The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 14, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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Dives, Pomeroy Stewart Dives, Pomeroy Stewart Dives, Pomeroy Stewart Dives, Pomeroy &L, Stewart
A Remarkable Sale To-morrow: Prices Below Prevailing Wholesale Cost
Trimmed Hats Girls' Hats Girls' Hats Straw Shapes Boys' Hats Bleached Sheets Pillow Cases
(jjPPsTj fjS&l (mm /. si" £ J fgjg J / sjgjg J
Hill Muslin Alarm Clocks Rose Beads Coin Purses \ Jet Beads Coat Chains Women's Handkerchiefs
1 f a ' f 6t , r u. I i | I
Z'2, y *z: 7<lzc I X ,a,J 75c J I ;x°"2scf jj T. lSe A I ZtfZ.**.2sc j ISc J I
<sj VI I 1m J 'sa <u' ./ it, e dj m --a'
Initial Handkerchiefs Fancy Border Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Val. Lace Fancy Veils Cluny Lace Swiss Collars
lilrassi I I Jsr&&£rz'l I 1 I J
I r£" S / £jr£ZscJ I SJgSTMc J// j | f// lihj 25c jl
Sleeveless Guimpes Organdie Collars Ribbons Moire Ribbon Fancy Ribbon Flouncing Swiss Embroidery
f High neck jpnmpes in jl IT Kmbroidered organdie jl II Moire, taffeta and jj jl jl ll Fancy warp print rib- !j ll Embroidery voi Ii- II ([ 20c edges, 4f/) __ jj
j shadow lace, -!ac value. jl H collars in many styles, / 1 « warp print ribbons, sto 11 // Moire taffeta ribbon, II // bon in floral styles, val- jl JJ flouncing, 40 in., solid I // to 12 in vd., .WC II
I X" 1 " 7 15c jS / 18c j® j l£*£Xr:l9c -jl ll!s£S£%2sc I jl I ,tf,S*S.I24W f
lj 1 ' V s L m' 11, iy Ll Vl' I Si '!
Pocket Books , Belts Boys' Shirts Boys' Shirts Men's Hats Men's Shirts Men's Handkerchiefs
rto. r.a #..!«, p.,k„ ll [l J," sCll // |// •uST'Sf l // H.mMlfhrt 1i...
books with back strap, I A 00 Sk Of /| / aLelto VO fl / l.r E W I P I / Saturday or ( // negligee shirts, French /i // handkerchiefs. Or
SKtfS. 25C> I / beitl saturdaV 25c // %: l«. £!. 42c J// . 15c J // 42c J// t01 25c J
Cook Books Art Books Ooze Leather Books Miniature Series Reprint Fiction Photo Supplies Stationery
l Books, 0 "colored jI! n *°Z7' ll Prfendshtp', S, j// - |ll Pound parer , 2 packs ll
I 2? | ? 5-ts.ssc I / Bs.«SJfc f / SSfc* I SSZJR [ 2SK« | / gB"1S
« Sn V. l li' Cu VI I '4. v' N. V 4 J
Playing Cards Fountain Pens Russian Cords Ratine Silk Organdie Silk Brilliant Batiste
•f «»; r;"- |// II , 3 ?„' R « u s n I I .»»•»«»:»«'»'« J I J f I / I
I Saturday only, 17. E i ue s to $4.50. tf. f r/1 fl Saturdav oulv 5 a fl // W " ,C ' c,fjllt Bha " es - I // figures and checks. i // «». fl°ra^i desi ns. I U I
f "" k - i/c lr II 51.50 IP JJ 19c jf / 15c |// ±' J -19c f f / f
(L— —: —— tl ' vj l tL,
Seersucker Gingham Wash Suiting Floral Voile Stripe Gingham Poplin Cotton Voile Figured Crepe
I I I ll I | I „'&2«z£i& i I I I I
/ I j f j j ;f"s9c J I j x.>&»x? J
Fine Percale Bates' Gingham Mosquito Netting Bath Towels White Toweling Linen Sheeting White Goods
