The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 14, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    A Sensational Disposal &
fOSSTa. Of Weil-Known
' Ifffir A LL these Garments are in this season's styles. In
il jiippA\ eluded in various groups are suits from Isaac Wal
coff, A. Herman, Julius Herman, Light M|||
& Schlissinger, and Several others IllSl
Se ls qual
/fljr Prices Have Been Cut to Cost of |IT
'lf || Manufacturing in Many Instances. J |
iI I | W N 55 69c Wash Boys-lsc""
\jjl 8 I r~~ m- Straw Hats Straw Hats Hats for Pants
\ 69c $1.50 39c tic
""/ifter this sale" Men's Fine Summer Suits fM jf
all our Men's $12.50, $13.50 and sls Suits commencing to-morrow morning for $7.95 ' /y
, pi . $15.00 and $16.50 Suits for $9.90 $20.00 and $22.50 Suits for $11.90 ft /
0 Men's SIO.OO Suits,—Fancy cheviots and cassimeres in neat
ingXepartment cheeks, plaids, pin stripes and other popular and serviceable styles, mJk
will be on the Men's $8.50 Blue Serge Suits for $5.90
seco n d floor Men's $1.50 Trousers SI.OO [f
and the Ladies' Men's $3.00 Blue Serge Trousers $1.98 [
Clothing De- 3 - 50 Trousers at $2.45 I Fft pl/y
partmsnt will Tronww at $2.98 \V, ITTj
n, O «,.=» Bo .' fs #3 - 30 Norfolk Suits $1.98 K. if O
be on*tne tiist. «kq ■.« ah ttt i n ~ vVflf h
Bovs sß.oo All T\ 00l Blue Serge Suits $4.98 jS >rjL
100 Od!d Dress or Knockabout Single Coats, values up to $5.00. Commencing to-morrow morning $2.66
We Are Going Out of the Gent's
and will replace them on our first floor with Ladies' Ready-to-wear Garments, so note the ridiculous low prices.
Astonishing sacrifices of Men's and Boys' Shoes —prices cut deeper than ever. Every pair of shoes, even* shirt,
all underwear, all leather goods, all hats are doomed to go quick.
Recent change, as you know, has made it necessary for us to dispose of our entire first floor of our three
story building.
$3.00 Silk Shirts: only 2 50c to 75c Overalls, plain 50c Blue Chambrav 75c Sport Shirts for
to a buyer, for 51.39 or apron, for Shirts with 2 collars. 35<? 42^
Money Saving is Simply Astonishing—l, 800
Are Doomed to Go —Just a Few Prices Are Given:
98c Union Suits Under- $2.50 Work Shoes, $1.66 $2.50 Patent Colt, $1.90 $1.50 Boys' Shoes SI.OO
wearfor 4 0 -n , t „ r . ol £2 50 Sen,lf <SI fifi $2.00 Bovs' Shoes] $1.34
$2.00 and $3 Work Shoes, *>- oU out * l - bb $2.50 Men's Shoes $1.77
$2.00 Work Shoes. $1.44 $1.95 $2.00 Scout Shoes, $1.39 $3.00 Men's Shoes', $1.95
1 OH/ U X
Wo. 6 South Fourth Street—2 Doors From Market St.
Chief Engineer of State Highway De
partment Honored by Bequest
From Franklin Instituto
William D. Uhler. chief engineer of
the State Highway Department, has
been honored bv being asked to lecture
before the Franklin Institute in Phila
delphia ne-xt winter. Dr. R. B. Owens,
secretary of the Institute, has notified
Mr. Uhler that February 24 is the date
selected and that his topic is to be
. i 1
This Is Mutual Masterpicture Day at THE VICTORIA
To-day we present The Devil"—a 5-part Mutual Masterpicture production. Not the head-keeper of Hades, of course but a
Wonderful reproduction of Franz Molnar's play. Mutual Masterpictures will be shown here every Tuesday and Friday
dtld Benefit for Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Home 3fid .. J.V 1 day of
Re,ly ALL NEXT WEEK Re,fy i -
• mm To-day and to-morrow Frohman
Americas Representative Carnival Organization
SHOWS INC. I C " LQ . N !^ L
THE SHOW YOU ALL KNOW _ I Monte Carlo Girls
Visit io the Ferari "Pleasure Plaza" Will Convince
/ \
j" Highway Problems of the State of,
Mr. Uhler was asked also to deliver !
