The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 14, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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Surprise Party Held for Miss May
Bp <••• In 1 Cr> rr nd e nca.
TTummelstown, .May 14.—A birthday
surprise party was held Wednesday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Ijevan, Poular avenue, in honor
of the 18th birthday anniversary of
Mrs. Ijevan s sister, Miss May Reichel
derfer. The young people spent several
hours enjoying various games and
amusements and refreshments were
served during the evening. Those pres
ent, were Ethel Hartz. Mary Grill, Lil
lian Gresli, Ethel Stauffer, Eva Smith,
Meta Yontz, Reba Keller, Beuson Lein
toaugh, Frank Levan, John Wenrich,
Woodrow Levan. Paul Levan, Lee
Dasher, John Leinbaugh, Mrs. Reichel
derfer, 'Miss Bertha Briuser, Miss Alma
Brinser, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levan
and May Reichelderfer.
Theodore Burridge, the 12-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Burridge.
East High street, was taken to the Har
risbuyji'lios-pital yesterday to undergo
an operation for appendicitis.
George S.'Bolton, of Steelton, visited
'his mother, Mrs. Mary Bolton, yester
day afternoon.
'Miss Lucretia Wheeler spent yester
day with relatives in Harrisburg.
iMrs. LeGrange 'Minnich and daugh
ter returned to their home in Scranton
after spending two weeks with her
mother, Mrs. Mary Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Miller, of Union
Deposit, visited relatives in town yes
vMr. and Mrs. Harvey Buch and
daughter, Marv, of Eliza'bethtown, were
guests of 'Mrs. Buch's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Nisslev, yesterday.
Mrs. Emma Thomas and Mrs. Harry
Thompson spent yesterday at Lingles
Mrs. Charles Lei-bv, of Harrisibuitg,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Reibert, yesterday.
Adam Laßoss, of Camden, N. .1., is
t>he guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank G.
IMr. and Mrs. Harry Nissley visited
relatives in Harrisburg yesterday.
Two Thousand People Attend Baptismal
Services Near Hillsdale
.Special Correspondence.
Middletown, May 15.—< Mrs. James
Nagle attended the funeral of a rela
tive at Steelton to-day.
George Pantic moved his household
goods from Steelton to the Saul prop
erty on Main street near Center square
and has opened a barber shop.
The lecture on State prohibition giv
en by Major Dan M. Smith in St. Pe
ter's Lutheran church last evening was
laigely attendd.
The Senior class of the Middletown
High school finished its work to-day
and is getting ready for the commence
ment exercises.
T. B. Boyd moved from the Peters
bungalow on Emaus street to the Keen
er property on North Union street on
Russell Messingcr, who spent the past
several days in town, returned to his
home in Philadelphia yesterday.
James Heininger has resigned his po
sition a3 paper carrier for George
Schadt and his place has been filled by
Charles Kennard, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Kennard, Catherine streot.
Mrs. Charles Ralirich entertained a
number of friends at her home on Cath
erine street last evening. Refreshments
were served.
John Sides, of Royalton, who had
been employed at the cigar factory at
Steelton for the past few years, has re
signed his position there on account
of ill health.
Baptismal services were held near
Hillsdale vesterdav morning by the
United Zion churches, it is estimated
that nearly two thousand people were
present. The Rev. John Brubaker and
the Rev. John Brinser performed the
rites. Twenty-six persons were bap
Misses Eva Blecher, Edna Schaeffer
and Sara Deimler and Harry Beard,
Clarence Philip and John Lingie are at
Mt. Gretna. They hiked the entire dis
tance and will return in the same man
Miss Katie Stengler, who has been
living at Steelton for some time, will
return to town, having rcn'ed the
Emaus property on Pine street.
'Mrs. J. M. Ackerman and Mrs.
y j
1 oJi l ß _ •! § i « rt ! ;
1 in
Fireproof private rooms for household goods and speeial room for
pianos kept at even temperature. Rates per month:
SoKS 0 S sl :§2
437-445 South Second Street
Great Popularity of Plan to Sell Modi
cine at Half-Price Under
H. C. Kennedy, the enterprising drug
gist, rather than nwait the ordinary
! methods of introduction to secure a
j quick sale for Dr. Howard's celebrated
remedy for constipation and dyspepsia
, is offering the regular 50c bottle at
' half-price.
