, at $2.50 to $6 50 values• at SI SO SI.OO need be deposited. Hats —light weight cloth and leg- Sale (£1 KQQ Auction Sale tf»-| r7f\ ?1 - 45 " r - (Not exchangeable.) Pay while they're in n S e. ZSStXf&tr** 1 *""" """ ThirH Hnnr WIWUIVB -I rourtllHOOr KOWMAIN B. - > Third Moor—BOWMAN'S. TTATCRTSTVCTTft ST\R-TKDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 14, 1915. 5