I a lecture at Columbia University dur- I
I ing the coming season, but was com
j pelled to decline because of press of
| official duties. The executive commit-1
( tee of Pan-American Road Congress
| at a meeting held in New York on May
I 10 selected Mr. Uhler as one of those,
I to read a paper before the congress, i
which opens on September 13.
Catcher Henry in Hospital
. Chicago, May 15.—John Henry,
catcher, was absent from the Washing
ton lineup when Griffith's men faced the |
i White Sox yesterday afternoon. He '
j spiked himself in rounding first base |
ednesday and was in a hospital yes-1
terday with'an ugly gash in his left* leg
just below the knee. He will be unable
to play for a fortnight, it is believed.
Gandil Draws Suspensions
Chicago, May 15.—First Baseman
"Chick" Gandil, of the Washington'
Americans, yesterday received word
from President Johnson, of the Amer- i
ican League, that he had been suspend
ed for three days as the result of his
altercation with Umpire Chill Wednes
day. Gandil disputed one of Chill's de
Tech Students to Hold Inspection
The student body of the Technical j
High school will hold an inspection
next Thursday evening when all de
partments of the school will be thrown
open between 7.30 and 9 o'clock, lieg
ular classes will be at work in the
shops and A musical pro
gram will be given by the Tech or
Address Carpenters' Union
members of the Carpenters'
I nion No. 287 met last night in Union
Labor hall, they were addressed by a
number of delegates, who are here at
tending the Pennsylvania Federation
of Labor convention. The union will
hold a banquet in Chestnut street this
ij Bailey's
jj Pure Rye
; Used by th« 'grandfathers of
'I the present generation—and bet
! > ter now than then!
Full Quarts 73c , • 10 °,
11 »
11 On sale in Quarts, Pints and Half
]! Pints at the following dealers:—
Peter Kohlman
F. B. Mttiger
S "aileYS
!: mp, J. L Uargan
i; *■ **
'[ Made for IK Teari by
Foreign Business Figured Largely In In
dustry of Past Two Months—Rus
sian Rfcil and Car Requirements
Arouses Much Interest
) New York, May 14.—"The Iron
| A«e. 1 ' says as yet the possibility of
i war lias uot proved disturbing to the
| steel trade. There are no cancellations
or any other of the features that might
' be looked for in a grave crisis. The sit
i nation, in fact, 'holds the strength gain
ed in the past two months. War orders
; and other foreign business have "figured
j so largely in the industry of late that
j the chance of more war does not cause
| alarm. A first effect would be an in
! creased home demand iu some lines, and
j deliveries on foreign orders would suf
| t'er.
'Russian rail and var requirements
are of immediate interest. Contrary to
reports, rail contracts have not been
| placed, but two steel companies expect
! to roll 30,000 tons each for Russia, and
! the total purchases will 'be around 100,-
j 000 tons. Still larger amounts are
I talked of for the Trans-Siberian rail
j road.
Russian car orders have been defi
! nitely placed with two Canadian .plants
j —2,000 cars to each. At Chicago 8,-
j 000 more are credited to a local com
| pany and 2,000 to a Seattle car works,
j The 10,000 a leading steel car com-
I pany is expected fo get have not been
j placed.
In domestic, railroad business one
i item is 10,000 'tons of rails placed by
j the Hock Island; another is 6,500 tons
| of tie plates by the Southern Pa-eific.
J Among car inquiries are 5,000 for the
I Rock Island; but at Chicago no great
J encouragement to plate mills is yet
| found in car contracts. One such mill
j was only kept from a shutdown last
1 week by an oil tank order from a
I Western line.
In the East interest is taken in the
j buying of a locomotive company this
j week, of 9,400 tons of 3'/ 3 in. rounds
for shrapnel and 17,250 tons for high
j explosive shells. In Southern Ohio an
! inquiry has come up for 20,000 tons of
l bars for similar work, and another
I maker is closing for 5,000 tons.