In addition to selling a 50c bottle of
j Dr. Howard's remedy for 25c. 11. C.
Kennedy has so much faith in the rem
| edy that he will refund tho money to
I anyone whom it does not cure.
When your head aches, your stomach
' does not digest food easily and natural
[ ly, when there is constipation, specks
before the eyes, tired feeling, giddiness,
bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue,
| heartburn, sour stomach, roaring or
ringing in the ears, melancholy and liver
troubles Dr. Howard's remedy should
cure you. If it does not, it will not cost
you a cent.
This latest achievement of science is
of great value in sick headache.—Adv.
Charles Fanst spent Tiiursdav at Har
lislmrg and Highspire.
T. J. Antrim is having his room that
he will use for an ice cream parlor pa-
I perod.
Mrs. John Romberger and daughter
| in-law, Mrs. John Romberger, and
| daughter, Miss Mollie, of Gratz, spent
Wednesday in town as the guests of
K. W. Seiders, who built an addition
to his property at Union and Water
streets, is having the same wired for
electric lights. Karl Bowers is doing
the work.
_ David Kling is ill at his home at
Water and Race streets, suffering from
a stroke. Mr. Kling is well up in
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Frank Givq Birth
day Social for Daughtef
Sp-Wal C"r» esixiiuhencp.
West Fairview, May 14. —Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Krank, Conodogninet street,
gave a fishing party on Wednesday in
honor of their daughtre, Mabel, it be-,
ing the ninth anniversary of her birth.
A dinner was enjoyed by nil on the
bank of the river near .Martin's stone
quarry. These composing the party
were: Mrs. Jesse Frank and daugh
ters, Ruth and Mabel; Mrs. William
Writer and son, Frederick; l Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Wagner and son, Wayne;
Mrs. Amos Bretz, Mrs. Lucy Bretz,
Anna, Beatrice, Elwood and Caroline
Bretz; Mrs. Melvin Holmes and daugh
ters, Ellen and Pauline; Donald David
son, Paul and Wilbur Rowe, Oliver
Fisher and Earl Dick.
Miss Katharine Writer, of Philadel
phia, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Writer, Third street, Wednes
day and Thursday.
Mrs. E. B. Reitzel visited Mrs. Clara
Murray at Lancaster on Tuesday.
Rolla Sparrow, of Wormleysburg.
was guest of his father, F. G. Sparrow,
The Otterbein Brotherhood of Grace
United Brethren Sunday school had a
small delegation to march in the §unday
school convention parade at 10 no I a last !
night. Those to participate were: B.!
C. lloon. George Smith, Israel Smith. F.
,T. Sliull, Lawrence Sparrow, Norman \
Miller, Alexander Gambor, W. T.,
Snieltzrt-, Harry Stoner, George Me*
Plierson, Ralph Wagner, Melvin
Holmes, E. B. Reitzel, F. D. Lose and j
J. A. Shettel.
The trustees of Grace IT. B. parson- j
age have determined to add a two-story '
back building to tho parsonage and
have given the contract for the same j
to Mr. Strickner, of Knola.
Mrs. B. W. Rowland chaperoned !
Mrs. S. H. Niedig, Miss Mayme Miller,
Miss Violet Rowland, Miss Ruth Shet
tel and Miss Jane Boley to the meet- j
ing of the S. W. A. N. Embroidery club
at the home of Miss Delia Walters at |
Enola last evening.
Mrs. G. O. Sheesley Enters a Philadel
phia Hospital for Treatment
<i ■ l-.i Hxnnnileii'-M
Halifhx, May 14.—Deimer K. Still,
spent Wednesday at Penbrook, where •
he attended a convention of the P. O.
S. of A.
Jeremiah Chubb spent several days
during past week at Baltimore, Wash
ington anil New York.
Mrs. G. O. Sheesley has gone to a
Philadelphia Hospital for treatment.