», 12 Manchester per- II // 12 %c Bates'gingham, I // 8 yards netting, green, jj // 29c bleached Turkish // // 6'/ t c imitation linen lj // 2%-vard wide sheet- II // - 5c « nd 29c fan<, r ill
I eale, 36 inches, best )| u manv stvles in lengths /I I white and black; regu- II jl towels, large size: hem- ll I toweling; white with (1 I . remilarlv $1 00 II I novelty stripes and jl
/ J I J I 42c / Zj. 19c f / :£: 8 - =? .4c f j 6 9c J j Jf
White Gabardine White Ratine White Lawn White Poplin White Voile White Nainsook Black Voile
t 25e quality gabardine; II 25c quality; 3<Tinches jl ll 10c lawn checks, 27 jl If Regular 35c yard-wide ll If 2 50 plain white voile; jl ll 10 yards lingcriTuain- ff SI.OO French voile; | j
27 inches wide, on i » wi de; for skirts and I / j JIP he« wide; for chil- I // co tton poplin; for skirts. I // », wide for ,1 // sook . 40 in.; regularly il v // 40 inches wide; fine I
j / xzrjjr.mcJ / x;;£Er.scJ j i9c jf j xCrniu j 89cJ j sr39c
Black Serge Silk Poplin Foundation Silk Shepherd Checks Blue Serge Silk Poplin Tennis Oxfords
7 I II J I ll j jl I ll I I
S g9c / 79c I I ItB.T-.29c I / cxy 45c |l / j f g 95c f |
Scout Shoes Women's Juliets Infants' Sandals Infants' Shoe 3 Boys' Shoes Moire Silks Broche Poplins
1 I -s? sr-*35 I ll jasarrt I I- I
I $1.25 | / ;"y"o" r . .95c | I j».,. y . : ;t2sc | / S,r'.t: 49c $ / SU9 | / I / ItrTr. 79c |
1 ' ' - V V 1 ' v 1 'iu ' 1 / VJ 1 ' 'Ni-
Crepe de Chine Silk Messaline Taffeta Suiting White Habutai Black Habutai Infants' Shawls Misses' Gowns
If 40 $ iuehe^Tid JTS I I 8 3c stripe patterns; | I sl-25 stripe designs; J ll ?B , itv 36 inch es ]l // 89c quality; 36 inches ll [l 0 f white flannel, em- I // High neck night 11
// designs. Satur- <1 // blnck "tripe of I // 27 inches w,de; excep- I // wjf , at. I // wide; now in demand for I // broidered; regularly I // OWIIS for girls and I
I „■ y...59c^ j | ;:I~'39cJ / '^££BBcJ / j
Children's Skirts Summer Drawers Bungalow Aprons Women's Gowns Men's Shirts Silk Shirts Silk Shirts
/ £-aSr|g J-1 J 7 2SC I 1 HinlS"! I
II ™» 1f ,..25c | . —.«,..Z9c 2™.°LU,69c | f
* V v- —— J ' -■/ I -sr' —v
Silk Shirts Fibre Silk Shirk Dresses for Women Night shirts Children's Night Shirts Children's Pajamas Women's Sweaters
/ °53.501 j! 52.39 | j Z J%r. $1.75 f / ««.42c j | //• j | HtHss.9« |
W- ' -vi V W— 'W ■sr' 4 - 4-- J
«• i
Children s Sweaters Mens Socks Women's Hose Women's Vests Men's Union Suits Women's Gloves Kid Gloves
/ £'°££r3l rSiiiFl a«1 ndpsi -. -59 c i
f f / j,,,,, „ Hlr , . 12// ac jl | l v 'XZ,.29c J f | 42c | / 79c | jf «°<- *" jjj
Children s Dresse? House Dresses House Dresses Granulated S'lgar Soaps Women's Gloves
r <i/.es U ' to 14 ycHra'. jl lj si j} ''TxTm lj iblV ""BaMwi'n 0 "houT, jj ifa worTh ll ll Ivo'ry. f $1.60 silk gloves; 16- lj jf MoreneWS of ll
X* 1 *..... 45c |II |./ | I 51.25 J I 37'Izc } / £s*4l2s I J
' (