Steel makers <lo not disguise their
dissatisfaction with the volume of pure
:lv domestic business and the more or
i less precarious character of the foreign
I demand. At the game time it is pointed
| out that if a real railroad demand de
velops, the industry would soon' be run-
I ninsr to capacity.
The efforts to advance prices have
met with varying success. Plate busi
ness is insufficient and prices suffer. In
shapes there is still a lack of uniformity
and in recent structural lettings in the
Kast, involving prompt delivery, the
lowest prices of a year were made. In
bars some uncertainly has come in, due
to the concession of $1 a ton in the
offer of a 1.20 c basis for the second
half to the implement trade. Wrought
pipe prices have not been improved by
the recent announcements of advances.
A feature in structural steel is the
contracts for quick erection of ste«l ad
ditions to plants having large war or
ders. One for the Baldwin locomotive
works calls for S,OOO tons of steel and
two laTge additions for like work have
just been let in the East.
The National Tube Company has an
order for 25.000 tons or 177 miles of
1 2-in. pipe for Louisiana oil interests.
There have 'been closed also 28 miles
of 20-in. pipe for gas distribution in
the Pittsburgh district and a Whoeling
district mill will furnish 55 miles of
S-in. screw pipe. Cast iron pipe foun
dries are busier and have a good run
of work ahead. Newark, N. J., has
bought 4,900 tons and Philadelphia will
take bids on 12,000 tons.
Inquiries f&r fair amounts of billets
4iave come from England to Eastern
mills, and a sale of Alabama blooms
has been made there. Larger demand has
developed at Pittsburgh for billets and
sheet bars.
Shipments are still larger than new
orders for most finished products. Some
independent companies made a relative
ly larger inroad into*unfilled orders in
April than the steel corporation. Tjast
week the steel corporation ran at 75
per cent, of ingot capacity, and this
week'B schedule represents a slight in
iYI/\J Erd 1 l\u—- ONE NIGHT ONLY
Kitraordtaary Trlplr-Mtar Combination for thla Seaaon Only
Mall .
BLANCHE I Ordfru Now I
DATES | , Vlt , , d ll
I In Vlrtorlrn Sardou'a f
MARIE I »■■»«*««. |
Continued From First Pace.
inent of the United States and the Im
perial German government should come
to a clear and full understanding as
to the grave situation which has re
"The sinking of the British passen
ger steamer Falaim by a German sub
marine on 'March 28, through which
'ljeon (\ Thrasher, au American citizen,
was drowned; the attack oa April 28
on the American vessel Cashing by a
German aeraplane; the torpedoing on
iMay 1 of the American vessel Gulllight
by a German submarine, as a result of
which two or more American citizens
met thtfir death; and, finally, the tor
pedoing and sinking of the steamship
Lusitania, constitute a series of events
which the Government of the United
States has observed with growing con
cern, distress nnd amazement.
Contrary to Rules of Warfare
"Recalling the humane and enlight
ened attitude hitherto assumed by the
Imperial German government in mat
ters of international right, aud particu
larly with regard to the freedom of the
seas; having learned to recognize the
German views and the German influence
in the field of international obligation
as always engaged upon the side of jus
tice ami humanity; and having under
stood the instructions of the Imperial
German government to its naval com
manders to be upon the >ame plane of
humane action prescribed by the naval
codes of other nations, the Government
of the United States was loath to be
lieve—it cannot now bring itself to be
lieve—that these acts, so absolutely
contrary to the rules, the practices ami
the spirit of modern warfare, eould
have the countenance or sanction of
that great government. It feels it to'be
1 its duty, therefore, to address the Im
perial German government concerning
| them with the utmost frankness and in
1 the earnest 'hope that it is not mis
taken in expecting action on the part
! of the Imperial German government
I which will correct the unfortunate im
pressions which have been created and
vindicate once more the position of that
government with regard to the sacred
freedom of the seas.