The Matamoras baseball team will
hold a festival on Saturday evening,
May 22.
Miss Hue Wagner and nephew, Loe
Potter, spent Wednesday at Harris
Walter Price, of Lebanon, is the
guest of friends in town.
George W. Straw, of Harrisburg,
spent Wednesday falling on old ac
quaintances in town.
The Halifax Grange will dedicate
their new building on Third street on
Saturday afternoon, May 22.
The Lvkens Order of Moose passed
1 here in about forty automobiles in a
stag run to Berrysburg on Thursday
Miss Anna Prenzel entertained the
following on Wednesday evening, com
plimentary to her friend, Miss Tliera
Yeiser, of Union Mills, Maryland;
Misses Millie Offenbach, Tliera Yeiser,
j and Florence Motter and Messrs. Guy
Clemson, Warren Heisler, Russell Pof
fenberger and Charles R. Bressler.
Miss Charlotte Heisler left yester
day for Reading, where she will spend
several weeks with relatives.
The Lvkens baseball team of the
Dauphin-Schuylkill League will play
tho local team on the home grounds to
morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
batteries will be: Halifax, Orthi or S.
Bowman and J. Schroyer; Lvkens,
Hawk and Umholtz,
Mrs. Millard Poflfenberger and Mrs.
Rav Beatie, of Portsmouth, Ohio, aro
here to attend the funeral of their
mother, Mrs. Pulton Knouff.
Last night the Rev. A. IH. White, who
spoke to two large audiences last Sun
day in the Halifax United Brethren
church, addressed a record audience of
women in the same Church. The address
which emphasized social and personal
purity, was given under the auspices of
the National Civic (Reform Union, with
which Mr. White is associated. The
former audienees as well as the gather
ing of women gave undivided attention,
and expressions of appreciation were
heard on every side.
High School Track Team Goes to Mil
lersburg This Afternoon
1 • T -•••ooiKienc*).
Elizabethville, May 14.—Miss Sara
Kessler spent Wednesday evening with
Miss Mabel Heckler at Lvkens and at
tended a grand ball given at Tremont.
Miss Viola Malich, of Harrisburg,
spent Tuesday with her cousin. Miss
Mary Snyder.
A number of folks accompanied a
jolly fishing party to County Line on
Tim rsdav.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adkins, of IH-ar
risburg, visited Mr. and Mts. Aaron
Slioop this week.
Mrs. Sara Snyder became suddenly
ill at her home on North Market street,
but is now slowly improving.
Mrs. John Yordy, of Sunbury, is vis
iting the family of P. W. G. Raker.
Wilmer Hoke has accepted a position
in the dairy and ice cream establish
ment of C. E. Cooper at Harrisburg.
Harry Cooper and family spent
Thursday at the home of Henry Hoff
man, near Fisherville.
The High school was dismissed at
1.45 this afternoon in order to accom
pany the track team to Millersburg,
where it is competing with the High
school track team of that place.
O. H. Watts, a Millersburg jeweler,
was in town on business Wednesday.
W. M. Smeltzer, who has been on the
sick list several weeks, is able to be
out again.
Church of Brethren Entertainment Com
mittee Canvassing Territory
Special Correspondence.
Hershev, May 1 4.—Miss Anna Mar
tin. of this place, has entered the
Reading hospital as a student nurse.
Wilbur Gofldhart, of Shippensburg,
visited friends at Derry Church.
Mrs. Morris Wenger visited relatives
at Paradise, Lancaster county.
Miss Lna Garman visited relatives
at Reading.
Miss Dorothy Fecser was the guests
of relatives at Milton.
Christ Maulfair has purchased a fine
driving horse.
Roy E. Yeiser has assume l his duties
in the postoflico and will move to this
place in the near future.