Strict Accountability Stands
"The Government of the United
States has 'been apprised that the Im
perial German government considered
themselves to 'be rtbligcd by the extra
ordinary circumstances of the present
<var and the measures adopted by their
adversaries in seeking to cut Germany
off from all commerce, to adopt methods
of retaliation which go much beyond
the ordinary methods of warfare at
sea, in the proclamation of a war zone
from which they have warned neutral
ships to keep away. This government
has already taken occasion to inform
the Imperial German government that
it cannot admit the adoption of such
measures or such a warning of danger
to operate as in any degree an abbre
viation o£ the rights of American ship
masters or of American citizens bound
on lawful errands as passengers on mer
chant ships of 'belligerent nationality;
and that it must hold the Imperial
German government to a strict accoun
tability for any infringement of those
rights, intentional or incidental. It
does not understand the Imperial Ger
man government to question those
rights. It assumes, on the contrary,
that the Imperial government accept,
as of course, the rule that the lives of
non-combatants, whether they be of
neutral citizenship or citizens of one
of the nations at war, cannot lawfully
or rightfully be put in jeopardy by
the capture or destruction of lan un
armed merchantman, and recognize also,
as all other nations do, the obligation to'
take the usual precaution of visit and
search to ascertain whether a suspected
merchantman is in fact of belligerent
nationality or is in fact carrying con
traband of war under a neutral flag.
Principle of Humanity Violated
"The government of the United
States therefore desires to call .the at
tention of the imperial German govern
ment, with the utmost earnestness, to
the fact that the objection to their
present method of attack against the
trade of their enemies lies in the prac
tical impossibility of employing sub
marines in the destruction of commerce
without disregarding those rules of
fairness, reason, justice and humanity
which all modern opinion regards as im
perative. It is practically impossible
for the officers of a submarine to visit
Mary Wheeler Oains in Weight After
Taking Wonderful Remedy
Mary Wheeler, of 706 Green street,
Harrisburg, Pa., for a long time was
a victim of stomach disorders. She
tried many treatments and found noth
ing that could help her.
At last she came upon Mayr's Won
derful Remedy and quickly found her
solf on the way to health. She wrote:
"I received your wonderful stomach
remedy. I took it and it acted just
as you said it would. I had suffered
with my stomach for nearly a year
and doctored all the time. The "first
dose of your treatment gave me re
lief. I feel like new. I had awful
distress after eating and suffered from
bloating and gas, but now I feel fine,
am gaining in weight and can eat any
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per
manent results for stomach, liver and
intestinal ailments. Eat as much and
whatever you like. No more distress
after eating, pressure of gas in the
stomach and around the heart. Get one
bottle of your druggist now nnd try it
on an absolute guarantee—if not satis
factory money will be returned.—Adv.
Orrine for Drink Habit
We arc In earnest when we ask you
to Rive ORRINK a trial. You h'av«
nothing to rl»k ami everything to train,
for your money will be returned If after
11 trial you fall to get results from
ORRINE. This offer given the wives
and mothers of those who drink to ex
coss an opportunity to try the ORRINK
treatment. It Is n very simple treat
ment. can be (riven In the home with
out publicity or loss of time from busi
ness. and at a small price.
.RINE Is prepared In two forms:
N6. 1, secret treatment, a powder; Olt-
RINK No. 2, In pill form, for those who
desire to take voluntary treatment.
Costs only 11.00 a bo\. Come In and
talk over the matter with us. Ask for
Geo. A. Oortras, 18 North Third St..
and Pennsylvania It. R. Station, llarrls
burg, Pa.; John A. McCurdy, Steelton.
Pa.; H. F. lirunhouse, Mechanlcsburg,
Pa. —Adv.
a merchantman at sea and examine her
papers ami cargo. It is practically im
possible for them to make a prize of
her; and, if thev can uot put a prize
crew on board of her, they cannot sink
lior without leaving her crew and all
on hoard of her to the mercy of the
sou in Iter small boats.