The entire town and surrounding
territory has been canvassed by the en
tertainment committee of the Church
Gouveneur Morris —"Father of the Penny' fff
/MONG all the framers of the Constitution of the United States none were more adept at constructive statesmanship fl®" .M
k than the "father of the American decimal system" and originator of the copper cent. The &nish,style and arrange- §! a, 'ifi I
\ ment of the Constitution fairly belong to the brilliant and eloquent Morris. From his youth to the hour of his death
Ahe was a devoted and dauntless worker for American progress. His unrivaled ability as an orator was known 1 if I
throughout Europe, and his funeral orations on Washington, Qinton and Hamilton are treasured American classics. Gouveneur J r IA
MoiTis was an indomitable supporter of the Louisiana Purchase. He it was who rescued Lalayette from prison walls and aided /Si -r V\
him from his private purse. Rsrsonally he was very handsome; his nature was impulsive, but his heart was warm and generous. j|y
He loved society, and his hospitality was famous. All his life he drank the creative brews of malt and hops, and who will dare m SH \
say that it weakened his will power or detracted from his success, his fame, his glory and his might? It was upon the tenets If
of the Constitution of the U.&A. that Anheuser-Busch $8 years ago founded their great institution. During these 58 years IS.
they have daily brewed from the finest barley and hops beers famous for being alive with natural force and nutriment. Their Si
great brand BUDWEISER, because of its quality, purity, mildness and exquisite flavor, exceeds the sales of any other
bottled beer by millions of bottles. BUDWEISER'S popularity grows doily, and 7500 people are daily employed to keep
pace with the public demand. . ANHEUSER-BUSCH • ST.LOUIS, US A '
M. P. Johnson Visitors to St. Louts are courteously l
Wholesale Dealer Hamsburg, Pa. SZi£2S
J Means Mbderation^^^^^^V.
of the Brethren for lodging during
their annual gathering here the first
week in June.
Ralph Maulfair spent, a few days at
James Smith, formerly of Duncan
11011, moved to this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ebersole
spent a few days at Niagara Kails.
Robert G. Sanders, of Ijebanon, was |
the guest of Paul D. Ulrieh and fain-!
Mothers Day was observed in all |
the churches in town on Sunday.
The implement department of the
Hershey Store Company have purchased
a large Buick auto truck.
Funeral of Mrs. Mary Ellen Singer to
Be Held Monday Morning
Mechanicsburg, May 14.—The fu
neral of Mrs. Mary Ellen Singer will be
held at 10.30 o'clock 011 Monday
morning, from her late home on West
Main street. Services will be conduct
ed by the Rev. Charles Roach, of the
Church of God. Interment will be in
Chestnut Hill cemetery.
Dr. A. B. Van Ormer gave a lecture
before the Magazine Club, of Irving
• ollege, and a few of their friends last
evening. His subject was "Dickens
as an Educator."
The Men's Kible Class of the Pres
byterian church held a special meeting
and rally last evening. The address
of the evening was given by ex-Mayor
E. Z. Gross, of Harrisburg.
WinfieM S. Myers, West Simpson
street, who for several weeks was
critically ill, is now able to be out.
The "Printing Shop" of the Thom
as Printing is receiving a fresh coat of
Miss Leah Reinoehl, of Ijcbnnon, is
visiting relatives in this place and Dills
Last evening the Junior League of
the Methodist church held a very inter
esting Bag Bag Social in the Sunday
school room.
Yesterday was "Flower Day" at
Mount Olivet Camp Ground and a num
ber of ladies from this place who are
members of the Woman's Auxiliary, of
the Association, were out to assist in
the flower planting.
The Busy Bees Society of the Simp
son Street A. M. E. church held a ham
and egg supper last evening.
Miss Etoile Sellers and Miss Verna
Kiink are attending the district mis
sionary convention of the Methodist
church which is being held in Stewarts
town this week. They are representing
the Standard Bearers, the Young Peo
ple's Missionary Society of the Metho
dist church.
Miss Ree Zug, West Main street, is
suffering from a painfully burned fin
ger. On Wednesday evening having sus
tained slight laceration of the finger,
flio had wrapped it in a piece of mus
lin saturated in turpentine. Shortly
afti*i-, she struck a match to light the
gas, and in an instant her finger was
enveloped in flames. Without calling for
assistance, she extinguished the flames,
but not before her finger was severely
Mrs. 0. 0. Hummell, of -Hummels
town, spent yesterday here.
The committee appointed by the
Carlisle Classis of the Reformed church,
to consider the organization of a con
gregation at Leiuoyne hold a meeting
on Tuesday at Enola. For a number
of years tho matter h.-js been talked of
in the classis, but no action has been
taken. The committee, which consists
of the Rev. E. I* Coblentz, of Carlisle,
the Rev. John S. Adam and S. S,
Brenner, of Mechaniesburg, will make
its report to the Classis at its meeting
ill Duncannon next week.
Monday afternoon at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Grove, in Waynes
boro, Garret D. Gillespie, of Carlisle,
and Miss May R-omaine Sultzaberger,
of this place, were married by the Rev.
Joseph E. Guy, of Waynesboro, a for
mer pastor of St. Paul's Reformed
church of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Gil
lespie will reside in Carlisle.
Roy Ivrall and family will move this
week from Harrisburg to this place
and will occupy one of the new houses
recently erected by W. W. Enck on
West Simpson street.
Arnold Myers, of Norristown, visit
ed friends in this place Wednesday.
Mrs. .1. C. .Nesbit is visiting relatives
in Harrisburg.
Mrs. W. 11. Hench, of Hhiremans
town, visited relatives in this place
Dr. .1. N. Clarke is in New York City
on a business trip.
Mrs. P. I'. Hall spent Wednesday in
Harrisburg a guest in the homo of her
sister, Mrs, .lohn Sehroeder.
Mrs. J. E. Williams and Mrs. C. S. Mc-
Neoly Entertain Mite Society
Dauphin, IMay 14. —Mrs. J. E. Wil
liams and Mrs. C. 8. McNeely enter
jfjSilM— |
And Buy on Has-- Terms for
Less Money
5 Cents a Day
I $1.50 a month
I'ays for this line Elgin watch,
and yet you pay no more 'than
the regular cash price, if you be
come a niejnber of this club.
You see, by our club plan we
sell several dozen watches at the
same time and give club mem
bers <he benefit of a quantity
This Offer Is Good
For 10 Days Only
We invite you to come Jn and
examine these beautiful high
{Trade watches and sen for your
self what a great offer we are
making you.
The P. H. Caplan Co.
' 18 North Fourth St.
tained the Mite Society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church on Tuesday
evening in the reading room of the
church. After the regular business was
transacted a social time was spent. Re
freshments were served.
The (Mite Society of the Presbyterian
church met at tho home of Mrs. H. S.
Forney on Tuesday evening. After the
regular business was transacted re
froslimeivts were served.
Mrs. Albert Koons and daughter,
Helen Lucille, returned to Altoona ou
Saturday, after spending a week with
her mother, Mrs. Clara Garman.
Mrs. Shir wood Smith spent the week
end at Reading.
Harry Ptleiiger and family have re
j turned from Collington, Md.
Harry M. Reed has purchased a mo
tor boat.
Final Examinations in Borough Schools
to Be Held Next Week
New Cumberland, May 14.—T0-mor
row afternoon at 3 o'clock a game of
baseball will take place on the Athletic
grounds between the Steellon and New
Cumberland teams.
Mrs. A. J. Feight is having a new
fence built at her yard on Market
Mrs. Joseph Weatherby entertained
the Five Hundred Club of which she is
a member at her home on Third street
last evening.
\ The final examinations of the borough
| schools will be held next week.
Mrs. Sue Heckman, of licmoyne, vis-
I j ited friends here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pork IMloyer, of Har
risburg, visited Mr. and IMrs. David
Haiu, of New Market, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Reiff, Mrs. Jen
nie Kline, Mrs. E. C. 'Dewey attended
! the May day fete at Dickinson College
yesterday. Mr. Russell Kohr took the
party in his automobile.
Prof. Crunkelton attended the funeral
of his aunt near Waynesboro to-day.
Howard Guistwhite, of Harrisburg,
called on friends here yesterday.
Mrs. Grunden, of Steelton; Mrs. Bear,
of Wormleyffourg, and Mrs. Darius
> Shrader, of Lewiaberry, were guests of
| Misses Martha and "Chastina Yensel
this week.