"These facts, it is understood, the
imperial German government frankly
admit. We are informed that in the
instances of which we have spoken time
enough for even that poor measure of
safety was not given, and in at least
two of the cases cited not so much us
a warning was received. Manifestly
submarines cannot be used against mer
, cliantmen, as the last few weeks IIBVP
shown, without an inevitable violation
I ef many sacred principles of justice and
Warning No Palliation
" American citizens act within their
indisputable rights in taking their
ships and in traveling wherever their
legitimate business calls them upon the
high seas, and exercise those rights in
what should be the well-justified confi
dence that their lives will nut be en
dangered by arts dene in clear viola
tion of universally acknowledged inter
national obligations, and certainly in
the confidence that their own govern
ment will sustain them in the exercise
of their rights.
"There was recently published in the
newspapers of the United States, I re
gret to inform the imperial German
government, a formal warning, purport
ing to come from the imperial German
embassy at Washington, addressed to
the people of the United States, and
stating in effect that any citizen of the
United States who exercised his right
of free travel upon the seas would do
so at his peril if his journey should
take him within the zone of waters
within which the imperial German navy
was using submarines against the com
merce of Great Rritain and France,
notwithstanding the respectful but very
earnest protest of his government, the
government of the United States. I
do not refer to this for the purpose of
calling the attention of the imperial
German government at this time to the
surprising irregularity of a communica
tion from the imperial German embassy
at Washington addressed to the people
of the United States through the news
papers, but only for the purpose of
pointing out that no warning that an
unlawful and inhumane act will be
committed can possibly lie accepted as
an excuse or palliation for that act or
as an abatement of the responsibility
for its commission.
Polite Demand to Cease Atrocities
,J Uong acquainted as this Govern
ment has been with the character of
the Imperial German Government and
with the high principles of equity by
which they have in the past been actu
ated and guided, the Government of
the United States can not believe that
the commanders of the vessels which
i committed these acts of lawlessness did
so except under a misapprehension of
the orders issued by the Imperial Ger
man naval authorities. It takes it for
granted that, at least within the prac
tical possibilities of every such
the commanders even of submarines)
were expected to do nothing that would
involve the lives of non-combatants or
the safety of neutral ships, even at
the cost of failing of their object of
capture or destruction. It confidently
expects, therefore, that the Imperial
| German Government will disavow the
acts of which the Government of (ho
United States complains, that they will
make reparation, so far as reparation is
possible, for injuries which are with
out measure, ami that they will take
immediate steps to prevent the recur
rence of anything so obviously sub
versive of the principles of warfare for
which the Imperial German Govern
ment have in the past so wisely and w>
(irmly contended.
Not Last Word Necessarily
"The Government and people of the
United States look to the Imperial Ger
man Government for just, prompt and
enlightened action in this vital matter
with the greater confidence because
the United States and Germany are
j bound together not only by special ties
of friendship, but also by the explicit
stipulations of the treaty of 1828 be
tween the United States and the king
i doin of Prussia.
| "Expressions of regret and offers of
I reparation in case of the destruction
of neutral ships sunk by mistake, while
, they may satisfy international obliga
tions, if no loss of life results, cannot
I justify or excuse a practice, the natural
■ and necessary effect of which is to
subject neutral nations and neutral
persons to new and immcasnrable risks.
"The Imperial German Government
will not expect the Government of the
| United States to omit any word or any
act necessary to the performance of its
sacred duty of maintaining the rights
of the United States and its citizens
anil of safeguarding their free exercise
and enjoyment."
Philadelphia & Reading Employes Giv
en Offer by State College
The engineering extension depart
ment of State College is now planning
to advise the Philadelphia & Reading
railway 111 starting schools for shop
employes and apprentices at various
points along the line.
According to the plan, apprentices
are to spend four hours a week for ten
months studying, and are to be paid for
their time. The company is to supply
the books and the extension school will
supply the method of instruction,
Harrisburg Academy Tennis Victor
The Harrisburg Academy won the
opening match from Central' High play
ers yesterday afternoon in the tri
angular scholastic tourney j-.t Reservoir
Park. The Academy players won two
of the thrco singles and two of the
threo in doubles. Munnell bested
Holmes, captain of the Academy team,
6-4, 6-3. The remaining Central vic
tory was scored by Zimmerman and
Zeigler in the opening of the double
matches. Thev won from Horton and
i Hoke, 6-2, 6-3".