Mr. and IM)rs. G. W. (Buttorff returned
from Lake Helen, Florida, last night,
where they have been spending the
past winter.
E. B. Bbersole, of Elkwood, is hav
ing his house repainted.
Mrs. Edward -Leech, daughter, Eve
lyn, of 'Baltimore, and Mrs. Shank, of
Mt. Holly, who have been spending a
week with Mr. and Mrs. James Davis,
have returned Some.
Miss M'innie Stroub, of Harrisburg,
was a guest Af Miss Mary Adams, ves
Frank Boyer, who resided on the
Boyer farm near New Cumberland,
moved to Harrisburg this week.
Communion Services at Wenrich's
Church Next Sunday Morning
Special Correspondence.
Linglestown, May 14.—Communion
services will be held at Wenrich's
church on Sunday morning by the Lu
theran pastor, the Rev. Mr. Bittner.
Services will be held in the United
Brethren church on Sunday morning
by the pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch.
Services will be held in the Church
of God on Sunday evening by the rvas
tor, the Rev. Dr. Sigler.
Ascension Day was observed in the
usual manner at this [>lace on Thurs
The large stock sale of H. D. Koons
was largely attended on Thursday.
Miss Myriam Daniel is spending this
week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
'Buck, at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Reves. of Harrisburg, and Mrs.
Baseliore, of Progress, spent Thursday
the guests of their father, John Tobias.
Mrs. Carrie Hummel, of Harristthu-g,
spent Thursday with friends here.
Miss Estclla Sweigert accompanied
the Publicity Bun to Delaware this
Mrs. C. L. Sella ffer and Miss Gimniel,
of Harrisburg, on Wednesday were tho
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orris.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Shultz, of 'Pen
brook, on Thursday were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koons.
IMiss Bess Early, of Hainton, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William
Feeser on Thursday.
'Wellington Zimmerman had charge
of the buria.l of the infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Purdy on Thursday.
Mrs. Washington Keffor, of Harris
burg, spent Thursday the guest of Mr.
and IMrs. William Cassol.
Mrs. George Fisher, of Rutherford
Heights, spent Thursday with friends
Miss Jennie Warfel on Thursday vis
ited friends at Harrisbtirg.
Motorman Who Struck Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Pipes Not to Blame
Before a Coroner's inquest in the
office of District Attorney Stroup last
night Charles Page, the motorman on
the car which fatally injured Mr. and
Mrs. William S. Pipes, 415 South Thir
teenth street, at Dorry and Fourteenth
streets, while on their way home from
chu ch Sunday, was exonerated from
all blame. Nine witnesses, including
passenigers, testified that the car was
running at an unusual low rate of
speed when the accident occurred.
According to the testimony given by
the witnesses, Mr. and Mrs. Pipes were
crossing tho street arm-in-arm. When
halfway across the street they noticed
the' car and stopped. The motorman
then slowed down the car, and when
the couple stepped back the car again
started and the couple plunged right
in front of it.
Printed at this offico in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
New Uniforms Tor Employes
Employes of the Valley Railways
Company will soon appear in a new
style of summer uniform. The old
double breast coat will be changed to
a new single breast style. The coats are
one-fourth lined so as to give more
comfort in the summer mouths. The
Globe has been awarded the contract
for outfitting the force.
Many Attend Concert
A large number of j>eople attended
the band concert at the Pennsylvania
Ruilroad Young Men's Christian As
sociation last night. The concert was
given for the benefit of the Coxestown
Methodist church.
f <S
Sick Room Supplies
Fountain Syringes
Hot Water Bags
Invalid Rings
Bed Pans (7 styles)
Rubber Tubing and Fittings for
Hard Rubber Pipes, Connections
and Shnt-offs
Feeding Cups, Medicine Glasses,
Kye Cups
Ice C,ps—Throat Bags
Ear, Ulcer and Infant Syringes
Fever Thermometers
Hyperdermic Syringes
Face Bags
Abdominal Supporters
Rubber Gloves
Rubber Sheeting and Napkins.
Forney's Drug Store